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2011-09-27 - Scrooge was Right - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-27




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: Scrooge was Right






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “When God Tells you to Kill” –  


if God made the universe – then she – he – it – made you and me.  That must have taken some small amount of effort


And So why would God order us to kill each other after having gone to all the trouble of making us in the first place?


And why would god order her children to kill one another?


Why order us human beings to kill each other – can’t god do her own killing?


So when you are commanded by your god – through her local representatives – your rabbi, your priest, your governor, your prime ministers, your president – to go to the other side of the world and kill human beings – what is your first thought?


It all started with God-Kings – God spoke to the high priests, who then spoke god’s word to the people.


As time passed, these priests became kings.  Kings became Prime Ministers.  Prime Ministers became Presidents.


The rules followed in the kings house were more easily understood by people who grew up in those houses.


“The Mysteries” – or how you spoke to God was passes down INSIDE of the family of the priests who spoke to God – whether god was actually in the room or the priest was just talking to himself – 


God does a lot of hiding.  God doesn’t every come out at a parade, come sit with us at the picnic table, just hang out with the family.


And you and me – as cattle – do not WANT to take responsibility for anything – let alone our own lives – are more then happy to be lead by God’s messenger on Earth – in this case, our Masters, and their finger puppets – Obama, Bush, Clinton, Chancy, Rice, Bernanke, Brown.


And then, God tells you to Kill – but she always tells you to kill through one of her specially elected servants – those who ONLY can hear God speak.


And since their words came from God, you and I have to obey.




If god made us in her Image, then doesn’t stand to reason that she asks questions?  Doesn’t she want to know WHY things are done?


Imagine yourself sitting down and trying to talk to an individual cell of your body.  But you would have to hurry – the cells in your body only live for seven years, and then they die and are replaced with new cells.


So if you do talk to a cell in your own body, what would you talk about?  You really do have nothing in common.


True, your cell is a part of you, and true, you exists because you are made up of millions of individual cells.  So you are the same – yet different.


You are a part of God, and yet you are separate from God.


Now Imagine that you are god – at least, you are the God of your own cells – and now image that you order the cells in your right arm to attack and to kill the cells of your left arm.


That would be kinda silly, wouldn’t it?


Wouldn’t that result in some really horrible problems?


So if God tells you to kill other human beings, and if you and those other human beings are part of God’s body – wouldn’t everyone loose?


Now who would gain from a battle of God fighting herself?


Our Masters know the answer to that – their God, their Satan, their Lucifer – their Yahweh.  The devil would win.


So why would god order her right arm to attack and to kill her left arm?


She’s wouldn’t


That would be stupid.


And it would also be unkind.


Only a fool attacks themselves.  Only an idiot does it twice.  


Only the dead have no opinion.


And so tonight I thought we might chat about “Scrooge was Right” – My friend Jim back at NASA, at Caltech, once told me that he had been in a play based on Charles Dickens – “A Christmas Carol” – the story about Ebenezer Scrooge – visited by the Ghosts of Christmas – that story that we all know.


But the stage play that my friend Jim had been in was writing from a different point-of-view, from Scrooge’s point-of-view.


I don’t remember the name of the play, and I cannot find it online, but I thought it might be interested in you and I trying to see the world from old Scrooge’s viewpoint, to see how he saw the world.


You have to remember – the winner of any war writes the history of that war – and it does not matter what kind of war it is.


I remember the leader of the street gang, the tribe the thugs that the CIA implanted me into as a small child – she sued her cowardly timid husband for divorce – and in her statement she claims that this weakling beat her.  She ordered that the other members of her tribe support her story.


And so, by lying, she got what she wanted.


So she won, which means that her story is the story that is public record, which means that her lie is now the official history.


So when you win a war, remember you now have the right to tell any lie that you want – and our Masters know this, and they use it very effectively against us.  Lies built on more lies, which then have to be supported by even more lies.


I saw this in NEW ZEALAND – again, a very educational place for me.  For 40 years the New Zealanders have been lying about everything in their lives, personal lives, business lives, everything.  They have told so many lies about so many things that now their society is completed buried in lies, meaning that those parts of their culture are worthless – in essence, they have killed parts of themselves, entire sections of their own culture.  Now those parts still walk around, they walk, and they talk, but they are effectively dead.  The Zombie Effect – we think its alive because it can walk and it can talk, but its dead inside.


We see that in the United States today – the US government is dead.  It’s a Zombie.  It walks and it talks, and it is completely supported by all the lies that killed it, all those beautiful lies that we selected to believe – because the ugly truth we just could not face.


