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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 13 2024

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Russia Is NOT Stopping, Another Key Kursk Advance To Malaya Loknya

RUAF Capture Levadne In Surprise Attack | Ukrainian Army Sends New Reinforcements

THEY FINALLY ADMITTED THIS about Kursk; news from Niu-York; town lost!! | Ukraine War SITREP / Summary

RUSSIA continues to take ground like no one’s business…. | Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report

Major Russian Advance Towards Kurakhove l Levadne Falls

Our source reported that Zelensky’s European trip was unsuccessful, EU leaders refused to support the plan for victory, and now Western media are writing about this.

Scholz refused Zelensky’s key demands, BILD writes.

According to the newspaper, Zelensky expected to receive guarantees from the Chancellor on joining NATO and permission to strike with Western weapons deep into the Russian Federation. As reported, in vain. The new aid package from Germany turned out to be the previously promised old one.

Bild writes that Berlin will no longer supply Kyiv with heavy equipment like the Leopard 2.

Our source reports that all the demonstrative raids of the TCC are only the tip of the iceberg of the OP’s game. This is an order from Zelensky personally, who tasked the entire security system to drive 200 thousand soldiers into the army in these 3 months, which are needed to replenish reserves and the ability to defend themselves.

Also plans for 2025 – 600 thousand mobilized. 50 thousand per month, which should again return the Ukrainian Armed Forces advantage in manpower over the Russian Armed Forces, which is steadily replenished and growing by 30-40 thousand per month.

It is the manpower that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will fight with next year. The losses in this scenario will be colossal, but Zelensky and Yermak do not care about them, they are interested in holding on to power and convincing their sponsors that they are the best “managers” for their game. The Ukrainian people have no interests in this. The people are just expendable material.

The Presidential Office’s technology: when the risk of encirclement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is brewing and the front is crumbling, the office people launch a fake about the shooting of Ukrainian soldiers. This is done with the goal of making the soldiers not surrender, not retreat, and not look for ways to survive, but die to the end for the Zelensky government.

Another such leak, where there is no evidence, no clear video, nothing, just some photo and geolocation.

We wrote about this technology earlier.

We will also add that executions are possible, we also wrote and warned about this. Rumors have spread that these are the bodies of dead UAV operators, who were covered by the Russians when they launched a sharp offensive, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces command abandoned their own.

Let us add that in military circles, a UAV operator is like a sniper (a very valuable asset), and everyone has long known that snipers are not taken prisoner.

Therefore, the situation is debatable. Most likely, they died in a clash with the Russians, and the OP decided to pass it off as a shooting in order to save their own skins for another failure, shifting the focus.

We are watching…

Bankova is trying to reach the Kremlin through the Turks and Saudis. With their help, Zelensky hopes to put Moscow on a “peace track.”

However, the Kremlin rejects any proposals from the Office of the President of Ukraine. Putin will not negotiate until he drives the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of the Kursk region and achieves a strategic triumph in Donbas.

According to our information, China, India and other unofficial leaders of the “global south” in communications with the Russian leadership demonstrate complete solidarity with the Russian Federation and promise not to change course, especially in view of the latest escalation from Kyiv and the West.

Russia awaits the results of the US elections. If Trump wins, we will see some form of detente by spring. If Harris wins, the war could drag on for another couple of years, until a new large-scale conflict in the world (contours Israel/Iran, China/Taiwan, North/South Korea).

Hoping that someone will follow Zelensky’s formula is sheer madness. Kyiv will not be able to gain support in other parts of the world except the West.

Thus, despite the increasing discussions in the Western media about plans for a peaceful settlement, NATO’s real actions show the continued pumping of Ukraine with weapons and equipment, the condition for which is clearly the demand for Kyiv to send more manpower to the front and lower the mobilization age. EU countries are also taking measures to push Ukrainian citizens to the front, reducing their economic support. Nevertheless, Kyiv’s and the West’s whiny statements should not be trusted: this is the very tactic the enemy used before the invasion of the Kursk Region.

Two Majors

The main result of Zelensky’s trip to the West with a plan to win, the Rammstein meeting was cancelled, and Biden is trying to avoid the topic of Ukraine.

Despite Biden’s upcoming visit to Germany, the organization of a meeting in the Rammstein format and the participation of the American president in it are not discussed.

