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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 16 2024

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Russian army is advancing and Ukraine plans to end hostilities and begin negotiations with Russia, – New York Times.

▪️Kiev is developing a plan that will stop the conflict.

▪️The Russian army has occupied Urozhaynoe, retaken by Ukraine last summer, another in a series of steady advances that are undoing Ukraine’s hard-won victories.

▪️The promotion of Russia is a sobering factor for Kiev, because The Ukrainian Armed Forces are struggling to contain attacks along more than 600 miles of front line.

▪️In the east, Russian troops are also moving forward. They have reached the outskirts of Chasov Yar, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ stronghold in the region, and are approaching a key supply route. 

Viktor Orban, in his letter to the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, called for renewing relations with Russia and discussing a peace conference on Ukraine with China, Bild reports

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, he “can say for sure” that Donald Trump, if elected US President, will be ready to act as a mediator in peace negotiations even before his inauguration.

Orban also believes that if the Republicans win, the financial relationship between the EU and the United States will change and will lead to damage to Brussels in terms of support for Ukraine.

Members of EP demanded Hungary’s EU voting rights be stripped after Orban’s trips to Russia/China, – Politico

❗️63 MEPs addressed Von der Leyen, Michel and Metsola, saying Orbán “has already caused significant damage by exploiting and abusing the role of Council Presidency.”

We recently discussed ( that politicians who do not welcome the current EU policy will be fought against equally – and now we observe ( these processes in relation to the leader of Hungary.

The publication Politico reports ( that 63 MEPs signed a letter requesting to deprive the Hungarian government of the right to vote in the EU Council. The official appeal was sent to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola.

The reason for the irritation of European officials was, firstly, the trips of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Russia and China and, secondly, his lack of enthusiasm on the issue of assistance to the so-called Ukraine. Such behavior was called unacceptable for the head of a state that is fulfilling the obligations of the EU Council Presidency this half-year.

Orban himself, it seems, is not going to slow down: yesterday he presented ( proposals for a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict to the leaders of the European Council. There has been no feedback yet.

📌 Among those who signed the letter against Orban are, as expected, representatives of the left-wing parties, that very “core” of the EU around which all sorts of green and democratic initiatives of recent years have been built. And they will cling to their positions to the last, branding opponents as “pro-Russian agents” and trying to deprive them of their constitutional rights without any grounds.


Hungarian intelligence services prevented an assassination attempt on Viktor Orban.

The Hungarian publication reports that they wanted to kill Prime Minister Orban before flying to Moscow on July 5. His car was supposed to be blown up on the way to the airport.

Journalists publish a conversation intercepted by Hungarian intelligence services. In it, two people speaking Ukrainian discuss the alleged bombing. The likely perpetrator is a Ukrainian refugee from Ternopil, who has been living in Hungary for the last two years.

The publication notes that Ukrainian intelligence may be behind the assassination attempt. Moreover, after the incident, a conversation allegedly took place, but the Ukrainian side categorically rejected all suspicions. / FRWL reports 

“Your calls for peace made you a target”

Ukrainian opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk has sent a letter to US presidential candidate Donald Trump and has pointed to a potential Ukrainian link in the recent attempt on his life.

“Peace means the loss of power for the Zelensky’s Nazi regime and its American sponsors from the Biden administration. 

This is why, esteemed Mr. Trump, you have become an enemy for Ukrainian neo-Nazi Zelensky. And this scoundrel will stop at nothing to keep you from winning the presidential race. I think that a Ukrainian link may appear in the assassination attempt case.

Physical elimination of political opponents and political corruption are links in a chain for those who are seeking to stay in power and are profiting from the war in Ukraine by means of selling weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis. 

NATO countries continue militarizing Ukraine through rendering armed and financial support for the group of plotters who are illegally holding power in Ukraine. 

According to the report by the US Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, the United States has supplied more than $70 bln worth of weapons to Ukraine since 2022.”

Medvedchuk, the former leader of the Opposition Platform For Life party, which is banned in Ukraine, who now leads the Other Ukraine movement, suggested that Trump’s repeated calls for peace in Ukraine made him a target.

