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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 05 2024

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Putin Calls for Total End to Ukraine War Following Talks with NATO Hungary’s Orban

Viktor Orbán’s surprise visit to Moscow sparks dismay and anger in Brussels

Hungary’s Orban holds talks with Putin in a rare visit to Moscow

NATO Omits “Mission” From Ukraine Effort, Russia Moves Yars Missiles, Kyiv Strikes Gunpowder Factory

Paul Gosar Claims Ukraine Is An ‘Authoritarian Country’ And Pushes To Block US Funds Sent There

“If US Missiles Appear Somewhere…” Putin Threatens Russian Response | “Trump Sincere On Ukraine”

Russia Destroyed GERMAN and FRENCH Military Engineers In DNIPRO

Our source reports that few people realize, and even less so, few people say that the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces is now being held back by injecting a huge amount of manpower and reserves.

In fact, rear military officials are putting out the “fire” with the lives of soldiers. Nobody values ​​the lives of soldiers.

Now in many sectors of the front the situation is difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but large-scale failures in defense may soon occur, as was the case at Ocheretino, but now the consequences may be much stronger than they were then.

The saddest thing is that the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense and the Office of the President have not made any conclusions during all this time.

Orban flies to Moscow to talk about:
- gas
- oil
- ports/grain
- trading in a peaceful case
And the most interesting thing is that he wants to offer Hungary as a mediator. Some sources joke that he will propose the Budapest Agreement 2.0 between Kyiv-Moscow and the West.

The source adds that Zelensky still continues to prepare a large-scale offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the fall.

Our source reports that Orban held extensive negotiations with Putin, where the Ukrainian crisis took up no more than 5% of the time, the rest of the time they discussed economic and financial issues.

There will be no peace in Ukraine now until the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and elections in the United States take place.
But it is encouraging that many realize that peace is much closer now than in 2022-23, as players have begun to pay more attention to business arrangements, which are an important factor that peace is close.


It is obvious that large peace talks will be conducted by major countries. But today the situation is such that there is no dialog. And without dialog, it is very difficult to understand how we can move towards peace. I think Europe has to keep the compass of peace and humanity, humane thinking, humane foreign policy. And Europe can probably do more to achieve peace. I don’t need a mandate because I don’t represent anything, I only do one thing: I go where there is a threat of war that has negative consequences for Europe and Hungary, and I find out the facts, I ask questions. For example, I asked President Zelensky three or four important questions about what he thinks about these things so that we can understand his intentions and where the red line is. If we don’t measure it, if we don’t know exactly where the border is, if we only sit in Brussels, then we can’t get closer to peace, because peace will not come by itself. So if we think that events happen and peace comes from that, we misunderstand the nature of war. Peace will come when someone gets behind it.

Viktor Orbán

Negotiations have begun in Moscow between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a significant portion of which will clearly be devoted to the topic of the so-called Ukraine.

It is unlikely that any breakthrough decisions can be expected – the position of the main sponsors of the Kyiv regime remains unchanged and is to “fight to the last Ukrainian.” Moreover, they have previously publicly rejected the conditions voiced by the President of Russia. (

At the same time, as a result of the meeting, in addition to the now familiar statements about the need to achieve peace, some purely bilateral agreements may be reached, such as the return of captured AFU members of ethnic Hungarian origin from Zakarpattia to Hungary.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that as the mobilization resource of the Ukrainian formations is exhausted, and even more so in the event of an increase in the pace of the advance of the Russian Armed Forces, the topic of negotiations in the West will be heard more and more often, including from the mouths of officials. With clarifications on the importance of complying with Russia’s demands.

Meanwhile, European media are already covering the discontent of Western politicians with the bold step ( of Viktor Orban: for example, according to The Guardian, the trip “will provoke anger from the EU”. On the other hand, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed ( that he was aware of Orban’s plans. At the same time, the Secretary General noted that Orban does not represent the interests of the North Atlantic Alliance in Moscow.

It is noteworthy that commentators in Ukrainian chats have also become more active: while some write the expected remarks like “he wants money”, others hope for his “consciousness” and the soonest possible peace talks.

However, as we have already written above, the parties will, of course, raise the issue of a peaceful settlement of the situation in the so-called Ukraine, but there is one nuance. What Orban is really interested in is resolving the issue of Transcarpathia and clarifying the situation with the current and future status of Hungarians living in Ukrainian territories, and the rest of the theses will come as a bonus.

