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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on September 03 2024

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At least 50 dead after Russian missiles blast Poltava, Ukraine

Russia strikes military institute and hospital in central Ukraine’s Poltava city

Aftermath of deadly Russian missile attack on Poltava military institute

HOW THEY GOT THERE!? Poltava missile strike… | Ukraine War SITREP (Situation Report) / Summary

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On the strike on the 179th Training Center of the Signal Troops in Poltava

What is known as of the end of September 3, 2024

In the morning, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile strike on the 179th Advanced Training Center of the Signal Troops in Poltava.

According to official data, the enemy reported 51 killed and 271 wounded. Ukrainian propaganda emphasizes statements about “civilians” and some “neighboring hospital”.

❗️However, judging by the map, there are no hospitals nearby, and the nearest multi-story buildings are dormitories, which are also barracks of the affected “educational institution” that became the deployment point of one of the Territorial Defense brigades back in 2014.

At the same time, we note that given the enemy’s tendency to underestimate their own losses, the success of the strike may be much higher. And against the background of reports of the destruction of Swedish instructors, the events in Poltava may take an even more interesting turn, since there are already versions on the Internet about the additional training of Ukrainian specialists on the announced AWACS aircraft ASC 890 to be supplied.

🔻We hope that the fact of the strike on a large concentration of the enemy deep in the rear is not a one-time “incident”, but the first message of systematic work precisely on the enemy’s personnel. There are still a great many targets from this category.


Strike at the communications training center in Poltava

Today September 3, 2024 at about 9:10 am two loud explosions sounded in Poltava. According to local residents’ reports, there was heavy smoke at the site. Also recorded active movement of ambulances and firefighters in the direction of Zinkovskaya street.

🔻 At the moment it is established that the Russian troops struck ballistic missiles on the territory of the 179 training center of the communication troops (in / h / A3990) in Poltava on Zinkovskaya Street, 44.

Coordinates: 49.6139970232641, 34.53098387305029

As a result of a direct hit on the six-story training and administrative building more than 30 personnel were killed, about 60 more were wounded of varying degrees of severity. At the moment, rescue operations are underway.

📌 At the moment, information about urgent blood donation in Poltava is spreading in the network.

“Big trouble”, “more than a hundred corpses”: attack on Ukrainian Armed Forces formation, many dead

▪️”In Poltava, I believe, there are more than a hundred corpses. Arrivals both in formation and in the canteen. There is just a mess there.

▪️179th training center of the communications troops (military unit A3990) in Poltava, 44 Zinkivska Street.

▪️How soldiers are deliberately set up, and this despite the fact that there are no people at the front,” wrote Ukrainian journalist A. Shariy.

▪️”A big problem,” commented military communications specialist of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergei Flesh.

In addition to a large number of Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen, several foreign instructors from Sweden were killed during the missile strike on the communications training center in Poltava.

This was stated by Britta Ellwanger, a foreign volunteer working in the interests of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and studying with the deceased instructor at one of the Swedish universities.

Let us recall that it was Sweden that planned to supply two ASC 890 AWACS aircraft, the training of whose onboard personnel corresponds to the profile of the training center.

The missile strike in Poltava took on new colours.


POLTAVA HOSPITALS JAM-PACKED WITH SOLDIERS AFTER RUSSIAN STRIKE: Poltava City Council Chief Kaplin admits chaos reigns in Central Ukrainian region , with overcrowded hospitals filled with wounded troops after pinpoint Russian strike blasts army infrastructure in city (

#Kiev officials claim 49 troops killed and 219 wounded, but Ukrainian sources on the ground insist death toll as high as 190 even as Mad Vlad #Zelensky tries to clamp down on concrete info regarding HUGE army loss.

🇸🇪Reports that Swedish “instructors” among soldiers killed in Russian strike, allegedly working to train Kiev cannon fodder pilots on Swedish-supplied AWACS aircraft (

Grand Palace Hotel in Zaporozhye

According to our trusted 🥷ðŸ»source, the hotel was occupied by foreign mercenaries. Local chats reported that ambulances were heading to the landing site.

 As a result of the strike, up to 50 militants were [alleged to have been] killed.

