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2011-10-11 - When Your Broken Toys Fight Back - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-10-11




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: When Your Broken Toys Fight Back






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “Scrooge was Right” –  and how all the stories about poor old Ebenezer Scrooge could be wrong.


He could have been just like you and me- trying to make the world a better place but no one cared – everyone else was too busy partying and singing and dancing in the streets to actually care about anything else – like their own lives, the lives of their friends and families – their country – their own world.


And finally old Scrooge just gave up – his mind snapped from the years – the decades of trying to convince people that they had to spend at least some of their time working for a living – caring about the world around him.


So one Christmas Eve his tortured soul – his broken heart, and his crushed dreams just all came together, and his mind snapped.


And on the following Christmas Day, realizing that he had wasted his life, “caring” about his friends, caring about his family, loosing he one woman that he had loved, he gave up, and he started to sing and dance in the street, partied all night, chased girls, forgot about his job, his life, his career – his future,


And very soon after that, the bulldozers showed up, and leveled his little village, his town, his neighbor, and everyone else who lived there – all buried alive under a layer of asphalt and concrete.


They are now a parking lot.


The problem – of course – is that you cannot acre all alone.  If nobody else cares, if nobody else listens, you really are throwing your entire life away.


Old Scrooge, I just feel sorry for him.


The truth is that if old Scrooge had given in earlier, had joined the 98% – the cattle – his entire village his whole town, his childhood neighborhood would have been bulldozed now years earlier, and maybe, just maybe, old Scrooge could have had a happier – but much shorter life.


At least he would not have died alone in the gutter, surrounded with the drunks, the drug addicts, the losers – the cattle – that made up the scope of his life.


As I was told very recently – “he should have gotten a better quality of friends.”



And so tonight I thought we might chat about “When Your Broken Toys Fight Back” – and I have spent more then a week now thinking about this video episode.


I was waiting for all the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place, and I have no conscious control of that.


All the pieces were there – I hoped – but I had to wait until they all fit together, the pieces of the puzzle becoming a picture.


And I “think” it has now, especially as I review the situation in the USA with “Occupy Wall Street” – the thing that I hope and prayed and had faith would happen – 11 years ago.


Eleven years ago I stood in Los Angeles, December 2000, and watched as our world began to die rapidly all around us.


I even offered to pay a gentleman I knew in Los Angeles, to pay him to get his opinion on what I was seeing happening all around us – and that no one cared about.


So I went to see this guy, and he refused to take my money.  He just looked at me and said “Charlie, you don’t need me for this – you can see as clearly as I do.” And that was the last time I saw him.  I assumed that he left town, or maybe left the country.


And seven years later, I left the USA, because I had been watching the country die, and nothing I did, or said, or yelled, or scream, or begged, or pleaded to people made any difference.


No one cared.


And now, eleven years later, after you and I have been discussing a match on Wall Street and Washington DC for the last few months, people – a few people, and painfully small number of people – have finally decided to do something.


The bankers of course have already been robbing us for decades, but for the last 11 years the level of betrayal of the bankers, and of their servants – the politicians – have reach beyond biblical levels.


I hate to put it this way, but let’s look at this like a war movie.


The good guys are Luke Skywalker – and the bad guys are Darth Vader and his Master, the Emperor.


And that is what it really gets down to – our Masters want to destroy the earth, and then to rule this dead planet with 500 million of us on our knees in the mud worshipping them.


Some things you need to understand:


1) Words have greater power then any weapon every made.

With the right words, you can remake reality.


2) This is a war for the planet.  Whoever wins this will decide who lives and who dies.


Thankfully, its not entirely up to Americans in Wall Street or Washington DC.  Right now tens of thousands of Greeks are in the streets fighting against our Masters.


In Egypt, Egyptians are again taking to the streets.  They “might” have noticed that the old regime they just threw out is still in power – just different names answering the phone.


3) Americans live in two worlds, and you can no longer have the luxury of confusing them.


The first world you are living in is based on  “constitutional law” – the federal republic that 200 years ago our Mothers and Father gave us – a free country, and a free people.


The second world you live in is based on “commercial law” – it is based on lies and it is based in slavery.


And unless you know the “right words” to say – unless you know what “words really mean” in “commercial law” you are doomed.  


You are a slave.


“Commercial law” is the world we live in every single day as Americans.  


If you have any doubt of this, look at the American Flags that are in every courtroom in the United States.  Do you notice that gold braid, the gold ridge around the corners of the flag?  That is a US Military Flag – and it is the US Military that has been enforcing “commercial law” on the US citizen since the 1930, when the US Government declared bankruptcy and defaulted the US government to British Bankers.


You “think” you live in a “constitutional republic” – you do not.


That is why you or someone you know – has gone into a US courtroom, and has tried to quote from the US Constitution – at which point the judge has a fit and screams “I will not have the Constitution quoted in my courtroom!”


Why is that?  Because the judge is sitting in a courtroom where “commercial law” is the charge.  Corporate law – not constitutional law.  Corporate Law – not the laws of Men but the laws of bankers and politicians.


