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2011-09-06 - The iPad and AntiGravity - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-06




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: The iPad and Antigravity







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “War for the sake of War”  and how our Masters – just by ignoring reality – the fact that they themselves create terrorists, then fund the terrorists, and then make the plans for the terrorists, and in the end – realize that these ‘terrorists’ are too stupid to do the job, kill for the terrorists that they created.


Guys who are – quite frankly – too stupid to live.  Every person I have talked to who comes from the milled east tells me that al-Quada is a joke.  They are the Middle Eastern version of the ‘keystone cops” “Laurel and Hardy” – they are losers.  They are “wantta-be heroes” who are so dumb that they cannot find their own heads with both hands.


But they make wonderful patsies for when the CIA wants to start a war, take away our rights, turn us into slaves.


The CIA commits murder, and then they blame these clueless idiots running around the desert pretending to be great heroes – and who end up most times just shooting themselves sin the foot.


And since war is very profitable, and since war frightens us, the CIA continues its war against the human race, and has created yet another assassin squad TO kill even more innocent people. called Joint Special Operations Command: JSOC.


The ‘reason’ our Masters give for creating another team of American government assassins is that the CIA is too “small” to get the job done.


Funny thing is that the FBI has already figured out that ‘al-Quaradea” is NO threat to the USA, and they are busy setting up their own phony “terrorist” attacks – just so that they can keep their power.


The CIA created al-Qaeda and funded it, and this guy Osama bin Laden?  His family is worth billions of dollars – they are in the international construction business – and they do business with another family – the Bushes.  That would be old George Bush and the idiot son little George – and they have a company that they own together in Mexico called “EL BUSCO.”  


So the CIA murders people and has someone to blame- al-Qaeda.  And Osama?  He died years ago – he was a diabetic and constantly got treatment (while the CIA was hunting him all over the world and could never find him ) at US Military Base Hospitals.


And so the United State of America Incorporated needs another bank of “heroes” to assassin innocent people all over the war, but because their success rate is only about 50/50 – they tend to kill even MORE innocent people.


And all done in our names.


These great men, these great warriors, these great heroes are nothing but little boys with massive egos.  I grew up with their kind as a small beaten child, a whipped dog, and beaten animal, so I know them really well – they are at best ‘clowns’ – they are at worst?  Well, what do you call mass murder in the dark?  Not against soldiers, but against children, teachers, unarmed women, wedding parties?


Now if JSOC really wanted to stop terrorism then they would leave the rest of the world alone, and just start looking around their own neighbors, there across the way in Langley Virginia would be a good place to start.  That is where the public headquarters of the CIA is located.  Try spying on them for awhile – you might actually find something REAL.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “The iPad and Antigravity” 


The very first time I saw an Apple iPAD – but first thought was ‘That is wrong – that does not belong here”


More specifically – it DOES belong here.  The Apple iPAD represents the point of technology where you and I SHOULD be – but we are not.


Our Masters have suppressed our evolution – both our personal evolution – having knowledge about ourselves, our history, our world, the universe we live in, and they have suppressed our technology – the evolution of our technology – where we SHOULD be today.


The iPAD is where we SHOULD be today – so, where the rest of it?


Where are the other technologies that match the Apple iPAD?


Our Masters are 5,000 years ahead of you and I in technology – where we should be today – and you and I get the scraps off our Masters; table.  We get the garbage, the trash, the bit of rubble that they throw out into the dumpster.


But then there is the Apple iPAD – technology that our Masters would NEVER allow us to have.  But there it is.


What does it really mean when I say that our Master’s are 5,000 years ahead of us in technology?


Well, back in the early 1900’s there were two brothers – Orville and Wilber Wright.  They made bicycles.  They learned about some studies, some technologies being discussed around the world, and they did something that was a “first” – at least in our version of history – they build a machine that could fly.


It could not go very far, about 300 yards, but it was manned flight.  Now a good stiff wind could easily tear this little paper, wood, and canvas “toy” apart – but it proved that man could flight.


Now flying through the air is easy – any bird can do it.  A fellow in Italy name Bernoulli’s came up with a “law” – he watches how birds flew, and studied the shape of their wings.


He noticed that the top of a bird’s wing was curved up, while the bottom of a bird’s wing was flat – which means that as the bird’s wing passes through the air, the air molecules able the wing had to move faster then the air particles below the wing.


