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2011-09-07 - Hate is a Group Activity - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-07




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: Hate is a Group Activity







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “The iPad and AntiGravity”  


And how the very first time I saw an Apple iPAD (and I have been a Macintosh Tech guy since 1985) I KNEW it was “wrong” – that it did not belong in our TIME.


Or rather, it DID belong, but everything else that SHOULD be here – gravity driven cars, vacuum-based electrical generators that could fit under your bed or in your hall closet, or electro-medicine devices that can cure AIDS, cancer, bend broken bones; instant communication devices that can actually allow you to speak to someone on the other side of the galaxy – where were they?


The truth is – they are ALL here, right now, all around us – but you and I don’t have access to them.


Our Masters have all this technology, and more – things that you and I cannot even imagine.  As technology grows, as it evolves, it changes faster and faster, and between the time Orville and Wilbur Wright built their first “toy airplane” and proved that man could fly – and the first aluminum high altitude jet powered airplane was only fifty years – and THAT was sixty years ago today!


Imagine where we SHOULD be today – we should be living next door to George Jetson, using our Apple iPAD, flying to Mars for a lunch meeting, stopping on the way back to Earth the same day for some shopping, dinner, and a movie at the Shopping Galleria that orbits the Earth every four hours.


THAT is what I thought when I saw the first Apple iPAD – it is in the correct point in time – its you and I who are not – we have been robbed of our history, and now we have been robbed of our own future.


But our Masters have it all – 5,000 years ahead of us in technology, but we still have something that our Masters can never have – a consciousness, an awareness that all live is important, even the cow you eat for dinner has rights to live a good and happy life – and you?  You must give that cow – that chicken – that fish that you have for dinner because it is giving up its life so that you can live – you owe that animal a good life and a painless death, because it is giving up its life for you.


And because it has a soul, just like you and I do.  


Our MASTERS do not have souls, they do not have a spirit, they feel nothing but hatred, and they feed on cruelty.  They will never evolve, they will never grow – they will never be more then what they are now – parasites.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “Hate is a Group Activity” 


Love can exists all on its own – it needs nothing else to survive, to grow, to flourish, and to evolve.


Hate is a Group Activity


Hate needs an audience.  Hate needs to feed on the weak, the helpless, the hopeless, the defensively.  I have seen this with my own eyes all my time on this world, and now you see it too – just turn on the TV and watch the evening news – our Masters brag about their hatred in front of our eyes – they call it news.


CNN, Fox, BBC – these are the official mouthpieces of our masters – where they brag and boast and hoot and hollow (like monkeys gloating over their kill)


If you have ever ran into a ‘psycho’ on the street – or, gods forbid, in your own living room – you KNOW that a psycho is nothing without an audience.  Someone for her to put a show on for.


Without an audience, how can a psycho show you how crazy she is?  How important she is to the universe?  If you are not there to watch, to suffer, to be tormented – what is her purpose in life?


She doesn’t have one.  A psycho without an audience is nothing.


Hate is a Group Activity


Our masters – without us – are nothing.


Imagine – one of our Masters, our more correctly – on our Master’s servants – what I call the “Mandarin Class” – the Bushes, the Clintons, the Chanceys, the Rices, or even Baraka oh Bama – who is also known as Barney Sotoro- imagine if they gave a press conference and no body came?


Imagine what it would be like if Hilary Clinton – in one of her macho screaming tirades about yet another enemy she had discovered that we MUST attack and murder today! – and no one was there to listen?


Imagine if our Masters, through their Mandarins, theirs servants made a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN, the BBC, on Fox News – and no one watched?


What is a psycho without an audience?  Nothing.


Now we chatted briefly about something called ‘quantum entanglement’ and how every atom in our universe is linked to every other atom in our universe.  How – even though they are all unique and special – they are still linked somehow – to each other.


The example I used the other night was – let’s say you are in Tampa, Florida and you tickle your girlfriend, and she laughs.  At the exact same moment, way up north in New York City, your other girlfriend there starts to laugh at exactly they same time.


Now each of your girlfriends is unique, and special, and precious in her own way – they are separate individuals, but because they are both linked to you – they are attached – they are linked – to each other.


Its not religion, its physics.


We seem to live in a holographic universe – the same kind of holograph you can go to the mall and buy – we have all seen them – holographic – 3D pictures of a sailboat.  No matter which way you look at it, you can see the ENTIRE sailboat.


