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2011-09-11 - The Hidden Art of the Closed MInd - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-09-11




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “My Mother the Reptile” and how a woman that I wanted was wanted by someone else – something else – what she thought was the spirit the ghost of her long dead Mother, who had evolved into a ‘higher form of life’


Her mother had died and had gone on to evolved into a higher form of life – a retile.


This was back in 1984, and I had NO idea what was going on with anything like this.  Back then there were “sonic booms” plaguing southern California – and no one could figure out what was causing them.


There were also many very confidential, very classified US government operations going on in the mountains above our heads – turns out that they were testing nuclear powered rocket engines up there. And the national forest where these secret bases were located also contained vast fields of marijuana, that were guarded by gun toting idiots who liked to fire shots over our heads – those of us who lived at the base of those mountains.


And I was trapped in a nightmare of pain – trying to escape my tormentors, those CIA and US Army Air Corps operatives – street thugs, bullies, rapists, and smugglers that I had been put into as part of the CIA mind control program I was a part of  – none of which I wanted and none of which I understood then.


So then this – but at least it was happening to someone else for a chance, but I was involved completely, and the “thing” that she was allowing to walk into her own body hated me.


Whenever I talked to the thing, it would distend her body into a caricature of a flying dinosaur – a pterodactyl – and when it spoke to me with her mouth? The hairs on the back of my neck would stand straight up.


But it was NOT religion – it was NOT possession – it was technology.


Anyone can do it – all you need is a radio transmitter, and knowledge of how the electrical pathways in the human body work, and you need the unique frequency of that particulate human body – and its easy.


The CIA has been “reading mind since the mid 1960 – even projecting our very thoughts onto a TV screen.  Today – I am told – the CIA can do it remotely.


But this woman?  Selfness, cruel, arrogant and mean-spirited?  She willingly allowed her body to be taken over – so there was no fight for control, no struggle for control of the body.  She just surrendered and let it happen.


And me?  I had no idea what to do – but I finally realized (I’m kinda slow) just how evil this really was and through out all the 4-track tape recordings I had made of my conversations with this “spirit of her dead Mother “ who had gone on to evolve into a higher form of life after dying – to evolve UP into a reptile.


I later discovered that I had not thrown out ALL OF THE 4-TRACK TAPES, AND play a very small portion of one for a friend of mine from work.  We were in his car going somewhere – shopping for us children- I think – and I played the tape in his car’s tape deck.  It played for about two seconds before my friend screamed: ‘TURN IT OFF!!!!!!”


It was real, it was there, and it could not be deigned, but it could be ignored.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind”


It is in our nature – for some reason, NOT to see things.


Things that worry us.  Things that scare us.  Things that frighten us.


We choose NOT to see things that are terrible – because if we SEE THEM – then we have to do something about it – or we have to admit that we saw terrible things – and then did nothing to stop them.  And who wants to be guilty?


The Hidden Art of the closed mind.


Our Masters know this about us – they have, after all, been ‘herding us” for at least the last 8,000 years.


The politicians know this about us.  This is why they can lie to our faces, tell us the most amazing nonsense, and we pretend not to see it.


The Mandarins know this about us.  The Bushes, the Chaney’s, the Clintons, the Obamas – they know that rather then deal with an ugly true, we prefer a beautiful lie – even if that lie cannot stand on its own.


Even if that beautiful lie has to be covered up with even more beautiful lies, so many beautiful lies until we are jobless, homeless,, penniless, and starving – we prefer the beautiful lie over the ugly truth, until we are laying in the gutter, broken.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind – its in our nature. 


Why? I have no idea.


I know that it took less then five percent of the population of the American Colonies to declare war against the British and create our country in the first place.  Which means about 95-98 percent of the American colonists didn’t care – they looked the other way when they were robbed, raped, and murdered by King George 3rd in their own homes.


200 years later we had his cousins, George Bush (George 4th) and George Bush (George 5th) ruling us, and again, we looked the other way when they lied, raped, robed, and murdered us, and innocent people all over the world in our names.


