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2011-09-08 - My Mother The Reptile - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-08




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: My Mother the Reptile







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “Hate is a Group Activity”  and how our masters are trying to create a new army – human beings with souls and spirits and hearts and minds – to join them in their war of hatred.


How?  By hurting us, by tormenting us, by driving us into the dirt and robbing us of everything that we have, that we love, that we cherished.  Loosing everything that matters to us.


And how, by “hating” someone – you give that person power over you.  And if you hate someone long enough – you become them.


And so, our masters hurt and hate us, and torment us.  They are using the earth has a crucible, trying to distill you and I down to our purest form – and making certain that hate is the outcome.


Our Masters always tell us what they are doing to us, because under Black Magic Satanic Ritual – it is a requirement that they MUST get our permission before they can hurt us.  So they tell us – in advance exactly what they are planning to do to us, and because we have been conditioned – like whipped dogs – not to expect anything better from life, beaten animals that would not – could not fight back, – Our Masters go on TV, print in newspapers exactly what they are going to do to us, and under British Admiralty Law – the law of the United States of American incorporated – “silence if acceptance.”


So if our Masters tell us they are going to hurt us, and we say nothing, under the law that means that we agree.


Our Masters have stated over and over that they want the human population of this world reduced to 500 million people.  That means that 6.5 BILLION people have to die.


But who should survive?  The strongest?  No – the weakest.


Our masters want the weakest of us to survive – those of us who will turn to “hate” – those who will activity HATE our Master.


And when you hate someone, you give them power over you.


And when you hate someone long enough, you become the thing you hate.


So?  Only 500 million human beings left after 6.5 billion are grown down into the dirt – butchered, murdered, tortured, torment, destroyed – those who survive are those ones who will hate the strongest, who are the weakest of us because they gave into hate.


Those who hate will survive.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “My Mother the Reptile” and I will tell you right up front that this is NOT my story – I was there, and I saw way too much of it, but thankfully, this is one horror that was not mine.


It did hate me, and it did try to destroy me – destroy me does not mean kill me – it means to hurt me in any way possible.


But I was there, and I saw things that – as always – I did not understand, did not want to understand, but it began much to clear, and again – as always- I could not escape the truth.


To begin this story, I need to tell you that our Masters and their servants – the CIA for example, have had very advance technologies that they having been using against us for decade.


They also have technology that is 5,000 years ahead of anything that you and I can imagine – but that is another story.


But for this chat, you need to know that the CIA – as part of their war against the human race has something called “Voice to Skull” technology.  It was deliberately created so that people, you and I – would think that God was speaking to us.


It is technology – not religion – it is a radio transmitter designed to broadcast “voices” into your head, and they can drive you mad, they can program you to think that God is speaking to you.


Its hatred in the cruelest form possible – to think that someone cares about you – someone who either never existed, might have existed, or who has since died and left us behind.


In the same way, again using electrical current, or more specifically, being able to understand how memories are stored in our brains – again, just an electrical device, that the CIA was able to read back in the mid-1960 – and could read out minds, see our thoughts, and have it all played back on a TV screen.


I mention this because its important to know – you and I are electrical in nature, and because of that, we can be influenced, tricked, fooled, coned by the use of specific electrical current – waves of electrical energy.


It is debased, it is cruel, it is evil, and its wrong.  And it is the heart and soul of the CIA, and their war against the human race.


So along those lines, you and I control our own bodies by electrical impulses from our brains.  Its how we learn to walk, to talk, to pick up a cup of coffee.  Its electrical impulses generated from our brain, that causes us to have control of our bodies.


And because you and I are electrical, we are broadcasting and receiving electrical waves of energy all the time.  From each other, from the world around us, and from the center of our galaxy.  We live inside of an ocean of electrical energy.


So now, imagine someone having a “pirate radio station” – and is broadcasting waves of electrical energy that interfere, that take over, the airwaves that belong to someone else.


Let’s say that our Masters have the radio frequency of your body – they could use that ‘pirate radio station’ to broadcast waves of energy to talk to you inside of your own head.  Tell you stories, lie to you, hurt you very directly, very deliberately.


Now, lets say they have the knowledge – the science – the magic – to know how the electrical impulses run through your body, how those electrical currents control the muscles in your body.


Could they take control of your physical body – just by broadcasting the correct radio waves at you – tuned to your own body’s person frequencies?


I knew this woman back in 1984 – I forget how I met her.  I was living in the desert of southern California, while she was in New York.


We got to talking on the phone – which was REALLY expensive, and of course, I had to pay for everything – but we got to know each other fairly well.


But then one day, she was very excited!  She had felt something take control of her arm and hand, and her hand started to write words, sentences, phrases – all by itself.


Its called ‘automatic writing’ in the New Age nonsense – nothing is automatic, every thing here is done by someone, by something, and its done for a reason.


This woman went on – and with ecstasy in her voice – that it was the SPIRIT of her DEAD MOTHER, reaching out to be reunited with her again.


I didn’t know what to say. I had no idea what was going on.  I didn’t like the idea, but what could I do about it?


