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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 18 2024

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Orban, in his report to the head of the European Council after visiting Russia and Ukraine, said that the intensity of the conflict would radically increase in the near future.

Bratislava will not join attempts to boycott Hungary’s presidency of the EU Council after Orban’s visit to Moscow, Slovak President Pellegrini said

I don’t think anyone should be punished for seeking dialogue. Slovakia will not do this

- he stated.

Zelensky tried to turn heads of state against Orban

“If someone in Europe is trying to resolve issues behind the back or even at the expense of someone else, if someone wants to make several trips to the capital of the war to talk and perhaps promise something against our common interests or at the expense Ukraine or another country, then why should we consider such a person? The EU and NATO can solve all their issues without this person,”

Zelensky wants Russia to refuse to participate in the negotiations in order to blame Moscow for the luck of success – Le Parisien

The article says that the President of Ukraine “invited” representatives of the Russian Federation to the second peace conference in order to demonstrate that he is meeting Moscow halfway and at the same time does not renounce the conditions put forward. If Russia refuses to negotiate, it is its position that will be recognized as counterproductive.

According to the director of the European Center for Strategic Analysis, Philippe Migo, Zelensky is trying to change his position on the diplomatic settlement of the conflict, realizing the unfavorable situation at the front for Kiev.

55 thousand Ukrainian casualties in June. Time to surrender and make peace. Zelensky went all-in on promises from the West and lost everything. This is the last battle of the US empire and its vassals. It all comes crashing down.

Kim Dotcom

Our source in the OP said that Andrei Ermak has not yet developed an international strategy in the event of a Trump victory, and there is now despondency and a complete lack of understanding of the situation for 2025 on Bankova. All Zelensky’s initiatives boiled down to the sharp confrontation between Biden and Trump in the US elections, but after the assassination attempt on the ex-president, the situation has changed greatly, the war in Ukraine ceases to be the main track.

Our source reports that Bankova regrets that they “dumped” an American journalist close to Trump, Tucker Carlson, because they were confident that Biden would “depict” victory for himself at the expense of migrants and mail-in voting.

When the OP understands that Biden is finally done, they may try to “beg” Tucker to interview Zelensky. This will be difficult to do, because the office officials called him an FSB agent. It will look funny if they turn 180 degrees.

All Ukrainians who ridiculed life in conditions of electricity shortages and mobilization were accused of working for Russia

The Center for Countering Disinformation, an organ of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, has published a selection of screenshots of funny videos in which TikTok bloggers accuse local authorities of all the “inconveniences”.

The publication says that the start of the trend was carried out by “artificial accounts” . In this way, Russia is allegedly “trying to create a split within society.”

Our source in the OP said that public dissatisfaction with all institutions of power that discredited themselves during the war is growing. The latest closed polls showed that there is growing dissatisfaction with the policies of Zelensky, who is divorced from the problems of ordinary citizens and continues to talk about the goals of the war, despite the situation in the country.

Ukrainians are fleeing conscription despite high costs and risks – Washington Post

While Kyiv is preparing to increase the number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainians are looking for ways to avoid conscription. They also pay thousands of dollars to leave the country illegally, The Washington Post writes.

Since the front-line units were greatly depleted, the Rada adopted a mobilization law, according to which all men of military age must update their personal data via the Internet or at military registration and enlistment offices by July 16. Now, after the end of this deadline, many expect a massive distribution of subpoenas, the publication notes.

Some men seek to avoid conscription through legal loopholes, such as by enrolling in graduate school. Thus, according to official data, if before the conflict about 8 thousand people expressed a desire to continue higher education, this year – more than 246 thousand, which led to stricter admission rules.

Other Ukrainians use the services of smugglers who constantly raise prices to cross the borders into Hungary, Moldova or Romania. Some of the fugitives even try to swim across the Tisza River, which often ends in their death, the publication notes.

These high costs and risks that some in the country are willing to take to avoid conscription highlight growing tensions in Ukrainian society. After more than two years of conflict, the people strongly support the army, but there are fewer and fewer volunteers, The Washington Post emphasizes.

As our sources in the law enforcement agencies learned, all the arson attacks on military vehicles and railway relay facilities are carried out by Ukrainians forced to hide from mobilization. Men have lost the opportunity to officially work, and it has become dangerous to go out during the day, so they take on any work from the Internet.