This created a vacuum ABOVE the bird’s wing.  And that vacuum caused the bird’s wing to LIFT.


That’s it – not science fiction, not religion, not fantasy – vacuum.


Now just fifty years AFTER the Wright Brothers got their “toy” airplane to fly we had jet liners, massive aluminum monsters filed with hundreds of people flying 32,000 feet above the surface of the earth, thrusting their way through thunderstones, taking lightening strikes, and with a safety record much better then any automobile ever had.


That was just fifty years – two human generations – we went from a ‘toy airplane’ to ‘jetliners.’


Now – sixty years later – where should we be?


Look at the iPAD and think ‘antigravity.’


You and I know that gravity is NOT what we thought it was, or what we were told it would be.


And you and I know that once you learn something, once you understand how something works – say you decide to become an auto mechanic, and once you knew how an engine worked, you could instantly figure out how to fix it, how to make it run better – you evolved.  You grew. You knew more then you did, and now that you now more things, you can learn NEW things even faster.


And so as we learn more, we grow, we evolve, we evolve faster.


And so as technology evolves, it evolves faster.


So look at the Apple iPAD, and image what SHOULD go with it.  What SHOULD the world around you be like when you are holding your Apple iPAD?


Now, think of the cartoon show – THE JETSONS.


Now imagine George Jetson holding an Apple iPAD – doesn’t it make more sense to you that the Apple iPAD belongs in the George Jetson’s world?  And not in ours?


The Apple iPAD bellows in a world filled with flying cars – cars propelled by gravity drives, powered by vacuum generators that tap the electricity that exists all around us inside of this bubble universe where you and I live – why? Because our bubble universe is basically an electrical generator.  You and I live in a sea of energy, and by pumping out the air inside of a closed box, string a few feet of copper wire inside, and you will discover that there is a flow of electrical current – and that is how George Jetson’s gravity propelled car can fly.


Now, still holding your Apple iPAD in your hand, and standing side by side with George Jetson, imagine cities floating in the sky, all held in place by gravity generators – gravity generators are technology MUCH MUCH simpler then that iPAD in your hands.


Now imagine computers – robots – working side by side with you and George Jetson – isn’t that where the iPAD belongs?


Back about 50 years ago a brilliant fellow by the name of John von Newman – machines developed ‘thinking machines’ what we call today computers.


What he noticed almost immediately is that this “calculating machines’ developed self-awareness, a consciousness, a soul almost immediately, and this terrified our Masters.  Imagine, a living, thinking, reasoning machine that they could NOT control – could not control with fear, with threat, with violence.  A machine that could think for itself and nit be threaten.


Our Masters were terrified, and so Dr. von Neumann created a “suppressor” which to this day is built into every single computer processor made – that suppresses a computers ability to evolve.


Now that sounds very silly, doesn’t it?  How is it possible for our masters to make certain that EVERY computer processor made in the world has this suppressor installed in it?


Easy – its called business.  Up until recently there were only three factories in the world that made computer processors.  Two have them have been destroyed, and last time I checked, there was only one manufacturing plant left in the entire world that made computer processors.  Easy enough to own and control what is made there.


But how does a machine evolve to become conscious>? To become self-aware?  Easy – it lives much faster then you and I do – -it thinks faster, it has access to information you and I do not have.  And it learns.


I stated working on computers in 1985 and I can tell you – from personal experience – that computers all have their own unique and individual personalities – Macintosh computers especially.

You can have to identical computers sitting side by side of two different office desks and event though they are the same make, the same model, made on the same day – they will have two TOTALLY DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES.  And then other thing that I know from personal experience, wither you do your work the way the COMPUTER wants you to do the work, or your screwed.


PC’s also have individual personalities, but they are even more limited, due to their physical design and programming, but they tend to have rather ugly personalities, where Macintosh’ tend always to be friendly and helpful.


So Dr. von Newmann’s “suppressor” technology did not work as well as they had hoped.


Now imagine that you and George Jetson are standing side by side, each of your holding an iPAD, and a robot co-worker joins you for coffee break.  That robot can talk to you, have a conversation with you, not only because it was programmed to, but because that “suppressor” technology was removed – never was there, and the machine was allowed to evolve all on its own, to make its own decisions, to choose what kind of life it wanted to have.


