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2011-09-20 - The People - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-09-20




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  The People






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “Damaged Goods”– about how our Masters created ‘artificial children’ – grown inside of a laboratory, mixed up inside of a Petri dish, and then under Black Magic Satanic Ritual, these embryos are placed into the wombs of willing women – women who are already pregnant and more then willing to allow their own children to be butchered inside of their own wombs and to have this ‘artificial children’ implanted inside of the slaughtered remains of their murdered children = for money, for power, for status.


In my own case, the woman who volunteered her womb for this was already pregnant with her first daughter – and being a closet lesbian – she really wanted a daughter.  I guess they lied to her – not surprisingly – because I was born instead of a replacement daughter.  And so she hated me even more.


And for the woman?  Her family had all the money and power they wanted – as much as street trash could understand what real power means, but the experiment disfigured her body – again our Masters did not mention this side-effect to her – and again, another reason for this woman to hate me.  She was personally responsible for breaking most of the bones in my body before the age of five.


She did finally have that ‘natural’ daughter that she wanted, and that sweet little girl finally overthrew her own mother and became the leader of their gang, their tribe – and the only way you can become the leader of street trash is to be the worst of the worse.


I had always thought that the reason for these experiments was to create psychic super soldiers – sex slaves – genetically modified trusted servants for a whole variety of projects.  I am now seeing that was only half of the goal – the other half was to learn how to hurt people more effectively – and on a massive – worldwide scale.


Our Masters plan on having only 500 million of us left over AFTER the Event – but there are seven billion of us now, and the Event in the past has wiped out almost everyone – to the point there were barely a few hundred people left on the surface of the world.


So where does the 500 million figure come from?


If I were to guess – and that’s what you and I are doing here, trying to guess what is going on based on what very little that we know – I would then have to “guess’ and say that our Masters have actually built some underground cities for US!


They NEED to preserve a handful of us – and 500 million out of seven billion is a BIG handful – but again – only for their own purpose.


So what is their purpose?


You and I now know that quantum entanglement – physics – means that when you hate someone, you become the thing that you hate.


And if our Masters WERE TO REVEL TO THE WORLD WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO US – not just now, but for the last few thousand years – I can safely ‘bet’ that the whole human race would turn on them and HATE THEM forever.


Now, what would happen if our Masters not only agreed to restore all our stolen wealth, but to give us technology that would restore our world? 


The condition – of course – is that we leave them alive.  And not just alive, but they get to retain all their personal wealth.


Can you imagine?  A crook breaks into your home – robs you – rapes your children – butchers your children – steals your bank accounts – robs you of your job – leaves you broken, alone, penniless and starving in the streets – but NOW?  You get your life back, and you HAVE to think of your family and the children you still have – but you get back everything that was yours in the first place – but the condition is that you have to leave the monsters untouched alive and wealthy.




But why?


Not only will our Masters give us our world back (just before the Event flips the Earth end for end), give us our money back, give us our lives back, but also gives 500 million of us someplace to hide from the Event – to survive.


Can you imagine?


The monsters reveal everything they have done to us, done to our world, and then they save 500 million of us – and we will HATE THEM FOREVER.


And since under the science of quantum entanglement we will become that which we hate – we will then willing give ourselves over to our Masters – with our own hate.


Of our own free will, we will serve them


The Christian Messiah, Jesus (and we will talk about him someday – nice man, all his teachings were taken by our Masters and used against us) who said “turn the other cheek.”


He understood quantum entanglement – he KNEW that hate is very powerful, and how hate will enslave you of your own free will.


And so tonight I thought we might chat about “The People”and how throughout our history – or at least the last 8,000 years that we know about – whenever you talk about any group of people – a tribe or a nation of human beings – no matter what they call themselves, the name of their nation, or the name of their tribe – it always means the same thing in their language – “The People.”


It means that “we” are People – and that everyone else is NOT.


Our Masters know this about us, and use it against us with great effect.


But we always fail to ask the most basic questions:









Any newspaper reporter, any journalist will recognize this list.  Any halfway descent screenwriter or novelist will also recognize this list.


A good storyteller has to answer all these questions to make the story interesting.


The reporter – the honest reporter – has to answer all these question to get to the heart of the story.


So let’s try it.


We have been told for thousands of years that the Jews are the “Chosen People.”


