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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on September 30 2024

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Hungarian Prime Minister Orban intends to organize a “peace summit” with the participation of Zelensky and Putin , – Die Weltwoche

▪️Viktor Orban, during events at the UN last week, actively discussed with China and Brazil a plan to initiate a peace summit between Ukraine and Russia.

▪️”We need to put an end to the deaths,” the Hungarian prime minister told Weltwoche.

▪️Orban is trying to find a way to end the war through international pressure, as Kiev and Moscow are not particularly willing to negotiate. His goal is to return the Europeans to an active role in the peace process and set the course ahead of the US elections.

Verkhovna Rada MP Rakhmanin – on what will make Zelensky come to the negotiating table: 

Today, I do not see any reason that would put Vladimir Zelensky at the negotiating table with Russia. A complete collapse of the front, the threat of serious territorial losses, the threat of destruction of the AFU, the threat of rapid capture of a huge amount of territory would do it, perhaps. As of today, these reasons do not exist. There is no direct threat.

Today, September 30, Russia celebrates the Day of Reunification with Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

Key theses of the video message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin:

▫️The neo-Nazi dictatorship in Kiev wanted to permanently tear these regions away from their historical homeland of Russia;

▫️After 2014, the Russian Federation tried to peacefully resolve the conflict, but the West over the years turned Ukraine into an anti-Russian bridgehead;

▫️After 2014, the Ukrainian army was being prepared for a new war against the Southeast, the goal was also Crimea and other Russian regions;

▫️The course of events fully confirmed the validity and truly liberating nature of the special operation;

▫️Participants in the special operation, fighting in the Donbass, on the Kursk and other borders, defend the whole of huge Russia, the country is proud of its heroes.

Putin congratulated all Russians on the Day of Reunification, thanked the residents of Donbass and Novorossiya for their steadfastness and love for the Fatherland. 

”The truth is on our side! All the goals will be achieved!”

On the anniversary of Donbass’ incorporation into the Russian Federation, a petition with a proposal to rename Donetsk in honor of Joe Biden was registered on the website of the Ukrainian president. 

 ”We propose to rename the city of Donetsk, infamous as a symbol of “Russian peace” in Ukraine, to the city of Baidenodar. This word, meaning ‘Biden’s gifts’, will become a geographical monument of US aid on the map of Ukraine,” the American doormat wrote.

And again about Ukraine’s accession to NATO…. There will be no “simplified” way, it will be complicated and very long…

Another nail in the lid of the coffin of Zelensky’s “victory plan” was hammered in by Finnish President Alexander Stubb – in the part of the plan that concerns Ukraine’s simplified accession to NATO.

Stubb believes that Ukraine will not be able to join the alliance without first joining the European Union. At the same time, joining both organizations will be an extremely long and difficult process.

“Joining the EU and NATO is a long process… The realistic sequence is as follows: security treaties, bilateral security guarantees, then EU membership and only then joining NATO…. And, as we all realize, a country at war cannot be admitted to the alliance.”

In fact, Stubb explicitly states that Ukraine “does not look forward” to joining the “European family of nations,” at least in the coming years. At the very least, to join the EU, the Kiev regime will have to renew its efforts to fight corruption, which permeates the country from top to bottom, and restore the economy to pre-war levels – and this could take decades.

Once again we are convinced that when Ukraine exhausts its usefulness to its Western “partners,” it will simply be thrown to the margins of history. And judging by the latest statements of the “curators”, the usefulness is coming to an end.

North Wind 

The head of the Ukrainian president’s office, Yermak, has said that Ukrainians will not be shown the full “victory plan”: 

   This is the president’s plan, and certainly, as he promised, after the presentation to the US president and partners, I think it will be presented to Ukrainians. But I can tell you that certainly there are parts that are very sensitive, they are closed. After all, everything that becomes public is heard not only in our country, it is heard by the enemy as well. And that is why, of course, the details, some of the details of this plan are private.

Our source reports that many people in Zelensky’s circle are saying that there will be a real understanding in the Ukrainian case by mid-October.