This woman was so excited by being in contact with her dead Mother again, she actively allowed her MOTHER to take over her body.  And this grew on a daily basis, and as she consciousness gave up control of her own body to her MOTHER, the happier she became.


I still had no idea what was going on, and I REALLY did not like it.  This was just – to me – another daily event – just another bizarre event that was what my “life” here was made up of.


But – for a change – it wasn’t happening to me – it was happening to the woman I wanted.


So she went from “automatic writing” to being a “walk-in” – again another New Age term to try and explain our connection with God – and has nothing to do with reality at all.


So something who knew more about her body then she did – ‘walked in’ and with interference – without her putting up a fight.


But it was reptilian in shape – she told me many times that when her MOTHER possessed her – her head would thrust forward, her knees bent, and her arms flayed back, her elbows shooting backwards and her whole body position changed.


So was this a ghost?  The ghost of a reptile?


Her MOTHER had told her that she had EVOLVED INTO A REPTILE. Into a higher form of life.




She was a woman in her late forties who missed her own Mother – her Mother had died when she was very young and she told me that her father had been distant and cruel, so she fled Australia for the States.


Well I met her sister at one point, and she was a very average, very nice, and showed none of the torments that this woman show – again, that was the only kind of woman I knew, and so was attracted to her.


This woman had actually gotten into the USA – gotten her green card – her visa by marrying a gay man who died of AIDS later – and she cared so little for anyone but herself she left him alone to die.  He died all alone – she cared nothing for anyone who was kind to her.


Since I grew up with people – with women – just like her – I was attracted to her.  As a child the only attention I ever got from women was abuse and cruelty – so that is what I thought love was.


You and I are who we are by the age of five – our personalities – our likes and dislikes are pretty much stamped into us at that age.  


And it has taken me decades to work myself out of the prison inside of my own mind where the CIA put me – and so many, many others.  Most are dead, programmed to kill themselves at the age of thirty – the age that the CIA (and strangely enough also the New Zealand government when it comes to foreigners) feel that we become a threat to them.


So for this woman – It all began with automatic writing – her right arm and hand started to move all by themselves – again, this is not DEMON POSSESSION – it is science, its physics.


You just need a radio transmitted set at the right frequency, a knowledge of what electrical impulses need to go where in her body, and you can remotely control the muscles of the human body.


You and I see this every day – children with their small radio controlled toys – cars, planes, helicopters you can buy at the local shopping mall.


You and I also know this from our everyday world – whenever you turn on a radio you are experiencing “remote control” – waves of energy – that you and I cannot see or hear or feel – suddenly create music and sounds out of the car RADIO.


That’s real enough.


Its not religion – its physics.


Radio waves that are broadcast so strongly and so precisely that they can block out – shout over – the electrical impulses of her own brain, and because the “pirate radio station’s” signal is so much more powerful then the electrical impulses of this woman’s brain – someone else was controlling her body – by remote control.


You and I have chatted about this before – if Satan exists, and if her lover, her mother, her creator – God (alamack) exists, AND God threw Satan OUTSIDE of this bubble universe she created – the same soap bubble universe you and I live in – and Satan wanted access back inside – she would do it by remote control.


By having a radio transmitter SO powerful that it could reach back inside of our closed universe in a soap bubble and talk to her followers – to take control of their bodies.


Again not religion – not magic – science – a knowledge of the universe that you and I do not have.


Magic?  Well, science is certainly magic to me.  Or do you know how a radio works?  Do you know how electricity is made?  Do you know what keeps an airplane in the air?  


Its sounds like magic to me.


Magic is just knowledge – of things that you and I do not understand.


Religion is a way to explain – or rather – to cover up science: science that you and I do not understand, and religion is used to control us with fear.


Whatever – whoever – controlled this woman – of her own free will – was in the shape of a reptile – a pterodactyl.  A flying winged dinosaur – at least, that is the impression I got when speaking to this creature while it controlled her. We even talked about it – she was SO happy that her dead Mother had ‘gone on’ to evolved into a pterodactyl – a cross between a flying dinosaur and a cockroach.


Yes, I spoke to it, many times.  And each time?  The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up.


If you want to know that feeling – go to the website of Mr. David John Oaks – Its  You can find a link from the Jeff Rense website –


Mr. David John Oaks discovered that you can tell if someone is lying to you by listening to what they say – backwards.  He records the speeches that people give – runs the tape backwards, and you can actually hear that person is speaking forwards AND backwards – at the same time.


You have to experience this for yourself – and the first time you hear “reverse speech?”  The hairs on the back of your neck will stand up straight.


Why?  Well, in my experience – that ‘reverse speech voice?” It’s the same voice that ghosts speak with.  We will talk about that some other day.


And it will send a chill up and down your spine.


But because I was in love with this woman – another abusive, cold, cruel woman – the only kind of woman I knew or could relate to.  Because as a child I equated cruelty with love – I did what I could to help her.


I knew this was NOT her Mother.  I never believed that her Mother had died, and had gone on to evolve into a Reptile.


