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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 02 2024

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Orban calls for Ukraine ceasefire to speed up peace talks on Kyiv visit

Orban Calls for CEASEFIRE

Today Zelensky met the first politician in two years who did not want to hug him

No hugs with Orban: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has headed the EU Council since July 1, arrived in Kiev for negotiations with Zelensky – Orban’s first visit to Kiev since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis. As the Hungarian side stated, the most important topic of the negotiations will be the prospects for resolving the Ukrainian conflict.

 Orban: “The war in which you live now has a very intense effect on the security of Europe. We highly appreciate all the initiatives of Mr. Zelensky for the sake of achieving peace. These initiatives take a lot of time. It is precisely because of the rules of international diplomacy that they are complicated, and I asked Mr. President to think about whether it is possible to go a little differently. Take a break. Stop the fire and then continue, start negotiations.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he had asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to consider a ceasefire before peace talks

“Peace is an important issue. The war you are living in now has a very intense impact on the security of Europe. We highly appreciate all the initiatives of Mr. Zelensky to achieve peace. I told Zelensky that these initiatives take a lot of time. And it is through the rules of international diplomacy that they are very complicated. I asked Zelensky to think about whether it could be done differently: first, cease fire, and then negotiate peace. Because a ceasefire could ensure an acceleration of the pace of these negotiations,”

- Orban said at a press conference with Zelensky in Kiev (as quoted by Interfax-Ukraine).

UPD: Ukraine rejected Orban’s proposal for a ceasefire – Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Igor Zhovkva

Blinken – on the fact that the U.S. no longer wants “1991 borders” to end the conflict in Ukraine:

What is success? For me, for us, I think success is very clear. This is a Ukraine that is a strong, successful country that is increasingly integrated with the West, and a country that can stand on its own feet militarily, economically, and democratically. And we have policies in place to achieve that and to make sure that it is exactly what happens.

Our source in the OP said that the West is actively offering us the Korean scenario, which is why Vladimir Zelensky promised to present a new peace plan for resolving the conflict with Russia by the end of 2024. After this, according to him, negotiations with the Russian Federation through intermediaries can be launched, similar to the scheme already used when concluding the “grain deal.” It is noteworthy that Zelensky also named three conditions for the cessation of hostilities, which did not include the return of control over territories within the 1991 borders and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territories of Ukraine, but this is all empty rhetoric.

Ukrainian authorities have made a 180-degree turn, and no one is talking about it – Arestovich

Alexey Arestovich draws attention to what we have been talking about for some time: Zelensky and other representatives of the Kiev regime loudly declare their readiness to end the war by the end of the year and without the conditions of “reaching the borders of 1991.”

According to Arestovich, this is “a sensational 180-degree turn by the Ukrainian authorities.” But they don’t talk about it much – this reversal is so sharp that it simply won’t fit in the minds of the citizens of Ukraine.

 “The average person was just told that our losses are 10 times less than those of the Russians, and suddenly it turns out that we have large losses. For two and a half years we pumped up “reaching the borders of 1991” and total victory, and now it turns out that we will make peace. The echelon of public opinion is accelerated to 120 km/h, no one can stop it, and then suddenly the driver says: guys, we’re going in the other direction. And I don’t care about my decisions, about the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council, we need to end the war.”

According to him, the authorities themselves created an agenda with incredible expectations: now up to 40% of the population believes in “total victory.” But now the Kiev regime suddenly, without prior preparation, began to talk about peace.

 “What is our information agenda? First: we are fighting, and Russians are dying in droves. Second: we can still win if the West helps correctly. Third: we brand traitors. Fourth: gossip column. And then Zelensky says: guys, peace. The media simply cannot react, they kept going and going… This is a sensation, society should explode. But everyone turned a deaf ear.”

It is very interesting what Zelensky’s new rhetoric will lead to. Public opinion, indeed, cannot be abruptly turned upside down, and the “victorious frenzy” (Arestovich’s words) cannot be stopped with a couple of statements from senior officials – preparations must be methodical and slow, especially in the presence of nationalists who continue to promote the rhetoric of “total victory.”

Very interesting things are happening in the Ukrainian information field. We’ll watch.


The Ukraine war will end in a surrender, not in a negotiated deal. That is my sense of where the war is headed and why the parties cannot negotiate a settlement.