And once again we will return to Zelenskyy’s curse, from which the Hungarian Prime Minister was unable to escape either, who recently met ( with the Ukrainian president in Kyiv. It is possible that he was still frightened and hastened to Moscow to cleanse his karma.


Borrel issued an emergency statement “regarding Prime Minister Orban’s visit to Moscow.”

“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s visit to Moscow is solely within the framework of bilateral relations between Hungary and Russia.
Hungary is currently an EU member state holding the rotating presidency of the Council until December 31, 2024. This does not entail any external representation of the Union.
Prime Minister Orbán has not received a mandate from the EU Council to visit Moscow. The EU’s position on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is reflected in many European Council conclusions. This position excludes official contacts between the EU and President Putin. Thus, the Hungarian Prime Minister does not represent the EU in any form.”

The Kremlin is playing a diplomatic game to discredit Ukraine

Visits by Orbán (Putin’s main friend in Europe) should whiten the Russian leader’s reputation and show him as a “peacemaker” who has enough responsibility to end a bloody war.

Ukraine, which refused the conditions of the Hungarian leader, now looks like almost the only initiator of the continuation of hostilities. The leaders of Turkey, India, and China have long been aligned with the position of the Russian Federation. And Orban’s performance gave them another argument in favor of supporting Putin.

If the Democrats retain the presidency, Russia could begin a new major phase of the war, starting from Kyiv’s refusal to enter into peace negotiations.

If Trump comes, we will be faced with a probable agreement that will suit everyone except Ukraine.

Once again, Zelensky’s team demonstrates aerobatics in diplomacy, helping Ukraine’s enemies advance in their geopolitical goals…

Trump, if he wins the US elections, will demand that Zelensky make peace with Russia no later than his inauguration on January 20, 2025, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson said in an interview with the YouTube channel Daniel Davis / Deep Dive.

He will make it clear to Zelensky: “The freebie is over. As soon as I take office on January 20, we will completely cut you off from funding. And if you make me wait until January 20th for a peaceful settlement, the conditions for you will be much worse.”
- the expert is sure.

According to Johnson, Trump may set conditions for Kiev to provide political asylum to Zelensky. But, if the Kiev leader delays in answering, then after January 20 he will be left to the mercy of fate.

He added that Zelensky may well accept Trump’s offer out of fear for his life.

Putin in negotiations with Orban: I hope that you will introduce me to the position of European partners on Ukraine

Other statements by the Russian leader:

- Orban will be briefed on the details of Moscow’s proposals for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine;

- The Hungarian politician arrived in Moscow, including as Chairman of the Council of the European Union;

- There is a decline in trade relations between the Russian Federation and Hungary; in this regard, there is work to be done.

Viktor Orban called today’s meeting with Vladimir Putin extraordinary.

What do I even expect? More Ukrainian casualties, as cynical as that sounds. But we are in a state of war. And the casualties are so high that we are approaching the threshold of 30% of the population capable of military service.
There is an international rule that says if you lose 30% of the population capable of military service, the war is over. For two reasons.
First, the population no longer believes in victory but wants to preserve lives. Politicians are saying that if we sacrifice more young men now, the survival of our nation will be jeopardized because the population is running out. My guess is that Ukraine will face conscription problems this year, and so approval of the war within the country will drop.
Second, the military superiority of the Russians is so great that even you realize there is no chance of victory. Because of this, pressure is building up to somehow negotiate within Ukraine. On the other hand, the West, based on their logic, cannot agree to peace because it will be a defeat for them.
Therefore, they will try to continue the war at least until the American presidential elections. But once these American presidential elections are over, there will be a window for peace talks.

MEP Maximilian Krah

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have 14 brigades in reserve. What is their main problem:

In addition to the problem of recruiting three battalions and the presence/absence of equipment to equip these formations, other difficulties should have been solved yesterday.

What are we talking about?

In an interview with Bloomberg, Zelensky said that 14 brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces physically exist, but at the moment there is not enough equipment and weapons to equip them, for the supply of which Ukraine is completely dependent on Western countries. We discussed the issues of the size and combat readiness of these units earlier, but now it is time to talk about the main problems of these 14 brigades.