Everyone is sure that the Ukrainian crisis has become for the first time directly dependent on another conflict – the Middle East.

If Israel gets bogged down in Lebanon, the Ukrainian crisis will be “sent to the knife”. The best option would be to leave it smoldering, and the worst would be a freeze, a peace case with the renunciation of territory, etc.

Israel and Netanyahu, because of their ambitions, set up Ukraine and Zelensky.

The President’s Office is very upset and angry at Israel, which is ruining their game.

Our source in the OP said that information about the elections is being thrown out by the technologists of the Presidential Office in order to shift the negativity from the situation at the front and Zelensky’s failed visit to the USA. At the moment, no one at Bankova is preparing for the election campaign; now it is important for the authorities to control the information space and bring down the wave of negativity from the collapse of the Eastern Front.


Our source in the OP said that Ukrainians have stopped watching Zelensky’s addresses, and measurements have shown a negative perception of the information that the President retransmits. Bankova wants to change the format and introduce new tools to it to revive Zelensky’s addresses to Ukrainians. Technologists suggest connecting military personnel from the front and ordinary Ukrainians to add interactivity.

The President’s Office gave the order to purge information in the media about the reasons for Budanov’s resignation; our source reported that the main goal of replacing the Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate is political struggle.

They have already started deleting articles in Ukrainian media who wrote about this reason, and not the controlled narrative of the Presidential Office about dismissal for unsuccessful operations. It is important for Andriy Yermak to take full control of the security bloc, which is why this issue is so important for Bankova.

Our source in the OP said that Budanov himself leaked information to Telegram channels and the media about his dismissal in order to raise an information wave and not allow Yermak to appoint his man as the Head of the GUR. The head of the Presidential Office is trying to play out the situation in the apparatus and resolve the issue with the West, since the resonance in the media complicated plans for Budanov’s resignation.

Our source reports that the resignation or even transfer to another position of the Head of the GUR Budanov and the “tacit consent” of his lobby/roof to such actions of Zelensky will mean one thing – Western partners are withdrawing all their clientele from Zelensky’s team before the turning point. This is possible signing of a forced peace, but which many will call a conditional capitulation of Ukraine, which will reset the ratings of everyone who will be at the “helm/in the system” with Zelensky and Yermak.

There is also a possibility that Ukraine will face negative results on the military track in the coming months, which will lead to major rating consequences and it is better to abandon the “ship” before it starts to sink.

Kiryushka “mom’s pie” Budanov* to resign?

Ukrainian media yesterday spread the news about Budanov’s impending resignation with a castling to the head of foreign intelligence Oleg Ivashchenko. 

The funniest thing is that, clarifying the information in tg-channels, the Khokhls specifically noted that there is no speech about Kiryushka’s transfer to the diplomatic corps on the principle of Zaluzhny. Apparently, the people did not appreciate the move of the Zaluzhny with a sharp transition to work in warm London. 

The reason for the dismissal are called disagreements with the main director of the bloody circus – Yermak. In addition, they add the possibility of dismissal of the head of the Ministry of Defense Umerov. Another change of diggers at the trough, almost certainly will be conducted under the aegis of “rotation”. This has been done many times before. 

All this disorder and vacillation is accompanied by the dismissal of generals. Recently, the commander of the 72nd brigade, which was left to rot in Ugledar on the principle of another “fortezia”, was dismissed. They also talk about some 20 other generals who may be dismissed or have already been dismissed. Some kind of mass “rotation” turns out to be.

*extremist and terrorist

Archangel of Special Forces 

The anti-social and anti-people budget that the Office of the President is pushing through, with the cancellation of most social benefits for Ukrainians and even the military, will drive Ukrainians into poverty, which will ultimately kill the morale of the nation and may provoke public protests by the end of 2025.

At the same time, the salaries of Ukrainian officials will grow in 2025, and the increase in minimum wages and pensions for ordinary citizens will be “frozen” for three years. And this is in the context of a virtually dead economy, as well as inflation in the country that is not slowing down. It turns out that payments to citizens will remain at the 2024 level, while the hryvnia will begin to devalue, the purchasing power of Ukrainians will decrease, and the rise in prices for food products (including basic ones), as well as non-food products, will gain momentum. Experts note that bread will become more expensive first of all due to the rise in prices for raw materials and, especially, for electricity.