- The Wrong Side

M-manipulation  The President’s office always uses manipulation technology when it wants to shift the focus from its own scams, etc.

And now:

Zelensky’s main emphasis is that they hit an educational institution and a hospital (not a military facility where the military is trained, but supposedly civilian infrastructure). It is clear that this is another lie from Zelensky.

The second thesis. He uses the tragedy to pump up the war. Give us weapons and permission to strike deep into the Russian Federation with your/Western long-range missiles.

But he does not tell the Ukrainians that this will lead to even more large-scale tragedies and casualties among the people. Increasing the degree of war = more deaths.

Only peace agreements can stop this, but as we know, Zelensky does not need peace. If he wanted peace, he would have fulfilled the Minsk agreements and everyone would live happily and in peace.

The Russians ended up at a military school in Poltava that trains radar and electronic warfare specialists.

179th training center of the signal troops (military unit A3990) in Poltava, 44 Zinkivska Street.

As usual, it was the officers’ mistake, who were arranging the formation and ignoring the siren.

People are already writing about this: MP Bezugla, Ukrainian military and local residents.

As they say, this is negligence on the part of senior staff officials, which means there will be demonstrative purges.

It is important for Zelensky to shift the negative focus of society to small-time flunkies.

According to our data, this negligence cost: about a hundred dead and more than a hundred wounded.

The government will now declare mourning and try to extinguish the negativity of society, but it is worth understanding that only stopping the war will prevent such and other large-scale tragedies.

The most remarkable thing in the story of the missile strike on Poltava is the response time of the Russian missileers. 

The formation, to which, presumably, all personnel (250+ people) were brought out, lasts on average from 10 to 20 minutes. Rarely does this event drag on for longer, unless the commander is in a bad mood and has a keen desire to “show how elephants run”. 

In these 20 minutes in the case of Poltava, we managed to pack everything into one: the detection of a crowd of people (quite possibly from a drone launched on regular duty), the transfer of information from intelligence to the control center of the group of troops, the decision to strike, the transfer of the order for execution along with the coordinates, the entry of coordinates into the control unit of the missile by the Iskander’s duty crew, and, in fact, the flight itself at a range of 200 kilometers. 

Even if we assume that the time of the formation was known in advance and the missileers had sharpened the Iskander the day before, the response time still causes mild surprise, if not shock. 

Military Chronicle

Iskanders likely destroyed an entire company of UAV specialists.

▪️ On August 22, the Poltava regional administration leaked information that “a company of strike unmanned aerial systems is being formed on the basis of one of the military units of the Poltava region.”

▪️Preference is given to specialists in radio communications , aerodynamics, and programmers. The task that will face them is to work with new types of UAVs. The purpose of drones is different, from strike to reconnaissance, said senior officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine A. Goncharenko.

Based on the flood of videos from Poltava, the announcements about collecting donor blood, and the reaction of Ukrainian public figures, the Russian strike on the local communications training center appears to have been extremely effective.   (

The figures on AFU losses vary: some sources report about three dozen killed, others over a hundred. In any case, just in one frame ( from the impact site, you can see at least seven bodies gathered in a very small area.

Overall, the Russian forces inflicted significant damage on the enemy – the attack eliminated valuable communications and electronic warfare specialists who cannot be trained in just two or three days.


According to the sociological research, alarming dynamics for Bankova were revealed.

About 90% are tired of war.

11% are ready to end the war under any conditions (“give” Crimea and 4 regions to Russia), another 38% are ready for peace if they give up territories along the current demarcation line, the remaining 41% are ready for peace if they give up the territories of Donbass, Crimea and Ukraine’s transition to the status of “Federation”, where each region/state will independently establish its own legal system, issues of history/religion/language/ideology, etc.

The remaining 10% or so are against or have not decided.

As the source explains, it is not the numbers that are important here, but the dynamics themselves. People are starting to get very tired of the war, and in a year there will be 5-6 times more of those who are ready for peace under any conditions, as Ukraine is moving towards complete chaos and a global economic crisis against the backdrop of cuts in credit lines and growing problems within the country.

