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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 25 2024

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Despite some skepticism on Russian Telegram channels, and no official statements, FighterBomber doubles down on the “Black Sea Drone Incident”

From his channel:

Now the ball is in the Americans’ court. If they come again, it means they are quite prepared for the loss of the Global Hawk (or even more than one) and have already figured out how to respond to it. Or they might come to “clarify” whether it was a one-time action or if we are serious.

Therefore, we need to think two steps ahead, based on the worst-case scenarios. What will we be able to respond with to their response? There is no antidote for such “unprofessional” actions for UAVs. The altitude of the Global Hawk didn’t protect it. They won’t be able to deploy fighters for their escort, and even with escort, a MiG will come again, and the story will repeat itself.
Well, let them think.

And yes, I say what I think is necessary, and in the way I think is necessary. If you don’t understand something here, read channels where everything is clear to you. Just don’t attribute your wet dreams and desires to me.

The crew is recommended for state awards.

So far, no confirmation on the situation, other than FB Telegram Channel.

US defence officials dispute Russian claims of any incident over the Black Sea yesterday

Yet FighterBomber, a usually reliable source with wide connections in the Russian Air force, double downed on the claims, saying proof with be presented in time of the downing of an American drone

As expected, the Biden regime have  quietly denied any involvement in the attack on Sevastopol.

Pentagon spokesperson, Charlie Dietz, this morning:

“Ukraine makes its own targeting decisions and conducts its own military operations.”

We just supply them with all the weapons, training, intelligence, and funding. They want you to believe that the financiers of this war have absolutely zero influence on the decision making process.

Yet another package of anti-Russian sanctions has been adopted. This already is the fourteenth one, and the total number of sanctions is nearing 20.000. There is nothing new, or scary in it, but each time it’s getting more and more delirious.

So, for example, the EU Council has stated that Europe will go on buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia but will ban re-exporting it. Moreover, it will limit transshipment of our LNG through the terminals of European ports. The aim is “to reduce Russia’s revenues from liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports”, that’s what it says.

The dumbhead eurodummies are keen on foiling any Russian commercial activity without losing anything themselves.
The European Commission has also prohibited investments, provision of services and technologies to such projects as Arctic LNG-2 and Murmansk LNG, so as to hinder exporting Russian gas from the Arctic on icebreaker tankers.

Once again there are bans in the financial sphere, limits on exporting certain goods to Russia, individual sanctions… it is boring even to list them. They work in a dull and uncreative manner, once again repeating themselves.
There are, however, some novelties; they have remembered about Artek, the international children’s center. It appears our children are also enemies to them. No other word to call them except bastards.

All in all, the EU has once again demonstrated that it is ready to sacrifice the sovereign interests of both its member states and common Europeans. Our country is harmed far less than the EU citizens and companies.

According to the late 2023 calculations, the total Europe’s loss caused by the anti-Russian sanctions reached about $1.5 trillion. Just for natural gas the people of the Old World paid extra €185 billion: switching to alternative suppliers had not paid off, and, what’s more, LNG turned out to be an insufficient substitute for pipeline deliveries.

American exporting companies came out as the only winners. Europe was forced to reduce the output of energy-intensive production, such as steelworks, and to move the load of paying for domestic needs on to common citizens. The consequence of the crisis in the energy sector was inflation growth, increase of the EU member states’ external debt, ruin of many companies and impoverishment of citizens.

Russia has restored the revenues it failed to receive from exporting energy resources by actively establishing its presence on Asian markets. We do not miss the Western companies: substitutes do exist. Our economy grows steadily, the state fulfills its social obligations. By way of comparison: today, the growth rate of our economy is 3.6 percent, while in Europe it is about 0.1 percent.

This is why in Europe they have to approve packages of new sanctions with one hand and go on buying Russian gas with the other: that is their only lifeline. Whatever the hostilities may be, your own shirt is closer to the body. Yet, the shirt is wearing off. Life has proven time and again that the so-called “sanctions from hell” adopted by the EU on order from the US, pave the way to the Inferno solely for their own makers. So the 14th package of sanctions will not reach the goal, but will be yet another act of hostility.