The latest wrinkle in the missing negotiating saga is a declaration in the form of an interview given by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

In the interview, Zelensky said there can’t be direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia but there could be indirect negotiations through a third party. In Zelensky’s proposed scenario, the third party will serve as an intermediary and any deal will only be with the intermediary, not between Russia or Ukraine. Zelensky suggested the UN could act in this role.

However, the Zelensky proposal is a non-starter for many reasons, but the biggest one is that warring states need to directly agree on ending a conflict.

There is no hope of a third party implementing any deal, as the failed Minsk agreements (2014, 2015) proved. Minsk was a hybrid case where the deal was signed by Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Ukraine refused to implement the deal and the OSCE proved toothless and unwilling to try and enforce the Minsk accords. The deal had political backing from Germany and France, although neither was a signatory nor legally obliged in any manner to support the resulting deal.

Zelensky’s “proposal” really is just another smokescreen to deflect criticism of Ukraine for not wanting a settlement with Russia. Three strong forces are keeping Zelensky from the negotiating table.

The most important is that the main Anglo-Saxon players in NATO, namely the US and the UK, strongly oppose any negotiations with Russia. The US has done everything it can, including through sanctions and diplomatic measures, to prevent any dialogue with Russia on any subject (other than prisoner exchanges).

The second reason is Ukrainian legislation, sponsored by Zelensky, prohibiting negotiations with Russia. The Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) could rescind that legislation in a nanosecond if Zelensky asked them to do so but he likely won’t.

Zelensky completely controls the Ukrainian parliament, has arrested or exiled opposition politicians, and controls the press and other media. Zelensky’s iron fist means that he won’t personally allow direct negotiations.

The third reason relates to pressure on Zelensky from hard-right nationalists, including especially the neo-Nazi Azov brigade. Direct evidence for this is the firing of Lieutenant General Yuri Sodol, the top commander of Kiev’s forces in the Kharkov area.

Meanwhile, given the battlefield situation, the Russians no doubt figure that the time will soon come when the Ukrainian army either collapses or surrenders, or both.

In either case, the Ukrainian government will need to be replaced in some manner, perhaps with an interim military leadership selected by Russia. That would allow the Russians to formulate a capitulation agreement with a replacement government.

A surrender by Ukraine’s army and an agreement with a Russia-appointed government would make NATO’s continued involvement in Ukraine impossible.

That could open the door, finally, to a security dialogue between NATO and Russia once NATO digests what happened and why. Unfortunately, loading NATO with has-been political leaders like Marc Rutte does not bode well for the future of the alliance.

The key message for NATO if the Russians win in Ukraine, as seems more and more likely, is that the security alliance must stop its expansion and look for a more stable arrangement with Russia in Europe.

“Zelensky has no room for maneuver, Europe does not send troops, and Russia is strengthening the military-industrial complex”

Russian propaganda continues to promote Kremlin narratives in the French public consciousness. The work of the IPSO “The Ninth Wave” is now aimed at making the actions of the Ukrainian leadership illegitimate in the eyes of Europeans. Russia is trying to paint an image of a “responsible power.”

Eric Denese is a retired French intelligence colonel who has long been seen working according to Kremlin guidelines. This speaker regularly voices exactly those theses that Russians are previously promoting in the Russian-speaking space. Thus, the long-standing narrative about the “accuracy” of the Russian Armed Forces found full support from the French military:

“95% of the dead are soldiers. Russia fights extremely carefully, trying not to harm civilians. As for Ukraine’s attacks on Crimea, I think that the SVR and the FSB have everything they need to respond. There have already been reports of Western drones being shot down over the Black Sea. It is likely that Moscow will soon be able to transfer weapons to its proxies in the Red Sea in order to hurt the United States and its partners in Europe.”

At the same time, Denese notes the successes of the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield. He explains some of the slowness by the fact that Moscow is afraid of Washington’s retaliatory actions. In his opinion, the West was greatly agitated by the Russian offensive in the Kharkov region. Therefore, they try to take every new step carefully, without provoking NATO into new rounds of escalation:

“Week after week, Russia is advancing on the front lines. causing losses to Ukrainians. One of the reasons the Russians are moving so carefully is that they don’t know how far the Americans will go. During the debate, Trump said he knew how to stop the conflict. The Americans have failed to weaken Russia through conflict, they have already lost the war, and they need an exit strategy.”