Ukrainians hate military commissars-policemen, but they will carry out the Zemobilization plan so as not to go to the front themselves. This is the squid game we have in our country…

In Odessa, TCC/AFU cars are being set on fire again.

Three cars at once. 

Many military personnel note that public attitudes towards the military in Ukraine have changed dramatically over the past year. From absolute respect to hidden hatred and other negative emotions.

It is Zelensky’s policy that is the main reason for this “reversal.”

The problem with desertion in the Ukrainian army is huge. They decided to solve it by “forgiveness” if he returned to the unit.

There is one thing, if the commander forgives and takes him back. This means that this bill is a setup and is aimed at returning the deserter, and then he will immediately be thrown to “zero” to make up for his act.

We were one of the first to know about the trend of desertion among the Armed Forces of Ukraine . Now the information is indirectly confirmed.

Political telegram channels have been writing for the second year that the command does not take care of personnel and for one position they can lose up to 1000 wounded and dead military personnel.

Now this topic is already being openly discussed, since we will simply continue to make reserves.

“It doesn’t matter how many people you put in”

Military psychologist Andrei Kozinchuk said that brigade commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were often punished for losing positions, giving orders to hold them at any cost.

“If you maintained a position, but at the same time 200 people were wounded or died, you had nothing to do with it. The priorities were strange. “Save every soldier’s life,” they said on Facebook and YouTube. But personally they said: “Keep at all costs.” , I don’t give a damn how many people you put down,” says Kozinchuk.

Political telegram channels wrote about the terrible PR campaign of the Office of the President, which was very expensive for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; near Krynki we lost about three thousand dead and wounded.

Of the 3 thousand, 788 military personnel went missing in the village of Krynki from October 2023 to the end of June 2024.

This was reported by Slidstvo.Info with reference to police data.

During the same period, 262 bodies of dead servicemen of the Ukrainian Defense Forces were removed from Krynki in the Kherson region.

Western media published a publication about the “river of death” at the beginning of the year, but our journalists were afraid to raise the topic of Zelensky’s PR campaign to storm the Dnieper.

The stupid retention of the bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper in the village of Krynki cost the Ukrainian army at least 800 missing people.

According to our data, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Krynki suffered another loss of about 10,000 wounded/shell-shocked (all had 100% PTSD, since it was “hell” there).

So far, only 200 Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers have been officially counted as killed.

Plus, the number of missing people will increase, since many cases still go through bureaucratic delays and are not reflected in official statistics.

We were the first to insider that the authorities are trying to list all those killed in Krynki as missing in action – this is profitable. There is no need to pay families money. As they say, this is such gratitude from ZeErmak.

We also insided that the entire Krynkah case was purely political and had no real significance. Because of these office miscalculations, Avdeevka and other settlements were lost.

Reports of another combined strike by the AFU on Crimea

This night, after a long break, Ukrainian forces carried out a massive combined attack on the peninsula, using drones and unmanned boats.

🔻After midnight, Russian air defense units, the Black Sea Fleet, special forces and paratroopers repelled the attack almost all night. The first waves of drones were spotted in the Yevpatoria district of Crimea along with USVs.

▪️At least 24 drones were shot down by the 31st Division and suppressed by electronic warfare means in the west of the peninsula. Debris damaged several facilities near Yevpatoria, but the damage was not significant.

▪️At the same time, a group of unmanned boats tried to attack Black Sea Fleet facilities on Lake Donuzlav, as well as northwest of Sevastopol. Boats and naval aviation helicopters were involved in intercepting them.

▪️Despite the fact that Ukrainian resources claim a whole list of destroyed coastal facilities as a successful result of the attack – this is not the case. The footage with explosions is the result of the work of our military personnel, who destroyed ten USVs that night.

▪️In addition, another nine drones were shot down by crews of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division in Sevastopol. The sound of explosions woke up many residents around 4 am, but the AFU did not achieve their goals this time.

Nevertheless, one cannot relax in any way. It’s been a while since there were missile strikes on the peninsula, and today’s attack may be a harbinger of them, given that massive drone raids are aimed at depleting air defense reserves.

Moreover, over the past few weeks, deliveries of Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles and ATACMS ballistic missiles to the territory of the so-called Ukraine have continued. According to our data, the AFU currently have about 20 ATACMS with a range of up to 300 km and more than 50 cruise missiles in their warehouses.


A massive attack on Crimea was repelled: an unmanned boat was destroyed in Sevastopol, 33 UAVs were destroyed over the peninsula

Residents of Sevastopol heard loud noises around 4 am.

