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2011-09-21 - How long can you tread water? - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-09-21




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  How long can you tread water?






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “The People”–  and how throughout our 8,000 years of recorded history (out of the 2.5 billion years that we have actually been on this Earth) we are forever dividing ourselves from our each other.


MY tribe are PEOPLE – you are not.


Since you are NOT part of my Tribe – and my Tribe are People – then you are not “people” and we can do anything we want to you.


Every tribal name throughout our history, every nation, every State – no matter the language spoken – the name of that tribe, that gang, that group means – in their own language – “The People.”


It means that “we” are People – and that everyone else is NOT.


Our Masters have the same outlook on us – we are NOT “the Masters” and therefore we are NOT people – we are cattle


And because of this, we separate, we isolate ourselves from each other, and our Masters know this about us and use it to their advantage.


“Divide and Conquer” is a concept our masters have down to a science.


In the United States, our master have turned women against men, and in defense, men have turned against women.  Hard to have a society, to have a culture where women actively hate men – and blame men for all the thins that have been done to them by that society.

The fact that men have all lived through the exact same experiences means nothing – I know, I have tried to explain this to women numerous times – and was ignored.


I have lost jobs because I refused to have sex with my boss – both male and female.  When I was with NASA at Caltech, I lost my job because I refused to have sex with my female boss – and when I tried to file charges against her at the Ombudsman’s office (staffed entirely by women) the woman in charge told me to forget it – no one would believe me, and no one would care.  She herself was quitting the job in disgust.


Things began to change in the United States as I was finally giving up and fleeing – younger women were turning away from the concepts of hate, but too late to do me any good.


But we segregate ourselves from ourselves. Why?


Our Masters turn us against each other with what amount to “black magic satanic humor” – demon worshippers who like to rib us with their version of “comedy.”


The Jews – our Masters tell us – are the Chosen People.  But they do not bother to mention that the Jews were the Chosen People for a reason – our masters have set the Jews up to be the “fall guy” in their war against the human race, and have set up the Jewish people to take all the blame.


The Aryans – our Masters tell us – are the Master Race. But what they did not mention to us – again, there is that Black Magic Satanic sense of humor – that they prefer white skinned, blue eyed, blonde human beings – not because they are genetically superior to any other race on the planet, but because they taste good.


I am not laughing.


The greatest fear our Masters have is that you and I will wake up – wake up from our food additive induced comas and see our Masters for what they really are – nothing.


At best they are nothing.  At worst – they are parasites.


And if we should happen to stand together as one People against our Masters, our Masters would be gone in a day.


But we will need a name.  Human beings are big on naming things, themselves included.  How about “The Human Race” – its kinda catchy, I think.


And so tonight I thought we might chat about “How Long Can you Tread Water?”

There were three highlights, three bright points in my time as a child.


One was Star Trek – the original series

The other was Doctor Who


It was the only place where I was people being nice to one another.  It was the only place that I saw intelligence being of some value – rather then rewarding cruelty and stupidity as the height of human achievement.


Because of these two TV shows – I KNOW that television can be a force for good – it was the only place where I learned anything about kindness, or love, or compassion, or the values of human decency.


Technology is the same – technology is supposed to make all our lives better, but our masters turn it against us, make it some nasty and mean and small – just like they are.


And the third – Bill Cosby. I had several record albums of Mr. Bill Cosby’s comedy routines, and was on the floor every single time, listening to this really great comedians talk.


One of his routines was where God was talking to Noah, trying to convince him to build an Ark.  It is a classical and I highly recommend you going on lien to iTunes or Amazon and buying a copy for yourself.  Truly classic comedy.


God is asking Noah – “How Long can you tread water?”


But I was thinking about this wonderful comedian, and how his comedy routines brighten my day, just as Star Trek and Doctor Who taught me that intelligence was a good thing, and being kind to others was NOT a weakness, and that cruelty was not necessary for any reason.


But I was reminded of Mr. Bill Cosby “Treading Water” comedy sketch, and I though to myself, has anyone just walked through what “The Event” will mean to you and me?


And I do apologize to Mr. Bill Cosby for using his wonderful work as a basis for my rather horrible review of our near future, but I cannot think of another way of expressing this concept.


No matter what form The Event takes, it seems to be here.


All over the world, people are hearing SONIC BOOMS – but they cannot see anything in the sky.  My guess is that pieces of rock, little pieces of rock have started to rain down out of the sky, and since they are very small they burn up before hitting the ground.  They explode when they get really hot, and that is the sound that people are hearing.


Now our world – and all the worlds in our solar system have been experiencing the effects of this dead brown dwarf star getting closer to the plane of our solar system,


Even our masters news agencies – CNN and the BBC have admitted that there IS a dead brown dwarf star out there, and its very close.  CNN says its outside the orbit of Pluto.  The BBC says that it is already in the plane of our solar system.


