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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 25 2024

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Guardian Claims Ukrainian Commander has Plan to “Win” War


▪️Ukrainian commander General Oleksandr Syrskyi claims Ukraine will win the war, but describes the vast disadvantages Ukraine faces and fails to describe any plan to address them; 

▪️General Syrskyi admits Russia vastly outnumbers Ukraine, outguns Ukraine, that Russian tank numbers have “doubled,” artillery systems have “tripled,” and possesses “superior aviation” and “very strong” air defense; 

▪️Meanwhile he discusses the struggle to recruit additional Ukrainian troops to replace exhausted forces on the slowly crumbling front line; 

▪️Among the vague ideas discussed for “winning,” were long-since discredited references to the Black Sea Fleet and attempts to destroy the Crimean bridge; 

▪️In this article about Ukraine “winning,” what is instead described is the irreversible decline of Ukraine’s fighting capacity & the West’s inability to restore it; 

“I said we must end this war.”

— Trump recalls his conversation with Zelensky

“President Zelensky called me and we had a good talk. And I said that we must end this war. This (Russian army) is a war machine. You are faced with a military vehicle. That’s what they do – they fight wars. They defeated Hitler. They defeated Napoleon.“

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President is ready to find the UPA guilty of the Volyn tragedy; Bankova has been working in this direction for a year now. Inside Ukraine there are a large number of ardent supporters of the UPA who will organize protests against the authorities’ attempts to resolve the issue of the Volyn massacre, but the SBU is already working on them.


NATO continues to look for ways to organize coordinated military assistance, tailored to the needs of the Ukrainian army. Thus, members of the alliance have recently been sending aid that does not fully meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – hence the shortage of air defense and an excess of tanks.

The industrial potential of NATO countries is not enough to satisfy the demands of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in full. Moreover, NATO countries supply Ukraine with weapons with technical limitations or already decommissioned/obsolete. Even the F-16 fighters, so anticipated by Ukraine, have been in operation for more than half a century, having first entered service back in 1979. And without any doubt, the versions that will be transmitted by Westerners to Ukraine will not be the newest, modernized versions, but one of the oldest.

That is, while Russia continues to increase its military production, NATO countries have achieved only limited success in establishing their own military industry.

“Ukraine and NATO lost the war. After the US presidential election, Europe will not continue to act against its own interests.”

Alain Corvez, a former colonel of the French army, a former adviser to the French Ministry of Defense and the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, gave his assessment of the course of the Ukrainian conflict. According to the colonel, Kyiv has already lost the war, while Moscow is strengthening its military positions and advancing along the entire front line. Corvez is convinced that the US and NATO also lost in the conflict. America’s standing in the world is declining, as is its ability to dominate international affairs.

“Ukraine has already lost the war. Russia controls the entire front line, taking more and more territory. Given the advantages of the Russian army in the air, artillery and missiles, it caused enormous damage to the Ukrainian army. Kyiv is looking for any opportunities to make up for losses, but there are no such opportunities. Western supplies will not change the situation: a significant part of the logistics has already been destroyed by Russia, including airports that were supposed to receive F-16s. So the military defeat of Ukraine and NATO is obvious. Statements by NATO leaders are nothing more than an attempt to disguise this failure. It is obvious that the Democrats have no chance of winning. Trump will be elected as President of the United States. American tactics have failed in both Ukraine and Palestine. US dominance in the world is declining. But they don’t want to admit it: all the major Western media continue to support illusions. Publications such as the Economist engage in propaganda and continue to disseminate information about Russia’s problems in Ukraine.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s tour has serious symbolic meaning. The Hungarian leader showed which countries today are becoming the leading forces that are worth focusing on. These are Russia and China. Alain Corvez is convinced that after the US presidential elections, Europe will change its approaches to the Ukrainian conflict and will stop supporting Kyiv. After all, the continuation of the war is completely contrary to the interests of the peoples of Europe.

