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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 11 2024

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Russia Slams Zelensky’s “Useless” Peace Summit, Putin “Not Taking” Scholz Calls To Discuss Truce

45SQKM RECAPTURED RUAF Kursk Counteroffensive Stage 2

UKRAINIAN KURSK FRONT COLLAPSING… Massive Russian advance… | Ukraine War SITREP / Summary

Ukrainian Forces Shattered In Kursk

Russian Forces Made Significant Breakthrough In Kursk Oblast

Our source in the OP said that the Presidential Office specifically replaced Zelensky’s peace formula with a victory formula in order to be able to conduct a new tour of Western countries and obtain a weapon for 2025. No one at Bankova has a negative attitude towards the document, it is used as a pretext on the international track, so Andriy Yermak demonstrates his importance for Zelensky and shows his work. All politics in Ukraine has long turned into a simulacrum, when no one is doing real diplomatic work, everything is concentrated around PR on the international track and reports in Western media publications.

Our source reports that European leaders gave Zelensky a “cold reception,” even though they were all publicly hugging, smiling, and patting him on the back.

Many associate this with the fact that Europeans are concerned about Zelensky’s falling rating inside Ukraine, Zelensky’s inability to inspire Ukrainian society to continue fighting. Europeans are also concerned about the growing negativity towards Zelensky inside the Ukrainian army.

Bankova continues to create an image of a “hero” for him through its media tools, but this only irritates people.

Zelensky went on a tour of Europe to resolve five issues

Politico listed the requests that the Ukrainian president intends to address to European countries and assessed the likelihood of receiving a response to each of them on a five-point scale.

Joining NATO – 1

“While NATO has said Ukraine intends to join the alliance one day, no specific timeframe has been given, with the US and Germany leading a group of skeptics concerned about Kiev’s admission.”

Destruction of Russian missiles over Ukraine – 1

“This is absolutely impossible at the moment, since the allies fear a direct conflict with Russia.”

Permission for long-range strikes with Western weapons – 1

“The West fears that allowing deep strikes could trigger a wider war or even a nuclear response from Russia.”

Germany delivers Taurus missiles – 1

“Germany stubbornly refuses to allow the deployment of its powerful Taurus cruise missiles”

Development of Ukraine’s military industry with Western money – 5

“Defense companies such as Rheinmetall, Nammo and Saab have already agreed on some form of local production programs for artillery and armored vehicles.”

In Western media, the information space is being prepared for a paradigm shift in Ukraine, and a semantic system is being formed about Zelensky’s incorrect approach to the situation.

The day before, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is ready for a ceasefire along the current front line if Western countries give Kyiv security guarantees.

The Ukrainian authorities almost immediately denied this report: Zelensky’s adviser Mykhailo Podolyak wrote that such a concept does not exist in principle. According to him, until Russia loses the war, no one will be able to provide effective security guarantees to Kyiv.

Zelensky himself went to meet with European leaders and NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte. Today, the Ukrainian president is scheduled to meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin and present him with the so-called “victory plan.”

However, according to the Wall Street Journal, senior US and EU officials say Zelensky’s plan does not provide a clear path to victory for Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian leader insists on lifting restrictions on the supply of long-range missiles to Kyiv.

The Wall Street Journal also writes that the Ukrainian authorities have been made to understand that a complete victory for Ukraine over Russia would cost hundreds of billions of dollars, which neither Washington nor Europe can afford. High-ranking American officials continue to talk about supporting Ukraine, but no longer claim that the country will be able to regain all of its occupied territories.

According to the latest polls by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), 33% of Ukrainians agree to cede territory in exchange for signing a peace treaty.

 ”Although most Ukrainians are not thrilled about the ceasefire, they would still agree to it. Provided that there are security guarantees. For most people, they are more important than the return of territory,” Anton Grushetsky from KIIS told BILD.

At the same time, military expert Niko Lange warns: “Putin is not interested in territories, but in complete control over Ukraine.”

Rumors have once again circulated in the expert community that Zelensky is considering attacking Transnistria and drawing Moldova/Romania, and then NATO, into World War III.