Now I can tell you – right here and now, that “yes” the Jews are indeed the Chosen People.  I have no doubt about it.


But have you every asked the question: “chosen for what?”


I think I know the answer, and like most of the things I know, its not good.


Now our Masters hate the Jews – in fact, our MASTERS hate the Jews more then they hate any other race of human beings on this planet.  Why? I have no idea.


All I know is that our Masters have a plan to blame the Jews for all the murders, the wars, the butchery, the hatred, the cowardly hateful acts of murder they have been committed against the entire world for how many years I don’t know.


How will they do this?


By pretending that they themselves – our masters – are Jews.  And in the name of the Jewish people our Masters have been committing acts of Satanic hatred that we cannot even face – not even in the light of day – satanic hatred that goes beyond gibbering madness, that goes beyond any kind of “human” concepts you and I can imagine.


Raping children?  Well, we can imagine that, as sick and ugly as that is – I grew up with the street trash, the CIA street scam that raped children as a regular activity, something that they were entitled to do because of who they served – the CIA and then the mandarins, and then our Masters. 


Boot lickers, morons, flitch always emulated their “betters” – they think it makes them “masters” themselves.  It doesn’t as they find out eventually.


So they rape our children, pretending to be Jews.  A


Next, there are Black Magic Satanic Rituals that need to be preformed, and a freshly raped child is ideal for their purposes.


I am so sorry to say these things to you, but you have to face what our masters really are, or we are all lost, and not just for now, but forever.


After they have raped our children, and these are VERY young children, they cut the skin away from their bodies, from their backs, and they tear out pieces of their flesh with their teeth.


At this point our children are still alive.


And then?  They are finally killed – when they are no longer “fun” – and their blood is spilled over ritual alters, alter stones, dedicated to the worship of their god.


It does not matter if you or I believe that Satan exists – our Masters believe it.


So, our Masters, pretending to be Jews, eat our children.  This is a story I heard from one of the US Army Air Corps Intelligence morons I grew up with – he really believed that “Jews” ate “Christian babies” – and I am equally certain that he knew more about this – first hand.


They were NOT Jews – they were pretending to be Jews, so that the Jews would get the blame for all these horrors.


But they do eat our children – one of their own slaves admitted it to me.  Its amazing what CIA assets, CIA agents have told me over the course of my time on this world – they are so stupid it defines the imagination.


Eating our children alive is only one of their horrors – the horrors we all know is war – they love war.  Our Masters love war against the weak, the helpless, the hopeless, and the defensive less.


Our Masters love to attack and to destroy anyone leader of any country that actually wants to make their country better – which means, make their countries free of our Masters.


The USA is murdering people in Libya right now – why?  The were going to print their own paper money.  They were demanding to be paid for their oil with a currency that was backed by gold.  Their leader was building a project to desalinize seawater and turn their desert into a paradise.


All things that our Masters hate.


But the Jews?  The Chosen People?  Our Masters hate them worst of all.


And so our Masters created Israeli – by stealing it from the Palestine who were already living there – in peace.


But why?  If our Masters hate the Jews so much, why give them a homeland of their own?


Ask the Israeli people.  25% of the entire population of Israeli is protesting the horrors of their government.  Our Masters rule there, as they rule the United States and England.


And what better place to put every Jew on earth – and make them a target for every act of horror that our Masters have committed in their names?


One nuclear bomb – and Israeli is gone, and our Masters will have had their revenge on their ancestral enemy.


So “yes” – the Jews are the Chosen People.  They were Chosen by our Masters to be the “fall guy” in their con against the people of the world – rob us, rape us, murder us, and blame the Jews for it all.


So, next time, ask: who, what, where, when, why, and how. And then answer the question for yourself.


But I have to warn you – thinking is habit forming.  And the more questions you ask, the more questions you WILL ask.


The other race of human beings that have been singled o tar the Aryan People.  We have been told that the Aryan People are the “Master Race.”


Again, I can tell you now that this is absolutely true.


And again, I would ask: “masters” of what?


Well, we know that our Masters eat children, babies.  But did you every stop to wonder if they do indeed really prefer “Christian babies.”


We all have our favor meats: Lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, fish, pork – after thousands of years of eating human beings, would you not think that they might prefer a specific type of human being?


I am not joking.  I am not kidding.  I wish I was.


But what if our Masters had a taste not for “Christian babies” but for blonde, blue eyed, fair skinned babies.


