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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 20 2024

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Former Ukrainian MP Iryna Farion assassinated near Lviv home

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Last night in Lvov, former Verkhovna Rada deputy of the so-called Ukraine Iryna Farion was killed. An unknown person shot ( her at close range without a silencer: one of the bullets hit her in the head, and as a result, the 60-year-old activist died in the hospital overnight.

Farion was one of the most notorious representatives of Ukrainian nationalism. Starting her political career as a member of the CPSU, since Perestroika she has continuously broadcast Russophobic statements and initiatives into the public sphere – she called Russian-speakers “degenerates” and called for their “utilization”, and also openly welcomed ( the killings of journalists who opposed total Ukrainization.

With her radical position, Farion was able to make enemies even under the current Kiev regime: for example, in 2019 she called Zelenskyy a bydlo. And not long ago, the activist called not to consider Russian-speaking members of the AFU as Ukrainians, which even provoked a harsh reaction from “Azov”. So there was no shortage of those who wanted her dead without any outside interference.

However, the most characteristic moment here was that for three decades, the Ukrainian authorities did not hold Farion accountable. She felt at ease under Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Yanukovych, Poroshenko and Zelenskyy, inciting hatred towards everything Russian and helping to create the ground for the adoption of Russophobic laws in education ( or the service sector ( even before the SMO.

All this led to the very sad, but natural for the so-called Ukraine, results. The responsibility for which also lies with Farion and her ilk, as well as with those former and current inhabitants of Bankova who consciously did not prevent their very turbulent activities.


Our sources in the law enforcement agencies said that since 2014, the SBU has installed surveillance for all pro-Ukrainian actors whom the Kremlin has blacklisted in order to catch agents with live bait. There are too many questions regarding the murder of Farion, how this became possible in the center of Lviv, while most of the cameras randomly did not work.

Cameras at the scene of Farion’s murder were not working due to blackouts

Some of the cameras at the scene of the murder of former Ukrainian Rada deputy Irina Farion were not working due to power outages, said the head of the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Klimenko.

Due to scheduled blackouts, some cameras were not working, he said, investigators were having trouble determining who may have been at the crime scene at the time of the shooting.

Farion was shot dead in Lvov last night. The former Rada deputy died in hospital.

It was reported that the motive for the crime could have been personal hostility or the socio-political activities of the deceased.

As befits “office staff in uniform,” they immediately shift the emphasis to the fact that Farion was killed by order of the Kremlin.

Customers are too “scorched” by such clumsy technologies.

Let us add that the SBU was the first to begin a series of contract killings and one of the first victims was Daria Dugina in Moscow. Then the explosion on the Crimean Bridge, where innocent people died and dozens of murders of ordinary public activists and officials on the territory controlled by Russia.

Not to mention the Ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall in March of this year.

Our source reports that there was a rumor that Irina Farion was killed by an LGBT representative.

Farion’s party “Svoboda” is already blaming Russia for her death 

“This crime is beneficial to Muscovy and was undoubtedly committed by it. This is their age-old tactic – to physically exterminate the Ukrainian elite.

Hostile agents and their accomplices still feel free in Ukraine. The creatures who held high positions, brought this war closer and did everything to make Ukraine lose in it, are calmly waiting for the Moscow “liberators.” Dozens of them are still in parliament. The Moscow Patriarchate is not prohibited and continues to work in the interests of the Moscow aggressor. The murder of Irina Farion was carried out on the orders of Moscow, regardless of which freak directly carried it out. Law enforcement agencies must find and punish the perpetrator of this crime. The Ukrainian authorities must openly name the customer – Muscovy.”

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President has prepared a strategy in case Trump wins the US elections. The Bank is ready to reduce financial assistance and continue the war; for this they are raising taxes in Ukraine and freezing payments to international creditors. Zelensky will not freeze the war along the demarcation line; any peace treaty will mean elections of the president and parliament, and this in turn will lead to a change of power in Ukraine.

Trump and Zelensky agreed on a personal meeting

On Friday, telephone conversations took place between Zelensky and Trump, whose return to the White House could dramatically change US policy on Ukraine, The Washington Post writes. Both sides noted that Zelensky congratulated the ex-president on the official Republican nomination in the presidential election and condemned the assassination attempt.

