Why I No Longer Discuss Politics, Religion Or Even The Weather…
When I was young there was a saying that went “Don’t discuss politics or religion in polite company.” It never stopped me from discussing either. I had many a contrarian row with both topics, but no more. People became too dogmatic and invested in their personal positions in these matters to have one wit of objectivity. That, and I aged into my own stoic belief systems. For a while, I felt the discussing the weather in “polite company” was safe, but not anymore. The Enviro-tards put even the ‘weather” beyond rational discourse.
I no longer participate in the brainwashing that is TV (Idiot Box per mother and Boob Tube per father). I cut the cable and watch ZERO TV, an only watch classic Sy-Fi from my brother’s collection. 3 years of no programming and I realize that I need to make a public statement of the facts to help all 12 of my loyal readers. Here goes:
Politics: Politics, in America, is a “Two Man Con” game. If you haven’t figured this out by now… stop reading and click away now you pathetic-brain-dead-moron. (the rest of the piece will be lost on you anyway). When was the last time you felt represented by Government? I say it was in the Nixon era, but I could be wrong about that.
I stopped voting in national elections as voting is a meaningless exercise in futility. I vote local and state for whomever appears to be the least stupid and corrupt (in that order). For completely legitimate reasons, I no longer contribute money to the federal government… As my mother used to say; “If you don’t like Cockroaches, don’t feed them.”
Even the Ron Paul / Rand Paul “last hope of sanity” in US national politics failed us this last week, So wrapping up the last of my discussions of politics; If you think your political favorites, congressman, senator or president are running anything, you are deluded in the extreme! If you are an American, and get this one point, you will be way ahead in assimilating to the changes at your doorstep. Good Luck with that!
Religion: Most of my life I was an atheist. Something profound and unexpected changed that. I now believe that we are all destined to pay for our sins, or by accepting Grace from God, we may be forgiven. We are immortal souls and whether we kick-it in heaven with the almighty, taken to his bosom by faith, or are fetched off the battlefield by the Valkyrie after a valiant fight, to drain a tankard of ale in Oden’s hall of heroes, or we simply spend seven (7) weeks in the Bardo sorting out our personal Karma, I am woefully unqualified to say, but I know “it” will be there awaiting me after my last breath and liberation from my biological machine. Your views may vary.
The Weather: Now this one really peeves me a bit as it was my last bastion of “polite company” discussion alternatives, after all, you could always “talk about the weather” when you didn’t give a shit about baseball, football, politics, religion, the Kardashians, brittoney, L. Gaga, ad infinitum ad naseum, but no more… now the Enviro-tards have corrupted even the friggin’ weather. Al Gore’s breath contributes more to global-warming, or Anthropomorphic Global Warming, or weather change, or whatever the Enviro-tards are calling it today. Read This Slowly: Humans do not have shit to do with the weather. One volcano erupting does more that a years worth of human activity… One Siberian Lake farting methane does, but not you and all your kind. Nope. And anyway, we are about to be shucked of this planet like fleas off a rat’s ass. The weather, its warmth and/or rain, and/or storms, and/or droughts just don’t matter when the whole damned planet becomes radioactive. If you Enviro-Tards aren’t paying attention to the 4 nuclear melt-downs in Japan, can you even call yourselves “environmentalists” any longer?
You know, or you should know that there was another previous civilization on this planet that preceded this one. They were probably a little ahead of where we are at now, technologically, environmentally and spiritually, and they lasted a whole lot longer than we have, yet they managed to do themselves in. In our hubris, do we think we can do better. Not from where we are. Not with the systems we have in place. And not without opening up our minds and belief systems to some new level.
You personally need to become conscious… Turn of the TV. Cut your Cable Access. Become a conscious individual, expand your consciousness! Good Luck with that too! I’m rooting for you!
Den of the Chaldes
PS. Sorry in advance if I offended anyone, please leave a comment if you were so offended