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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 15 2024

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New Russian Offensive Aims To Collapse Southern Donetsk

Encirclement Of Ukrainian Forces l Ukrainian Kursk Disaster Continues l New Russian Offensive Begins

Kursk, Pishchane, Bakhmut, Pokrovsk, Kurakhove, Pryyutne… | Ukraine War SITREP / Summary

Russian Marines Ambushed and Destroyed Eight U.S. Army RANGERS Along With The ‘STRYKER’ ICV In KURSK

North Korea to send soldiers in Ukraine | Difficult situation in Kursk [15 October 2024]

Battlefield Ukraine To Battlefield Korea

Our source in the OP said that the West is deliberately holding up the already allocated financial aid, which amounts to 14 billion dollars, of which 5.5 billion are grants. This is why Bankova is raising taxes in order to continue the war regardless of Western financing and not to comply with the demands of the allies to end the conflict along the contact line.

The US has officially warned Zelensky that the conflict in Ukraine will be financed and supplied on a residual basis, and the EU will be the main “responsible party”. Therefore, Ukraine is now beginning to revise its strategic military planning in the direction of reducing operations.

Major Western events on the issue of support for Ukraine are cancelled: the second “peace” summit and the meeting in the “Ramstein” format have been postponed indefinitely. According to experts, the reason for the failure of both summits is the US attempts to shift the burden of financial and military responsibility for Ukraine onto Europe, while gradually distancing itself from the conflict. However, other opinions are also expressed. According to a number of experts, another reason for the cancellation of the events is Washington’s unwillingness to continue financing Ukraine in the previous volumes. According to a study by the Kiel Institute for World Economy, in 2024 there was a record drop in US spending on supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thus, from January to March, Washington transferred only 300 million euros to its allies, although in 2023 this amount was 12 billion for the same period. Against this background, the EU’s share in financing the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increased significantly, which allows analysts to conclude that the US is trying to place even more responsibility for Ukraine on its European partners.

The US is indeed sharply reducing the volume of financial aid to Ukraine. In the first half of 2024 alone, the amount of funds allocated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine decreased by 65% ​​compared to similar indicators for the two previous years of the conflict. The overall decline in indicators can be called significant. Moreover, this process is typical for the entire Western camp. The European Union is also “cutting” spending on Ukraine. If in 2023 the total number of tranches increased by about a third, then for the current year the level of support has decreased by more than 10%.

In a country where the president has lost legitimacy and the Constitution is a screen, you can violate everything, but the main thing is there must be a reason.

“I know for sure that the “historical” tax increase “retroactively” is a correct violation of the Constitution. But this should not be done,” – MP Getmantsev

“If there is no money for the army, then where to get it? It must be taken from the people , distributing this tax equally among everyone. It seems to me that any discussions on this topic that we have heard in the parliament hall, on social networks or from pseudo-experts about the fact that taxes should not be raised – discredit us as a country .”

Our source in the General Staff reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not currently have the 14 new brigades that the President announced in the summer; at the moment, all brigades are understaffed and need to be replenished. Syrsky constantly demands that the Presidential Office lower the mobilization age in order to staff the assault brigades with young people.

Ukraine is a country without a future or how a protracted war is washing the young generation out of the country.

300 thousand children left Ukraine on the eve of the school year, – MP Yuzhanina.

Our source reported that parents are deliberately taking their children out of the country, especially teenagers aged 15-16.

There are more cases of forced mobilization by military registration and enlistment offices and the police on the Internet. They set up checkpoints anywhere, detain citizens on the streets, and then forcibly take them away to process documents and send them to the front.

“The contract with the Ukrainian Armed Forces should say: go and die in 3 weeks” – Ukrainian battalion commander speaks the truth

One of the battalion commanders of the Ukrainian Armed Forces laid all his cards on the table: in an interview with Ukrainian media, he admitted that by signing a contract with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, you are also signing a death sentence.

Accordong to him, mobilized Ukrainians are not ready to die for an expired president, a criminal government and the commanders who sent them to be butchered.

“That’s true, that’s why no one wants to go there, and I understand the swindlers,”

- he concluded.

What happens next?

Ukraine’s stratregy since February of ‘22 has always been to bring NATO forces directly into the fray. 

This has see-sawed from, “We have punctured Russia, join us now!” To Hitleresque ramblings about, “We are the bulwark between Europe and Asiatic Russian hordes.”

Between these back and forths Ukraine’s primary approach has been terroristic provocational gambits which Russia has time and time again rejected.

So where are we now?

Russia has integrated active reserves across the entire line and dug in.

Ukraine in the meanwhile is thin on resrves and is beginning to exponentially crumble across that same line, while their hasty fortifications around Pokrovsk seem to be doing them more harm than good.

