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2011-09-23 - The Zombie Effect - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-23




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: The Zombie Effect






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “How Long Can You Tread Water” –  which was the title of one of my childhood favorite comedians – Mr. Bill Cosby really excellent sketch – where God is talking to Noah, trying to convince him to build an Ark.  Noah, figuring that his neighbors are playing a joke on him, will not fall for the gag – and then, it starts raining.


There were only three places in my life as a small child where I saw kindness as a way of live.  Where I saw intelligence as something to be valued.  Where I experienced happiness – just by being there.


Two of those places were television shows, and the other was in my record albums of the comedy routines of Mr. Bill Cosby.


The original Star Trek, and a British children’s show called Doctor Who.  It was where the strong were also intelligent, and compassionate, and were kind – when there was no advantage for them to be any of those things.


All I every knew was hate, hate for the sake of hate.  I started working for the families – the tribes – the gangs – I was placed with when I was five years old.


I found myself a box to stand on and started teaching myself to cook – I cooked breakfast for the tribe that I was with (having just been dumped in the street outside by my “family” and left to die), and I taught myself how to cook.


And as I watched these “tribes” of low level CIA street thugs, US Army Air Corps Intelligence street trash, I thought I must be insane.  Everything they did made no sense to me – and I mentioned this too many times, and I never linked the fact that I had spoken out loud about something that I had seen with my own eyes – to having another bone broken or being beaten into unconsciousness.


I figured that I must be crazy – because there were more of them then there was of me – so, majority wins.


And so for me two television shows taught me humanity.  So I KNOW that television can be a forced for good.


And one comedians taught me the joy of laughter.


And so tonight I thought we might chat about “The Zombie Effect” and you can call this mind control.  You can call this social engineering.  In the mid 1960’s it was called the Manchurian Candidate.


The place I saw the most successful work of our Masters, the CIA, is New Zealand.


New Zealand was custom made for their experiment.  I am certain they must call it something like” Operation: New Zealand” or “Project: New Zealand” – but again, it doesn’t matter what it was called, it has worked very well, and it is doing exactly what it was meant to do: make money, centralize power, and hurt people.


I was so tired of being in the United States of American, Incorporate, I just wanted to leave, and so I looked around the world for a better place, a good place, to live.


I checked out Australia, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Belize, any number of places, and I finally settled on Australia.


There were a verity of factors for my decision – not the least of which I only spoke English, and not that well even, but I wished – and still do – that I had a capacity for languages, as there were countries I really was interested din – several in South America, Japan, and Asia.


But, Australia seemed – at the time – to be a good choice. Except for the fact that Australia as more poisonous, dangerous, and deadly creates then the whole rest of the world combined – and its mostly desert.


I grew up in the desert, and hate the desert.  Yes, its okay to hate a desert, or rather to say that the idea of being in the desert again makes me ill.


But then, I heard about New Zealand – the most dangerous thing on New Zealand were Hobbits.


And then as I investigated, I read about evergreen forests, and beautiful wildlife, and an environmentally aware government that wanted to preserve nature.  I read about how there was a college on every street corner, and that the average New Zealander was the highest educated people in the world.


That, and the fact they were desperate for high end professional sin all industries as their own professionals were leaving for bigger countries, and bigger pay.


And finally, they were friendly, and welcoming to all strangers, and all foreigners were welcome as family.


Wow.  Highly educated?  A country run by highly experienced professional people?  Eco-friendly?  And the people were friendly?


Wow again.


So I talked to people there for six years – even made a trip down in 2003 where I managed to ignore all the realities of the situation completely – I was desperate to be around REAL people.


Well, that and the fact that beautiful girls in Auckland were stopping me in the street to talk to me – being from the States I just assumed they were on drugs, or drunk, or were going to pull a night on me for my wallet – it was not until I was on the airplane heading back to hell, sorry the United States – when it dawned on me that no – they were just being women…


Wow again.


I was sold.


And so I ignored all the VERY obvious holes in the stories I was being told – I ignored the unbelievable violence I read about in the 14 days that I was there (I was from Los Angels and New York – we loose seven people every second – it took one entire week for 7 New Zealanders to be butchered in their home sin one suburb in one week over a drug deal that had gone bad), and again, I was desperate to be someplace where people would be nice, and were highly educated, management were professionals, and they were looking to build a future!


Of course, I found out that all of that were lies, and I paid for my ignorance by loosing everything in the world that I treasured or loved – 


I put the pieces together – it took three years but I finally figured out what was going on, and even though its hard for me to give up, to admit defeat, I fled – once again – from a place I thought was home – because I was wrong.


Among the things I discovered was that the top 65 New Zealand based corporations and the New Zealand government pay 1 million dollars a month to an international advertising agency to represent this image of New Zealand to the world.


Luring innocent professional people to their doom is just an added bonus – an entertaining side benefit – the real reason that is million dollar a month campaign is spread all over the world is to give New Zealand the cover for its real purpose – to lauder money.


