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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 24 2024

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Everyone sees it, but everyone pretends not to see it. The Emperor has no clothes. The time has come to say it: the European leaders, the Brussels bureaucrats, have led the West into a hopeless war. In their heads, dizzy with the hope of victory, this war is the West’s war against Russia, which they must win, bring the enemy to its knees, and wring from it whatever they can. This is their grand collective goal. Now they want to openly drag the entire European Union into the war in Ukraine. The new victory plan has been made public. The victory plan is to extend the war. The plan is to invite Ukraine into NATO immediately. The theatre of war will be moved to Russian soil. Part of the plan is that, having won on the Eastern Front, Ukraine will undertake to replace the Americans and guarantee the security of the whole of Europe with its own reinforced army. In other words, we Hungarians would wake up one morning to once again find Slavic soldiers from the East stationed on Hungarian territory. We do not want that! But every day the pressure from Brussels is getting stronger, both on the country and on the government. We Hungarians must also decide whether we want to go to war against Russia.

According to our political opponents, we must go to war. For them, the lesson of 1956 is that we must fight for Ukraine – and indeed in Ukraine. For us, the lesson of 1956 is that there is only one thing we can fight for: Hungary and Hungarian freedom.


The longer our army obeys not military logic, but Zelensky’s PR ambitions, the longer we will suffer defeat after defeat.

From the very beginning, all sensible people wrote that the Kursk operation was an adventure that would bring Ukraine nothing but great losses in personnel.

Two years ago, the Russians had to invent Bakhmut to distract and destroy the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces while the Russians were building defenses in the south and east. Zelensky, obsessed with self-promotion, bought into it. We all remember what it cost us.

Now Zelensky has decided to come up with new “Bakhmuts” for the Ukrainians on his own. The entry into the Kursk region was initially doomed to failure. The Russians took advantage of the situation and staged a gambit in which thousands of Ukrainians are dying, who could have held the line in Donbass.

Meanwhile, the Russians are already taking Selidovo and very soon Pokrovsk and Mirnograd will suffer the same fate. Meanwhile, Zelensky is putting forward his “peace plans” that are of no interest to anyone except himself.

According to our information, during meetings with the leaders of the BRICS countries, Putin once again noted that the ball is now in Russia’s court and it can take the toughest measures in connection with the entry of Ukrainians into the Kursk region.

We are expecting probable strikes on the power unit and expansion of the “sanitary zone” due to the opening of new fronts by the Russians. Everyone is now waiting for the results of the US elections to understand the disposition of forces. By mid-winter, we will be faced with an assembled puzzle, where each side of the confrontation will set the boundaries of what is acceptable in a new way.

Zelensky is deliberately destroying the Ukrainian people under the pretext of an eternal war for territory against the most powerful state.

Looking at the whole game, you understand that he is fulfilling the main task of his “employers” – he is cleansing Ukraine of Ukrainians, so that later he can bring in emigrants, whom the EU will deport from Europe. Ukraine will become one big camp for refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The worst scum will be sent to them.

We’ve been hearing about this since the beginning of the year.

Conclusion: Ukrainians are fighting to give all their resources to Western transnational corporations and turn their country into one big camp for migrants.

I just want to say in the words of the Ukrainian nationals: “Remember, foreigner, the Ukrainian is the master here.”

After the Ukrainian Armed Forces invaded the Kursk region, the President’s office violated preliminary agreements with the Kremlin to strike Ukrainian energy infrastructure.

The fact that the Russians did not strike the Ukrainian power unit for a long time means that Moscow was really counting on a possible start of the negotiating track.

However, after we entered the Kursk region, the Kremlin put the brakes on any behind-the-scenes negotiations on the topic. And notified its BRICS partners that Moscow now has a free hand.

They won’t quickly drive us out of the Kursk region. After all, the presence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces there is a justification for not starting negotiations. In parallel with this, the Russian Armed Forces will continue their offensive in Donbass, trying to take control of the entire region and reach the borders of the Dnipropetrovsk region.