But she did.


And nothing I could say would change that.


Luckily for me, this was in 1984 – and she was living in New York and I was in California, so all this happened over the telephone, and for many hours I recorded these conversations.


Twice in my time in this world I have held the proof of hatred in my hands – and both times I threw it away.


This was the first time: it is when I finally realized what was controlling this woman – I had this collection of 4-track audio tapes I had made of our phone conversations.  I had moved into Hollywood full time to work – and to escape my prison guards, my CIA funded tormentors, and thought that I was finally free.


I wasn’t – it was just the beginning of other horrors.


But there I was, living in this dirty little apartment building in Studio City, off of Vineland and Ventura boulevards, and I could finally no longer overlook the PURE HATRED that was leaching out of this 4-track tapes.  They were radiating hatred, and it scared me to death.  So I ran outside of my crummy little apartment and threw the while collection into the dumpster.


You and I have had the experience of being somewhere, being in someplace that felt “wrong” – being around people who “felt wrong” – you could not explain it, you could not put it into words, but you KNEW this was wrong – that you should not be there.


That is just energy – electrical current –it’s just the wrong frequency for you – it is different then you are, and you want nothing to do with it.


It occurred to me that these tapes – and magnetic tapes are nothing by stored patterns of electrical energy – again, you and I are electrical, the universe is electrical – and so having that kind of foothold in my world – the world of my little apartment – frightened me. I did not know what else could come through – I found out later though.  And looking back I wonder how it is that I am even still alive.


I just do not understand it.  It makes no sense.  


And so I threw them away, but I realize now that they had been there too – long – because so after that other things happened there.


I have tried to forget all of these things, and still I cannot seem to.  I can forget minute details, but the overall stories just will not go away.


This woman finally moved to California for her singing career – not for me, of course, I was just more dirt to be used and crushed under her feet – again, the only kind of woman that I knew or could relate to – but the few times we were together her MOTHER would not come out and speak to me – face to face as it were.


The act of a coward – they will never meet you face to face.  Our masters.  Their servants – all cowards, all bullies, all thugs.  Parasites.


This women finally decided that I had suffered enough – had proven myself – but by then I just didn’t care anymore – thank the gods.


I had other problems – uglier then her and her highly reptile-evolved Mother.


But was it a demon? A classical “demon” or what you and I know now to be REAL demons – a living reptile – somewhere sitting in front of a radio transmitter?


Was it an evil spirit?  


Either of which are just forms of electrical energy just like you and me, but living at a different frequency from you and I – so with a living person allowing themselves to be used these “evil spirits” can make a telephone call to us, and the woman will be the receiver.


Just the way Satan – Yahweh – reaches into our universe to speak to her followers, or to reach into their bodies and run them by remote control.


Something that never made sense to me about all these UFO – alien stories – I have never seen any and I NEVER want to – but I have heard one story many times from many different people, and so I have to wonder.


People have encountered little gray aliens – who we know are nothing but reptilians wearing Halloween masks so we do not recognize them from our own history as reptiles – who have been frighten away by prayer.


So how could little gray aliens’ from another world be frightened by human beings praying to their god for help?


A technologically advanced – superior race would not be frighten by primitive savages – you and me – praying to our paean god.


But they are. When confronted by prayer – they run away in terror.  How is that possible?


So what if – what if this is not religion, what if it is history?


What if its not religion – what if its physics.


What is its not close encounters of a third kind – but love?


What if you and I really are in a war for our souls, but not for our own sakes, but because two girlfriends, two lovers are having a lover’s quarrel?


And its science, technology, reaching into our universe to hurt us, to hate us, to use us – just because YAHWEH WANTS TO GET EVEN WITH HER GIRLFRIEND – GOD?


What if prayer – the thought made manifest – the electrical currents that make up who you and are – can call out to our Mother – our God, our central processor, the mainframe that is the holographic 3d universe that you and I live in – and call into our physical presence enough of a different kind of electrical energy – a different vibration – that will drive the “evil spirits” – the little gray aliens – the reptiles wearing Halloween masks – drive them away.


Not religion – not magic – but an understanding of the universe around us.


And I think it all starts with the simplest thing you and I can imagine – knowing who WE ourselves are.


I Am.  I am That I AM.  I am myself – I am no one else.


Because if this woman knew who she really was – what she could have been – what she could have been – if she had given up eating poison that drugged her mind, if she gave up hatred as a way of life – which is what gave her Mother access to her body in the first place – they vibrated at the SAME FREQUENCY – if she had been – not who her Father had made her – not who her Mother had made her – but if she had just been herself, then this never would have happened.


But the truth is – she was herself – she hatred and she hurt people – and she enjoyed it.  And so, she invited “evil” into herself of her own free will, and because she selected to live at a frequency of life that made her compatible with “evil” – it just walked right in.


So never hate anyone.  Its not religion – its physics.  Its called quantum entanglement, and you can look it up for yourself.


Now would be a good time to make friends with the reference librarians at your local library.


It really is up to you.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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