It’s a very well executed scheme, and many international corporations, and lots of smaller international investors use it very successfully – its very profitable if you are at the top of the food chain.  But for guys like me – at the bottom – it’s a disaster.


And its trapped hundreds of high end professional and their families – people I know personally – trapped them there in poverty.  Others stay because they still think they can make a difference.


There is one man from Colombia who has been there for 30 years – an architect, his wife and their daughter – and to this day he still believes that he can make it in New Zealand.  They have nothing, they are shunned and hated and despised by the New Zealanders, but they live in hope.


But The Zombie Effect is alive and well in New Zealand.


Manchurian Candidate

Social Engineering

Mind Control


One night at the Southern Cross – a friend dragged me to a screening of Zeitgeist – 50 people like puppets on a string, marionettes on a mechanical pole, all swiveled their heads to look at me, their heads tilted at the same exact angle, with the same blank unthinking, unfeeling look on their faces – like their faces had been painted onto them – all the same unconscious expression.


I thought my friend, who was standing right next to me was going to scream – it’s a very natural reaction a normal human being would have when confronting a room filled with zombies.


And it was like a scene out of a zombie horror movie – expect for the part where they would have stood up and tried to eat our brains.


But they were zombies, pre-programmed to shut down when confronted with reality – of any kind.


And just like I experienced here in Europe, my rational mind knew that my soul mate, and her lover, her girlfriend were enjoying hurting me – because they could – my spirit, my emotions my soul just could NOT understand why they would do it.


And its that break between the rational thinking reasoning mind and the emotional spirit, the soul (sorry to be using these kind of words) that allows us to be programmed.


To be true cattle.


After my little speech there at the Southern Cross, the zombies – the New Zealand audience – again, just like 50 puppets all on the same strong, like 50 marionettes with the same metal rod attached to a winch, swung around to face the front of the room again.  My friend who had dragged me to the meeting was too sacred to even react.


Not that I blame him.  Thinking back on it today, I am very impressed that he did NOT scream out in terror like a little girl – if I had been normal I would have done the exact same thing.


It was terrifying – for him.  For me? It was just another day.


I am wondering that I can speak to anyone at all anymore – I seem to experience things, to have things happen to me – done to me – that no one else seems to experience – or to notice.  Maybe they do – I suspect they do – but NORMAL people just ignore it – just so they can get through the day.


But again, that gets us back to mind control.


“You did nothing wrong”

“I listen to what you say. I watch what you do”



And then there was the last Star Trek convention – party that I every went to.


I had been introduced to the son of Gene Roddenberry – the man who created Star Trek, and he included me in a documentary he was making about his Father.  I got to finally say “thank you” to Mr. Roddenberry for making my life better.


But what I discoeverd immeadiety on arriving at this “closing party” for “Star Trek – Enterprise” was that I spoke the wrong language – and because of that, I was not welcome.

Different forms of English – if you do NOT speak their version of English – you are WRONG – YOU DO NOT BELONG – YOU ARE THE ENEMY


The people of New Zealand – and when I speak of New Zealand and of the New Zealand people – I am speaking only about the ones who are still there – most of the New Zealand population has fled the country over the last 40 years – the best and the brightest leave as soon as they are able – its only those who have family ties who do not leave – those, and the morons.


The morons – those who run the country for whoever owns New Zealand – they stay because they know how useless they are.  They know that in a real world environment they would be seen for what they truly are.  And even today, some of the morons themselves are fleeing New Zealand – even they can see what they have done to their own country – I encountered one in Prague – he had conned his way to become the country manager for an international recruiting company – and his staff were puzzled, mystified, and terrified of him.  You and I have chatted about that before.


So when I say that New Zealand is the most programmed, most socially engineering country I have ever seen I am talking about those who are still there, trapped for one reason or another.


And even though they are beautifully controlled – ask 100 New Zealanders the same questions and I PERSONALLY KNOW FOR A FACT that you will get the exact same answer – ask five people in Germany the same questions and you will get five completely different answers – even though the New Zealanders are beautifully controlled, beautiful programmed, they are very, very angry.


The problem with mass mind control is that the people KNOW – somewhere way down deep – that things are very, very wrong.  But they have been programmed to ignore everything that is WRONG – and it makes them very, very angry.


I have never seen such angry, such rage, such violence as I saw in New Zealand – and I grew up in Los Angeles and New York.


Rage is everywhere.  But the Zombie Effect – the mind control works because people reinforce the mind control among each other.  


At one time I thought that New Zealand was the future of the United States – if the United States had a future that would extend another 20 – 30 years, but that is not true.


The United States today has become New Zealand – the number of people actually standing up for their rights is so small as to hardly noticeable.  The last time the people of the United States stood up and took their country back was 200 years ago – but even then they needed five percent of the population to care.


Today in the United States – with New Zealand proven mind control – social engineering – I don’t see even a faction of one percent of the population waking up – and with so few people – I do not see how anything can be done to take our world back.


