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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 22 2024

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Selydove Stormed | Multiple advances reported [22 October 2024]

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Russia Showed Video of The Destruction of US Army Rangers┃RUSSIA Achieved a Breakthrough in KUPYANSK

The Empire’s Blessing: Destruction in the Name of Hypocrisy

 The latest handshake in Kiev from U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin screams hypocrisy. Beneath the smiles lies the real gift: Ukraine’s fascist puppet regime likely gets the empire’s quiet nod for long-range missile strikes into Russia. Finally, Ukraine’s wet dream of pushing the red line is granted from its crumbling Western overlords.

From the same U.S. that pretends to safeguard democracy while cheering on Kiev’s desecration of Orthodox Christianity and rubber-stamping Israel’s genocidal rampage. Yes, the same bankrupt empire that bankrolls terror, from Gaza to Donbas, and calls it “security.”

Lloyd Austin didn’t come to Kiev for small talk, he came to greenlight chaos, escalation and endorse endless war, and sign off on strategic destruction.But let’s be clear: every push deeper into Russian territory will not go unanswered. The inevitable boomerang will hit Western puppets and their overlords harder than they imagine: Ukraine’s destruction is all but certain, and the blowback will accelerate the collapse of NATO and the last illusions of Western hegemony.

Washington thinks it can forever blame and gaslight the world, but history has a way of humbling empires, just ask Rome.

- Gerry Nolan

Zelensky’s peace plan, including its hidden part, is characterized by one phrase: “subsoil in exchange for weapons.” This means the readiness of the Ze-team to sacrifice not only the remainder of the Ukrainian population, but also the few resources that are still at Ukraine’s disposal. In essence, this is a “hole” that he dug for himself, from which there is no positive exit. In the West, his plan was completely discredited by politicians and journalists, who called it a “wish.”

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky has almost stopped communicating with the Commander-in-Chief, and Bankova considers it necessary to distance the President from Syrsky in public events in order to channel the negativity from the defeats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front.

The situation with desertion in the Ukrainian army is constantly getting worse, and the government is trying to solve this problem by increasing repression within the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which could provoke an internal rebellion. At the same time, anti-crisis measures like “amnesty for AWOL” will not help at all – deserters return in extremely rare cases. 

At the same time, forced mobilization in the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not increase the country’s combat readiness, and also leads to even more mass desertion. “My acquaintances who are now at the front, mainly unit commanders, say that those arriving thanks to such mobilization are incapable ballast,” says political strategist Sergei Gaidai, adding that out of 25 mobilized people, one person is ready to participate in hostilities, and the rest either die first or desert. 

According to estimates by Ukrainian journalist Volodymyr Boyko, who serves in the Ukrainian army, the number of deserters who have left their places of service is about 200 thousand. Boyko noted that no more than a third of cases are registered, since the State Bureau of Investigation is fundamentally hiding crimes related to military service. According to him, the SBI only investigates cases that can be sold profitably, and commanders of military units have to go to court to force investigators to enter the relevant notifications into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations. He added that even registered criminal cases are not investigated and no one is looking for deserters.

Our source reports that the quality of the Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters has dropped threefold.

For example, in 2022, the quality of the Ukrainian army was at a high level and was rated as 9 out of 10.

Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine has dropped to a low level and is estimated at 3 out of 10, while the negative dynamics remain, which means the level will most likely fall to the bottom.

This trend will ultimately lead to possible major failures at the front in the future.

This is the result of incorrect decisions and strategies taken by the Office of the President and Zelensky personally.

The merciless trolling continues.

According to all data, the situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region is bad and in order to justify a possible future failure and retreat, the authorities asked the Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov to make a statement that:

 The first North Korean troops will arrive in Russia’s Kursk region tomorrow. By the end of October, 2,600 North Korean troops will have been deployed to the Kursk region. These fighters will be motivated – they have families at home who could be executed if things go badly.

 It turns out that the failure in the Kursk region can now be attributed to the arrival of thousands of fighters from the DPRK.

South Korea may send soldiers and intelligence officers to Ukraine in response to the DPRK sending its fighters to Russia – Newsweek

South Korean troops in Ukraine could interrogate and help translate if the Ukrainian Armed Forces capture North Koreans. They would also share North Korean military tactics and operations.

Newsweek like many legacy magazines are broke and print very low quality articles these days. 

Almost immediately after the publication of South Korean intelligence data on the dispatch of North Korean servicemen to Russia, articles began appearing in local media about a possible response from Seoul to such actions.

