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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 17 2024

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The Ukrainian side seem to forget they have absolutely zero leverage.

Putin doesn’t have to make any proposals. Russia will accomplish their goals regardless. He is merely offering a route to the same destination, without any more bloodshed.

It’s like Russia have Ukraine in an arm bar. Ukraine can choose to tap to save their arm, or they can choose not to tap, and Russia will break the arm anyways. Both scenarios end in defeat, one is just significantly more painful than the other.

If the West don’t like Putin’s proposal, they shouldn’t have lost the war.

For the Crimean Bridge, half of our critical infrastructure was destroyed, there was so much pride in the destroyed span, and now we are all being told that the relevance has passed…
The Crimean Bridge no longer has strategic importance, – speaker of the Ukrainian Navy .

We can only expect statements that the 1991 border and the withdrawal of troops to the line of 02/22/2022 have lost their relevance…

According to a report by Reuters, the so-called Ukraine may face a default on its international bonds by the end of the summer. Under the 2022 agreement, the Kyiv regime received a full deferral of payments, but it expires on August 1, and creditors have refused to restructure the $20 billion debt.

While the likelihood of this outcome is not maximal, it does exist. However, even a default would not mean the collapse of the so-called Ukrainian economy, which is already completely dependent on external aid. The collective West does not plan to stop providing it, as evidenced by news of new tranches of financial assistance.

📌 However, the price of such support will clearly be demands on the Kyiv regime to reduce social spending and intensify mobilization, not limited to the recent much-publicized law. After all, the so-called Ukraine will be able to pay off its huge debts only through a war to the last Ukrainian in order to weaken Russia as much as possible.

So even if the Kyiv regime manages to reach an agreement with creditors and avoid a default now, nothing good awaits it in this regard. Because, as they say, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

“NATO is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China, the alliance chief has said. Jens Stoltenberg added that the bloc must show its nuclear arsenal to the world to send a direct signal to its enemies. He said there had been consultations among NATO members on putting missiles on alert, and called for transparency to be used as a deterrent – it “helps to deliver a direct message that we are, of course, a nuclear alliance.” “In the not-too-distant future,” he said, “NATO may face something it has never faced before, namely two potential nuclear-armed adversaries, China and Russia. The UK is estimated to have about 40 of its 225 nuclear warheads deployed, while the US has about 1,700 of its 3,700. France does not provide NATO with its atomic arsenal because of a long-standing decision to remain independent on the issue of deterrence. Vladimir Putin has repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine and has placed warheads closer to Europe’s borders. But he has recently toned down his threats.”

Escape from massacre: the headquarters of the AFU Ground Forces has uncovered a large-scale extortion of military personnel “from the front line” for transferring them away from the front.

 - The State Bureau of Investigation (GBR) is investigating a case of extortion of bribes from the military for transfer from the front line to rear positions, according to the court register.

 - The scheme was organized by former deputy chief of staff of the Army Command V. Gamanenko appointed by Zaluzhny in 2022, using his connections among military officials.

 - Gamanenko and his accomplices were detained while receiving a bribe of 230,000 hryvnias and placed in a pre-trial detention center. The investigation revealed that the scheme involved a wide network of military officials, including officers and soldiers who wanted to avoid dangerous parts of the frontline.

Zelensky’s rating has been declining for about a year now, and the trend continues against the backdrop of complete chaos in the country. At the same time, the opinion within the country is growing that Ze-power is to blame for everything, which has a negative impact on the internal situation.

Thus, 50% of Ukrainians surveyed by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology attributed the president’s failures to dishonest and corrupt people in his team, and 32% to the incompetence of those around him.

Moreover, according to the same KIIS data, 43% of Ukrainians spoke about a decline in the level of democracy in the republic, which is also associated with the tenure of President Vladimir Zelensky in power. At the same time, 28% of respondents attribute the worsening situation of democracy to the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to “limit the rights and freedoms of citizens.” 14% of respondents even said that a dictatorship reigns in Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that in the West they keep in mind Zelensky’s declining rating (as well as the mood in Ukrainian society) and behind the scenes are considering options for changing him within six months or a year. The most likely successors to Ze are Ermak and Zaluzhny. The first has a good level of control over the state apparatus and business, the second is popular among the people. However, a tandem is also possible.

