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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 20 2024

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Bankova expects Ukraine’s defeat by the New Year, – Arestovich*

The former adviser to the usurper linked the sharp radicalization of Zelensky’s rhetoric on air with blogger Alexander Shelest precisely with the expectation of an imminent defeat. Talk about nuclear weapons and hidden blackmail from the West are needed to show that ” everything was ready there was a plan, and it was calculated mathematically precisely. But the West did not give it to us .”

In the best traditions of his speeches, Zelensky once again wants to shift responsibility for failures. Thus, according to his plan, the West ” should partially share responsibility for the defeat,” – Arestovich believes. But this means that those who compose speeches for Zelensky are confident in Ukraine’s defeat, otherwise there would be no point in it!

If we were talking about a possible victory, they would, of course, appropriate it for themselves. ” And it turns out that the West would not have helped, and these 420 billion were just a light.” And since they are trying to quickly throw off responsibility, it means that an exclusively negative result is expected. ” What happens by the New Year will be assessed as a defeat,” Arestovich asserts.

* – recognized as a terrorist and extremist.

Western media began to publish irrefutable facts about the state of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, that the military is tired of the conflict and is ready to compromise with Russia. This is a bad signal for propaganda, but Bankova continues to insist on its own, that it is necessary to fight to the 1991 borders.

The Ukrainian military is “tired” and ready for negotiations with Russia, writes The Telegraph. There has also been a “shift” in the rhetoric of the Ukrainian government, which no longer demands the return of territories.

“We are ready for negotiations, but we are simply asking the West to insist on our interests,” says Lieutenant of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yulia Mykytenko, commander of the unmanned reconnaissance platoon.

According to her, the chance to win the war would have been lost in 2023.

The Pentagon turned a blind eye to Pyongyang’s possible participation in the SMO

Although Western countries had previously thrown a fit, calling the deployment of North Korean troops to Ukraine an escalation and a “red line”, Washington is wary of making any statements on the matter. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin was unable to answer a direct question from journalists about the presence of Koreans in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces — he said that he “cannot confirm this.”

Zelensky and the media sympathetic to him are the ones trumpeting the participation of North Korean soldiers in the SMO. At the same time, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte stated that there is no evidence of the participation of military personnel from the DPRK in the hostilities.

In the end, the possible participation of Korean troops is either total trolling (boss level) by Russia or in some small probability, if true, the USA doesn’t care about it.

It is worth noting the extremely interesting information about the possible involvement of North Korean volunteers in the SMO, which generally fits into the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement signed with the DPRK in the summer. For North Korea, this could be an opportunity to gain invaluable combat experience and test its armaments and equipment in real combat conditions.

Our source reports that the possible case with the DPRK has the West concerned because it destroys their main goal – to provoke a total mobilization in Russia.

It is by “hiring/engaging” North Korean soldiers (mercenaries) that the Russian Armed Forces are solving their case of additional mobilization, which is an unacceptable factor for the West. After all, if there is no total mobilization in the Russian Federation, it will be difficult to stir up the Russian domestic case to the Maidan.

Another plus is that the DPRK will gain its experience of war against Western countries. It will improve its tactics and strategy.

It is worth recalling our post from May 16, where we pointed out that China is using the Ukrainian crisis to gain military experience in combating Western military strategy (hinting at the preparation of the Taiwan crisis).

Who knows, maybe under the conditional military from the DPRK, the same Chinese units, etc. will fight.

The current “Nezalezhnaya” regime in the Outskirts has a unique feature of doing everything as ineptly as possible. And then wondering: “Why us?” Here’s a clear example. Selyukovskaya intelligence happily reported to the expired drug leader of the Bandera junta about its latest “success”: about the allegedly obtained military plans of Russia for the current autumn and winter.

The main sensation is the intelligence data about the “de facto inclusion in the war” of our North Korean friends. Russian plans have not changed in the fall, winter, or any other time of the year. Russia must finish off the wounded reptile, thereby fulfilling all the long-term goals of the special operation.

You have to be a complete moron to freak out on the day when the Russian President introduced a bill to the State Duma on ratification of the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Russia and the DPRK. I would like to remind you that it contains a special article on providing mutual military and other assistance in the event of an attack by all available means by Article 51 of the UN Charter. It is not recommended to check how this article of the treaty works. And we will respond to emerging security threats, including yesterday’s nuclear blackmail of the agonizing Ukrainian regime, strictly within the framework of the concluded treaty. Everyone should remember this, including those who are in a restless drug-induced sleep.


