What are Ghosts?
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Sacramento Paranormal Investigations
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Email: jazmaonline@gmail.com
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503
I have been a ghost hunter since 2004. I have been interested in the paranormal all of my life. The reason being is that I lived in a haunted house when I was a little boy. I witnessed all kinds of paranormal activity and the entities seemed to be centered on me. I was terrified with this experience and as I got older, I started reading books on the paranormal. I wanted answers. I wanted to know if I experienced childhood nightmares or did I really experience the paranormal. Today, a great friend and colleague Tim R. Swartz, Paranormal Researcher & Author asked me a few questions in regard to ghosts and hauntings. Here are my answers. The answers are solely my opinion.
Question: In regard to ghosts throughout time. Do ghosts remain the same as when they were living?
Answer: It appears that ghosts will look exactly the way when they died. When I was in the Army, I was stationed at Nuremberg, Germany. I had the opportunity to visit many castles in Germany. It seemed that every castle was haunted. The locals all had stories of seeing ghosts at these castles. Some of the haunted castles that I visited were Neuschwanstein Castle; Frankenstein Castle; Braunfels Castle; Cochem Castle; Wartburg Castle and of course the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg. Locals and tourists who have seen apparitions at these castles say that the ghosts are wearing period outfits. Soldiers will be seen carrying swords and shields. At some castles locals mentioned that the ghostly soldiers wore 16th century dress and were carrying matchlock muskets. I believe most of these apparitions are residual energy, non-intelligent. The scenes of the past will play out over and over again.
Question: What Ghosts Do and Why They Do it?
Answer: One of the things that I noticed as a ghosthunter is that some ghosts do not want to go into the light. The reason being is that they feel they will be judged for past sins and sent to Hell. I actually asked a ghost this question and received the EVP answer: “I will be judged!” Other times, there is unfinished business. Case example: A mother passes away and now haunts her daughter’s home. She is sticking around because the daughter is pregnant and she wants to be around for the birth of the baby, she wants to be the baby’s angel and watch over her. With this case, I did an EVP session and asked the mother (ghost) why she won’t go into the light. Her answer: “The baby!”
Question: Have ghosts changed over the centuries?
Answer: There are many types of ghosts. Some people think that orbs are SCF (Spiritual Containment Fields). Orbs for a while became the NEW ghosts for ghosthunters. Orbs can be almost anything from dust, skin flakes, lint, dew drops, light refractions. How do you prove that an orb is a ghost? Case example: I investigated a haunted home in Del Paso Heights. I took a picture of the backyard and captured two Designer Orbs. Designer Orbs have intricate designs in the middle of the orb. Some ghosthunters see faces inside the orbs. In the Del Paso Heights case, the 2 Designer Orbs looked like they had dog faces inside the orbs. I asked the occupant of the house…”what do you have in your backyard?” Her answer: “orange trees”. I said: “besides the orange trees, what else do you have in your backyard? She says: “I have two dogs buried back there.” I told her to look at the picture of the 2 Designer Orbs. She started crying. I asked her: “why are you crying about?” She says: “those are my two dogs”. Something like that I can deem as paranormal.
Question: What are the different types of ghosts based on time, location and culture?
