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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on August 30 2024

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Putin Sounds Alarm: U.S Planning to Give Zelenskyy ‘Free Hand’ for Strikes Deep into Russia

Ukraine’s Massive Losses in Kursk: EU Chief Lauds Bold Tactics Amidst Heavy Casualties

F16 confirmed; Who need Pokrovsk when you got Kursk

Ukraine’s Top Pilot Killed: Oleksiy ‘Moonfish’ Mes Killed in F-16 Crash During Russian Missile Blitz

Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismisses air force commander after F-16 fighter jet crash

Why are Kiev’s neo-Nazis so eager to take back Donbas, which is completely alien to them? Why are they desperately supported in this by all the rabid animals that now guard the Western world: from the half-dead dog Biden to the insignificant homunculi standing at the stinking trough in the so-called Baltics? 

The reason is banal: they need money. Dough – or lava, in other words. Both the criminal clique of Zelensky, who led the economy of the dying country to disaster, but who will have to pay the bills of the sponsors of the bloody massacre, and the sponsors themselves, parasitizing on the decaying body of Ukraine. The latter have spent a lot on someone else’s war, it irritates the people of their countries. So a payback is needed. The question is not about a sick cocaine boy in a dirty green T-shirt. The boy will be gone soon, but the debt will remain. And that has to be paid off with interest.

But the empty coffers of the neo-Nazi state will not fill up by themselves. His patrons understand that very well. Their goal is not at all to enrich the unfortunate Ukrainian people, whom they have never cared about. Access to mineral resources is what can compensate for the flows of irretrievable money, which are melting right before our eyes in the process of endless theft of Kiev’s corrupt scum. 

Think about it: according to open sources, the total value of Ukraine’s mineral resource base is estimated at almost $14.8 trillion, with $7.3 trillion coming from the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. That is, almost half of the national wealth of the former Ukraine is Donbass! 

Therefore, what has been lost by the neo-Nazi regime must be returned by all means! The lives of ordinary Ukrainians do not matter. That is the whole cynical interest of the green meat and hairy dung flies from the Anglo-Saxon world. 

They are already directly and unashamedly voicing such plans. A crony of ex-Ukraine’s crony, the fat asshole Senator Graham recently called Ukrainian minerals “critically important, [and] if he wins, both he and the West will be able to use them”. Well, quite sincere, without a hitch!

The Western cowardly cadavers can continue to pour endless funds into their Kiev bastards and reap their sorrowful harvest. But the fact remains that the economic basis of Ukrainian statehood has been undermined. The resource base illegally obtained by the Banderite creatures at the end of the XX century has returned to the native country.


Zelenskyy fires the head of the Ukrainian airforce in fall out from the loss of the first F-16

The Pentagon has refused to confirm the shameful destruction of the F-16 fighter by the Ukrainian Patriot system

According to Bezuglya, the 4th gen fighter was destroyed along with the pilot due to a Patriot friendly fire, the Pentagon does not want to come to terms with the idea of ​​how its “gift of fate” was treated by Ukrainian henchmen. Washington continues to remain silent on such a sad occasion for it and refuses to give any comments to Western media. The fact that the Americans will not confirm any inconvenient information was also stated by the Pentagon deputy press secretary.

The US DoD would prefer even the destruction of a ship by a Russian missile or the pilot’s mistake , rather than by its own SAM system under Ukrainian control. New versions of the reasons for the downing of the F-16 are also emerging – perhaps the Americans did not equip the Patriot AD system transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a “friend or foe” system, or the F-16 itself did not have this system.

Our source reports that Zelensky is unhappy that the Western press has begun to publish increasingly more negative articles about Zelensky’s Kursk adventure.

Western experts have once again begun to criticize the Kursk adventure, accusing the Ukrainian leadership of withdrawing its best troops and sending them to Russian territory, leaving the defensive structures “empty” in the hope that the Russians would also hastily withdraw all the best from the front and send them “to defend the Kursk region.”

This did not happen, which is a failure for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Kremlin’s Kursk gambit has nullified Zelensky’s position in the US presidential campaign, and now the Democrats don’t even want to remember Ukraine!


