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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Hillary, the Deep State and the DNC's Love/Hate Relationship with Comey

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Hillary, the Deep State and the DNC’s Love/Hate Relationship with Comey


Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media want Americans to think that Comey’s decision to continue the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton email fiasco is “unprecedented”, partisan, political and arbitrary and a complete reversal from his previous position which was just, insightful, professional and nonpartisan.  This is nonsense.


The reason the FBI decided that no prosecution would go forward on the first investigation is that Obama lied and stated he knew nothing about the “homebrew” email.  We now know otherwise as the emails prove that Obama sent multiple emails to Clinton.  Individuals who were granted immunity provided this fact to the FBI.  So, the Justice Department and Lynch knew that if Clinton was guilty of a crime by sending Top Secret email to an unsecured server, so was Obama.  Moreover, Obama lied about knowing about the server and emails show Huma Abedin asking how it was not illegal that Obama sent classified email over Clinton’s server under an alias.  As Obama tried to cover his knowledge of the server and his sending classified email over that server by using an alias, it seems he has now established intent.  Obama knew that Hillary was doing business illegally, why else would he use an alias?


As soon as the FBI opened the case, senior officials within the FBI began to complain about the case going sideways, a euphemism for conducting a sham investigation.  They also complained that Lynch was interfering with the investigation.  Agents began a mutiny within the FBI and it has been verified that Comey has a desk full of letters of resignation and early retirements that he was ignoring.  Things had become so hostile within the FBI that Comey has not only become reviled, but now senior officials won’t even grant him a greeting. How just is a decision Comey made if the entire FBI is ready to revolt over what can only be described as obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and conspiracy? 


If everything was on the up-and-up, why were there so many deals made and so many instances of immunity granted, with a promise to only go back so far and to destroy all evidence after the fact?  However, rumor has it that the computers were not destroyed because officials within the agency had decided they would take no part in the destruction of evidence to cover for Hillary and the Democrats even if ordered by Comey as his days with the FBI are numbered .  Senior officials decided Comey had overstepped his authority to destroy evidence.  The FBI has no authority to promise the destruction of evidence that the American people paid to have gathered.  How can a deal like this be made legally, especially if it involves espionage and American security?  As far as the Clinton campaign’s portrayal of this investigation having been closed, that is another lie.  An investigation is not closed unless a grand jury issues a no-true bill and even then a prosecutor can decide a grand jury had it wrong and can direct file.  An investigation does not just close after deciding at that moment in time there is not enough evidence to convict, because what would happen if new evidence presented itself and the earlier evidence had already been destroyed that would have proved criminal action beyond a reasonable doubt?


There are many times when you cannot prove criminal intent.  I am sure Hillary did not wake up one morning and say, “Today I want to break the law.”  In those instances what is needed is circumstantial evidence.  When Hillary lied about not knowing it was okay to set up a private server, State Department personnel admitted under oath they did tell her it was illegal.  She then said that Colin Powell told her it was okay, but he denied having told her this.  She then said Colin Powell also used a private server and that was proved false.  She then said no classified material was received on her server, but that was proved a lie.  She then said she sent no classified material over her server, and that was proved to be a lie.  She then said she turned over everything to the FBI, but it was already proved Hillary used BitBleach to destroy emails making it impossible for forensic computer investigators to reconstruct emails Clinton had destroyed after having been ordered by a court to not destroy anything. Hillary claimed to have only used on device and later it was diwcovered she used 10.  She then claimed she could not remember much because of her concussion.  Hillary destroyed emails by enlisting the help of others who knew they were not to be destroyed, this is criminal conspiracy.  It is obstruction of justice. It is evidence tampering.  I guess our political overlords now feel that it is merely a policy decision when they commit felonies, yet private individuals get crucified for having done only a smidgen of what Hillary has perpetrated.  Hillary then said only private emails were destroyed, but it was discovered that there were many documents that belonged to the State Department and the American people who paid Clinton’s salary and the salary of the others who worked for that department. 


So, let’s see what Wikileaks and the Clinton emails obtained by Judicial Watch has provided.  They proved that Clinton had the primary with Bernie Sanders rigged.  They proved that CNN had shared debate questions with the Clinton campaign.  They demonstrate that a criminal conspiracy was afoot when the DNC paid protesters to engage in violent acts at Trump rallies.  They proved that Hillary knew the attacks on State Department personnel were due to the US providing Libyan weapons caches to al Nusra and ISIS.  They prove she lied to Congress about knowing that the CIA and US military were funding jihadist elements in their proxy war against Russia in Syria.   We discovered that it was a Clinton ploy to try to tie Trump to Russia and Putin, but the FBI proved the negative and admitted there was no connection between Trump and Putin.  It seems when Comey decided in Clinton’s favor, he was a great man.  But, when he decided in the favor of justice, he became reviled within the liberal establishment. 


