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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 10 2024

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The NATO summit in Washington could become another failure for Zelensky
In the media they will try to inflate it as a grandiose event for Kyiv, but in reality Ukraine may not receive concrete results.
If after the summit Zelensky does not bring at least 2 additional Patriot air defense batteries to Ukraine, then the entire trip can be considered a failure.

In fact, this year, this is the last large-scale event for Ze PR.

The source indicates that the current trip is already taking place without the interest of the Western press in Zelensky and the Ukrainian crisis. Even the tragedy with the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital did not help Zelensky. Bankova will have to “pay” the media for their interest in Zelensky’s person.

Stoltenberg throws out first pitch in DC during Washington the NATO summit, and yes if you are wondering he throws like a girl.

…a blind girl.

So, what do we have after the joint statement of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and the USA.

Let’s put it briefly – a loud headline and a drawn-out concept that Ukraine will receive even new air defense systems by the end of next year.

These are “additional Patriot batteries donated by the United States, Germany and Romania; Patriot components donated by the Netherlands and other partners to support the additional Patriot battery; and an additional SAMP-T system donated by Italy.”

It is not specified whether these are complexes that were previously promised or new, not yet announced deliveries.

A new stage of escalation awaits us, we are getting closer to a nuclear war, and the globalists are using Ukraine as an irritating factor. Britain gives Ukraine permission to launch strikes with Storm Shadow cruise missiles deep into Russian territory, Bloomberg, citing new Defense Minister Starmer
Let us not remind you that in 2022 the enemy did not use nuclear weapons because the West threatened to hand over modern air defense and missiles to us; now these factors are gone.
Each of us is already feeling the consequences of the destructive war, and in the winter we will understand the prospects…

Zelensky must convince Western sponsors today or tomorrow that his 2024 offensive will be successful in order to increase the supply of weapons and air defense this month and next.
Zelensky also needs to convince sponsors to postpone loan payments, which lenders require to be paid by August 1 in the amount of $20 billion. If we fail to do this, then the hryvnia will collapse this year.

Senior European politicians hold talks with Trump cronies at NATO summit – Financial Times

During this week EU leaders and ministers organized meetings with individuals linked to the former US president. Among them are former chief of staff of the National Security Council Keith Kellogg and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the publication writes.

It is reported that the purpose of these events was to establish contacts with Trump in the event of his victory in the presidential election.

Today, another NATO summit on supporting the so-called Ukraine has started. The most important statement was that American-made F-16 fighters are heading to the needs of the AFU.

There were also loud words from Zelenskyy that they need 128 aircraft to achieve their goals, but this is not worth the attention he is given, given the immeasurable appetites of the Ukrainian ruler.

📌 As for the “soon-to-be-arriving fighters”, this should be treated as necessary PR for the NATO summit. Thus, in the West, they drew attention to the fading event and nothing more.

In fact, F-16s have long been stationed in Romania, and it won’t take long for them to fly to the so-called Ukraine. At the Fetești airbase, there are at least six units, on which pilot training has been carried out.

More importantly, this statement means that since it was officially said, American fighters will soon appear in the special operation zone. So we need to be prepared for this.


The Ukrainian conflict has exposed significant gaps in the readiness and interoperability of NATO forces that the alliance must quickly fill

This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking at the military industry forum on the sidelines of the summit in Washington.

“The reality of the war in Ukraine demonstrated not only that our reserves and production capabilities were too small, but also demonstrated huge gaps in the interoperability of our forces,”
- he stated.

According to the Secretary General, the most typical example is the joint German-Dutch NATO brigade, which should have been ready for joint action, but in reality, the standard 155 mm ammunition that the Netherlands has is not suitable for use in German howitzers and vice versa.

Negotiations with Russia are possible only on the basis of the “peace formula”

According to Kuleba, Ukraine conveyed this position to Hungarian Prime Minister Orban.

“No agreements on Ukraine without Ukraine and the ‘peace formula’ as a single and unalternative basis for negotiations,” he clarified.

Our source in the OP refutes Newsweek’s information that Zelensky is thinking about peace negotiations with Russia. On Bankova there is one position – war to the borders of 1991 and reparations from the Kremlin, the Office of the President is ready for a long conflict for 4-5 years.


