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Why I Hate Winston Churchill

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I hate Winston Churchill.

I don’t say this because I am pro-Hitler or a National Socialist. I’m not.

I have never been interested in actual fascism. I don’t have a fascist bone in my body. I can’t fathom the appeal of wearing a uniform and genuflecting before a Duce or a Führer. Overall, I think Adolf Hitler had a disastrous foreign policy. I also find Nazi racial theories and eugenics to be too extreme. Fascists were vitalists who believed that a good war would “revitalize” their nations.

I hate Winston Churchill because I am a White Anglo-Protestant Southerner. I am more of a Christian isolationist. I dislike warmongers. I dislike liberalism and antiracism. I didn’t have a strong opinion about Winston Churchill and his legacy until the Iraq War. Churchill’s name and legacy was repeatedly invoked by neocons to justify invading Iraq and defeating the “Axis of Evil.” David Frum and Richard Perle wrote a book in 2003 called An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror. It appealed to people with the sort of Marvel comic book mindset who see the world as being divided between “good guys” and “bad guys,” Autobots and Decepticons who make devastating decisions on the basis of “principles.” They do not worry about the fallout or the long term consequences. Hitler is just the ultimate “bad guy” to them.

Before I knew much about him, I began to associate Churchill with warmongers launching global crusades for liberalism and democracy. The ghost of Winston Churchill is still being invoked to justify stupid wars all over the world like in the recent debate among House Republicans over Ukraine aid. Churchill is still inspiring new devastating wars from beyond the grave. Meanwhile, the scarecrow of Hitler is trotted out to justify toppling other “evil doers” like Saddam Hussein or Qaddafi or Slobodan Milosevic or Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump, of course, has also been compared to Hitler by aspiring Churchills.

The real Winston Churchill was a more sympathetic, complicated figure. Far from being a modern ethnomasochist, he supported Keeping Britain White in the 1950s as Third World immigrants began pouring in from the colonies. If anything, Churchill was more racist than most people who read and comment on this website. He was a diehard British imperialist and a proud British nationalist. He was a traditionalist who took great pride in his ancestor John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough. Churchill wrote a four volume series called A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. He was the sort of person who you would think would gravitate toward likeminded people here.

Winston Churchill loved the British Empire. And yet, no one was a bigger contributor to the destruction of the British Empire than Churchill, which he committed to dismantling in the Atlantic Charter. He transformed Britain into an indebted American satellite. Churchill was a nationalist who genuinely loved Britain. And yet, he escalated a war that discredited nationalism and stigmatized racism, which has erased “Anglo-Saxons” at British universities. Churchill was a lover of freedom. And yet, liberalism survived the war in large part because of Churchill, and it has since mutated into Keir Starmer’s Orwellian police state which is more tyrannical than fascism. Muslim rape gangs now roam Britain thanks to Winston Churchill and you can be arrested and incarcerated for posting wrongthink on social media.

Worst of all, Winston Churchill who was half-American rallied the English-speaking peoples to the defense of Britain in its war against Hitler. He succeeded in dragging us into that conflict. Americans were brainwashed by war propaganda into believing that Hitler was a cartoon racist villain. This was a role which Southerners were immediately cast in as the internal villain who were “like Hitler” once Hitler himself was vanquished. We have been on the defense since the Truman administration. The fact that Southerners fought on the Allied side in the war in Europe and the Pacific was quickly forgotten.

I really can’t blame the people who reduce the memory of Churchill to his foolishness, to his stubborn unwillingness to compromise and deescalate, to his dying on principle, win at all costs and damn the consequences attitude. I agree that this is the most significant characteristic. I just do not remember him fondly in light of what his decisions, actions and “victory” have wrought.


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Total 4 comments
  • CA:tch22

    Lord Randolph Churchill had bad fiances so he agreed to marry a “Jewish”/Khzarian woman for money. And out of that “love” Winston Churchill was born. A name stealer.

    • CA:tch22

      The “Big Three” at the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. All name-stealers/ Synagogue of Satan people; how very nice, not!
      Hate; hmm.. takes up too much energy and do you no good, why I do not hate anyone, until I really need to.

      • CA:tch22

        When the stone is set in your eyes, then we call it real hate. Before setting out on revenge…

      • CA:tch22

        Winston Churchill became the perfect goat for the higher ups in this Satanic hierarchy.

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