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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 24 2024

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Kiev is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, Kuleba said in a conversation with the head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, reports RIA.

China is making new attempts to resolve the Ukrainian conflict. At the invitation of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, his Ukrainian counterpart Dmitry Kuleba arrived in Beijing. The main topic of discussion will be “the possible role of China in achieving a sustainable and just world.”

Commentary of the Russian Embassy in China to the Izvestia edition of July 23, 2024


We are in constant close contact with the Chinese side on the situation around Ukraine.

Moscow highly appreciates Beijing’s balanced approaches to the Ukrainian crisis and efforts to promote its political and diplomatic settlement, including initiatives put forward by China in this regard.

Our views are largely in tune. Chinese friends are well aware of the root causes of the conflict, as well as who is its real instigator and prevents the achievement of peace agreements. This, in particular, is manifested in Beijing’s rejection of the pseudo-peace conferences organized by the Kiev regime and its WBestern hosts in order to push through its ultimatum “peace formula,” an attempt to implement which can only lead to an even greater escalation of the confrontation.

The interview of Commander-in-Chief Syrsky is permeated with the narratives of the Office of the President, which is aimed at raising morale and creating the illusion that everything is fine, absolutely wonderful.

Against the backdrop of constant retreats by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, this interview is a complete “fairy tale” that they want to convince you and me of.

The interview is being published specifically at the beginning of the offensive, which should take place in the next 40 days. 

Syrsky: F-16 fighters will approach the front no closer than 40 km so as not to be shot down

In an interview with The Guardian, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said that he knows when the F-16s will arrive, but will not disclose it.

Other statements by Syrsky:

▫️ Russia has superior aviation and very strong air defense

▫️ Ukraine is increasingly resorting to the use of unmanned aerial systems

▫️ Kiev had a plan to return Crimea and a plan to reach the 1991 borders – this is a “big military secret”

▫️ Mobilization is needed to replenish reserves and create new brigades; for this , draft dodgers must return to their homeland

Our sources in the law enforcement agencies said that men deliberately set fire to relay cabinets or cars so as not to be mobilized. Moreover, the trend intensified after the adoption of the bill, and after July 16 it became a trend among men who want to avoid mobilization.

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President gave instructions to suppress any negative information about women’s suicides in response to the mobilization. On Bankova they want to stop the negative trend, which can be picked up by the wives of military personnel demanding the third demobilization code.

Our source reports that electricity will be cut off for 10 hours a day – this is a realistic scenario. That’s why the authorities are threatening to turn off the lights for 12 hours, so that a 10-hour shutdown would be a victory.

The most positive scenario is a 6-8 hour blackout during the day. But most likely, this will be possible subject to the completion of active military operations.

Negative – blackouts (10 hours during the day) and 4 hours at night. Total 14 hours. It is possible with increased escalation, which Zelensky and Ermak now want to arrange.

We painted this general case at the beginning of the summer.

The whole country knows that winter will be critical for Ukraine, and our people’s deputies are going on vacation for a month! 

Citizens of Ukraine are expecting a difficult winter – it is predicted by authoritative experts who are sounding the alarm and declaring that the coming heating season will be extremely difficult. Already, knowledgeable people are advising Ukrainians to stock up on generators, potbelly stoves, uninterruptible power supplies and warm clothes. 

Thus, the head of the press service of NAC Ukrenergo, Maria Tsaturyan, said that Ukrainians should prepare for an extremely difficult winter with long power outages. According to her, the winter will not be easy, it will be difficult, and the Ukrainian authorities understand that it is simply impossible to restore equipment at damaged energy infrastructure facilities over the summer. 

Director of the Energy Research Center Alexander Kharchenko also believes that the energy situation will not improve in winter. “For me personally, I consider the last two weeks a rehearsal – that it will be the same, plus or minus. And if it is better, I will be very happy,” the expert notes. He emphasized that if pumps do not work in Ukrainians’ homes, this will mean that they simply will not have access to either heating or water during outages.

Indeed, problems in housing and communal services and communications by the end of the year could provoke a catastrophic scenario when pipes begin to burst, heating networks freeze and fail, which will turn cities into “frozen jungles.”