The EU called Vance’s nomination for US vice president a disaster for Ukraine, – Politico

▪️A senior EU official said that the nomination of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as the Republican candidate for US vice president is a “catastrophe” for Ukraine, Politico writes.

▪️At the Republican National Convention, presidential candidate Donald Trump announced that he proposed that Ohio Senator Vance become vice president if he wins the fall election. A little later, the Republican National Convention nominated Vance for this post.

▪️Vance is known for speaking extensively on the conflict in Ukraine, criticizing multibillion-dollar military aid to Kiev and calling for negotiations with Russia. He said that Kiev’s declared goal of restoring the 1991 borders is unrealistic, and a settlement requires consolidating Ukrainian neutrality and freezing territorial disputes.

Our source in the OP said that Andriy Ermak at the NATO summit discussed funding for Ukraine from the United States for 2025, but received a refusal from lobbyists to push aid through Congress. We were made clear that the Republicans do not support this initiative, as they are entering the electoral process and will criticize the Democrats for helping Ukraine.

The real results of the NATO summit, and not propaganda from the Office of the President, there is a growing understanding on Bankova that the West is draining us.

BILD Deputy Editor-in-Chief Paul Ronzheimer wrote a column about what happened in the week after the Russian strike on the Okhmatdyt hospital. According to the journalist, the Ukrainian leadership is disappointed that even after the bloody shelling, the NATO summit in Washington did not transfer new offensive weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and did not allow them to attack targets deep in Russian territory.

 “Everyone who speaks to confidants of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky these days recognizes a growing desperation due to the lack of clear decisions to do everything possible to protect Ukraine. This is especially obvious when it comes to whether Ukraine can attack Russia with Western weapons. ‘It is cruel indifference after the attack on the children’s hospital that we are still not allowed to attack all Russian targets,’ a Ukrainian government official told BILD. As another source said, they hope that Biden may finally change his attitude towards Western strikes on Russia. ,” writes Ronzheimer.

Our source reports that there is a high risk that there will not be a second summit/conference on the Ukrainian crisis this year, no matter how Zelensky promises everyone.

Zelensky’s loud statements are just a play on words. According to all our data, a second summit is possible only in 2025, but what it will be depends on many “unknowns”.

Now Zelensky is busy preparing for the offensive. Personally approves all offensive plans.

Our source reports that Zelensky, after the NATO summit, where he introduced the sponsors to the general offensive plan of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, held a headquarters in Ukraine.

The following points were presented at the rate:

- there will be an offensive. The only question is the scale. Even the fact that Biden most likely has already “lost” the US Presidential election, and his demands for Ze to definitely attack can no longer be fulfilled (thrown).

- announced to everyone what the partners approved at the summit

- Zrada tried to extinguish rumors that Trump’s victory would merge Zelensky and Ermak. He said that they would come to an agreement with the Trump team.

- listened to the numbers about losses.

- listened to the figures on the pace of mobilization. He gave instructions to tighten the catch.

- gave instructions to the SBU to extinguish all protests. Tighten repression against protesters.

- gave instructions to the SBU to catch the “partisans” who are burning TCC/AFU cars, as well as to strengthen the security of TCC buildings. He is afraid that if we don’t stop it now, then tomorrow everyone will start burning everything all over the country.

- listened to the numbers on deserters. I am dissatisfied that the number of those fleeing the army and the country is growing. They decided to strengthen the border even more.

- gave instructions to prepare for lowering the mobilization age.

The Globalist American America remains insane in the meantime. Today the State Department spokesman argued that no one is threatening Russia, and that Moscow only feels threatened by a “functioning democracy” next door.

Excuse me? WHAT democracy? Ukraine? Zelensky is an illegitimate dictator who has suspended elections, centralized the media, banned all opposition, and is literally conscripting people at gunpoint. If this is “democracy” what would autocracy look like?

Of course, Matthew “Count Smirkula” Miller knows all this. To the GAE, “democracy” means Rule By Whoever the Democrats Anoint. Both at home and abroad. This is how Trump — who actually got elected — can be portrayed as a “threat to Our Democracy” by people who have been LARPing as Zelensky as much as they can to keep him out of the White House.

