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The Zone of Silence

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The Zone of Silence
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Sacramento Paranormal Investigations
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503





Here is a creepy place I would love to investigate. The Zone of Silence, also known as La Zona del Silencio. This location is a place of high strangeness. It’s located in the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve in the Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico. It’s particularly known for its fabled claims of how radio signals and communications cannot be received in the Zone. It has been the subject of much debate. The Zone of Silence has become a popular tourist attraction.

Here are some bullet points about the Zone.

* It’s basically a desert patch near the Bolsón de Mapimí in Durango, Mexico; and overlaps with the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve.

* The Zone received its infamous reputation in July 1970, when an Athena test rocket launched from the United States gravitated to the Zone with no plausible explanation. The rocket was carrying cobalt 57, a radioactive isotope, which led to a significant cleanup operation by the US Air Force.

* There are so many esoteric stories that come out of the Zone. After the Athena rocket incident, there was talk of strange magnetic anomalies, mutations of flora and fauna, sightings of cryptids and even extraterrestrial visitations.

* Some of the cryptid sightings were seeing a portal open up in the sky and a Big Black Cat came out of the portal. There have been reports of strange looking canines roaming around in the Zone. There have been reports of Chupacabras (the reptilian looking Chupacabra) roaming the landscape. Daniel Ortega, a tourist claimed he saw a Lizard Man watching him from behind a rock. Leslie McAllister of Phoenix, Arizona claimed that she saw a large Thunderbird flying through the Zone.

* The Zone has attracted scientists due to its high rate of meteorite impacts and the presence of magnetite and other minerals that may cause disruptions in radio transmissions.

The Zone has been compared to being like the Bermuda Triangle. Many locals believe there are portals that open up within the Zone. The meteor impacts are blamed for the portals. Locals say that the Zone has a high mineral content. Daniel Campos while hiking in the Zone encountered 7 Shadow People moving about in the rocks. There has even been reports of extraterrestrials landing in the Zone. The extraterrestrials that have been sighted are usually the Greys and one time the Nordics. Strange lights in the sky over the Zone are a normal occurrence. Pilots have reported losing instrumentation and radio contact over the area, dating back to 1930. The high strangeness has been happening for quite a while. An engineer in 1964 found that radio communication was impossible and that these ‘dead zones’ where signals failed moved unpredictably.

Mysterious people have been seen, case example: A couple searching for fossils in 1975 reported being helped by two mysterious men in yellow raincoats who then vanished. These stories continue to build the legend of the Zone. The Zone is definitely a hotspot for high strangeness. The region’s high volcanic activity and unique electromagnetic properties might explain some of these occurrences, but many prefer to believe in more esoteric explanations.

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