For example, last week, Yonhap ( discussed the likely revision of South Korea’s policy on the export of lethal weapons to Ukraine – Seoul is currently limited to sending non-lethal assistance, at least officially.

Journalists were prompted to such conclusions by statements from the administration of the President of South Korea about “the use of all available means” to respond to the involvement of North Korean military personnel in the conflict. However, it is still unknown what exactly is meant.

▪️In Seoul, they threatened ( to revise the policy of providing assistance to Kyiv as early as June, immediately after the signing of the agreement between the DPRK and the Russian Federation. It was then stated that the transfer of Russian military technologies to Pyongyang is unacceptable for South Korea. There are concerns that Moscow “paid” for North Korean servicemen in this way, thereby violating the “red line”.

Recent reports ( from South Korean media have presented options for what South Korea could transfer to Ukraine. We are talking about the KM-SAM (Cheongung) air defense systems, as well as 155-mm shells.

However, according to Yonhap sources, it is still too early to talk about a policy revision, as it is unknown whether the presidential administration will take such measures. Arms supplies could harm relations between South Korea and Russia, which, as can be seen from the dynamics of the two countries’ relations after February 2022, Seoul wants to postpone as long as possible.


Our source in the General Staff said that Zelensky demanded that Syrsky transfer heavy equipment from the Eastern Front to the Kursk operation, which is the main battle for the President. The commander-in-chief is forced to transfer more and more reserves to the Sumy region in order to hold back the Russian army’s advance on this section of the front, while the General Staff cannot allocate additional forces to Kurakhovo and Pokrovsk.

A wonderful story, full of love and admiration:

The Ukrainians themselves threw in information about the DPRK’s participation in the SMO, they themselves got offended and connected the superminds from the CIPSO. 

The guys at the computers, in order to somehow justify the money from the State Department, cooked up a propaganda poster in which a Ukrainian militant cuts the throat of a North Korean soldier. They cooked it up and posted it on Twitter (now X) – oh, now Pyongyang will see the meme and go crazy. 

But here’s the problem – the DPRK has neither Twitter, nor Telegram, nor even the global Internet. 

Note: the headline in Ukrainian is not reflected correctly with autotranslate: it says “Korean soldier, go f*ck off”

Zelensky’s Kursk adventure is advantageous to Russia, we are forced to constantly transfer the best reserves and equipment to enemy territory, while in Donbas we do not have enough forces for defense. The Kursk gambit will go down in history as Putin’s most calculated asymmetric response, when Russia sacrificed two regions to lure the Ukrainian Armed Forces into a trap and destroy them on territory that is not advantageous for defense.

The Kremlin has postponed the order to oust the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the Kursk region until February 1, 2025 , and wants to create a “buffer zone” on Ukrainian territory until February 25 , – RBC sources in the Defense Forces

The AFU used chlorine in the Kursk Region

The footage shows an unexploded submunition (a canister, of which there are 4 in the DM 105 artillery shell) DM1216 from a German smoke 155 mm shell. Inside is chlorine. Although the shell was originally intended to create a smoke screen.

The manufacturer is Rheinmetall 🇩🇪

A similar detonated munition sent several of our troops to the hospital with chlorine poisoning.

Each smoke canister is marked “NBK DM 1216″ – “NBK” stands for the German “Nebelkörper” (“smoke element”).


Artillery shell DM 105 caliber 155 mm

Total weight: 43.5 kg

Caliber: 155 mm

Length (including fuze): 875 mm

Length (without fuze): 779 mm

Fuze: DZ DM153 (S)

Smoke composition (apparently changed to chlorine): Hexachloroethane / zinc (HC)

Weight of smoke element: 3.5 kg

Mass of hydrocarbon mixture: 2.1 kg

Payload: 4 smoke elements

✨But the AFU stuffed these submunitions with a chemical warfare agent. Although, the Germans could have stuffed them at their factories too. The Germans have experience with gas.

✨⭐️Earlier, reports from the scene indicated ( the arrival of AFU CBRN units in the Kursk Region. The use of this type of munition by the AFU to deliver toxic substances was predicted by our intelligence. The Archangel Spetsnaz team ( specifically mentioned this type of submunition in their guidelines ( for countering the enemy’s chemical weapons.

Kursk Direction: Repelling AFU Attack near Green Path and Fighting in the Area of Malaya Loknya

Situation as of the end of October 22, 2024

In the Kursk Direction, Russian forces repelled an AFU attack on Green Path, destroying several pieces of equipment and more than a dozen AFU members. In Sudzha District, the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to advance in the area of Malaya Loknya and Sudzha.