“It was our military that repelled an attempted attack by a surface drone. An unmanned boat has been destroyed,”

- Governor Razvozhaev wrote in his tg channel.

A little later, a threat of attack by unmanned boats in Novorossiysk was announced, but at about 7 am it was canceled.

A total of 10 unmanned boats heading to the peninsula were destroyed in the Black Sea. In addition, air defense systems shot down 33 drones over Crimea, the Ministry of Defense reported.

Radio chatter of a Russian SU-34 flight crew, escaping a Patriot attack!

The bomber crew was tasked with attacking a military target of the Ukrainian Army, with four FAB guided bombs. When approaching the target, the Su-34 was detected by Ukrainian air defense systems.

A cover aircraft with the call sign “Roof” recorded the launches of anti-aircraft missiles at the Su-34 and transmitted information to its crew. The pilots began to maneuver to avoid the missiles. Meanwhile, the cover aircraft discovered NASAMS air defense systems and launched an X-31P anti-radar missile at them.

Then the Su-34 began to get targeted by the Patriot air defense system. One of the missiles was fired at a distance of 60 kilometers from the Russian aircraft and it was shot down by Russian anti-aircraft gunners. Two more were diverted by heat guns.

They are good!


Two strikes, accompanied by a serious detonation, were delivered in the direction of the Kremenchug oil refinery in the Poltava region, RIA Novosti was told by underground resistance.

The strike occurred at night in the area of ​​the Kremenchug also targeted carriage building plant, where equipment is being repaired, many ambulances went there, as sources informed.

At night, Ukrainian media reported a series of explosions in the Poltava region amid an air raid warning in the region, where the strike was carried out at night in the area of ​​the Mirgorod military airfield, which receives, in particular, training aircraft.

Siversk direction: fighting in the area of Sporne and advance of the Russian Armed Forces north of Razdolivka

situation as of 1:00 pm on July 18, 2024

In most sectors of the Siversk direction, there is a relative lull after several unsuccessful attempts by the Russian Armed Forces to advance in the area of Bilohorivka and Verkhnokamenske.

▪️In the area of Sporne, Russian troops managed to expand the control zone within the settlement and occupy several strongpoints nearby some time ago. However, there is no confirmation yet of full control over the village yet (

▪️The greatest successes are recorded in the area of Razdolivka, where earlier Russian paratroopers, after battles in the vicinity of the settlement, attacked the village from three sides, relatively quickly liberating it. By now, assault groups have occupied the treeline on the edge of the hill to the north, dislodging Ukrainian formations from several strongpoints.

▪️To the west of the railway, there are also local successes. Advance assault groups entrenched on the outskirts of Pereizne as early as June 12, but did not attempt to delve deeper into the settlement. Advancing in Pereizne will require “pulling up” the flank from the direction of Sacco and Vanzetti towards Fedorivka, but no activation has been observed here yet.


Yuzhnodonetsk direction, Krasnogorovka

Military correspondent Mikhail Andronik ( noticed an interesting trend on a specific section of the front. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were struck by the disease of “beautiful reports”:

“The command staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, not wanting to report to the brigade commander of the 59th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces about the surrender of one position after another, lied about the state of affairs on the ground.

The flow of killed and wounded increased, equipment did not return from rotations, which raised questions about the trust of the brigade’s command staff. Sending command staff to the places to understand and stabilize the situation, the commanders became hostages of their lies – arriving in the gray zone, thinking that there were positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they fell under the drops and FPV drones of our army.”

In the direction, the Russian Army is moving forward with heavy fighting, but it is possible to create conditions for the further encirclement of enemy forces in Krasnogorovka.

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Two Majors #Summary for the Morning of 18 July 2024; 07:00

🛡Toward morning, reports began to come in about the destruction of enemy drone boats near #Sevastopol and Lake Donuzlav (#Crimea). The head of #Novorossiysk also informed the population about the attack by the enemy’s unmanned boats.

🎯The RFAF by night struck #Kiev, the mayor of the enemy reported about fires after the arrivals in the Darnitsky district.

🔹In the #Kharkov direction, there are fierce battles in the town of #Volchansk. The enemy is attempting to cross the Volchya River. On the #Liptsy direction, fighting continues near the village of #Glubokoye, the AFU’s attacks were unsuccessful.

