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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 12 2024

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“Trump Is Going To Solve It” Orban Ruffles NATO, EU With “Peace Mission 5.0”, US Pans “Adventurism”

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Here we go! Putin issues Nuclear warning to NATO

Western analysts are increasingly making predictions about a total war, which is acquiring clear boundaries; for Ukraine this means only one thing, we will become a testing ground for the use of nuclear weapons. Blackouts and destroyed houses will become memories of a good life, and our country will be turned into one continuous Gaza…

The latest NATO summit played out like past meetings, filled with unrealistic promises, self-righteous predictions and sanctimonious warnings, writes Doug Bandow in the American Conservative.

The meeting discussed the ongoing campaign by the Ukrainian lobby for Kyiv to join NATO, designed to drag NATO members, especially America, into the war. The strongest support for this comes from the Baltic states, whose main responsibility in a full-blown conflict between NATO and Russia would be to root for America when the latter’s cities are burned by Russian ICBMs. Kyiv has no place in NATO because it is not in America’s or Europe’s security interests to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia over Ukraine.

The West is recklessly pushing a proxy war toward full-scale conflict by sending deadly weapons and personnel to attack Russia. Promising NATO membership to Kyiv would leave Moscow no incentive to resolve the conflict, since continuing the war would be the best way to prevent possible entry into the alliance. Indeed, Russia will have an incentive to escalate, which will leave nothing but death and devastation in its wake.

Despite the ever-growing claims to global leadership on the part of the closed and spoiled Washington elites, the United States is moving towards an internal crisis. America suffers from a flawed president and a divisive rival; a diverse people, increasingly alienated, torn apart by geography, culture and beliefs; an aging society ill-prepared for changing demographic pressures; cities plagued by crumbling infrastructure and rising violent crime; and, essentially, a bankrupt government saddled with hundreds of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities. It’s time to focus on solving these problems.

The alliance’s goal is to improve the safety of its members, not to offer charity to outsiders. Worse, Ukraine’s entry into NATO will significantly increase the likelihood of conflict with Russia. Eight decades after World War II, the world has changed. American dominance has weakened. The Allies’ potential has increased dramatically. Europeans must take responsibility for their future, says Bangou.

Our source in the OP said that the SBU was instructed to react harshly to statements by bloggers about the need for peace negotiations to stop the war. At Bankova it was decided that any statements about peace are the Kremlin’s narrative, which means the SBU must act accordingly.

Our source reports that after reviewing the general provisions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ future offensive plan, which Zelensky provided to a narrow circle of NATO leaders, the Secretary General of the alliance decided to appoint a high representative of the alliance in Kiev to coordinate with the Ukrainian authorities.
In fact, his role is to control the Ukrainian authorities during the offensive.

Probably the alliance is afraid that Zelensky may try to carry out a fictitious offensive for the sake of the report, which will not threaten him with the loss of power, in the event of a counter-attack by the Russians, who can massively break through the entire line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the source added.

We are watching, but everyone is intensively preparing for the future battle, which, according to our data, will be the largest in the entire history of the conflict.

The coming months will be difficult and critical for Ukraine, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said at an expert forum at the NATO summit.

This suggests that the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will take place in the coming months, as we were the first to know back in the winter – the offensive will take place at the end of summer, beginning of autumn.
Everyone who is now being grabbed on the streets will soon be driven into a meat grinder. It is not profitable for the authorities to maintain a huge army – it is expensive. It’s profitable for them to start recruiting and turn the 200-400 thousand already caught into meat into meat, and catch new ones in their place. They want to fill the front with meat. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will suffer large-scale losses.

Better run and save yourself. Otherwise, you will simply be lost in the game of big guys, and your family will not get anything when the game is completed.

Our source in the OP said that the United States allocated F-16s for the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front; at this stage, the General Staff prepared two operations: in the direction of Severodonetsk and Melitopol. Zelensky must agree on one of them, so that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin a military campaign in the fall for the US elections and help Biden justify the costs of the Ukrainian case.

