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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 26 2024

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“Russia Beat Hitler, Napoleon” Kremlin Welcomes Trump Warning To Zelensky On Ukraine Continuing War

BREAKING! ISKANDER Missiles Wiped Out 40 NATO Instructors and 60 Foreign Mercenaries In KHARKIV!

Poland Began To Seize The Western Lands of UKRAINE┃Will This Lead To a War Between RUSSIA and POLAND

Our source in the OP said that China will not support Zelensky’s peace plan and refused to participate in the second peace summit, which is being prepared by the Office of the President. For Bankova it is now important to reverse the negative international trend that Kyiv cannot achieve peace based on its stated goals, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forced to constantly retreat on the battlefield.

Trump: “The Russians defeated Hitler and Napoleon. I told Zelensky that we must end this war.”

➖“President Zelensky called me and we had a good talk. And I said that we must end this war. This (Russian army) is a war machine. You are faced with a military vehicle. That’s what they do – they fight wars. They defeated Hitler. They defeated Napoleon. And the spring offensive never took place. And I said that the Russians have millions of mines and thousands of tanks. I said we must end this war. Many Russians were killed, but many Ukrainians were killed. It’s a complete mess. This should not have happened,”

➖“Biden should not have allowed this to happen. It was easy to stop. President Putin would never do this, never, for two reasons. No. 1 – oil prices were low when I was there. I kept them low. … And I also think that one of the reasons why Putin did this is that he saw Afghanistan, how we came out of it. Putin, President Xi, strong guys, strong people saw this,”

War machina! 

Ukrainska Pravda reports that Zelensky asked Orban to help him organize a phone call with Donald Trump.

During Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s visit to Kyiv in early July, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy may have requested him to assist in organising a phone call with Donald Trump.

Details: The source said that Zelenskyy allegedly asked Orbán during their 2 July meeting in Kyiv to assist in arranging a phone contact with the former US president and current Republican presidential candidate.

A second person with immediate knowledge of Zelenskyy and Orbán’s meeting did not refute this, adding only, “maybe such a thing happened”.

Asbery’s Opinion: If Trump wins then given his friendship with Orban, it is clear Orban quickly becomes the most influential European leader around. Which will surely annoy VDL, Macron, and Scholz. 

Kuleba: no one can force Ukraine to negotiate.

We cannot be persuaded to do this. We ourselves will make any decisions,
- said the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

According to him, Western partners are not trying to put pressure on Kiev, even despite the supply of weapons and financing from them.

They always clearly say that Ukraine itself will decide with whom, when and in what format to negotiate,

- he emphasized.

Friday begins with jokes: Kuleba talks about the independence of Kiev, the US State Department declares respect for the interests of Russia and China in the security sphere, and Biden’s doctor continues to assure everyone of his adequacy.

“Ukraine’s goals to return the 1991 border are not feasible. Trump will take into account the issue of Ukraine’s neutral status and Russia’s territorial acquisitions during the negotiations.”

Hervé Carresse, a colonel of the French army, holder of the Legion of Honor and the National Order of Merit, spoke about the situation on the fronts of the Ukrainian war. According to a military expert, Kyiv is preparing for counter-offensive actions in the Kharkov region. However, the military situation as a whole is developing in Russia’s favor. And F-16 fighters are unlikely to change the situation.

“Now the Ukrainians are trying to form 10 to 15 brigades in order to restore reserves for organizing a counter-offensive. Most likely, if a counteroffensive takes place, it could be carried out in the Kharkov region. Ukraine already today retains large forces in the Kharkov direction, those forces that it could send to other sectors of the front. Russian attacks on Kharkov force the Ukrainians to send additional forces there. The supply of F-16 fighters will not change the situation at the front. Because the Russians have more modern aircraft. There are many problems with the use of the F-16 in Ukraine. Russia effectively uses gliding bombs, which weigh 3 tons, to destroy Ukrainian fortifications. Russia is also actively using artillery.”

Commenting on the topic of negotiations, Colonel Karress noted the unrealistic nature of Ukraine’s demands for a return to the 1991 borders. At the same time, the Democrats want to start negotiations when Kyiv has the most advantageous positions. Despite support from the West, Ukraine continues to lose financial and human resources without any military achievements. Hervé Carresse believes that Russia is preparing for a protracted war, which Ukraine may not be able to withstand.