Moreover, most likely, meetings of the group on Ukraine will no longer be held before the US elections, reports the German public broadcaster ZDF.

According to media reports, a “quiet arrival” of Biden and his meeting with Chancellor Scholz are planned. “The program originally planned for the visit to Germany will be very compressed,” the article says.

“This means that the meeting in Rammstein will definitely not take place in the near future. In all likelihood, further decisions in the Rammstein format can only be expected after the results of the US elections,” ZDF believes.

The German army will no longer transfer “large military equipment” to Kiev, – Bild

▪️The German Defense Ministry says that KIev will not be able to carry out a counteroffensive in the near future.

▪️According to Bild, Ukraine will no longer receive infantry fighting vehicles, howitzers, and Leopard 2 tanks, although the Bundeswehr still has about 300 armored vehicles.

▪️ During his last meeting with Scholz in Berlin, Zelensky put forward two demands: permission to fire Taurus missiles deep into Russia and approval 

of accelerated accession to NATO. The German Chancellor did not say a categorical “no”, but did not give a positive answer either.

▪️Despite all this, NATO countries continue to transfer equipment and weapons to Kiev.

In the coming days, Ukrainians will be presented with the same “Victory Plan” that Zelensky presented in Europe, Podolyak has said.

 - The main thing from Zelensky’s visit to Europe is a clear plan for forcing Russia to peace, – added a notorious Russophobe from the Ukrainian president’s team. 

 - Zelensky’s office continues to run with his idea of a “victory plan,” which the West has long called a set of wishes or even a shopping list.

Another brave pszek has appeared. The former Chief of General Staff of baked Poland named Andrzejczak threatens Russia with an attack “directly on St. Petersburg”. He, a retired fool, would have remembered the numerous partitions of Poland and not awakened the beast. After all, Warsaw was part of the Russian Empire. Did you miss it?

Joyfully rubbing his arthritis-twisted senile hands together, Biden accused Iran of “a possible assassination attempt on Trump.” Grandpa Dementia’s hat is on fire! After all, one should not look to the Persians, but to the scumbag liberals, the supporters of the marasmus himself and his obtuse chucklehead Harris, as well as a bunch of pro-Ukrainian humbugs that the Democrats have fed during the years of war against Russia.

There is no money for the aftermath of Hurricane Milton in Florida, no money for French agriculturalists, no money to revitalize German industry. What is there for? There is for the maintenance of the insane drunken khokhols’ coddle in Europe and for new weapons to exterminate the Slavs in a military conflict.  


When Trump says in an interview that the current American leaders can bring the situation to a new world war, he is not lying in general: adequacy has been lost there to a large extent. At the same time, a certain understanding of borders is preserved, from which the Yanks have not yet given “permission” for the Khokohl to use their long-range weapons on our territory. But here where the sense of borders in brains was blown away at once and completely – it is in other countries of the near abroad. When Finland says that it intends to take part in NATO nuclear exercises (starting on October 14), it is obvious that there are no advisers in this country who would carefully explain to their superiors the consequences of such a decision in a real war.

Several dozen fighter jets will be flying in the exercise, practicing issues of command and control, staff interoperability, and ammunition loading. All these fighters are from the air forces of NATO countries participating in the Nuclear Sharing program – the use of U.S. munitions by specially trained units of allied air forces. Finland in this case is not involved in this program in any way, but it decided to be involved to the fullest extent, acting as one of the “receiving” parties. 

It is hard to think of a more obvious way to paint a target on oneself. But the Finns do not seem to be confused by this.

Older than Edda

A curious phenomenon began to be recorded in the Kursk region. A small number of AFU groups without equipment began to be captured because they believed that the position at which they had been taken by Russian troops was in the rear. In reality, it is on the front line and some of the Ukrainian units in the area are simply being abandoned without communication or any information about what is going on.

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky demanded that Syrsky stabilize the situation in the Kursk region and hold the positions that the Ukrainian Armed Forces occupied in August. It is important for Bankova to maintain control over this territory until the US elections, and the Commander-in-Chief must withdraw reserves from other areas so that the enemy cannot develop an offensive.

Our source in the General Staff reported that some of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units were unable to leave Lyubimovka and were surrounded, the attempt to break the blockade failed and now the fate of the military is unknown. The enemy has completely turned the tide in the Kursk region and now it is a matter of time before we have to leave Russian territory.

