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2011-09-26 - When God Tells you to Kill - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-26




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: When God Tells you to Kill 






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “The Zombie Effect” –  mind control.  You can call this social engineering.  In the mid 1960’s it was called the Manchurian Candidate.


Manchurian Candidate

Social Engineering

Mind Control


One night at the Southern Cross – a friend dragged me to a screening of Zeitgeist – 50 people like puppets on a string, marionettes on a mechanical pole, all swiveled their heads to look at me, their heads tilted at the same exact angle, with the same blank unthinking, unfeeling look on their faces – like their faces had been painted onto them – all the same unconscious expression.


I thought my friend, who was standing right next to me was going to scream – it’s a very natural reaction a normal human being would have when confronting a room filled with zombies.


And it was like a scene out of a zombie horror movie – expect for the part where they would have stood up and tried to eat our brains.


But they were zombies, pre-programmed to shut down when confronted with reality – of any kind.


And just like I experienced here in Europe, my rational mind knew that my soul mate, and her lover, her girlfriend were enjoying hurting me – because they could – my spirit, my emotions my soul just could NOT understand why they would do it.


Its that break between the rational thinking reasoning mind and the emotional spirit, the soul (sorry to be using these kind of words) that allows us to be programmed.


To be true cattle.


“You did nothing wrong”

“I listen to what you say. I watch what you do”



The problem with mass mind control is that the people KNOW – somewhere way down deep – that things are very, very wrong.  But they have been programmed to ignore everything that is WRONG – and it makes them very, very angry.


I have never seen such angry, such rage, such violence as I saw in New Zealand – and I grew up in Los Angeles and New York.


Rage is everywhere.  But the Zombie Effect – the mind control works because people reinforce the mind control among each other.  


Break the heart, kill the spirit, control the mind. The Zombie Effect.


As always, you have to tell LOTS of true to sell a lie – I met my soul mate in Prague, and she and her girlfriend, her lover – the “true” loves of my life made me suffer in ways that I could not have believed possible.


They raped the soul out of my body every night, and then laughed about it the next day.


And every day, over and over again, my emotional mind still to this day asks the question:  “how could anyone do that? -  the “rational mind” knows the answer: because they could.  Because they enjoyed it.  Because it was fun.


In Social Engineering our Masters use “faith” and “hope” – in politics, in religion, in government – those beautiful lies they tell, and the ugly truths we cannot allow ourselves to see – even as our homes are destroyed in front of our eyes, our jobs are pulled out from under our feet, and we are dumped into the street.


And into the battle for our lives – that is where we loose.


“Faith” wants us to believe in something that we do not know anything about.


“Hope” is the guarantee we give to ourselves that things will work out – no matter the horrible things we are seeing done to us right in front of our eyes.


Break the heart, kill the spirit, control the mind.


The Zombie Effect.


Where do we get the nerve – demanding that our Masters treats us well when we do not even treat each other well?


And they hurt me because they could – because it was fun.  Its what we do – to each other.


So what right do we have to turn around and demand that our Masters treat us well?  Our Master Can SEE HOW WE NATURALLY TREAT each other – badly.


So do we expect that our Masters will treat us better then we treat each other?


Our Master have been torturing and raping and brutalizing their own children for thousands and thousands of years – making their own children hate them – and since we know all about quantum entanglement – you become what you hate – our Masters have assured themselves that their children will be just like them.  Monsters.


The gift that keeps on giving – hate.


So again, how can we demand that our Masters treat us better then they treat their own children?




And so tonight I thought we might chat about “When God tells you to Kill”


Stars are exploding all around us – our galaxy will explode – then what?


Well, if you and I are living inside of an electrical generator – then it makes sense that microscopic particles (our sun) will explode – that is what power generators do – make energy by blowing something up.


In this case – you and me.


So if God made the universe – then she – he – it – made you and me.  That must have taken some small amount of effort


So why would God order us to kill each other after having gone to all the trouble of making us in the first place?


And why would god order her children to kill one another?


Why order us human beings to kill each other – can’t god do her own killing?


So when you are commanded by your god – through her local representatives – your rabbi, your priest, your governor, your prime ministers, your president – to go to the other side of the world and kill human beings – what is your first thought?


Well, from what I have seen you will do what all little children do when given an order – ‘god told me to do it, so it must be right.’


I do not know you that well, but I am guessing that you are a little old for that kind of thinking.


The Constitution of the Constitutional Republic of the nation called the United States of America states that as citizens of that nation (and not have the privately owned offshore corporation called UNITED STATES INC) that you have a duty to protect your country from ALL enemies – foreign and domestic.


So, let’s take a look at how God works in her mysterious ways.


God-Kings – God spoke to the high priests, who then spoke god’s word to the people.


As time passed, these priests became kings.  Kings became Prime Ministers.  Prime Ministers became Presidents.


The rules followed in the kings house were more easily understood by people who grew up in those houses.