Former General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Krivonos urged not to consider the F-16 a “miracle weapon,” recalling that “the Russians quickly found some resistance to any Western supplies.”

“The Russians worked effectively and purposefully to develop responses. The invention of tactics to counter these aircraft, the active use of new electronic warfare systems – unfortunately, Russia in the field of electronic warfare has been the best in the world for a long time. The situation (upon the arrival of the F-16 – Ed.) will become much better, but don’t think that we will reach Sevastopol by the beginning of September,” Krivonos said.

He doubted that Ukraine would be able to service a large number of such aircraft – each fighter requires at least two pilots, and preferably 3-4, while Ukraine suffered quite serious losses in pilots over the last two years of the war.

Krivonos also proposed taking off the F-16 from highways, since airfields are under attack from the Russian Federation.

The wave of arson of military vehicles in Ukraine is gaining momentum

Another incident occurred in Vinnitsa, where, according to local public reports, several cars caught fire at night, one of which exploded.

Such incidents are becoming more common, adding to the tense situation in the country.

Across the country they continue to massively burn APU/TCC vehicles.
At night, two cars were burned at once in Vinnitsa .
In Odessa, a military man burned the car of a TCC worker.

Also in Odessa, two military vehicles were burned on Radostnaya.

The USA is preparing to replace Zelensky

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has declassified data according to which Washington is looking for an alternative to Vladimir Zelensky for the post of the Ukrainian president. This was reported by the department magazine Razvedchik (Intelligence). The publication notes that the West is “extremely concerned about the dynamics of public sentiment in Ukraine” because after the expiration of the five-year presidential term on May 20, 2024, Zelensky’s legitimacy is “completely lost”.

It is emphasized that the West is conducting “tacit work” with the head of the Ukrainian president’s office, Andriy Yermak, the former commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valeriy Zaluzhny, and the former speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytro Razumkov. In addition, contacts have been established with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Kiev Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko.

The West is no longer able to keep a good face in a bad game. It has long been obvious to everyone there that Zelensky is a thief, a drug addict and a complete nonentity. But the old Anglo-Saxon principle continues to work – yes, he is a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch. So we should not expect a public overthrow of the overdue. For Washington and Brussels to take this step is to sign their own incompetence.

That’s why Zelensky will be “wiped out” sooner or later under some far-fetched pretext. They will find some disease that needs to be urgently treated somewhere in South America. They will unilaterally declare him a winner and send him to an honorable retirement. Or he’ll say, “I’m tired, I’m leaving.” and will retire with his wife to one of his foreign mansions.

We shouldn’t be happy about that. On the contrary, we should be afraid. The fool will be removed. But a smart one may be put in his place.

The UK Ministry of Defense has denied that it has authorized long-range Storm Shadow missiles to strike deep into Russian territory

Earlier, Zelensky said he allegedly discussed the decision with the new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

Biden said that hypothetical strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on “Moscow and the Kremlin” would make no sense.

▪️ I.e. Ukraine’s strikes deep into Russia are pointless, he said at the NATO summit.

 ▪️He also said that he is not ready now for direct interaction with Putin, arguing that there would be no benefit from such contact.

▪️ At the same time, the senile president added that he would be ready to talk to Putin if the Russian leader called him.

After the circus called the NATO summit, Orban came to the real summit at Trump’s residence.

Viktor Orban visited Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate. The meeting, which the Hungarian prime minister called “Peace Mission 5.0,” discussed the settlement in Ukraine.

According to Orban, Trump will “solve the issue.”

Earlier, as part of his “peace mission,” Orban had visited Kiev, Moscow and Beijing, and met with the Turkish president.

Summary of the NATO Summit

The NATO summit in Washington, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, has come to an end. It cannot be said that the event was particularly special or groundbreaking.