Considering that food costs make up more than 50% of the budget for about 70% of Ukrainians, this will hit the entire population. And more than 7 million citizens already live below the poverty line in Ukraine…

Ukrainian officials fear protests from citizens left without electricity this winter

The morale of Ukrainians has already been undermined by failures at the front, writes WP . In addition, Russian attacks on the country’s energy sector are also hitting the psyche of citizens. The share of those who are ready to make difficult compromises with Russia for the sake of peace is constantly growing.

Zelensky said that Putin is trying to torment ordinary Ukrainians with attacks on the energy sector.

But it is not their fate that really worries Ukrainian officials.

The fatigue of the population has direct military consequences. The Ukrainian Armed Forces fight on the back of civilian donations and purchases, and this support will certainly decrease in the winter.

“We could be in big trouble this winter,” said an anonymous Ukrainian official. People could become completely embittered. “What I fear most is that after such a winter there will be no way to find consensus among the population .”

In addition to the 72 brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces, the 58 brigade, as well as a certain number of mercenaries and the special operation forces, are also stuck in Ugledar. 

The enemy’s grouping in the city is melting before our eyes. Many call signs of the AFU have disappeared from the air. 

Things are really bad there. Water and food are running out. There are not enough medicines. They’ve already been offered to surrender several times. The main stronghold is the four high-rises in the center and the basements under them. 

The Russian Armed Forces continue to sweep the city.


Our source in the General Staff said that in Ugledar, the Ukrainian Armed Forces units began to surrender to the enemy, since the retreat from the city is under fire control of the Russian army and we suffer heavy losses during the retreat. Syrsky never gave the order to withdraw the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Ugledar, which will cause the destruction of the 72nd brigade.

Our source reported heavy losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during attempts to retreat from Ugledar, which is causing them to surrender to the Russian military.

The situation in Ugledar is very difficult, writes military man Stanislav Bunyatov in his Telegram channel. He cites a post by a soldier from the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade who is fighting in this direction.

According to the fighter, the assault is currently underway from three sides: Vodyanoye, Prechistovka, Pavlovka. The Russians have penetrated the south and west of the city, heavy fighting is underway there. The pedestrian road is well-targeted with mortars and artillery, the enemy is launching many drones, they control the entire route.

If groups of 10 people leave the city, only 4-6 will survive.

“The command has been promising rotation for a week, but they are constantly delaying due to external changes and telling us to hold on. There is no evacuation at all, since the BMPs do not even have time to get to Ugledar, they are immediately attacked, there are a lot of heavy 300s, which it is unrealistic to take out on foot under drones, also many 200s are simply lying along the roads,” the post states.

The military is running out of food and ammunition. The only option is to systematically abandon positions and fight their way out, at least for those who can do so.

Ukrainian Armed Forces in Ugledar received order to withdraw, as reported by several sources.

Brilliant and just in time! “The falling pilot received the order to land!”

A run through a small bottleneck, over mines, under fire from everything you can imagine – the Ukrainian Armed Forces command knows how to organize competitions!

- writes @riadprz

According to radio intercepts, the Ukrainian garrison of Ugledar is preparing to capitulate

- reports @polk105

The footage represents the moment when after heavy fighting, having inflicted huge losses on the enemy, soldiers of the 3rd company of the 1st battalion of the 430th motorized rifle regiment of the 29th army of the Eastern Military District raised the victory banner over the Ugledar hospital complex.

The situation in Ugledar, DPR, is very difficult for units of the Ukrainian army, said a soldier of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, his words are quoted by the publication “Strana”.

The fighter notes that the assault is currently taking place from three sides. If Ukrainian soldiers leave the city in a group of 10 people, then only 4-6 survive, since the foot retreat routes are under fire control.