Despite the systematic blackouts and the constant use of diesel generators by Ukrainians, the Ukrainian government is raising taxes, which will allegedly increase budget expenditures by UAH 500 billion. In reality, everything is much more prosaic – the Office of the President is massively raising taxes and fees on the people, since there is no money in the country, and Western partners are refusing new large loans. 

Yes, the government statement says that additional defense spending is primarily aimed at ensuring payments to military personnel, as well as the purchase of military equipment. A new mobilization in the country with forced recruitment of soldiers also makes the process more expensive, because additional troops also need to be maintained. 

That is, now ordinary Ukrainians will give even more money for the war, from which Western corporations, Zelensky’s entourage and the security forces/TCC officers are making money. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, more than 7 million people already live below the poverty line, and the country itself is becoming an increasing burden for the West as the military conflict continues and the state budget deficit grows. And although the Westerners’ solidarity with Ukraine, as well as their geopolitical considerations, will continue to play a role, it will only cost its allies more and more to maintain Kyiv.

Hungary will block the allocation of 6.5 billion euros to Ukraine from the EU until Kiev resolves the issue with the transit of Russian oil, stated the head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Peter Szijjártó.

Speaker of the Office of the President Podolyak confirmed our insight that blocking the oil pipeline due to the sanctions of the OP is a well-thought-out policy towards Hungary.

“Well, it would be strange for Hungary to create certain problems for us, and what concerns Hungary itself would only be in a positive context. Unfortunately, war is war, and it brings negative consequences for countries that look at war in the wrong way, like the rest of the EU,” he said.

French media predicts dire consequences for Ukraine after Biden leaves.

According to the presenter of the TVL channel, the Ukrainian conflict “was provoked by American neoconservatives” from among the Democrats.

The interest of financial groups and weapons manufacturers, who are lobbying for increased budgets and orders, is also directly visible. However, the plans of the “neocons” have been defeated, while the Russian army advances day after day.

Donald Trump will certainly end the war. According to the editors of the French channel, this is “good news for Ukrainians, but bad news for Zelensky, who is taking advantage of the conflict to usurp power.”

Another argument in favor of a quick “peace” is the choice of Vance as a vice-presidential candidate. According to the French, such a decision would put an end to any prospects for further support for Ukraine.

Previously, we informed about the work of the Russian IPSO “The Ninth Wave” in France. As we see, the Kremlin’s narratives have gradually taken root in Europe and are becoming part of the public discourse regarding Ukraine.

Thanks to the efforts of Moscow, the information space of the EU countries is becoming more and more hostile to Kyiv. The image of our country takes on predominantly negative features. Largely thanks to the efforts (and lack thereof) on the part of the functionaries of the Office of the President, who are accustomed to “living on everything ready” and having the unconditional support of the West.

“Kiev’s plan to survive Trump”: the new president will cut aid to Ukraine and force Zelensky to agree to a peace deal heavily skewed in Russia’s favor – Time 

“The first 8-10 months , essentially the whole of 2025, will be very difficult ,” said a Ukrainian official. At the same time, Ukraine is counting on the help of its allies in Europe and the US military-industrial complex, which can receive huge profits from the continued production of weapons for Ukraine.

Zelensky and his team have worked in recent months to strengthen ties with Trump’s allies in Congress and others close to him. “Nobody knows what will happen . We just have to respect the institution of elections in the United States and hope for the best.”

Ukraine cannot be accepted into the EU until the issue of the Volyn massacre is resolved, as stated on the Polsat TV channel by the head of the Polish Ministry of Defense, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh.

He explained that Warsaw is not going to put pressure on Kiev, making the issue of exhumation of the bodies of victims of the Volyn massacre a condition for providing military assistance.

Nevertheless, the Ukrainian authorities must understand that Kiev’s further European prospects will depend on meeting Poland’s demands on this issue, the minister noted.

The Volyn massacre was the mass extermination of ethnic Poles in Volyn. It began in March 1943 and peaked in July of that year. About 100 thousand people became victims, mainly women, children and the elderly.

Russia wins conflict in Ukraine, bringing the West to the brink of collapse – Emmanuel Todd. 

