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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 29 2024

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Battlefield Earth The Long Road

Growing concern over Ukraine aid as Orban takes over EU presidency

Russia, China and North Korea will not be enemies for the United States if a “reasonable president” is at the head of the White House – Trump

We confirm information from colleagues that there is panic in the Office of the President after the Biden-Trump debate.
Zelensky and Yermak began to worry even more that Biden might lose power, which would affect them.

Our source indicates that Trump may accuse the leadership of Ukraine of corruption, launch a large-scale audit and call for democratic elections in order to have a legitimate president of Ukraine with whom to dialogue. Until then, all funding will be suspended.
As you understand, elections are death for ZeErmak, which means that they will now try in every possible way to remove their competitors and rivals (there may be accidental deaths and the work of the Russian DRG).

They won’t be able to come to an agreement with Trump. They threw him three times.

This situation intensifies the swing within the system. Soon many will run – wait… then it will be a bad situation for the OP. We described it back on February 22.

The US announced the desperate steps of the Biden administration because of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The administration of US President Joe Biden is further escalating the conflict and taking desperate steps due to the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). He writes about this in his article for Responsible Statecraft (RS).

It is noted that at each stage, the US authorities waited and assessed Russia’s reaction “before making more dangerous decisions.”

“ In recent weeks, perhaps due to the deterioration of Ukraine’s position on the battlefield, this process has accelerated,” the material says.

At the beginning of the conflict Washington spoke about the inadmissibility of sending American troops to Ukraine, but over time the position changed. Now the White House has allowed the Ukrainian army to strike with American weapons on some targets in Russia. In addition, conversations began about the possible sending of American contractors to Ukraine.

By order of Bankova, “butcher” Syrsky burns reserves at the front. And Ze demands another suicidal counteroffensive. At the same time, Syrsky’s failures at the front jeopardized his future. Zelensky and Ermak, whose plans he implements and carries out all their orders, are preparing to dump him, making him a “scapegoat.”

The provision of the army is at the worst level. Corruption + nepotism + fear of “slaves in uniform” to tell the truth, made some millionaires, and others crippled and missing.

We wrote about this problem a long time ago, pointing out that the life of a soldier is worthless to the Office of the President and ZeErmak. Mobiks buy equipment for themselves with their own money, repair cars, buy tires and fuel for them, buy uniforms and other necessary things, which, according to reports, are purchased for billions of dollars by the state.
We also described the case of how staff and office rats steal and write off ammunition.

The situation is only getting worse all the time, although everyone publicly shouts about fighting corruption and helping the army, but in reality they steal three times faster.

“Iskander” near Odessa burned S-300 positions
“Russian troops hit a wheat field in Odessa region with an Iskander-M missile,” the command of the AFU’s South group said earlier.

▪️ The footage shows today’s strike on an AFU air defense position in the village of Velikodolinskoye near Odessa. Once again our reconnaissance drone was quietly traveling through the Odessa region, where it found the position of the AFU S-300 air defense system.
▪️ Within an hour, the position was hit by an Iskander missile defense system, destroying:
➖ combat control cabin – 1 piece.
➖ 1 ACS vehicle.
➖ Guidance illumination radar – 1 piece.
➖ low-altitude detector – 1 pc.
➖ AFU air defense specialists – at least 15 people.

 Enemy attacked Sevastopol, people injured

 - 2 drones were destroyed over the sea and in the area of Balaklava, shrapnel damaged the roof of a private house.

 - According to preliminary data, as a result of the repelled missile attack 3 civilians were injured, they have shrapnel wounds of mild severity, said Governor Razvozhayev.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell the border regions of Kursk Region on a daily basis.

Last night, a Ukrainian drone dropped an ammunition item on a residential house in the village of Gorodishche, Rylsky District. As a result of the detonation, five members of the same family were killed, including two young children.

Two more civilians are in serious condition and were taken to the local hospital.