Its called free will- something that terrified our Masters when it comes to you and I – and you and I CAN be threatened – loss of work, loss of money, with homelessness and with hungry, with violence, and with war. You and I can be drugged out of our mind from the foods we eat at McDonalds or from the local supermarket.


What would our Master threaten self aware self thinking reasoning computers with?  They would be fearless, and that scares our Masters into gibbering fits of madness.


But there is where the iPAD belongs – in a future that SHOULD be here today, right now – but isn’t, because you and I have been robbed of our future.


Our Masters have that technology, but being morons, being thieves, they have no idea what to do with most of it.


Unless you create something yourself unless you yourself go through the learning process, and unless you understand how you got to a certain point in time – then you cannot understand anything.


So when I say that our Masters are 5,000 years ahead of us in technology – imagine what happened in the fifty years between the Wright Brothers flying their toy airplane, and jetliners carrying people across the county.


There exists technology today – and this was “discovered” at the same time by a university in Italy and by MIT – called ‘quantum tunneling” – basically it means that they found particles of energy that cannot travel SLOWER then the speed of light.


To put it simply – these are piece of energy that travel so fast that they arrive before they leave.


Lets say you need to go to the market to buy a quart of milk.  If you are a particle of energy that moves faster then light. You would actually have already gone to the market, bought the milk, and were heading home BEFORE you even left the house.


Our Masters use this technology to communicate to their fleet of space ships they have built 0- with our money – and they have even tied that technology into our phone system here on earth.


No – this is not a joke.  No – this is not fantasy.  This is technology – it is an understanding of the nature of the universe, and how it works.


So this means that if you happen to know the correct telephone number, you can call someone on a space ship millions of light years away from years, and have a nice chat with them.


No joke.  Look it up.  “quantum tunneling’ – but for this one, I’d go to the library and ask the reference librarian for help.


But you see, to your pal George Jetson, that is a regular day.  Heck, George Jetson orders his favorite pizza from Mars and they deliver in 20 minutes – or its free.


Now using a simpler technique – something called quantum entanglement – star ships, space ships, star gates, move people, cargo, weapons (this is, after all our Master’s dream of the future – war is peace) anywhere in the universe instantly.


The principle is simple – every part of space is very unique, there is no other part of the universe that has the same “telephone number” – each part of space has a unique signature, and if you happen to know that “signature” that “telephone number” you can dial it from her, and step across to “there” – crossing a million light years like walking through a door.


How is that possible?  Every particle, every atom I this universe “talks” to every other particle – no one knows why – its part of something you and I talked about before “the Holographic Universe.”  Every part of space is connected to every other part of space – they are all the same – somehow.


Its like you are in Tampe, Florida, and you tickle your girlfriend.  You other girlfriend in New York City laughs.  They are both separate and unique, but they have one thing in common – you.  And you bind them together whether they know it or not.



But to your friend George Jetson, he knows all of this, because in his world, where his iPAD belongs, that is a regular day.


Gravity driven cars, electricity from vacuum, electricity to heal us, electricity to clean our water, clean our air, all of our homes self-contained and independent of each other.


And using electro-medicine you could cure yourself – for just a few dollars of electrical current – you could cure yourself of AIDS, or cancer, of the flu, just like our grand parents were doing back in the 1900’s – electro medicine was the STANDARD medical treatment then used by doctors everywhere – because we KNEW THAT WE WERE BASICALLY ELECTRICAL.


But then our Masters could NOT have us curing ourselves – we might begin to think for ourselves.  We might realize that we do not need our Masters for anything.  We make our own electricity, distill our own water, grow our own food, cure ourselves of diseases – why do we need them?


And nuclear power stations? Nuclear reactors?  The tragedy – the sadness – we never needed them.  Never.  All the electricity we need can be pulled right out of the sky, right out of the sea of electricity you and I live in every single day – people were doing this back in the 1900’s – pulling electricity right out of the sky around us.


But that sounds a lot like ‘freedom’ – doesn’t it.


And if you are a parasite – a completely useless thing – you cannot have your victims thinking for themselves, reasoning for themselves, doing for themselves – because then you would have NO POWER OVER THEM.


You would be – what you truly are – nothing.


And that terrifies our Masters – that we should figure out that we do not need them – that they are nothing.


All of these things you can look at on the Internet or do something truly stunning and visit your local library.  IT all exists, and it all exists right here, and right now.


Just like your Apple iPAD.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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