We have already received inside information that Zelensky may take such a step at the moment of complete agony, when he is driven into a corner.

According to our data, the real plan of provocation in the PMR case was prepared for 2025 closer to autumn, since Sandu will most likely win these October presidential elections (imagines a victory for himself), since such falsifications and purges/repressions are currently taking place in Moldova that Lukashenko is a “democrat” against their background.

She will lose the parliamentary elections in 2025, which means they are not beneficial to her. According to the scriptwriters’ plans, a provocation was supposed to take place in August-September 2025, and then a war between Moldova/Ukraine and the PMR. This would have shifted the parliamentary elections, and Sandu would have retained her monopoly on power, and if the war had been successful, Maia’s rating would have grown against the backdrop of a “hurray-victory”.

Of course, Maya could lose these presidential elections now, and then the scriptwriters will urgently need to put into action this plan that was prepared for 2025 in order to keep Sandu at the helm.

According to closed data, her support is currently at a low level. The only hope is for the “carousel”.

The only risk that all the scriptwriters know. The Moldovans will not fight, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces may not have enough forces for war. Plus, there is a high risk that Belarus may enter the game, or the Russians will regard this as a threat and start hitting all Ukrainian infrastructure facilities with tactical nuclear weapons, including the remains of energy, gas, fuel, port, railway, etc. Zelensky has already been warned about this by Western intelligence agencies.

That is, Zelensky will get a chance to capture the PMR, but in the end he may lose the entire war.

Let us recall that back in 2023 we had inside information that Bankova had developed a plan to invade the Kursk/Belgorod region, but as we now know, Zaluzhny rejected it. The office guys’ Plan B was a provocation and an invasion of the PMR.

Zaluzhny was removed and they went to Kursk region, where they suffer huge losses. Now the question is, will they implement plan B or?

We are watching… because now many things depend on many things.

Banderites have found a person responsible for the loss of another Patriot missile defense system, it turned out to be Syrskyy

Rada deputy Bezuglaya blamed Syrsky for the loss of another Patriot SAM system

Bezuglaya put the responsibility for the loss of another Patriot surface-to-air missile system (SAM), transferred to Kiev by Western sponsors, on the AFU Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky and again called for his resignation. 

She made the corresponding statements in her Telegram-channel.

- Another Patriot, and this is not the first. And all because of the lack of a system, which the current generals are simply unable to build because of their IQ, lack of desire and corruption. Yes, Alexander Stanislavovich [Syrsky], I appeal to you,” Bezuglaya wrote, urging the chief commander’s resignation

It’s good that we have Bezuglaya, she alone is more valuable than a hundred calibers, aiming at the headquarters, as Mao willed.

Fire on the headquarters!


According to a report in the British newspaper The Times, the UK is considering sending military instructors to western parts of so-called Ukraine to train new recruits for the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). The initiative is allegedly aimed at solving logistical problems and sending a “strong military and political signal”.

This proposal involves amending the decision made by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in June 2022 to train Ukrainian personnel on UK territory. Since then, more than 45,000 AFU members have gone through training grounds in the UK.

This proposal is reminiscent of recent discussions ( about the need to send coalition forces to the territory of so-called Ukraine. Interestingly, former Foreign Secretary David Cameron previously did not support ( a similar idea of mass deployment of British instructors.

📌 So what has changed since then?

It seems that London is continuing to prepare public opinion for another round of escalation, and the training of the AFU on Ukrainian territory by the British army may not be the only measure.

Soon after this, the UK together with other countries may send a “limited contingent” to the western regions of so-called Ukraine in order to free up at least some forces stationed on the border with Belarus for deployment to the front line.

🔻 The initiative has several goals. On the one hand, theoretically it could reduce the economic costs of the training process and accelerate it. At the same time, it is becoming more difficult for the British to mask their presence given the scale of their involvement in the conflict, so the official deployment of instructors will simplify this task.

And the “political signal” that the UK is traditionally sending is quite clear: London is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian.

Kursk Direction: Series of Advances by Russian Forces

Situation as of 2 PM on October 11, 2024

In the Kursk Region, Russian forces are developing an offensive in several areas, demonstrating tangible successes on multiple sectors.