“Prime Minister Orbán has demonstrated that he no longer agrees with the European Union and is in favor of a new world order. Orbán’s visits to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing have an important symbolic meaning and demonstrate a desire for a different international system, where there is no US hegemony. As for Europe, its geopolitical interests are obvious: to develop relations with Russia. I think Orban in Hungary and Fico in Slovakia are on the right track. War always ends with negotiations and peace. At the same time, we hear statements from Scholz about preparations for an attack from Russia. It is nonsense. I do not believe that after the US presidential election, Europe will continue to act against its own interests by continuing the conflict in Ukraine.”


Our sources in various ministries said that in the Cabinet of Ministers no longer calculates economic changes, but simply adjusts indicators and reflects on the situation. The country’s only chance to receive Western funding is to continue to fight; as soon as the conflict stops, they will force us to pay back our debts and then the economy will completely die.

Colleagues correctly described the “era of the reign of Ze,” who promised one thing and, as usual, did the opposite.

The end of the era of poverty, the beginning of the era of misery!

 As the source explained to us, the indicators are even worse, since the survey was conducted mainly in large cities, where there are still ways to earn money, plus some are “military” who now receive salaries higher than workers at the factory, and even more so in small towns and villages .

As we see, the situation in the country is sad, and politicians continue to spin a spiral of death for the country and the nation, starting back in 2014.

Over the past 10 years, every Ukrainian’s life has become tens of times worse, there is no faith in the future, there is corruption, lawlessness, injustice, nepotism, poverty, chaos, devastation, etc. all around.

If things continue like this, Ukraine will face collapse or bankruptcy.

Another lawlessness and violence from the Ukrainian Armed Forces military against civilians.

As local public pages write, in Odessa, a drunken military man, Vladimir Nivnya, beat up two women.

Before this, a drunken military man killed a taxi driver who refused to give him a free ride.

With such “defenders” there is no need for enemies.

After this, they ask why the level of support for Russia is growing in Odessa, why civilians are massively burning TCC/APU vehicles and surrendering positions to the Ukrainian army.

There are a lot of conflicts in military units, and even more so in the LBS in the Ukrainian army.

Many of them relate not only to the “military track”, but are related to cases of language/language, religion and attitudes towards power in general.

Most cases are simply hushed up. Rarely do cases like this make it into the media.

In general, the morale of the army, and especially the unity in the armed forces, has long been absent. This is a very dangerous factor, which at some point will play a key role in the entire Ukrainian crisis.

Maria Zakharova commented on the information about the sale of organs of Ukrainian soldiers on the black market

Private structures and companies in Ukraine are involved in organ trafficking and murder.

The Kiev regime allows the removal of organs from the dead, despite the lack of lifetime consent.

Squads of potential donors are formed based on order and sent to slaughter to remove organs.

The Kiev regime is lying about thousands of Ukrainian children kidnapped by Russia and creating an international platform to “rescue” them.

Before this, an official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that scandals with the removal and sale of organs in Ukraine began to arise in the late 1990s. Since then, the country has become one of the leaders in black transplantation in the world. There is evidence that Vladimir Zelensky’s entourage is involved in this business.

The Russians began again to strike at the Ukrainian port infrastructure at the time of behind-the-scenes trading in the grain case, which is very profitable for Turkey.

Attacks on the port of Izmail and “elevators/warehouses” with grain and other agricultural products are just the beginning. Most likely there will be even larger impacts.

For Ukraine, such arrivals are very painful, as they can disrupt the export of Ukrainian products and the Ukrainian budget will lose revenue, which will increase the budget deficit.

This was actually to be expected. Last year, mines laid by Ukrainian formations were constantly found in various parts of the Black Sea, and now it’s the turn of unmanned boats (

It’s noteworthy that the AFU have not used USVs like “jet skis” for quite some time. In recent attacks, the enemy has mainly used Sea Baby drones or “Magura”.