And these politicians – the Bush Family of Kings – two of them have served as Presidents in the last 20 years – we used to call that royalty – how did the Georges get their jobs as Kings of the United States?


How did they get their jobs?  Did they work for those jobs? Did they earn those jobs?  Did they have the qualifications, the knowledge, the experience to hold this job? This job being President of the United States.


No, they did not. But their mommies and daddies did


How did the George Bushes get all this power?


We gave them the power.


Because we looked the other way.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind.


The other day a 15 year old boy – who under the guidance and support of his Father started two successful home based businesses – one was raising and selling rabbits, the other (I think) was a lemonade stand.  His Father was very proud that his son was learning to run a business, to earn a living, to take responsible for himself, and for his future.


He even had a very pretty girlfriend – she loved him so much that she even took topless photos of herself and send him and SMS to his new cell phone that his proud father had given him as a present – a reward for doing such good work.  Girls do that sort of thing – its wonderful.


But not to our masters.


Because this young man was making a future for himself, police and private government investigators arrested him.  His father – stunned – was told that if he interfered he too would be going to prison.


The crime?  He ran businesses in food – and as we now know, Americans no longer have the right to grow their own food – let alone sell it – without filling out hundreds of forms.


And after this young man was arrested and put into the back of a police cruiser, and as the government stooges were busily “high-fiving” each other for taking such a dangerous criminal off the streets – one police officer went through the records of his cell phone – looking for accomplishes, and found the topless love letters his girlfriend had sent to him privately,


But there is no such thing ass privacy in a police state – and so now, the young man is charged with obscenity.


And under the laws of the United States of America, Incorporate – that is THREE federal crimes he has committed.


And under the Three Strikes Rule – this 15 years old man – this boy – will be spending the rest of his life in prison.


And where we were?  Looking the other way.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind.


That could never happen here!  And so since it could NEVER HAPPEN HERE – we look away, so we cannot see it happening right in front of our own eyes.


Three people were arrest the other day in their homes.  Why?  They were selling unpasteurized milk and cheeses.


The FDA – when asked why SWAT TEAMS of armed assassins were sent to arrest and terrify these people – responded: “Americans do not have a legal right to clean, healthy, or nutritious foods.”


But THAT could NEVER happen in the United States of America.  And so, we look away, being carefully NOT TO SEE what we KNOW can never happen.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind.


Our Masters know we will look away, will NOT see what we KNOW can never happen.


Because if we DID see it – we might actually have to do something about it.


Selling vegetables from your garden – go to prison


Selling unprocessed milk and cheese? Go to prison


Armed soldiers in your city enforcing unjust bizarre and hateful laws?


Those in charge have no knowledge of the law, no knowledge of human behavior – no concept or understanding of what it is just to live


They have never boiled an egg, never made a pot of coffee, never stood in line at the ATM machine – never went to the dry cleaner


They have no knowledge of us, our lives – classical story of Old George Bush doing a ‘photo op” at a department store – he did not know how to buy anything, he did not know anything about money – and he never had seen a bar code scanner, and he stood there – on camera, in front of reporters “marveling” over the check out counter.


They belong to the right family – we used to call them royalty – you got your job because of the family you are borne into.


They grew up arrogant, lazy, and spoiled, and mean spirited.  They know nothing of how the cattle, their god-given slaves – live.


So they pass laws that make no sense.  They pass laws against us based on what they THINK is happening in the real world.


I saw this in New Zealand, over and over again – managers – who have no experience, no knowledge, no idea what their jobs were, what their responsibilities were – they got their jobs by bellowing to the “right” families – they are the MANDARIN CLASS of the New Zealand culture.


I knew management in NZ that had been in the same job for 20 years, sat at the same desk, went to the same meeting, day after day, years after year – and still have NO idea what their job really is.


So in New Zealand they have raised lying to such a high art that their culture would collapse without it.