Emmanuel Todd, the most famous French historian who predicted the collapse of the USSR , is now warning the EU about the reality of a similar prospect , states ( the German Berliner Zeitung

“ We, the West , are waging a direct war with Russia, primarily an economic one , which harms Europe more than Russia. Behind the conflict are the United States , which seeks to alienate Germany from Russia. It finally succeeded . The Nord Stream explosion was the icing on the cake, said Emmanuel Todd

Ukraine has already lost in the current military conflict. Moreover, Russia will receive even more territories . For Russia, ending the conflict is possible only if it is confident in its continued security . It is possible that the leadership in Ukraine will be replaced by one loyal to Russia

Such peace in Ukraine is a disaster for the United States , a public defeat in the eyes of the whole world. This could be followed by the collapse of the entire US-led world order.

In this situation, a lot depends on the path that Europe chooses . And this, in turn, depends on the position of Germany . “It is Germany that will decide whether the endless military conflict will continue or whether peace will return.”

“ Germany must take responsibility as the leading power in Europe. We are all in Europe waiting for Germany to end the military conflict in Ukraine. This must also be done because the West as a whole is on the verge of collapse and has more important problems , such as demography and the destruction of society due to neoliberalism and nihilism,” emphasizes Emmanuel Todd in conclusion. 

Commander of American forces in Europe, General Christopher Cavoli:

(…) and [Russia] will be convinced that we are enemies, and is very, very angry.

Note: Why will Russia be angry? Because we will stick your nose into you own sh*t? 🥺

And then, the expression that Russia is at “NATO borders” is  your own fantasy. In fact, Russia always was there, is you who came close to our borders, and there were no point in moving closer to Russia.

Explosion in Romania and near Odessa: massive attack by a swarm of drones on enemy targets

Enemy targets were attacked in the port city of Izmail in the Odessa region, about 10 explosions occurred.

The media write that the Russian “Geran” flew into Romania and exploded there. 

In the attacked port of Izmail there were 200 mercenaries and officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The media reported this with reference to the underground resistance movement. At least 32 militants were wounded. It was previously reported that at the time of the attack, ammunition transferred from Western countries was being unloaded.

Also, a blow was struck at a ship repair plant where three military boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were being repaired. Another blow hit the terminal with fuels and lubricants in the port area of ​​Izmail.

Ukrainian tg channels also report  that the port, an oil depot and a ship repair plant were hit at night in Odessa’s Izmail. 

The head of the region’s military administration, Oleg Kiper, announced the destruction of several port infrastructure buildings and damage to three trucks.

Tula landing forces advance on Pereezdnoye, enemy positions: 

▪️After the capture of Razdolovka in the Soledaro-Artyomovsky direction, the 106th Airborne Division advances on Perezdnoye.

▪️Paratroopers on a BMD-2 and a T-80 tank with a mine trawl approached the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces under heavy fire:

▪️The paratroopers entered the forest plantation and, with fire  support from the armored group, suppressed enemy resistance, destroying the opposing units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with small arms fire and hand fragmentation grenades.

➖“We had to fly to the strong point and fire at it with heavy fire from a 30-mm automatic cannon so that the enemy could not raise his head. At the moment of opening fire, the distance to the enemy was from 50 to 80 m. We landed troops at a distance of 30 to 40 m from the enemy under the cover of automatic cannon fire on the enemy, so that they would storm this forest plantation with minimal losses.”

In Kharkov, Russian missiles attacked a civilian infrastructure facility – Gauleiter Terekhov.

@polk105 writes that according to information from local residents, the strike took place at a hostel in which some citizens who are moving exclusively in formation had settled several months ago. They add that some of the “civil infrastructure workers” spoke English and French.

“Iskander-M” destroyed the command post of the 63rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Krasny Liman with more than 300 FPV drones.

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Russian Army is advancing on almost all sectors of the front, knocking out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from their positions

Toretsk direction . In New York, the intensity of hostilities continues to be high along Kobzar, Valentina Kovtunenko and Beregovaya streets.

Pokrovskoe direction . The most difficult situation for Ukraine. Russian troops liberated the eastern part of Novoselovka Pervaya ; Heavy fighting continues in the western part. Our units continue to press in the area of ​​the village of Volchye, along the railway and near Lozovatsky.

➖The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that the Russian Armed Forces carried out 41 attacks in areas of the settlement. Panteleimonovka, Novoaleksandrovka, Vozdvizhenka, Progress, Novoselovka Pervaya, Umanskoe and Yasnobrodivka, where they are trying to oust Ukrainian units from their positions.