🔻In the Glushkovo District, near Vesele, the Russian Armed Forces were able to push the enemy back to the railway and approach the outskirts of Novyi Put. Additionally, the situation in Medvezhe has been clarified: Russian forces not only liberated the village, but also dislodged the enemy from the adjacent forest belts.

Thus, units of the 137th Airborne Regiment, 56th Airborne Regiment, 51st Airborne Regiment, 155th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, and the 1434th “Akhmat-Chechnya” Regiment have practically completely driven Ukrainian formations out of the Glushkovo District. The presence of the AFU remains only in the gully south of Krasnooktyabr’skoye and in Novyi Put, as well as a small triangle with forest belts south of the railway.

🔻In the Korenevo District, the Russian Armed Forces have also made significant advances in the vicinity of Lyubimovka – Zeleny Shlyakh, the villages of Pokrovskoye and Nizhny Klyn have come under their control. At the same time, there are still counter-attacks in Lyubimovka, the enemy is clinging to the settlement, finding themselves semi-encircled on the outskirts and in the village of Tolsty Lug.

▪️Interestingly, in the fields south of Ol’govka and west of Kremyanoye, according to some reports, there are still scattered enemy groups cut off from the main forces. Their further fate will likely be known in the near future.

🔻In the Sudzha District, fighting continues and the Russian Armed Forces are on the offensive. According to our information, the village of Fanaseevka, contrary to recent rumors, remains under the control of the AFU, but in the area of Plekhovo, the Russian forces have significant successes.

Thus, Russian troops are advancing from the direction of Ulanok through the swampy forests near the Psel River and have currently semi-encircled Plekhovo, disrupting the enemy’s supply, outflanking it from the south and north.

▪️In the north, a large forest has come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, and according to preliminary information, the 38N-515 highway section between Plekhovo and Makhnovka has already been cut. To the south, Russian forces have taken several strongholds, including those created by the enemy from scratch.

▪️Further north, in the area of Russkaya Konopelka, fighting continues: there is no full control over the settlement by either side, but the initiative here is with the Russian paratroopers.

To the south, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing along the railway towards Kolmakovo and Agronom, taking control of the 66 km stop. If the pace of advance is maintained, the enemy will either be forced to withdraw from Russkaya Konopelka or simply be “finished off” there.

To the southwest of the railway, there is also an advance of the Russian Armed Forces. The enemy has been driven out of several forest belts to the east of the gas station, which is being fought for, and in the near future, there is a high probability

The Western media reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region fell into a “brutal ambush”

Forbes writes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are stuck south of the village of Veseloye and have lost their most valuable equipment – the CV90, Marder, M-2 and Stryker.

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces fell into a ‘brutal ambush’ there,”

- the article says.

This happened on September 20, the author notes. The Ukrainian Armed Forces were advancing on Western military equipment along the main highway that connects the village of Glushkovo and Veseloye. There they came under attack from the Russian military.

The article also mentions that Kiev is deploying elite brigades and battalions in the Kursk region, but even these units are “experiencing significant difficulties.”

The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces has intensified in the Kursk direction, seeking to take control of the main logistical junctions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces north of Sudzha.

Today, Russian troops launched a new offensive in the main direction of their attack – in the area of ​​Lyubimovka and Malaya Loknya. Russian armored columns attacked in three places: an offensive in Lyubimovka, where they were able to advance very little, an attack on the neighboring hamlet of Zeleny Shlyakh, and in the direction of Malaya Loknya from the area of ​​Novaya Sorochina.