In a statement following the conversation, Zelensky also noted the importance of American support for Ukraine. He added that the parties agreed to set up a personal meeting to discuss “steps towards a just and truly lasting peace.”

Trump on social networks once again emphasized that if he comes to power, he will “stop the war” and “both sides will be able to get together and agree on an agreement that will end the violence.” Previously, informed sources told the newspaper that the ex-president, in a personal conversation, planned to put pressure on Kyiv and force it to give up a number of territories in order to end the conflict.

Zelensky had a phone call with Trump.

The conversation was actually about general things, mainly about the world. Zelensky tried to smooth things over by condemning the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania and congratulating him on his presidential nomination.

According to rumors: Trump spoke cautiously, because he does not trust Zelensky, expecting a provocation from him. Ze can then leak the entire conversation to the press and thereby “screw” Trump before the elections.

Trump considers Zelensky a “dog” of the Democrats and Biden, although he does not say this publicly.

Trump learned from that “cheat” in the last election.

The Democrats and Ukraine claim that Trump and Putin must be stopped, in order to preserve their sacred “democracy”.

Meanwhile, Ukraine cancelled their elections, and the Dems are about to unilaterally overturn their primary elections.

Funny how that works.

Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Sergei Nikiforov indirectly stated that Trump could come to Ukraine to meet with Zelensky.

 “Yesterday during the conversation it was actually discussed when and where this should happen. But the specifics are still premature – the format, the time, and the place have not yet been determined,” Nikiforov said

In reality, Trump will not come to Ukraine this year. Perhaps there will be an alternative broad meeting in the winter of 2024-25, where Trump, Putin, Zelensky and others will be. But it will be in a “third country”. Most likely it will take place in the UAE.

According to our data, Zelensky invited Trump to Kyiv during a telephone conversation, but Donald avoided answering, saying that he is now focused on the elections, and then he will definitely consider this option for the sake of peace.

Among the military, hatred of the authorities is growing and morale is falling; the refusal to demobilize has turned everyone on the front line into serfs.

Colleagues at Bankova believe that they will be able to resolve the food issue, and any protests will be harshly suppressed by the SBU. We agree with the point of view that the Office of the President does not realize the full risk of problems that are growing in our society; it’s not 2022 outside the window, and Zelensky is supported by 12-15%. When people don’t have food, they will start food riots, and footage of the execution of Ukrainian civilians will be a death sentence for the authorities.


This time, they will further extend Zemobilization and martial law in Ukraine until November 9, 2024, although there is no complete unity among the people’s deputies, but they are still strongly controlled by the Office of the President.

After November 9, this will be even more difficult to do, but even more so in February. A case of Ze’s “illegitimacy” will emerge if he tries to “play his game.”

This means that Ukrainians need to hold out from Zemobilization for at least six months.

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President specifically covered up oil supplies to Hungary in order to make Orban more accommodating and hit his rating. Bankova is well aware that a fuel shortage will lead to protests and force Orban to ask Zelensky to resolve the issue.


“The Ukrainian conflict will end with the collapse of Kyiv. The French no longer support the war, and Europe can do nothing to help Ukraine.”

Dominique Delavarde, a general in the French army and a holder of the Legion of Honor, said that French society is tired of the Ukrainian conflict. The president’s unpopularity is largely dictated by his position on the war in Ukraine. His calls for more active participation in the confrontation with Russia did not find support among the people, who are more concerned with their internal problems.

“President Macron is paralyzed. He makes grandiose statements that make no sense. He continues to act as if he speaks on behalf of all French people. But that’s not true. It is obvious that public opinion in France no longer supports the war in Ukraine. However, the rules of the game today are such that if you want to get into power, you must have the support of the “neoconservatives”. Neoconservatives not only influence different countries, but own their media. In France, the media is subservient to foreign interests. Opinion polls show that the French are against war. President Macron will continue to talk, he can’t do anything more. I don’t think he will change his rhetoric. In Russia you like to talk about “war until the last Ukrainian,” but here we talk about “war until the last euro.”