Will the vile clown and former president of former Ukraine agree to negotiate?

It would seem that the question is rhetorical. Almost everyone agrees that the enormously inflated vanity of the drug addict buffoon, threats from radical Nazis and Western support make this scenario almost unrealistic. I wrote about the fact that the genital pianist is deathly afraid of the rabid Banderaites and swore allegiance to them with blood in my article in Kommersant before the start of the SMO. Since then, little has changed. At the same time, a change of scenery in the United States can add new notes to the determination of the corrupt Ukrainian elite to begin negotiations, putting military operations on pause. The question is, is this beneficial for Russia?

I think absolutely not.

Our country has repeatedly stated at various venues its readiness to return to negotiations only on our own terms. They are simple – recognition of the results of the SMO, recorded in the Constitution of Russia, and refusal to accept former Ukraine to the Alliance. The last time the President of Russia spoke about this, he was speaking at the Foreign Ministry. NATO members and Zelensky rejected this proposal out of the gate.

What if they take it and accept it?

In this case, we need to be as careful as possible. Why?

That’s why:

1). The negotiations themselves, until the Kiev regime’s clearly expressed intention to capitulate, will only be a respite for the enemy in order to replenish its military and human potential.

2). Ukraine’s declarations of refusal to join NATO will not lead to anything in themselves (I’m not saying that the current Bandera criminals are unlikely to ever make them).

3). If 1) and 2) still happen, a new, third bloody Maidan will quickly begin in Kiev, which will sweep away the current junta and bring an even more radical one to power.

And then, oddly enough, conditions for negotiations may arise, including the issue of surrender. It will be much more difficult for the Western Alliance to help obvious extremists. In addition, they will have to openly admit that hundreds of billions of their taxpayers’ money have gone to waste. And Washington and his comrades will force the Nazis in Kiev to recognize the results of the war.

The ruling clique, led by a rag-tag clown, flees to the West or will be torn to pieces by the crowd. On the ruins of the preserved part of former Ukraine a moderate political regime will emerge

But this will not be the end of Russia’s military operation. Even after signing the papers and accepting defeat, the rest of the radicals, after a regrouping of forces, will sooner or later return to power, inspired by Russia’s Western enemies. And then the time will come to finally crush the reptile driving a long steel nail into the coffin of Bandera’s quasi-state. Destroy the remnants of his bloody legacy and return the remaining lands to the bosom of the Russian land.

But Russia’s enemies will not go anywhere after this. They will accumulate strength and wait for a new convenient reason to destroy our country. We must be prepared for future battles to defend the Fatherland.

Dmitry Medvedev  

Negotiations with Ukraine will take place when Kiev is ready for this; there is no need to set deadlines, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

They also noted that Moscow does not expect any surprises from the NATO summit; the decisions made there will be aimed at escalating the situation.

What awaits the military and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but he told the truth that it will be for 3-5 years, not one year. Moreover, we will have to put in at least half of 4 million and it is not a fact that we will reach the borders on February 22, 2022.

Mobilize 4 million people, not pay them wages and throw meat at the Russians.

This is exactly what fair mobilization from the Office of the President looks like!
While ordinary Ukrainians are afraid of Zemobilization, there is a caste of untouchables! A pure provocation against the moral component of society, when the authorities deliberately reserve men in pro-war organizations, but none of them want to serve!


Land mobilization in Ukraine is in full swing, and the law does not work, and no one cares about the age of Ukrainians.
22-year-old Ukrainians are already being pulled out of their cars.

Our source in the General Staff said that the Office of the President gave instructions to skip a missile strike on Kyiv before the NATO summit. At the moment, the capital is protected by ten air defense systems, and the number of air defense systems doubled in June, thanks to Western supplies.

Zelensky, for an empty piece of information, gives the Poles priority business opportunities in Ukraine, and is also ready to rewrite history under the “Poles”. (Ukrainian Nazis get ready; soon their heroes, at the request of Poland, will be demolished and erased from history).

Remember , we insided that Zelensky and Ermak are bribing poor countries so that they support empty PR agreements that Zelensky needs for the sake of situational informational victory. It turns out that the Poles took a more profitable path. They extracted better conditions for their business and carte blanche to rewrite the history of Ukraine.
Oh, we smell it.