At the same time, mainstream media across the west is beginning to drip-feed the saline conditioning to its viewers that Ukraine is lost.

As the final countdown begins, I think three things are likely.

1. Russia has positioned sufficient reserves to conduct the famed, “big arrow offensives” everyone has been waiting for.

2. Ukraine has its logistics choked off in a noose by these groupings and has no reserves left to shunt around.

3. Ukraine’s last and only hope is now the illusion of NATO standing by on its doorstep.

I can only conclude that things are about to get right stupid, so prepare for shenanigans and keep a close eye on the Dnieper cascade.

It looks like the Nazis and Zelensky have a new plan: Next year may become the year of counteroffensive of the Ukrainian armed forces and the year of Ukraine’s victory – Dikiy

- “But for this Ukraine needs (mass) mobilization, because if the situation is as it is now, what kind of counter-offensive can we talk about? We with our reserves could not hold Ugledar,” said a neo-Nazi from the AFU.

- Recall that for several days now, Zelensky’s regime has begun a mass capture of men in all places of mass gathering.

Borrell doubts on the idea of ​​military coercion of Russia into negotiations

“There is a strategic logic in strengthening Ukraine politically and militarily to force Putin to the negotiating table, but I must admit that this looks like a very distant prospect,”

- the head of European diplomacy said.

Kursk Direction: Battles in Sudzha District and Destruction of HIMARS MLRS in Sumy Region

Situation as of the end of October 15, 2024

In the Kursk Direction, Russian forces are gradually advancing on several key sectors of the front. Parallel to this, work is underway to reduce the industrial potential of the AFU.

🔻In the Glushkovo District, there are battles on the northern outskirts of Novy Put. Confirmation of the liberation of the village has not yet appeared.

🔻In the Korenevo District, Russian forces are fighting in the area of Lyubimovka and Tolsty Lug. At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to cling to positions east of both settlements, trying to prevent the complete encirclement of their units.

To the north, the AFU launched an attack on Olgovka with the support of an armored group. Russian units repelled the assault, the enemy did not achieve success.

❗️The network has footage showing the turret of a destroyed Challenger 2 tank in the area of Sheptukhovka. Despite claims that the photo is evidence of the destruction of a second tank of this type in the Kursk region, a comparison of the photo with earlier footage of the “other” destroyed tank of this model suggests that the footage shows the same vehicle.

🔻In the Sudzha District, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing on Russkoye Porechnoye from the north, gradually pushing through the AFU defense in the area of Nechaevo and Nizhneye Parovoye. Clearing the forest belts in this area will allow Russian troops to create a bridgehead for further development of the offensive on Russkoye and Cherkasskoye Porechnoye.

▪️To the south, assault groups are advancing towards Agronom and Kolmakov, forming a semi-encirclement around enemy units in Russkaya Konopelka and Fanaseevka. In the area of Plekhovo, no changes in the configuration of the front line have been detected.

🔻In the Sumy Region, according to some reports, the Russian Armed Forces struck and destroyed HIMARS MLRS in Koshary with a missile strike. It is worth noting that this is not the first launcher destroyed in this area, which may indicate that the enemy has created infrastructure here for servicing these systems.


Kursk Direction: Effective Use of “Inokhodets” and Battles in Sudzha District

Situation as of the end of October 14, 2024

In the Kursk Direction, fighting continues along the entire line of contact.

▪️In the area of Novy Put in Glushkovo District near the state border, another American-made Stryker APC was hit by a drone strike on the fiber-optic cable.

▪️In Korenevo District, there are battles in the area of Lyubimovka, and in Sudzha District there are clashes near the neighboring Tolsty Lug and Novoivanovka. According to preliminary information, the latter settlements have already been liberated by the Russian Armed Forces. At the same time, another effective strike ( with guided weapons from the UAV “Inokhodets” was recorded in Goncharovka.

▪️In Sumy Region, the Russian Aerospace Forces continue to strike targets in Sumy, as well as energy facilities in the region.


On October 14, the “North” troop group carried out combat missions in the border areas of Kursk region

The soldiers of the North continue to squeeze the AFU out of the populated areas of the Kursk border region with heavy fighting; there are significant advances in the area of the village of Lyubimovka and adjacent forest areas.

In the area of Nizhny Klin, Zelenyi Shlyakh and Tolsty Lug the Northeners repulsed 4 enemy counterattacks. In the course of the fighting up to 50 men out of 150 who took part in the attacks, as well as well as a tank, APC and AV were destroyed. The fighting continues.

The total advance of Russian troops in the Kursk region was up to 2,600 meters.