And now, like all un-dead creatures, the thing that is the US government – is falling to pieces.  Pieces of its zombie body are just falling off – bits of flesh and teeth, and bone and skin have not know any kind of truth for decades, and like all dead things, walking or not walking, it is rotting to pieces from the inside.


And the thing that animates that walking corpse?  The ugly truth that makes the dead walk and talk and rape and steal?  The Lucifer worshipers?  Our Masters?  They are falling out of the body of the dead walking corpse – and very soon will have to place to hide.


But please – do not think that we have won this battle – the Masters and their servants worship Satan, the Devil – whether she exists or not does not matter – our Masters believe that Satan exists, and that is all we need to worry about.


Once exposed, these people – our Masters, the Mandarins, will show us their true face, their true form.  


The gibbering madness I saw in New Zealand is the truth face of our Masters.


And I know – again, from personal experience – over and over again – gibbering madness comes from unreasoning fear of the truth – and rather just face the truth, they will destroy us – you and me – and themselves as well, rather then face the truth.


They will be even more dangerous then they are now.  


But what about old Scrooge?


How did he see the world?


But thought about Scrooge and his life is a bit different.


What if Scrooge was just a really nice, really normal guy.  The only difference between old Scrooge and the rest of his neighbors is that he was hard working, he took pride in doing a good job.


Whereas his neighbors?  They would rather party.  Drink beer, do drugs, chase girls. I have no problem with that, but come Monday morning when they should be doing their jobs, they were too tired, too hangover to actually do their jobs.


After awhile, they got behind on their bills, and never once did it occur to them to STOP drinking, STOP taking drugs, and STOP chasing girls – at least, long enough to be sober on Monday morning, do their jobs probably, and get paid.  And then they could pay their own bills.


Now old Scrooge stood out from the rest of his neighbors – he did not drink, he did not do drugs, and although he liked girls, he knew that there was a time and a place for everything.


And so while his neighbors, his boyhood pals were out partying their brains out, he was doing his job, and doing a good job.  He took pride in his work.


And old Scrooge also knew that just outside of town, just outside of the village, just out side of the neighborhood – the bulldozers were waiting.


Old Scrooge knew that the government was corrupt, and that watching the ball game was not going to put good people in power, not if the people were asleep or drunk or drugged out of their minds.


Old Scrooge had his eye on the government and the power behind it, and he knew that unless they all stood together, that their village their neighborhood, their town was going to be plowed under by the bulldozers and turned into parking lot.


But it was so simple to understand, it was so simple to see.  And it was so simple to prevent – work together for a common cause, stand together as one people, work hard, keep your word, do a good job, and they were – together – untouchable.


But then, his friends noticed that old Scrooge, their pal, always seemed to have money in his pocket, whereas they always seemed to be broke – and never did they put the two ideas together – Scrooge did his job every day, and took pride in his work, and so he got paid.


They drank, they drugged, they partied, and did NOT do a good job, and so it was not possible to hold down a job for any length of time.  And after awhile, their reputation of being lazy and stupid caught up with them, and no one would hire them.


So what is a drunken, drugged out partier going to do?


He’s going to visit his old pal, his dear friend, his buddy Scrooge, and beg him for a loan.


Now old Scrooge – still a young man at this point, had his own plans ion life.  He had a girl that he loved, and she seemed to love him.  So he worked very, very hard, knowing that with money in his pocket, he could have a home, food on the table, clothes for himself and his woman, and they could have plans for the future.


But his boyfriend friends, and then his neighbors, and then complete strangers started to come to him to borrow money – because they were lazy, and drunks, and druggies, and partiers, and just could NOT be bothered to even show up for work on time – when they could get a job at all.


Now Scrooge wanted to be a nice guy, and he begged his friends to STOP drinking, to STOP partying -= to STOP chasing girls, at least until they could work again, and to do a good job, and to earn a reputation that would get them even more jobs – all the things that Scrooge KNEW were important to have future.


But his “friends” would not listen – they needed money, they needed to party, and to actually WORK FOR A LIVING – like Scrooge did – was out of the question.


That “beautiful lie” was much more interesting to his friends then the “ugly truth.”


And so – backed into a corner – Scrooge agreed to loan them money – but he set the interest rate on those loans SO HIGH he hoped they would refuse.  He did not want to loan them money, he wanted to show them that hard work was all they really needed.


No one listened.


And so Scrooge loaned his friends money.  And then he loaned his neighbors money.  And then he loaned complete strangers money.  And he KNEW they could not, would not, repay their debt – they were too busy partying and drinking and drugging.