We will survive this. But we won’t just forgive and forget, we’ve got a good memory. We won’t leave without response the intent to harm our people– and sanctions of any kind always hit people and businesses, but not authorities. We will thoroughly note down this very case of assault on our interests, and in a very short time will present our demands – and not only economic – to the hostile countries. There will be hell to pay.

 Dmitry Medvedev

Negative trends in the West are intensifying in relation to Ukraine; politicians have begun to adapt to the EU elections and the public’s views on the processes.
The German opposition is signaling a change in its attitude towards Ukraine, calling for peace talks.

According to The Times, CDU leader Friedrich Merz, who previously advocated increasing military aid, has changed course and now believes that the time has come to focus on ending the conflict with Russia.

The candidate for the post of the next chancellor of Germany said that the time has come to sign a peace treaty with Russia on Ukraine.

In the past, Friedrich Merz, the leader of the center-right opposition, has repeatedly insisted that Berlin provide more military aid to Ukraine, including a batch of long-range Taurus cruise missiles.

However, the day before he said that he would prefer a truce.

“We must see that we are opening up the possibility of ending this conflict at some point,” he said in an interview with public broadcaster ZDF.

Merz also softened his language on military aid, refusing to repeat his previous demands for Taurus missiles.

“I support the decisions that the government has made on this issue. I believe we have done too little, too late. I always said that more should have been done at the very beginning. But now it is June 23, 2024. There is no point in looking back two and a half years. We must look forward,” Merz concluded.

Scholz admitted that support for Ukraine has brought down his party’s ratings, but refuses to change political course

According to the German Chancellor, the SPD and the entire traffic light coalition in Berlin are experiencing a crisis of confidence on the part of citizens. Der Spiegel reports that the chancellor, in his defense, points out that the ruling coalition is forced to deal with several crises at once: conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, inflation, climate change and much more.

The result of all this was the rise of the right in both Europe and Germany. This rise “following the September state elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia could have serious consequences.” The German magazine notes that in all three states the right-wing Alternative for Germany is leading, while Scholz’s party is lagging behind, and in Thuringia and Saxony would currently receive less than 10% of the vote.

Olaf Scholz considers the prospect of the Alternative for Germany’s possible participation in the formation of state governments “depressing.” But at the same time he expressed the hope that this will not happen and that the other parties will not allow this. Scholz suggested that the regional branches of his SPD need to “define their attitude towards the Sarah Wagenknecht Union” regarding the participation of this new political association in state coalitions.

When asked by a journalist why “in the East the SPD has only 7% in some places,” Scholz admitted that not everything went according to plan. For example, in the lands of the GDR, “there are many citizens who do not agree that we support Ukraine.” And this affected the rating of his party.

Scholz, however, has no plans to change course. “It’s not even a question.” Scholz insists that Vladimir Putin has “abandoned the decades-long agreement on peace in Europe.” Therefore, the German Chancellor considers it right to continue to adhere to his “course of prudence”: to restrain the supply of weapons, but not to completely rule out peace negotiations.

Scholz on Germans demanding peace with Russia:

  I want to touch on one topic right away, because I don’t think we should ignore it. The fact is that there are many citizens who do not agree that we support Ukraine, who also do not agree that we have imposed sanctions on Russia. And this, among other things, is reflected in the election results. But in my view, there is no alternative to us changing that now. The understanding that borders cannot be moved by force, which we’ve had for decades, has been overturned by Russia. So we’re going to have to continue to do that.

[And people in the East just have to understand that?]

  I’m a little annoyed by some of the questions. Not the ones you’re asking me now, but some of the ones I’ve heard. Because for the last two years I’ve only been asked if we need to do more, if I’m being too indecisive. I have always been in favor of prudence and making sure that we take every opportunity for a peaceful development that is not a surrender of Ukraine. And I continue to hold that view. And we saw that we can also achieve something, for example, through a peace conference.

French soldiers in Ukraine dressed up a pig as Macron and expressed everything they think about the French President (Emmanuel Macron), whose support level is falling record-breaking a week before the elections, is irritating not only  the French civilian population. The French military personnel stationed on the territory of Ukraine also do not seem be enthusiastic about the president.

