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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 18 2024

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Zelensky Gets Instant Reality Check From Western Reporter In EU: ‘Victory Plan Already Rejected’

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The plan for victory promoted by Zelensky has finally failed 

Zelensky is completely disappointed.

According to the source, the partners supported only the continuation of financing the Ukrainian crisis. But the nuance is that the financing of the war in 2025 will be even less than in 2024. And also under a huge risk of failure.

It turns out that this is supposedly a victory, but in reality it is a betrayal. There are more problems in Ukraine and the country needs money even more.

As Zelensky was told, every 4 months the partners will review the “plans” for financing and support. If it is profitable for them, they will increase the credit line, and if not, they will close even the existing ones.

In short, they put Zelensky on a chain so that he would become more tame.

Zelensky’s “Victory Plan” Will Lead to His Defeat – Orban

The Hungarian Prime Minister added that his country is not involved.

“Part of the plan is to involve NATO countries more actively in the conflict,”

 - Orban said.

He also mentioned that Western intelligence agencies are trying to find out whether Ukraine can really create nuclear weapons.

Our source in the OP said that Andriy Yermak specifically designed the victory plan so that partners could not implement it, which will allow the Presidential Office to shift responsibility for the situation at the front and in the country to Western partners. Bankova understood well that the clause on NATO makes the document marginal, but allows Zelensky to negotiate for the remaining drafts, which will allow the authorities to manipulate public opinion.

Colleagues, everyone at Bankova understands perfectly well that the plan is fiction and is needed for Zelensky’s PR so that we can receive funding and continue the war of attrition. No one in the West feels sorry for the Ukrainians, they financed Afghanistan dozens of times better and sent their contingent there, but when it was necessary to leak the track, they threw everything to the Taliban.

In the West, Zelensky’s plan for victory is considered a provocation, but they cannot say this openly, so they are leaking it as best they can.


Zelensky, with his recently presented “plan”, is trying to formalize NATO’s involvement in the conflict – Dmitry Peskov 

“The main background of the “plan” is that Zelensky wants to formalize NATO’s direct involvement in the conflict around Ukraine. This is the essence of what was, at least, outlined,”

 - the Russian president’s press secretary noted.

Peskov emphasized that with his “plan,” Zelensky is making a peculiar statement that “like, yes, guys from the Alliance, you took part in the conflict before, but kind of unofficially, and now let’s make it official.”

“Judging by NATO’s reaction, even the West itself is not delighted with Zelensky’s ‘plan’,”

 - Peskov added.

Our source in the OP said that no one offered Zelensky a format of exchanging territories for NATO membership, and all publications in Western media do not correspond to reality. That is why Zelensky’s victory plan appeared as a format of bargaining with the West on military and financial assistance, and not a dialogue on joining the Alliance.

The President’s Office has long assured Ukrainians of the successful negotiations between Zelensky and Trump in the United States, but now the question arises as to how adequately the processes are perceived at Bankova.

It is difficult to imagine how Ukraine will be forced to make peace if Trump becomes the next US president.


Our source in the General Staff said that the main problem for the Ukrainian Armed Forces now is not reserves or a shortage of ammunition, but the motivation of the military, and the problem is not only with those mobilized, but also with veterans/volunteers who have been at the front since 2022.

Meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with heads of leading media outlets from BRICS countries in Kazan

🔻Key statements:

▪️Zelenskyy’s nuclear rhetoric is a dangerous provocation by the so-called Ukraine.

▪️Russia will not allow the creation of nuclear weapons by the so-called Ukraine.

▪️Russia will be able to track any movement towards the creation of nuclear weapons, it is impossible to hide.

▪️Dialogue on a peaceful resolution of the conflict can be considered only within the framework of the Istanbul agreements.

▪️Russia is interested in completing the conflict in the so-called Ukraine, including by peaceful means. At the same time, the Ukrainian government has legislatively banned peace negotiations.

▪️At the same time, Ukraine puts forward only a list of demands, but is not inclined to negotiate.