What is the difficulty of deploying 14 brigades?

The use of reserve units and formations on the battlefield that Zelensky spoke about is complicated by several circumstances.

Firstly, the experience of last year’s offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed that recruiting “young but motivated” into mechanized brigades with NATO equipment and tactics did not yield any results. The mine raid of the 47th “Magura” infantry brigade on the M113 armored personnel carrier and Leopard 2 tanks, and the loss of the Challenger tank of the 82nd airborne assault brigade showed that the “fundamentally new training” of the Ukrainian assault/mechanized brigades does not work when it comes to full-scale high-intensity combat operations. Youth and zeal also failed to compensate for the lack of ideas. In the context of the formation of 14 reserve brigades, we will probably not be talking about motivated military personnel, but about a large number of forcibly mobilized ones, whose motivation is highly questionable.

Secondly, the combat coordination of these brigades is also in question. There is less and less time for this – the window of opportunity with warm and dry weather is rapidly shrinking, and judging by the scale of mobilization, more and more people are mobilizing. How to have time to prepare a strike fist for a new offensive in such conditions is a big question.

Thirdly, after last year’s offensive and further problems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in several sectors, a shortage of command personnel was formed at all levels – from platoon commander to company commander. These positions are a key element of troop command and control and a tactical shoulder, on which, in most cases, higher commanders (battalion/brigade commanders) rely when planning combat operations. The Armed Forces of Ukraine can try to solve this problem in the same way as in Krynki: yesterday’s privates (so-called empowered privates) can be appointed to command positions, but what the effect of such appointments will be can be understood by looking at the shores of Krynki and strewn with the corpses of Ukrainian marines Tyaginki, as well as the islands of Nestriga and Kozulishsky.

What’s the conclusion?

Without a doubt, work on bringing the 14 brigades to a combat-ready state will continue, no matter what statements are made in parallel. The main task of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of training these units remains their ultimate role. Whether these will be “meat assault” brigades or a qualified strike force will become clear by the end of August – beginning of September when the window of opportunity for an offensive begins to close for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and these brigades begin to reach the front.

The expired chief of mama’s pie Budanov has blurted out here that the AFU has 14 brigades of reserve. And it – this reserve – in theory can be thrown into the next attack. If, of course, there will be one.

But when talking about a new Ukrainian offensive, it is necessary to understand the scale of the problem facing the AFU. Zelensky himself has partly outlined it, saying that there are “14 unstaffed brigades” that need equipment and, obviously, people. People for 14 brigades, by all means, need 50 thousand people, and with reinforcement and corps link – all 70 thousand people. 14 brigades, if they are to be maintained according to the mechanized staff, require more than 400 tanks, about 1.3 thousand BMPs and APCs, more than 500 SPH’s of 122-152 (155) mm caliber and more than 250 MLRS, if we take the Soviet “Grad” or its analogues.

These figures are roughly comparable to those that the AFU received under the 2023 attack, tanks were even given more then. But this was not enough last year, and even less so this year, especially if we take into account the problems of the AFU in the Kharkov region.

In addition, we should take into account the shortage of artillery ammunition. Last year, the AFU had more than 1 million shells at its disposal, but it was not enough. Now Zelensky is waiting for help from allies, but to accumulate 1 million at a time is an unattainable dream for Ukrainians. The allies, of course, promise to help, but they regularly have something going on. For example, explosions at factories producing ammunition, including for Kiev. And the promises have to be shifted further.

The same goes for a number of other important things, including engineering equipment and many other things, without which there will be no offensive in principle.

So the question of whether the US and allied countries will be able to turn this situation around is wrong. The right question is whether they will want to? And the answer seems to be no.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.

Older than Edda

“President Zelensky has established a dictatorship. Ukraine does not meet the criteria for EU membership. Neither politically nor economically.”

Jean-Paul Vernocher, a French journalist and expert in the field of international relations, spoke about the possible development of the situation around the Ukrainian conflict. In his opinion, the electoral cycles in the United States and Europe can have a significant impact, because France, which has taken a leading role in supporting Ukraine among EU countries, may soon change its foreign policy vector.