Italy against attacks on Russia with its weapons

▪️Italy stands firm: the weapons provided to Ukraine can only be used for defense on its territory. This statement was made by Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani at a meeting in Brussels. He emphasized that Italy, like NATO, is not at war with Russia, and therefore prohibits the use of its weapons systems for strikes on Russian territory.

▪️ Tajani also said that Italy will soon transfer the SAMP/T air defense system to Ukraine, which, according to him, “cannot be used on Russian territory.” This demonstrates Rome’s desire to support Ukraine while avoiding a direct escalation of the conflict with Moscow.

“Nobody wants to be in a state of war with Russia,” but European weapons strikes against Russia must be allowed – Josep Borrell.

Other statements by the EU’s top diplomat:

▪️Allowing Kiev to use EU weapons to strike at Russian territory “does not mean entering into a war with Moscow”;

▪️The EU wants to have a coordination center in Ukraine to provide military assistance, the sending of military instructors is not yet being discussed;

▪️Borrell will propose to the heads of the EU defense ministries to strengthen the training mission for Ukraine and increase the number of trained Ukrainian military personnel;

▪️By the end of August, the EU delivered 700 thousand 155 mm shells to Kiev instead of the 1 million promised by March;

▪️EU countries have depleted their military stockpiles due to supplies to Ukraine.

Umerov and Yermak to present Biden administration with list of targets in Russian territory for US weapons strikes on Friday – CNN

During the meeting, the Ukrainian defense minister and the head of Zelensky’s office will try to persuade Washington to lift restrictions on US long-range weapons attacks deep into Russia.

“They will provide a list of priority targets, without which it will be difficult to change the course of the war in Ukraine’s favor,”

- the American TV channel reports, citing a source.

Deputy Pentagon spokeswoman Singh has already confirmed that US Defense Secretary Austin will meet with Umerov on Friday. According to her, the issue will be about the invasion of the Kursk region.

Zelensky demands using US weapons on targets in Russia”: Discontent is growing in Washington over Zelensky’s attempts to attack Russian territory.

“Prolonging the conflict in Ukraine has only made a Russian victory more likely. Moscow has more people and resources and is not dependent on the goodwill of Western benefactors.

✔️ While U.S. aid keeps Ukraine’s war effort afloat, it comes with conditions. U.S. weapons cannot be used for attacks on Russian territory.

✔️ Zelensky has made a habit of making this request, and he did so again enthusiastically when Russia launched one of the biggest strikes 

in the entire campaign. The targets were energy facilities.

✔️ In Washington, some are unhappy with Zelensky’s constant requests and the administration’s reluctance to say no to him. “The U.S. and NATO have been giving in to Ukraine’s demands for cash handouts and increasingly sophisticated weapons,” said Sen. Mike Lee. – “This pattern of appeasement has shown Zelensky that ‘no’ is not the final answer. That’s why he is now comfortable pressuring the U.S., and there is every reason to believe that the Biden-Harris administration will give in.”

✔️ If the U.S. gives in and publicly endorses Ukraine’s request, it could quickly find itself in direct confrontation with Russia. “Provoking Russian retaliation against NATO facilities may be Kiev’s best way to force Washington into the fray,” said military analyst George Beeb.

✔️ Beeb identified three courses for a Trump or Harris administration in 2025. The first is to wah-wah with Zelensky, go for escalation and risk direct conflict with Russia. The second – maintain the status quo, refuse both escalation and negotiations, leaving Ukraine in a state of unresolved conflict. The third is to make compromises to end hostilities.

✔️ Senator Lee advises that “the next administration should immediately tell Zelensky that the days of appeasement are over, U.S. weapons cannot be used inside Russia, and any U.S. assistance will depend on peace talks.”

Local offensive operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue in the Kursk region

Ukrainian troops continue to attack Russian forces south of Korenevo, trying to break through to the Glushkovo railway station. In general, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have an obvious goal here – Korenevo, which is the key on the flank of the Glushkovo district defense. Today, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to enter the flank of this district center, but failed to break through the defense of the Russian Armed Forces. According to German analyst Repke, the line of combat contact here runs along the eastern outskirts of the village. There are also battles in Komarovka.