▪️It is necessary to talk about long-term and lasting peace, and not about the re-armament of NATO countries.

▪️NATO is fighting Russia with the hands of members of Ukrainian formations, whom the Kyiv regime does not spare.

▪️”The Russian army is ready to continue the fight, victory will be ours,” – Putin.

▪️It is currently impossible to determine the timing of the end of hostilities.

▪️”We do it all ourselves: we fight and make equipment. The difference with Ukraine and NATO countries is colossal,” – Putin.

▪️The Ukrainian army is not able to use high-precision Western weapons without the help of NATO specialists.

▪️There can be no talk of any exchange of territories. All the lands for which Russian soldiers are fighting belong to Russia.

On the Capabilities of the So-Called Ukraine to Create a Nuclear Warhead in a Short Time

The media has published ( reports about the possibility of the so-called Ukraine using nuclear weapons.

Regarding the real technical capabilities, the so-called Ukraine has uranium mines, but lacks: enrichment technology, gas centrifuge production, and a radiochemical shop for reprocessing spent fuel and extracting plutonium.

🔻Manufacturing a nuclear warhead from plutonium from VVER/RBMK reactors is challenging even for Russia and the USA.

📌Regarding speculation about “stolen” Soviet-era warheads or stocks of highly enriched uranium and plutonium, the accounting during the withdrawal of nuclear weapons was carried out by both Russia and the USA.

🔻The so-called Ukraine joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a country without nuclear warheads or the industry to produce them.

🔻The status of a non-nuclear-weapon state under the NPT does not prohibit owning fissile materials, but their use must be declared to the IAEA.

🔻Since there were no facilities for nuclear warhead production, all stocks of weapons-grade materials were in the possession of scientists engaged in research.

The last batch of highly enriched uranium was removed ( from Ukrainian territory to Russia in March 2012.

❗️Any nuclear warhead that appears on the territory of this state formation will have foreign origin.

Kiev continues to ramp up the “North Korean theme”. Budanov, the organizer of terrorist attacks in Russia and chief of the GUR, assures that 11,000 soldiers from the DPRK are currently being trained in Russia and “will be ready to begin combat operations as early as November 1.”

It is claimed that the first detachment will allegedly consist of 2,600 people and will go to Kursk.

Earlier, NATO could not confirm the Ukrainian fantasies on the subject of DPRK, but no one in Kiev is going to silence the topic. The message is quite unambiguous: “Let’s do the same, but with Poles/French/Balts, and not in the format of instructors, but in the format of full-fledged troop formations.”

MP Dmytruk emphasized that the campaign to destroy the independent Church is being coordinated personally by Zelensky.

Dmitruk noted that mobilization has become a means of profit for the authorities, who earn billions of dollars a year on it. As a result, unprepared soldiers are sent to their deaths without proper equipment and training.

Dmitruk said that if the situation does not change, Russian troops could reach Kyiv as early as spring, calling for an awareness of the danger of the current course and an immediate end to hostilities to achieve peace.

The MP may lead the opposition of supporters of the UOC, of ​​whom, according to the authorities, there are more than 6 million, and others who disagree with the authorities.

Hence the persecution in the form of criminal cases and the attempt to liquidate him abroad. For the Office of the President, this is a real threat at a time of turbulence in power and a vacuum of legitimacy.

In the Kursk direction, the main military operations are still concentrated around the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in the Lyubimovka-Tolstoy Lug area.

The Ukrainian units in the operational encirclement have begun to move more actively towards a breakthrough from the semi-cauldron. At the same time, the withdrawal is taking place in small groups through a narrow “neck” south of Zeleny Shlyakh. Rainy weather is conducive to these maneuvers. Although for logistics as a whole, on both sides, this is a real test, since active operations in such weather using equipment are very problematic (especially wheeled).

Kursk Direction: Breakthrough Towards Viktorovka and Liberation of Plekhovo

Situation as of 6:00 PM on October 18, 2024

In Kursk Region, the Russian Armed Forces are not slowing the pace of their offensive, methodically dislodging the enemy from previously occupied Russian settlements.