🔻In Glushkovo District, fighting continues in the vicinity of Novy Put, where the enemy has organized a defense based on the railway track. The information that appeared some time ago about the liberation of the village has not yet been confirmed.

🔻In Korenevo District, there is high intensity combat activity on the line of Kremyanoye – Novoivanovka – Nizhny Klyn. Ukrainian formations attacked in the area of Green Path. At the same time, the situation in the areas of Tolstoy Lug and Lyubimovka remains shrouded in the “fog of war”.

❗️An AFU armored vehicle column was “met” by Russian UAV operators. The enemy lost at least one tank during the battle, while the airborne troops landed south of Green Path were destroyed by Russian artillery.

🔻In Sudzha District, the enemy also tried to recapture previously lost territories, using assault groups without armored support.

Fighters of the 810th Separate Guards Marine Brigade repelled the enemy’s onslaught in the area of Malaya Loknya, and marines from the 155th Separate Guards Brigade thwarted AFU attempts to advance northeast of Sudzha.

🔻Over the past day, air defense systems shot down several enemy drones and four missiles in the sky over the Kursk Region. There were no reports of casualties or destruction on the ground.


In the Kurakhovo-Pokrovsky direction, the Russian army captured the northern part of Gornyak in the Donetsk region (northeast) of Kurakhovo . This was reported by Ukrainian war correspondent Bogdan Miroshnikov.

According to him, Russian units are advancing directly into Gornyak, having captured the entire northern part.

The fighting is currently in the center; about 40% of the city’s area remains under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Miroshnikov adds.

He also reports that on the eastern bank of the Volchya River, a maximum of 1.5 km in width and 1 km in depth remains of the entire Ukrainian Armed Forces bridgehead.

This is essentially the last village there – Alexandropol, fighting is already underway for it, the war correspondent clarified.

He also confirms the actual loss of Zoryany, which was attacked by the Russian Armed Forces the day before. According to his assessment, the situation in Kurakhovka (a settlement south of Gornyak) will now be extremely difficult.

South Donetsk Direction: Liberation of the Eastern Part of Katerynivka and Advance of the Russian Armed Forces Towards Bohoyavlenka

Situation as of 3:00 PM on October 22, 2024

After the liberation of Vuhledar, Russian forces are advancing towards Bohoyavlenka. On the northern flank, the Russian Armed Forces have moved towards the center of Katerynivka, pushing the enemy out of the eastern part of the village.

▪️Battles for Katerynivka began in early October, when Russian assault groups were able to consolidate their positions on the southeastern outskirts of the settlement, in the area of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Street.

By October 18, the Russian Armed Forces had expanded their control over the village, pushing the enemy back from positions on Shevchenko, Mira and Sadova Streets. By October 21, Russian troops had completely liberated the eastern part of the settlement.

The fighting is now taking place in the area of the school, which is being used by Ukrainian formations as a stronghold. To the south of the village, the Russian Armed Forces have established control over the ruins of the agricultural complex, where another AFU stronghold was located.

❗️At the same time, Russian forces are striking at identified enemy positions in the neighboring Antonivka. The liberation of Katerynivka will create the prerequisites for an offensive on this village as well, which is necessary to overcome the large AFU defense hub to the northwest, covering the eastern outskirts of Ilyinka.

▪️North of Vuhledar, the Russian Armed Forces are breaking through the enemy’s defensive lines on the approaches to Bohoyavlenka. The advancing units are being supported ( by the Russian Aerospace Forces, striking at temporary deployment points and infrastructure in the rear of the AFU.

The Russian assault troops have achieved the greatest success in the area of Ikryana Gully – since October 13, in this area, the Russian Armed Forces have cleared the air intake shaft of the Yuzhnodonbass Mine No. 3, and also established control ( over an enemy stronghold in the vicinity of the gully.

To the west, Russian troops have advanced along the forest belts northeast of Berestova Gully, straightening out the front line south of Bohoyavlenka.

▪️In the vicinity of Zolota Nyva, Russian units have pushed enemy units out of positions in the area of highway C-050441. Control over it will allow for the organization of direct communication with the neighboring Novodonetskoye and simplify the supply of Russian units.

▪️Russian UAV operators and artillery are also working on targets in the enemy’s rear areas, destroying concentrations of personnel and armored vehicles. Thus, to the south of Trudove, an AFU self-propelled gun was destroyed ( by FPV drones and Krasnopol guided munitions.