Ukraine wants to exchange its citizens convicted “for cooperation with the Russian Federation” for prisoners in Russian captivity.

The idea was presented by the Ukrainian State Security Service. They plan to create a website with information about “traitors”. Ukrainians will be given the opportunity to report “about enemy agents in their environment”. For this purpose, a special form will be created on the resource.

The wit is clever. The Ukrainian side decided to achieve parity in the number of prisoners in an original way. If you cannot take on the battlefield, capture civilians in your rear.

Large-scale crisis in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Volunteers are exhausted, veterans are killed or maimed, recruits do not want to fight

▪️The personnel crisis in Ukraine has reached its climax: there are no volunteers for a long time, recruits do not want to fight, and veterans are on the brink, reports the Belgian TV channel RTBF, which spoke with soldiers of the extremist 49th rifle battalion “Carpathian Sich” in Donbass.

▪️The battalion commander Vasilina, a thirty-year-old girl, notes that at the beginning of the conflict the unit consisted only of volunteers. “Today they were all either killed or wounded,” says Vasilina, adding that there have been no new volunteers for more than two years.

Vasilina admits that Ukrainians lack motivation, and those who are forcibly sent to the front clearly demonstrate an unwillingness to be there. “We understand that they simply don’t want to fight. They had their own life, their own family,” she explains.

▪️The instructors are front-line veterans who are not even thirty—all of them are already exhausted by injuries. One of them, Ares, lives with a bullet in his leg, multiple concussions and PTSD “I’m tired,” he says. “All the veterans are dead, wounded or on the brink, just like me.”

▪️Vasilina emphasizes that mobilization should take place differently, because those who do not want to fight are “useless.” She believes that the situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine will change only when the authorities understand this. This opinion is also supported by veteran instructor Farik: “Not everyone is made for combat. So why force those who don’t want to fight?”

We confirm the information that the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers themselves left their positions when they were almost surrounded, although the rear officials forced them to heroically fight to the death, because they wanted to use this case of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s courage to raise morale.

The refusal to retreat was accepted with the agreement of the General Staff and the OP, and not just the brigade commander, as the military abandoned in the “cauldron” think.

They came out with losses, no matter how much they said otherwise.

They also left leaving a sufficient amount of uniforms, equipment and ammunition in their positions.

Now there are even rumors that some may be given an “article” for violating the order, since their step undermines morale. Now others will follow their example, which means we need to stop this.

Political telegram channels shouted throughout the spring/summer of 2023 that attacking the Russian army, where it had prepared 5 defense redoubts, would be suicide! A year has passed and now they are publicly announcing this, but no one has apologized to us, and propagandists are pouring new game into the Ukrainians!

The counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces turned out to be “moronic.” Azov’s chief of staff Krotevich stated this in an interview with UP.

According to him, during the offensive, the two brigades began shooting at each other due to a lack of communication and coherence.

Our source in the General Staff said that Syrsky was forced to transfer part of the new brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which were created for a new counter-offensive on the eastern front, in order to stabilize the situation. The Russian army continues to push through the best brigades and occupy more and more populated areas, which threatens to envelop the Turkish group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President has begun to form a pool of young commanders who are personally tied to Andrei Ermak and should weaken the influence of the General Staff. Bankovaya decided to create a parallel system of counterbalances within the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which will allow politicians to control processes in the army so that they do not get out of Zelensky’s control.

Our source reported that Zelensky personally promised his Western partners not to demobilize until the end of the war, now Stefanchuk has officially stated this.

There will be no demobilization until the end of the war, the speaker of the Rada said, hinting that the consequence of this could be the seizure of Ukraine by Russia.

“Look, regarding demobilization. I don’t know a country that would carry out demobilization during the war. Or rather, I know such a country – this is the Ukrainian People’s Republic of 1919. Please, I have a need to tell you what happened next, in 1919 ?” – Stefanchuk said on the air of the Rada.

And he added that it is important for the current authorities “not to repeat the mistakes of the Central Rada.”

Let us note that this is not the first time that the Ukrainian authorities have cited the UPR as an “anti-example” of how mobilization should be carried out.

Western media began to publish materials about the critical situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the eastern front; now one of the best brigades of the Ukrainian army has collapsed under enemy pressure.