Either way, it will approach the Earth from our Southern Pole, which is why the Vatican, the Catholic Church built a telescope all their own – called Lucifer – at the South Pole, and contrary to standard scientific practice, will allow NO OTHER ASTRONOMERS inside the facility.  This is very bizarre, as there is a camaraderie between scientists – they visit each other’s telescopes, they openly share all their data – not so with the LUCIFER Telescope at the South Pole.


People in New Zealand have being seeing he “red dot” in the sky for several years now, and they are about as far south as you can get, unless you are in Argentina or Chile.


NASA itself issued a message to all its employees the other day – you can find the video on YouTube, warning their employees to BE PREPARED on a major disaster.


And what will really happen?  I don’t know for certain, but it will change everything we know about our world.


The two major choices seem to be:


1) The dead brown dwarf star is SO much bigger then our Earth, and because the universe is electrical in nature, there will be a “short circuit” between the planets as the dead brown dwarf star passes through the plane of our solar system, passes between our Earth and out Sun.  That “short circuit” will cause planetary lightening – bolts of lightening to leap from planet to planet.  You can see this in cave painting all over the world – people hiding in caves as lightening rained down on the earth like water.


Because the universe is electrical in nature, and because each planet, each moon carries its own unique electrical charge, and because electricity generates a magnet field, the dead brown dwarf star – as it passes between the earth and the sun, will cause the earth to flip end-for-end – like putting a backspin on a billiard ball.


The earth’s magnetic field has been going down and down for thousands of years, and the only way you can cause a magnet field to go DOWN, is to put an even BIGGER magnet near it.


The earth’s magnet field 1,000 years ago was 4.0 gauss – today, its is barely .04 gauss – and NO, I don’t know what a gauss is – you will have to look that up.


The earth is already in the process of “flipping” true north and magnetic north have been moving away from each other faster and faster over the last few years – major international airports have been forced to repaint their runways – all international runways are painted with the compass headings they match so pilots are certain that they are landing on the correct runway.


So if the earthy flips end-for-end – the ice sheet that covers Antarctica is – in paces – 5,000 feet thick, and its bigger then all of North America and Western Europe combined.


If the earthy flips, that sheet of ice will be left behind – ice is kinda slippery – and suddenly it will find itself with nothing to stand on – it will find itself positioned over the open ocean.


Have you ever dropped an ice cube into a full glass of water?  The water has to go somewhere – and since the ice is now taking the place of the water – and the ice is not going to move too fast – the water looses and leaps out of your glass, spilling all over the place.


The same thing will happen at the South Pole, suddenly all that water is going to have to go somewhere – as the ice as suddenly dropped DOWN.


And that much ice?  Well, that is going to create a wave of water.  It will be moving VERY fast, and as it moves its going to get very, very tall, very, very quickly.


How tall?


Well, there is an ancient city – well, actually its not a city, it’s a field of stones that someone built a very long time ago – thousand of years ago – at least.  The Romans found it – 5,000 feet up in the mountains of Lebanon, in a valley.  It was a million square feet of solid stones – stones that are so big you and I have no idea how they could have been cut, or even moved, let alone put into place to create a flat field of stones one million square feet in size.


This platform was so impressive, so stable, and so strong that the Romans actually build their largest city on top of it.


If you go there – Baalbeck in Lebanon, you will find that in this valley at the 5,000 foot level, you will see where whoever built this stone platform got their stone – some weighting 2,500 tons – from one end of the valley.


Somehow they carved these stones, weighing thousands of tons, moved them to the other end of the valley, and build this platform – and no one knows how it was done.


You and I with all our technology could not do it.


But its there, and its been there fort a very long time.


The reason I mention how big and strong and unmoving and impossible Baalbeck is – its because way up in the mountains of Lebanon, way up there 5,000 feet above sea level, there is this immovable platform of stones – and it has a water mark.


It has a mark where LOT of water once was, and where it stayed for a very long time.  Its hard to mark stones with water like that.


So – how tall will this wave be?  A wave created by dropping all that ice that was sitting on top of the South Pole suddenly into the water?  At least 5,000 feet tall, or its moving so fast that it reached the ancient stone platform at Baalbeck and left a water mark on it.


And since most of the cities of our world are built on the coast, it is safe to say that they will all be gone.


Mexico City will survive – its way up in the mountains, but right now our Masters are supplying guns to the Mexico drug lords – it was even in the mainstream newspapers which is very odd – and so are trying to destroy the Mexican government.  Why? To control the city?  I do not know.


Other smaller cities in the mountains will survive – like Denver, Colorado – a place filled on the surface and under the ground with US military bases.  I was once at a NASA convention at Estate Park, Colorado, and we had to fly into and out of Denver to get there – a really creepy place – at least, I thought so.