Fighting continues in the area of ​​Malaya Loknya and Cherkassky Porechny, apparently in the area of ​​the latter, apparently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to break through the defense of the Russian Armed Forces and enter Nechayev and Nizhnyaya Parovaya. Very fierce fighting has been going on in this area for several weeks, many people have died on both sides.

In the Sudzhansky district, Ukrainian troops have virtually completely captured Martynovka. There are also clashes in the area of ​​Spalnoye and Borka.

Another report from the Russian Defense Ministry on the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive in the Kursk region.

According to the Russian Federation, over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian troops have carried out assaults in the areas of the settlements of Korenevo, Cherkasskoye Porechnoye, Borki, Kremyanoye, Spalnoye, Martynovka and Cherkasskaya Konopelka.

Kursk direction: Counterattacks in Korenevo district, AFU attacks in the Kamyshevka – Kireevka sector

Fierce battles continue in the Kursk Region. Ukrainian formations are building up reserves and continuing attacks in several sectors. At the same time, the concentration of enemy forces remains high, even taking into account the active work of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

🔻In the Glushkovo District, the situation remains difficult. The information that appeared yesterday ( about the isolation of Tetkinо by destroying bridges has not yet been confirmed and is likely disinformation. Ukrainian formations are conducting reconnaissance and striking Russian Armed Forces positions and crossings.

🔻In the Korenevo District, fighting continues in the vicinity of the administrative center, the enemy does not stop attempts to advance with both infantry and armor groups. To the south, there are battles in the triangle Korenevo – Krasnooctyabr’skoye – Snagost’.

🔻In the Sudzha District, clashes also continue. In the Kamyshevka – Kireevka sector, Russian troops repelled an attack by an AFU armored group. Another small infantry group was dispersed by artillery fire while advancing from the direction of Nechaevo, where the enemy has entrenched in the forest southwest of the settlement. The village itself was previously liberated by the Russian Armed Forces.

To the south, in the areas of the settlements of Borki, Plekhovo and Cherkasska Konopelka, the Russian Armed Forces are searching for and destroying the invading forces. However, there have been no reports of the liberation of settlements at the moment.

Russian Ministry of Defense on the situation in the Kursk direction:

▪️The “North” group repelled 5 attacks by assault groups in 24 hours, and attacks in the direction of 3 more settlements were thwarted.

▪️Russian operational-tactical aviation carried out strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces reserves in 11 settlements in Sumy region.

▪️During the day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 380 soldiers and 22 armored vehicles, including a tank in the Kursk direction.

▪️The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the entire period of military operations in the Kursk direction exceeded 7,800 servicemen, 75 tanks and 507 armored vehicles.

On August 29, the “North” troop group continued to carry out tasks to destroy the enemy in the border zone

Fierce fighting unfolded in the north of Sujan district. During the day the North destroyed more than 40 militants of the Kiev regime during attempts to attack our positions near the villages of Kamyshevka and Kireevka. In addition, 2 Western-style submachine guns were burned.  

In the south of the Sujan district, the fighters of the “North” group inflicted a fire defeat on the enemy with artillery and attack UAVs in the vicinity of Cherkasskaya Konopelka, Plekhovo and Borki. Up to 30 Nazis and 5 armored vehicles were destroyed.

In the direction of Korenevo the enemy is regrouping due to heavy losses, did not take active actions. The fearless gradually squeeze the enemy towards the state border.

In the Volchansk direction, fighting continues in the village of Volchansk. The North Vietnamese are carrying out counter-battery warfare, identifying and destroying enemy firing positions. 2 mortar positions and up to 6 Nazis were destroyed.

In the neighborhood of high-rise apartment buildings, intrepid assault groups are fighting hard in an apartment building. Advancement is hampered by the AFU’s use of FPV drones.

In the Liptsovsky direction, the North’s reconnaissance revealed the advance of an AFU assault group in the area of the village of Glubokoye. Fire damage was inflicted and up to 9 militants were killed.