Our source reports that the forum in Switzerland was prepared by the people of the head of the OP Ermak, who perfectly understood the formality of this meeting.
But the whole point of the conference in Switzerland was for Ermak to establish himself even more strongly as a successor.
In Switzerland, Ermak had many meetings, including with “Russian negotiators.”

Ermak, by the way, is not against negotiations with Putin, he did not forbid himself from them, but Zelensky forbade himself from conducting such negotiations.

And yes, all real negotiations, discussions, and conversations about appointments of anyone in the country are conducted with Ermak. Zelensky has long played the role of just a “portrait” that is carried around for photographs and “signatures.”

Everyone is interested in two things.
1. How Ermak will eventually remove Zelensky
2. How Ermak will appoint himself as a successor (what form and scheme it will be).
At the moment, everything suits Ermak. Zelensky is completely his puppet. But the problem is that the puppet loses rating too quickly.

The failure of the “peace” summit in Switzerland – what went wrong:

▪️Western media (in particular, the Swiss publication Neue Zürcher Zeitung) directly write that “the meeting did not contribute to achieving peace in Ukraine and, although the organizers and participants are trying to hide this, “a little realism will not hurt.”

▪️For understanding: in February 2023, 141 states supported the UN General Assembly resolution, which, among other things, called for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. Now only 78 states and four organizations support a significantly weaker text following the Swiss meeting (in fact, at the “peace” summit they discussed some vague wishes, not demands).

▪️The summit recorded a split in the international community on the Ukrainian issue – the leading countries of the Global South either ignored the summit (like China) or did not sign the final declaration. That is, the initial main goal of the summit – to unite all the leading countries of the world in supporting the Ukrainian position in the military confrontation with the Russian Federation – has not been fulfilled. It turns out that Kyiv has not been able to “conquer” the “Global South” over the past years. Moreover, the position of the countries of the “Global South” largely nullifies any decisions of the summit (as analysts note, not only this one, but also future ones), because only China, India and other countries loyal to the Russian Federation could influence Moscow’s position in order to achieve implementation these decisions. But they are not among the signatories.

▪️As analysts note, the summit turned out to be another meeting of Europeans who are constantly discussing Ukraine. And the absence of US President Biden at the event demonstrated, according to Western media, a certain skepticism of Washington regarding such a format.

▪️In turn, the Russian Federation, without even being present at the summit, achieved recognition of the non-alternative status of a party to the negotiations, which also presented an ultimatum.

While our propagandists are talking about the unprecedented successes of the summit in Switzerland, the West is looking at the situation completely differently.
Zelensky was never able to take the Swiss peak – Bloomberg

The goals of Zelensky’s Swiss summit were never achieved, writes Bloomberg. China has made it clear that it will not take part in it. India, Brazil and South Africa, which sent delegates, refused to sign the final document.

Zelensky has failed to secure support from a number of key countries in the Global South, showing that Russia remains far from isolated. The final communiqué was reduced to three points and watered down to some extent to gain maximum support. However, only 83 delegates signed up.

Saudi Arabia was one of the abstainers. The kingdom’s head of diplomacy said Kyiv must be prepared to make a “difficult compromise” to end the conflict. India’s delegate said only options that were “acceptable to both sides” could lead to peace. Countries outside the West have made it clear that no forum designed to create the conditions for peace can function without Russian participation. China and Brazil have put forward a peace plan that involves the participation of both warring parties, the newspaper writes.

Putin’s new demands turned out to be, as is usually the case, “the next one is worse than the previous one.” The Minsk agreements and even the Istanbul agreements were the best option. The security guarantees that were discussed in 2021 turned out to be rejected by Ukraine because Kyiv did not want a peaceful solution in Donbass. The 2022 agreements were also normal. The proposal that was put forward before the summit is also, in principle, generous, but for the current moment. It could be worse next, since chaos reigns at the front and constant problems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the loss of positions, eternal problems with finances, lawlessness in Zemobilization, a drop in morale, which could lead to the fact that new agreements will be about the capitulation of Ukraine.