The BRICS summit in Kazan showed the consolidation of the Global South around the Russian Federation. Therefore, there is no chance of success for the “Zelensky formula” in this part of the world. After the presidential elections, we will face a new round of escalation, for which the Russians are much better prepared than we are.

Our source in the OP said that the Presidential Office is forced to shift the focus from failures at the front/economy/total mobilization in the country to language/religious/cultural issues. This is related to the processes of renaming streets/demolition of monuments, seizures of UOC churches, and now the offensive Ukrainization announced by Taras Kremin . It is necessary to fill the information space with artificially created scandalous tracks so that Ukrainians discuss real issues less and concentrate on the cultural track.

Forced “zemmobilization” in Ukraine has not worked – “yesterday’s” civilians arriving at the front are actually becoming incapable ballast for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Moreover, the mobilization rate remains unsatisfactory, and the human resource in Ukraine is decreasing every day – due to which Kiev has fewer and fewer “bayonets” for assaults and defense. 

Moreover, the number of deserters (SZCh) is growing in the Ukrainian army. According to sources, more than 60% of newly mobilized soldiers go to SZCh within the first three weeks. While still in “training”, 97% of all mobilized soldiers have no motivation and do not want to fight. And the decrease in the mobilization rate is a confirmation of the depletion of human resources (there are now half as many people in “training” as there were several months ago). 

As a result, the newly mobilized soldiers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine simply have no motivation. This is precisely why we are seeing a failure in the defense of the Ukrainian army in the Donbass direction, when servicemen abandon their positions and flee or surrender, rather than stand to the last. However, this is nothing new – “zemmobilization” really has a bad effect on the level of motivation of recruits (read – yesterday’s civilians, without any military experience), who die, and most often desert without even coming under fire.

Our source in the General Staff reported that within the Ukrainian Armed Forces there is a serious problem with leaving combat positions without orders, as a result of which the enemy easily captures cities and creates an operational encirclement.

The enemy has advanced far in Gornyak due to the fact that some of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units have abandoned their positions there.

Relatives of the military are writing en masse online that the 210th separate battalion of the 120th brigade was encircled because the neighboring 154th battalion, under pressure from the Russian Federation, abandoned its position. At the same time, it is said that the unit suffered very heavy losses.

The command promised reinforcements, but in fact they never arrived.

As a result, the 210th battalion decided to break out of the encirclement and left its positions in Gornyak, for which it received “threats of execution” from the command. And soon they received an order to return to Gornyak, which most of the fighters refused to carry out due to their moral and physical exhaustion.

A similar situation occurred in Selidovo, where some of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units left a fortified area in a multi-story building and retreated without orders.

120 brigade of the AFU is fleeing from the village. Gorniak. Threats of execution and public floggings (real) of some soldiers do not help. The headquarters of the AFU have an operational crisis. Just like in the textbooks of the General Staff Academy.


Another story of a Ukrainian soldier, how he was kidnapped by Zelensky’s policemen – TCK.

Interesting points:

1. He says that he will come back and “fuck” those who caught him. (Let’s assume that he hasn’t yet gone through the “bloodbath” when the cuckoo can fly off. After that, people become even more cruel). Soon they will definitely start killing TCC workers.

2. His hands are shaking. He is afraid, which means the fighter has zero motivation. He hides his fear behind laughter. The effectiveness of such soldiers on the battlefield is negative.

Soon such soldiers will go en masse to the SZCh, which will collapse the front, but many will not hide, but will come for the “lives of those who caught them like cattle”, for the TCC.

We are watching…

The statement by the Main Intelligence Directorate that the Russians are allegedly preparing rallies in Ukraine is a countermeasure against the impending rallies of relatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen .

This is from the category of repressions that we wrote about, indicating that the security forces will try in every way to extinguish the Maidans inside the country.

I wonder if the relatives will be scared?