Forbes writes that in recent days, alarming signs have appeared to the west of Avdeevka: Russian motorized rifle regiments have advanced 6.5 km in a week, which is considered a significant success on the scale of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Approaching Progress, Russian forces split into two parts, practically surrounding two battalions of the 31st mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Forbes reports.

Although the loss of several fields around a small village is not a disaster for Ukraine, the circumstances leading to it are cause for concern. The forward brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces seems to have collapsed due to problems with command and control, which is typical for the entire sector, the publication notes, citing Ukrainian journalist Butusov.

Forbes notes that an attempt by the elite 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, equipped with American armored vehicles, to close the gap and prevent further advance of Russian troops was unsuccessful due to their numerical superiority of the Russians.

The cut-off battalions under Progress will have to either fight their way to the west, or wait for their colleagues to come from the east. Otherwise, they will face either slow attrition or rapid collapse under the onslaught of Russian forces, the publication summarizes.

In recent days, alarming signs have appeared to the west of Avdeevka. Russian motorized rifle regiments advanced 6.5 km in a week, which is considered a significant success in the context of this conflict.
▪️Approaching Progress, Russian forces split into two parts, practically surrounding two battalions of the 31st Mechanized.
▪️Although the loss of several fields around a small village is not a disaster for Ukraine, the circumstances that led to this are cause for concern. Ukraine’ s forward brigade seems to have collapsed due to problems with command and control, which is typical for the entire sector.
▪️An attempt by the elite 47th Mechanized, equipped with American vehicles, to close the gap and prevent further advance of Russian troops was unsuccessful due to their numerical superiority.
▪️The cut off battalions under Progress will have to either fight their way to the west, or wait for their colleagues to come from the east. Otherwise, be attrited or overwhelmed.

What are the losses of the elite 47th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces outside Avdeevka

The 47th Mechanized Brigade “Magura”,  has been in the Avdeevka area since January 2024. On the Internet they are constantly trying to give this formation the status of a super-effective NATO standard brigade, but in reality the situation is different.

Where is the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade located now?

Initially, “Magura” was transferred to the northern flank of Avdeevka to repel an attack by the Russian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the coke plant and the battle for Stepovoye/Berdychi. However, now the formation’s defense lines pass beyond Progress – between the villages of Lisichnoye, Ivanovka and Vesyoloye, which is almost 20 km west of the place where the brigade was supposed to stop the advance of Russian troops. The 47th Brigade managed to get out of Koksokhim relatively quickly, but the formation began to crumble after the start of the Ocheretino breakthrough of the Russian Armed Forces, since the Magura was unable to simultaneously respond to attacks along the central line along the railway tracks and repel diverging/converging attacks on the northern and southern flanks.

What are the losses of the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade during this time?

According to the Military Chronicle, the minimum level of formation losses since the transfer to the Avdeevka direction is 50-55 people per day killed and wounded. This means that in seven months of presence at the front, Magura could have lost about 11.5 thousand people, that is, it probably changed at least four personnel. This level of losses is partly explained by the high level of influx of conscripts into the infantry without any experience.

However, an attempt to maintain the size of the brigade on paper led to the opposite effect: the combat effectiveness of the 47th is falling, which is well reflected in the tactical situation.

It is known that the brigade lost 14 M1A1 Abrams tanks, that is, it lost 50% of the foreign equipment supplied to the formation for fire support of the troops, being not on the attack, but on the defensive. At the same time, the most difficult for the brigade, judging by the number of obituaries ( , was not the retreat from Berdychi, but the battle for the area between the villages of Sokol and Evgenovka, 5 km southwest of Ocheretin.

What conclusion can be drawn?

The 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, like another pseudo-elite unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – the 82nd Separate Separate Airborne Shock Brigade – proved to be ineffective in assault operations in several directions at once. In addition, some Magura units, despite NATO tactics and foreign equipment, as well as the experience of active combat operations throughout the year, manage to suffer loases on the very first day of arrival at the contact line.

The command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and NATO countries are currently unable to create or multiply brigades similar to the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade for several reasons. Firstly, unlike the situation before last year’s offensive, “Magura” has practically no motivated and experienced personnel. Secondly, the very idea of ​​forming isolated brigades with NATO equipment and tactics, declared as a tool for solving universal problems, was demonstrated to be unviable.