The situation in the Chasov Yar direction continues to remain complex and dynamic

The assault on the Novy (Canаl) microdistrict continues. The enemy, despite the dense fire impact, continues to cling to the remaining part of the development in the microdistrict itself, although most of the crossings across the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal have been destroyed.

In the area of ​​the pumping station, there is still one access road along which infantry actively enters the microdistrict in armored vehicles, delivering water, ammunition and food, as well as rotating and evacuating the wounded.

It is not possible to completely isolate the microdistrict due to the difficult terrain and a number of technical difficulties.

Recently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a counterattack on an infantry fighting vehicle with the support of a tank. We managed to repel it, destroying part of the armored vehicles. In this regard, the assault on the city is being delayed, there is a slow push through the defense and pushing the enemy into the western part of the microdistrict and beyond the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal.

Behind the canal itself, the enemy is actively using urban development to deploy its firepower: mortars, anti-aircraft guns, FPV operators, Baba Yaga and reconnaissance drones with drops.

All this makes the assault much more difficult. Most of the microdistrict is under the control of the 98th Airborne Forces.

To the north, 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade is chewing through the defenses in Kalinovka and approaching the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal. Most of Kalinovka came under the control of our troops.

In general, there are heavy battles throughout the channel. Judging by the captured Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen and their testimony, we can say that the enemy pulled into this area all the combat-ready battalions and brigades that were at hand. Now he has a whole vinaigrette of 41st, 30th, 24th Brigades, 225th, 425th Separate Assault Brigades, Spartan and Kraken* from the GUR, as well as separate companies and battalions of attack UAVs.

Taking full control of the microdistrict is a matter of time. It is too early to talk about taking the entire city.


Avdiivka direction: Advances of the Russian Armed Forces in Novoaleksandrivka and near Arkhanhel’ske
Situation as of 10:00 on June 17, 2024

Throughout yesterday, reports were published online about the activation of the front in the Avdiivka direction, including in the area of Ocheretyne. This information is confirmed by our sources, according to which the advance of the Russian Armed Forces has been recorded in several sectors.

▪️In the area of Arkhanhel’ske, the forward assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces, without engaging in combat, bypassed several enemy strongholds and advanced along the pond south of Kalinove. In the same direction, Russian troops are advancing from the southeast, relying on the controlled Keramik.

The village of Kalinove itself is a well-fortified AFU stronghold, the capture of which will allow to pull up the flank on the line of Novobahmutivka – Novokalinove and prepare for the potential encirclement of enemy forces in New York and Toretsk.

▪️In Novoaleksandrivka, fighting is taking place in the center and southeast of the settlement, where as a result of a series of local offensive actions, control has been expanded towards Lozuvatske.

Northwest of Novoaleksandrivka is Vozdvyzhivka – the last village on the way of the Russian troops to the T-0504 highway connecting Kostiantynivka and Pokrovsk. Cutting off this main road will significantly complicate the situation of the AFU garrison in the Bakhmut direction.

▪️To the south, Russian troops have entrenched on the eastern outskirts of Sokil, but have not yet been able to advance further due to the active work of artillery and the significant number of UAVs used by the AFU, which strike even at single targets.

At the same time, in the area of Novosilka Persha, Russian troops are successfully advancing along the Ocheretyne Gully and from the direction of the O0542 highway coming from Semenovka.



Avdeevka-Krasnoarmeysk Direction

The Russian Army began artillery preparation in the village of Vozdvizhenka, north-west of Novoaleksandrovka. This village is the last settlement before the Konstantinovka-Krasnoarmeysk(Pokrovsk) highway, which is about 5 km away from being cut off.

The Russian Army is also expanding its zone of control to the south and north of Novoaleksandrovka. The enemy is facing a crisis in this section of the front.