As far as the Clinton Foundation, it received $2 billion in donations, mostly from foreign nations and donors.  It has also been confirmed that of those who contributed to the Clinton’s speaking engagements, those of either Hillary or Bill, or paid money to the Clinton Foundation, that over 50% of those donors had the State Department intervene on their behalf.  Millions were taken in from the Saudis by Hillary.  The Saudis, who treat women worse than animals, suddenly had taken a progressive interest in women’s issues and in return were awarded the most deadly weapons in the US arsenal to crush the poorest country in the Middle East.  


Now the media is pouring on the bias in an attempt to resurrect Hillary’s campaign.  But is it not the media’s fault for everything?  They have so polluted the process of democracy that it has become impossible for those who are not aware to understand how and why they are being fed a poisonous diet of propaganda, misinformation and lies that comes from an ocean of journalism so polluted that it makes the irradiated ocean water of Japan look like a crystal spring in comparison to the filth that is provided by the mainstream media.


The facts, assumptions, evaluation criteria, stated purpose and goals have been so skewed as to no longer represent reality as inputs and decisions regarding how to determine the best courses of action for this democratic republic have created a garbage-in-garbage-out twisted bizzaro-world reality where irony and absurdity rule and logic and reasoned debate have become impossible.  In this environment we vote for useless wars, are driven by emotional propaganda as we allow crimes to flourish and become a protected systemic process.  All the means needed to allow a decision-making processs to occur within a democratic process have all be co-opted by a concentratred media megaplex that serves the interests of the elite.  The American people don’t even know the extent to which media has become a form of thought control to ensure societal control and the manufacturing of consent.  As Goethe said, “None are so hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely belive they are free.”


Michael Moore advised voting against Trump and not for him just because people object to a twisted globalist crime system that has caused them to lose everything, but what could be better then the complete destruction of such a system as Americans have been under since Dubya invaded Iraq based on lies after the Saudi attacks against the US on 9/11?  The can of worms Obama realizes the US opens up with the 9/11 victim compensation act is that the US killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, destroyed a country, engaged in war crimes and perpetrated crimes against humanity with torture  What happens when the US has to compensate victims for a war that destroyed a nation, a war based on lies?    


Progressive politics have shown that the only thing that has progressed with Hillary is tyranny, theft and war.  This system has discredited itself and no politician has even tried to fix it.  Now the interests between the elites have become contentious.  We see a battle within the Deep State due to the insanity of neocon politics and their plans for global hegemony.  We will see how perceptions will be shaped once the US oligarchs understand Putin’s populism is driving Russia’s desire to stand against the Zionist monetary system and the petroldollar status.  It is the Deep State that can kill a president and then his brother who was running for president, and then have the entire episode covered and declared a nonsense conspiracy theory as it controls the very media reporting on the incident.  The Kennedy assassination has been swept under the rug for all intents and purposes.  We have allowed our Deep State to kill the Kennedy brothers because it never wanted peace with Russia due to it profiting from the entire world being placed on permanent war footing that encourages and protects neocolonialism.    


Me, I say let the whole system rot and collapse.  America’s present path is clearly unsustainable and those in power refuse to place themselves under the control of those for whom war is not a religion and power is not an obsession.  We have passed the time in which peaceful political change is possible and more and more we see that revolution is becoming inevitable, especially if Hillary decides she wants to try teach Putin a lesson while he stands over the Sarmat “Satan 2” missile that has the power to destroy all of France with one bomb. Look at her judgment; when has she been right about anything or on the right side of anything?  Besides, such a rotten system is sure to collapse on its own, for there is no longer a sound foundation for society to build.


Hillary has remained unaccountable for her failures and crimes as Wall Street funded her crime spree.  She is in the pocket of the central banking system, the military industrial complex and the police-surveillance state that she decided always provides the proper type of justice for us as it excuses all of her crimes because she serves the elites’ interests.


Maybe this will be the beginning of a new system as no more noise from the MSM will hide the ugly fact that we no longer have justice or even a sane foreign policy under what used to be a democratic republic.  If a president can decide what laws to enforce and what laws not to enforce, what rights are allowed and when, and which will be ignored, and who will live and who will die, we no longer have a republic.  I don’t blame this on Obama, I blame it on Bush and a derelict legislature that surrendered its power to declare war to the executive.

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