 On June 28, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of border areas in Kharkov Region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continued in the town of Volchansk. The artillery of the “North” destroyed the crossing through which the AFU was transferring reinforcements to the right bank of the Volchya River.

Together with the crossing, the enemy lost more than 30 fighters as a result of the shelling.

In the Liptsovsky direction, TOS-1A inflicted fire damage on the locations where enemy assault units were concentrated. Up to 35 Nazis were destroyed.

Over the past 24 hours the enemy’s losses amounted to more than 300 men. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ Paladin SPH;
▪️ T-72 tank;
▪️ Msta-B howitzer near the village of Kovali;
▪️ three D-30 howitzers;
▪️ three 120-mm mortars near the towns of Volchansk, Liptsy and Neskuchnoye;
▪️ 82 mm mortar in the vicinity of the villages of Tsyrkuny;
▪️three 120 mm mortars in the vicinity of the villages of Volchansk, Liptsy and Neskuchne. Tsirkuny;
▪️ four units of automotive equipment.

The past 24 hours were once again successful for our aviation forces. A large deployment point of the 57th Brigade was destroyed by a precision hit from a FAB with the UMPK. The enemy lost up to 40 men.

Did this upset the AFU command? Hardly… Watching the pace at which the TCC is capturing people on the streets, these losses will be replenished quickly, with the sole purpose of dying either from an air strike or in a senseless “meat assault”.

Victory will be ours!

North Wind

Kharkov direction.

Volchansk section.

In the area of ​​the aggregate plant, enemy activity was noticed in striking the area; apparently, the enemy delivered mines and shells to the site.

The enemy again tried to cross the Volchya River at night; our troops thwarted the enemy’s attempts with accurate fire from the AGS and artillery strikes.

During the day, the enemy attempted to transfer his troops 7 times, as well as evacuate manpower across the river, but aerial reconnaissance detected the attempts in time and stopped them through the joint work of units of the Russian Armed Forces, as a result of which over fifty AFU servicemen were destroyed.

The Volchya River is a river of death for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukrainian militants are constantly trying to cross this river in the Kharkov region. And every time they get hit on the head by the Russian Armed Forces.

As an example, a tank motor-laying truck arrived to install a crossing, but very quickly received a gift in the form of a “Lancet”. A valuable engineering vehicle was destroyed.

According ( to “Northern Wind”, over the past 24 hours, the enemy tried several times to transfer reserves across the Volchya River, but all the enemy’s attempts ended in the same way – with the destruction of the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by the soldiers of the Sever Guard. 


Siversk Direction: Liberation of Rozdolivka

Situation as of 9:00 am on June 28, 2024

Yesterday, it became known that Russian units from the 106th Airborne Division have established full and confident control over the settlement of Rozdolivka, and are currently consolidating their positions.

▪️After capturing the village, Russian troops also expanded the area of control northwest of the settlement towards Pereizne along the railway embankment, and also occupied several positions near the Bakhmutka River west of the railway crossing.

This became possible after the paratroopers entered Rozdolivka from the south and southeast, clearing the way for advancement along the railway (, which is under fire from both sides and where fighting has been ongoing for the past few days.

▪️Ukrainian formations are actively using various types of drones to strike Russian positions, but do not have significant resources for counterattacks due to losses suffered in the battles.

🔻Additionally, according to some information, assault groups of paratroopers advancing from the direction of Vesele have crossed the Sukhaya Plotva River and are preparing for an offensive towards the southern outskirts of Pereizne, from where a path opens to the Siversk fortified area.


The “Ocheretinsky flower” continues to bloom.

Judging by reports from the field, the village of Sokol, 3 km from Ocheretino, was finally taken and cleared. The “petals” of the offensive operation continue to bloom both to the north and to the south, but the main direction to the west remains.

Why is this village important?