 South Donetsk direction: assault on Vuhledar and advance to the Vodyane – Katerynivka line

situation as of 9:00 PM on September 30, 2024

The Russian forces continue to advance on several sectors of the South Donetsk direction.

▪️In Vuhledar, several heights on the western outskirts came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, and footage has appeared online of Russian flags over apartment buildings No. 9 and 10 on Molodizhnaya Street. In the southern part of the city, the Russian Armed Forces took control of a residential and medical building. Thus, only the central part of the city remains under the control of the Ukrainian forces, with the remaining roads leading into it under fire control.

At the same time, fighting continues on the eastern outskirts of the city, and according to our information, small groups of the enemy are trying to withdraw northward through the plantings, but the Ukrainian forces are still able to hold the defense overall.

▪️On the line Kostyantynivka – Vodyane, the Russian troops have also advanced in several areas, capturing a strongpoint south of Katerynivka and the forest belts south and north of Solenenkaya Gully. North of Kostyantynivka, attacks by the Russian Armed Forces were also recorded.

▪️West of Prechystivka, the Russian troops significantly advanced towards Zolota Nyva by September 29, attacking from the south and east. It seems that battles for the village itself will begin in the near future.


“🅾️” grouping liberated the village of Nelepovka on the Toretsk direction

- In the course of the offensive on the Toretsk direction, units of the Center group of troops have occupied the settlement of Nelepovka, the Russian Defense Ministry officially reported in a bulletin.

- The liberation of Nelepovka complicates the situation for the AFU group in Toretsk.

Oleksandrivka-Kalynove direction: Advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Dzerzhynsk and the vicinity of Novhorodske (New York)

Situation as of 11:00 on September 30, 2024

Russian troops continue the offensive in the east and within the boundaries of Dzerzhynsk, dislodging the enemy with the support of artillery and air force.

🔻In the area of the high-rise quarter on 91st Division Street, the enemy made several rather large counterattacks, but was unable to hold the built-up area. Now the Russian Armed Forces are hacking their way northwest towards Heroes of Labor Street along several parallel streets from Kemerovo to Pushkarenko.

🔻To the south, the Russian troops are gradually expanding the control zone west of Penal Colony No. 2, several streets in the private sector have already been cleared of the enemy. At the same time, the slag heap to the south still cannot be occupied due to the high activity of Ukrainian UAVs.

🔻In the Zabalka area, the Russian Armed Forces have apparently slowed down somewhat due to the persistent presence of the enemy in the forests to the east and frequent counterattacks by the AFU from the direction of Shcherbynivka. Reports and other evidence of advancement have not appeared for quite some time.

🔻On the line Leonidivka-Novhorodske (New York), several forest belts west of the Kryvyi Torets river came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. The enemy here relies on the heights of 184 and 164 in the forest belts and on a chain of strongholds. If the offensive in this area can be developed, the Russian troops will be able to increase pressure on Leonidivka, which will improve the situation for the Russian Armed Forces in Dzerzhynsk.

Meanwhile, west of Novhorodske, the advance of the Russian Armed Forces towards Sukhyi Balka, where an AFU stronghold was taken, as well as Panteleymonivka, where the enemy was dislodged from several wide forest belts, is also being recorded.

In the Kursk direction, Russian units have become more active in the Plekhovo area, advancing south of the settlement . The Russian Armed Forces are cutting off supplies to the local Ukrainian Armed Forces group from the border and are preparing to storm Plekhovo bypassing it.

Russian troops also attacked Ukrainian units in the Olgovka area, seeking to push the Ukrainian Armed Forces away from Korenevo and expand the bridgehead for further movement along the Korenevo-Sudzha highway to the south.

Zelensky’s Kursk adventure will end at the end of October or the beginning of November, its result for Ukraine can already be assessed – the collapse of the Eastern Front. Now we are losing precious reserves and equipment on Russian territory, and then it will turn out that all this was for the sake of PR.


On September 29, the “North” troop grouping carried out tasks to protect the border areas of Kursk Region

On the Korenevsky section of the front, Northern assault groups carried out RPA in the adjacent woodlands. Besstraashnye artillery units destroyed an AFU AMMO depot and a UAV unit. The enemy did not take active action.