Probably, the goal of the operation is to capture the main logistics junctions in the north, the territories of the Kursk region controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Zeleny Shlyakh and Malaya Loknya. Their capture will disrupt the logistics of the Ukrainian group here, and in the case of a successful movement towards it, it can create several cauldrons for Ukrainian troops. The first in Lyubimovka, which has already emerged after the start of the battles for Zeleny Shlyakh, where the Russian Armed Forces landed. And the second, a large cauldron to the north and northeast, if Russian units are able to capture a number of settlements: on the western flank: Zeleny Shlyakh and Novoivanovka with access to Leonidovka, and on the eastern flank: Starye Sorochiny, Malaya Loknya, Nikolaevka and Viktorovka with access to Leonidovka.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces Command understands this and a number of the settlements listed are quite well fortified, and in addition, additional units have begun to be brought in. In particular, after the attack on Zeleny Shlyakh, Ukrainian units from the Olhivka area began to be withdrawn towards Leonidovka – Novoivanovka.

Our source in the General Staff reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forced to retreat from Lyubimovka to avoid being surrounded, while the northern sector is currently in complete chaos and units are fleeing. The situation in the Kursk region is critical, the enemy has launched a sharp counterattack on the main logistics center of Novoivanovka and Zeleny Shlyakh, which has caused the loss of supply routes for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The commander-in-chief is trying to stabilize the situation by transferring reserves from the Sumy region, but the Russian army outnumbers the Ukrainian Armed Forces by three to four times.

In the West, Zelensky’s Kursk adventure is already clearly being verified as a failure of Ukraine.

German military analyst Julian Röpke wrote on Platform X:

The Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kursk direction did not reach the Seim River, did not reach Glushkovo, did not reach Tetkino, did not reach Korenevo, and certainly did not reach the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. From a spatial point of view, the offensive did not achieve any of its objectives after the initial capture of Sudzha.

Of course, it can be argued that the operation achieved a number of goals unrelated to space. However, the sustainability of the offensive remains in question, especially after Russia retakes most of the lost areas over the next few months.

Due to the failure of the defense in the Kursk region, which had to be extinguished by introducing special forces and a huge amount of equipment into the game, Bankovaya launches an anti-crisis.

Allegedly, the Kremlin has transferred about 50 thousand troops from other directions to the Kursk direction: Commander-in-Chief Syrsky stated.

The commander-in-chief claims that this has weakened Russian groups in other areas, in particular in the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions, as well as in the Kramatorsk section of the front.

Let us explain why experts consider Syrsky’s statements to be lies and an attempt to justify the failure.

The reason is that the Russians continue to advance in the Kharkov direction and will soon be in Kupyansk. The Russians also continue to press on the Donbass front and have almost taken Toretsk.

In the Zaporozhye direction, for the first time in two years, they launched an offensive on Kamenskoye (a settlement in the direction of Zaporozhye).

According to our information, officers and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “slept through” the Russian offensive in the Kursk region.

On October 10, the “North” troop group carried out combat missions to liberate the border areas of the Kursk region

In the vicinity of the village of Lyubimovka, the assault groups of the North with decisive actions broke through the defense of the AFU, liberated 5 settlements and surrounded at least two battalions of the enemy, cutting two important supply and evacuation roads. The enemy is stunned by our offensive and hastily redeploys the 47th Ombr to the Sujan direction. The fighting continues. 

In addition, Besstraashnye repelled 2 counterattacks of the AFU with the forces of up to a platoon supported by 2 tanks and APCs in the area of Cherkasskaya Konopelka. The enemy losses amounted to 15 men and 2 tanks. 

In the Glushkovsky district, soldiers of the North were clearing forest belts near the state border, and an AFU serviceman was captured. As a result of the fire attack, up to 18 enemy personnel, a UAV control point, an EW station and a BMP were destroyed. 

The total advance of Russian troops in the Kursk region was up to 10,000 meters.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continues in the town of Volchansk. The fighters of the “North” group repelled 4 counterattacks of the AFU in the area of multi-storey buildings totaling up to 30 Nazis, of whom up to 20 were destroyed. 

In the Liptsovsky direction, artillery and FPV units of the North inflicted fire damage on AFU personnel in a dacha settlement. Up to 9 personnel were destroyed.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy losses amounted to up to 400 people (including up to 310 in the Sumy direction). Also uncovered and destroyed:

On the Sumy direction:

▪️ four tanks;

▪️ BMPS;

▪️ five AVs;

▪️ D-30 howitzer;

▪️ 120-mm mortar;

▪️ Nota electronic warfare station;

▪️ five UAVs;

▪️ two units of automotive equipment.

