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2011-09-04 - War for the sake of War - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-04




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: War for the sake of War







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “A Trillion Times a Second”  


It begins with a variety of “facts” that western scientists have been ‘permitted’ to talk about:


Our universe exists inside of a bubble – basically a soap bubble, surround by other soap bubbles.


That there are at least ten dimensions existing inside of this soap bubble – this bubble universe you and I live in – all at the same time, and in the same space, and all existing at different frequencies so we can see them – not unless we change the vibration – the frequency of our own atoms.


And that in the center of our galaxy there is a continuously transmission of energy – information that hits you and I and the planets and the stars around us a trillion times every second.


And that our earth physically grows, get physically bigger.

And that because the center of gravity of our world – and all worlds – is actually above our heads and is pushing us down against the ground, how as the earth grows it goes from being a solid ball into a hollow sphere – and that how the molten core of our world is now a sun, suspended in the exact center of our earth as the earth itself continues to grow.


And how the DNA in our bodies carries NO information at all – but just act as antenna – picking up specific information from somewhere – the center of the galaxy? – on how we should look – blue eyes. Brown eyes?


And all of these things have been proven by western scientists – or rather, western scientists have been given permission to finally talk about them – putting us only a few thousands years behind where we SHOULD be – in technology, in science, in knowledge of who and what we really are.


But go and check it out for yourselves – your local reference librarian will be thrilled to help you discover all these things for yourself.  


And I have to warn you – asking questions becomes habit forming.  Because once you learn to ask questions, it only leads to asking even more questions.


Its called evolution.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “War for the Sake of War” 


CIA’s armed drones and paramilitary forces have killed dozens of al-Qaeda

People from the middle east tell me that al-Qaeda are nothing but a much of morons, idiots, running around the desert – playing ate being great warriors – but they are too stupid to accomplish anything


And this rings very true with me – as I grew up with CIA assets, agents, US Army Air Corp Intelligence bullies – thugs – the very heart and soul of the CIA


But what are they good for?  The blame.


CIA blew up the 9/11 Trade Center – using advanced technology and very bad actors.


And who to blame?  The morons that they created – al-Qaeda, the idiots that could not fight their way out of a paper bag.


And so now, another reason for Homeland Security, for the Patriot Act, for armed military troops in the USA – for turning a constitutional republic – our country – into a privately own offshore corporation called the United States of American, Incorporate.


The CIA clowns of ‘peace’ continue to commit murder around the world, and still need a “fall guy’ to blame it all on.


But for some reason, the CIA cannot hunt down and find their own creations – the CIA cannot find al-Qaeda, even as they run around in the desert in circles, pretending to be great warriors – heroes.


I grew up with another set of “great warriors” – “heroes” – CIA assets, street thugs, bullies, and liars.


And the two US Army Air Corp Intelligence idiots who were a part of this gang of petty street thugs?  Well, their were stupid.


Even me, a beaten animal, a whipped dog, a frightened and terrified child being used as a front, as part of their ‘show’ they were putting on for the neighbors as they tried to convince the neighbors that they were a ‘normal American family’ 0- even I could see that these two clowns were stupid.


They knew nothing about business, about anything ‘real’ – but whoever they were working for had puffed up their massive egos connived them that there were “great men” – and then used theses two clowns.


They would loose millions of dollars on a regular basis – basically the money was stolen from them in the most obvious ways possible and yet, after a few days of being broken and wondering how a pair of such GREAT MEN, GREAT WARRIOR, SUCH HEROES – they had millions of dollars in their pockets again.


I could not understand that then – but now, I realize they were being used, used to laundry money for the big corporations, by the government agencies that were owned by them.


And why these two idiots, these two truly stupid old men, personally knew US presidents – Dwight David Eisenhower, and many American millionaires, very famous entertainers.