Answer: There are so many different ghosts in this world. As a world traveler, I discovered there are many variants of ghosts in every different country. My travels to Hong Kong and China, I learned about the Hungry Ghost. If you died a violent death or you were unhappy, you will most likely become a Hungry Ghost. You want to make up for lost time. You seek happiness and you hope for a new start through reincarnation. In China, you have the Vengeful Ghost. If a misdeed happened before you died, you may come back as a Vengeful Ghost seeking revenge for the misdeed that happened to you. When I was in Morocco, Africa, I heard about another vengeful ghost called Madam Koi Koi. Madam Koi Koi seeks revenge on misdeeds. Madam Koi-Koi is a vengeful ghost that haunts boarding schools at night, particularly in dormitories, hallways, and toilets. She is often depicted wearing red high heels that make a clicking sound, known as “koi-koi”. The legend is popular in boarding schools in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and other African countries. When I was stationed in Seoul, Korea, I heard stories about the Korean Virgin Ghost. A woman ghost that has never been deflowered and she wanders about looking for a mate. When I was in Tokyo, Japan I heard about the Inugami. A person may get possessed by the spirit of a dog. Since I am a dog lover, I wouldn’t mind being possessed by my dog. Inugami is a good spirit. My uncle Jose Causing told me that when he was in India, many India men are afraid of the Churel. The Churel is a revenant that has come back and looks and acts like a lustful woman. Do not be deceived by the Churel, because she can cause you misfortune and even death. In Sri Lanka, you have the Devil Bird. The Devil Bird can mimic a human. The Devil Bird can sound like a baby crying. You hear the baby crying, you investigate, and you vanish off the face of the Earth. The Devil Bird is very dangerous. If you encounter this ghost, run the opposite direction. Your life could depend on it. When I was in Bangkok, Thailand I learned about the seductive ghost called Nang Tani. The Nang Tani appears as a young woman and she haunts banana trees. She is pretty much harmless.
Question: Differences between Asian ghosts vs. Western ghosts.
Answer: In Chinese culture, ghosts are typically seen as the spirits of people who died in a bad way or were not given proper burial rites. These ghosts, known as “gui,” are often portrayed as hungry and desperate, needing offerings from the living to find peace, while in Western cultures, particularly those with Christian influences, ghosts are often seen as the spirits of the dead who have not moved on to the afterlife. These ghosts may be trapped on Earth due to unfinished business, a violent death, or some other reason that prevents them from finding peace.
Question: Tell me about the legend of the Banshee. Also, tell me about the ghosts that have carnal lust or have the ability to create hot dry winds?
Answer: I learned while in Hong Kong that ghosts associated with carnal lust or have the ability to create hot, dry winds are called “Drought Ghosts”. These spirits are believed to be the vengeful spirits of individuals who were consumed by sexual desire in life and can manifest as powerful, hot winds causing drought conditions. Then there are the Trickster Ghosts that can cause confusion in life and have the ability to transform into animals. Venomous ghosts were hateful to others in life and can transform into various insects. A Banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening. While I was sightseeing at Dublin Castle in Ireland, a local named Irene Doherty told me that a Banshee screamed in the middle of the night, and she awoke to find her pet dog of 12 years was as stiff as a board. The dog named Lou Lou had died. Irene believes that Banshees will also scream in the announcement of a family pet that has recently died.
Question: What are essential ghost hunting equipment.
Answer: The main equipment you should have as a ghosthunter are: Camera, Thermal Camera, Video Camera, Digital Recorder, Digital Thermometer, EMG Gauge, Walkie Talkies, Kinect, Ghost Box Ovilus 5, Spirit Box.
To be honest, I look only for 2 pieces of evidence. That evidence is an EVP from your digital recorder and a picture of an apparition with your camera. Or even a moving apparition with your video camera. Everything else is just for show. But, this is my opinion. People register cold spots with their digital thermometer. This doesn’t prove anything, there can be a draft in the house. Kinect with the stick figures is just wishful thinking. Spirit Box, I can hardly understand the words, too much interference with radio signals and people think they are hearing a word, when it could be almost anything. Peoples’ imagination goes wild, when the spirit box is on. As a ghosthunter I believe you ONLY need two things. 1. Camera; 2. Digital Recorder. Also, a flashlight if you are ghost hunting at night. Ghosts are 24/7, they are out in the day and night. Paranormal TV shows always go for night investigations to make it more spookier.
Question: How did ghost hunters in the past ghost hunt?
Answer: Ghost Hunters from our past like Ed and Lorraine Warren used dowsing rods. Dowsing rods are usually a forked stick or bent wires that are held in each hand and moved to detect unseen energies. Ghost hunters of the past used compasses. A sudden movement or spinning of the needle could indicate paranormal activity. Ouija boards was a popular tool in the 19th century. Seances to communicate with the dead. Automatic writing another popular tool in the 19th century. Hans Holzer and Ed Warren would interview the witnesses and get their full story. Ghost hunters would also utilize psychic mediums.