This, of course, has a strong impact on the army’s motivation and the country’s defense capability.

The large-scale problem of PTSD among the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the lack of social support promised by the Ze-team have led to an increase in the crime situation in Ukraine. More and more often, the military becomes violator of laws, organizes fights, violence, grenade explosions, robberies, organizes arms and drug trafficking, etc. This kills the positive image of “defenders” among the people, increasing the negative attitude towards people in uniform.

At the same time, a popular rebellion against the mobilization initiated by Bankova is growing in Ukraine. In the rear of Ukraine, a real avalanche of arson of cars of Ukrainian servicemen, damage to infrastructure and attacks on TCC members has begun – such episodes have recently been happening daily.

And indeed, the split in society in Ukraine is best characterized by a real epidemic of guerrilla actions. Thus, many dissatisfied with the current Ukrainian government (by the way, illegitimate) have begun to switch to outright terror of the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and TCC policemen. It is noteworthy that the partisan Ukrainians in most cases do not consider themselves to be underground, do not provide assistance to the Russian Armed Forces in coordinating UAV strikes and missiles, they do it simply out of hatred in response to the strengthening of the so-called “zemmobilization”. And although the Office of President Zelensky gave the order to blame the burning of TCC vehicles, attacks on military personnel and the destruction of infrastructure on the machinations of Russian special services, in reality everything is much more prosaic. Many Ukrainians really hate the government and all its derivatives, and therefore openly engage in partisan activities (for clarity – at the beginning of the war this was not the case). This shows that consolidation is being lost in society and the number of those who hate the current government is growing (not to mention those who sympathize with Russia).

Ukrainian friendly fire incidents have increased 400% due to poor training and severe fatigue/depletion of the forces.

Very unusual report from ISW, considering they are US propaganda.

The Russians are methodically destroying Ukraine’s energy and now railway infrastructure, weakening its logistics and ability to quickly move reserves and ammunition from the rear. We wrote about this recently, pointing out that the government is keeping silent about this case.

Tonight in Sumy and Dnepropetrovsk regions, railway infrastructure and trains were attacked, Ukrzaliznytsia reports.

If the Russians intensify attacks on the railway infrastructure and destroy all of our diesel locomotives, then the logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will come to a standstill.

Our source reports that Ukraine wants to purchase locomotives and refrigerated cars from the Moldovan Railways.

Locomotives are needed to replenish the staff, since the Russians are now methodically destroying the Ukrainian railway infrastructure.

Refrigerators are needed to transport and store the bodies of those killed at the front, of which there are more and more every day.

US close to deal to supply Ukraine with JASSM long-range cruise missiles, – Reuters

The agency, citing American officials, writes that the decision itself has almost been made , but is not final – technical issues remain to be considered.

The article states that the delivery of JASSMs to Ukraine, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 370 km, could significantly change the strategic landscape of the conflict, putting a large part of Russia within the range of these munitions, but at the same time, pressure will increase on the White House regarding the lifting of restrictions on strikes on the territory of the aggressor country.

Zelensky is leading to an escalation of the war. The next step is to allow Zelensky to attack Russian depth targets. OK, but what will be the response? Russian strikes on deep targets in Ukraine. There could be a lot of targets. I don’t want to give Putin advice, nor does he need it, but this war is escalating now. What will be the next Ukrainian target? Attack nuclear power plants that are in Russian hands? That would have catastrophic consequences. Zelensky’s position is that no matter what happens, the West will give money, weapons, and the war will continue until they liberate Donbass. But that’s not going to happen. And supposedly until Crimea is Ukrainian. But this has not the slightest relation to reality.

Hungarian economist György Nogradi

Ukrainians came here for handouts. They begged for missiles, ammunition, money. They set the officialdom to tighten its policy towards our country. They found full support here. 

Washington’s cynical goal remains the same – to harm the Russian Federation with the help of its weapons, which are put into Ukrainian hands. 