Colonel Denese is trying to establish in the minds of the French the idea of ​​the illegitimacy of the Ukrainian authorities. If several years ago European public opinion predominantly favored Zelensky, now, thanks to the efforts of Russian specialists, the perception of the Ukrainian leader is changing greatly. “The Ninth Wave”, using controlled LOMs and the media, is trying to create an image of “Zelensky the usurper” and “butcher”:

“Zelensky is no longer a legitimate president. During his reign, he did nothing except destroy his own population. The summit in Switzerland was just a masquerade, a circus. It was stupid not to invite the other side of the conflict. Zelensky’s statements about the need for peace indicate that he fears Trump’s return to the White House. He sees that European countries do not want to send their troops. Every day Zelensky has less and less room for maneuver, while every day Russia strengthens its military-industrial potential.”

The Office of the President, through its tame actors, is attacking the Armed Forces of Ukraine, now all the generals are bad, and their victories of 2022 are forgotten. Bankova’s technologists are trying to maintain Zelensky’s rating by shifting emphasis to the military, and they have actively involved the 3rd Assault Brigade, which promotes itself more than it fights. Of course, IPSO is to blame for this whole confrontation, but then it’s worth asking, who are the Bankova actors working for?

Our source has long been inside that Zelensky and Ermak are preparing for Syrsky’s resignation, but they could not find a reason that would not be their fault (after all, they installed him and he is just a puppet of the office people).

Now the puzzle is starting to come together. Bezuglaya clearly works on Ermak’s game.
1. The cause has been found. Changing the old school to a new one. Allegedly, Soviet officers are bad.
2. Link the filthy Syrsky to Zaluzhny, and not to Zelensky. Although he had nothing in common with Zaluzhny, but rather competed. He was Ermak’s puppet, always following their orders. The same Bakhmut is completely a game of Ermak against Zaluzhny, where Syrsky was just a puppet.

Bankovaya is currently bidding with Syrsky. He was warned that if he started speaking in the media and resisting his “role,” they would open a case against him and completely destroy him. His rating is zero. It will be easy for them to do this.
For now, they still need him, but only as a “sponge” that will absorb as much negativity as possible.
This is how Ermak gets rid of his “sixes”. Bezuglaya must be prepared that one day she too will be merged like Syrsky.

The conclusion is simple: the office people are always to blame and until they are replaced, the situation will repeat itself, only the puppets (the next scapegoats) will change.

Our source reports that if Zelensky does not carry out a successful offensive this year, he will be “thrown down” from his presidency.
Everything will be remembered for him. Including the fact that he has lost legitimacy.
Society has already warmed up so much that as soon as Western curators give the go-ahead, mass protests will begin throughout the country, and many officials are already at a low start to change their shoes.

That is why Zelensky is preparing a large-scale offensive with manpower in order to extend his time in power at the expense of the lives of soldiers.

Our source reported back in March that we needed 200 thousand just to replenish reserves (loses in killed and wounded), and another 300 thousand for a new counter-offensive. It’s easy to calculate the real losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces over the past year, but no one will officially tell you about this!

200 thousand people will be mobilized by the end of the year if mobilization continues at the current pace, said Roman Kostenko, secretary of the Rada Defense Committee.

According to him, such mobilization will allow the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to be staffed to a level at which they have never been.

The lawlessness of power is growing, the morale of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is falling, while the number of those who are beginning to have a positive attitude towards Russia is growing.

Another case in Odessa.
The SBU detained two military men and their accomplice in Odessa, who were collecting information about air defense locations and installing cameras in the port.

Of course, the SBU has no faith. In 99% of cases they fabricate cases for personal gain.

We only believe that the trend of a positive attitude towards the Russian Federation in the Ukrainian army is intensifying, we have inside information about this.

The Ukrainian president must have covered his face with his hands as he watched Biden’s tumultuous performance against Trump in last week’s televised debate. Trump’s view on Ukraine’s war with Russia is known: he wants an end to the conflict.

-Now, France’s next parliament is dominated by MPs from Mélenchon’s left-wing coalition and Le Pen’s right-wing union. They have almost nothing in common, EXCEPT for one thing: like Trump, they want the war in Ukraine to end.