Question: Are ghosts deceased people, residual energy, time loops?
Answer: Ghosts can be Tulpas. Tulpas are created entities from your own mind. Case Example: Walter B. Gibson who created The Shadow, thought of his creation so much, that he created a Tulpa. His friends and family would confront Walter and tell him that they saw a man in black clothing, long brim hat, long nose, red scarf over his mouth. His family and friends were seeing the Tulpa of The Shadow. Ghosts can be many things. It could be a poltergeist. A young girl in her puberty could produce strong enough energy to cause plates to fly out of the cabinet, chairs to fall over, etc. Ghosts can be intelligent, where they are able to interact with you. Intelligent ghosts are usually deceased people. Residual energy is non-intelligent. It’s negative or positive energy that stays in the atmosphere forever and will replay itself over and over again. Case example. The year 1974. A young couple move into a home in Chicago, Illinois. Around 2am or 3am, they see a man manifest and walk over to the couch and slap a woman who also manifested. Both apparitions would dissipate. One day the young couple go to a block party. The host of the block party tell them that the block party is done annually and that they can see photo albums of their past events. The woman looks through the photo albums and gets excited and says…”this couple, they are the ghosts in our house!” The host is confused and says…”what ghosts? They lived in your house, they had domestic disputes, the police were there all the time. They are both very much alive. The husband moved out of state, the wife moved 5 blocks down the road. They are very much alive. This is a case of “Living Ghosts”. Energy is forever, so past events that are extremely positive or extremely negative will play itself over and over again. Strong residual energy. As for time loops, the answer is “yes”. If you walk into a time loop, you may be looking at the past. To some people, they feel like they are seeing ghosts of the past and perhaps they are correct.
Question: Are ghosts associated with UFOs?
Answer: It would seem like it. Some UFO abductees have mentioned that the extraterrestrials will mention that they are “vessels”. The abductees take that as vessels for the soul. Some people within the paranormal community believe that ghosts and aliens are both manifestations of unexplained phenomena, potentially sharing similar characteristics like the ability to appear and disappear seemingly at will.
Question: Are ghosts associated with cryptids?
Answer: No. Cryptids and ghosts are still unproven entities. Ghosts are typically considered spiritual beings associated with the dead, while cryptids are usually thought of as unknown animal species that may exist in the natural world, though their existence is not scientifically confirmed. There is one case, I know about that may connect a ghost with a cryptid. While I worked at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, a hunter told me that he encountered a Bigfoot in 1982. He shot at the creature, and it blew up into sparks. If this is true, that tells me that Bigfoot is probably an interdimensional energy creature that can go from its reality to our reality and back and forth. Ghosts are also energy entities. This would be the only type of connection I can see with cryptids and ghosts.
Question: What happens if you disturb a grave?
Answer: Case example. A juvenile in the State of Wisconsin kicked over a cemetery headstone and spit on a grave. When he got home, he faced extreme paranormal activity in his home. He went back to the cemetery, fixed the headstone and asked for forgiveness. When he returned home, the haunting stopped. He learned his lesson.
Question: What about portals?
Answer: People believe that at times portals open up and entities from ghosts to demons will go through the portal and you will find these entities in your house. Ghost hunters when cleansing a home, will also close the portal through various types of chanting, singing spiritual songs. prayers to close the portal.
Question: Tell us about orbs with intelligent movement?
Answer: I had a case in Roseville, California in which the occupants of the house said that their home is haunted by a woman ghost named Emily. Emily was known to drain the energy from the occupants. As we were investigating, one of my investigators asked to sit on the couch, because he felt drained and fatigued. I told him, that I believe Emily is doing this. I asked Emily if she could hear me, to kiss my investigator in the mouth. With 3 cameras we captured an orb on his mouth. I then told Emily to sit on the investigator’s lap. We capture a picture of the orb now hovering over his lap. This showed intelligent movement. This is something I can deem as paranormal. When I investigate and if the house is truly haunted, I will tell the entity to appear by my hand and sometimes there will be an orb on my hand, showing intelligent movement.