Over the past 24 hours the enemy losses amounted to more than 390 people (of which more than 310 in Sumy direction). Also uncovered and destroyed:

in the Sumy direction:

▪️ MiG-29 aircraft in the area of Bunyakino settlement;

▪️ nine AVs;


▪️ 26 units of automotive equipment;

In other directions:

▪️ four 120-mm mortars in the vicinity of the n.p. Vilcha, Izbitskoye and Liptsy;

▪️ two UAV control points;

▪️ two amko depots;

▪️ three units of automotive equipment;

▪️ seven aircraft-type UAVs.

The air defense of the Russian Air Force shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 while attempting to attack the positions of Russian troops with AASM-250 Hammer bombs. An excellent addition to the information about the destruction of the American F-16 of the Ukrainian Air Force by the American air defense system “Patriot”.

The AFU continues to concentrate its forces on other parts of the state border, and new provocations by the Kiev regime cannot be ruled out. Fearless reconnaissance tracks their movements and inflicts fire defeat.

Victory will be ours!

“The quickest way to end a war is to lose it” – George Orwell

North Wind

At the front, the gap in artillery superiority between the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues to widen.

If earlier on some sections of the front Ukrainian artillery was several times superior to Russian artillery, now the Russian Armed Forces have a three-fold superiority (if we believe Syrsky’s words), and in reality, a five-fold superiority. That is, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are critically short of artillery and ammunition to overcome Russian superiority. It is significant that even the number of destroyed howitzers and self-propelled guns on the Ukrainian side has significantly decreased – the fact is that there are simply few of them.

At the same time, Western supplies do not solve the problem . Thus, the Pentagon reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are facing a shortage of weapons and ammunition, which deprives them of the ability to undertake large-scale counteroffensives . “The Ukrainian Armed Forces still lack weapons and ammunition, especially artillery systems, air defense systems, and long-range weapons, to overcome Russia’s superiority in the air and ground spaces. As of June, American ammunition began to arrive at the front, but this assistance will likely also be insufficient against the backdrop of Russia spending 10,000 shells per day,” a recent document from the US Defense Department says.

Our source in the OP said that Syrsky warned Zelensky about the collapse of the front and the consequences of losing Pokrovsk, but the President refused to stop the Kursk operation and transfer reserves/equipment to Donbass. The President’s Office considers such a scenario a defeat for Ukraine, since the main goals of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have not yet been achieved, and the withdrawal of troops from Russian territories will mean a victory for Putin and his plan for the Kursk gambit.

The President’s Office paid for the Kremlin’s Kursk gambit and now faces a choice of what to do next.

The Financial Times published an article criticizing Zelensky for his decision to send troops to attack near Kursk rather than defend Pokrovsk.

The publication writes that for this decision, “the president has come under a barrage of criticism from the military, lawmakers and military analysts,” since since August 6, when the Kursk operation began, the Russian offensive near Pokrovsk has accelerated, and the military is simply abandoning many positions, lacking enough people and ammunition to defend them.

At the moment, Russian troops are only 8 km from Pokrovsk. Over the past three weeks, they have quickly captured more than 20 settlements with minimal resistance.

The opinions of various Ukrainian analysts, from Deep State to “Information Resistance”, are cited, who speak of “chaos” and a “complete failure of the defense.” Soldiers and officers say that they have not seen such a rapid advance of the enemy before: “Everything is falling apart so quickly. Pokrovsk will fall much faster than Bakhmut.”

“Ukraine has sent reserves to Kursk, leaving fewer options to fill gaps elsewhere. Some of the more experienced brigades have been replaced by new, less experienced units,” says Robert Lee, a research fellow at the US Foreign Policy Research Institute.

The lieutenant said another factor is the deployment of untrained troops, mobilized in the summer under new rules: “They freeze… they don’t know what to do in a real fight. They turn and run at the first explosion.”

At the same time, the military criticizes not the soldiers, but the army’s command structure, talking about systemic failures and “inadequate responses to changing combat conditions.”

Stanislav Aseyev, a Ukrainian journalist and soldier fighting on the eastern front, spoke of the possible “destruction of the entire southern group of troops in the region, not just Pokrovsk.”

