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2011-09-03 - A Trillion Times a Second - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-09-03




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  A Trillion Times a Second




Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “A Race of Cowards” and how this story – which has taken on a life of its own, and has taken a direction that I never saw coming – will continue, and hopefully we can conclude it soon and move on, because I don’t like this story, I do not like this story at all, but the facts, the evidence, are overwhelming and the conclusion cannot be avoided.


This is what I have been doing for 25 years now in the corporate world all over the world – following the facts to wherever it is they lead me, and solving the problem.


It begins with the fact – and western scientists have finally admitted this in public – that from the center of our own galaxy, one of millions, billions of galaxies inside of this universe of ours, a universe that exists completely inside of a bubble – like a soap bubble, one soap bubble pressing up against another, and you and I are safely inside with each other, and with god – whoever, whatever she might be.


And inside this bubble universe are at least ten dimensions, ten different realities – ten different versions of you and me, all living in the exact same time, and in the exact same place – but because our bodies in each of these dimensions, these realities is vibrating at a different frequency, we only see each other – I only see you, and you only see me – the other versions of ourselves vibrate at other frequencies and we cannot see them, cannot touch them.


But from the center of each of these ten galaxies there is a pulse of energy – and that pulse of energy is broadcast throughout our galaxy to every atom – and every atom in my body, your body, the earth, the starts, receives a burst of energy, of information trillions of times every second.


What can this be?


Well, western scientists are now beginning to understand that the DNA in our bodies hold NO information at all.  Instead, the physical design of the chromosome in our DNA only act as antennas – and each antenna is designed to pick up only one type of broadcast.  So a set of chromosomes in your body acting as antenna – for example – will only pick up broadcasts about the fact that you have blue eyes.  And because you only have the chromosomes for blue eyes – you have blue eyes – but that information is NOT stored in your DNA.  Only the receivers, only the antenna that are designed to pick up the broadcasts of what blue eyes SHOULD be.


Which gets us back to the signal, the energy, the transmission we are getting from the center of our galaxy – a trillion times every second.


Which then leads us to the fact that western scientists have never been able to explain continental drift on our world, our Earth.  They used to tell us that there was originally only one huge mass of land, and that over time, the “tides of lava” forced the continents to drift apart.


And yet, that never made any sense.


Until western scientists began to realize that the earth itself was growing bigger.  And as the earth grow bigger, the continents moved away from each other.


But to grow, you need a source of energy.


Which again brings us back to the broadcast of energy – of information from the center of our galaxy – bursts of energy that hit us an the earth, and the starts, and all the planets – a trillion times every single second.


That’s a lot of power.


And so, the earth takes that energy, converts it into matter, and it grows.


And the continents drift apart as the earth expands.


And so YES – there once was only ONE huge landmass, and almost no ocean, and then the planet began to grow.


And at one time, the earth had a molten core at its center.  But as the earth physically grew bigger, that hot molten core stayed exactly where it had been – in the center of the earth, but since the earth was expanding outwards, that molten core – which itself was receiving bursts of energy trillions of time every second, continued to burn brightly, but only now as a star – a sun in the heart of a hollow earth.


Now how on earth could the earth be hollow?  We have gravity!  And the earth’s core MUST be solid in order to provide us with the gravity that hold us down to the surface.


But it turns out, gravity is not what we thought.


Western scientists wanted to test the level of gravity, the flow if you will, of the gravity from the centre of the earth.


So they came up with a really simple experiment.  They drilled wells deep into the crust of the earth at two different points.  The idea was to lower weights in to the bottom of these two wells and see how far the weights would swing on the end of long ropes – to gauge the level of the gravity field.


Since they thought that the source of gravity was the center of the earth, the two free hanging dead weights at the bottom of these two wells should swing towards each other – since both were naturally enough heading toward the center of the earth.


They did not.


Instead of swinging inward towards each other – the two weights – plumb bobs – swung outward, away from each other.