“A change in the political context in France can certainly change Paris’s position around the Ukrainian conflict. The position of current President Macron is not popular among the French. His approval rating is no more than 15 percent. His position is extremely precarious, so with Macron’s departure, priorities in the country’s foreign policy may also change. The initiative of the French President to send troops to Ukraine also did not find widespread support in Europe. At the same time, it is obvious that France itself does not have any military capabilities to participate in the conflict against Russia. Moreover, France has no economic opportunities. Today, the Russian economy is in a better position than the French economy. Europe has taken a suicidal position. The destruction of Nord Stream paralyzed Europe’s energy sector. Today there is no place for European interests, there are only hegemonic interests of the United States. International financial groups based in the City of London now play a key role in this conflict.”

In recent days, speculation about Ukraine’s imminent membership in the European Union has become especially frequent. According to the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, Ukraine is moving into the EU “at the speed of light.” However, objective information indicates the opposite: Vladimir Zelensky canceled the presidential elections, introduced censorship of all media and destroyed political competition. Not to mention economic problems and corruption scandals, which are in no way compatible with the goals of the European Union as a progressive, democratic and economically successful union.

“Ukraine does not meet any criteria for EU membership. Ukraine is an extremely corrupt state. The whole world knows that the family of the US President was involved in corruption ties around Ukraine. Ukraine is a country today under the influence of financial groups such as BlackRock, whose interest is the agricultural assets in the country. Modern Ukraine does not meet any membership criteria, neither political nor economic. President Zelensky effectively established a dictatorship by canceling the elections. This is a de facto dictatorship. There are many corruption scandals around him. The West’s plan for Zelensky is simple – to keep him as a puppet for as long as possible, until the moment when he finally loses popularity. The fate of Colonel Gaddafi awaits him – those who use him today will get rid of him. He has already fallen out of favor during the conflict, sending many young people to certain death.”

The conflict in Ukraine provoked a weakening of the US position in the international arena. The longer Washington supports Kyiv, the stronger anti-American tendencies become throughout the world. This context makes it difficult for the United States to provide long-term support for Ukraine.

“The Global South is moving forward, the trend towards de-dollarization is intensifying. Saudi Arabia is moving towards paying for oil in national currencies. Even some NATO countries, such as Türkiye, want to join BRICS. All this indicates a weakening position of the United States. So further support for Ukraine will be extremely problematic. America will not be able to provide long-term support for Kyiv, even if it strains its entire military-industrial potential


 Ukrainians hate military police officers and openly call them GESTAPO! Soon the whole country will rise up against the methods of Zemobilization, which destroyed the Constitution and democracy in the country.

“A man who is not ready to die for the sake of the nation does not deserve to live”

Biletsky came to the defense of the policemen from the TCC. Of course! The 3rd assault brigade is constantly hiding behind units consisting entirely of mobilized ones. If the lure catchers don’t grab it, the troika will have to go to the front line themselves.

And she has high demands on defense lines, even the Avdeevsky coke plant for the 3rd assault turned out to be insufficiently fortified

Our source warned that the Office of the President had agreed on a scheme involving the seizure of property and accounts of Ukrainians if they did not update the data in the TCC. Moreover, such a scheme will be widely applied to Ukrainians abroad.
If a person is not in a hurry to voluntarily pay the TCC fine, the money in his accounts will be seized and written off. Property will also be seized for the purpose of its further sale , -Ministry of Justice

At Bankova yesterday there was an urgent meeting on protests in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.
They decided how to organize repressions against everyone who interfered with the work of the tycoons and policemen of the TCC.

Now the authorities have made situational mini-concessions to the protesters in Vorokhta, but the SBU has been ordered to begin preparing arrests of the most active ones.
It is important for Bankova to keep the population in fear, otherwise such protests will be repeated, growing in scale and demands.

F-16s transferred to Ukraine may be destroyed as soon as they arrive – The Telegraph

“As the missile campaign continues and casualties mount—four or five planes were destroyed in 72 hours—it becomes increasingly clear that only one thing can save what is left of Ukrainian air power. More Western-made air defenses,”
- says the article.

Friday morning begins with the arrival of Iskanders at the Mirgorod airfield. Ukrainian monitoring channels also write that in addition to Mirgorod it is loud and in the area of the AFU army aviation airfield near Poltava.

British intelligence warned the Office of the President in the spring that Russia was planning to destroy gas production in Ukraine.
The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine published information about a missile attack in the Poltava region on one of the gas production locations.
One employee died.