The publication describes Pokrovsk as a strategically important city, one of two key railway and road hubs in the Donetsk region, the loss of which would threaten the logistics of the entire region and open the way to the Dnieper for Russia.

“What can be done for Pokrovsk? Unfortunately, the only way out is to evacuate as many people as possible. I think the city will soon cease to exist,” says Aseyev.

Analysts from the Frontelligence group believe that the Ukrainian leadership can still strengthen the front line by deploying new brigades or transferring forces from other areas.

“But if Pokrovsk falls, this could open the way for Russian troops to advance to the Dnieper, Ukraine’s fourth largest city, and expand their control even further,” Frontelligence says.

Our source in the General Staff said that with the loss of Karlovka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing the chance to flank the advancing forces of the Russian army in the Pokrovsk direction. The lack of reserves did not allow the necessary steps to be taken and became the reason for the collapse of the front; due to the Kursk operation, we lost the opportunity to save Donbass. If the enemy maintains the pace, we will lose Pokrovsk in September, after which the entire Eastern Front will be doomed.


Ukrainian troops may launch a flank attack on the Russians advancing in the Pokrovsk direction .

Probably, using several groups, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will launch a flank attack from the north on the advancing Russian forces in the Vozdvizhenka area, and from the south of the Karlovskoye Reservoir, it will cut off the group of the Russian Armed Forces. This is why the Ukrainian Armed Forces stubbornly hold Karlovka and the Nevelskoye area.

If we simulate such an operation, then probably the main attack on the northern flank of the advancing enemy forces will be carried out by three groups. The first, moving along the Konstantinovka-Pokrovsk highway, will strike at Vozdvizhenka, the second will move out from Malinovka, and the third from Pokrovsk. At the same time, an auxiliary attack will be carried out from the south by the Karlov group, which will wedge in 10-15 kilometers and cut through Russian logistics in the Pokrovsk direction, thereby collapsing the front to the Russians.

However, to carry out this operation it is necessary to stop Kurskaya for a while.

Our source in the General Staff said that the Kursk operation left the Eastern Front without shells and heavy equipment, and the most trained units are now deployed on Russian territory. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have two days to launch a flank attack on the advancing enemy; after the fall of Selidov, we lose the entire southern flank, and the enemy will receive the main road to Pokrovsk.

Our source in the General Staff said that Syrsky again tried to transfer the third assault brigade of the Azov to Pokrovsk, but so far his order is being simply ignored by the most armed and equipped brigade. The commander-in-chief is losing control over the commanders, since many on the Eastern Front consider the Kursk operation a betrayal and a deliberate drain of reserves on the enemy in open terrain.

30-08-2024 – Krasnoarmeyskoye direction of the Russian Armed Forces

Over the last three days, the Russian Armed Forces have taken two major population centers and half of Selidovo from the enemy. Early today morning, after a night reconnaissance, the assault on the city continued. 

At the same time, the AFU are not abandoning their attempts to make flanking strikes into the Pokrovsky bulge in order to stop our advance. They are pulling reserves from Pavlograd through Kurakhovo. But their forces were not enough to hold Karlovka and Galitsinovka. Attempts to pull reserves from Kramatorsk have also failed, the RF Armed Forces are now finishing another quarter in Chasov Yar. 

All this against the backdrop of a shortage of shells and weapons of the AFU, which the enemy command has diverted to the Kursk region.

Analysis and scenarios of the situation on the Eastern Front:

The capture of Selidovo by the enemy actually means the loss of the first red kennel, which allows the Russian army to begin the encirclement of Ugledar at the second stage.

In two days, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost Memrika, Galitsinovka and Lesovka, the battles for Ukrainsk begin, which no one prepared for defense from the north, which means that the settlement will be quickly abandoned by our units.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are forced to leave a powerful fortified area in Karlovka, where we used the reservoir as a natural defensive line.

Here, the northern bank of the Volcha River is steep and high, and the southern is flat. It would be easy to defend it from enemy attacks from the south. That is why a powerful defense line was built here long ago, which the Russian army could not take without great losses.

That is why, after the enemy occupies the high bank of the river in the north, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are simply forced to abandon their positions on its southern bank.