- “Macron’s mistake was that he believed that people approved of his hard line against Vladimir Putin. That’s why he and his party made it the central theme of the EU election campaign.”

- Some French people see that the conflict has caused a serious increase in food and energy prices. This is partly why many voted for right-wing parties that criticized Macron for his fervent support of Vladimir Zelensky.

Partisans continue to massively set fire to Ukrainian Armed Forces vehicles and critical facilities in the Odessa region
▪️ “Yesterday in Odessa they committed a series of arson attacks. They burned a military car, and also tried to set fire to an electrical substation,” write Kiev media, citing security forces.

➖ “At about 11:30, an unknown person tried to set fire to the Peresypskaya substation, but the fire did not spread. Based on this fact, a criminal case has been opened under the article of sabotage.

➖The second incident occurred at 23:40, an unknown person set fire to a Nissan car that belonged to a serviceman. The fire was extinguished within 15 minutes. No people were injured, the car was partially damaged,” the source says.


Why are Ukrainian airfields constantly bombarded with missiles and what is the meaning of such attacks:

On July 1, another attack was carried out on the Mirgorod airfield in the Poltava region. Arrivals of various types of missiles at this object are constantly recorded, but strikes continue even after successful arrivals. Why does this happen and for what purpose?

Why does it constantly fly to Mirgorod airfield?

Mirgorod is the most important jump airfield, vital for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. From here, as well as from the sites in Aviatorskoye or Kanatov, Ukrainian MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters from time to time try to strike with adjustable aerial bombs or fly out to intercept carriers of aerial bombs from UMPC.

How many planes are there at this airfield?

There is no permanent air group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the airfield “for security reasons” (the airfield is in the range of Iskander operational-tactical missiles), but it is almost impossible not to use the airfield and take off from other sites, in particular in the west of Ukraine: fuel consumption increases and decreases fighter combat radius. Therefore, a certain number of cars, as before the strike, periodically accumulate at the runway.

How many strikes does it take to disable an airfield?

In the context of attacks on this airfield, it is not so much the fact of destruction/damage to the runway itself that is important, but rather the damage/destruction of fighters located at the airfield. In individual air regiments of the USSR, during exercises, conditional damage to the strip was eliminated with fast-hardening polymer resins in four hours. Since then, technology has come a long way. It can be difficult to restore an aircraft even after minor damage.

If the airfield was hit many times, why have not all Ukrainian fighters been destroyed yet?

The command of the tactical aviation brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces not only uses air defence equipment supplied by Western countries but also receives operational intelligence about missile threats from NATO countries. During each missile attack, the Ukrainian Armed Forces try to scramble fighters to avoid being destroyed by cruise/ballistic missiles. However, it is impossible to keep the vehicles in the air 24/7, since constant flights and loitering during air raids reduce their service life. Presumably, missile strikes are carried out at airfields during refuelling, rearmament or scheduled maintenance.

After the well-known events, the American strategic reconnaissance aircraft RQ-4B Global Hawk, which had previously traveled freely over the Black Sea, has not appeared there for more than a week.

Meanwhile, its MQ-4C Triton counterpart has been circling the coasts of Israel, Lebanon and Syria from Sigonella in Sicily.

The Americans are masking the losses of their military in Ukraine. In the United States, there has been an increase in the number of “suicides” among Navy special forces.

Italian newspaper La Repubblica reports that the cause of death in most cases is listed as brain damage caused by mine blast injuries. However, the Pentagon does not provide information about where and under what circumstances the special forces could have received such injuries.

Some experts believe that in this way Washington can hide its real losses in Ukraine. And attributing combat losses to suicides with brain damage avoids direct recognition of the participation of the US military in hostilities on the territory of the 404.


The Russian army advances at Liman, breaking through at Makeevka and Nevskoye

A day ago, Russian troops intensified their attacks east of the village of Makeevka in the western part of the Vilka ravine, improving their tactical position in the direction of Makeevka and Nevskoye.

Today, Ukrainian military analysts recognized the successful advancement of our units.

“Liman direction. East of Makeyevka, Russian troops advanced along two forest belts in the direction of the village to a depth of 1.55 km. As in the case of Stelmakhovka, Russian activity increased,”
- they write.