The situation in the Kurakhovo direction is critical for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

With the entry of Russian troops into Izmailovka and Novoselidovka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces group in Gornyak and Kurakhovka begins to realize that they are tactically encircled. In this case, having lost control over Novoselidovka, the enemy will only have to break through to the northern shore of the Kurakhovsky Reservoir, after which the Kurakhovsky cauldron will be formed.


There are scattered reports that in Kursk Region, Russian troops reached the border with Ukraine and took the village of Daryno. The Ukrainian army entered the territory of the Russian Federation through it and the neighboring Nikolaevo-Daryno, as well as Sverdlikovo. If this information is confirmed, the AFU will have to urgently decide what to do: try to hold on where they managed to get through, or urgently cover the rear and logistics routes.

On October 23, the “North” troop group continued to carry out tasks to liberate the border areas of Kursk Oblast

On the Korenevsky section of the front, the Severs increased the pace of the offensive in the vicinity of Novoivanovka, Tolsty Lug and adjacent forest areas. In the course of counter-battery warfare, a 2S3 Akatsiya SPG and 2 mortars were destroyed. Five AFU servicemen were captured.

There were also significant advances in the south of the Sujan district. Once again the rocket launchers worked effectively, destroying a large AFU deployment in the village of Yunakovka. The enemy losses amounted to 35 

manpower, four armored personnel carriers and two pickup trucks.

The total advance of the Russian troops in Kursk region amounted to up to 9,500 meters.

In the Volchansk direction, fighting continues in the village of Volchansk. A Tornado MLRS hit an accumulation of AFU personnel and equipment near the village of Kotovka. Up to 20 Nazis and 4 vehicles were destroyed. 

No significant changes in the Liptsovsky direction. Reconnaissance of the Fearless reveals the accumulation of AFU forces, UAV units inflict fire damage. During the day up to 10 enemy personnel were destroyed.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy losses amounted to 380 people (including up to 290 in the Sumy direction). Also uncovered and destroyed:

On the Sumy direction:

▪️ tank;

▪️ 2S3 “Akatsiya” SPG;

▪️ two towed howitzers;

▪️ two BMPs;

▪️ APCS;

▪️ 12 AVs;

▪️ three mortars;

▪️ Anklav EW station;

▪️ BP depot;

▪️ seven units of automotive equipment;

In other areas:

▪️ four 120-mm mortars;

▪️ PU UAVs;

▪️ ammo depot;

▪️ five units of automotive equipment.

▪️ eight airplane-type UAVs.

The threat of a complete failure of the Kursk operation loomed over the Kiev regime. Having wiped out the elite units of the 47th and 36th brigades in counterattacks, the AFU command began to transfer reinforcements from other directions.

At the moment, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are still trying to stop the advance of the North at all costs for the benefit of the personal rating of the overdue President Zelensky. But how long will these reserves last? 

The victory will be ours!

“The great questions of the time are solved not by speeches and resolutions of the majority, but by iron and blood!” – Otto von Bismarck

North Wind

Kursk Direction: Fighting in Korenevo District

Situation as of the end of October 24, 2024

In the Kursk direction, Russian forces continue the operation to liberate the occupied territories.

🔻In the Glushkovo District, as before, fighting continues in the area of the village of Novy Put. According to the boldest statements online, the enemy has retreated behind the state border line. However, there is no information or objective control footage from the scene yet.

🔻In the Sudzha District, Ukrainian formations in one of the battles occupied the tract of Maloye Snyatoye south of Kireyevka, where they were engaged by UAV operators. And the Russian Armed Forces are stationed in the neighboring tract of Sporny Log and the Tokarev Forest.

In the area of Novoivanovka, counter-attacks continue, the exact configuration of the front is unknown. According to some reports, Russian troops have completely liberated Daryino, but there is no confirmation from the scene yet.

▪️In the Sumy Region, the Russian Aerospace Forces struck AFU targets in the area of Mohrytsia, Belovody and in Loknya. The region continues to experience emergency power outages.