Now it’s a question of time how long we can hold unprepared positions in Gornyak, Zoryany and then in Kurakhovka, but without reserves it’s a matter of days, which means the Russian army will occupy the red circle during the first days of September and will be able to prepare an operation to encircle Ugledar.

The situation with Pokrovsk is much worse, the capture of which means the loss of the entire Donbass and this must be understood now. If the General Staff does not transfer reserves from the Kursk operation to the defense of Pokrovsk, then the next contour threatens not a collapse of the front, but simply the loss of the entire Donbass and an open road to Pavlograd.

The West has announced the outcome of Zelensky’s Kursk adventure:

The entire central sector of the Donetsk front of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is under threat of collapse due to the “domino effect” in the Pokrovsk direction, writes Bild military observer Julian Repke.

“Having lost Kalinovo and Memrik, the Ukrainian army was forced to retreat from another 8 square kilometers around Karlivka, where it had steadfastly resisted the Russians for several months. Now the entire central sector of the Donetsk front line is under threat of destruction due to the offensive of Russian troops in the north and south and, consequently, flank attacks on Ukrainian units in the center,” writes Repke.

Ukrainian formations have once again shelled Belgorod with MLRS Vampire. This time, it was not possible to avoid casualties.

At least five people were killed, 37 were injured. Seven adults and three children affected in Belgorod and Belgorod Region are in serious condition.

There are several fires in the city, emergency services are working on site, the regional governor has arrived at the scene.

Footage is appearing online of impacts on civilian vehicles and objects.

As before, today’s undoubtedly terrorist shelling of Belgorod had a single goal – to kill as many civilians as possible. There is no other way to explain the indiscriminate volley of MLRS in an area with no military targets.

Ukrainian resources, as usual, savor the death of five civilians and the wounding of several dozen more, including children. In this, they are no different from the supporters of militants in the Middle East who celebrate after carrying out terrorist attacks. This fully reflects the essence of the Kyiv regime.

This is another reminder of who we are at war with, and why the only correct way to prevent such incidents in the future is the dismantling of the so-called Ukraine in its current form. As difficult as this may be, there are no other options at the moment.


In the Kupyansk direction, Russian troops have made significant advances in Sinkovka. A video of a flag being hung on a building in one of the residential buildings in the central part of the settlement appeared from there.

In the Kupyansk direction, Stelmakhovka has been virtually completely captured.

Stelmakhovka is a village fortified by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the fighting for which has been going on for quite a long time – for months. The Russians are trying to advance to the Oskol River through this settlement.

This greatly complicates further Ukrainian defense in the Peschanoye area. And in the event of a breakthrough here, the Ukrainian Armed Forces front will be cut into two parts east of the Oskol River. Which in turn will greatly complicate logistics for Ukrainian forces south of the cut, complicating the defense of positions.

South Donetsk Direction: Advances of the Russian Armed Forces and the Situation in Kostyantynivka

Situation as of the end of August 30, 2024

In recent days, the front line in the South Donetsk direction has not stood still – the Russian troops are advancing on several sectors.

▪️West of Peremoha, assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces attacked the AFU positions in the former reservoir and drove out the enemy, but were unable to consolidate. This strongpoint has changed hands at least twice, and fighting in its vicinity continues at the moment.

▪️The situation in Kostyantynivka, the liberation of which was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense today, has also become clearer. According to footage from objective control and information from local sources, it is premature to speak of the complete capture of the settlement – fighting is still ongoing there.

Part of the village north of Dzherelna Street is most likely a “gray zone”. Also, footage was published online of a strike by a Russian UAV on AFU transport near the intersection of Berehovaya Street and O0532 (T-05-24) highway: according to our data, the AFU still retain the ability to cross the Sukhyi Yaly river via the bridge from the north.

▪️The situation is developing dynamically in the area of Vodyane, where the Russian troops have achieved success. The enemy was completely driven out of the territory east of the O0532 highway and north of the Ikryana Gully, and now the Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards Vodyane across a relatively wide front. However, the fact of fighting for the dachas of the 3rd mine, which was reported several days ago, has not yet been confirmed.