The West continues to promise Ukraine funding, but in reality they give us loans in portions for specific decisions.

The situation with “underfunding” can already be observed now. Thus, out of the promised 50 billion euros from the EU over the next four years, only 33 billion euros are now left. Of this amount, 17 billion euros were supposed to come in the form of grants related to interest on frozen Russian assets, but the situation with them remains unclear.

The United States also did not provide funding to Ukraine, despite the fact that Congress allocated $7.85 billion by the end of the year. And the International Monetary Fund has provided Ukraine with $2.2 billion, which will provide financing for the country until the end of the summer. That is, this year Ukraine received only $11.8 billion of the planned $37 billion in support. And experts emphasize that this year the country is experiencing serious difficulties in receiving external financial assistance.

At the same time, in 2022, Ukraine needed “loans/aid” in the amount of $2 billion every month to cover the budget deficit, then in 2023 the bar rose to $4 billion, and in 2024 it approached $5 billion. In 2026, according to experts , even $6 billion a month will not be enough for Kyiv. And this makes Ukraine a “suitcase without a handle” for Western sponsors, which is easier to throw away than to drag further. It is clear that even income from Russian funds (if they are transferred to Ukraine) will not be able to close the budget hole. Raising taxes, including VAT, excise taxes and the “war tax” is a matter of the next few months, since otherwise the budget deficit will grow even more, and there will be no new IMF loans, even at extortionate interest rates.

Keir Starmer signaled Ukraine can use Britain’s Storm Shadow missiles to strike military targets inside Russia, confirming he would continue the previous UK government’s policy on the use of its long-range weapons in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Starmer agreed it was up to Ukraine how it used the Storm Shadow missiles donated by the UK, when asked by a Bloomberg reporter. He was speaking to journalists while traveling to the NATO summit in Washington late Tuesday.

The missiles must “obviously to be used in accordance with international humanitarian law as you would expect,” the premier added, stating his position that Storm Shadows were to be used “for defensive purposes.”

“But it is for Ukraine to decide how to deploy it for those defensive purposes,” he said. Storm Shadows are precision-guided cruise missiles with a firing range in excess of 250 km.

Ukraine wants to hit Russian military airfields at a distance of 500 km from the border

Zelensky stated this on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. According to him, permission from the United States is required.

“The planes are at bases. Do we know about these bases? We do. Do we want to hit them – yes. We cannot, because someone other than us must say: “Yes,”
- Zelensky said.

He demanded 128 F-16 fighters from the West, noting that even 50 would not be enough, since the Russian Armed Forces “use 300 aircraft every day.”

Zelensky also spoke about entering the 1991 borders:

“You must understand that first of all we need to save the people and the state. We are not a NATO member and we do not have such an umbrella.”

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Norway supplied Ukraine with a NASAMS air defense system, from which they fired a missile at a children’s hospital in Kiev – Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya

“We are also waiting for a reaction from the Norwegian authorities… Did they authorize it to be used to attack a children’s hospital, and also to be placed in residential areas in violation of international humanitarian law?”
 - Nebenzya said.

Another statement from Russia’s permanent representative to the UN at a Security Council meeting:

▪️ There is every reason to believe that the Ukrainian Armed Forces anti-missile missile that fell on a hospital in Kiev was launched to intercept an attack on a military plant;

▪️ The UN’s accusations against Russia are a manifestation of double standards;

▪️ One of the targets was the Artyom plant – it is located about 2 kilometers from the damaged Okhmatdyt children’s hospital;

▪️ The tragedy in Kiev would not have happened if Ukraine had not placed air defense systems in residential areas.

“Poland will not shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine without NATO’s consent” – Poland’s National Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh.

The EU regrets that people are dying in Ukraine, but will continue to supply weapons – Borrell

He said this at a forum in the United States, where the NATO summit is taking place.

“If we stop supporting Ukraine, the war will quickly end because Ukraine cannot defend itself without our support. The war will end, yes, but with what result? What will be the fate of the Ukrainian people? We certainly regret that people are dying, but Ukrainian soldiers fight and die because they defend their country,”

US military bases in Europe have been placed on high alert due to possible Russian sabotage attacks, – CNN
Bases across Europe were put on high alert that week for the first time in 10 years after the US received intelligence that Russian-backed actors were considering sabotage attacks against US troops and installations, multiple sources told CNN.