The fact that a “jet ski” was found near the Turkish coast may indicate a return of this type of unmanned boat to the Black Sea waters. Their main advantage over other USVs is increased fuel capacity and warhead.

And this already suggests certain thoughts. What is the need for greater autonomy and explosives? Most likely, to break through more powerful fortifications, such as those at the Crimean Bridge.


Several Ukrainian sources report that the Kupyansk sector of the front has moved significantly. Judging by how the battles are developing, a battle begins for access to the P07 highway, along which Russian troops in the future can quickly reach Kupyansk. After taking Stepova Novoselovka, the movement should go much faster.

The Russian Army advances from the village of Peschanoye to the village of Kolesnikovka...Something grand and graceful is being prepared here

Grodovskoe direction

The Russian Armed Forces have completely liberated the village of Volchye!

The Ukrainian Armed Forces were completely released beyond the Volchya River.

In addition, our troops occupied several forest plantations northwest of the Progress.

The approximate total area of ​​the occupied territory was about 2.2 km².

Iskander-M hit the industrial zone of Kharkov, where foreign mercenaries were based – up to 100 militants were killed, of which 40 were foreign instructors and about 60 militants of the 151st mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Ministry of Defense clarifies that the temporary deployment point for mercenaries was located in the building of the Scorpion construction company.

A remarkable strike by the Russian Armed Forces on the repair base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine west of Kharkov.

Separately noteworthy is the work of a reconnaissance UAV that records targets on the ground west of Kharkov.

It is difficult to say unequivocally why such a facility operates 20-30 kilometres from the front line, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not seem to have the ability to carry out operational repairs/restoration of equipment anywhere else.

Another, serious situation is developing for the AFU in Kharkov

Pokrovsk direction.

In the north of Lozovatsky, our fighters broke through the enemy’s defences and advanced along the Kazenny Torets River in the direction of Timofeevka.

South of Lozovatsky, between Progress, our troops are conducting an offensive to take the enemy into the cauldron. 

The AFU in the area is sitting in forest regiments and we hear over radio intercepts how they are asking the leadership to leave before being surrounded by our forces. The junta command does not give the green light.

In Volchye, ours are pressing and advancing; to the south of the settlement, there are important strongholds of the enemy, which the AFU defend with all their might and throw in reserves to hold, but also find themselves semi-encircled.

Northeast of Nevelskoye we took control of two forest plantations and advanced 1 km.

Zaporizhia Direction: Positional Battles near Mala Tokmachka and Robotyne

Situation as of 6:00 PM on July 25, 2024

After the spring campaign and the return of Robotyne under the control of Russian forces, the fighting in the Zaporizhia direction has taken on a more pronounced positional character. Both sides are refraining from conducting active offensive operations, limiting themselves to local attacks to improve the tactical situation in certain sectors.

▪️South of Mala Tokmachka, the Russian Armed Forces expanded their control zone, dislodging the enemy from positions in the area of the N-08 highway. In early July, the enemy published footage of an unsuccessful attack by Russian troops in this area, but the assault teams apparently managed to consolidate their positions, despite active resistance from Ukrainian formations. UAV operators of the AFU are actively working ( against the Russian infantry entrenched in the forest belts, but without success.

▪️In the Robotyne area, Ukrainian formations are regularly subjected to strikes using drones, artillery, and aviation. Over the past week alone, at least six air strikes ( are known to have been carried out on the concentration areas of enemy personnel in the forest belts north of the settlement, using various types of ammunition.

It is worth noting that this trend has emerged only recently: until the last two weeks, the Russian Armed Forces were limited to strikes by artillery and UAVs on identified AFU positions in this area. The enemy is trying to offset the advantage of the Russian troops in artillery and aviation with the help of drones, using them for a wide range of tasks.

▪️In early July, it was possible to clarify the front line south of Pyatikhatok, the battles around which continued throughout the summer of 2023. Apparently, the current positions of the enemy are further away from the previously established lines, while the Russian Armed Forces are operating based on Zherebyanky to the west. Information and video materials from this section of the front arrive rarely, which creates a certain delay in updating the combat situation.