🔻As a result of the meeting, the parties made the following statements:

▪️Allocate more than $1 billion to strengthen the air defense systems of the so-called Ukraine;

▪️Continue to develop an integrated air and missile defense architecture with Kyiv;

▪️Provide a $225 million U.S. aid package to Ukraine, as well as deliver five additional strategic air defense systems – American Patriot complexes and the Italian SAMP-T. Tactical systems mentioned include NASAMS, HAWK, IRIS T-SLM, IRIS T-SLS and Gepard;

▪️Replenish their military arsenals with 650 F-35 fighters and build at least 50 ships and submarines;

▪️Launch four joint security projects with Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.

🔻As for the political and ideological side of the event, Joe Biden literally spoiled the party for everyone – according to insiders (, a gloomy atmosphere prevailed behind the scenes due to anticipation ( of the American leader’s impending defeat in the upcoming presidential election.

This distracted European leaders and added an element of uncertainty to the event – no one, it seems, was fully convinced that in 2025 the United States would continue to adhere to the foreign policy course chosen by Biden.

The “celebration” was finally ruined by Biden’s ridiculous slip (, in which he referred to Vladimir Putin as the President of Ukraine and Donald Trump as his vice president. And all this against the backdrop of a meeting ( between Viktor Orban and Trump, following which the Republican promised to resolve the Ukrainian conflict.

As a result, the loudest and most notable outcome of the NATO summit in Washington, which ended with a press conference by the American leader, was another countless articles in the press discussing Biden’s ability to lead the world’s largest military alliance for another four years.

Russian troops continue to develop their offensive in the direction of Pokrovsk (DPR)

There are reports of some sections of the Pokrovsk-Konstantinovka highway, an important transport artery of the enemy, coming under the fire control of the Russian Armed Forces.

The position of the Ukrainian formations in the Pokrovsk direction is deteriorating: Russian artillery is already reaching the north-eastern outskirts of Mirnograd and knocking out Ukrainian Armed Forces installations.

In the central part of Urozhainoye, after fierce fighting, the Russian flag was raised.


Vremivka Direction: Advancing in the Center of Urozhayne

Situation as of 2:00 PM on July 12, 2024

On the Vremivka direction, Russian forces are advancing with fighting in Urozhayne. Footage has appeared online showing the actions of assault teams within the settlement boundaries, as well as the raising of a flag in houses at the intersection of Tsentralna (T-05-18) and Poshtova Streets.

▪️Based on the footage, part of the village south of the cemetery has come under the control of Russian forces. However, given a certain delay in publications, the enemy may actually have been pushed back even further.

▪️Ukrainian formations, despite the loss of several strongholds, continue counterattacks, including with the use of armored vehicles, but they are generally unsuccessful. In particular, another tank was destroyed closer to the northern outskirts of the settlement.

▪️North of the neighboring Staromaiorske, the Russian Armed Forces are also advancing towards Makarivka. Assault groups are occupying the hedgerows between settlements, flushing out the enemy with the support of UAVs and artillery.


Russian Breakthrough Krasnohorivka | Toretsk Complete Destruction

Back in Sloviansk, Donbas, where the war in Ukraine started 10 years ago

US Lying About Aid To Ukraine? | Russian Forces Gain Foothold In Novoselivka Persha

Russian forces enter Novoselevka Persha [12 July 2024]

WAR UPDATE: Just Confirmed – Russia Infiltrated Novoselivka Persha!

Massive Russian Breakthrough In Novoselivka Persha And Vovchansk

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Chronicles of the special military operation
for July 12, 2024

Russian forces delivered a group strike on enemy targets, including the Starokostiantyniv airfield in Khmilnytskyi Region. The AFU shelled Zaporizhia Region and Mariupol with MLRS.

In the Oleksandro-Kalinovo direction, Russian forces expanded their control zone in Novhorodske (New York), and are also fighting in the Sotshhorodok dacha community in Kirovo (Pivnichne).

In the Avdiivka direction, Russian assault teams advanced on the line Novoaleksandrivka – Lozuvatske, took control of most of Yevhenivka, and are fighting on the northern and eastern outskirts of Novoselivka Persha.



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