And once they had borrowed money from old Scrooge – they forgot all about him – they being too busy drinking drugging, partying – chasing girls.  They forgot all about Scrooge, and so Scrooge was left all alone to work five days a week, and then six days a week, and then seven days a week – trying to build a future for them all, and since no one would help him, he had to do it all alone.


And so when the day came – a day that old Scrooge hoped would never come, he was forced to foreclosure on their homes of this friends, his neighbors, and the strangers that he did not even know, and he sold those homes in a hope that he could get what money he could from them – because even MORE people were now coming to him for loans – because they ALSO would not work for a living, as they heard from their best pals that old Scrooge would loan them money, so that they did not have to bother to work – they could just drink, drug, chase girls and party!


And so, heartbroken, old Scrooge was constantly turning whole families out onto the street, or risk loosing his own home, and his own future.  Old Scrooge hoped that other people would see what would happen to them NEXT unless they stopped drinking and dancing in the streets, and singing happy songs – that unless they got sober, and saw the world the way it really was – meaning getting back to work, and doing their jobs and earning money, and paying their bills – they would be next in line to close their homes.


Old Scrooge “KNEW” that people would finally see the truth and would work together to save themselves, to save their own future, to save the future of their own children, and the future of his whole neighborhoods, his whole town, his whole village to the bulldozers that her knew were waiting – just outside of town.  


Because those bulldozers were NOT hiding – they were there , in plain sight, for anyone to see – if they just bothered to look.


But everyone was too busy partying, chasing girls, drinking and drugging to even bother.


But old Scrooge still tried, he still carried on, KNOWING that people would eventually wake up and see the bulldozers, would see the threat to them all and would finally sober up, clean up, get back to work, do their jobs, and together, working as one people, they would have a bright and happy future.


And until that day came, old Scrooge would sacrifice everything, his body, his time, every waking moment to carry the business on, working around the clock to save their future.


But that future never came.  Old Scrooge had “faith” that people would wake up.  Old Scrooge had “hope” that people would get tired of droning and drugging and partying and chasing girls long enough to look up and see the line of bulldozers just outside of town.


No – instead his boyhood friends just called him names, cursed him, belittled him, and shunned him – because he had no choice,  They had left him with no choice.  They refused to STOP partying.  They refused to stop drinking, their refused to stop spending all their money on girls and fun – and they refused to work.


What choice did Scrooge have?  He was the bad guy, and all because he cared about people.


And so he was hated by the very people he had tried to help.


And then his woman, who could also NOT understand why Scrooge was foreclosing on people homes, and who refused to believe that he had no choice – and yet she wanted all the nice things that Scrooge always made certain she liked, even she turned on old Scrooge – she refused to believe him, but instead chose to believe all the drunks, the druggies, and the parties who had begged SCROOGE FOR A LOAN – and then refused to even bother to try and show up sober for work on Monday.


Scrooge’s woman left him, and that broke his heart.


Break the heart, kill the spirit, destroy the soul.


And so, here is old Scrooge, walking through life, trying to build a future for himself, and all the people in his town now hate him, because they HAVE to borrow money from him BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO WORK.  Because they are too busy partying.


Now we can go through the entire Three Ghost of Christmas part of the story – but in the interests of time let’s just say that at this point, they were no more real then the fantasy – that old Scrooge – his heart broken, his spirit broken, his soul destroyed because everyone – everyone that he ever cared about or loved had turned on him, just because he knew that you had to – at least on occasion – keep your word, do your job, earn a living.


And one night, he had that dream, and his mind snapped.


He woke up on Christmas morning, alone again, as he had been alone for decades, just because he worked for a living while all the people who owned him money refused to work, as they were too buys partying.


And so old Scrooge, his mind finally snaps, and he goes out to join the town, signing and dancing through the street – throwing his money away on the useless, the drunken, the losers, the selfness, and the stupid.


And once he joined them, old Scrooge naturally enough, started to drink, to do drugs, and to chase girls –all good things, but not all the time.


And soon, old Scrooge did have any money anymore, and, as it turns out, there was no one else in town who had any money, because they were also too busy drinking, drugging and chasing girls – which is a good thing, but not all the time.


And so, with no money, the town began to die.


The neighborhoods decayed, the power went out, the sewers backed up, and still, everyone in town that was left – was too busy singing and dancing in the streets, as their world died all around them.


And then, one day, someone foreclosed on the town, the village, the neighbor, and plowed it under, buildings, and people, and pets, and all their personal private possessions were razed to the ground.


And today, it’s a parking lot.


And only one man tried to stand in the way of the bulldozers, and was hated and despised, and resented by those he had tired so hard to protect.  


Our world.


Your choice.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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