This meant that the center of gravity of the earth was NOT in the earth’s core, but was in fact surround the earth itself.


That gravity was completely opposite of what we thought it was.


The center of gravity of our earth is above our heads NOT below our feet.


And that is how we can have a hollow earth, with a sun in the middle.  The gravity that keeps you and I fixed to the surface of the earth is outside of the earth, above our heads and is pushing us down – which means that the sun inside the hollow earth is being kept in the exact centre of the hollow earth by the same force.


The earth grows from the power that is broadcast from the centre of the galaxy – The sun in the center of our hollow earth is powered by that same energy.  And you have blue eyes because the DNA in your body are receiving information transmission a trillion times every second.


And if it is happening here on our earthy, then it is happening to every planet in the galaxy.


God does not change the basic model of her electricity-based universe just for you and me, and so the same blueprint is used over and over again.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “A Trillion Times a Second”


The fifth step is that if you live for thousands and thousands of years, you will continue to grow – THE GIANT HUMANS


The sixth step – where did the dinosaurs go?  They evolved and became intelligent

Whatever happens on Erath happens also throughout our galaxy – probably the entire universe – we are after all in side of the same soap bubble.


So if reptiles came first in the evolution of our planet, and probably the rest of this galaxy, what did they think when human begins evolved next?

Probably did not much notice or care.  Reptiles were the dominate intelligent life form in this universe, so who cares if some pigs, and cattle started walking upright and talking?


But then, there is a lover’s spat.  God and her lover – Satan – Yahweh broke up.  God continued to evolve – from light – to matter – to reptile – to human.


And then Yahweh in a fit of jealous rage turned the angels – some of them against God, and God – trying to be nice about the whole thing – and probably embarrassed that her girlfriend was such a bitch – did not destroy them – but rather allowed them to leave her universe. Hoping against hope that someday – her petty jealous mean spirited girlfriend would grow up


Satan – Yahweh tried to create her own life – based on her model of perfection – the reptile form, and before being ‘cast out’ left them behind – the Ancient Old Ones.


Amalack – God – threw her lover, Yahweh out of this universe, into the “nothing” where she continues to exist with her fallen angels – reptiles.


They cannot physically reenter this universe, but their thoughts can, and those thoughts reached out to the reptile races that still existed peacefully in this universe.  Some the Devil convinced to go to war against her lover.  Others, she ate their souls, and took their bodies and made puppets of them.


Hard to believe? So are radio waves – but you can use your radio in your car.  You can use your cell phone to make a call. That’s hard to believe to – if you stop and think about it.


And why Earth?  Why bring their war here?  Humans have lived on this world for at least 2.5 billion years – side by side with giants (the 14 foot variety) and with dinosaurs – look up ‘out of place artifacts’ and you can find the information.


Maybe Earth is the home of the human race, or maybe this war is spread across the galaxy against all human types?  I have no idea.


But maybe the WAR is everywhere, and since you and I are trapped on our own little world – we cannot see what is happening everywhere else.  Its like living in the country, without TV or radio – you assume after awhile – that no one else exists – that you are all alone.


And then you find an old newspaper, half buried in the dust, and you teach yourself how to read it.  And your mind opens, and your world suddenly expands.


That must be how it is like when scientists find records, carved in stone, from thousands of years ago – not printed on paper but carved on stone.  They teach themselves to read a language that was dead for millennia, and their world suddenly expands.


In ancient records here – and 8,000 years out of 2.5 million years is less then a blink of an eye – We can trace our civilization back to the Roman Empire, which came from Egypt, which came from Babylon, which came from Sumerian – that is a vast simplification, but if gives you a general idea – we know almost nothing of what little history we have.


But the Sumerians tell a story of a race of reptiles that came to Earth and genetically added their DNA to the local primates – now we thought they were talking about apes – what if what they are talking about are survivors of the last Event?


Savages, barely able to get by, but survivors of the previous Event that flipped our Earth end of end?