Sokol is a transhipment point and an intermediate target of the Russian army on the way to the Progress-Volchya link, from where, in turn, it will be possible to deliver a cutting blow to the T-0504 highway to Konstantinovka. Behind Sokol, there are several medium-sized AFU strongpoints left, but the defence in this area after the Ukrainian troops roll back from Avdeevka will be the same as everywhere else, that is, short-lived.

What are the prospects for an offensive in this area?

So far, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have not been able to significantly slow down or completely stop the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in this area: even the additional reserves that several Ukrainian brigades received in this area (including the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade “Magura”) do not help stabilize the front line.

The RFAF took #Sokol and entered #Yevgenovka on the North #Avdeyevka Front⚡️

The RFAF knocked out the AFU from #Sokol and entered #Yevgenovka. The boundaries of the latter start in the north of the pink marked advance zone. The village itself is long and narrow and extends beyond #Voskhod, which itself has not yet been entered.
Further south, the advance on #Novosyolovka1st continued from the southeast, north of #Umanskoye.


Battle for #ChasovYar in #Bakhmut Direction – RFAF Advance in and at #Kalinovka⚡️

The RFAF advanced in the area between #Kalinovka and the northwestern part of #ChasovYar’s Kanal Microdistrict.

An RFAF SRG (sabotage and reconnaissance group) came under fire beyond ​​the pipe bridge in the area on the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal 


Advance detachments of the Russian army crossed the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal south of Kalinovka towards Chasov Yar.

We also made progress in the Channel microdistrict itself. The eastern part of the Orlova tract came under the control of the RF Armed Forces. According to unconfirmed reports, the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreated behind the Seversky Donets – Donbass channel.


Oleksandro-Kalinovo direction: fighting on the outskirts of Kirovo and advance near Druzhba
situation as of 7:00 pm on June 29, 2024

The situation is gradually becoming clearer in the Oleksandro-Kalinovo direction with the advance of the Russian Armed Forces.

▪️In the Ozaryanivka – Druzhba sector, Russian troops have occupied several dried-up reservoirs on the eastern bank of the Siversky Donets – Donbas canal.

▪️At the same time, at the 3rd lift pumping station of the canal, several kilometers west of the Mayorsk border crossing point (, Russian troops are holding forward positions, which are being engaged by enemy artillery and FPV-drone operators.

▪️After capturing ( Shumov last week, Russian troops advanced to the outskirts of Kirovo. The territory of the former reservoir, where the AFU had previously set up a strongpoint, came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. Fighting is currently underway in the area of the cemetery.

▪️West of Shumov, Russian troops dislodged Ukrainian formations from a strongpoint equipped on the slag heap of the Vostochnaya mine. The Severnaya mine dump represents a fairly fortified position, the battle for control of which continues.

▪️In the Novobakhmutovo – Novokalynove – Arkhanhel’ske area, counter-clashes and mutual shelling continue without significant changes to the front line configuration. There is no information yet about the Russian Armed Forces consolidating on the outskirts of Novhorodske (New York).

🔻Given the extreme scarcity of objective control footage from the sites, and the fact that the limited amount of material appearing online covers events at least a week old, the scale of the Russian troop advances may be much greater.


Based on the situation in the Ugledar direction.

As a result of heavy fighting and prolonged fire exposure, our troops overcame a difficult area in open terrain and approached the village of Konstantinovka.
Enemy objects on the territory of the settlement. Are exposed to massive fire damage, work is underway to suppress enemy fire weapons, and reconnaissance in force has begun near the outskirts of the populated area.

Konstantinovka is an important support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as it blocks the O0532 highway leading to Ugledar from the north, after the fall of the defence of this settlement, the fall of the Ugledar garrison will be a matter of time, and not for long.

Russian army successfully advances in the Kupyansk-Liman and Toretsk directions

 - Kupyansk – Liman direction. South of Olshany, the Russian Armed Forces are attacking in the direction of the gully. East of Stelmakhovka there are positional hostilities. East of Nevsky our troops have advanced in the area up to 4.85 km wide to a depth of 1.2 km, occupying the northern and eastern outskirts of the Nevskaya Balka.