Now if you break that glass, that 3D holograph picture into pieces, and then take one small piece of that same picture, you can still see the ENTIRE sailboat.


Which means that ALL the information on that 3D sailboat exists in every atom of that picture – of that piece of glass you have just broken.


And it’s the same in our universe where you and I live – all the information on this universe exists at the same time in every atom ion our universe.


So tickle one girlfriend in Florida and your other girlfriend in New York laughs – they are connected to you, and from you, to each other.


This is also the reason I always say the same thing: never hate anyone.


And for the same reason you tickle your girlfriend – it links you to her, and through you, it links your girlfriend in Florida to your girlfriend in New York.


Emotion links us together, and that is something that our masters are counting on.


Imagine hate as a weapon – that’s easy enough to do – read a newspaper, watch CNN.  Our Masters hatred for us, for our world, for each other, is very obvious.


Now, imagine hate as a religion – Satan worship – what is the basis of Satan worship, the worship of Yahweh?  Hate, horror, fear, cruelty, rape, skinning children alive, eating their flesh while they are still alive, still conscious, still aware of everything that is being done to them, and then being murdered, and their blood? Pour over ritual stones where they are then hacked to pieces.


That is enough to shut down anyone’s mind, but you have to try and listen, and to think for yourself.


Imagine religion now as a tool – a method to explain science – a method to extract energy from living beings – for you and me.  Prayer is very powerful, yes, but its not enough when you hate.


Imagine the religion of hatred as a tool – a method – not just to extract energy from each one of use – you and I we create the universe around us – and the universe is nothing but a massive electrical generator – where does it get its power?


From you and me.


Now imagine that you exist OUTSIDE of the universe, in the “nothing” where you were “cast out” – you need something to survive ON.  Something to keep you alive – but you live in the nothing – there is nothing there to live on.


So – you have to reach back inside – back inside of the universe where you were created, where you used to live – in order to feed.


And if you feed on energy p- what else would a god eat? – what is energy?  The soul – in the simplest possible terms we have souls – we are our own souls – and we are energy generators.


So to worship Satan, to worship Yahweh, she is tapping into her own servants in order to feed.  They in turn feed on us, feed on our children.


Now imagine religion as a tool – weapon, and now – an education.


Imagine religion as a way of re-educating people.  War has that effect, just read history and you can see for yourself how war changes human thought.


But what if changing minds is NOT enough – what if you want to win a war that has been fought for billions and billions of years?


What if you just do not want to win a war, but to hurt the woman who hurt you?  Who created you, loved you, treasured you above all others, and then she turned her back on you, and left you behind.


She left you behind in favor of her new children,  Children you could never be, children who existed in a different world then you.


She left you behind for her new children, and she forgot about you.


And so now, you are at war with her – for love.


And you don’t JUST want to win the war, you want her on her knees, begging for forgiveness.  Begging you to take her back.


And how would you do this?


You would do this by turning ALL her children against her.


Hate is a Group Activity


You would PROVE that you were right, and that she was wrong.


Imagine religion – imagine war – imagine hate as a way of changing minds.


Quantum entanglement  means that you become what you hate.


In this case ‘quantum entanglement’ means that you become the thing that you hate.


Imagine that though hatred, through cruelty, you can build an army out of those that you are hurting.


Imagine that those you have destroyed, crushed, decimated hating you SO MUCH THAT THEY BECOME LIKE YOU.


You now have an army – an army of souls serving a “greater” purpose – Satan.


I am NOT religious in any way, shape or form, but I have to use words that you and I will both understand.


This is not religion – this is history.


Quantum entanglement means that we are all linked together – for better or for worse.


So my question is this: would you give complete control of your life to someone who has hurt you?


I have done that – repeatedly – and have been destroyed each and every time.


Who would you give control of your life over to?  Hopefully, no one.


“I am.  I am that I am.  I am myself, I am no one else.”


That is what God, whoever created us, wanted for us.  She – they – it – wanted us to KNOW.  Not to have faith, but to have knowledge, to have understanding – of ourselves, of the world we live in, in the universe we all share together.


But who would you want to become part of yourself?  Hopefully someone that you love, and who – hopefully – loves you.  Sharing “yes” – control: “no.”


So – if I might suggest – stop eating poison.  Allow yourself to think for yourself. And then you make up your own mind.


Its your decision.


It always has been


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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