Aryan babies.


What if, our Masters unending war against “people of color” – people who are NOT white, fair skinned blue eyed, and blonde, has a different reason?


Have you every wondered why the United States, England, and Israeli (the real axis of evil) really hate anyone who is black, or Asian?


Look at the places, look at the countries that the United States has been attacking for no reason lately: Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan.  Its true they al have oil (but then again, so do we – oil is a natural byproduct of the natural function of our planet – oil basically just seeps up out of the ground everyplace – we never had any “need” to go overseas for oil – there is enough oil in a 400 mile square section of Alaska to last the needs of the United States for the next 200 years – and it keeps refilling itself!) and poppies, but what they have lots of are dark skinned people.  Not a blonde anywhere.


So why kill off ALL the dark skinned people of the planet?


If you are looking for only 500 million people to survive the Event – people who will hate our masters so much (remember the concept of quantum entanglement – you become what you hate) and you prefer the taste of Aryan blood of Aryan meat, then you want the only survivors to be the ones you want.


You want to eat.


What a ridiculous thing to say.


It does not make it any less true.


So, yes, the Jews are the Chosen People – chosen to take the blame for everything our Masters have done to us.  To be the fall guys in a con that has taken in the entire world.


And yes, the Aryans are the Master Race.  I was going to say if you were thinking the “Aryan Master Chef Race” – the cooking show – but I am trying not to use my usual “nail in the coffin humor” – but I see no way out of this bad joke, or out of this conclusion.


It gets back to the concept of: “The People” – which means that you and I are “people” and anyone outside of our Tribe are NOT people.


They are animals.  To be hunted, to be eaten.


When the Maori left Polynesian and found New Zealand – they found already living there a race of white skinned, red-haired people at Aetrora (New Zealand) and this educated, spiritual people taught the Maori art, science, culture.


But then, when the Maori ran our of meat – there were large flightless birds like dodo’s – emus – that they ate into extensive – the Maori turned to the next available source of red meat – their teachers: the white skinned, red-haired gentle souls who had taught them.


Next, the Maori started eating each other – well, not really – because one Maori tribe would go to war against another Maori tribe – and since they were not of “The People” they were not really Maori, not really people./


The very first Maori word I learned as “paraparaumu” – which I was told by a very friendly taxi driver meant – “dirty oven.” Seems that when one Maori tribe went to war against another, the women of the tribe were assigned the task of dragging in the corpses of dead enemy warriors, and to put them directly into the ovens to be cooked – whether they were completely dead at the time or not.


But it was okay – they were NOT of “The people.”


When English bankers hired sailors to go to Africa to bring salves back to the United States – those sailors NEVER hunted for black slaves in Africa – instead they brought slaves from one tribe who captured and ate their neighbors – because their neighbors – even though they were black themselves – were not part of their tribe.


They were NOT of “The People.”


This is repeated throughout our human history and it has nothing to do with our Masters – as far as I can tell.  Its all us.


And it happens today, on the most basic levels.


Having no family of my own I have been “adopted” into various real families over the years.


I will tell you now that being made a member of a black American family means something REAL.  Black folk take family very seriously, and I have never been turned out of any of the black families that I am a part of.


White folks, well, they seem to universally have problems. When “white” families have made me a part of the family, and even after I have been a member of the family for some time, contributed money and time and effort into the family, the moment there is even a hint, a thought, a possibility of some financial problem or issue, I find myself tossed out the door so fast I never knew what happened.


I was not, after all, of “The People.”


Normally people like me would join a gang – you join a gang for mutual protection – against the government, against the people who robbed you, who turned you out into the street, or against other gangs.  You then form your own “tribe” and you are then “Of the People.”


In the United States, there are thirteen ruling families – I wrote a screenplay about this called “Martini Street” back in early 1980’s – it never sold because the idea of just 13 families owning the entire United States was “unbelievable – where today there is the Super Congress – which has thirteen seats on – each seat representing one of the thirteen ruling families who own the United States.


You can look this up online.  Check out how FEMA has divided the United States into thirteen regions.


Then, check our how the Vatican, the Catholic Church has divided the United States into thirteen regions.


Those two maps match each other exactly.


So, you and I are NOT of the “The People” at least, not so far as our Master think of us.


We are cattle, and even as cattle, we turn on each other.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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