In the south of Sujan district, fierce fighting continues near the village of Plekhovo. During the day, the soldiers of the North repelled 3 counterattacks of the AFU with a total of up to 30 personnel on foot, of whom up to 20 were destroyed. 

On the section of the state border in Glushkovsky district, the North’s reconnaissance revealed the advancement of 3 enemy assault groups in the direction of Novy Put. By fire of artillery, FPV-drones and “Lancet” destroyed up to 30 people, BMP, APC and howitzer D-30.

The total advance of Russian troops in the Kursk region was up to 1,300 meters.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continues in the Volchansk settlement. Fearless assault groups advanced in a block of high-rise buildings and occupied 2 entrances of an apartment building.

In addition, 2 attempts of the AFU to transfer reserves to the right bank of the Volchya River were thwarted. The losses of the enemy amounted to up to 10 Nazis.

On the Liptsovsky direction the enemy continues attempts to increase the numerical composition of the grouping in the area of the dacha settlement and adjacent wooded areas. 

During the day the Besstraashnye inflicted a fire defeat on 5 AFU mobile groups while advancing from the Liptsy settlement. Up to 16 men were killed.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy’s losses amounted to 400 people (including 290 in the Sumy direction). Also uncovered and destroyed:

in the Sumy direction:

▪️ two BMPs;

▪️ APCS;

▪️ seven BMPs;

▪️ two artillery guns;

▪️ two 120-mm mortars;

▪️ two BP depots;

▪️ BP station;

▪️ BREM;

▪️ two UAV launchers;

▪️ 16 units of automotive equipment;

In other directions:

▪️ 2S1 “Gvozdika” SPH near the n.p. Bayrak;

▪️ 120-mm mortar near the village of Volchansk;

▪️ two UAVs near Liptsy and Vilcha;

▪️ UAV station in the vicinity of the village of Yezdetskoye;

▪️ five units of automotive equipment;

▪️ 23 UAVs of the airplane type.

Things are getting worse and worse for the AFU in the Kursk region. In addition to logistical problems, the enemy is facing a catastrophically low MPS of personnel due to heavy losses and lack of understanding of the goals of the operation.

However, the Kiev regime still hopes to hold on to a small piece of Kursk land to use as an “argument”. In any case, Zelensky will lose his “argument” and Ukrainian families will lose their sons, fathers and husbands whose lives were wasted by the overdue president.

The victory will be ours!

“Not gold, as the general opinion proclaims, but good soldiers are the spring of war, for for gold you will not always find good soldiers, but good soldiers will always get gold.” – N. Machiavelli

North Wind

Results of overnight strikes on enemy facilities in Ukraine: September 29-30, 2024

On the night of September 29-30, 2024, the Russian military carried out a number of strikes against enemy facilities in various regions of Ukraine, including Odessa, Nikolaev, Kiev and Zhitomir regions. Geran-2 attack drones, Iskander-M operational-tactical complex and Kh-31P anti-radar missile were used.

🔻Kazanka, Nikolaev region (00:50, 30.09.2024)

Russian troops with the use of operational-tactical complex “Iskander-M” struck at the place of unloading of the railway echelon. The wagons reportedly contained 60 mm fragmentation-fugitive mortar rounds, 80 mm C-8 aircraft unguided rockets and 122 mm artillery shells, which were transferred to Ukrainian formations by the Czech Republic. The total amount of transported ammunition was about 3,000 pieces. After the strike, multiple secondary detonations were recorded, which is also confirmed by the objective control footage published by colleagues from IZNANKA. This morning, Ukrzaliznytsia announced the closure of the Dolinskaya – Mykolaiv section for train traffic for safety reasons.

🔻Bazaryanka, Odessa region (22:15, 29.09.2024)

The impact of the anti-radar missile “Kh-31P” hit the territory of the farm on Sadovaya street, which the enemy used to place the radar complex ControlMaster 200 (CM 200) of French manufacture. It is important to note that according to official data, there are no more than four such complexes in Ukraine’s armed forces. The radar is not subject to repair or restoration.