AT one point in time – and I was there – I saw all of this: they sold one of their famous Las Vegas mega-stars a young girl to be his mistress – she was 15 at the time.  They had to do this because they had previously sold this same young girl to one of their drug dealers – a big time drug dealer – but he was so foul and disgusting that the girl objected – and since her own mother was in on the deal, another buyer had to be found.


But she was very lucky, this famous big time Las Vegas entertainer was very good to her – and eventually her father died – and he was very wealthy – and left her all his money – so her life turned out very well – as far as I know.


And these two idiots, morons, never once spent a day in jail.  Never once were accused by anyone – expect me, of course, but since I was just a wiped dog, a beaten animal, an ungrateful orphan child – “The Boys?! – They are GREAT GUYS! – no one listened, and all those small children, boys and girls, who were raped by the older brother and covered up by the younger brother – they got no justice.


So now, the Masters have created something called Joint Special Operations Command, JSOC.


When members of this elite force killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May, JSOC – and then the assassins were themselves assassin – but by who?  I can guess – the CIA.


The ‘reason’ given for creating yet ANOTHER US military assassin team is because the CIA cannot find their own agents – al-Qaeda – and so, to the organization of internally run and managed and controlled US government agencies – they have to create REASON for themselves to go on.


The CIA creates commitments murder.  The US Government blames al-Qaeda. al-Qaeda could not find their own heads with both hands, but now JSOC CAN find them – and murders them – why?  To cover the CIA murdering innocent people, and shifting the blame to someone else.


And JSOC?  They do not notice that the people they are assassinating are morons, incapable of blowing up anything.


Army’s Delta Force, the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, the Air Force’s 24th Special Tactics Squadron and the Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment and the 75th Ranger Regiment.


CIA has its own army – its own navy – 2500 front companies, all funded by the international drug business – and they all  look like REAL US MILITARY.


So how can the CIA be too small?


And their success rate – 50/50.


On Sept. 16, 2003, Daniel Rumsfeld signed an executive order making JSOC the center of the counterterrorism for the corporation known as USA, Inc. 


Another reason the USA INC needs another military assassin department – because the CIA is too small 0 they don’t have enough people to murder innocent people all over the world


Meanwhile the FBI is actively sending out its informants – con-men – to stir up trouble in the USA, convincing penniless losers 0 Muslins, of course – to become great WARRIORS – and even providing these losers were money, weapons, bombs, and then arresting them when this morons cannot figure out how to actually DO anything.


So – create a problem, then come up with a solution.


United States was not at war, including Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, the Philippines, Nigeria and Syria.


Keeps our Masters and their servants in power.


And the areas that interest our masters the most? Irag, iran, Afghanistan – where the Taliban wanted full control of the oil pipelines dick Chaney – Halliburton – wanted to build.  The Taliban also wanted to cut back on production of poppy seeds – heroin – for export – and then next thing we know we are at war in Afghanistan.


The oil pipeline? From the Caspian sea – through Afghanistan, irag, iran – to the ocean – pure profit from our masters – poverty and ecological mass suicide for the local people.


More importantly – to make certain that we do not evolve.


Mexico is next for JSOC. So far the Mexican government, whose

constitution limits contact with the U.S. military, is relying on the other federal agencies – the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, the Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement – for intelligence collection and other help. – the CIA provided the drug lords with guns – it was even reported in the main stream us media – it was argued in Washington dc – so doesn’t JSOC read their own newspapers.


Many main stream Mexican newspapers have reported on US security “cooperation” as part of a “double game” in which Washington offers aid to the Mexican government’s “drug war,” AFTER proving Mexican drug Lords, drug cartels with guns, and then US corporations profit by those same drugs – selling drugs, and by laundering drug money – which gets us back to international bankers.


If their expertise is using hi tech intelligence gathering – maybe they should spy on the CIA – its in Langley, Virginia – in case you cant find it – and stop al-qaeaq at the source.




That ancient Celtic blessing means a lot to me, and so, I share it with you, in the hopes that someday you will find something that means as much to you.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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