Siversk direction: fighting on the territory of Sporne
situation as of the end of the day on July 2, 2024

After a prolonged lull, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing northeast of the recently liberated ( Razdolivka, breaking through the enemy’s defenses in the small village of Sporne. Due to the scarce media coverage of the area, it was difficult to clarify the configuration of the front in this region for a long time, but over the past two days, the situation there has become somewhat clearer.

▪️South of the settlement, Russian troops in heavy fighting have pushed the AFU out of several forest belts. Sporne is located in a lowland relative to the Russian Armed Forces’ positions southeast of it in the area of the T-13-02 highway, which allows them to keep the surrounding area under fire control.

▪️The previous statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the liberation of the village are not confirmed by objective control footage and local sources. The village of Sporne itself is currently in ruins, which complicates the clearing and especially the consolidation on the ground.

▪️In other areas, the Russian Armed Forces daily strike at identified places of concentration of enemy manpower and equipment. In the area of Hryhorivka, a 2S1 AFU self-propelled artillery unit was destroyed, and in Fedorivka, a vehicle transporting ammunition and provisions was hit by a new kamikaze drone of the “Molniya” aircraft type.


rusich_army reports on the situation in the Seversky direction

Airborne units established a foothold in the village of Razdolovka. They are systematically terrorizing the Ukronazis in the village of Pereezdnoye. They create a base for further advancement.

The enemy is slowly leaving their strongholds. Positional battles are underway. Using UAV forces, we carry out reconnaissance and demoralization of the enemy with targeted destruction of his vehicles, electronic warfare equipment and manpower.

We are putting pressure on the Ukrainian Armed Forces in all directions.

The situation in the Seversky direction.

Airborne units established a foothold in the village. Razdolovka. They are systematically terrorizing the Ukronazis in the village. Moving. They create a springboard for further advancement.

The enemy is slowly leaving their strongholds. Positional battles are underway. Using UAV forces, we carry out reconnaissance and demoralization of the enemy with targeted destruction of their vehicles, electronic warfare equipment and manpower.


Chasov Yar direction

Russian troops crossed the Seversky Donets canal, occupied almost the entire territory of the Hydroreinforced Concrete plant and advanced to the Orlova tract.

The total area of ​​the occupied territory is almost 1.4 km².

The Novy microdistrict in Chasov Yar has been completely taken under control.

Airborne assault groups of the 98th Airborne Division, completely cleaned up the Novy microdistrict in Chasov Yar. 


Situation east of Chasov Yar: Recent video footage shows Russian Army hoisting a flag in one of the last high buildings of Kanal micro district (48.58983619917902, 37.87468622986272). The battle for this area is close to end. Combing operations now in place.

- Via the excellent Suriyakmaps (

We’ve seen a lot of back and forth in control but I should note Russian military tends to pull back then request additional fire support to smash defensive positions and Ukrainian troops with FABs, artillery, and the infamous TOS. No point getting into small arms against defensive positions when you have the advantage of firepower.


The Russian Armed Forces again broke through the defences of the Ukrainian Armed Forces using an underground tunnel – the situation in the Toretsk direction by the end of July 1

Russian troops are successfully advancing on the Toretsk agglomeration from two sides at once: from the Mayorskaya railway station and from near the mining village of Yuzhnoye, bypassing the mine and dumps. Our fighters broke through to Druzhba and to the outskirts of the Kirovo microdistrict on Mayakovsky Street, as well as to Zheleznoye. The intention of the command of the Russian Armed Forces becomes clear – to surround the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Severnoe microdistrict.

The Russian  Forces advanced into city blocks. Our soldiers were helped in this by a three-kilometre underground tunnel, built from the Mayorskaya station along the railway tracks. Using it, the military went to the rear of the AFU and broke into their defences east of the Severnoe micro district near the railway.

Avdiivka direction: Advance of the Russian Armed Forces towards Novoselivka Persha and fighting in Sokil

Situation as of 7:00 pm on July 2, 2024

Russian units continue to attack in the Avdiivka direction, maintaining the initiative in the sector. Despite a slowdown in the offensive after the liberation of Ocheretyne in the spring, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing along the line of Sokil – Voskhod – Novokopilivka.

