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2011-09-12 - The Forever Asshole - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-09-12




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  The Forever Asshole







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “The Hidden Art of the Closed Mind”  and how It is in our nature – for some reason, NOT to see things we do not want to see.


Things that are unpleasant, or too ugly to deal with  – even when dealing with those ugly truths would save our lives, our families, our country, and our world.


Our nature is NOT to see – to listen to the beautiful lie even as we COULD see with our own eyes the ugly true staring us in the face.


It gets back to the two hardest things I every learned to say:


1) “No”

2) “I listen to what you say – I watch what you do”


Both of these concepts, both of these statements goes against our nature – that of the Hidden Art of the Closed Mind.


Like little children, afraid of the monster under the bed, we think that if we cannot SEE the monster, it cannot hurt us.


Well, it can.


And you and I have been on this earth for 2.5 billion years.  I really think its way past time for you and I to grow up, and to face the monster under the bed – because the truth is there IS a monster under there – but only the monster you make it.


The monster under the beds is a parasite, is a coward (which is why he’s hiding in the first place).  If the monster under the bed was REALLY a monster, he would not be hiding.


But – like our Masters – the monster under the bed is a coward, a bully, a thug, and he’s someone who has NO POWER OVER us – only the power that we give him.


So – punch him in the nose – just once, and he will go screaming out into the night, wetting himself in fear, gibbering: “no fair!!!  You fought back!!!”


I do this – I have seen it with my own eyes.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “Forever Asshole”and now I normally do not like to swear, to use profanity – not for any moral or religious reason – but for the simple truth that swearing degrades us.


The use of profanity – “naughty words” actually lowers our own intelligence – and at this point in our history, we need as many brain cells working as possible.


On the other hand – sometimes profanity is very necessary – because it conveys a feeling, a concept like nothing else can.


And what you and I MUST always do – we must always call things by their correct names.


If it walks like a duck, has feathers like a duck, as a beak like a duck, and it quacks like a duck – it’s a duck.


You and I cannot be ‘politically correct” – that is just another tool our Masters use to control us – if you cannot call something what it is, if you cannot say what you mean, if you have to pretend that “right” is “wrong; that “up” is “down”; and that “war” is “peace” – then everything is lost.


So – if I may suggest – you and I must call things what they really are, while trying not to turn off the brains of the people we are talking to.


For example, the phrase “new world order” – don’t call it that – because it will automatically turn off the brains of the people you are talking to. 




We have all been conditioned by western media – movies, TV, news – to have our brains turn off (or worse yet, be programmed) when we hear certain words and phrases.


But instead, call it what it really is: not “new world order” – its not.  Its really “good business.” To destroy all life on earth – to our Masters = is REALLY good business.


Okay, I guess we will never have a ‘meeting of the minds” with our Masters.


But The Forever Asshole is something that we all know, that we have all done business with, someone that we tolerate in our lives – usually more then one.


It can be a man or a woman, or in this case, a male or a female.  To simplify our chat for this evening, let’s just say it’s a “thing”.


So what is the Forever Asshole?


In the simplest possible terms – it’s a used car salesman.


It is something that we tolerate in our lives, even though we KNOW it will lie to us, cheat us, use us, and – if at all possible – leave us gasping in the mud broken, penniless, homeless, and destroyed.


We call them our Masters.


We call them the Mandarin Class.


We also have another word for them – politicians.


We know that ALL politicians will lie to us, and then we elect them, and they lie to us.  At some point in time, are we surprised by this?


I include corporate management in this same category as politicians because the job description is the same: motivate people to do things that will benefit them and destroy you.


That is the best definition I have today of a politician.


Good people tell me that they do NOT go into politics because they don’t want to be involved in anything so dirty. To get their hands dirty.


Okay, that’s fine.  So if you – a good, honest, intelligent person does NOT go into politics?  Who does that leave behind?


The scum of the Earth.


Again, New Zealand was a really educational event for me – because I learned things there I did not believe possible.


One of the things I learned is that 40 years ago there was a fundamental change in politics in New Zealand – and hatred entered into the picture.  And as that hatred entered politics and business and the corporations, the best and the brightest of the people of New Zealand fled their country, never to returned.


So again – if the best and the brightest of your people flee, never to return, who does that leave behind to run the country?


The morons.


And that is what we have in the United States and Britain today – the best and the brightest refuse to serve in government, and so the trash, the filth, the royalty of each country move into positions of staggering and frightening power – because good people did not want to be “dirty.”


At the founding of the United States of America – the constitutional republic – NOT the current offshore corporation – the founding fathers expected that the rich, powerful, intelligent men would take time from their personal businesses, serve the country for four or five years, and then go back to their plantations – after having given their knowledge and their guidance and sharing their wisdom of years of experience to their country. Providing leadership for a set period of time, and then passing the job along to the next VERY QUALIFIED person.


Those days passed away very quickly.


And the governing of our country passed into the hands of the petty thug, the criminal, what we used to call “robber barons” – street gangs and murderers.


The Federal Reserve Bank is a wonderful example of this.


The “Federal Reserve Bank” – what a great name.  It sounds like a branch of the US Government.  It sounds like we elect people to run it.  It sounds like that there are government teams providing oversight to it.




None of that is true.


The Federal Reserve Bank is a printing press.  That’s it.


And as a printing press, it charges us to print our own money for us.


I “think” the easiest way to under stand what we have fallen for – the con – is to look at it this way.


Let’s say you live in a small town.  You pay town taxes for the Mayor to run things, for the police, the fire department, the hospital, the teams that keep the sewers repaired, the water clean, and the roads mended.


And you can use the office facilities at City Hall whenever you want – you pay for it, so you can use it.