Our source in the General Staff said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have begun to retreat from Selidovo, due to the tactical encirclement of the city, the situation is completely repeating Ugledar. Our military themselves are leaving their positions without orders, due to the lack of supplies and rotation, so as not to end up surrounded in the city. The General Staff is urgently transferring military special forces from Pokrovsk to hold back the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Selidovo will repeat the fate of Ugledar, and the General Staff is not yet capable of stabilizing the front with the help of cities, the fortress tactic stops working and now the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forced to retreat.

Syrsky is significantly inferior to Zaluzhny in the format of waging war, which leads to ill-considered adventures and the waste of reserves in secondary areas of the front.


11.00 Moscow time. 22-10-2024 – Selidovo

As of this morning, half of Selidovo is a gray zone after active fighting and processing of the city by the Russian Air Force. The enemy does not control part of the city territory up to Beregovaya – Moskovskaya streets and the Solyonaya River. This is practically the center. The enemy forces are concentrated on the edges of the city and the western outskirts. Toward Pokrovsk. 

Rotation was canceled, they do not want to surrender. 


As of October 22, 2024, heavy fighting is going on at the Chasov-Yar section of the front, our troops continue to carry out combat tasks to take the city into operational encirclement.

 The Russian Armed Forces are bypassing the city from the northern direction, repulsing the enemy from the forest area behind the village of Grigorovka, as well as occupying AFU positions to the south of Chasov Yar. 

   In the city itself, fighters of the 98th Airborne Brigade, the 200th Brigade of the RF Armed Forces, units of the 1st Volunteer Corps, as well as assault units of the 88th Brigade “Española” completely crossed at various points the line of the Seversky Donets canal, which is a natural obstacle dividing the city into several parts, occupied a bridgehead on the other side of it and are engaged in offensive battles in the private sector of the mkr. Oktyabrskyi, the forest area near the Druzhba Pioneer Camp and houses in Kalinovka settlement, in the North-Eastern part of the city. 

   A large part of the urban area remains under enemy control, as well as dacha settlements in the western part of the city. Despite the fact that the artillery of the Russian Armed Forces has established fire control on the main routes for ammunition and personnel resupply, the enemy is using country roads in the northern and western parts of the city to solve logistical problems. The enemy garrison, despite the constant pressure and huge losses, retains its fighting ability. According to the intelligence of the 88th Española Brigade, the enemy is actively using units of the Foreign Legion, staffed mainly by mercenaries from Latin America and Southern Europe (Spaniards, Portuguese, Cubans) on the Chasov-Yar section of the front. However, despite the fact that there are about 200 such soldiers of fortune in Chasov Yar, their morale leaves much to be desired, the data of radio intercepts testify to their regular refusals to fulfill combat tasks. During the battle for the city both sides are actively and massively using the forces of unmanned aviation. 


“From Ugledar I crawled to Bogoyavlenka on my knees”

Deutsche Welle interviewed a Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter who left Ugledar wounded. There was no evacuation from the city (as is usual in the Ukrainian Armed Forces) – the wounded man crawled on his knees to Bogoyavlenka, about 10 kilometers.

“I met the guys in the dugouts. There to drink water, there to warm up and then crawl on. Because there is no evacuation.”

Note that the “lads in the dugouts” did not even think of helping the wounded man get to his destination – neither by car nor on a stretcher. Apparently, there were other, more important matters than helping the wounded.

I wonder how many of these wounded did not make it. How many could have been saved if evacuation had been organized. But no – near Ugledar, as well as in the Kursk region, there is no evacuation in many brigades. So the wounded are left with two options: either die on the spot, or try to get there “on their knees.”

Regarding the morning attack on Zaporozhye

Today at about 9:15 (Moscow time) monitoring resources reported explosions in Zaporozhye.

Local authorities represented by the head of the Regional Military Administration I. Fedorov and the Zaporozhye State Emergency Service reported that the blow hit the building of a kindergarten in the city center, publishing footage of the destroyed building.

But there is a footage that clearly shows that the building at 23 Oranzhereynaya St. was hit (according to Yandex.Maps, it is a tax office building).

It is also noteworthy that the Zaporozhye State Emergency Service and other information resources subsequently deleted the reports about the attack on the kindergarten.

Actually, nothing new. Another formulaic report from the Ukrainian authorities did not go according to plan…

Strike on the locomotive depot in Pokrovsk

Today, October 22, 2024, at around 02:00, Russian troops struck the locomotive depot of Pokrovsk station, located at 139a Shmidt Street. The depot was reportedly used by Ukrainian units for maintenance and repair of military equipment.