Colleagues, this is not a mistake.  We were able to find out why this happened. We are afraid to discredit the source, so we will write without names. .

There is an “A-team” in the Office; it was they who coordinated the interview with Tucker, under pressure from the Democrats. According to the plan, Zelensky would attack Trump in his responses, actively demanding that he voice his final position on Ukraine, as well as criticizing him.

It was this team that previously agreed on the format with the American journalist. Therefore, Tucker did not lie that he had received prior consent.

However, when the information became public, “Team B” opposed it. They motivated this by the fact that in the United States, nothing at all is clear about the elections and there is no need to strongly support Biden, even if it is not completely clear whether he will go.

It is difficult to navigate between the streams on this issue: a neutral position will be perceived negatively by the Democrats, and strongly against Trump will give him a pass for tough steps against Zelensky if he wins.

In order not to fall into the situation of Avakov in 2016, when he deleted posts on FB, it is better not to interfere, – this is what “Team B” thinks.

But we don’t think that the “democrats” will lag behind. They want Ze to firmly support Biden☝ðŸ»

The failure of Macron’s team in the elections in France is another manifestation of the crisis in support for Ukraine.

In fact, the majority of French citizens perceived the parliamentary elections as an opportunity to protest against Macron’s existing presidential policies. At the same time, by coming out in support of Kyiv and entering as an actor in the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Macron and his party lost the electorate – by voting in the elections, the French made it clear that the president no longer represents the majority of voters

And this is just the beginning: the population is gradually starting to throw off politicians who are active in supporting Ukraine, and a chain reaction has started throughout the West.  And naturally, this is a very bad trend, both for supporters of Ukraine in Europe and for Kyiv itself. If the former now have to worry about their own political survival, then Ukraine itself will most likely have to rebuild—unfriendly political forces can significantly spoil the once almost unanimous pro-Ukrainian agenda.


Oleksandrivka-Kalinovo direction: Advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Novhorodske, fighting in Druzhba and at the junction of Kirovo-Artemovo
Situation as of 11:00 on July 5, 2024

The Russian troops continue to systematically and with heavy fighting break through the AFU defense in the Dzerzhynsk agglomeration.

🔻In the area of Druzhba, after initial successes, they did not deepen into the urban development and moved north of the Magdalynivka station along Sadova Street: judging by the footage from the enemy side, the Russian Armed Forces have occupied part of the buildings on the street.

▪️To the east, between the outskirts of Druzhba and the pumping station, there is a small gully, most of which was also occupied by Russian troops. The positions on the western bank of the “Siversky Donets – Donbas” canal are still under the control of Ukrainian formations, but given the tactical situation, they are already effectively semi-encircled.

▪️In the eastern outskirts of Kirovo (Pivnichne), no assault actions by the Russian Armed Forces have been observed so far. This part of the village is a low-rise private sector, which is now actively being fired upon by artillery and aviation. To the east, there are quite extensive minefields, the advancement through which is difficult.

▪️South of Artemovo (Zalizne) and Kirovo, fighting is underway. Earlier, Russian troops occupied the dachas and the quarter to the east of Zaliznychna Street and Kharkivska Street in Artemovo, but new footage confirms the start of fighting in the high-rise buildings on Pivdenna and Nova Streets in Kirovo. The quarter has already been subjected to multiple strikes, but is still suitable for defense.

🔻In the Novhorodske area, the greatest advance of the Russian Armed Forces is currently being recorded, which is the result of a week of active assault operations. Russian assault groups have occupied the territory of the Zaliznychna station, and also advanced along the eponymous street to the east to the cemetery. The neighboring School No. 18 is still under the control of the enemy.

▪️West of the Kryvyi Torets river, the important from a tactical point of view height 182, as well as the village of Yuriivka, came under the control of the Russian troops, which in the future may significantly worsen the position of the Ukrainian formations in this area.

▪️At the same time, the situation in this area remains difficult: the zone of advancement is in a lowland relative to the fields located on both sides, and this terrain itself has been heavily mined since 2014-2015. However, the latter also makes it difficult for the enemy to deliver a retaliatory flank strike, although it is still impossible to completely discard this possibility.


The Russian army occupied the heights near the centre of New York, drove the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of Yuryevka and stormed the suburbs of Toretsk.