▪️In the area of Pavlivka, Russian units expanded the zone of control towards Prechystivka, where Russian servicemen occupied several forest belts along the T-05-09 highway. The situation between Novomaiiske and Pavlivka has also become clearer – in this area, the offensive is developing from the initial positions in the area of the Volcha Gully (Volchyi Yar).


Potential AFU Plans for the Kherson Direction

Simultaneously with the Zaporizhia Region, one should not lose sight of the situation in the Kherson direction, where over the past few weeks Ukrainian formations have repeatedly probed the ground for a subsequent landing on the Tendra and Kinburn spits.

For these purposes, the AFU have accumulated a significant number of unmanned boats, drones and various watercraft in the area, which are planned to be used at a time when the Russian troops will expect it the least – as, for example, was the case in the Kursk Region.

How exactly the attack may be carried out – we show in our new video analysis. At the same time, it should not be ruled out that the AFU may launch an offensive in the Kherson Region in combination with an attack on the Zaporizhia direction, thereby putting the Russian grouping in a rather difficult position.


WAR UPDATE: It’s NOT Over; Russian OFFENSIVE Along Vovcha River Causes Retreats

Russian forces take two more settlements during the day [30 August 2024]

Massive Russian Trap Set Up For Ukrainian Forces l Karlivka Falls

MASSIVE SOMETHING!!! Triple down! ..reality will set you free | Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report

Genius Russian Ambush | Karlivka & Synkivka Have Fallen | RUAF Reach Center of Selydove

Intense fighting in Selydove / Pokrovsk direction [30 August 2024]

Morning Summary on August 30, 2024

▪️ Overnight, the Russian Armed Forces struck with Geran UAVs, reporting explosions in Kryvyi Rih, Sumy, Poltava, and Vinnytsia Region.

▪️ The governor of Bryansk Region reported the destruction of 11 enemy UAVs over the region. Also, four drones were destroyed by air defenses on the outskirts of Kaluga, the governor said.

▪️ In Kursk Region, fierce battles unfolded in the north of Sudzha District. The AFU attacked our positions near the settlements of Kamyshevka and Kireevka. In the south of Sudzha District, the Russian Armed Forces are striking the enemy with artillery and strike UAVs in the area of Cherkaska Konopelka, Plekhovo, and Borki. In the Korenevo direction, the enemy is regrouping. Near Borki and Martynivka, several assault groups of the enemy were destroyed. From the morning, heavy battles flared up with renewed vigor.

▪️ In the Kupiansk direction, the enemy acknowledges our advance up to 700 meters deep in the central part of Synkivka, where the Russian Armed Forces have established a flag. The battle for the settlement has been going on for several months. There are also reports of advances in the area of Pishchane and Tabaivka. The liberation of Stelmakhivka has been confirmed: the Russian Defense Minister congratulated the command and personnel of the 423rd Guards Motorized Rifle Yampolsky Red Banner Order of Kutuzov and Suvorov II Degree Regiment on the liberation of the settlement of Stelmakhivka in the Luhansk People’s Republic from the enemy.

▪️ In the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) direction, the village of Druzhba is almost liberated, battles are ongoing on the outskirts of Toretsk. East of Panteleymonivka, Russian troops advanced along the forest belts to a depth of up to 500 meters.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces are developing their success. They report the collapse of the AFU defense in Karlivka. Footage with our flag is coming from the Hrodivka area. In the Ukrainske area, our offensive is also developing. They report on the work of our advanced units near Myrnohrad. Near Karlivka and the eponymous reservoir, the enemy long held back our offensive, pulling in reserves. But the collapse of the front to the north forced the enemy to flee to Holitsyne, where the AFU is unlikely to be able to entrench for long.

▪️ In Belgorod Region, in the Rakityansky District near the village of Ilek-Koshary, a drone attacked a combine harvester, injuring a man. In Shebekino yesterday morning, a civilian was killed, and two more were wounded. During the day, the Belgorod, Borisovsky, Krasnoyaruzhsky, and Volokonovsky Districts were under attack.



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Lion’s Mane Mushroom Nootropic

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, But it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.


Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity.

Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins.

Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system.

Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome.

Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function.

Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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