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2011-09-14 - Order in a Jar - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-09-14




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  Order in a Jar







Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “The Forever Asshole” 


Normally I do not like to swear, to use profanity – not for any moral or religious reason – but for the simple truth that swearing degrades us.


So what is the Forever Asshole?


In the simplest possible terms – it’s a used car salesmen – it’s a politician.


Which gets us to the biggest con that we as the people of the United States face today – The Federal Reserve Bank.


The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT “federal” it has no association with the US Government at all.


And its NOT a Bank – its a printing press.  That’s it.


And some time ago, our politicians – the forever assholes – sold the printing of our paper money of our nation to a group of offshore owners – more forever assholes.


Its like living in a small town in the Midwest, and suddenly there is only one PRINT SHOP in town, and the Major has signed an executive order stating that you MUST DO ALL YOUR PRINTING AT THIS ONE PRINT SHOP.


If you go out of town for your printing, you will go to prison.


So you need your resume printed out – you are looking for a new job – and you are forced – by law – to use this ONE PRINT SHOP.


And not only are you overcharged, you are then told that for the rest of your life you own that PRINT SHOP FIVE PERCENT OF ALL THE MONEY YOU EARN.


So – you get a new job – using the resumes that you got printed out – and then you get hit with a notice from your bank that they have stolen FIVE PERCENT of your salary and given it to the PRINT SHOP.


Next the mayor of your little Midwestern town has signed MORE executive orders – and now there is only ONE COMPANY IN TOWN FOR EVERY SERVICE YOU NEED – only gas station, only one grocer store, only one mechanic – and it’s a FEDERAL OFFENSE to go out of town and give your business to anyone else.


No competition – by law – and if you try to get a better price, better service, better quality – you go to prison.


And – of course – all these companies provide rotten service poor quality merchandise, and the prices GO THROUGH THE ROOF.


So now, that Five PERCENT that the bank is stealing from you to give to the PRINT SHOP is really hurting, so you need a better job.


SO where do you go to get more resume sprinted out? That SAME PRINT SHOP – and your back to FIVE PERCENT.


Then you loose your current job – your boss found out you were looking around – and now you have no INCOME – but the BANK is still taking out FIVE PERCENT of your bank account every two weeks to give to the PRINT SHOP.


See, they don’t CARE if you have money coming in our not – you owe them FIVE PERCENT – no matter what.


So, then you die – the stress and the local town doctor – the ONLY DOCTOR YOU ARE LEGALLY ABLE TO GO TO – sells you a whole ‘cocktail’ of drugs – all petroleum based – and they kill you.



And now what happens?  Your children inherit your debt.


The family home is sold to pay the PRINTING SHOP, and your children?  Their wages will now be stolen every month until your debt – plus interest and late fees – is paid in full.


But how did your children get their jobs?  By going back to that same PRINTING SHOP and having their resumes printed there as well.


And so, the cycle of debt gets deeper and deeper, and there is no way out.


That is where you and I are today.  The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing but a place that prints out our dollars bills for use.  And for the privilege of printing out our dollars bills for us – the Federal Reserve Bank gets five cents for every dollar they print out for us – in advance.


We are broke before we even start.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “Order in a Jar”


This is – for the most part – a fairy tale. I cannot point you in an particular direction and say “put you hand on it. Hold it. Read it.”  This is a collection of my own personal experiences – real or imaged – I don’t know – but there is a sad consistency to all of this, so I guess we’d best chat about it, and see where all this goes.


Now we’ve chatted about how the Universe is electrical and generates so much energy we don’t know where it all goes.


Western Scientists – those poor beaten down sad folks who have to think inside of a very small box or loose their paychecks – we decided that 97% of the universe if missing.


They call it “dark matter – since we cannot see it – but if we live inside of a bubble – in fat the entire universe where you and I live is inside of a bubble – a soap bubble – how can anything go missing? There is no place to go?


But you and I do live in a sea of electrical energy – its all around us, and its inside of us.  You and I are electrical.  The cat is electrical.  Your fish dinner is electrical, and because the atoms in all of us, all of these things, vibrate at the same speed – at the same frequency – we can touch each other, hold each other, talk to each other, and not fall through the solid wood floor that we are walking on.


But what is electricity? Ask a scientist – an HONEST scientist – and you will discover that no one really knows


Western Scientists – and actually you and I know – that electricity has something to do with gravity.  Because if you go online to the UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK office you can look up hundreds of “patents” on how to build a working flying saucer.  A flying saucer – ours or someone else’s – is driven by gravity – its call geogravitics – and the gravity comes from the flow of electrical current between the “negative pole” of an object and the “positive” pole.