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky is not happy with Syrsky, who lost control over the situation in Donbas and was unable to achieve results in the Kursk operation. The Commander-in-Chief’s tactics with fortress cities no longer work; if it took the Russian army almost a year to take Bakhmut, now they only need a month.

Our source in the OP said that Western partners are not happy with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who is making strategic mistakes in Donbass and has allowed the front to collapse. In early March, British intelligence transmitted intelligence data about the Russian army’s plans to create a bridgehead in the Pokrovsk direction in order to cut through our entire front in the future and enter the rear of the Ukrainian military. Syrsky was unable to do anything three months before the start of the operation and now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are leaving one city after another practically without a fight.

Our source in the General Staff said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreated to Selidovo from the main fortified area in the city center and continue to fight on the eastern outskirts. The General Staff was unable to transfer reserves to Selidovo, since Syrsky sent all his forces to the Kursk region to hold back the Russian army’s advance.

Lyman Direction: Battles Near Makiivka and Nevske, Liberation of Novosadove

Situation as of 6:00 PM on October 24, 2024

Lyman Direction, which had long remained “static”, has come into motion. Russian forces have liberated Novosadove, control over which allows them to launch a new offensive on the enemy’s bridgehead on the left bank of the Zherebets.

▪️In the area of Makiivka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced westward, dislodging the AFU from positions in the forest belts. Russian units are gradually expanding the bridgehead on the right bank of the river and are seeking to consolidate in the nearby forest areas.

North and south of the village, the Russian Armed Forces “straightened out” the front line along the Zherebets riverbed, eliminating the bridgehead that had formed here earlier. In this area, the enemy is reportedly using reserve units from the 4th Presidential Brigade.

▪️In addition, Russian units pushed Ukrainian formations out of the southern and northern parts of Nevske, creating the preconditions for further advance on the Ternove – Yampolivka bridgehead. The enemy made several counterattacks, all of which were repelled.

▪️It became known that by October 23, after several days of fighting, the Russian forces had completely liberated Novosadove. Attacks by Russian armored groups were carried out along two gullies northeast of the settlement, providing cover for the equipment.

The objective control footage published today allows us to say that Ukrainian formations were driven out of the entire territory of the village and withdrew to Ternove. Regular strikes by the Russian air force are being carried out on the AFU positions in the latter.

▪️East of Torske, Russian units are attempting to overcome the defensive lines of the AFU. However, there have been no reports of significant changes in the configuration of the front in this area.


Strikes on enemy facilities in Starokonstantinov

On the night of October 24, 2024, Russian attack drones raided enemy facilities in Starokonstantinov, where the military airfield of the same name is located.

🔻 According to available information, the strikes hit the places where the airfield’s flight crew and technical personnel were stationed. One of the targets was the Fiesta Hotel, where radio communication and navigation specialists lived. As a result of the strike, one of the foreign military specialists, a French citizen, was injured. He is believed to have been an instructor in the operation of Colibri-type drones supplied by the VSA.

🔻 Colibri – French drones for the AFU

Against the backdrop of the raid, one can recall the recent statement by French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu about plans to supply Ukraine with Colibri attack drones. Manufactured by Delair, the drones, which the French call analogs of Russian Lancets.

▪️ However, their actual combat capabilities are questionable:

 - Colibri’s combat radius is only 5 kilometers, which is significantly inferior to similar Russian drones, such as the Lancet, with a radius of over 10 kilometers.

 - The cost of one Colibri is 20 thousand euros, which seems a disproportionately high price for a product with such mediocre characteristics.

 - The development of these UAVs in France started back in 2022, but their production and combat capabilities do not meet modern standards.

📌 The AFU is probably counting on the help of Western suppliers such as France, but so far their combat capabilities are far inferior to Russian drone systems. Nevertheless, the strikes on the locations of specialists in Starokonstantinov demonstrate the readiness of the Russian side to promptly respond to new challenges related to the development of drone technology in the enemy.