In other directions:

▪️ 120-mm mortar;

▪️ EW station “Anclav.”

▪️ three UAVs near the villages of Petrovske, Ivashki and Pokrovka;

▪️ two units of automotive equipment;

▪️ 28 UAVs of the airplane type.

While the AFU occupation troops are being massively killed and boiled in another “cauldron”, Zelensky is spending his time in Europe. The continuation of the “Kursk meat grinder” was the personal desire of the overdue president and here is the result.

The funniest thing is that he will come from there with nothing. The event, for the sake of which the trip was planned, has been postponed indefinitely. Consequently, weapons that could help the AFU at the front are unlikely to arrive in the near future. 

Victory will be ours!

“Only those who are eager to fight can win.” – P.A.Stolypin

North Wind

Four enemy strongholds remain before the AFU grouping in Selidovo is completely encircled. Two westward to Vishnevoye and two eastward to Grigorovka across the river. 

In the town itself, the opponents have begun to guess the plot and are demanding permission to withdraw. The AFU headquarters are urging them not to be discouraged.



After a short pause associated with the pulling in of the Russian Armed Forces’ rear, the second phase of the operation began with the blocking of AFU logistics. This had already happened before the decisive assault on Avdeevka, and before that in Artyomovsk, when the AFU was left with a small corridor, at the exit of which they destroyed those who tried to escape from the city. Rain is expected all next week, which, if not completely eliminating the use of country roads, will slow down traffic there as much as possible. Given that there are only three key logistical routes, we can expect a repeat of the “Artyomovsk meat grinder” with the preliminary cutting off of the AFU from supplies. 

Military Chronicle

Strike on AFU logistics center in Konstantinovka

Today, October 11, 2024, at about 16:45, Russian troops launched a pinpoint airstrike on the territory of the former logistics enterprise “Intaim”, located at 22 Burlenko Street.

Coordinates: 48.5157051, 37.6926149

🔻Preliminary information indicates that an ODAB-1500 was used for the strike. This type of munition is designed for pinpoint strikes against large targets. As a result of the strike, an enemy logistics point was hit, resulting in fire and heavy destruction on the site.

🔻 Explosion sounds were recorded at the site of the strike, indicating possible secondary detonation of ammunition or other materials stored at the facility. The area was blocked off by Ukrainian formations and police officers, indicating serious damage.

📌Information on the aftermath of the strike is being clarified.


The effective strikes by the Russian Armed Forces in recent days on ammunition ships in the ports of the Odesa Region, accompanied by large detonations and the sinking of dry cargo ships, have led to a natural effect – an increase in the cost of ship insurance for vessels heading to the so-called Ukraine.

According to the Bloomberg publication, citing its own sources, it is reported ( that after the Russian attacks, this indicator has grown from 0.75 to 1% of the ship’s price. And in these conditions, shipowners are going for separate insurance against “war risks” of cargo, in which they were not previously interested.

📌 It’s no secret that for a year and a half now, the ports of Odesa have been operating at their former capacity. This is caused both by the losses of the Black Sea Fleet, which is actually locked in its bases due to the threat of USVs and missile strikes, as well as the difficulty of disabling the maritime infrastructure – the ports cannot be destroyed by Geraniums or X-101s.

But the defeat of the ships entering there is indeed capable of affecting the Ukrainian maritime traffic, solving the problem of the impossibility (in the current realities) of blockading the coast and destroying the Odesa ports. At least by making it more costly due to military risks.

Yes, it all comes down to target designation – the effective strikes on dry cargo ships in recent days were carried out thanks to successfully infiltrated Russian UAVs into the enemy rear. But since such an opportunity still exists, it can certainly be used to the maximum.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for October 11, 2024

The Russian forces delivered a missile strike on enemy targets in the Odesa Region and Kramatorsk. Ukrainian formations launched drone strikes towards the Kursk, Bryansk, Belgorod and Rostov Regions.

In the Kursk direction, the Russian forces are developing the successes of the previous days, having virtually completely pushed the enemy out of the Glushkovo District, and also continuing their successful offensive in the Sudzha District.