“The Mysteries” – or how you spoke to God was passes down INSIDE of the family of the priests who spoke to God – whether god was actually in the room or the priest was just talking to himself – 


In Greece they had women who were “seers” – God spoke through them and consulted the kings.


God does a lot of hiding.  God doesn’t every come out at a parade, come sit with us at the picnic table, just hang out with the family.


Always in shadows, in secret, and god only chooses to talk to certain very select people – and always – or so it seems to me – she only talks to these very select few people – who all happen to belong to the same club, which just happens to be made up of the families of the priests who then became kings, who then became prime ministers, who then became presidents.


And you and me – as cattle – do not WANT to take responsibility for anything – let alone our own lives – are more then happy to be lead by God’s messenger on Earth – in this case, our Masters, and their finger puppets – Obama, Bush, Clinton, Chancy, Rice, Bernanke, Brown.


I personally cannot listen to any of these creatures of God – they do not lie well – I mean, if they at least PRETENDED they were telling the truth, that would help.  But they know they are lying, and they know you will not question it – so instead of at least putting on a good show, they just smirk, knowing that you – as good cattle – will just roll over and play dead the next time they rob you, rape you, gut you, or toss you out of your house into the street.


I learned this in New Zealand – where what passes as the Mandarin Class in New Zealand will tell the most amazing lies, and not even bother to try and pretend that they are telling the truth.  I spoke to many, many foreigners in New Zealand who had the exact same experience – their New Zealander managers would lie to them lie right to their faces, and not even try to make it sound true. It was actually more insulting then the lie itself – that they just KNEW you would believe any lie that they told, and they did not even make an effort.


And so, that gets us back to American and British Mandarins, thankfully you and I will never actually see our Masters – and frankly, I do not want to.


To get the real effect of what our Masters are saying to us – just watch a television interview or watch them give a speech- but turn off the sound – now watch their faces.  They are terrified of us – the Mandarin Class is – but at the same time they want to belittle us to our faces, push the lie down our throats and watch us gag- knowing that we will do nothing, that we will say nothing.


And then, God tells you to Kill – but she always tells you to kill through one of her specially elected servants – those who ONLY can hear God speak.


And since their words came from God, you and I have to obey.




If god made us in her Image, then doesn’t stand to reason that she asks questions?  Doesn’t she want to know WHY things are done?


I know I do.


And if god made us in her own image, doesn’t that mean that she can hear us when we talk to her?  If she is listening, and again I get back to the fact that if God made the universe, and if god can be everywhere at the same time – that means that she is much, much bigger then you and I.  And if you and I create the universe with our thoughts, and god lives inside the universe with us, that means that you and I are a part of god’s living body – and it seems unlikely that god would take the time and have a chat with the individual cells of her body.


Or, imagine yourself sitting down and trying to talk to an individual cell of your body.  But you would have to hurry – the cells in your body only live for seven years, and then they die and are replaced with new cells.


So if you do talk to a cell in your own body, what would you talk about?  You really do have nothing in common.


True, your cell is a part of you, and true, you exists because you are made up of millions of individual cells.  So you are the same – yet different.


You are a part of God, and yet you are separate from God.


Now Imagine that you are god – at least, you are the God of your own cells – and now image that you order the cells in your right arm to attack and to kill the cells of your left arm.


That would be kinda silly, wouldn’t it?


You – as God – have just commanded your right arm attack and kill your left arm.


Let’s thing about that.


What could you as God gain by commanding your right arm to attack and to kill your left arm?


Wouldn’t that result in some really horrible problems?


Your right arm attacks your left arm, and I am guessing that your left arm will fight back – and if they are evenly matched, there is going to be a battle in which neither side is going to win, but that both sides will loose.


So if God tells you to kill other human beings, and if you and those other human beings are part of God’s body – wouldn’t everyone loose?


Now who would gain from a battle of God fighting herself?


Our Masters know the answer to that – their God, their Satan, their Lucifer – their Yahweh.  The devil would win.


And it does not matter if you believe in god, or the devil, the truth of the matter is you and I live inside of a closed system – a universe made up of galaxies, which are made up of stars, and around those stars are planets, and on those planets are people – you and me.


We all live together inside of a soap bubble, and if god exists, she’s in here with us – somewhere, at a frequency, her atoms vibrating so fast you and I could never talk to her, let alone understand her – and I doubt that it is likely that she would give the order to one part of her body to attack and kill another part of her own body.


Which means, when a president, or a priest, or a rabbi, or a prime Minster, or a king tells you to kill human beings – people you do not know – and that God Almighty has sent them to you – they must be lying.


Why would anyone want to lie to you and I about killing innocent people?


Because that is the only way they can get us to do it.


To kill for no reason.


Americans are killing for no reason in Libya right now.  They have been killing for no reason in Iraq for years.  Americans are killing in Pakistan and Afghanistan for no reason, right now.


So why would god order her left arm to attack and to kill her right arm?


She’s wouldn’t


That would be stupid.


And it would also be unkind.


Only a fool attacks themselves.  Only an idiot does it twice.  


Only the dead have no opinion.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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