2) The bits of rock that are currently raining down on our planet will start to get bigger the closer the dead brown dwarf star gets to us – and the bigger these rocks are, the more likely it is they will survive until they hit something – you and me – and hit the earth.


And they will get bigger as time passes, and they will be really hot, burning rock, and since the dead brown dwarf star is approaching the plane of our solar system from our Southern Pole, those rocks will mostly be falling in the southern Hemisphere – which means – the Ice sheet.


And the ice sheet will start melting – especially if even one REALLY big rock hits it.


So what does that mean to you and me?


It means that instead of ice suddenly failing into the ocean and causing a HUGE wave, ice will melt and “sorta slowly” will drain into the ocean.


And what will the sea levels do?


They will rise.


So imagine, you are in say – Los Angeles – and the ocean water starts to rise.  What does this mean to you?


Just for the fun of it, find a tall building, get into an elevator – a lift – and go up to the 12th floor – I am no architect but I am guessing that if you find an outside window and stand there, looking out over the city – where your toes are would be about 300 feet above the ground – again, this is something you will have to look up for yourself.


But just imagine that where your toes are pointing is where the ocean will be – very, very soon.  Now, look down.  What will be covered by the water?


All the roads will be covered.  All the houses in the valleys below will be gone.  The electrical wires will be buried in water, no fresh water will get into the city, and the sewers will openly flow upwards towards the surface where your toes are.


And so, let’s say you can see the water levels rising. As you watch the water starts to move inland.  What do you and 30 million other people who live in the Los Angels Basin (and Los Angeles sits in a basin – at the foot of the mountains, locked tight up against the sea) going to do?


You are going to get into your cars, get on the freeway, and – go nowhere.  At the best of times the Los Angeles freeways are blocked – but when everyone tries to leave Los Angels at the same time?  No one will get out.


They will not even be able to drive to the Valley – which is only (I’d guess) about one hundred feet above sea level.


You will be able to see the seawater rising.  You will be able to walk away from it.  You might – if you can find a place to drive – you might be able to drive away from it.


But you and millions and millions of other people in your city will all have the same idea – at the same time.


How long can you tread water?


Sadly, not very long at all. And you car was never meant to float.


Let’s say you were one of the lucky ones – you got out of town in time – with just the clothes on your back and your wallet in your pocket.


What do you do now.


FEMA has stated – over and over again – that in the event of an emergency, you are on your won – FEMA will NOT be there to help you.  You can look this up online.


Now, if you happened to have stored away supplies in your car – you panned ahead – do NOT let the local cops find out – Obama passed a law that says you will go to prison if you are found “hoarding.”


So, – FEMA will not help you, and if you help yourself you will go to prison.


Now what do you do?


You need cash.  The ATMs will not work.  Why?  Their Internet connections were routed through the major hubs in the city you just escaped from – the city that is now under 300 feet of water.  The ATMs will not work.


Let’s say you find a bank that will give you cash – where will you spend it?


Supermarkets do NOT have storage warehouses anymore – they depend on daily deliveries by truck – using roads that are now under water.


If you are lucky enough to belong to CostCo – you might stand a chance.  But again, you and millions of other people will have the same ideas – get what you can while you can.


And there will always be – in the back of your mind from this point forward – a fear of the ocean.


There are tribes in South America that live at the top of very high mountains, and they refuse to come down.  Why? Because they very clearly remember the last time the Earth flipped, the waters rose, and their ancestors escaped into the mountains – and to this day they live in fear of the ocean- I know how they feel.


So, let’s say that again – you are one of the lucky ones.  You make it to CostCo, get food and supplies, and even get fuel for your car, now what?


Well, if you are a normal human being, and have just been scared out of your mind by the sight of the ocean swallowing your home, and drowning bodies cover the sea for as far as you can see – you head for the mountains.


And up until now you have not really seen any cops – as the police are home – taking care of their own families. 


But the closer you get to real mountains, the more military you will find – and they will NOT let you up into the mountains.


Why?  The US government has already by this time – and its September 2011 – claimed all the highest mountains ranges for themselves and for their servants – in this case military personal who will shoot you dead if you try and save yourself.


So now what?


I do not know.


How long can you tread water?


Which is why I fled the United States some time ago.  I knew no one would listen, until it was too late, and not even then.


I still have friends in the United States who have lost everything – their jobs, then lost their homes in foreclosure, then lost all their belongings, and still – to this very day -  they will not believe to a word I say to them.


They will NOT save themselves – no matter what.


And I have no idea why.


What will you do?


You have free will, no matter what our Masters say.


And anyone who tells you that you do NOT have free will, do not have the right to choose for yourself – they are your enemy, and they hate you.


Just turn your back, and walk away, if I may suggest.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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