The reptiles came here – or were already here – living inside the Earth herself – and genetically added their DNA into ours – mixing our races.


Why bother?  Well, if you were insanely jealous of your younger brothers and sisters, believing that your mother loved them because they were DIFFERENT then you – wouldn’t you want to change them?  Make them more like you – then maybe your mother would love you more – and love them less.


This is what this billion year old war is all about.  Love.


The desire to be loved, the craving for affection from your lover, from your mother – in this case, the same person.  The Devil – Satan – wants to be loved best by her mother who is also her lover – her creator.


And she will do anything to destroy everything that God has made – which includes you and me – the home where God made us – our Earth – and then take her war across the universe, until God admits that she was wrong.


And that is why our Masters hate us so.  Why they fear us, why they are terrified of us.


And because you and I were made in god’s image when she was changing, evolving, rowing, experimenting – you and I vibrate at a different frequency then our reptile brothers and sisters – and the noise that we make – you and I – must drive our reptile family crazy.


Do you know why cats hunt mice?  Not because they are hungry, but instead its because mice generate a sound, they make a noise that drives cat’s crazy – that annoys cats to a point where they HAVE to hunt the mice down and kill them – tear them apart – just so that the noise will stop.


Maybe that is part of our problem with the reptiles – you and I vibrate – make a noise that drives the reptiles crazy – driving them into this killing frenzy they have when it comes to us.  Maybe that is why they will do anything to hurt us, make us suffer, destroy our souls, our hearts, our minds – feed us drugs – maybe the drugs have another effect we never thought about – maybe the drugs our masters FEED US IN OUR FOODS shuts down that part of our minds that make the NOISE that drives our reptile family crazy.


And then hurting us?  At that point – its just revenge.


You and I? We can follow God in evolution.  We can change.  We can grow,  We can become more then what we are. We can become like the Angels, we can learn to be what they already are – a higher vibration, living at a higher frequency then we do now.  And from there?  I have no idea.  But if you can see the universe alive all around you, I will bet that there are doors all around us, and if we can see those doors, we can walk to any place, any time in the universe, all by ourselves.


But if you follow Satan – Yahweh, then you exist outside of the universe itself.  You literally live in hell – you live in the nothing.


And if you follow the devil of your own free will, you reject evolution – the possibility of change.  You choose instead to leave this universe when you die and to serve your Master in Hell.  I have met people – human beings with souls – who are waiting for that chance – so I know that exists.


But this is not religion – this is history.


I ask the question “why”? and then I follow the evidence to where ever it goes, and nothing in me saw this answer coming.


Religion is a sickness, a disease that is deliberately spread to cause us to give up our rights, our minds, our wills our souls to evil.  Even the best people can be fooled, be tricked into serving evil.


We all know the truth – we all know what is right and what is wrong – we don’t need anyone to tell us.


I know that evolution starts with “I Am” – I Am Myself – I am no one else, because I have seen that with my own eyes.


And it started very simply. Not with Moses and the Ten Commandments.  Not with the Part of the Red Sea – nothing deep or complex or soul stirring.


It came when I decide not to poison my own body.


When I gave my own body the change the opportunity to be clean.  And that gave my mind the opportunity to think clearly, which gave me the opportunity to see the world the way it truly is.


And if you can learn to listen – to yourself, to your own body, to the people around you, you can learn to listen to the Earth itself. And from there? You can listen to the universe – singing al around you.


And maybe that is what evolution really is – know who you are first, and then listening to the music – the waves of energy – the thoughts – the memories – the dreams of the universe itself, and maybe when you can hear the music of the stars, you will see that door that opens into another world – another frequency – and you can step through of your own free will.


Again, you don’t need me for this – it all on the Internet, or better still, its all at your local library.


Go in a make friends with the reference librarian there, I will bet you money that if you talked to them about what we have chatted about tonight, you will find someone who will help you to find your own answers.


We will have to try again tomorrow, and wait and see where the facts take us.



Its up to you.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.

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