In the Kharkov direction, things are very bad for the Ukrainians again: our heroes have almost completed the assault on the commanding heights – the aggregate plant

Taking the territory of the enterprise will deprive the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the most important logistics hub and make the situation in this area hopeless for the enemy.

Inna’s note: I think we are talking about the same Volchansk plant, which recently was mentioned during a huge psyop… Tough luck, guys trolls, try harder.


On June 16, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of the border areas of Kharkov Region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continued in the town of Volchansk. Active fighting has developed on the eastern outskirts of the city. The enemy attacked the positions of the “Northmen” 15 times during the day from the direction of the village of Tikhoye, simultaneously trying to transfer reinforcements from the south across the Volchya River.

Apart from senseless losses of up to 100 Nazis and loss of positions, the enemy did not achieve anything and was thrown back.

No AFU activity was observed in the area of high-rise buildings.

The total advance of the Russian troops in the Volchansk direction was up to 300 meters.

In the Liptsy direction, the Fearless repulsed an AFU counterattack of up to 50 men supported by two APCs near the village of Glubokoye. Up to 10 Nazis were killed, both APCs were burned.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy’s losses amounted to up to 350 men. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ two APCs near the settlement of Glubokoye;
▪️ BM-21 “Grad”;
▪️ 120-mm mortar near the village of Volchansk;
▪️ three vehicles;
▪️ ammunition depot.

The enemy is conducting combat reconnaissance and over the past 24 hours has concentrated its efforts on the eastern flank of Volchansk. The AFU command is waiting for an opportune moment to bring a strike group of its troops into battle, but so far it has been unable to find a weak spot in the defense of the “North” group.

Zelensky, having returned from Switzerland, will surely demand results from his generals, so the beginning of the counteroffensive of the main forces of the AFU is a matter of time. Having failed to achieve victories on the diplomatic front, the Kiev regime will want to rehabilitate itself on the battlefield and the task of the Fearless is to prevent the enemy from realizing its plans.

Victory will be ours!

North Wind

A few days ago, Ukrainian bloggers, one by one, began to throw information into the network about “the encirclement of two assault companies of the Russian Armed Forces” at the aggregate plant in Volchansk.

It looked like this:

How many are there?

Well, somewhere around 2 hundred, a mix of living, wounded and dead…

They want to drink, eat, smoke and they need grenade cartridges…

The longer they sit there, the sooner it all ends.

At the same time, the enemy, with forces of 108 TRO, 57 and 110 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, had difficulty holding buildings both at the plant itself and in the district near the lyceum, where the assault forces of the Russian Federation cleared several streets in a couple of days.

Pumping TG channels with information about Volchansk continues. TsIPSO is actively conducting subversive work.


The situation in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​high-rise buildings in Volchansk is, to put it mildly, deplorable

Over the past two days, enemy fighters have been attempting to break through to their units through the grey zone, which the fighters of the “North” group did not allow them to do.

Some units risked crossing the Volchya River to release the garrison of the 71st Separate Brigade, which also was not crowned with any success.

In this sector, the enemy’s behaviour was more like death throes than strategically thought-out manoeuvres.

Since yesterday, the activity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this direction has decreased, the militants’ hope for evacuation has faded, and the command has completely forgotten about them.

The classic scenario for Ukrainian militants is to be abandoned and driven into a corner. Now they have two options – captivity or death.


There are reports that Russian assault troops have reached the eastern outskirts of the village of Peschanoye (Kharkov region)

It is also reported that several Ukrainian militants from the 110th Territorial Defence brigade (Zaporozhye region) were captured.

Across Ukraine, partisans are burning relay cabinets, slowing down railroad traffic

 - In Cherkassy region unknown persons set fire to transformer substations on the railroad: “on the night of June 14-15 in the village of Podobnaya not far from the railway crossing unknown persons tore off 2 locks, opened transformers, poured gasoline on them and set them on fire. These transformers provided functioning of railroad rails”.

 - Another case occurred on June 13: “Around 12:40 in Sumy between Sumy and Toropilovka stations, a burned relay cabinet was found,” Ukrainian media reported.