It’s the same effect as you and I chatted about the other day, and how was the earth physically grows – getting the energy to grow from the center of our own galaxy – the center of our galaxy is broadcasting waves of information I the form of electrical energy a trillion times very second – and as the earth physically grows, it has left the molten core at the center behind, and so now you have a hollow planet with an internal sun.


You and I are held tight against the surface of the earth because the center of gravity is NOT beneath our feet – its above our heads.  And the center of gravity above our heads is pushing us down towards the surface of the earth because of the flow of electrical energy.


Its like using an electromagnetic – its just a piece of harmless metal until you run an electrical charge through it – and then the force of energy is so strong you can pick up a car with it.


So – what is electricity?  Haven’t got a clue.


But its everywhere.



So if electricity is everywhere, and the universe where you and I live is generating massive amounts of electricity energy – where is it all going?


We know that we live – you and I – inside of a bubble – that our universe – our home – is inside of a bubble – a soap bubble, and that outside there is nothingness, except for more soap bubbles.


And we know that from the center of our own galaxy there are transmission of information, of energy – electrical energy in the forms of waves that hit us and everything else in our galaxy trillions of times every second.


And we know that you and I are a part of a living machine right here on our Earth, that you and are radio broadcasting and radio receiving stations – we constantly exchange information with one another, both through radio waves and through physical movements of our bodies, by eye contact, and by speech, and as we talked about the other day, when we speak, there are actually at least two different conversations going on at the same time.


We are speaking forward, as we are now, and as we are consciousness aware of.


But at the same time, thanks to the work of David John Oaks, we now realize that we are also speaking in reverse speech – having what might be a completely different conversation with each other in reverse.


We are inside of an ocean of information, but its not random.


There is an order to our universe, from the atoms in our bodies – a design that is duplicated in the solar system that you and I live in – which in turn is part of a galaxy, which is in turn a part of a universe, all of which lives inside of a soap bubble.


And inside that universe are at least ten different dimensions, other places and other people just like you and me – only different – living in the exact same space at the exact same time, but at different frequencies – the atoms of their bodies vibrate differently then yours and mine, and so there can be dozens, hundred, thousands millions of YOU AND ME in exactly the same space, at exactly the same time, and we will never know one another.


From this point forward I have to classify our chat tonight as a fairy tale, because I ONCE WENT TO A PLACE THAT I CANNOT understand, but I stood there and saw it with my own eyes what I think is “outside” – but I cannot tell you how to get there, but I think I know where it is.


I have had so many odd, bizarre, strange, and mostly hateful things done to me, that I take them in my stride.  To me, it’s a regular day.


But there are things that do stun me – things that perhaps you would not even notice – when someone hurts my feelings because to them it’s a lot of fun.  When someone betrays my trust, someone I thought was a friend, a lover, a pal, but she hurts me because she can.  That sort of thing stuns me to the core of my being.


While on the other hand – I can see whole skyscrapers appear and disappear without battering an eye.  While I can see “REPEATED PEOPLE” come and go on buses and on city streets – to me, that is a regular day.


But someone I like, or that I love – hurting my feelings just because they can?  That damages me forever.


Luckily, along the way I lost the ability to remember most things.  Sadly I still can recall them – the major parts of the story – the thankfully not the individual step-by-step process – that is long buried.


And we never forget anything, you and I are nothing but a collection of experiences and the memories that go with them.  I guess its like layers of cloth, good experiences are seamless and smooth and lay flat, while bad experience leave bad memories, and then the cloth is twisted and pulled, and bulged.  And so it takes years and years of even more experiences, of even more memories before those bad ones are finally covered up, and the cloth is flat again.


Sadly, I have never know a flat clothe. 


This is why- from this point forward – this is a fairy tale.


I “think” I have gone, in one of my endless journeys, one of my walks outside into the universe, I think I discovered one night what the universe is, and I would like your opinion of what I think I saw.


I think that the universe is what it is – an electrical generator.


But I also think it is a computer, a way of storing information.


The ancient peoples here on our world “knew” that the universe contained all knowledge that every was, and that will every exist, and that with the right set of commands – magic spells – you could access that information.


There were once – a few hundred years ago – two Jesuit priests who discovered how to record sounds from the distant past, and to replay moments in our own history The method they used? I never knew, but I tend to believe the story.


The places I have seen with my own eyes during the day – streets ending in parks where the day before that same street joined the main boulevard, a CIRCUIT CITY appearing overnight in what had been the parking lot of a tire shop, stores moving up and down the street overnight.  These are things I have seen when I was awake during the day.