I do not rule out that this time, representatives of the Kiev regime received additional promises to support military action against Russia. I am sure that in the future, all this will be formalized in the form of another package of arms supplies to Ukraine. Now we are talking about expanding the scale of Ukrainian actions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The local press is discussing Kiev’s idea of ​​preparing a list of objects in our country that it is proposed to strike with long-range missiles from the United States. Washington’s idea to pit Europe against Russia, using the Ukrainian crisis for this, will not work. The United States will not sit back overseas if the current situation escalates into a global conflict.

Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov

The Washington Post publishes a panorama of cemetery #17 in Kharkov and demands permission to strike with American weapons on old Russian territory while there is still someone left to fight in the Ukrainian Armed Forces:

In Kharkov, I stopped by a cemetery and took a few shots. It seemed that there were twice as many graves of fallen soldiers as I had seen there exactly a year ago. I started reading the names, dates of birth and death, calculating the age, looking at the faces – but it was too much.

I would like someone in the Biden administration to watch my video and ask themselves, “How many more graves will there be next year if we keep Ukraine from retaliating?”

Asbery Notes: I’ll help the Ukrainian author of this opinion piece with her question. Hundreds of thousands. No one wins a war of attrition against a numerically superior opponent 

On the Probable Course of AFU Actions in the Russian Border Regions

Against the backdrop of the enemy’s offensive in the Kursk Region and its consolidation in the occupied territory, we cannot rule out the possibility of new incursions into neighboring regions.

🔻In the Belgorod Region, attempts by Ukrainian formations to cross the state border are periodically recorded, but they have all been unsuccessful, even with the involvement of relatively large forces.

At first glance, the enemy is focused on driving the Russian Armed Forces out of the “sanitary zone” in the Kharkiv Region. However, the front line in this area has already stalled since the start of the Russian military operation, and the nature of the fighting has turned positional. The hottest spots remain Volchansk and Hlyboke, where the AFU periodically carry out attacks.

At the same time, in the area of Kolotіlivka, Nekhoteyevka and Bezymeno, several attack attempts were recorded only in August. Almost always, the official media reported on reconnaissance groups, but in reality, these were attacks by entire companies supported by armored vehicles.

It can also be noted that the enemy is mainly active in the border area along the Sumy-Kharkiv line, while from Volchansk to Budarky, and from Budarky to Kamianka, there are only shelling incidents.

Although this situation has been maintained almost since the start of the SMO, this does not mean that the AFU will not undertake active actions here in the future. Moreover, the terrain in this area is not too different from the invasion site in the Kursk Region – Volokonivka or Valuyki could become potential targets of attack.

🔻The Bryansk Region cannot be written off as a possible target of the enemy’s offensive either. There are significantly more forests here, which are convenient for penetrating the border, and in the border settlements of the Chernihiv Region, the presence of formations from Ichkerian militants is observed.

In this area, the actions of “classical” reconnaissance groups are highly likely, including with a large number of UAVs as strike means deep in the rear. With the availability of repeaters, they will be able to set up ambushes and even remotely mine roads with bridges.

However, the possibility of a full-scale operation to invade the Bryansk Region should not be ruled out either. After all, the enemy is no stranger to suicidal operations like the landings on the Kinburn Spit or the creation of a bridgehead in Krynky.

❗️However, the most dangerous phenomenon at the moment is the overconfident attitudes in society and the media. The euphoria against the backdrop of the pace of advancement and liberation of the DPR territory should not blind us – the enemy himself is in no hurry to leave the Kursk Region.

Stories about how everything is fine and wonderful with us, and that the so-called Ukraine will run out of people by the end of the year and its military production will grind to a halt due to an energy shortage, are fraught with disappointment. And, as practice shows, this disappointment can be very bloody.


 What are the AFU trying to accomplish in Kursk region?

Recently, many theories have circulated online regarding the AFU’s intentions in Kursk region. Some agree that the “Kursk adventure” is a diversionary maneuver before the offensive on Crimea, someone believes that the main blow will be struck in Belgorod. In the Ukrainian Internet community, the Kursk operation is considered an attempt to draw Russian troops away from the Pokrovsky direction.