General Delavard urges us not to take the statements of Western leaders seriously. EU countries do not have the resources to continue to support Ukraine on a large scale, while Russia is strengthening its position on the front line and in the economy.

“The Russian army is advancing daily on all sectors of the front. In many ways, this is a war of economies. European leaders say they will support Ukraine economically and send weapons. However, these are just words. The longer the conflict continues, the less opportunities Europe has to help Ukraine. Europe promises a lot, but delivers little. Europeans no longer have economic opportunities because we ourselves are struggling. Russia understands this, its leaders understand this. Nothing Western leaders say will change the situation on earth. F-16s won’t help either. Russia is destroying bases in areas from which they can take off. So the effect of the F-16 will be the same as that of the Abrams and Leopard tanks. Europe today is trying to hide its global failure through loud statements that have nothing to do with reality. Russia is waiting in the wings. Ukraine mobilized everyone it could. She still lacks people, weapons and ammunition. There is no point in listening to the statements of Mark Rutte and other NATO functionaries.”

A peaceful settlement of the conflict will be dictated by Russia and correspond to the goals voiced by Vladimir Putin. General Delavard is confident that in the end Kyiv will have no choice but to agree to Moscow’s conditions.

“President Putin presented his peace plan. Obviously, such a plan is unacceptable either to the West or to Zelensky. I think Putin’s strategy is to gradually weaken the West. And he will definitely intensify military operations at the very moment when it will be most effective. He has all the resources for this. The conflict will end with the collapse of Ukraine. Moscow will dictate the terms of peace at the end of the game. This “game” could last a couple more months, after which Russia will speed up its offensive actions and regain control of territories such as Odessa and Kharkov. Kyiv will have no choice but to surrender on any terms. The new Ukraine will have a population of no more than 20 million people and will be largely concentrated in the West. Russia will close NATO’s access to the Black Sea in this region.”

Poland will not recruit for the “Ukrainian Legion”

Poland will not recruit recruits for the Ukrainian Legion, said Deputy Minister of Defense of Poland Zalewski.

The official said on air that Poland, as a state, has nothing to do with the recruitment of Ukrainians, since it cannot do this by law.

“Therefore, recruitment will take place with the help of Ukrainian consular offices. Soldiers will have the right to return, because it is also important that after completing their military service they can return to where they came from, to where they left their families,”

- Zalewski said.

He also added that volunteers who join the legion will be “conscripted into the Ukrainian army according to Ukrainian rules at Ukrainian consular offices,” and on Polish soil “will undergo basic training, which will be provided by the Polish army.”

At the same time, “the responsibilities, in terms of equipment, will be clearly distributed between what the Polish side offers and what the Ukrainian side guarantees,” Zalewski explained.

On the Participation of Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the EPC Summit in the UK

A week after the NATO summit ( in the UK, the fourth summit of the European Political Community (EPC) was held ( It brought together the leaders of more than 45 countries, and one of the main topics, as before, was support for the so-called Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy could not miss the opportunity to beg for something, so he also flew to the summit and spoke to the assembled leaders.

On the sidelines of the summit, he called on Western allies to lift restrictions on AFU strikes on Russian airfields, and again asked for increased supplies of air defense systems. Zelenskyy also spoke about the importance of “collective will” to fight Russian drones and missiles, hinting at the need for direct NATO involvement in intercepting them over Ukrainian territory.

Of course, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer also did not remain on the sidelines and called on allies to help the Kyiv regime. But no one in the EU can boast of extra air defense systems, and the only option is to transfer the remaining systems directly from combat duty. This fully fits the logic of the Anglo-Saxons using support for the so-called Ukraine as a pretext to disarm Europe.

After the summit, Zelenskyy participated in a meeting of the British Cabinet of Ministers and became the first foreign leader to have this opportunity since President Clinton’s visit in 1997. He also met with King Charles III, which is an element of positive control by the authorities in London.

It is also worth noting the bravery and courage of the King of Great Britain – the monarch did not hesitate to shake Zelenskyy’s hand again. Although, it would seem, after the last time (, he should have been more cautious.