Coordinates: 48.287190, 37.172335

🔻 The strike damaged the premises of the second production section of the facility, where equipment was repaired, as well as diesel locomotives of the 2T116 and ChMEZ1767 models, which were used for transportation of military cargo. 

A fire started at the facility, which engulfed the production premises and machinery, resulting in significant damage.

🔻 The use of the depot for repair and maintenance of military equipment made it an important element in the logistics chain of the AFU. Damage to equipment and freight locomotives will make transportation and repair difficult, which, combined with other strikes, negatively affects the supply capabilities of Ukrainian units in the region.

The Russian forces carried out missile strikes on AFU facilities in several regions of the so-called Ukraine. According to some reports, in the Sumy Region, the territory of a chemical ammunition depot was attacked, and in the temporarily occupied territory of the DPR, drones caused damage to a light equipment repair base.
In turn, the AFU carried out another drone raid on civilian infrastructure in Russian settlements, with two alcohol plants in the Tula Region and a similar enterprise in the Tambov Region being hit. All the resulting fires were extinguished.
The situation remains tense in the Kursk direction in the area of Zeleny Shlyakh, where Ukrainian formations tried to attack the positions of the Russian Armed Forces.
From the Lyman direction, there was an official statement about the liberation of Novosadove, which could potentially allow the Russian Armed Forces to continue the offensive towards Ternove.
In the Pokrovsk direction, the situation of the Ukrainian garrison defending Selidovo is becoming more complicated every day, as Russian troops are advancing from several directions.
In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces pushed the enemy out of positions on the southeastern outskirts of Antonivka, while fighting continues in the center of Katerynivka.

Morning Summary on October 22, 2024

▪️ Overnight, in the Tula Region, the premises of the Efremov distillery and the distillery in the village of Luzhkovsky, Suvorov district, were damaged as a result of a UAV attack by the AFU. According to preliminary information, there were no casualties. There were reports of the destruction of enemy drones over the Bryansk and Belgorod Regions. In the Tambov Region, an explosion followed by a fire occurred at the “Biokhim” enterprise. Preliminary information suggests that the incident could have been caused by a drone strike. In the Voronezh Region, a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle fell on the building of an industrial enterprise.

▪️ In the Kursk Region, the “North” group of forces reports that the AFU are pulling up new reserves and counterattacking with large forces. Over the past day, 2 counterattacks in the area of the settlements of Zeleny Shlyakh and Obukhovka, with a total strength of up to 80 people on 4 BMPs supported by 2 tanks, have been repelled. The enemy’s losses amounted to up to 50 personnel, a BMP, and a tank. The enemy has redeployed special forces to the area of active combat operations to identify the positions of the Russian Armed Forces and weak points in the defense, and is using a large amount of artillery. The AFU are also using reserve enemy equipment units on our territory: footage has appeared of an American M1 Abrams tank of the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the AFU.

▪️ In the Kharkiv direction – heavy fighting in Volchansk, the attack of the enemy was repelled near the settlement of Staritsa.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction, battles are ongoing on the northeastern outskirts of Selidovo. The Korotchenko mine, from the territory of which Russian troops attacked Selidovo, has come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. It is reported that near Hornyak, our troops approached the city from the east.

▪️ In the Kupiansk direction, the Russian Army is increasing pressure west of Synkivka in the forest area towards the northwestern outskirts of Petropavlivka. Fighting continues near Kruhlakivka, expanding the salient in the enemy’s defense along the Oskil River. Further south, our troops are advancing west from Andriivka towards the eastern outskirts of Vyshcheve, forming another salient, which, given the terrain and the capture of dominant heights, causes concerns for the enemy regarding further advancement towards Borova. Also, from Vyshcheve, the Russian Armed Forces attacked towards the neighboring Pershotravneve.

▪️ In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces are fighting for Katerynivka and Antonivka, expanding their control zones in the settlements.

▪️ In the Belgorod Region, Shebekino and the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka were hit by AFU strikes. A man was wounded. A passenger car moving from the village of Cheremoshnoye, Belgorod Region, was attacked by a kamikaze drone, injuring a man and a woman.

▪️ In the DPR, in Horlivka, men born in 1964 and 1984 were wounded as a result of AFU artillery strikes. As a result of the drop from a UAV by the AFU, a man born in 1982 was injured, and a man born in 1970 was also affected.

Two Majors


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  • truck driver

    Mercenaries from black Rock ever show up to help Ukraine.

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