So what is the plan of the AFU command and their Western handlers? Kursk nuclear power plant? Crimea? Belgorod? Let’s break it down…

▪️ In the Sumy region, the Ukrainian armed forces have concentrated very large forces, reinforced with foreign mercenaries and Western weapons. Did Kiev really gather them there for the main strike? Contrary to the established patterns, the editorial staff is inclined to assume that the AFU has simply NO approved plan for a main strike! The plan of the Ukrainian command is to act according to the situation, pull our reserves apart, and strike wherever they are most likely to be removed from.

Why so? 

▪️ If you look at a map, the distance from Sumy to Dnepropetrovsk is 260 kilometers, and to Zaporozhye 320. From Kharkiv it is even less. At the same time, the Russian army will have to travel more than twice as far to transfer reserves from the Kursk region to the Zaporozhye direction. Consequently, the AFU has more flexibility and can very quickly change the direction of the main strike due to the small shoulder of supply with the main center in Poltava.

▪️ A year ago the Kiev regime was set the task to cut the land corridor to Crimea at any cost and it remains the main task and condition of Kiev’s victory. This year, the Ukrainian armed forces have taken a different path and are trying to weaken our forces in the south by attacking in the north.

▪️ Western advisers have offered Kiev a fundamentally new experimental approach to the conduct of hostilities. The price of this experiment is thousands of Ukrainian lives and Kiev will gladly pay it.

🥊 The current hostilities resemble a boxing match between a fast boxer-player against a more experienced and physically strong fighter. The former’s task is to pick his opponent apart and win either on points with a multitude of body blows, or hope the latter will drop his hands to protect his liver and punch to the jaw…

❗️ In this situation, first of all, it is necessary to keep cool, do not give in to provocations, stick to your own plan and hit your opponent with crushing blows. Victory will be ours!

North Wind

Our source in the General Staff said that units and entire brigades continue to retreat from the Pokrovsky Front, not wanting to be surrounded or unable to withstand the pressure of the Russian army.

Our source in the OP said that Syrsky warned Zelensky about the loss of Selidovo in the coming days, the city is held until the enemy takes Tsukurino in the south, then holding positions will be pointless. The General Staff is trying to revise the strategy for the defense of Donbass, after the collapse of the front in the Pokrovsk direction.

Zelensky’s Kursk adventure led to the collapse of the front in the Pokrovsk direction, but the worst thing is that a cauldron may now form due to the General Staff’s desire to hold its positions at any cost. 

Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers may be surrounded south of Pokrovsk, Forbes magazine writes. And it recommends withdrawing them from there. 

A strong Russian group, which may number tens of thousands of people, is bypassing large Ukrainian forces holding the line between the village of Memrik and the Volchya River. 

“As a result, a salient to the east in the Russian defense line was formed – this salient may become a trap for hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers in the event of several decisive maneuvers by the Russian army,” the publication believes. 

Inside the salient are units of the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade, the 68th Jaeger Brigade, the 117th Territorial Defense Brigade and the 15th National Guard Brigade. “This is a sizeable force, but its integrity depends on the 25th Airborne Brigade, which is defending the town of Ukrainsk on the northern edge of the salient,” the article says.

Beginning to withdraw from the salient now is “a smart move by the Ukrainian command.” “They would be wise to withdraw from the area before Russian forces cut off their supply and escape routes,” the Conflict Intelligence Team says. Ukrainian forces could straighten the front line and build new fortifications a few miles to the west.

“Giving up the salient would result in the loss of 30 square miles of territory, but could save entire Ukrainian battalions at a critical moment,” the article says.

There are, however, “more optimistic assessments of the fighting around Pokrovsk,” which suggest a slowdown in the Russian advance, which could give Ukrainian forces time to shore up their defenses and logistics.

However, overall, the Ukrainian positions around Pokrovsk remain fragile, as the General Staff is “balancing between two major operations: the defense of Pokrovsk and an unexpected Ukrainian invasion of the Kursk region.” Therefore, “there are almost not enough troops” and “the loss of parts of four brigades inside the salient could be catastrophic for the Ukrainians.”