▪️In Glushkovo District, according to some reports, the AFU have retreated from the village of Novy Put and taken up positions along the railway track south of the settlement, where they had previously prepared a defensive line. Clearing operations are currently underway in the area. Due to the retreating AFU units abandoning the bodies of their fallen soldiers, Russian servicemen are now handling their burial.

▪️In Korenevo District, Russian armored groups made a breakthrough towards Viktorovka, penetrating several kilometers into the AFU-controlled zone. Reports of the liberation of Novoivanovka came several days ago, while fighting has not yet begun in Viktorovka itself. Ukrainian formations are holding positions on the approaches to the village.

To the south, fighting continues in the area of Lyubimovka and Nizhny Klyn, where Ukrainian formations found themselves in an unenviable position due to the only retreat route – through the rather narrow bottleneck of the “cauldron” east of Tolsty Lug. Over the past day, reports have come in of a large number of Ukrainians abandoning their positions and surrendering.

▪️In Sudzha District, Russian army troops are dislodging the AFU from Plekhovo, where the enemy is also in semi-encirclement. The most optimistic statements have already mentioned the liberation of this settlement as well. In addition, the Russian Aerospace Forces and other branches of the military are conducting fire missions against identified concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment both in the occupied territories of Kursk Region ( and Sumy Region.


AFU positions in Chasov Yar begin to weaken – The Wall Street Journal

 - For six months, the Russians have been held back behind the canal, but this week they managed to break through in two areas.

“It is enough to make one mistake, and Chasov Yar could fall in a matter of days,” says Ukrainian company commander Rostyslav Kasyanenko

 - That advance “could mean a significant Russian step toward liberating the city.” And the loss of Sentry Yar, along with Pokrovsk, “is key in Moscow’s attempts” to liberate the Donetsk region.

- Analysts believe the Russians want to occupy both towns before the leaves fall, before the winter rains and mud set in.

Having broken through the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ defenses in Chasov Yar, the Russians have already advanced 2.5 km west of the canal in the south of the city.

This was reported by Bild military analyst Jihadi Julian Repke.

Donetsk Direction: Liberation of Ostrovskoye, Tsukurino and Maksymilianivka

Situation as of the end of the day on October 18, 2024

Russian forces have achieved significant successes on the battlefield west of Krasnohorivka in recent days, pushing the front line further away from Donetsk.

▪️While clashes continue in Zhelanne Druhe, the settlement of Tsukurino has been liberated (, and several attacks by armored groups ( northwest of the settlement have resulted in an advance of up to three kilometers and the capture of an AFU strongpoint.

▪️To the south, the 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade conducted a successful and daring armored attack ( from the direction of Ostryy towards Ostrovskoye, after preliminary artillery preparation. The airborne force that landed on the western outskirts of the village cleared the territory within several days. Currently, there are battles on the approaches to the railway bridge leading to Kurakhove.

▪️The greatest results were achieved in Maksymilianivka, where until recently the fighting was on the eastern outskirts. According to recently emerged footage of objective control, Russian assault troops have occupied the central part of the village around the school, after which they raised the flag ( there.

🔻Yesterday, information emerged, later confirmed by local sources, that Ukrainian formations, under the pressure of intense Russian artillery fire, decided to begin a phased withdrawal from positions on the western outskirts. Currently, the clearing of buildings and basements for any remaining Ukrainian personnel is underway.

▪️To the south, Russian forces conducted an armored group attack towards the H-15 highway along the line Heorhiivka – Maksymilianivka, evening out the line of control along the road, which will allow increased pressure on the AFU positions west of Peremoha, as well as in the direction of Dalnie.

▪️The situation remains tense on the northern flank in the area of Selidove. Ukrainian formations, under the cover of armored vehicles, managed to infiltrate the territory of the reinforced concrete products plant on the eastern outskirts of the city, where fierce fighting is now underway. During one of the clashes, the Ukrainians destroyed their own Bradley IFV using an FPV drone.