Nighttime drone attack by the AFU on Russian regions

Last night, Ukrainian formations once again attacked the rear and border regions of Russia, again using their own homemade kamikaze drones:

▪️According to official information, in Lipetsk, four drones were destroyed over an industrial area, with no casualties. Potential targets in the region could have been the Novolipetsk Steel Plant and the Lipetsk Tractor Plant.

▪️The Russian Ministry of Defense reported the destruction of two UAVs in the Voronezh Region. The region is home to several defense industry enterprises, and the airfield in Buturlinovka was already targeted by the AFU in March.

▪️Another drone was destroyed in the sky over the Belgorod Region, and the day before in the Krasnodar Region.

The regularity of such attacks indicates at least significant stockpiles of such UAVs that the adversary has accumulated recently and is able to replenish. Not always can these attacks cause significant damage to industrial infrastructure, and a significant part of the devices are shot down by Russian air defense systems.

However, it is obvious that in the near future, the raids will certainly not stop and will become more and more massive. Therefore, the search for ways to counter them becomes even more relevant: some effective measures have already been taken, but it is unacceptable to be limited to them.


ISKANDER-M Wiped Out US Army Officers Along With М142 HIMARS & М270 MLRS

CRAZY Developments | Russian Full Recapture Of Dnipro River | Ukrainian Kharkiv Counterattacks

Advances on many directions [17 June 2024]

Russia Strikes 110 Areas In 24 Hours; Drones Hit Russian Military Targets; Putin’s Men Shell Kharkiv

Another Massive Collapse Of Ukrainian Defense Line l Russian Forces Recaptures Dnipro River

Morning Summary for June 17, 2024

▪️On the Kharkiv direction, intense fighting is ongoing in Volchansk and near the Volchansk hamlets. Over the past day, the AFU has attacked the positions of our troops 15 times from the settlement of Tykhe, trying to transfer reinforcements from the south across the Volchia river. The AFU is using precision air bombs, introducing reserves for offensive actions, but despite losses, they have not succeeded. North of the settlement of Lyptsi, near the settlement of Hlyboke, the AFU is also trying to attack with the support of Western armored vehicles. The line of contact remains unchanged. According to our troops on the ground, the AFU command is waiting for a suitable moment to commit its strike grouping, but so far has not been able to find a weak spot in the defense of the Russian Armed Forces.

▪️From the Svatove-Kupiansk direction, they report on the expansion of the control zone and the occupation of important enemy strongholds west of Ivanovka and Kotliarivka.

▪️In the eastern part of Chasiv Yar, heavy fighting continues, and the control zone of the Russian Armed Forces is expanding from the direction of Bohdanivka. Aviation is actively used to strike AFU positions.

▪️In the Avdiivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing north of the Ocheretyne salient from Arkhanhel’ske to Novoaleksandrivka. Fighting is ongoing near Sokil, Novopokrovske, north of Umanske and Yasnoborodivka.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, the assault on Krasnohorivka continues, with the southern part of the city under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. They report the capture of Heorhiivka after several months of fighting, and clashes near Paraskoviivka.

▪️20 km northeast of Robotyne, the Russian Army has taken up positions north of the Myrne-Zahorne highway after consolidating in the latter. West of the Robotyne salient, the Russian Army continues to burn out enemy positions north of Nesterianky with heavy flamethrower systems (

▪️On the Kherson direction, they report that over the past week, the Russian Armed Forces have taken control of important islands in the floodplain of the Dnipro river, however, due to the terrain features and the actions of enemy UAVs, their retention is carried out by small groups of our infantry.

▪️At night, fixed-wing UAVs attacked the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions, as well as the Krasnodar Territory. According to the governors, all drones were shot down.

▪️The Belgorod Region continues to be under attack from the AFU. In the city of Shebekino, a kamikaze drone attacked an enterprise, damaging the cab of a cargo truck. In the village of Vyazovoe in the Krasnoyaruzhsky district, as a result of the drop of an explosive device from an AFU UAV, windows were Original msg (


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