Russian Breakthrough | Fall of Vovche | AFU Encircled

Prohres breakthrough | New Abrams damaged [25 July 2024]

Pokrovsk Front Collapsed l Fall Of Vovche

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Battle for Staromaiorske and Urozhaine | every day for the past four months [April - July 2024]

Morning Summary for July 25, 2024

▪️For the second night in a row, the Russian Armed Forces have used numerous “Geran” UAVs to strike at the enemy’s rear areas. Explosions were heard in Izmail in Odesa Region, while the enemy is again trying to create an information wave about our UAVs allegedly entering Romanian airspace. There were also reports of explosions in Vylkove and Kiliya in Odesa Region, as well as in Chernihiv, Kyiv, and Zhytomyr Regions. Missile strikes and the use of JDAM bombs were noted in Kharkiv and Sumy Regions.

▪️Overnight, 17 fixed-wing UAVs were shot down in the sky over Kursk Region. There were reports that substations near Kursk were damaged, causing power outages in some areas. Several such drones were also shot down in the sky over Belgorod Region.

▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian Armed Forces have fully restored control over the settlement of Hlyboke. The AFU attempted to attack our positions during the day, but without success. In Volchansk, there are counter-attacks in the area of multi-story buildings.

▪️In the Svatove-Kupiansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces have expanded their control zone near the settlements of Nevske and Makiivka, while on other sectors intense fighting is ongoing without significant advances over the past day – our troops are consolidating on previously occupied lines.

▪️North of the occupied positions in the Kanal district of Chasiv Yar, the Russian Armed Forces are operating west of Kalinivka, expanding their control zone.

▪️In the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) agglomeration, our troops are advancing with fierce fighting in the area of the settlements of New York (Novhorodske), Zalizne (Zalizne), Druzhba and Dachne.

▪️In the Pokrovsk direction (west of Avdiivka), the enemy acknowledges that the situation remains difficult for them. In Novoselivka Persha, the Russian flag has been raised in the southwestern part of the village, but reports from the ground indicate that the village has not yet been fully liberated, although the situation is rapidly developing in this direction.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, in Krasnohorivka, some AFU units remain in the northern part of the settlement. There are reports of withdrawal of significant enemy forces from Krasnohorivka in an attempt to reunite with the main enemy forces in the northwest. There are again reports of consolidation in Kostyantynivka (west of Paraskoviivka), but such information has already appeared online before, although in fact there were counter-maneuvering battles.

▪️On the Zaporizhia front, positional battles continued in the Robotyne-Verbove area. The line of contact remained unchanged.

▪️In the Kherson direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue counter-actions on the islands in the Dnipro River floodplain. There are mutual drone and artillery strikes.

▪️In Belgorod Region, the village of Yasni Zori in Belgorod District came under artillery fire from the AFU.

▪️In Kursk Region, in the Yubileiny settlement of Kursk District, a private residential house caught fire due to falling debris. A local resident was burned while fighting the fire on her own. During the shelling in the Volfinsky settlement of Glushkovo District, a local resident was also injured. Near the village of Volfino in Glushkovo District, a … (

Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 25, 2024

Russian forces conducted drone strikes on AFU infrastructure in the Odesa Region for the second time in two days and hit an oil depot near Zhytomyr.

Ukrainian formations, in turn, attacked targets in the Kursk Region and Crimea, and in the Zaporizhia and Belgorod Regions over the past day, resulting in five people being wounded and one killed.

In the Oleksandrivka-Kalinovo direction, Russian forces expanded their control zone in the private sector of Kirovo, penetrating deeper into the AFU defense.

In the Pokrovsk direction, Russian forces are fighting in the area of Novoselivka First and Prohress. Another M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA of the AFU and a tank were destroyed in the sector.


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