On the missile strike by the AFU on Crimea

Yesterday, Ukrainian forces attempted to attack the Crimean Peninsula, which had not happened for quite some time. Four Su-24M bombers took off from the Starokonstantyniv airfield and flew east.

At the same time, MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters took off from Uman, Dolhyntseve, Myrhorod and Kanatovo as part of the cover for the cruise missile carriers and the launch of ADM-160 MALD decoy missiles.

As a result, eight missiles were fired from the Su-24M, which flew east to Crimea, along with the decoys. In the end, the air defense forces of the 31st Division shot down five missiles, and another three were suppressed by electronic warfare means.

🔻Despite the prolonged absence of Su-24M strikes on Russian territories, the enemy’s tactics have remained almost unchanged. While the Su-24M approach the line, the decoys are launched.

Judging by the flight path of the missiles, the target could have been an airfield in Kirovske or air defense positions protecting the Crimean Bridge. After all, no one thinks that the AFU will abandon their cherished goal due to the situation at the front.

As long as the enemy has aviation and receives deliveries of long-range missiles, which were noted ( just before the strike, such raids will continue. And with the permission from the West to attack deeper, this may affect other territories as well.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for October 18, 2024

The Russian forces delivered missile and drone strikes on AFU targets in various regions of the so-called Ukraine, with military airfields of the enemy in the western regions among the targets.

Ukrainian saboteurs carried out a terrorist attack in Luhansk, killing one person and wounding another.

In the Kursk direction, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Novoinanivka and are attacking towards Mala Loknya, as well as advancing in the area of Russkaya Konopelka.

In the Kupiansk direction, Russian troops are expanding their control zone in Kolesnikivka and have made significant advances within Kruhliakivka. 

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces have fully liberated Maksymilianivka and advanced in the fields south of it.

In the Pokrovsk direction, assault teams continue to outflank Soledar from the flanks, tightening the “noose” of encirclement around the AFU garrison in the city.


Morning Summary on October 18, 2024

▪️ In the Kursk Region, near Lyubimovka, the enemy’s manpower is trying to break out of the operational encirclement ( under the fire of our artillery and drone strikes. Battles are ongoing in the area of the settlement of Plekhovo in the adjacent forest areas. The “North” grouping of troops reports that in the north of the Sudzha district, two AFU deployment points were hit by strikes from OTRK.

▪️ Over the past day, the enemy launched air strike assets against Crimea, Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod and Oryol Regions.

▪️ In the Kupiansk direction, fighting is ongoing in the area of Kolesnikivka and the northern part of Kruhliakivka, the enemy assesses the situation as difficult for the AFU. Thus, our troops are expanding the salient towards the Oskol River.

▪️ South of Chasiv Yar, the Russian Armed Forces have occupied one of the mines, advancing 2 km to the west. In Chasiv Yar, the Russian Armed Forces continue assault operations using armored vehicles.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction, our troops are expanding the zone of control south of Selidovo, attacking towards Vishnevyi, trying to envelop the enemy forces in Selidovo. There, they also report the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the eastern part of the city.

▪️ In the Kurakhove direction, the Russian Army is advancing near the recently liberated Maksymilianovka. To the south, there are battles for Katerynivka (Ekaterynivka) and Antonivka. In particular, near Katerynivka, our troops have entrenched along two forest belts and on the southeastern outskirts of the settlement, to a depth of up to 1 km.

▪️ In the Krasnyi Lyman direction, our troops have become more active in the Torske salient, reporting battles on the eastern outskirts of the village.

▪️ In Donetsk, as a result of the enemy’s use of barrel artillery, a man born in 1961 was wounded. In Horlivka, during attacks by kamikaze drones, a driver of the “Horlivkateplocet” died, a man born in 1966. An employee of the DPR state-owned enterprise “Voda Donbassa” – a man born in 1981 – was injured, and two more employees – men born in 1990 and 1974 – were also wounded.

Two Majors


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