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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Why a Trump Presidency Would be a Blessing to the US

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Why a Trump Presidency Would be a Blessing to the US


As the entire political establishment, which not only includes the GOP and Democrats, but also all the mainstream media outlets controlled by only about five media conglomerates, spend more and more time bad-mouthing Trump for what they desire Americans to perceive to be liabilities, it finally seems Americans have had enough of the pretend issues that are supposed to pass as policy differences and political discourse.


Few Americans from the voting masses have any understanding as to the fact that the neocons have taken over the GOP ever since inserting themselves strategically within the Democratic and Republican parties.  All one has to see is how the US expanded its quasi-empire by assimilating the former Warsaw Pact nations into NATO to understand that peace had given way to the US drive towards a global domination that was economically, politically and militarily unchallengeable.


With Cheney deciding that if there was even a 1% chance that the US could be attacked, the US had a right to preemptive military action, it was clear that madness had infected the body politic.  This madness led to the US authorizing torture and murder.  This madness infected the military as it carried out “enhanced interrogation” while at the same time punishing an E-4 Specialist who was not even an NCO, for doing what the higher-ups had decided was to be a policy of softening up the detainees.  While the media now wants to make Trump look like an unreasonable goon for “supporting water boarding and worse”, it took no political position while detainees were actually tortured and murdered as part of US foreign policy.


Neither the political establishment, nor the media, spent a great deal of time mentioning how the US used foreign dictators to torture it detainees through a rendition program that was a violation of US law and international law. 


And while there was a drive to war in Iraq, and then a push by neocons to invade Iran because “real men go to Tehran”, a neocon meme to rile up anti-Islamic fever that the Pentagon began to understand and explain to others was complete neocon insanity, the media and US political establishment still continued to support war in Libya, Syria and Yemen. 


Little explanation was given by the mainstream media to the Americans people that the individuals who now dominate US foreign policy and US national security policy were called the “F—king Crazies” by members of George Herbert Walker Bush’s administration.  They were also called the Vulcans and were regularly mocked and avoided like the plague.  It was under G.W. Bush’s Administration that the neocons were allowed by Cheney to hijack the entire US government and establish military policy through PNAC’s Rebuilding America’s Defenses for the 21st Century.


With this new neocon-dominated government, torture, murder, private mercenary armies, corporate for-profit intelligence agencies, US aggression via regime change and proxy wars became the norm.  While the US began losing these wars and continually sacrificing position in a long retrograde operation during which those who have a vested interest in ensuring the US be on a permanent war footing suddenly began viewing victory as the length of time they could continue to have the American people elect politicians who were willing, like a gambling addict, to never stop throwing good money after bad.  Then Dick Cheney stated the US’s nuclear war policy provided for the US to use nuclear weapons on against non-nuclear nations in order to force a cessation of hostilities on grounds favorable to the US.  Connect the US nuclear policy to the Cheney 1% Doctrine and then throw in PNAC’s position of using the military to ensure that the US has no peer competitors so that no state or group of states could resist a US attack, and what you have is a foreign and military policy apparatus that has run amok.  Then we learn about, via General Wesley Clark that the neocon-dominated Pentagon decided to attack seven countries in five years and you have a fascist, militaristic police state which a depraved Hillary Clinton seeks to rise to the top of. 


Suddenly whistleblowers were deemed public enemy number #1.  War crimes were covered up.  The rule of law both domestically and internationally was thrown out the window.  The US was willing to lie and blame Russia for the shootdown of a civilian airliner while claiming to this very day to have image intelligence (IMINT) it has refused to produce as proof, knowing that it was the Ukrainian military that brought down the Malaysian airliner.  It’s funny that the US could not come up with any fake intelligence considering they regularly obtained fake documents and laptops everytime they wanted to blame something on Gaddafi, Saddam or Iran.


Bush said invading Iraq was a great idea, and Hillary agreed.  Hillary pushed Obama to support the overthrow of Gaddafi and the US establishment, again including the media, all agreed.  The  neocons in the Obama administration then spent, according to Victoria Nuland, $5 billion to destabilize the Ukrainian government and give rise to fascists in the Ukraine.  Now Libya and Syria are wastelands partly ruled by ISIS and the neocons hope to foment more war throughout the Middle East.  The US cooperates with Saudi Arabia to send jihadist armies throughout the Middle East and then acts as if it was fighting ISIS.  Russia did more damage to ISIS in 3 months than the US accomplished in 3 years.  Hillary’s State Department then becomes a CIA sanctioned arms broker and it provides storehouses of weapons to ISIS in Syria as this policy backfired and ended up costing the lives of both CIA operatives and State Department personnel.  Meanwhile Hillary tries to blame it all on some corny anti-Muslim video shot with a budget of about $500.


It now seems that US policy has become so unhinged and incoherent that this humble writer’s predictions, yes including Russia finally standing up to the US, has come to pass.  I wrote an article after the US/NATO attack on Libya that the best position the Russians could take is to begin destabilizing nations themselves and oppsing the US where ever it could.  However, it seems the US has become its own worst enemy as CIA backed groups began attacking Pentagon backed groups in Syria and US proxy forces that people like McCain and Graham supported ended up being elements of al Qaeda, al Nusra and ISIS. 


Against this backdrop of truths I have just explained, establishment politicians and the mainstream media want us to believe a Trump victory would be a disaster.  If Americans fall for this nonsense again, then they deserve a Clinton presidency.


What is needed is a new government that will be willing to investigate and prosecute GOP and Democratic war criminals, indict Hillary for the corruption in the Clinton Foundation and prosecute her for violating US law regarding the safeguarding of national secrets.  Bernie would never do this after he becomes the Democratic frontrunner following Hillary’s indictment  that is soon to come.  Trump has an axe to grind with the political establishment and the best thing that could happen is for him to seek revenge against those who have tried to stop him. 


The neocons have a history that goes back to Trotsky and Strauss.  They are almost all either Christian or Jewish Zionists.  They, along with Wall Street bankers, completely  control Hillary Clinton.  Never in the history of the world has there ever been anyone with such a depraved lust for power.  When asked about her CFR obsequiousness, her email crimes and her Libya disaster, all she does is cackle.  There is a Youtube video of this that might still be up, although her connections to Youtube has allowed many Clinton exposes to suddenly be deleted.


Well, Hillary said she looked forward to speaking to the FBI.  We will soon see if that remains to be her position.  But, if the political establishment refuses to recognize their failures, correct their corruptionand listen to the American people, the best thing that could happen is for the entire political establishment to collapse.  People need to understand that if you do what you always do, then you will get what you always got.

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