One of French soldiers addresses his grievances to a pig wearing a mask of the French president: “Macron, because of you, the French can’t make ends meet… my mom has huge electricity bills” and “Because of you, we are dying here in Ukraine… You don’t care about the lives of the French, you’re replacing us with migrants…” On June 20, the French Prime Minister announced the possible suspension of aid to Ukraine if the far-right parties win the elections in France.

The United States is directly involved in the terrorist attack in Sevastopol using ATACMS missiles, said the Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya.

The incident will be discussed at a UN Security Council meeting in July, he emphasized.

We regret any civilian casualties in this war, but we provide weapons to Ukraine so that it can defend its territory including in Crimea, which, of course, is part of Ukraine 

Matthew Miller

And another example of the cynicism of the Western press. The Dutch newspaper NRC today publishes almost a full page spread of an article entitled “Attacks should make Crimea unsuitable for Russians.”

The Dutch write with apparent pleasure about how great it is that American long-range missiles are now being used against Crimea. And only at the end of the article, a couple of lines mention the Sunday attack on the beach. And of course, not a word about the death of children. The newspaper concludes: “The empty beaches should be a sign for the Kremlin that it is gradually losing control over Crimea.”

@kornilov1968 comments that:
I can imagine what a howl would start in the Netherlands if our newspapers began to set the task of making Dutch beaches deserted!

Trump offers Ukraine weapons in exchange for negotiations with Russia – Reuters.

Trump advisers presented a plan to push Ukraine towards peace negotiations with Russia.

If Trump wins the election, Kiev will be informed that obtaining more weapons is possible only if they enter into negotiations. The strategy also involves postponing the issue of Ukraine’s membership in NATO in order to persuade Moscow to engage in dialogue. Trump reacted positively to this plan, the publication notes.

Note: what I wonder, if this is just a smart plan not to provide Kiev any weapons at all.. Cause if they are at war, no weapons provided, if they accept to negotiate, then demilitarization is one of the main Russian conditions.

Ukrainians are bombing women and children in Crimea with Western weapons. This is called – murder. And nobody says anything.
During the so-called Western peace farce in Geneva, the key independent powers did not sign the final anti-Russian communiqué.This is a complete failure for the West. And I applaud enthusiastically. The world has had enough of Russophobia.
Let’s face it – the West is losing the war against Russia. Militarily, politically and morally.Nothing much needs to be done, just grab some popcorn and watch the warmongers in the West lose, their own peoples rise up against them, neoliberalism fall to the bottom.
It’s over. The whole world is rising up against the West. From Jakarta to Caracas. The Russians have never humiliated these peoples, unlike the people of the West. And they know it well. In just a few weeks or months, the whole globalist project of progressive liberalism will be over.

Deputy Speaker of the Slovak Parliament Luboš Blaha


Every day I am accused in all regional media and most domestic media that I am Putin’s errand boy, his pawn, his puppet, that I will start a war in the region on his orders, I have been listening to this for two and a half years. That he awarded me with an order for a reason and that I do everything according to the agreement with him and I have secret ties with him. And then we read that Vucic did not give weapons to Ukraine, but sold them to Spain, Belgium, Czech Republic, God knows who else, and some of these weapons appeared in Ukraine.
What exactly do I have to justify myself for? That we supply the authorized end user with ammunition. At the same time, we do not export weapons and guns. Only to Azerbaijan, Cyprus and another Arab country – the UAE. We do not have arms and ammunition agreements with anyone else. That is precisely to protect us from the fact that Serbian weapons will be used to kill any of our brothers: Russians, Ukrainians or anyone else. By refusing to develop the defense industry, you can destroy your land, workers in the industry will be left without income and protests and strikes will start.

Serbian President Vucic

“Don’t be afraid to surprise Putin” – Poroshenko is pushing the EU to escalate the conflict

The key elements of our winning formula are supporting Ukraine until victory, not until the end. Supply weapons to Ukraine without restrictions, without restrictions on quantity, range and restrictions on what targets to hit. Don’t be afraid to surprise Putin with creative initiatives and ‘sanctions from hell’ to starve him of resources to stop his ability to finance the war.