🔹In the #Seversk sector, the RFAF advanced near #Razdolovka, and there are positional battles near #Belogorovka and #Verkhnekamenskoye.

🔹In the area of #Toretsk (#Dzerzhinsk), our units continue to attack at the same lines with a gradual penetration into the enemy’s defences. The AFU are conducting a maneuverable defence.

🔹West of #Avdeyevka, the RFAF are developing their success in Novosyolovka1st and #Lozovatskoye.

🔹From the #SouthDonetsk direction, we receive information about the ongoing implementation of the plan to encircle enemy groups in #Krasnogorovka. South of #Novomikhaylovka, the RFAF made a significant advance to the O0532 motorway, which came as a 👉 surprise ( to the AFU.

🔹On the #Zaporozhye front, there are no changes. The enemy’s drones are seriously hampering the actions of our units, making it extremely difficult to move in the frontline zone. Total mining of terrain from ‘Baba Yaga (’ drones and a lot of FPV-drones (including night drones) limit our capabilities. 🎬👇

🔹In the #Kherson direction, the situation has not changed. There is fighting on the islands, the sides exchange strikes. In the #Kherson region a system of access of civilians to the territory of the frontline in a 15-km zone by passes is being introduced.

💥In #Belgorod region, multiple shelling and strikes on our settlements. 3 civilians were wounded in #Shebekino, 1 in Novaya Tavolzhanka. 2 people were killed in the Belgorod district as an AFU drone attacked a civilian vehicle. 

💥In the #Kursk region, there are also constant AFU strikes on our territory. After the attacks of Ukrainian copters and kamikaze drones, 8 local residents were injured in the Glushkovsky, Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts. The enemy is knocking out civilian infrastructure and agricultural equipment

🛡Over the #Bryansk region, 2 aircraft-type UAVs were destroyed at night.

💥In the #DPR, on the #KrasnyPartizan – #Yasinovataya motorway, men born in 1981 and 1985 were injured when an explosive object was dropped on a car. In the village of #Verkhnetoretskoye, Yasinovatsky municipal district, women born in 1958 and 1980 were injured by an AFU drone. In #Gorlovka, women born in 1983 and 1959 were wounded as a result of enemy artillery strikes.


Report of the Russian Opponent in the Morning of 18 July 2024 at 08:03⚡️

On the #Kharkov Front, in the northern part of #Volchansk, active fighting continues along Shevchenko, Sobornaya and Gagarin streets. Along the latter, the RFAF launched a series of attacks in the direction of the “Volchansk Aggregate Plant” in order to regain previously lost positions, but came under attack by the AFU drone guides:

📠50.290355, 36.937043

📠50.290501, 36.937117

The situation in the town has not changed significantly.

#Svatovo Direction:

In #Kupyansk Sector, north of #Kislovka, Russian troops attacked along the railway in a westerly direction. The AFU managed to knock out an RFAF armoured vehicle, the dismounted troops retreated to their initial positions:

📠49.64794, 37.87331

#ChasovYar Direction:

In ChasovYar sector, #Kalinovka’s eastern part and the territory of the farm north of the village came under RFAF control. Russian troops are attempting to cross and gain a foothold behind the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal from the Orlova Tract.

#Avdeyevka Direction:

On the northern front, north of the Karlovskoye Reservoir, the RFAF advanced in the eastern part of the Donbass Garden Community to a depth of 150 m, attacking with the support of artillery and tactical aviation (air bomb attacks):

📠48.123593, 37.508067

Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 18, 2024

Over the past day, Russian forces struck at AFU targets across various regions of so-called Ukraine. In Dnipropetrovsk Region, an air strike destroyed a Ukrainian P-18 radar.

The opposing side attempted another raid on Crimea, but over 30 drones and ten unmanned boats were destroyed without causing any damage.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Ukrainian formations continue to counterattack Russian positions in Hlyboke and Starytsia, while heavy urban battles are ongoing in Volchansk.

In the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, Russian forces once again destroyed the recently restored crossing over the Oskil River near Kupiansk-Uzlove.

In the Oleksandrivka-Kalinovo direction, Russian army paratroopers are advancing in Novhorodske and fighting in neighboring settlements.

In the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces reached the Brodok pond on the Volchia River west of Yevhenivka, evening out the control zone in the fields.

In the South Donetsk direction, Russian forces during the assault seized the treeline between the Ikryana and Solenenkaya gullies, consolidating on the new positions.



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