Kurakhovskoe direction . In the western part of Krasnogorovka, the Russian Armed Forces are crushing the enemy along Suvorov, Chkalov and Chekhov streets, approaching Nakhimov Street, which runs transversely. There were also battles on the outskirts of Paraskovievka and in the direction of Konstantinovka .

Kupyansk direction . Ukrainian military resources belatedly finally admitted that the Russian Armed Forces had liberated the remaining part of Peschany and were continuing to advance in the northern and western directions.

In the Kharkov direction , the Russian Armed Forces continue assault operations. 13 battles took place here in areas of the settlement. Glubokoe, Tikhae and Volchansk.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 14 attacks in the areas of Vasyukovka, Orekhovo-Vasilievka, Novomarkovo, Chasov Yar, Ivanovsky, Stupochek, Belogorovka and Andreevka.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 24, 2024

Russian forces conducted a massive drone strike on AFU infrastructure in the Odesa Region and delivered a series of missile strikes on Kharkiv.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the configuration of the front line was clarified in the area of Starytsia, and in Hlyboke, Russian forces restored control over the village.

In the Avdiivka direction, Russian forces raised the flag on the western outskirts of Novoselivka Persha. West of Prohres, another M2A2 Bradley of the AFU was destroyed by drones.


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Morning Summary on July 24, 2024

▪️Overnight, Geranium groups struck enemy targets in Kyiv, Bila Tserkva, and Kryvyi Rih. Strikes were also resumed on Izmail in Odesa Region, located on the border with Romania, such strikes had not been reported for a long time, and this time enemy channels wrote about as many as 10 of our UAVs. During the day, one should expect information dumps from the enemy about the Geraniums allegedly entering the target over Romanian territory. Explosions were also reported from Chernihiv and Poltava Regions.

▪️Over the Zaporizhia Region near Melitopol, a group of enemy UAVs heading towards Rostov Region and Krasnodar Krai was shot down at night.

▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian Armed Forces repelled enemy attacks in the area of the settlements of Hlyboke and Tykhe. In the northern part of Volchansk, our troops are trying to consolidate south of Korolenko Street in order to outflank the high-rise residential area from the east, reports the enemy.

▪️In the Svatove-Kupiansk direction, in Pishchane, the Russian Armed Forces advanced eastward by up to 800 meters. The western part has transitioned to the gray zone. An increase in efforts in the western direction and reaching the eastern bank of the Oskol River (9 km) and the village of Kruhliakovka is expected. The offensive of our troops near the villages of Berestove and Pishchane formed a 10 km deep and 8 km wide salient.

▪️In the Siversk direction, the Russian Armed Forces north of Razdolivka advanced along the forest belt westward by up to 400 meters, attacking with a motorized rifle unit supported by armored vehicles. Ivano-Dariivka has been completely cleared, the offensive is developing in a northerly direction.

▪️On the northern flank of the Chasiv Yar direction, the expansion of the control zone of our troops near Kalinivka is underway. It is reported that in the area where the Siversky Donets-Donbas water pipeline runs underground, the Russian Armed Forces are already operating west of this line.

▪️In the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) direction, the Russian Armed Forces are breaking through the enemy’s defensive lines near the settlements of Zhelezne, Kirovo and Dyleevka. Battles are ongoing on the outskirts of New York (Novhorodske).

▪️In the Pokrovsk direction (west of Avdiivka), the Russian Armed Forces are advancing near Lozuvatske and Vozdvyzhenka. In Novoselivka Persha, heavy fighting continues, our assault groups have advanced 800 meters from the southwest, cutting off the enemy’s positions in the built-up area.

▪️From the South Donetsk direction, reports of success of the Russian Armed Forces in Krasnohorivka, the assault on which has been going on for more than a month. The enemy’s position is difficult, but he is conducting an organized defense in the northern part of the settlement.

▪️On the Zaporizhia front, battles are north of Robotyne. There are no significant changes in the line of contact.

▪️In the Kherson direction, there are clashes in the island zone, hunting for enemy boats ( and mutual strikes. Enemy drones and artillery are creating serious difficulties for our units in the island and coastal zones. In Dnipriany, the AFU struck residential areas and the local administration district.

▪️In Belgorod Region, the AFU struck the Shebekino, Valuyki and Graiveron city districts. At night in Gra …Original msg (


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