British MP Andrew Bridgen on Ukraine’s nuclear provocation:

I’ve got a defense analysts feeding me with information, they are in services, and they are saying there is going to be a nuclear detonation in Europe.

 [Who by?]

Well, it could be a dirty bomb. I mean, Ukraine has a lot of nuclear material floating around from their nuclear reactors. To create contamination all you need is some conventional explosives and you have a dirty bomb. They may have already been set off in the Donbass area now.

[And this could be the false flag that starts a war?]

Yes, there are different ways it can be done.

[Like 9/11?]

Like 9/11

What madness! The EU confirms that it will appoint Estonian Foreign Minister Kaja Kallas as the head of its “diplomacy”. This war-obsessed hysteric with an intuitive hatred of Russia and blind obedience to NATO! So this Ursula protégé wants “the EU to purchase munitions on behalf of the 27 member states to provide increased military support to Ukraine” and “Eurobonds for defense”! She also wants to create a “European defense commissioner”!Toward a European army! Her appointment is aimed at exacerbating tensions, at making peace impossible, at bringing World War III closer!For the sake of peace, let’s leave the EU, let’s be free!

French Patriots party leader Florian Philippot

Pentagon Press Secretary Patrick Ryder:

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin spoke by phone today with Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov. During the conversation, the minister emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine.

An excellent approach to using prisoners, why didn’t they immediately release them with weapons?

Six convicts escaped from the Desna training center – they were in ZSU uniform and with weapons, – media

According to sources, the command of the military unit informed the commanders of the training center units about the escape.

The whereabouts of the escaped convicts who joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces are unknown. There has also been no official comment on this matter yet.

Ukrainians in the Transcarpathian region will no longer be able to buy rubber boats without a military ID

As @dillfrash writes, one of the local fishing stores posted a corresponding warning.

It is clarified that this is being done to combat evaders who cross the Tisa in similar boats.

It was previously reported that without a military ID, Ukrainians will now not be able to register a marriage.

The commander of the terrorist “Azov” Kukharchuk spoke about the role of his unit as a blocking detachment:

“We were the motivational troops. We helped the 110th Territorial Defense brigade. I can’t say anything bad about them, but their morale wasn’t great, so we helped them stay motivated.”

As a result of the negotiation process, 90 Russian servicemen who were in mortal danger in captivity have been returned from territory controlled by the Kiev regime.  

In return, 90 prisoners of war of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were handed over.    

The freed servicemen will be transported by aircraft of the military transport aviation of the Russian Air Force to Moscow for treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the Russian Defence Ministry. All those released are being provided with the necessary medical and psychological assistance.   

During the return of the Russian servicemen from captivity, the United Arab Emirates provided humanitarian mediation.

Welcome back to the Motherland!

Our source reports that Zelensky has now driven Ukraine into a situation where there are no good solutions, and by prolonging the conflict ZeErmak are putting the entire existence of the country and nation at stake.

Zelensky understands that without a war he will lose power, since the West will stop giving any money, and the country has so many problems and debts that it will sink to the bottom. There will be a default.
Signing any peace agreements is the political and historical death of Ze. Afterwards there will definitely be a debunking of Ze’s personality cult, which he artificially created for himself. Corruption schemes, nepotism, etc. will come to light.

In Ukraine, the attitude towards Russia is changing not only among ordinary citizens, but also among the security forces.

We wrote that there are a lot of security officials who are starting to work for the Russians. Sometimes, this is not because they love the Russian Federation, but because they hate the Ukrainian government.
Signals about this had been going on for a long time (remember the attack on the Odessa port in March), and the SBU/counterintelligence reported that the number of such “moles” was growing; Bankovaya ignored it and continued to “bend over” its people. And how many more people there are who in 2022, on a surge of emotion, supported Ze and Ukraine, and now the emotional reaction has passed and they again began to “drown” for the Russian Federation. Yesterday’s SBU leak about the Odessa official clearly confirms all our insides.