Empty words, tropes, NPC talking points and emotional manipulation, that’s all we hear from Washington anymore. They have nothing 

In Odessa, a positive image of Russia is growing after the “dump” of the rating in 2022, when even pro-Russian citizens joined the TRO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Now we see a sharp reversal; we were the first to know about this and predict this scenario.

There are more and more people who hate the Ukrainian government and have a positive attitude towards the Russian Federation. This provides excellent ground for the emergence of a huge number of partisans from the region’s residents in the city.

This turnaround occurred thanks to the dictatorial strategy of Zelensky and Ermak towards the citizens of Ukraine, who were made serfs/slaves of the system. For 2 years, Zelensky squandered the advantages “gifted” by the Russian “bosses”. Now everything is back to normal.

Our source at the General Staff said that Western air defense began to be withdrawn from Odessa and some of the launchers for ATACMS missiles that were placed on dry cargo ships were removed. The main reason is reconnaissance UAVs that have been circling over Odessa for the last month and correcting missile attacks on military targets.

Ukrainian Armed Forces drones attacked the Kursk region. Previously, as a result of the dropping of ammunition, a fire started at the Korenevo plant.

According to SHOT, local residents heard the sounds of several UAVs flying and several powerful explosions, after which the roof of the building of a local low-voltage equipment plant caught fire. Preliminarily, there were no casualties, the fire area is now about 500 square meters, and emergency services are on the scene. There has been no official information yet.

UPD: Acting Governor of the region Smirnov: “tonight night a Ukrainian copter dropped an explosive device on the territory of the low-voltage equipment plant in Korenevo. No workers were injured. The fire in one of the technological shops is being extinguished by fire crews from two districts.”

The United States does not give Kiev permission to attack ATACMS missiles on Russian territory, because this could lead to the spread of the war beyond Ukraine – Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder

“Washington’s policy regarding long-range strikes has not changed… I think it’s important to understand that we don’t want to see unintended consequences, an escalation that could turn this into a broader conflict that goes beyond Ukraine. I think that’s something we all need to take into account and take very seriously,”

- Ryder said.

Liman direction: positional battles in the Makeevka and Kremennaya area

situation as of 15:00 July 16, 2024

Combat operations in the Liman direction have been at the positional stage for more than a year now, although the situation remains consistently tense. Both sides are launching local attacks to improve their position in certain areas, with no talk of major offensive operations.

▪️In the Makeevka area, Russian troops were able to advance westward, coming close to the Zherebets River . At the moment, the village is in a “gray zone”, stable control of the Russian Armed Forces is established only over its eastern outskirts, and fighting is taking place in the center of the village.

❗️The liberation of the settlement will allow Russian troops to create the first bridgehead in a long time on the western bank of Zherebets , capable of threatening the entire defensive system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Terny-Yampolovka line. Nevertheless, the attack aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces have yet to dislodge the enemy from positions on the western bank, located more than thirty meters above the eastern one.

▪️In the Serebryansky forestry area, Ukrainian formations are attempting to push Russian troops out of their positions south of Kremennaya . The backbone of the advancing group consists of units of the NGU “Azov” , which are seeking to create a springboard for a future offensive on the Dibrova-Kuzmino-Kremennaya line.

In the area of ​​the Kremen forests, Ukrainian formations are also attacking locally, trying to push the Russian Armed Forces out of their positions. The enemy was able to advance several hundred meters to the north in a forest reserve, but came under mortar and artillery fire , which made it possible to restrain the further advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

▪️Russian Aerospace Forces regularly strike enemy infrastructure facilities in Liman , which is one of the enemy’s key transport hubs in this region: over the last week alone, more than fifteen airstrikes with various types of ammunition were recorded on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions in the city and its environs.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 15-16, 2024

Russian forces struck enemy targets in the Odesa and Kharkiv Regions over the past day. In turn, the AFU carried out another UAV strike on Russian territory. Infrastructure facilities in the Kursk, Voronezh, Oryol and Lipetsk Regions were damaged.