Our country has been taken from us – and it was taken from us right out from under our feet, and we never even noticed.


No one “seized power” – we gave our Power away of our own free will. We gave our control of our country away because we are stupid.


Don’t feel bad – we have been stupid for many generations now.  George Washington wrote about the loss of our country 200 years ago.  Abraham Lincoln wrote about his fear that the “corporations” would steal the country away from us.


And both of them were right.


In the late 1800’s our Masters created a corporation – a fictional person – a paper man – who only exists in the eyes of the law.  But he can buy and sell thing, he can have a bank account, he can hire and fire people, and he is solely responsibly for his actions – a paper man.  A straw man.


The law does not recognize the fact that a corporation is nothing but a fiction, a fantasy in law,  man built out of paper, or build out of straw.


The “law” holds this paper man, this straw man wholly responsible for his actions.  So if this paper man, this straw man, breaks the law – he goes to jail.


Have you ever seen a paper man, a straw man in jail?


Me neither.


Why? Because the law is a joke – but its not a funny joke.


You and I know that it is the men and women BEHIND the paper man, behind the straw man, who commit the atrocities – but you see, they OWN the paper man, they own the straw man, and they own him for only one reason – to take the blame for all the crimes, all the horrors they commit.


We call them corporations.


When you blame a corporation of stealing your money, you are being a fool.  A corporation is a paper man, a straw man, a corporation is a piece of paper.  It did not do anything to you.


It was the living breathing thinking heartless monsters, the ones with blood in their veins that hide behind the paper man, hide behind the straw man, and who dress him up and put him in the shop window – it’s the real people who exists in the shadows, pulling the strings, making the paper man, the straw man, the corporation appear to be “real.”


But we know he is not.


So perhaps what we should do is to concentrate o the living people behind the straw man, behind the “faceless corporation”.


Because you see, once they are done robbing and raping you from behind this faceless corporation, they just sell their interest in that paper man, in that straw man, and buy into another corporation, another straw man.


So, be a fool – be as mad and as angry and as outraged as you want to be – and our Masters will just laugh at you.


You do not know what is really happening in the world you live on – you live in a “commercial law” world – while you have this fantasy that you are living in a fairy tale world called “constitutional law.”


They have nothing in common, and every time you make this mistake, you will loose.


So, might I make a suggestion?  Name names.  Go after the people BEHIND the corporation, and hold them personally responsible for their actions – their actions that – under the law – they cannot be held responsible for.


Sound bizarre?  It sounds bizarre because it is.  But its “commercial law.”


But the moment you start naming names of the real flesh and blood people hiding behind the law – start naming names, listing their actions, listing their crimes, you will see grown men and women in 5,000 dollar suits crying like babies and wetting themselves in fear.


You and I will never see one of our Masters – and trust me – you don’t want to – but we all know their servants, the Mandarins, and that is who we are really talking about here.


And the Mandarin class – bush, chancy, rice, brown, bernake – they know that they are completely and totally expendable to our Masters.  They know it, and yet they still choose to serve our Masters.


But you MUST know the right words to use, and in the right order, and at the right time, and at the right places – or you will loose.


Guess what? You don’t know any of this – and neither do I.


But I can point you in the direction of one man who does.  A man who has spent the last 50 years learning the secrets of our Masters, and who can guide you through the “magical words” you will need to unlock “commercial law” and to take your country back.


His name is Jordan Maxwell.  Now I have never spoken with this gentleman, he has no idea who I am, but I have been following his work for years, and frankly, you need an Obi Wan Kenobi  – you need Yoda.


Jordan Maxwell is your Yoda.


I am not speaking for Mr. Jordan Maxwell, as I said, I do not know the gentleman personally, but if I was you, and I was facing Darth Vader – I would want someone on my side that knew the “ways of the Force” as well as Darth Vader does.


All I know is that when I was in a very educational country – New Zealand – I learned that the English language that was spoken in New Zealand sounded exactly the same as American English – but it was not.  It was the same – but it was different.


Words are just sounds, just noises we make that mean something to us, the other people in our tribe, our nation.


Someone coming from a different tribe, a different nation, will know those same sounds, will make those same noises, but to you and mean – those sounds, those noises, those WORDS will have a completely different meaning, and therefore we will know that this guy is NOT OF THE PEOPLE.


And that is how they mark strangers in New Zealand – if you do not know what their sounds, their noises, their words mean in THEIR tribe – then you are NOT of the People and they are free to hate you, to hurt you, to destroy you – because you are NOT of The People, you are not human, you are an animal, a thing – and things have no feelings.


To our masters, you and I are NOT of The people – and are naturally just animals, just things – and its fun to hurt things.


But if you speak the language of The People – in this case, our Masters who control 99% of our country, then we ARE of The People, and can fight them on equal basis – and that will terrified them out of their own souls.


So violence is not even necessary – in fact, violence is a quick way to loose – and you will loose instantly – NEVER fight a battle the way your enemy – Our Masters – want you to fight.


You just need to know the right words, and the right combination of words, and you will win every battle.  


The war will finally be over, and you will have won.