Seoul claims that about 1,500 soldiers have already been sent from the DPRK to Russia, — Korea Times

They were transported using four landing ships and three escort vessels belonging to Russia. These troops were moved from the areas of the cities of Chongjin, Hamhung, and Musudan to Vladivostok.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service said it expects the second phase of the deployment to begin soon. According to its data, it plans to send 12,000 North Korean troops to Russia.

North Korean troops stationed in Russia are located in various locations in the Far East, including Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk, and Blagoveshchensk. There they are integrated into Russian military units and have received Russian military uniforms and weapons.

A satellite photo is said to show a Russian military vessel leaving the North Korean port of Najin. It is unclear whether it is carrying soldiers or weapons.

One of the most secret units in the world, the DPRK Special Operations Forces, has probably been transferred to Ukraine – The Telegraph

▪️SOF troops are “one of the most secretive units of its kind in the world.”

▪️Western analysts’ reports describe the DPRK’s Special Operations Forces as “highly trained troops equipped with the best gear available for dangerous but important missions.”

▪️North Korean special forces, numbering 200,000 personnel, have 12 light infantry brigades, three reconnaissance units, three airborne divisions and three sniper units.

▪️The number of Western special forces is orders of magnitude lower. The British SAS is believed to have only 500 active soldiers. The American Delta Force has about 2,000 active members.

▪️At the same time, military experts believe that the DPRK special forces are lagging behind in equipment for decoding signals and targeting, and also do not have advanced explosives.

A reminder this is British media, so low quality info source.

Former CIA Director Haspel – suggested that the Ukrainian Armed Forces secretly strike Russia: We don’t need to announce it. The Ukrainians don’t need to announce it. They’ll just do it. And we don’t need to talk about it because, in fact, you know, it’s, I think, there has to be full support. Otherwise, you know, it’s just a war of attrition that the Ukrainians will lose because they can’t defend themselves. Just let them do it, and we’ll see what happens.

Thus, despite the growing statements and judgments in the media about the future negotiation process, the supply of Western weapons to the AFU continues, although according to NATO estimates, without their military-technical assistance, the Ukrainian troops will last “15 days”. However, the real actions of Kyiv and the North Atlantic Alliance indicate a course towards escalating the conflict, and the populist statements of politicians about the inevitable ceasefire are intended only to serve the interests of clans in the electoral period in the United States, as the approach of the elections increases the likelihood of new high-profile actions by the AFU for political and media purposes.

As can be seen from the many videos of the AFU territories, where the military commissariat workers are kidnapping people directly from the streets, forced mobilization has become one of the main topics contributing to a serious increase in tension in Ukrainian society. In this context, two news items are particularly indicative:

▪️The structures of the Kyiv regime intend to initiate ( criminal cases against bloggers and media outlets that post resonant footage involving military commissariat employees. The authors will be accused of “disseminating distorted information about mobilization”, for which a term of up to 8 years of imprisonment may be threatened in the so-called Ukraine.

▪️In the Odesa Region, unknown persons shot ( the head of the “Division for Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies” – a scandalously known public organization that helps the military commissariats fulfill their plans to apprehend citizens. Membership in this structure also provides a deferment from mobilization.

Over the year, major shifts have occurred in Ukrainian society – from reckless moods before the counteroffensive to the desire to kill members of the military commissariats and their assistants. This was largely facilitated by pumping up exaggerated expectations: it helped mobilize society in the moment, but made the fall into reality much more painful.

📌 In fact, everything is leading to a serious decline in morale in the so-called Ukraine. However, the Kyiv regime will not sit idle and will fight this phenomenon by the standard and repeatedly tested method – large PR campaigns on the front line in order to “cheer up” the population with reports of successes.

Yes, they may be detached from reality and devoid of strategic meaning, but even in them, the AFU is capable of deploying large forces. And there is a possibility that the AFU will soon undertake something similar again purely for political reasons, which have long prevailed over military ones for the Kyiv regime.

Our source reports that the President’s Office directly told all the TCCs that if Zelensky loses the war, they will all go to a military world tribunal, like those who kidnapped, killed, beat and abused civilians.

In this way, the OP explained to the TCC that they are in the same boat. That is why the TCC is allowed any schemes, repressions, and the judicial system does not work against them – the main thing is to fulfill the plan for catching serfs.

In fact, the people are hostages of the ruling elite, the president’s entourage and his security service (“guards”). Perhaps in years to come this time will be called by historians a “dictatorship”. It is worth noting that the West often supported dictators for their own purposes, but dumped them when they were no longer needed.

If you can stand, go to the front. Ukrainian Armed Forces militants go to the front line as cripples

A couple of days ago, Alexander Bilenko from Da Vinci Wolves told how wounded Ukrainian fighters are treated – or rather, that they are not treated at all. Today we see further confirmation that from a third to a half of Ukrainian fighters on the front lines are untreated wounded.