In the Pokrovsk direction, the Ukrainian troops launched an attack northwest of Novohrodivka, fierce clashes are ongoing on the western outskirts of Selidovo.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces have taken full control over Ostrovskoye west of Ostryi, which opens up the prospect of an offensive on Kurahovka from the south.


Morning Summary on October 11, 2024

▪️ On the Kursk direction, the Russian Armed Forces yesterday conducted decisive offensive actions. The “North” group of forces reports that in the area of the settlement of Lyubimovka, our assault groups broke through the AFU defenses, liberated 5 settlements, and surrounded at least two enemy battalions, cutting off two important supply and evacuation roads. The enemy is stunned by our offensive and is hastily redeploying the 47th Motorized Rifle Brigade to the Sudzha direction. Faced with objective control footage, the enemy’s resources are forced to acknowledge the successes of the Russian Army.

▪️ For the fourth night in a row, the Russian Armed Forces have been striking the port infrastructure of the Odesa Region. One of the impacts was in the Usatovo/Dachne/Kryvyi Balka area.

▪️ In Volchansk on the Kharkiv direction, strikes with FAB bombs and JDAM are being carried out on the flour mill ( in the western part of the city, where the enemy has dug in.

▪️ On the Kupiansk direction, our troops are attacking from the direction of Synkivka towards Petropavlivka.

▪️ In Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk), the Russian Armed Forces are advancing along 51st Army Street in the central part. North of New York (Novhorodske), our units are attacking to a depth of up to 750 meters.

▪️ On the Kurakhovo direction, there are battles in the direction of Ostrovske, near Katerynivka (Yekaterynivka), and in Maksymilianovka.

▪️ Overnight in the Bryansk Region, two Ukrainian UAVs of the aircraft type were destroyed. In the Rostov Region, 4 UAVs were neutralized north of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky using electronic warfare means.

▪️ In the Belgorod Region, Shebekino was under attack. Two civilians were injured, and enterprises and residential buildings were damaged. In the village of Borisovka, a drone attacked a parked car, injuring the driver. The village of Tishanka in the Volokonovsky district was subjected to artillery shelling.

Two Majors


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Total 2 comments
  • Daughter of the Church

    This conflict is a war of religion, and very few know it. Russia has been Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to the heavenly demands at Fatima, on May 13, 1991, in a secret consecration performed by the legitimate Vicar of Christ, His Holiness Pope Gregory XVIII with a dozen authentic bishops representing all the bishops of the world, while the West has been under the spell of Satan since June 29, 1963 during a night ceremony of the enthronement of Lucifer at the Vatican under the yoke of Antipope Paul VI. Those two secret ceremonies are not known by the world and in particular by the main stream clergy. We have therefore a clash between Good and Evil, which two world cannot co-habitate. The Russian populace and Vladimir Putin ignore what happened to them, and so do our leaders of what has been done to us. World war seems inevitable. Look it up and do your own research and, above all, pray faithfully with trust and humility for God’s mercy.

    • Daughter of the Church

      - – - continuation: The view that this feeble voice from the authentique Roman Catholic Church is truly the big picture. Russia has become Holy Russia again, while America and the West has become an evil cynical & monstrous warmongering group of nations in the grip of the Prince of the World Satan. Here are tangible historical proofs:
      ~ On May 13, 1991, Russia was Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The effect was immediate, because a few days later Boris Yeltsin was elected the first President of the Russian Federation. The former USSR which dismembering was manufactured by the Judeo-Massonic powers had become a giant chaos ran by mafias. From the Consecration, in a supernatural way, Russia rejected Communism and returned gradually to Christianity. Russia is blessed by God.
      ~ On the night of June 29, 1963, Lucifer was enthroned at the Vatican, which is the spiritual center of the world. The Sexual Revolution became a furors which destroyed the morality and all senses of decency; the same year, came the assassination of two Catholic leader: President Diem of Vietnam and JFK. The wars of US hegemony and the color revolutions made a chaos and the religions of the strange gods became elevated.

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