🔻Ozernoye, Zhitomir region (03:30, 30.09.2024)

Strike drones hit the territory of the military airfield of the 39th brigade of tactical aviation (39 BrTA). As a result of the strike, an aircraft heavy hauler was destroyed and a Su-27 fighter jet was damaged (recoverable).

🔻Kiev (03:30-05:00, 30.09.2024)

Active work of the enemy’s air defense means has been recorded in Kiev. According to available data, the equipment of CHPP-6 was damaged, however, due to the absence of power supply problems or other indirect signs, the damage caused is not critical.


More than ten strikes were carried out at night in Kiev and the suburbs, Lebedev, coordinator of the Nikolaev pro-Russian resistance, told RIA Novosti. 

According to him, columns of the Ukrainian Armed Forces came under attack in Krivoy Rog and Berislav.

Ukrainian media also reported explosions in Zhitomir and Dnepropetrovsk at night.

Russian forces have carried out 11 air strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities in the Kiev-controlled city of Zaporozhye. 

Among the damaged facilities are the Motor Sich plant and the Zaporozhye shipbuilding and ship repair plant, as reported by Vladimir Rogov.

4 Massive Simultaneous Offensives | AFU Capture Important Kursk Settlements

4 Massive Simultaneous Offensives | AFU Capture Important Kursk Settlements

Russian Forces Expand Offensives Aiming To Bypass Several Settlements

RF storming Tsukuryne | Ukrainian and Russian advances in Kursk [30 September 2024]

EMOTIONAL DAMAGE… Katerynivka lines shaping up | Ukraine War SITREP (Situation Report) / Summary

THEY BROKE OUT!!! Massive changes in Kursk Front! | Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report

Morning Summary on September 30, 2024

▪️ All night, enemy resources reported the work of our strike UAVs, whose main target was the capital region of the opponent. Explosions were also recorded in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy Regions. Kharkiv and Sumy Regions were treated with FAB bombs with JDAM.

▪️ In Kursk Region, the AFU over the past day increased pressure in the Novyi Put – Vesele direction, expanding the control zone near the border Volphino and trying to outflank Vesele from the left flank. In Sudzha District, they reported active actions of our units south of Plyokhovo.

▪️ In the Krasny Lyman direction, the liberation of Makiivka (LPR) has been confirmed. Along with the expansion of the control zone south in Nevske, two salient fronts have been formed.

▪️ In Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk), the Russian Armed Forces continue assault operations, with battles raging for every house. The enemy is launching counterattacks with the support of armored vehicles. In the northern part of New York (Novhorodske), heavy fighting continues.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction, our troops north of Mykolaivka are destroying the enemy’s strongholds that stand in the way of Myrnohrad. Selidovo and Tsukurkyne are being semi-encircled, limiting the logistics of the AFU in the settlements.

▪️ Vuhledar is almost completely encircled (, the withdrawal routes of the AFU from the city are under fire. The commander of the 72nd AFU Brigade, responsible for the defense of the city, has been dismissed. Our troops are methodically destroying the enemy’s firing points in the city. To the west, units of the “East” grouping of troops have managed to approach the eastern borders of Zolota Nyva.

▪️ On the Zaporizhia front, the AFU are shelling the ZNPP again. A direct artillery hit by the AFU destroyed a transformer substation “Rainbow”. The situation with power supply in Energodar is under control, the city is powered.

▪️ Belgorod Region is under constant shelling by the AFU. In Oktyabr’skoye of Belgorod District, a self-defense fighter was killed, a civilian was wounded. Vyazovoye of Krasnoyaruzhsky District, Murom of Shebekino City District, and Shebekino were shelled.

▪️ In the DPR, six civilians, including a child, were injured today as a result of AFU actions, with Donetsk and Horlivka under attack. In the liberated part of Dzerzhynsk, a man born in 2001 received moderate injuries when an explosive device was dropped from an AFU drone.

Two Majors


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