For these reasons, the brigade as a whole is used irrationally: if previously, with a three-battalion structure, only two battalions were constantly on the front line (one was on rest or under repair), now almost all services, including the rear ones, are on the front line, and therefore fall into the affected area by Russian artillery and drones, which is why the losses of the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade continue to grow.

Chronicles of the special military operation
for July 26, 2024

Russian forces delivered several precision strikes on targets in the Kharkiv Region, as well as on an ammunition depot at the SKMZ plant in Kramatorsk in the occupied DPR territory.

In the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, following clashes, Russian assault teams advanced in the area of Stelmakhivka and Andriyivka, but retreated slightly in the area of Artemivka (Myasozhаrovka).

In the Artemivsk direction, Russian Armed Forces units moved north of Chasiv Yar, and on one sector crossed the Siversky Donets-Donbas canal.

In the Oleksandro-Kalinove direction, urban battles continue, during which the enemy was pushed back from several positions in Artemovo and the vicinity of Novhorodske.

In the Pokrovsk direction, fighting is ongoing in the area of Lozuvatka, while Russian advance units are moving west of the Volchya river.


First Line of Defense Broken | 4 Settlements Under Attack

Ukrainian Defenses Broken In Pokrovsk Front l Russian Forces Storms Kostyantynivka

MASSIVE BREAKTHRU!!! ….that defense line shat its pants…. | Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report

Fierce battles and advances in Toretsk/Pokrovsk [26 July 2024]

POKROVSK OFFENSIVE CONFIRMED… | Ukraine War Summary / SITREP / Situation Report

 Morning Summary on July 26, 2024

▪️Overnight, Geran UAVs struck enemy targets in the Kyiv and Zhytomyr (Korosten) Regions. Prolonged detonations were heard in Kramatorsk (occupied part of the DPR controlled by the AFU). There were also reports of our strike UAVs operating over Zaporizhia.

▪️Before dawn, at least 5 AFU UAVs were shot down in the Rostov Region. There were two groups of drones: one was shot down in the Aksai district, the other in Rodionovo-Nesvetai.

▪️On the Kharkiv direction, the AFU made several attacks near the settlements of Tykhe and north of Lyptsi, with cautious reports from the scene about the gradual depletion of the enemy’s resources and a decrease in the intensity of attacks. In Volchansk, there are counter-attacks. (

▪️On the Svatove-Kupiansk direction, the expansion of the Berestove-Pishchane salient continues. Our troops are consolidating on the previously reached positions.

▪️In the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) agglomeration, they are advancing near the settlement of New York (Novhorodske), pushing through the enemy’s defenses in the areas of Yuzhne – Zhelizne and Kirovo – Druzhba. The enemy is putting up an organized defense and using many strike drones.

▪️On the Pokrovsk direction, AFU units suffered significant losses near the village of Prohres, being enveloped in a pincer movement by our troops. Ukrainian officers directly accuse the command of incompetent and politically motivated orders. The scandal has made it to the Western press: Forbes notes that the attempt by the elite 47th Mechanized Brigade of the AFU, equipped with American armored vehicles, to close the breach and prevent further advance of Russian troops, was unsuccessful. Over the past day, the Russian Armed Forces have again advanced westward in the direction.

▪️From the South Donetsk direction, they report on attacks by our assault groups on Konstantynivka (west of Paraskoviivka) and the elimination of the remnants of the AFU in Krasnohorivka, the battles for which have been going on for several months. But it is premature to speak of its complete liberation.

▪️From the Zaporizhia front, they report on battles north of Robotyne. The line of contact remains unchanged.

▪️In the Kherson direction, there are battles in the island zone and mutual strikes across the Dnipro. The AFU is terrorizing Nova Kakhovka with drones.

▪️In the Belgorod Region, constant terrorist strikes by the AFU on the civilian population continue. In the village of Novoye in the Volokovsky district, an AFU drone dropped an explosive device near a private house, injuring a civilian. In the village of Oktyabrsky, as a result of a drone attack, the driver received shrapnel wounds to his left forearm. The city of Shebekino was shelled by the AFU, and a man died on the spot from the injuries before the arrival of the ambulance.

▪️In the Kursk Region, the AFU also exhaust our border areas with numerous strikes, destroying civilian infrastructure. For example, after the shelling of the village of Kozino in the Rylsky district, power lines were damaged. In Sudzha, Original msg (


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