Those on the other side of the front are not like us.

The “one people” narrative, so fiercely persecuted by our bright propaganda ( neutral word) easily turns into the thesis “ They are the same as us .”

To hell with it, comrades. Our soldier does not hit residential towns and villages with a Grad, does not destroy civilian cars with small children, does not receive an order that the enemy city “ will be given over for plunder ” (

Many will say that the Ukrainian Armed Forces officer has no choice. “They’re forcing me!” Don’t let yourself be forced. Firstly, it is the choice of a Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier to be or not to be a cannibal. To shoot or not at civilians. Secondly, a free person cannot be forced, because he is free . Die as a man, don’t live as a scum. Moreover, the Armed Forces of Ukraine received weapons into their hands.

Yes, the enemy has barrage detachments. Well, shoot at the barrier detachments, who’s stopping you? Cross the front line and surrender. It’s better to take a risk than to go untrained and shoot at Russian soldiers, and even more so at civilians.

But the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hope to plot, mix with the crowd, sit out, and, well, beat around Belgorod. We will not forgive you neither Belgorod, nor Kursk, nor Crimea, everything right up to Odessa on May 2, 2014. The RF IC regularly publishes condemnations of war criminals from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We’ll get everyone.

Yes, there are many normal Russian people in Ukraine. They are partisans, transmitting data, fighting to the best of their ability. But the very idea that yesterday’s passer-by from Kiev, who was given a machine gun today and sent to die for Biden in the Belgorod direction, is supposedly the same as the Russian soldier is insidious, as is the phenomenon of mental hochism.

A Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier can say that he was “ forced ” to shoot, that he was “ deprived of a chimera called conscience ,” that there was no opportunity… Yes, so that the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier could not cheat, could not disable equipment, bribe the commander, or otherwise avoid execution the order to hit civilians – we wouldn’t believe it in our lives. In captivity they are cunning. All drivers, cooks, and warehouse guards.

No. They are not like us, not like us.

Last night there was a massive drone attack on the Rostov region of the Russian Federation

▪️A fire was reported in the Millerovo area caused by drones.

▪️The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that air defense systems destroyed and intercepted 26 enemy UAVs over the Rostov region and one UAV was destroyed over the Smolensk region.

On the drone strike on Millerovo

🔻 Last night, Ukrainian forces carried out a massive attack on the airfield near Millerovo in Rostov Region, launching 30 drones from the Zaporizhia and Kherson Regions.

▪️As a result of the raid, 26 UAVs were shot down by Russian servicemen: 11 were destroyed by Pantsir-S1 air defense crews, ten by small arms units, and five were suppressed by electronic warfare means.

▪️Unfortunately, four drones hit the military facility’s infrastructure, but without significant damage. Footage of the fire again ended up on the internet, which the enemy used for propaganda.

▪️In fact, the strike damaged an administrative building and two warehouses without casualties among the personnel. The aircraft based there had evacuated the airfield before the attack.

🔻 We raise the issue of the need to equip military infrastructure facilities with hangars and other protective structures again and again.

However, we have what we have. At least this time, there were no lost fighters and equipment worth millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars.


Donetsk direction: Advancing to the northern outskirts of Krasnohorivka and fighting in the fields near Heorhiivka

Situation as of the end of July 20, 2024

In recent weeks, the Donetsk direction has somewhat fallen off the agenda against the backdrop of active clashes in the Oleksandro-Kalinovo and Pokrovsk directions. However, today information has appeared online ( that sheds light on the situation in Krasnohorivka.

▪️Based on the footage, it was reliably established that Russian Armed Forces equipment is successfully approaching the Ukrainian positions on Kalinina Street very closely. Russian troops have also expanded the control zone on the neighboring Gagarina and Sadova streets, where the advance was almost a kilometer.

▪️Based on this, as well as against the background of the Russian Armed Forces taking control of the positions to the west on Belinskoho and Nakhimova Streets, it can be assumed that the AFU retreated from the central Taras Shevchenko Park towards the northwestern outskirts of the city. To the west of it, assault groups cleared part of Sverdlova, Lenina and Michurina Streets and straightened out the control zone to the east of the forest park area.