Indicative resignations.
After the squabble of the head of the Vinnytsia OVA, Sergei Borzov, who was driving around the city in a drunken state, the borzel and then set the TsK on a group of guys at a gas station and they were given summonses. Today he was dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Bankovaya decided to immediately get rid of negative characters, since Zee’s rating of power is already at the bottom.

Our source at the General Staff said that the situation at the front is difficult and Syrsky is unable to stabilize the situation, since part of the reserves are being prepared for a new counter-offensive. All new Western equipment is now in Western Ukraine and is not reaching the front lines.

FAB-3000 in questions and answers: analysis  of the “Military Chronicle”

The use of these air bombs is gradually gaining momentum. So far, they are actively used only in the Kharkov region, but, apparently, their use in other sectors of the front will also not be long in coming. We have collected the most frequently asked questions regarding this weapon and tried to answer them in simple language.

■ Question: what is the accuracy of the FAB-3000?

Answer: approximately the same as for all bombs equipped with a universal gliding and correction module. Now the accuracy is slightly lower due to the fact that the UMPC itself is much larger and it takes time to bring it to fruition and a dozen missions to targets to collect data for study. The same thing happened with the first FAB-250/500 bombs.

■ Question: why not use several smaller caliber bombs instead of the FAB-3000?

Answer: any weapon is developed for specific tasks. FAB-3000 is no exception. It was invented to cause critical damage to protected enemy targets at one time. Using the example of recent videos of FAB-3000 arrivals, you can see that blowing half a concrete building into dust is not a problem for this bomb. Everything (for now) comes down to accuracy.

■ Question: what threat exists for the carrier of such a bomb?

Answer: the degree of threat is slightly higher than for carrier aircraft with smaller caliber bombs. Air bombs up to FAB-1500 are dropped from a much greater distance. Due to its size and weight, the FAB-3000 is dropped from (approximately) half the range.

■ Question: does it make sense to equip more powerful aerial bombs like the FAB-5000-M54 and FAB-9000-M54 with wings?

Answer: more likely no than yes. Despite being more powerful than the FAB-5000, the time for using these bombs, in our opinion, has passed. In the current combat situation (and in the future too), the use of such aerial bombs requires the use of specific carrier aircraft. The loss of one or two such “bomb carriers” like the Tu-22M3 is much more sensitive, and the set of targets that the crews of such aircraft will hit is quite typical for operational-tactical aviation.

■ Question: what will happen if the military abandons the FAB-3000?

Answer: nothing. The Russian Aerospace Forces have enough aerial bombs in their arsenal that can be used to solve assigned tasks. The niche for the FAB-3000 is seen in the destruction of very specific military and industrial facilities, for which the use of smaller caliber bombs is impractical. At the same time, we should not forget about volumetric detonating bombs, including the “daddy of all bombs” – ODAB-9000, which can also be equipped with wings. The feasibility of such a decision will be determined by the military, but this task is not impossible.

■ Question: where else will FAB-3000 be useful?

Answer: almost everywhere where the AFU occupies large industrial enterprises. A special feature of the bomb is its thick-walled body, which in some way increases its concrete-breaking properties in the event of a direct hit. There are many targets for the FAB-3000 both in and around Kharkov, as well as in large industrial zones of Ukraine equipped with parking lots for military equipment. Such facilities are available in Nikolaev, Odessa, the right bank of the Kherson region, in Zaporozhye and many other places.

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Russians continue to advance towards Toretsk [25 June 2024]

Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 25, 2024

Ukrainian formations attacked with drones the Voronezh Region, according to some reports a ammunition depot is on fire in the Olkhovatsky district.

In the Siversk direction, in Razdolovka, another Russian flag has been installed, this time by remote means.

In the Avdiivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces expanded their control zone in the area of Sokil, driving the enemy out of several positions in the forest belts north of the village.

In the Donetsk direction, in Krasnohorivka, fighting is ongoing in the city center, and from the northeast, Russian troops are advancing along the Lozova river.

In the Vremivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces repelled several counterattacks by the enemy over the past day and reinforced the flank west of Staromaiorske.



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