I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, but I will admit to having lots of brain damage – as almost every bone in my body was broken by the families I lived with before the age of five – and the old women who ran these families, these clans did all the beatings, one even broken my arm when they realized I was left handed (the sign of the devil, they said – I try not to laugh when I think about that – on the other hand, they were not devil worshippers – they were just really mean and really stupid) and so the old woman broke my left arm, above the elbow.  And my entire brain had to rewire itself – that must have done a lot of damage, as I am still dyslexic. And I can still feel the place where they broke my arm – I seriously doubt they had a real doctor set the break afterwards.


So yes, I have been very badly damaged, and the CIA mind control experiences and the hatred that went with it murdered whoever I was, whoever I was supposed to be, whoever I might have wanted to me – he’s dead.


Maybe I am dead, but I am just too stubborn, just too plain stupid to realize it.  Too stupid to know that I should just lay down and give up.


But I have seen these things too many times to ignore them, and oh boy I wish that I could.  More then that, I wish they would stop happening.


But one of the paces I went when I was asleep – I stopped dreaming a long time ago – now I just travel – but usually its to one of the other dimensions where we exists all at the same time – and I just watch through someone else’s eyes what is happening in a world very much like this one, but different.


But this time, I left the bottle.  This time, I went outside of the soap bubble and went outside of what holds all the soap bubbles together – I saw, what I “think” was the real world.


It was a world just like this one, but different.  There were people there – just like you and me, and it was a city on a series of green rolling hills.  Looked like a university campus to me – very clean, very pretty.


Nothing unusually at all about any of that – Until I looked up at the sky.


It was hard to miss.


There were no stars.


There was no sky.


There was just patterns of energy, like row after row of ribbon candy.  No clouds, no sun, no moon – just line after line of colorful ribbons – mostly white, but mixed with stripes of red.


The only thing that I can compare it to is “Chaos”. 


A man by the name of Roger Zelany once wrote a series of books called “Amber” and in it that series of books – there were two forces in the universe, competing against one another.


One represented Order – it was called Amber.  The other extreme in the same universe was called the Courts of Chaos.  And in between these two extremes were an infinite number of realities, different dimensions, that – if you knew how, you could travel through.


It sounds a lot like what you and I have chatted about in the past – different realities existing all at the same time, and in the same space, but the farther you and I get away from our HOME dimensions, our HOME realty, the stranger things become.


At one point I “think” I left our soap bubble universe, left the bottle that those soap bubbles are stored inside of – and I saw what the Court of Chaos might have looked like that Roger Zelany described in his books.


Or, I was influenced by this books and I really did just have a dream.


But as always, the facts begin to fall into place.  The pieces of the puzzle fit together in ways that I did not think about. 


Are we inside of a machine?


Are we inside of a machine that creates electrical energy that is used by the people living OUTSIDE – in the real world?


Is our entire soap bubble universe sitting inside of a glass jar on a table in a university campus lab somewhere?


Does that machine also train students – allowing us all to live one entire lifetime in a single afternoon? Or, are we just an accident – a side effect that no one could have predicted?


We are just microbes that nobody noticed.


Is a god a computer program?


Or is god a computer glitz?


Are our Masters nothing more then a computer virus?  Or worse yet, a hacker’s idea of a practical joke? Or – like us – are they just an accident?  A side effect that has nothing to do with the real goal of the experiment – a mistake?


Or did someone create a laboratory experiment to create life?


There was one experiment – I do not remember the details – where a western scientist did an experiment with electricity inside of a vacuum chamber, I forget the details – but without the scientist doing anything, the particles inside of the electrically charged vacuum chamber took on the shape of a spiral galaxy – identical in design to the spiral galaxy you and I live in right now.


What if, unknown to that scientist – he also created life?


You and I know that to create life – all you need is water, some burnt grass clippings from your front lawn, and a battery with a couple of wires.  Mix the burnt grass clippings – carbon – into to the water and pass an electrical charge through the water – and over nightlife will form all on its own.


What if God – Alamack, is a college student, and she pumped the air out of a sealed chamber, filled with electricity, water and carbon, and life began – you and me.


And what if she invited her girlfriend to help her with that same experiment – Yahweh. 


They had a lover’s quarrel and spilt up.


And they then had a quarrel over the direction the experiment should go,– but had to continue to work together since they know had the same college lab experiment they had to work on and to finish together


WHAT if everything that you and I are experiencing is as accident?  What if they finally realized that they had created life – you and me – and are now fighting over us – over who will control us?  Over who will make those life and death decisions for us – those of use who are trapped inside a Petri dish?


I don’t know.


But this is where the trail goes when I look at the pieces of the puzzle, and start putting them together.


Not where I expected to go – not at all.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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