The “Center” group of troops builds on its success and continues a powerful breakthrough from Gorlovka to Toretsk (Dzerzhinsk) and the assault on New York.

From the south, our troops break through the enemy’s defences, approaching the centre of New York (Novgorod) with battles and practically clearing Yuryevka along the way.

Our fighters occupied the heights of Petrovskaya Gora and are consolidating enemy positions in this area.

In general, in recent days the Russian Armed Forces have advanced to a depth of up to 3.5 km.

Enemy military analysts write about a critical situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

From the east, our units are advancing in the suburbs of Toretsk: in Kirovo (Northern), Yuzhny (Leninsky) and Druzhba, knocking out the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Toretsk direction

The RF Armed Forces almost completely took the forest in front of the village. Kirovo (Northern).

Our troops also occupied Gornyatskaya Street and continued to advance along Gogol and Kiev streets.

It is important to note that the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreated from a large part of the private sector.


Avdiivka Direction: Successes of Russian Forces Near Sokil and Novoaleksandrivka
Situation as of the end of July 4, 2024

Russian forces are developing an offensive on several sectors of the Avdiivka direction. Despite counterattacks by the enemy, the Russian Armed Forces are expanding their “wedges” in the area of Sokil and Novoaleksandrivka, seeking to create favorable conditions for further advance of the Center grouping westward.

▪️In the area of Novoaleksandrivka, Russian troops conducted successful attacks, taking control of several forest belts southwest of the village. The enemy is defending with a focus on Lozuvatske, actively using UAVs to strike Russian armored vehicles. The AFU also maintain a presence in the forest plantations in the area of the railway, control of which is necessary for the Russian Armed Forces for further offensive on Prohres.

▪️North of Sokil, the AFU fortified area came under the control of Russian troops, the battle for which lasted more than a week. Assault troops advanced both from the southeast, relying on Sokil, and from the northeast, relying on forest belts in the area of the railway. After a successful assault, the Russian Armed Forces developed their success and advanced further west, but there is no specifics yet on the status of the eastern outskirts of Yevhenivka.

🔻Successes on several frontlines create opportunities for the Russian command to further develop the offensive towards Yevhenivka and Novosilka Persha. Reports from the scene indicate significant successes of the Russian troops on several sectors of the Avdiivka direction, the confirmation of which requires the presence of objective control footage.

Nevertheless, it is already possible to speak about certain problems for the AFU command in stabilizing the situation on key frontlines. This may lead to similar crises in other important directions for the Kyiv authorities, opening up new prospects for the Russian command.



Avdiivka direction: heavy fighting and advances by the Russian Armed Forces in several sectors
Situation as of 1:00 pm on July 5, 2024

In the Avdiivka direction, Russian forces have significantly expanded their control zone in almost all sectors as a result of several successful attacks.

▪️In the area of Novoaleksandrivka, Russian units are breaking through the enemy’s defenses towards Vozdvyzhenka along the C050906 highway and Lozovate through fields and forest belts. Although it is still too early to speak of the assault on settlements, certain successes have already been achieved on the approaches to them.

▪️Between Novoaleksandrivka and Sokil, Russian servicemen are advancing along the railway, occupying the plantings to the north and south. The status of Stop Point No. 8 is still unclear: according to some data, the Russian Armed Forces have already advanced further west towards Prohres, while according to others, fighting is currently underway for it.

🔻North of Sokil, Russian troops previously captured a major stronghold and continued their advance northward, driving the enemy out of the western part of the Samoilova gully. According to some information, the forest belt to the west is also already under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, but these reports have not yet been confirmed.

▪️The village of Sokil itself is under the firm control of the Russian Armed Forces, and clashes are taking place in the eastern part of Yevhenivka. According to some reports, fighting has also erupted on the eastern outskirts of Voskhod. In this area, the enemy is showing high activity and often counterattacking, actively using UAVs.

▪️In the fields between Sokil and Novopokrovske, the advance of the Russian Armed Forces westward towards the road between Novoselivka Persha and Sokil has also been recorded. Advance assault groups have already reached the forest plantings along the highway, but it is not yet clear whether they have managed to consolidate there.

▪️South of Novopokrovske, Russian troops are approaching the eastern outskirts of Novoselivka Persha with fighting, both along the O0542 highway and through the fields towards the C0518107 highway. North of Umansky, the Russian Armed Forces also managed to advance slightly as a result of a successful attack.