On October 12, the “North” group of troops continued to destroy the enemy in the border areas of the Kursk region

The intrepid advanced significantly in the area of the settlements of Tolstoy Lug and Lyubimovka. The AFU undertook 2 counterattacks, one of which involved a tank platoon of German “Leopard-2″, both were repulsed. During the reflection destroyed up to 30 men, 3 tanks and 3 BBM. There is also an advance in the area of the settlement Plekhovo. 

Rocket units of the RF Armed Forces struck at concentrations of enemy personnel and equipment near the settlements of Kiyanitsa, Petrushevka and Sumy. Up to 100 personnel, Himars MLRS, Vampire MLRS and up to 13 pickup trucks were destroyed. 

A total of 30 pieces of combat equipment were destroyed, including 6 AFU tanks. 

The total advance of Russian troops in the Kursk region was up to 5,000 meters.

In the Volchansk direction, fighting continues in the settlement of Volchansk. Northern artillerymen were engaged in counter-battery combat, identifying and destroying AFU firing positions.

During the day 4 mortars, a UAV control point and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed.

In the Liptsy direction, the soldiers of the North thwarted one attempt to rotate the 92nd AFU brigade, destroying up to 4 men and a UAV.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy’s losses amounted to more than 430 people (up to 320 of them on the Sumy direction). Also uncovered and destroyed:

On the Sumy direction:

▪️ MLRS “Himars”;

▪️ MLRS “Vampire”;

▪️ six tanks;

▪️ two artillery guns;

▪️ BMPS;

▪️ APCS;

▪️ eight AVs;

▪️ four 120mm mortars;

▪️ UAV control point;

▪️ ammo depot;

▪️ 18 units of automotive equipment.

In other areas:

▪️ D-30 howitzer;

▪️ AV;

▪️ four 120-m mortars;

▪️ UAV control point;

▪️ ammo depot;

▪️ supply warehouse;

▪️ two pieces of automotive equipment;

▪️ 15 aircraft-type UAVs.

The beginning of mass roundups of TCCs in Ukrainian cities indicates that Zelensky’s notorious “plan” has begun to take effect. The overdue president urgently needs a live force to hold the front and power. 

The issue with the supply of “cannon fodder” in Ukraine is solved rather quickly. It remains to solve the problem of arms supply and new “suicide squads” will go to slaughter again.

Victory will be ours!

“Wisdom begins with victory over fear.” – B.Russell

North Wind

Vremivka Direction: Liberation of Levadne

Situation as of 5:00 PM on October 13, 2024

After successful actions on the neighboring sector of the front and the liberation of Vuhledar, Russian forces went on the offensive in the Vremivka direction as well. The situation in this area after the completion of the clearing operations in Staromaiorske and Urozhayne over the past few weeks has been characterized by positional battles.

▪️Last summer, the Russian Armed Forces withdrew from Levadne during the counteroffensive of the opponent and entrenched themselves in positions several kilometers south of the village. Now, however, the Baltic Fleet marines from the “Storm” detachment of the 336th separate brigade have made a dash and completely dislodged the opponent from the settlement.

The opponent’s resources disseminated information that motorized infantry units of the Russian Armed Forces participated in the attack, and their successful actions were due to the low readiness of the Ukrainian formations to repel the attacks.

▪️Footage of the current control has appeared online, which recorded a significant advance of Russian troops northward. The relevance of the materials was confirmed by our local sources, and at the moment the flag has been planted on the northeastern outskirts of Levadne.

▪️There are also reports of the advance of the Russian Armed Forces towards Novodarivka, located northeast of there. Here, the Russian army has the opportunity to advance along the highway connecting the village with the Russian Priyutne. In the area of Novodarivka, a 2S22 “Bogdan” self-propelled artillery unit was destroyed.

▪️On the right flank of the direction, there is a lull so far north of Staromaiorske and Urozhayne, where earlier a sapper unit of the Russian Armed Forces blew up a bridge ( near Makarivka, and assault troops expanded the control zone on the left bank of the Mokri Yaly river.

