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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Trump Thumps the Media Establishment

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Trump Thumps the Media Establishment


How can you not love Trump for giving the media a swift kick in the backside?  He is the only one that I can think of in recent memory that has beat the press at its own game, much to the credit of average Americans who have finally come to the realization that the media is fake and pollutes all news with the agenda of internationalism and interventionism as the six major corporations control all the major television media outlets, all the major newspapers, all the major radio station outlets and all the major news magazines.  Americans are finally figuring out that the media lies, is manipulative, serves the interests of the elite who control its message that goes against the interests of the people and whose message is usually 100% wrong on any issue of import as the media serves as a conduit of disinformation and propaganda directed against the American people.


What has Assange, Snowden, Manning and Barrett Brown done that warrants exile and decades in prison?  They have told the American people the truth; the very truth the media could have and should have told you.  The media knowingly lies for the elite and it is a documented fact that the CIA controls all the major media outlets at the level of the editors and owners for all major mass media both domestic and international. The CIA even brags about the fact that they no longer need to buy off individual reporters as their control takes place at an institutional level.


Yet, the CIA now finds itself divided as even they now understands the importance of Wikileaks after having used it in a counter-coup against Clinton.  It has been put forth by people with inside knowledge and legitimate credentials from within various US intelligence agencies such as the CIA and NSA, that the divisiveness, criminality and lack of legitimacy combined with Clinton’s desire to seek war with Russia created turmoil and divisions within the deep state and members of the elite who really control power as politicians like Clinton serve as their bag men.  The elite look for politicians who are on autopilot and are known commodities so they don’t have to always issue orders, but instead can count on politicians as known commodities. 


In fact, there were extreme concerns regarding the possibility that Hillary’s victory would lead to a paralyzed presidency bogged down in investigations in which the situations over which Hillary had already displayed bad judgment and an inability to manage coherently.  They understood that such a presidency would get further out of control.  On the other hand , the people had already let Barack Obama know they would not allow him to intervene in the Syrian war knowing that this is a proxy war between the US, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar on one side and Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia, with China also deciding to weigh-in on a limited basis on behalf of the Assad regime, on the other side.  In such a situation, Clinton could not be given control. 


The CIA and NSA felt the situation was so desperate, that information had to be provided directly to the American people thorough some method that garnered the attention of the mainstream media while having a system in place that would provide plausible deniability with maximum exposure.


Trump hates the media and knows it has dictated the agenda, limited debate, decided what issues can be addressed and which are considered out of acceptable boundaries. 

The media tried to play Trump for a fool and was absolutely humiliated when Trump decided to call a press conference regarding his statement relating to Obama’s nationality and birthplace.  As the media showed up in full force to broadcast his statement live, he had various war heroes, Medal of Honor recipients, influential commanding generals and people within the defense establishment all provide endorsements for his presidency.  Then when it came time for him to speak, he stated in a 30-second response that he did not wish to make Obama’s birthplace an election issue and stated correctly and truthfully that one of the first people to make this a national issue was Hillary herself when she was running against Obama for the Democratic nomination 8 years ago.


The media went berserk and could not believe that someone finally beat them at their own game.  They then proceeded to go after Trump like a rabid Cujo after a man covered in Spam and bacon fat.  They could not believe how they were played and were determined to cost him the election.  He then showed a level of sophistication in the manipulation of pressitutes as a John does as he waves a $1000 bill in front of a $50 prostitute. 


While the media may want the major new aggregators to begin restricting access to what it considers “fake news”, consider this:  Did any of the mainstream news outlets covr what I have just told you?  It is all easily documented and is so obvious that it is now as much common knowledge as the fact that Iraq had no WMDs, the Iraq War cost several trillion dollars and not the $20 to $50 billion the neocons advertised, and that the people who destroyed Libya and Syria are not anymore from Syria or Libya as are you or I. 


So, the problem America has is that our government is no longer a servant of the people, but is a conspiracy that seeks to propagandize and indoctrinate.  It is responsible for the failure of the American people to take earlier action that could have allowed us to take corrective action when “Bush the Decider” decided he would invade Iraq because it was “doable”.


Since that time we have been lied to to the point that media lies finally turned into background noise to the suffering wails of the Americn people.  The media was tuned out and the more shrill their whining became, the more they were rightfully ignored. 


Trump rightfully omitted them from attending his travel session for meeting with Obama.  He then called them all in a room, and they were just too eager to attend so they could attempt to find any tidbit they could deform and twist into something they could term racism, sexism, misogyny, fascism or at least white nationalism.  After calling them all in a room, be then, off the record spent 30 minutes berating them and singling out news networks, editors and individual reporters.  It was so brutal and such a slaughter that members of the media who did decide to come clean, to the extent that the MSM networks would allow, unofficially told non-corporate news organizations that it was like shooting fish in a barrel for Trump.  It was termed a slaughter so embarrassing to the media, that no one in the media dare mention it for fear of getting fired as Trump simpley berated some of the most power people in the media industry.


We will now see if this battle between Trump and the media escalated and to what extent the media’s ego will continue to cut off its nose to spite it face.  No matter what, Trump will have desperate media begging for statements for wich Trump can tell them, “I will let my policies and White House briefers deal with the media.  What he needs to do is get AP reporter Matt Lee turn his sarcasm towards the media in the same way he turned his sarcasm towards the spokespersons for Obama’s White House and State Department, and the media will once again look like fools as Matt Lee loses his patience with those buffoons.


Trump should realize that he owes his presidency to those who supported him despite and in spite of the media.  It is people who took the time to understand the issues and read Wikileaks and Clinton’s memos such as the one named “Tick Tock on Libya” and listen to Trey Gowdy literally stomp the guts out of Clinton, Lynch and Comey.  True it was the media that kept the people misinformed so they deserved to be attacked, but it was also people like Gowdy who seek to put an end to the presidency being used to conduct racketeering that awakened the masses and demanded that Clinton be prosecuted for her crimes as she was within inches of leading America off a cliff and into WWIII.


Don’t be a worm.  Do what you promised.  Hillary will use the media behind the scenes to continue to attack you because she has an agenda that involves poisoning your presidency.  If there were to be a recount, you need to recognize those who would be willing to go to war for you.  You need to realize that the elite have every intention of crashing the economy on your watch, so you need to speak with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on how to place the elite in a position that will cause the greatest possible suffering if the suddenly decide to raise the interest rate 3% after printing out $20 trillion in debt-based currency.


The true revolution has just started.  As changes are made, the shouts of your enemies against you will get louder and louder.  Remember those who will shout for you and be willing to fight and kill for you should there be any attempt at an unconstitutional counter-coup.  We disregarded the MSM and the attacks against you and attacks by the radicals against us for the sake of the nation, but now there needs to be a takedown of Soros.  There needs to be an accounting for by Hillary.  Justice does not care what Hillary’s political fortunes currently are, but she screams out for justice as the result of  the past harms for which precedent needs to be established. 


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