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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Hillary's Comeuppance

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Hillary’s Comeuppance


Americans need to ask themselves only one question to determine if they should jump on the Clinton bandwagon in denunciation of Donald Trump. That question is this: What is more important to you, liberty, the nation’s wealth and security, or ensuring that the US government continues to allow into the country Muslims whose countries we have destroyed by funding the Islamic State and al Qaeda?  


All experts agree the US has no way of vetting Muslims, and as the EU has seen, there have been terrorist acts because there was no way of knowing who the refugees were that were overrunning many European nations and straining the social nets of member nations already facing economic difficulties.


What surprises me the most is that Hillary thinks we should fund the TSA, the DHS and the growth of private contractors that have grown to 40 times the size of the CIA while Pentagon brass has stated that for all the money spent, there was not a single piece of actionable intelligence gained for all this expense.


In Dan Priest’s and William Arkin’s “Top Secret America”, it was exposed that:


* Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.


* An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold top-secret security clearances.


* In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings – about 17 million square feet of space.


* Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks.


* Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year – a volume so large that many are routinely ignored.   


I find it disingenuous that the government violates our rights on a daily basis and treats Muslims like second-class citizens as it steals our liberties through NSA programs that courts have found illegal while allowing the government to have access to all of our private data, letters, email, computer usage, banking and library cards while enacting liberty-strangling legislation like the NDAA and the Patriot Act, and then Hillary expects us to be up in arms against Donald Trump because he wants to limit immigration from Muslim countries we have attacked until the US government can sort out who is who so as to not allow any terrorists into our country.

The political establishment is against Trump because it wants Americans to have to worry about terrorism so that they can continue to allow the military-industrial complex, the national security state contractors and the police/prison state to continue to peddle their wares to the US government at taxpayer expense.  Who are the greatest shareholders in the military-industrial complex, the national security state corporations and the police/prison state contractors running prisons?  You guessed it right if you said US legislators, both of the House and Senate and both Democrat and Republican.


In fact, it is perfectly legal for legislators to inside trade on stock.  There is no law that prevents this and in fact laws that specifically allow them to by and sell stock based on their knowledge of who is getting what contracts.


My question to the entire political establishment is this:  How is it that all of you can destroy what America once was for your greed and desires of empire as you fleece us of our hard-earned cash as you oppress us and carry out illegal invasions all over the globe?  I don’t care how many negative things you say about Trump, I am telling you that tens of millions of Americans have figured out your propaganda model and now give the hit- pieces written by the establishment media the same credibility the average Russian gave Kruschev’s Pravda and Tass had during the 1970’s.


How is it that Trotsky, Strauss, Lipmann, Bernays and McLuhan never thought that the people would eventually catch on?  The lie used to be maintained through establishment machinations, but we now live in the information age where everyone has access to truth.  The establishment media is dying as more and more non-traditional news agencies like,, The Intercept, The National Interest,, and investigative non-mainstream media people like Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, Adam Kokesh, Luke Rudkowski and people like Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill continue to humiliate mainstream media talking heads, corporatist shills and embarrassingly ignorant, corrupt and incompetent politicians being controlled by the establishment.  One can only wonder how much funnier it will get as traditional media continues its descent towards collapse.  The lie needs the entire establishment working behind the scene to survive, but the truth stands on its own. 


So decide if you want the establishment politician or the political outsider everyone has tried to convince you is the new Hitler.  Trump made his money in real estate and casinos and Clinton made her millions waging war, destroying nations and selling out the American people to globalists.  If you do what you have always done, it is assured you will get what you always have got.


Clinton has proven herself to be greedy, warmongering, power-craving, deceitful, incompetent, hypocritical, and cunning but unwise.  She craves power in such an obscene manner that it oozes from every pore in her body.  She is clearly a psychopath whose behaviors are so unmeasured and contrived that most psychiatrists have no doubt she is a psychopath.  Her selling of America abroad to the highest bidder through the Clinton Foundation has demonstrated she is also untrustworthy and her lies have finally landed her is the crosshairs of the FBI.  It is assured she will be granted a pardon, but her campaign is in disarray and her political career is finished. 


The excuses Clinton gave to deflect scrutiny are as shameful and absurd as Wasserman-Shuiltz’s  babbling and apologetics.  Such stupidity could have only been rehearsed and painstakingly practiced at great length.  Finally Clinton will get the comeuppance she has long deserved.  There can be no better fate than to have Clinton’s life of crime finally catch up to her when she was so close to the presidency.


Or, maybe Hillary is just waiting for the results of a security review and not even the subject of an investigation as Wasserman-Shultz says.  Hopefully such horrible mendacity will also lead to the end of Wasserman-Shultz, or as I like to call her –Hillary Clinton Jr.


I am a Republican who voted for Obama twice.  In hindsight I still think Obama was the lesser or two evils.  That is not my position on Hillary.  She wants to command and wage war while exercising her power.  She would immediately drag us into war with Iran, Russia and China.  Such a war would definitely go nuclear.  There are points past which you should not push Russia.  Hillary would love to show the world she can handle Putin, but while she may grab a lion by the tail, she is not strong enough to hold on.


The political establishment has covered for Clinton for so long that it is as shocking to them as it is to Hillary that she is finally being called to account.  It is as amusing listening to Hillary weasel and worm as the cards begin to collapse all around her as it was listening to Bush answer an intelligent question.  I must say, it is an interesting time in which we live.

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