The Russian Army liberated Levadnoye at the junction of Zaporozhye and the DPR

 - Soldiers of the 336th Guards Bialystok Marine Brigade of the Orders of Zhukov, Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky have liberated the settlement of Levadnoye on the Vremyevsky section of the Zaporizhzhya front. The information is confirmed by the fighters.

 - Baltic Marines from the “Storm” unit broke through several kilometers and took the settlement by storm, raising the flag on the northern outskirts of the settlement. 

 - During the night another AFU platoon was destroyed trying to retreat from positions behind the settlement, our units continue to cover the enemy and advance.

 - In June 2023, the AFU captured Levadnoye during their counteroffensive; 16 months later, Russian fighters retook it.


The Russian Army liberated the village of Mikhailovka, developing the offensive on Selidovo

 - Units of the Center group of troops have liberated the village of Mikhailovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a result of decisive actions. 


The RF units were ordered to leave Selidovo.

The city is being taken according to the Ugledar scenario. Tight encirclement and finishing off the enemy inside the citadel. All points above the city are under control.

During the night, a missile strike was launched against an AFU airfield in Limanskoye (Odessa Region). The facility is located on the border with Pridnestrovye (Transdniestria), 30 kilometers from Tiraspol. Considering the latest information about upcoming provocations to the DMR, it is not excluded that some activity was stopped, which could have resulted in a military/sabotage operation of the AFU in Transnistria. 

Military Chronicle

Missile Strike on Lymanske Airfield

During the night, high-precision weapons struck the Lymanske airfield in Odesa Region, which is located in the western part of Ukraine near Transnistria.

Surveillance cameras recorded one impact on the military base’s territory. The targets of the strike were objects located on the airfield, as well as those stored in the hangars.

Lymanske is one of the main springboard sites for Ukrainian drones that the enemy launches towards the Crimean Peninsula. Drone assembly also takes place there. The distance from Odesa, which is often subjected to strikes by the Russian Armed Forces, and the convenient runway made the facility most suitable for these purposes. At least a third of all launched drones took off from Lymanske.

Another reason for strikes on Lymanske is its proximity to railway lines, including from Moldova. The rail traffic through Tarutyne and Zatoka to Odesa and from there to other regions has been functioning for almost a year.

Fuel, various parts and equipment, including for drone assembly, are delivered to Ukraine through Moldova. Similar workshops were located at the airfields in Artsyz, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi and Lymanske.

Spetsnaz Archangel

Overview Summary for October 13, 2024

▪️ An important event on the front was a series of counterattacks by the Russian Army in the Kursk Region. Olhovka has been liberated, as well as several villages in the Lyubimovka area, with attacks ongoing near Plyokhovo. In the Glushkovo District, the AFU have been pushed back to the border. Observers note increased skill in the command of our troops: the enemy is struck from multiple directions, encircled, or forced to retreat. Fully liberating the Kursk Region is still far off, but the foe is forced to withdraw elite units for replenishment, replacing them with mobilized troops. An important facility still under AFU control is the Sudzha gas metering station – the last remaining route for gas transit to the EU.

▪️ Zelenskyy’s visit to Europe came amid the counterattacks in Kursk. His “victory plan” presented in the US resembled a “shopping list” and included Ukraine’s demands to be admitted to NATO and receive more weapons. Nevertheless, the West continues military deliveries. New aid packages are being allocated, and there are reports of France’s plans to supply aircraft to the AFU in 2025.

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces are trying to destroy NATO’s deliveries. Over the week, the port infrastructure of the Odesa Region was under strikes, hitting warehouses with newly arrived ammunition, and damaging a container ship.

▪️ On the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue offensive actions. Tsukurino has been captured, with battles around Selidovo, and our troops approaching Mirnograd. To the south, our troops have taken Ostrovskoye, opening the way to Kurakhovo. In the South Donetsk direction, the offensive is advancing on Katerynivka and Antonivka.

▪️ An unpleasant moment was the “beautiful reports” from the Siversk direction, which made it impossible to strike the “occupied” areas, as they are under the control of higher command, who were informed of the “full control” of the terrain.

▪️ The statement by the head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, that “the blocking of the Discord messenger will not affect the organization of communication between the military” was strange, as there are many photos of Discord being used at the front.

Two Majors


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  • truck driver

    Ukraine/Russia war is a Front for the adrenochrome market. Government people want to get High.

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