December 2000 we could have done it – and easily.  But that moment in time came and went and nothing I did or say or tried made any difference.


Today – and this is personal experience again – I have friends in the States who have lots their jobs – and are owned weeks, months of back pay – they do nothing.  The electricity has been turned off in their homes, so they are forced to move in with their parents. And the banks have been TRYING SO HARD to foreclosure on their homes it is beyond any kind of “rational thought”


But these people just lay down and take it.  They will not fight back.  They will not stand together with their neighbors, with their friends.


Because as “cattle” – if it is not happening to ME – then it is not important to me.


The fact that YOU ARE NEXT IN LINE – does not even occur to us.


The banks have been violently foreclosing on every home that they can – even though they KNOW they cannot resell them – even though the owners of those homes are making payments – not very much – but its something.


No – banks are foreclosing to this day on people’s homes, and what will the banks do with those homes?  Knock them down, bulldoze them over, with all those people personal possessions still inside.


The banks are not even PRETENDING to try and get their money back – so our rational mind and our emotional mind cannot put these concepts together.


Our rational mind says – ‘that makes no sense’ – and even as we see it with our own eyes, the emotional mind is saying ‘that is my home – my heart is breaking – this cannot be happening.’


The essence of mind control – is to spilt in two the rational mind and the emotional mind.  


Break the heart, kill the spirit, control the mind. The Zombie Effect.


And again – it doesn’t matter what you call it – it is very real, and again, like all our chats, I have seen it with my own eyes one time too many to be able to ignore it.


After I admitted defeat in New Zealand the old witch I know showed up and convinced me to fly to Prague, the Czech Republic.


I was on my way to Buenos Aires, Argentina where – again – I was told that they loved Americans and had a booming IT business.  Turns out it was a good thing I did NOT go there – in Argentina if you are not with a corporation by the age of 30 – you would never get a job.  All my South American friends knew this, and tried hard to talk me out of going there.  They could not budge me, and so they went out of their way to make certain that I would be looked after once I got there.  A friend arranged for me to stay with his family in Mendoza – NOT Buenos Aries which apparently is one of the most dangerous cities in the world – and he should know – he used to live there.


But then the old witch showed up – she does that every few years – and politely convinced me to go to the Czech Republic instead. She painted such a beautiful picture of the place, and that the LOVE Americans and that THEY had a booming IT industry – plus she was being polite to me – that was a first – and no ideas that I had had lately were any good, and so I went.


She also told me that I would find my try job, and would meet the true loves of my life.


As always, you have to tell LOTS of true to sell a lie – I met my soul mate in Prague, and she and her girlfriend, her lover – the “true” loves of my life made me suffer in ways that I could not have believed possible.


My soul mate and her girlfriend, her lover hurt me in ways that I did not think, did not know, could never realize that I could be hurt.


They raped the soul out of my body every night, and then laughed about it the next day.


And every day, over and over again, my emotional mind still to this day asks the question:  “how could anyone do that?”


Well, my “rational mind” knows the answer: because they could.  Because they enjoyed it.  Because it was fun.


And the fact that I was there to love them forever gave them unlimited access to me – and that unlimited access allowed them to hurt me in ways that were too fun to pass up.


And that is the core of “mind control” – shatter the link between the “rational mind” and the “emotional mind” and our Masters can insert anything that they want in between.


And it is that difference between the rational mind, and the emotional mind – the spirit – the soul – is how they control us, program us.


Split the rational mind and the emotional mind, and you can control anyone.


Because we cannot believe that anyone would do that to us – even as we can see if being done with our own eyes.


The rational mind explains it – the emotional mind rejects it – and that is the break in point – where our Masters work – that spilt inside of us where we are at war with ourselves – and that is where we can be controlled.


Its in all of us – its who were are.


I don’t think I even have any emotions anymore – besides sadness, I don’t even feel lonely anymore – I don’t feel anything – and for me, that is a vast improvement.


And so now, when a girl breaks my heart, I am just sad – I suppose because my rational mind and my emotional mind are in complete agreement.  There is no “hope” – there is no “faith” that things will work out – I now just accept things for how they are.  She broke my heart.  Okay.  Time to go home. Time for dinner.

Think I will have a chocolate bar for dessert.  And that’s about it.


In Social Engineering our Masters use “faith” and “hope” – in politics, in religion, in government – those beautiful lies they tell, and the ugly truths we cannot allow ourselves to see – even as our homes are destroyed in front of our eyes, our jobs are pulled out from udenr our feet, and we are dumped into the street.


And into the battle for our lives -  that is where we loose.


“Faith” wants us to believe in something that we do not know anything about.


“Hope” is the guarantee we give to ourselves that things will work out – no matter the horrible things we are seeing done to us right in front of our eyes.


Break the heart, kill the spirit, control the mind.


The Zombie Effect.


No one can fight back who has lost the will to live.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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