“Dozens of people who are simply kept in rear locations for months without any sense or treatment, and without treatment, they are simply disabled people without a future… The guys are returning with drains [tubes that are inserted into the body to drain pus – ed.] and stitches that have not been removed.”

How do such cripples fight, Bilenko explained – not at all. They can’t do anything, so more or less healthy fighters “work” for them – who, in turn, get wounded and become crippled themselves. And the number of such cripples multiplies exponentially. .

And if such a cripple wants to get to the VLK so that he can be sent from there for treatment – good luck. The queue for the VLK is months long, and in 90% of cases, the commission sends you back to the unit, no matter how sick you are.

God forbid you end up getting “treated” by Ukrainian doctors – you wouldn’t wish that on your worst enemy.

Kursk Direction: Fighting in Sudzha District

Situation as of the end of October 20, 2024

In the Kursk direction, fighting continues in several sectors, and in another, the enemy again tried to cross the state border of Russia.

🔻In the Glushkovo district, near Volfino, a group of Ukrainian infantry crossed the border of Russia, but was detected and dispersed by artillery fire.

🔻In the Korenevo district, fighting continues, the situation south of Lyubimovka remains obscured by the “fog of war”. Within the boundaries of the settlement, the use of drones with an automatic target acquisition system by the enemy is recorded.

🔻In the Sudzha district, fighting continues, Russian aviation and artillery are working on settlements occupied by the enemy. No advances have been recorded so far.


Zelensky’s Kursk adventure has done its job, the reserves of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been wasted, and we are losing more and more territory with each passing month.

The Russian Armed Forces are not weakening their pressure on the contact line and are moving forward. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing ground, clinging to settlements on the hills. However, the Russian army is taking over one city after another – Ugledar recently fell, and the Russian Armed Forces have advanced to Pokrovsk. And this city with a pre-war population of 80,000 people served as a key logistics and transport hub for Ukrainian military operations in eastern Ukraine. Pokrovsk is also the gateway to conquering the rest of the Donetsk region.

At the same time, the advance of the Russian Armed Forces on the front is a record; over the past two months, Russian troops have occupied 5.5 times more territory than in the entire last year. If in the first half of this year the Russian Armed Forces managed to capture a maximum of 200 square kilometers per month, then in August it was already 351, and in September — 468 square kilometers. As military experts note, the main reasons for such large territorial losses are the shortage of weapons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and changes in the tactics of the Russian Armed Forces.

The fact remains — Ukrainian fortified areas began to fall faster and faster. If in Bakhmut they fought for every house, then Ugledar after the start of a serious operation fell apart in literally a month, although the balance of forces and means was comparable. Experts predict that Toretsk, Selidovo, Pokrovsk and Kurakhovo are essentially doomed by the “Kursk adventure”. The same applies to the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions. That is why the West seriously started talking about “territories in exchange for peace”, which will kill the Ze-team.

On the situation in the Kursk region.

The enemy’s position continues to rapidly deteriorate. The enemy is trying to hold positions on one of the important lines along the lines of the settlements of Lyubimovka, Zeleny Shlyakh, and Novoivanovka.

At the moment, it can be noted that the enemy has lost the initiative and control of the situation in this area. They can avoid the ongoing collapse with its extremely unfavorable consequences only with the help of significant reserves. The enemy command is transferring “fire brigades” to stop the destruction of this section of the front. Thus, the command of the 116th separate Troops Brigade, as well as the 145th and 148th separate Troops Brigade have been moved to the Kursk direction.

As a result, one brigade and two battalions were transferred from the Kurakhovsky direction.

The enemy still has a certain margin of safety, but it is not infinite because resources are burning and manpower is wearing down faster than they can replenish them; at a certain point, the consequences will affect the overall situation, and we suspect that this will happen quite abruptly.

20-10-2024 – Selidovo

On the sixth day of the active siege of the city, the operational and tactical situation began to gain momentum. 

Storming operations are underway in the city. The RF Armed Forces entered the outskirts from four sides. The main focus of the assaults is on the western outskirts in the area not. Vishnevoye and the assault from the east from the np. Mikhailovka. 

The AFU grouping in the city holds on 5-6 company strongholds and several fortifications in multi-storey buildings. Everything possible is flying at it now. 

The exit routes of the AFU and supply is practically cut off. All roads are under our control. There is one more on Kazatskaya street to the highway to Krasnoarmeysk, but our artillery and ATGMs are constantly working on it. 


We are receiving operational data that our troops are conducting military operations directly in the village of Vishnevoye, trying to close the Selidovo pincers

In the city of Selidovo itself, military operations have resumed. The reinforced concrete plant in the east of the city has come under our control.