South Donetsk direction: battles near Kostyantynivka and advances at Ikryana Gully
situation as of July 5, 2024

In addition to successes near Avdiivka and Horlivka, Russian forces have also managed to advance in several sectors of the South Donetsk direction.

▪️West of Heorhiivka, fighting continues on the eastern outskirts of Maksymilianivka and in the forest belts to the south in the vicinity of the H-15 highway. Further south, in the area of Peremoha, Russian Armed Forces units carried out several local attacks, capturing the forest belts adjacent to the village.

▪️No changes in control zones have been observed so far in Praskovia and to the north at Svynyacha Gully. On the southeastern outskirts of Kostyantynivka, fighting is also ongoing: Russian assault groups have already entered the settlement, but confirming their consolidation there is difficult due to the lack of objective control footage.

▪️The situation has become clearer in the area of Ikryana and Shyroka Gullies, as well as the railway: over the past few weeks, Russian forces have been able to advance significantly, capturing several major AFU strongholds. At the same time, attacks continue, and the advance towards the T-05-24 highway may be even greater at the moment.

The enemy in this area is not sitting idle and regularly launches counterattacks, including with the use of armored vehicles. The terrain here is highly remote from major settlements, which affects the logistics of both the AFU and the Russian Armed Forces, especially in the conditions of high-intensity UAV use.

▪️In the Vuhledar area, no large-scale actions have been recorded, but footage of strikes on high-rise buildings in the enemy-occupied city has again begun to appear online. However, this is unlikely to mean preparations for a new assault, as strikes along the entire front line occur daily.


Kharkov direction.

Liptsevsky section.

The enemy carried out a series of counterattacks on Glubokoye at night in an attempt to regain control of the settlement.

Enemy attacks were carried out using armoured vehicles from different directions by approximately a company.

Our fighters repelled the attacks and took several crests prisoner.
During the unsuccessful assault, the AFU lost fifty heads.

On July 4, the “North” troop group continued the liberation of border areas in Kharkov Region.

In the Volchansk direction, fighting continued in the Volchansk settlement. Assault groups of the “Northmen” advanced in the private sector. On the left bank of the Seversky Donets in the area of Bugrovatka settlement they consolidated in the adjacent forest area.

During the day, the artillery of the “North” group foiled five attempts by the AFU to bring reinforcements across the Volchya River, killing up to 30 Nazis.
The total advance of the Russian troops in the Volchansk direction amounted to 200 meters.

On the Liptsovsky direction at night, the enemy made several attempts to seize the settlement of Glubokoye from different directions, using up to a company of personnel and an APC.

As a result of fire and fierce fighting, the Fearless repulsed the enemy, destroying up to 50 fighters of the 92 Odshbr, two of whom were taken prisoner.

Over the past 24 hours, enemy losses totaled more than 300 men. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ Msta-S SPH near the village of Zhovtnevoye;
▪️ two T-72 tanks;
▪️ “Anklav” REB complex;
▪️ Humvee submachine guns;
▪️ two D-20 howitzers near Velikie Prokhody and Izbitskoye;
▪️ howitzer M198;
▪️ Msta-B howitzer;
▪️ MT-12 howitzer near the village of Pavlovka;
▪️ three 120-mm mortars near the villages of Veseloye, Neskuchnoye and Volchansk;
▪️ ammunition depot;
▪️ fuel and lubricants depot;
▪️ UAV Control point;
▪️ two vehicles.
The activation of the enemy is connected with the approaching NATO summit, by the beginning of which the AFU plans to declare successes on the front. So far, only the disposal of Ukrainian soldiers abandoned for slaughter near Hlubokoye can be called successful.

Officials of the Kiev regime have also become more active, demanding more and more weapons and at least some hints of NATO membership from the West. But the collective West does not need Ukraine, and it is much more profitable for them to bring the conflict to the “Paraguayan scenario”, in which Ukraine is assigned the role of Paraguay.

Victory will be ours!

North Wind

The situation at the front: direction – Konstantinovka settlement.

The enemy is bringing up reserves. It is tightly fortified in Konstantinovka.

Attacks by the Russian Armed Forces are not so frequent. Reconnaissance and identification of crests in the village itself is underway. The enemy settles in basements, which are opened and destroyed.