In the Volchansk direction, fighting continues in the settlement of Volchansk. Fearless assault groups advanced in the area of high-rise buildings, repelling 2 counterattacks of the AFU. Up to 11 Nazis were killed.

On the Liptsovsky direction, the Northmen’s reconnaissance uncovered two attempts by AFU groups to advance from the Liptsy settlement towards the dacha village. Fire damage was inflicted, up to 10 men and 2 pickup trucks were destroyed.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy losses amounted to 250 people (including up to 190 in the Sumy direction). Also uncovered and destroyed:

On the Sumy direction:

▪️ tank;

▪️ D-44 gun;

▪️ two APC;

▪️ AVS;

▪️ BM-21 “Grad” MLRS;

▪️ two 120 mm mortar;

▪️ ammo warehouse;

▪️ two units of automotive equipment.

In other directions:

▪️ 120-mm mortar near the n.p. Volchansk;

▪️ ammo point ;

▪️ UAV control point;

▪️ two units of automotive equipment;

▪️ four airplane-type UAVs.

The fearless continue their systematic destruction of the enemy in the Kursk border area. Huge losses are being suffered by the 501 battalion of the 36th Ordnance Battalion, some of whose units have been withdrawn for replenishment.

But this is not all the troubles of the AFU. There are cases of mass escape of entire units similar to those in Ugledar. Commanders on the ground have been ordered to shoot those retreating on the spot.

Victory will be ours!

“A courageous and organized army is the reliable soul of war and the safe fence of the Powers.” – Niccolo Machiavelli.

North Wind 

Mandatory evacuation from Kupyansk announced, – head of Kharkov regional administration Sinegubov

According to him, it is impossible to provide the population with heating, electricity, and humanitarian aid. The situation is too difficult. Apparently, the city will soon be under attack.

In Nikolaev there was a very strong attack at night. According to preliminary information, at least 5 rockets.

The objects were a hotel (where Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers of all ages were accommodated) and the Nikolaev armored plant. The head of the local OVA confirmed the information on his channel, but forgot to post a photo from the plant. Therefore, thanks to NASA satellites, we can see for ourselves how badly everything is burning at the plant, and that the landing was exactly on site.

Ukrainian formations have again attacked civilian infrastructure in the Belgorod Region. In the area of the village of Oktyabr’skiy, a Ukrainian UAV crashed into a scheduled bus, severely damaging the vehicle.

The attack occurred on one of the roads leading to the settlement. As a result of the UAV hitting the vehicle, eight civilians were injured, including four minors. The injured were hospitalized, all with mine-explosive and shrapnel wounds.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for October 15, 2024

Russian forces carried out missile strikes on the Mykolaiv Armored Plant in Mykolaiv and an air defense position area in Odesa Region.

In the Slobozhansky direction, clashes continue in the area of Zhuravlivka, where Ukrainian formations are attempting to consolidate south of the village.

In the Kupiansk direction, Russian forces broke through the AFU defense and entrenched on the eastern outskirts of Kruhlakivka, approaching the Oskil River.

In the South Donetsk direction, Russian forces made significant advances west of Vodyane and dislodged the enemy from positions south of Zolota Nyva.


 Morning Summary on October 15, 2024

▪️ In Kursk Region, the Russian Armed Forces continue attacks in the Lyubimovka area. They report disruption of communications and supply routes between enemy units, leading to their disorientation and lack of understanding of the current line of contact in some areas. There are reports of successes of our troops near Cherkaska Konopelka.

▪️ North of Chasiv Yar, our troops captured an enemy stronghold after fierce fighting. On the southern flank, the Russian Armed Forces advanced up to 900 meters along the T0504 (N-32) highway near the canal “Seversky Donets-Donbass” bridge.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction – battles near Mykolaivka towards Myrnograd. South of Selidovo, there are attempts to encircle the city.

▪️ North of Vuhledar, our troops occupied an area up to 3.5 km wide and 800 meters deep. There is an advance near Zolota Nyva (

▪️ On the Zaporizhzhia front, the Russian Army, after an unexpected push towards Levadne, is expanding its control zone northward and eastward.

▪️ In Belgorod Region, a cargo truck was attacked by a Ukrainian UAV near the village of Tserkovny, injuring the driver. The village of Krasny Oktyabr was shelled. There, the AFU used a drone to scatter “petal” mines, causing a civilian car to detonate one.

▪️ In the DPR, in the Holmovsky settlement of Horlivka, two boys born in 2011 and 2019 received thermal burns due to careless handling of an explosive object. Three civilian infrastructure objects in the Nikitovsky district of Horlivka (a school, a store, and a market) were damaged.

Two Majors


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