 - Seversk direction. The intensity of fighting remains high east of Belogorovka, along the railroad in the direction of Vyemka and in the area of Razdolovka.

 - Toretsk direction. Russian troops advanced in the settlement of Yuzhnoye and on the outskirts of the settlement in an area up to 1.65 kilometers wide and up to 2.3 kilometers deep.

 - Kurakhovo direction. The Russian Armed Forces are increasing pressure in the western and eastern parts of the city.

 - Orekhov direction. Our troops are attacking northwest of Verbovoye.

Massive Russian Advance On Multiple Fronts l Sokil And Rozdalivka Has Fallen

WAR UPDATE: Wow! Russian Paratroopers STORM Key Ukrainian Apartment Stronghold

Major update: Russian forces advanced in several fronts [29 June 2024]

Russian breakthroughs VS Ukrainian gambles… – Ukraine War SITREP

Russian Breakthrough | Several Fortified Positions Captured

Morning Summary for June 29, 2024

▪️ In Kharkiv Region, fierce battles continue in the Volchansk area on the Volchansk direction. Russian artillery has destroyed another crossing point used by the AFU to reinforce the right bank of the Volchya River. A TOS-1A is operating on the Liptsovo direction. A FAB with JDAM destroyed the deployment point of the 57th Brigade. There are no significant changes in the situation, the enemy is not abandoning plans to push our troops back to the border.

▪️ From the Torske salient to Makiivka (LPR), our troops are attacking, exhausting the enemy’s forces across a wide front.

▪️ In the Siversk direction, the Russian Armed Forces have managed to completely clear Razdolivka and advance further north. Our UAV operators are already knocking out enemy equipment in the settlement of Pereizne.

▪️ In the direction of Chasiv Yar, there are battles, and a stronghold of the AFU has been taken near Klishchiivka.

▪️ In the direction of Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk), the Russian Armed Forces continue their offensive, bringing in fresh forces. They are advancing up to 4 km towards Pivdenne (on the map – Pyvdenne).

▪️ On the Zaporizhia front, in the area of Robotyne, they reported the capture of enemy strongholds, but the situation with the line of contact remains more static. This is likely due to the AFU increasing the use of FPV drones, on which the AFU has again changed frequencies, making their detection and suppression more difficult.

▪️ On the Kherson direction, they reported swift infantry battles in the island zone near the railway and Antonivskyi bridges, but it is difficult to objectively assess the situation due to “beautiful reports”: yesterday, the staff claimed full control of the entire island zone, which was refuted by frontline troops.

▪️ Off the coast of Crimea, overnight, monitoring channels reported the destruction of individual enemy UAVs and UUVs.

▪️ The AFU is striking at the civilian population of Belgorod Region. In Belgorod, a civilian was injured by a strike from an AFU drone. Another one was injured in Prilesye, Krasnoyaruzhsky District. The enemy is deliberately knocking out civilian vehicles with FPV drones, of which it has an abundance.

▪️ Yesterday morning and last night, several fixed-wing UAVs were destroyed over Bryansk Region.

▪️ In Kursk Region, Zaoleshanka in Sudzha District, Tyotkino, Krasnooktyabr’skiy and Novy Put’, Veseloe, Sergeevka, the village of Elizavetovka in Glushkovo District, the village of Troitskoye and the village of Viktorovka in Korenevo District were repeatedly shelled. Drone attacks were reported near the settlements of Tyotkino and Novy Put’, the village of Veseloe in Glushkovo District, the villages of Lokot’ and Kozino, the village of Staraya Nikolaevka in Rylsk District, the village of Sverdlikovo in Sudzha District, the villages of Gordeevka and Obukhovka in Korenevo District. During the day, 9 Ukrainian drones were destroyed or suppressed by small arms and electronic warfare means in the border areas.

▪️ In the DPR, in Makiivka and Donetsk, two civilians were killed and four were wounded, including a child born in 2013, as a result Original msg (


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