U.S. intelligence findings are considered alarming and suggest that Russia has included U.S. bases and military personnel as targets for proxy attacks – similar to plots that have been carried out or foiled across Europe in recent months.

▪️In April, citizens of Germany and Russia were arrested on suspicion of preparing explosions and arson, including at US military facilities, on behalf of Russia.

A NATO official said the alliance has “significantly increased” intelligence sharing about “Russia’s campaign of covert sabotage” in Europe, which has become increasingly brazen and aggressive in recent months.


The Russian army entered the center of New York (Novgorodskoye)

▪️The DS analytical resource which works for the GUR, updated the map, reporting that Russian troops broke into the center of New York (Novgorodskoye), expanding the control zone in the area of ​​Petrovskaya Gora.

▪️The Center group of troops continues to build on its success, breaking through from Gorlovka to Toretsk (Dzerzhinsk), advancing in New York, Kirov (Severnoye), Yuzhnoye and Druzhba.

▪️The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in its summary: In the Toretsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces attacked 14 times with the aim of wedging into the defensive formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Severnoye, Yuzhnoye and New York.

WAR UPDATE: Russia’s New York Breakthrough CONTINUES

Ukrainian New York Defensive Collapse | Russian Forces Cross Vovcha River | Yevhenivka Has Fallen

Update on Ukraine: Significant advance in Niu York [10 July 2024]

Russia TOTALLY GOT IN… – Ukraine War SITREP

Major Russian Gains In Krasnohorivka l Russian Breakthrough In Niu York l Yevhenivka Falls

What to expect at the front in Donbass, Tavria and Slobozhanshchina on July 10? Analysis from “Donbass Decides” (

▫️Undoubtedly, Russian troops will take advantage of their yesterday’s success in the Ocheretino-Krasnoarmeysk direction – today we can learn about the advance in Novoselovka Pervaya and the capture of new positions in the Evgenovka and Kalinovo areas.

▫️ A new stage in the liberation of Novgorodskoye awaits us in the near future, because Russian assault troops have approached the center of the village. Judging by the pace of progress there in the previous days, the exit from Novgorodskoye to the southern outskirts of Dzerzhinsk can be expected very soon.

▫️ The Ukrainian Armed Forces will continue to be squeezed out of Volchansk: yesterday, Ukrainian troops had to withdraw new units across the Volchya River and cede some positions to the Russian Armed Forces.

▫️ In Krasnogorovka, everything is sad for the Ukrainian Armed Forces – all that remains is to clear the northwestern part of the private sector from them. Today our troops there will prepare for a decisive assault.

▫️Positional battles will continue on the Netailovo-Karlovka border, as well as on most other sectors of the front.

The strategy of “wandering strikes” used over a large area by the Russian army is bearing fruit – the Ukrainian defense is weakening. Maybe not as fast as we would like, but it’s a fact.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 10, 2024

Russian forces struck military facilities on the territory of the so-called Ukraine. There were reports of impacts in the area of the Odesa airport, as well as the destruction of a drone depot in Voznesensk.

In turn, the opponent attempted to strike civilian infrastructure in the Voronezh, Belgorod and Rostov regions.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the opponent is conducting counterattacks in Hlyboke and Vovchansk. In parallel, false information is spreading on the Internet about the Russian Armed Forces crossing the Volchia River and consolidating on its southern bank.

In the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, Russian troops are fighting on the line of Synkivka – Lyman Pershyi. According to some information, the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the control zone towards Petropavlivka.

In the Oleksandro-Kalinovo direction, there are battles on the approaches to Dzerzhynsk (Toretsk). Russian troops are pushing the opponent out of positions in Druzhba, Kirovo and Novhorodske.

In the Avdiivka direction, Russian assault troops are breaking through the opponent’s defenses at several sections on the line of Novoaleksandrivka – Novoselivka Persha.

In the Zaporizhia direction, the AFU again shelled the energy infrastructure of Enerhodar. At the moment, power outages have been observed in the city.



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