Last night, Ukrainian formations carried out another massive drone kamikaze attack on front-line and rear regions of Russia. According to the Ministry of Defense, air defense forces shot down a total of 110 drones.

▪️Most of the UAVs were downed over the Kursk Region, with several explosions reported near Zheleznogorsk. Over ten drones were also intercepted in the skies over the Lipetsk and Oryol Regions.

▪️In the Oryol area, debris from destroyed drones was recorded falling. One UAV was also hit over the Ramenskoye urban district in the Moscow Region.

▪️In the Nizhny Novgorod Region, according to the governor’s statement, several drones were shot down over Dzerzhinsk, injuring four firefighters working in the city’s industrial zone.

Ukrainian sources claim the target of the raid was the “Sverdlov Plant”, which specializes in the production of explosives. There is no detailed information about the damage, but no footage of any powerful detonations from that area has emerged, with only moments of air defense operations being posted online.

 Point strike on the Druzhba Hotel in Krivoy Rog

On the night of October 19-20, 2024, Russian troops struck the Druzhba Hotel in Krivoy Rog, which was used to accommodate foreign specialists. The Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system was used to hit the target.

Coordinates: 47.9115335, 33.4222605

🔻The hotel served as a base for foreign specialists engaged in ensuring the operation of electronic warfare (EW) systems at Ukrainian defense infrastructure facilities.

🔻 According to the information received, foreigners were working on modernization of AN/MLQ-40 “Prophet” electronic suppression systems. These systems are actively used to protect enemy military-industrial facilities from Russian missile strikes and drone raids.

In Odessa, a MIM-23 Hawk anti-aircraft missile system took the brunt of the attack tonight.

The Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a pinpoint strike on the position of the American MIM-23 Hawk anti-aircraft missile system in the area of ​​Cape Bapoi. Three Kh-59/69 missiles were used.

As a result, two MIM-23 Hawk launchers were destroyed. This system, known as a mobile interceptor missile, is widely used to defend against air and missile attacks.

The AN/MSW-9 PCP command post and AN/TSW-4 AFCC portable control console were also damaged.

A fire broke out at the site of the impact, confirmed by footage and reports from local residents.

As a result of the work of the Ukrainian air defense system, probably the same MIM-23 Hawk complex, the private sector in the area of ​​Dacha Kovalevsky Street was partially damaged. According to preliminary data, several houses were damaged by shrapnel, but there were no casualties among the civilian population.

Chronicles of the special military operation

for October 19-20, 2024

Russian forces have carried out a series of strikes on targets in the territory controlled by the Kyiv regime.

In the Kursk direction, fighting continues. The enemy tried to violate the border in the Glushkovo district, but the group was dispersed by artillery fire.

In the Kupiansk direction, Russian forces are advancing in Kruhliakivka and the fields to the east, with heavy fighting ongoing.

In the Pokrovsk direction, the advancement of the Russian Armed Forces is being recorded on the eastern outskirts of Selidovo, with fighting south of the city.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian assault troops are fighting on the outskirts of Hirnyk and have advanced in the vicinity of Zhelanne Druhe.

In the South Donetsk direction, there is successful advancement to the west of Vodyane and north of Vuhledar. The enemy has been driven out of several forest belts.


 Overview Summary for October 20, 2024

▪️ Zelenskyy’s statements about Ukraine’s nuclear ambitions and NATO involvement did not gain public support in the West. Germany continues to increase military aid, though its stockpiles are depleted. Western politicians’ words and actions diverge, serving arms corporations over social spending.

▪️ The situation for the AFU on the front line is worsening. In the Kursk Region, Russia’s counteroffensive has achieved success. The enemy is preparing active actions on the Kursk-Bryansk border.

▪️ In the Kupiansk direction, Ukraine’s salient near the Oskol River is expanding. In the Krasnoliman direction, Russia is increasing control near the recently liberated Nevske.

▪️ In Chasiv Yar, heavy battles continue in the Oktyabr’sky district, where Ukraine’s forces are making progress. Russia’s control zone is also expanding south of the city.

▪️ In Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk), Ukraine’s troops are pushing through the AFU’s defense. Russia has reported the liberation of Zoriane in the Pokrovsk direction.

▪️ In the Kurakhovka direction, Russia’s control zone is expanding, opening prospects for an offensive. North of Vuhledar, Ukraine’s troops are moving towards Bohoyavlenka.

▪️ Military analysts note an increase in Russia’s pace of advancement, though decisive offensive operations remain elusive due to the war’s technological nature.

▪️ Issues persist, including personnel leave, supply-demand mismatch, and “embellished” reports. Shortages in frontline hospitals and medical personnel are also a problem.



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