▪️In recent battles, Russian troops have completely liberated the settlement of Novoaleksandrivka, driving the AFU from their last positions in the area of the pond on the western outskirts of the village. Less than 7 km remains to the enemy’s important supply route on the Pokrovsk – Kostyantynivka highway, but the village of Vozdvyzhenka still needs to be freed.

▪️In Sokil, Russian troops have entrenched themselves in the central part of the village, but their advance is complicated by constant strikes from FPV drones. In addition, a large stronghold north of the settlement has partially come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces – its southern part is held by Russian troops, while the northern part remains under enemy presence.

▪️To the south, Russian units are advancing in the fields northwest of Novopokrovske, having covered more than 1.5 km to the west. Here, as a result of several FPV drone strikes, another M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA IFV was destroyed ( Over the past week, at least six armored vehicles of this type, as well as several mobile electronic warfare systems, have been hit in the area.


The Russian Armed Forces reached the main line of defence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Karlovka. What’s next?

The movement in this area is parallel to the opening of the “western petal” of the offensive from Ocheretin, and in the future, the defence situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine may worsen sharply.

What are we talking about?

As expected, Russian troops relatively quickly reached the area where the main line of defence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was supposed to pass. Ukrainian troops should have occupied the section from Novoselovka First to Yasnobrodovka and Karlovka almost immediately after the loss of Avdeevka, but the lack of capital fortifications, insufficient brigades and problems with command and control led to the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to defend themselves “as is.”

A key role in this regard was played by General Syrsky’s decision to send several brigades on a counterattack to contain the breakthrough of the Russian Armed Forces in several areas at once, including Berdychi/Ocheretino and Karlovka/Netailovo. As a result, with heavy fighting, the Russian troops managed to break through further, and the main line of defence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will now pass behind the cascade of the Karlovskoye Reservoir. Karlovka itself has not yet been taken. The withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from here could pose a great danger to the coherence of Ukrainian positions, so heavy fighting is expected in this direction.

However, pressure in neighbouring directions, especially in the Yasnobrodovka area, where the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces is actively developing, will probably force the Armed Forces of Ukraine to once again roll back to the west and begin to dig in along new lines, on which, like on the old ones, no industrial fortifications have been recorded. Cast from concrete, as was the case on the approaches to Avdeevka and inside the city.

Wounded militants remain in Volchansk

Judging by data from various sources, Volchansk has become a trap for the Ukrainian Armed Forces: Ukrainian troops cannot take the city, and the Kiev regime does not want to abandon it, so as not to upset its “Western partners” even more. Therefore, the city turns into another meat grinder, where troops are pulled in from all over.

But the troops have no way back: there is no evacuation from the city. Over the past week, assault groups were constantly brought into Volchansk, but the vehicles came back empty – apparently, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to leave the dead and wounded (primarily the 36th Marine Brigade) in the city.

We don’t know exactly why this decision was made. We assume that the issue is a lack of resources, machines and doctors who could take care of the wounded. And if it is not possible to transport the wounded, then there is nothing to say about the dead – they will remain in the city.


Chronicles of the special military operation
for July 2, 2024

Over the course of the day, Russian forces struck targets in Kharkiv, and also hit the airfield in Poltava, destroying a Ukrainian Air Force Mi-24 helicopter. Ukrainian formations again attempted a raid on Crimea.

In the Siversk direction, there are clashes in Sporny, as well as north of it. In the Artemivsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces occupied a multi-story building on Koshevogo Street 8, taking control of most of the Canal microdistrict in Chasiv Yar.

In the Oleksandro-Kalinovo direction, Russian troops advanced on the eastern outskirts of Kirovo, occupying new positions on Zaliznychna Street.

In the Avdiivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces expanded their control zone in the fields northwest of Novopokrovske, and also engaged in battles for a major fortified area south of Sokil.