There is also a cleanup going on in the village. Praskoveevka, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces try to enter every day, suffers significant losses.

Ukrainian military personnel do not appear during daylight hours. They try to do everything at night, including evacuating the wounded.

Front-line report on July 5 from military correspondent Evgeniy Lisitsyn:

Avdeevka direction: west of Avdeevka, the Russian Armed Forces are decisively developing their success after occupying a strong point near the settlement. Sokol in the direction of the village of Voskhod. There are intense battles along the entire front section.

Vremevskoye direction: fighting is taking place north of Staromayorskoye and in the central part of Urozhaynoye.

Kharkov direction: The Ukrainian Armed Forces took separate actions in the area of ​​the settlement. Liptsy and Tikhoe. Radio interceptions of enemy communications indicate a lack of trained personnel among Ukrainian Armed Forces units in this direction.

Toretskoe (Dzerzhinskoe) direction: the RF Armed Forces are expanding the zone of control near the settlement. Druzba and Kirovo.

Marinka and Krasnogorovka: south of Marinka, Russian troops reached the outskirts of Konstantinovka west of Paraskovevka. The battle for the enemy’s important logistics hub continues. In Krasnogorovka, the Russian Armed Forces continue their assault on the northern part of the city.

Zaporozhye direction: the intensification of offensive actions of the Russian Armed Forces in the Rabotino and Nesteryanka area has been reported in recent days.

Kherson direction: The Russian Armed Forces are fighting in the island zone.

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Morning Summary on July 5, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces yesterday struck enemy warehouses in Odesa and Illichivsk. An explosion was also reported in the area of the Odesa airport. Secondary detonations were reported at the sites.

▪️ In Crimea, amid missile danger, the bridge was closed several times at night. Air defense reported shooting down air targets in the area of Berdyansk, Zaporizhia Region. At night, air defense was active in Rostov Region, 10 UAVs of the AFU were shot down. In Krasnodar Krai, as a result of a UAV attack in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, there are casualties. 6 people were hospitalized, the operation of the power substation supplying a significant part of the city was disrupted.

▪️ On the Kharkiv direction, the AFU carried out isolated actions in the area of the settlements of Lyptsi and Tykhe. Radio intercepts of enemy communications indicate a shortage of trained personnel in AFU units in this direction.

▪️ On the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) direction, the Russian Armed Forces are expanding the control zone near the settlements of Druzhba and Kirovo.

▪️ In the eastern part of Chasiv Yar (Kanal microdistrict), the remnants of AFU units have been dislodged. The enemy is taking up defense west of the Siversky Donets – Donbas water canal.

▪️ West of Avdiivka, the Russian Armed Forces are decisively developing their success after capturing the stronghold near the settlement of Sokol towards the village of Voskhod. High-intensity battles are ongoing along the entire length of the front line.

▪️ South of Marinka, our troops have reached the outskirts of Kostiantynivka west of Paraskoviivka. Battles for this important logistics hub of the enemy continue. Meanwhile, in Krasnohorivka, the Russian Armed Forces continue the assault on the northern part of the city.

▪️ From the Zaporizhia front, they report an intensification of the offensive actions of the Russian Armed Forces in the Robotyne and Nesteryanki area in recent days. Enemy drones are a serious factor on this section of the front as well.

▪️ On the Kherson direction, the Russian Armed Forces are fighting in the island zone. The AFU are setting up ambushes and sending sabotage and reconnaissance groups. The enemy confidently controls the terrain from the air due to a multiple advantage in drones.

▪️ In Belgorod Region, the AFU yesterday shelled many civilian settlements. On the section of the Borisovka – Baitsury highway, a drone dropped an explosive device on two vehicles. Four civilians were injured: two men, a woman and a 12-year-old child.

▪️ The intensity of the enemy’s strikes on Kursk Region does not decrease. In Tyotkino, Glushkovsky district, a Ukrainian drone dropped an explosive device on a residential building, injuring a local resident with shrapnel from broken glass. The enemy is systematically destroying power supply infrastructure and agricultural enterprises.

▪️ As a result of strikes by Nazis with NATO-made artillery on Horlivka and Donetsk in the DPR, one civilian was killed and three were wounded.

Summary compiled by: Two MajorsOriginal msg (


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