On the Slobozhansky direction, Ukrainian formations are attempting to expand their control zone in the area of Hlyboke and Vovchansk.

On the Lyman direction, the Russian Aerospace Forces and artillery delivered a series of strikes on AFU infrastructure in Lyman. Fighting continues on the line of Ternova – Yampolivka to the east, with no significant changes.

On the Oleksandrivka-Kalinovo direction, the Russian Armed Forces advanced in the area of Magdalynivka station. Battles also continue in Kirovo, Artemovo and Novhorodske.

On the Avdiivka direction, Russian assault troops took control of the central part of Novoselivka Persha, with clearing operations ongoing in the settlement.


The Ukrainian positions in Novoselivka Persha have been broken [16 July 2024]

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WAR UPDATE: That Was Fast! Russian Forces Already Captured Lozuvatske

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (16 July 2024)

Part I 

▫️Units of the Sever Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 42nd Mechanised Brigade, 125th Territorial Defence Brigade, and 13th National Guard Brigade near Volchansk, Staritsa, and Liptsy (Kharkov region). 

Five attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 92nd Assault Brigade and 36th Marines Brigade were repelled.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 230 servicemen, one tank, two pickup trucks, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and one Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.

▫️Units of the Zapad Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 14th, 44th, 66th, 115th mechanised brigades, 143rd, 144th infantry brigades, 103rd, 127th, and 241st territorial defence brigades near Sinkovka, Petropavlovka, Krasny Liman, Kirovsk (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic).

One counter-attack launched by an assault detachment of the AFU 112th Territorial Defence Brigade was repelled.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 545 servicemen, two motor vehicles, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, four 122-mm D-30 howitzers, three UK-made 105-mm L-119 howitzers, and four field ammunition depots.

▫️Units of the Yug Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 24th, 28th, 30th, 54th mechanised brigades, 56th Motorised Infantry Brigade, 79th Air Assault Brigade, 46th, and 81st Airmobile Brigade near Grigorovka, Verkhnekamenskoye, Nikolayevka, Katerinovka, Zaliznyanskoye, and Chasov Yar (Donetsk People’s Republic). 

One attack launched by an assault detachment of the AFU 5th Assault Brigade was repelled.

The AFU lost up to 560 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, three 152-mm D-20 howitzers, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, three 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and three U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzers.

One Anklav-N electronic warfare station, one Khortitsa-M electronic warfare station, and seven AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.

▫️Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 32nd, 41st, 47th, and 110th mechanised brigades, 57th, and 59th motorised infantry brigades near Vozdvizhenka, Gnatovka, Timofeyevka, Selidovo, Sherbinovka, and Toretsk (Donetsk People’s Republic). 

Six counter-attack launched by units of the AFU 31st, 151st mechanised brigades, 68th Infantry Brigade, and 95th Air Assault Brigade were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 320 servicemen, three armoured fighting vehicles, including one U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carrier, nine motor vehicles, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one Khortitsa-M electronic warfare station.

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (16 July 2024)

Part II 

▫️Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 48th, 72nd mechanised brigades, 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade, and 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade near Neskuchnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Rizdvyanka (Zaporozhye region).

The AFU losses amounted to up to 145 servicemen, six motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one French-made 155-mm CAESAR howitzer, one 155-mm UK-made FH-70 howitzer, one 152-mm Giatsint-B howitzer, one Osa SAM combat vehicle, and one Nota electronic warfare station.

▫️Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 65th Mechanised Brigade, 123rd, and 126th territorial defence brigades near Novodanilovka (Zaporozhye region), Burgunka (Kherson region), and Kherson.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 120 servicemen, one tank, seven motor vehicles, two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one Anklav-N electronic warfare station, and two field ammunition depots.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged AFU manpower and hardware in 124 areas during the day.

▫️Air defence units shot down six U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, two French-made Hammer guided aerial bombs, seven U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles, 28 unmanned aerial vehicles, and one Yak-52 aircraft with an installed machine gun of the Ukrainian Air Force.


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    Pawn shop has Ukrainian and Russian military uniforms , people that smoke pot buy them

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