And then one day, the Mayor of your little town passes a law – he uses his POWER as Mayor to pass this law – which means you do not get to vote on it, you don’t get to express an opinion.


The Mayor uses his ‘executive authority” to pass an emergency law.


That law says that no one can use the office facilities at City Hall anymore.


If you want to print out your resume – let’s say you are looking for a new job – you have to use the ONE AND ONLY PRINTING SHOP in town.


The law further goes on to say that NO OTHER PRINTING SHOP is allowed to do business in your little town.  And if you are caught going out-of-town for your printing needs, that is a federal offense, and you will go to prison.


Well, okay.


That doesn’t make any sense to me, but because of the “Hidden Art of the Close mind” I will go along with this law, that makes no sense to anyone.


And because I forgot the magic phrase: “I listen to what you say, I watch what you do” I did not notice that the Mayor is a drunk, a gambler, and a fool – and that all of his debts were paid off, and he was provided alibis for his drunk driving charges by the people who owned the PRINTING SHOP.


So, as a law-abiding citizen, needing your resume printed because you want a better job.


So you go to the one and only PRINTING SHOP in your little town, and ask for ten copies of your resume to be printed out, you want to mail them to employers.


You are then told – certainly, no problem.  You are then over charged for your very simple printing job, and then you are presented with ANOTHER BILL.


This BILL states that any money you make from any job you get as a result of those resumes – you own the PRINTING SHOP FIVE PERCENT OF YOUR INCOME FOR LIFE.






This is the point where you – a good law-abiding citizen still believe that your Mayor has your best interests at heart, although you cannot understand what is happening.


But it’s the law, but it MUST be a mistake.  This is, after all, America.  The land of the free, and the home of the brave.


Those things just do NOT happen here.


You then mail out your resumes, and you get a really good paying job, and you have forgotten all about the really odd contract you were forced to sign with THE PRINTING SHOP – it was so odd that it could NOT have been true.


This is, after all, America.  Those sort of things do NOT happen here.


So now you have a new – a good paying job.  A job that you earned, that you worked hard to get.  You worked for years to reach a certain level of knowledge. Of expertise, and you deserve a good salary for all that hard work.


And then you get a bill.  Not from the PRINTING SHOP – but from your BANK.


Your bank has taken five percent of your salary (its direct deposit) and given it to the PRINTING SHOP.


You are stunned.  You did not think it was possible.  You had convinced yourself that it was some sort of misunderstanding – a joke maybe?


But – no – the bank just stole five percent of your paycheck and GAVE IT TO THE PRINTING SHOP without your knowledge or consent.


You call the bank, they will not talk to you.


You call the Mayor, he will not talk to you.


You have problems – loosing five percent every paycheck – the house needs work, the children need braces, the car needs repairing or you cannot even get to work.


The utility bills go up, the cost of food goes up.


Nothing has changed in the world, other then the fact that the Mayor is still a drunk, still a gambler, and is now signing orders allowing companies to OVERCHARGE for all their services AND making certain that they have NO COMPETITION IN YOUR SMALL TOWN.


And so as your bills go up, and services in town go down, you are getting shorter and shorter of money.


You go back to the PRINTING SHOP, and ask them to print out more resumes, because now you need an even better job.


So they print out more resumes, again reminding you that you will owe them five percent of everything you earn.


You then loose your job – your boss found out that you were planning on leaving anyway.


Now, you discover you have no income, but that five percent of what your WERE making is still being taken out of your bank account every month.


Soon, you have no money left, but you keep going back to the PRINTING SHOP to print out MORE resumes so you can find a job.


And every time you do, you owe them more money.


Soon, you die.  Your heart gives out from the stress.  You can’t afford clean, nutritious, healthy food anymore, and the medicines you were given killed you.


And now what happens?  Your children inherit your debt.


The family home is sold to pay the PRINTING COMPANY, and your children?  Their wages will now be stolen every month until your debt – plus interest and late fees – is paid in full.


But how did your children get their jobs?  By going back to that same PRINTING SHOP and having their resumes printed there as well.


And so, the cycle of debt gets deeper and deeper, and there is no way out.


That is where you and I are today.  The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing but a place that prints out our dollars bills for use.  And for the privilege of printing out our dollar bills for us – the Federal Reserve Bank gets five cents for every dollar they print out for us – in advance.


We are broke before we even start.


That is why today we – the American people – owe the Federal Reserve bank – a privately owned offshore corporation – 14 Trillion dollars.


Because they print our dollar bills for us.


It’s the law.  Signed into effect by a collection of liars and thieves and crooks: a president, a corrupt congress, – they sold us out for their own benefit.


The Forever Asshole – the used car salesman in congress.


The used car salesman in the white house


They sold us out, and never paused, never wavered, and never gave it a second thought.


The question now is: what will you do?


I would suggest that you and one million of your closest personal friends – all with loaded guns in plane sight – remember under the Constitution of the United Sates of America – you have the right to bear arms against all enemies – foreign and domestic should visit Washington DC.


You also have the right as US Citizens to make a Citizens arrest.


And under the RICO ACT – all you have to have is a “suspicion” that someone is doing something ‘illegal’ – the RICO ACT does not require any proof – at which point you can arrest the congress, the Federal Reserve bank, the IRS, the CIA, the TSA, and the president and all his pals, as well as the newly created “Super Congress” – a totally illegal government agency, and put them, on trial.


And you can be paid for you time, by seizing all of their assets, their bank accounts, their trust funds, and paying yourself and those one million close personal friends of yours for their time.


Again, under the RICO ACT – its all legal. Its also just, and its also fair.


The choice is yours.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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