They lie about everything, and they lie about everyone, and when faced with a “management decision” – they never ask questions, they never talk to the people who are actually doing the real work.


Instead, they “imagine” what is going on, and then a few hours later, they again imagine what is going on, but based not on reality – not on anything real, but on their previous fantasy.  And so, in a few hours, a few days, NZ management has this expansive and detailed “image” of what the truth is – all based on a series of fantasies that exist only inside of their own heads.


And this is our Masters function – they have elaborate fantasy of what reality is, and then they share these elaborate fantasias with each OTHER.  It’s a game, and they KNOW we will never notice.

And they are right.


Our Masters did not steal power from us, they did not seize power – we gave it to them.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind – how does it start?


In the early 1900’s the Carnegie Institute issued a report: we do not need thinkers, dreamers, doers, – we need working units. And the science of HUMAN RESOURCES was created.  Not for the benefit of the worker – but for the benefit of the corporation – human beings as assets – as parts of the machine.


Americans did not need to know math, history, spelling, or how to even speak their own language. They were just “working units” for the corporations.


And in the name of the Great Work – our Masters and their servants the Mandarin Lcass declared that “competetion is a sin.” And what we once called roytialy, robber barons, mafia, organized crime, we now call corporations vowed to work together behind the scenes and against us – the cattle.


They control use with language and symbols. And since we no longer can read or write our own names, that makes their jobs so much easier.


Poison the bodies of the cattle – and it drugs the minds of the cattle.  Remember what the FDA said – Americans do not have a LEGAL right to clean, healthy, nutritious food.


WHEN YOU ARE In pain, or you are mind is drugged and you are confused just trying to drive to the grocery store, you really cannot be expected to deal with criminals in power – you just want to get to the store and home again as you watch the fuel gauge in your car quickly drop, and you know you cannot afford any more gasoline until next week.


You cannot be expected to know that “oil” is so common on own world, in our own country, that it is bubbling up out of the ground all by itself, and we have no need to go overseas and murder people for their oil – we have more then enough of our own.


In one 200 mile section of Alaska there is enough oil to fuel the united states for the next 200 years – and as that oil is taking out of the ground and examined – scientists find something very interesting – the oil they take out of the ground today is NEWER then the oil they took out of that same ground a few years ago – the earth is making NEW OIL EVERY SINGLE DAY.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind


And its true – and I am so sorry to say it – but its truth. 98% of us are cattle, and there is nothing we can do about that.  There just is not enough brain power in these people to make them anything more then what they are – unless, of course, as the dead brown dwarf star passes through he plane of our solar system with three planets of its own, and because the universe is electrical, and because that dead start and those planets will carry their own unique electrical charges, there will be a “short-circuit” and lightening will leap from planet to planet as they pass.


This will have the effect –as it always has done for millions and millions of years of ‘dry cleaning the earth’ – putting more oxygen into our atmosphere, rendering the poisons in our environment into their basic elements – making them harmless.


And perhaps that same “jolt” of electrical energy – that planetary lightening will have another effect – “zap” enough electrical current into 7 billion human cattle to wake them up, give them a chance to think for themselves.


The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind says that until then, we will ignore what frightens us.  And our Masters, and their ancestors know this and use it against us every single day.


So it’s a race.  Will enough of us wake up to hold off our Masters until the dead brown dwarf star “zaps” us with enough electrical current to wake up seven billion head of cattle?  Or will hate win, and convert those who are left – the mystical 500 million that our Masters tell us is all the cattle they want – and convert them into a new race based on Hate, on the worship of Satan – whether she is real or not does not matter – our Masters believe that Satan (Yahweh) exists, and that is all we have to worry about.


And all that 15-year old man, because now he is a man, has to worry about is being in prison for the rest of his life, because he did all the things we all dream about – a good family, successfully businesses, and a woman who loved him – and these are crime that our Masters cannot tolerate.


Free will. Hard work. Love.


Will he go to prison for the rest of his life because he wanted nothing more then to be a human being, a man?


It really is up to you.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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