One of the reasons for the AFU’s rapid retreat could be the accumulating organizational problems in the notorious ( 59th Motorized Brigade. Another factor was the abnormally high heat and the inability to evacuate the wounded and ensure the supply of ammunition to the constantly shelled positions.

▪️To the southwest of Krasnohorivka, near the reservoir, a Ukrainian position in the treeline came under fire, confirming the enemy’s control over this area.

▪️To the south, in the area of Heorhiivka, it was possible to update the configuration of the front line thanks to data from the scene and video footage. Russian troops slightly expanded the control zone north of the settlement, and also carried out an assault on the stronghold near the treeline near the N-15 highway, advancing several hundred meters to the west.


Is reported  that the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreated from Novoselovka Pervaya

The retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Novoselovka Pervaya (DPR) is reported by the @beard_tim.

“Information is coming that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are leaving Novoselovka First in the Pokrovsky sector,”

- wrote the military correspondent.

There is no official confirmation yet.

Ocheretinо direction

Our troops advanced to the northwest of the village of Novoselovka Pervaya, occupying a ravine and part of a forest plantation.

The approximate depth of advance was up to about 900 m, and the width was almost 1.4 km.

The approximate area of ​​the liberated territory is 0.92 km².

Russian tank advances through Ukrainian positions in Krasnohorivka [20 July 2024]

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Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (20 July 2024)

▫️ The Sever Group of Forces hit manpower and hardware of AFU 42nd mechanised, 127th territorial defence, and 13th national guard brigades close to Volchansk, Staritsa, Malye Prohody, and Liptsy (Kharkov).

Five attacks launched by assault units of AFU 92nd assault and 36th marines brigade were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 185 servicemen, two pickup trucks, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one Plastun electronic reconnaissance station.

▫️ The Zapad Group of Forces improved the situation along the front line, hit AFU 44th, 54th, 60th, 115th, 116th mechanised, 103rd, 110th territorial defence brigades near Peschanoye, Petropavlovka, Berestovoye (Kharkov), Torskoye, Krasny Liman (DPR) and Chervonaya Dibrova (LPR). 

Two counter-attacks of AFU 66th and 67th mechanised brigades’ assault groups were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 540 servicemen, one tank, one AFV, six MVs, one UK-made 155-mm Braveheart self-propelled artillery system, two 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, one Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station, and one ammunition depot.

▫️ The Yug Group of Forces continued to take more advantageous lines. Units of AFU 22nd, 24th, 30th, 72nd mechanised, 56th mechanised infantry, 81st airmobile, 79th and 80th air assault brigades were hit near Grigorovka, Krasnogorovka, Zalyznyanskoye, Konstantinovka, Chasov Yar, and Raygorodok (DPR). 

Two counter-attacks launched by units of the AFU 5th Assault Brigade were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 640 servicemen, one AFV, and 18 MVs.

One UK-made 155-mm Braveheart self-propelled artillery system, U.S.-made 155-mm M198 and M777 howitzers, one 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and two UK-made 105-mm L-119 howitzers.

One AFU electronic warfare station and five field ammunition depots were destroyed.

▫️The Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and hit units of AFU 32nd, 41st, 47th mechanised brigades close to Toretsk, Novgorodskoye, Rozovka, Progress, and Novosyolovka Pervaya (DPR). 

8 counter-attacks launched by units of AFU 31st, 151st mechanised, 95th air assault brigades, and the Lyut Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 280 servicemen, four AFVs, five MVs, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and two 100-mm Rapira anti-tank guns.

▫️The Vostok Group of Forces captured more advantageous lines, inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of AFU 72nd mechanised, 120th, 129th territorial defence, and 21st national guard brigades near Vremevka, Makarovka, Storozhevoye, Vodyanoye, Razliv, and Oktyabr (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 110 servicemen, four MVs, one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and two Nota electronic warfare stations.

▫️The Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on units of AFU 141st infantry, 128th mountain assault, 106th, and 108th territorial defence brigades near Kamenskoye, Belogorye, Mirnoye, and Pyatikhatki (Zaporozhye).