But you need your Obi Wan Kenobi, you will need your Yoda, first.  You need to have someone at your side telling you what is REALLY GOING ON.


If you loose this battle, you loose the war.  And yes, it is a war, and it’s a war for the planet.


People in Greece are rioting by the tens of thousands, just as a few years back the people of Iceland rioted – they refused the bankers, and they are still alive, still free.


In the USA – you need the right “words”


The spoken word has limitless power – the written word has infinite power.


You “think” you are a citizen of a constitutional republic called the United States of America.


In reality, you are an employee of a privately owned corporation called “United States, Inc.”


Words and symbols control us, and unless you use the correct words – unless you know the REA: meaning of words under “commercial law” you are doomed.


You can win this war, and very easily, but not with violence – but with words.

But you need your Yoda, you need your Obi Wan Kenobi” to instruct you in the ways of the Force.


In this case, the words of “commercial law.”


98% – now 99% – of the USA is owned by British corporations – British banks.

Baraka Omaba – also known as Barry Satoro – was born in Kenya – I did not realize it until just the other day – Barry Satoro – Baraca Omaba being born in Kenya – makes him a British Citizen.


So – after 200 years, the British Empire has reclaimed the United States for its own.


British corporations and banks own 99% of the country, those banks have stolen from us for decades, then loaned us our own money back, and then stole THAT money, and loaned us our own money back, and then STOLE that money as well.


All the while, charging us AMAZINGLY high interest rates – on our own money!


Security pacific bank used to do this to me – I would get money deposited into my account, but the bank – for now obvious reason – held my money in  THEIR main account for two weeks, even though they had confirmed that my money was cleared.


They then LOANED ME MY OWN MONEY for the next two weeks, charging me interest to USE MY OWN MONEY – it took me years to figure that one out.


And that is what has been happening to all of us.


So again, if I might suggest – you need a Yoda.  You need you own Obi Wan Kenobi


Jordan Maxwell ( has been doing this for fifty years – hire him.


You need a wordsmith.  You need a master magician who can speak the spells that will free us all.


Now Jordan Maxwell has no idea who I am, but I have tried to read every word these gentlemen have spoken or published, and if you NEED TO KNOW WHAT WORDS REALLY mean – under “commercial” law, you need Jordan Maxwell.


I do not speak for Jordan Maxwell, I am only offering this as a VERY STRONG RECOMMENDATION TO YOU – Hire this man, pay him for his time, fly him to New York, put him up in a hotel, pay for his meals, pay him for his time, and then, just let him talk.  You will learn more in an afternoon with Jordan Maxwell, then you every learned in 20 years in schools.


I “think” the fastest way to get you up to speed on Jordan Maxwell, is to go to YouTube, and do a keyword’ search on “rense + Jordan + Maxwell” and I am being very specific about this for a very specific reason.


Over the years, other people have pretended to be Jordan Maxwell, and have the spread the most bizarre things about him.  So, start with YouTube, listen to the interviews Mr. Jeff rense has done with Jordan Maxwell, so that you know who Jordan Maxwell is, THEN go to and study his works there.  I will tell you now that his website is really hard to navigate, but then again, so is mine, so you best bet, and the fastest way to get up-to-speed on Jordan Maxwell is YouTube.


Also go to and look up all the radio interviews that Jeff Rense has done on him there.  Also, while at you will find other people – people who have been fighting this battle for decades – people whose wisdom and knowledge you need to win this war.


And I am so sorry – it is a war, and the planet is what you will loose.


It’s a war based in words – and using the correct words at the correct time will terrified the Satan Worshippers, the bankers, the politicians, the gangsters more then any gun or bomb will ever do.


The Satanist have pledge themselves into the service of the Devil – and it does not matter whether the devil is real or not – it does not matter if you believe in God or the devil – it does not matter.  Our Masters believe, and they have based the last 8,000 years of their lives on serving the devil.


Our pain is their pleasure.  Our suffering is their ecstasy.


They want to destroy the earth – period.


I have two questions:

1) Which side will the police take?

2) Where is the US military?


Military is pledge to serve the defense of the United States against all enemies – foreign and domestic.


So Five things I would recommend:

1) Name Names – talk about specific PEOPLE who committed these crime (NOT the companies – the straw men that they are hiring behind)

2) Accuse them of Treason – under any law, anyone who works towards the purpose of bringing down any government for the benefit of foreigners is guilty of treason.  I believe that treason is punishable by death – but again, that is up to a constitutional court and a jury of free people to decide.

3) Under the RICO Act – that our masters put into place to steal all our personal possession WITHOUT any evidence of our guilt – the government DECIDES that you MUST be guilty of something – and they seize everything in the world that you own – that law is still in place – use it to go after all the money that our Masters have stolen from us – and get it back.

4) Cancel all debts to bankers – especially The Federal Reserve Bank – which is not now nor has it every been a part of the Federal Government.  It is a privately owned offshore bank that has been stealing our money, and loaning it back to us at interest.

And what is their real job? Printing our dollar bills – and charging us interest for that as well.

5) Hire Jordan Maxwell, and let him be your Yoda. Let him help you to save the world.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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