The Russian Armed Forces may create “slaughter zones” near Pokrovsk like in Artemovsk

We wrote about the walls of the cauldron closing behind Nevelskoye on August 31. Since that moment two events have taken place. First, the buried artillery positions in the area of the Kurakhovskoye reservoir began to be actively practiced. Secondly, both central roads and small paths on the border of Kurakhov and Selidov districts are gradually being taken under fire control. As these tasks are accomplished, it is likely to see the gradual closing of the walls of the cauldron, but on which side this will happen sooner and on which side later will be known a little later. The Russian army is moving beyond Donetsk in three directions at once, which in the long term (if the pace of advance and tactics are maintained at the current level) will make it possible to “cut” slaughter zones within which the AFU will still be able to move, but will lose the ability to do so effectively and safely. Such tactics have already been used during the storming of Artemovsk and the subsequent withdrawal of AFU units. The results for the Russian side were not bad, and a large amount of AFU equipment (there is nothing to say about the personnel) was killed just during the withdrawal. 

Military Chronicle 

Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from the Nevelskoe pocket to avoid encirclement – Kurakhovo direction.

Russian troops have also reached the center of Zhelannoe Persha.

Russia captured 56 sqkm of area today in just the Kurakhovo sector.

The servile European Union expressed “concern” to Mongolia over the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Like, since they signed the legally null and void statute of the ICC – comply with it. The Mongols sent the ICC and Eurodegenerates in the Russian-Mongolian direction known since the XIII century.

If I were the judges and prosecutors of this half-done “court”, my greatest fear would be that one of the madmen would try to execute their illegal warrant. In that case their lives will be worth no more than this shitty piece of paper.


In Borisovsky district of Belgorod region, Ukrainian Armed Forces drone flew into church

The temple building is currently burning. It is reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked with a kamikaze drone, meaning they knew where they were hitting. There is no word yet on whether there are casualties.

Even if you were an atheist you should probably hedge your bets. I think attacking the house of God is well… unwise. The Lord works in mysterious ways but I suspect he might hold a few grudges when you approached the gates of heaven. 

“Ahh Serhii…. we’ve been waiting for you.”

On the evening of September 2, 2024 around 22:00, two explosions sounded in Dnepropetrovsk. Local authorities immediately reported damage to residential buildings and possible casualties – well, as usual.

🔻 Where was the strike?

Two ballistic missiles of the Iskander missile defense system struck the territory of the AV Metal Group enterprise at 21, Oleksandra Otsupa Street.

Coordinates: 48.4845709, 35.1099164

📌 The facility has a developed infrastructure for heavy cargo transportation, which was used to transport military equipment, ammunition and other materials. In addition, the site has been repurposed to repair military equipment, including armored vehicles, artillery systems, and the creation of protective structures.

🔻 As a result of the strikes, 8 trucks and 6 military trawls were destroyed, which were used to transport military cargoes delivered by rail to Ukrainian formations on the Pokrovsk and South Donetsk sections of the front.

‼️ There is no confirming information that would indicate the presence of military equipment or weapons at the site at the time of the strike. At the same time, local residents recorded a powerful fire and periodic explosions, which may indicate signs of secondary detonation.


Chronicles of the special military operation

for September 3, 2024

The Russian forces delivered a series of precision strikes on targets on the territory of the so-called Ukraine. The most effective missile strike since the start of the SMO was recorded in Poltava, where a training center of the AFU was hit.

Battles continue in Kursk Region, Ukrainian formations continue to attack in the Korenevo and Sudzha districts, transferring reinforcements to the occupied territory.

On the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, the crossing in the area of Kupiansk-Uzlove was hit again, battles are ongoing near Synkivka and Pishchane.

On the Oleksandrivka-Kalinovo direction, the Russian forces have made significant advances in Druzhba and are fighting on the outskirts of Dzerzhynsk.

On the Donetsk direction, battles are ongoing for Selidovo, Ukrainsk and in the area of Zhelanne Pershe. During the day, information appeared about the liberation of Nevske, but there is no confirmation yet, and the footage being distributed as confirmation was shot elsewhere.

On the South Donetsk direction, there are battles in the vicinity of Vodyane and Vuhledar, the Russian forces have successes, as well as to the west of Pavlivka. At the same time, reports of the start of the assault on Vuhledar itself do not correspond to reality, the city is being subjected to multiple artillery and air strikes.


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