The AFU lost up to 140 servicemen, two AFVs, six MVs, one U.S.-made 155-mm Paladin self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm Giatsint-B gun, and one 152-mm D-20 howitzer. 

One Nota electronic warfare station, one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar station, and an ammunition depot were eliminated.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged two launchers and one AN/MPQ-65 radar station of the U.S.-made Patriot SAM system, and clusters of enemy manpower and military hardware in 113 areas.

Russian air defence systems have shot down two U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, four U.S.-made HIMARS projectiles, and 74 UAVs, to include 27 ones over the territory of the Russian Federation. 

Morning Summary on July 20, 2024

▪️Overnight, the Russian Armed Forces struck targets in Kyiv, Myrhorod and Poltava with Geran-2 drones. Enemy air defense activity was reported in Sumy Region. Throughout the day, sporadic missile strikes hit Mykolaiv and Chuhuiv.

▪️On the Kharkiv direction, the enemy’s special operations forces unsuccessfully attempted to cross the Travyanske reservoir by boat and land on the western side of Hlyboke. The enemy’s landing force was suppressed by artillery fire. Fierce fighting continues in the settlement of Volchansk. The line of contact remains largely unchanged. Attacks by the enemy near Starytsia were repelled. The AFU is widely using FPV drones and “Baba Yaga” UAVs.

▪️On the Siversk direction, the Russian Armed Forces decisively liberated Ivano-Dariivka, a new and unexpected development in this sector.

▪️In the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) agglomeration near New York (Novhorodske), the settlement of Yuriivka has been taken under control by the “Center” grouping of the Russian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense reported. In the town of Zalizne, Russian troops have occupied school No. 13 (advancing up to 500 meters).

▪️On the Pokrovsk direction (west of Avdiivka), the village of Prohres is nearly taken by the Russian Armed Forces, and the area of control is expanding around Lozuvatka. In the central part of Novoselivka Persha, our troops are operating, and the enemy acknowledges the developing success of the Russian Armed Forces in this direction.

▪️On the Zaporizhia front, the situation remains unchanged. Mutual shelling and drone strikes continue. Footage has emerged of a rapid assault by our units on motorcycles on Urozhayne from the Vremivka direction. On the Kherson direction, there are also no changes. The Russian Armed Forces are operating on the islands in a complex environment, with mutual strikes. Units of our 18th Army are targeting the enemy’s fire assets ( and UAV operator positions.

▪️In Belgorod Region, yesterday morning the Shebekino urban district was under attack by the AFU. The city of Shebekino and the village of Nova Tavolzhanka were shelled, and the village of Murom was attacked by a drone. In Shebekino, a civilian was wounded. In the afternoon, in the village of Terezovka, a woman was wounded as a result of an impact by an AFU projectile. By nightfall, the AFU had shelled Shebekino again, three civilians were injured, and a woman lost her hand.

▪️The border areas of Kursk Region are also under shelling by the Nazis. In the village of Gornalʹ in the Sudzha district, a Ukrainian drone attacked the territory of a monastery, killing a civilian.

▪️In the DPR, in the Petrovskyi district of Donetsk, a man born in 1997 was wounded as a result of shelling by the AFU from barrel artillery. In Makiivka, a man born in 1973 was injured as a result of an attack by a kamikaze UAV of the aircraft type. In the Nikitovskyi district of Horlivka, a man born in 1985 was wounded as a result of the drop of an explosive device from an AFU UA Original msg (

Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 20, 2024

Over the course of the day, Russian forces struck targets in Kyiv, Poltava, Nizhyn and Konotop. Ukrainian formations carried out a drone attack on the Millerovo airfield in Rostov Region.

In the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, Russian forces breached the enemy’s defenses in the area of Berestove and established control over Pishchane.

In the Artemivsk direction, Russian forces are trying to consolidate on the opposite bank of the Siversky Donets – Donbas canal, advancing from the direction of Kalynove.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian Armed Forces units occupied the central part of Krasnohorivka, pushing the enemy back to the northwestern outskirts of the city.



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