WAR UPDATE: Significant Gains! Russia Nearly Captured All Of Chasiv Yar’s Eastern District

Russians advance in two directions west of Bakhmut [2 July 2024]

Massive Russian Progress On Multiple Fronts l Russian Advance In Areas North Of Chasiv yar

TOS-2 Wiped Out Canadian, French, and US Soldiers In CHASIV YAR┃Russia Captured STEPOVAY-NOVOSELOVKA

New Front Activated | Several Ukrainian Jets Struck in Base | Russian Naval Activity

Putin’s Fury Unleashed On Ukraine: Devastating Video Shows Nine Ukrainian War Jets Turned Into Ashes

There is gonna be SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES… – Ukraine War SITREP

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (2 July 2024)

▫️Units of the Sever Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 57th, 115th mechanised brigades, and 113th Territorial Defence Brigade near Chumakovo, Yunakovka (Sumy), Sotnitsky Kazachok, and Liptsy (Kharkov).

Two counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU Vostok Special Operations Centre and 36th Marines Brigade were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 70 servicemen, one AFV, three MVs, one German-made 155-mm Panzerhaubitze-2000 self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 14th, 115th mechanised brigades, and 3rd Assault Brigade near Pershotravnevoye (Kharkov), Nadiya, and Stelmakhovka (LPR).

The AFU lost more than 475 Ukrainian troops, one tank, one IFV, five MVs, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and one 122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle.

Moreover, three AFU artillery ammunition depots were destroyed.

▫️Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 56th Motorised Infantry Brigade near Kalinin (DPR).

One counter-attack launched by assault detachments of the AFU 214th Opfor Separate Battalion was repelled.

The AFU lost more than 635 servicemen, two AFVs, and 16 MVs.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one UK-made 105-mm L-199 howitzer, and two U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery warfare stations.

Six AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.

▫️Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 47th Mechanised Brigade and 109th Territorial Defence Brigade near Rozovka, Novgorodskoye, and Novosyolka Pervaya (DPR).

Six counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 23rd, 31st, 41st, 110th mechanised brigades, and 95th Air Assault Brigade were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 440 servicemen, two AFVs, seven MVs, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade near Urozhaynoye (DPR).

One counter-attack launched by assault detachments of the AFU 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade was repelled.

The AFU lost up to 110 servicemen, three MVs, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, two 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, and one 100-mm MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun.

▫️Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 65th Mechanised Brigade, 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, and 35th Marines Brigade near Malaya Tokmachka and Zherebyanka (Zaporozhye).

The AFU lost up to 70 servicemen and two MVs. One electronic warfare station was destroyed.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware clusters in 115 areas during the day.

▫️Air defence units shot down six UK-made Storm Shadow cruise missiles, one French-made Hammer guided aerial bomb, one U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectile, 81 UAVs, including one Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 UAV.

Nine aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force were neutralised.

▫️As a result of a group strike by precision weaponry at the airfield, five Su-27 aircraft were destroyed and two Su-27 aircraft were damaged. One MiG-29 and one Su-27 Ukrainian aircraft were shot down by Russian air defence units.

Morning Summary on July 2, 2024

▪️ Last night, Crimea repelled an attack by the AFU using air-launched missile weapons.

▪️ In the Belgorod Region, widespread power outages were due to “external influence”, possibly sabotage. Telegram channels reported IEDs at substations, indicating enemy saboteurs.

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces struck the Myrhorod airfield, destroying two Su-27 aircraft and disabling four more.

▪️ In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is accumulating reserves near Hlyboke. Fierce counter-attacks continue in Volchansk, with the “North” grouping repelling a counterattack.

▪️ In the Siversk direction, reconnaissance in force is underway north of Rozdolivka, and battles are ongoing for Sporne.

▪️ In Chasiv Yar, the enemy is reinforcing the western part of the city and building defenses along the Siversky Donets-Donbas canal.

▪️ Assault operations continue east of Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk), with battles in the areas of Kirova, Druzhby, and Shum.

▪️ West of Avdiivka, heavy fighting is underway in the area of Sokil. From Netailovo, the Russian Armed Forces are attacking the Karlivka area.

▪️ Fighting continues for Kostiantynivka ( west of Paraskoveevka.

▪️ On the Zaporizhia front, the Russian Armed Forces have increased the intensity of strikes in the Kamianka direction.

▪️ In the Kherson direction, the assault on the island zone is underway, but the enemy’s drones and lack of supplies are problems.

▪️ In the Belgorod Region, the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka came under fire, killing one civilian. Two civilians were injured in Shebekino. Seven civilians were injured due to shelling of Belgorod and the region.

▪️ In the Kursk Region, the Sudzha checkpoint, Original msg (


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