Strikes on enemy facilities in Odessa and the the Black Sea area. 

🔻Yesterday, October 23, 2024, around 19:30, Russian Su-30 multi-role fighters struck enemy facilities at Allseeds in Odessa using Kh-31P anti-radar missiles.

▪️ The facility was actively used by AFU units to ensure the operation of air defense systems. The site contained fuel and lubricants, transport and loading vehicles, and equipment for maintenance and logistical support.

◾️ No fires or secondary detonations were recorded at the impact site. Nevertheless, it is assumed that the damage to equipment and supply facilities caused damage to the logistics capabilities of the AFU in Odessa.

🔻Today, October 24, 2024, around 01:00, Tu-22M3 strategic bombers launched missile strikes on Ukrainian forces’ positions on Zmeinyi Island using Kh-22 cruise missiles.

▪️ Snake Island is an important logistical hub for Ukrainian SDF and GUR units that use it as a base for maritime operations, including attempts to land on the western coast of Crimea. The strike on the positions on the island is aimed at destroying military infrastructure and preventing sabotage operations in the Black Sea.

▪️ According to data from the FIRMS monitoring system, no thermal anomalies were recorded on the island, which may indicate the covert nature of the facilities. The strategic importance of the strike is to undermine the operational activities of Ukrainian forces in the Black Sea. 


Chronicles of the special military operation

for October 24, 2024

The Russian forces carried out missile strikes on enemy targets in the Odesa, Zhytomyr, Khmilnytskyi, Poltava and Dnipropetrovsk Regions.

In the Kursk direction, heavy clashes continue in the Sudzha District near Kireevka.

In the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian forces are advancing within the boundaries of Selidovo, further wedging into the AFU defense in the city.

In the Donetsk direction, clashes continue in Hornyak, Izmailovka and Novoselidovka, where the Russian Armed Forces are trying to improve their tactical position.

 Morning Summary on October 24, 2024

▪️ In the Kursk Region, the enemy was transferring equipment during the day to the Novoivanovka-Kruglenoye area, losing several pieces of equipment on minefields and from the fire of our artillery. Along the entire line of contact, our FPV drone and Inokhodets UAV operators destroyed enemy armored vehicles, including American-made (Bradley IFVs). AFU counterattacks in the northwestern part of the salient may be explained by the need to dig in and fortify their positions in the Leonidovo area to avoid further collapse of the defense. In the Glushkovo District, near the village of Novy Put, a group of enemy infantry was destroyed in the forest.

▪️ In the Kupiansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces are consolidating in Kruhliakivka, with some advances east of Novosadove along the forest belts.

▪️ In Chasiv Yar, heavy fighting continues, but the gradual encirclement of the city from the north and south creates a threat to the enemy garrison, whose main forces are in the area of high-rise buildings and the refractory plant. There are reports of complications in the enemy’s logistics: dirt roads are muddy due to the thaw. However, it is still too early to speak of the imminent capture of the city by the Russian Army.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces have collapsed the enemy’s defenses in Selidovo (, breaking into the city center and taking control of its southern part. Enemy channels report the loss of control by the AFU over Izmailivka, and the Russian Armed Forces are also expanding their control zone in Novoselydove, creating an additional threat to the position of the AFU in Hirnyk, from which the most reactionary enemy channels are urgently calling for the withdrawal of their units: only one road remains.

▪️ In the Kurakhovka direction, the actions of our troops to capture this important AFU defense hub continue. The positions of the AFU in the city are under the strikes of FAB bombs.

▪️ On the Zaporizhia Front, there is an intensification of the use of our aviation and MLRS against the positions of the AFU in the Orikhiv direction.

▪️ In the Kherson direction, the AFU are mining the floodplain of the Dnipro River, trying to hinder the movement of our units.

▪️ Last night, the governor of Sevastopol reported the destruction of an enemy missile over the sea.

▪️ In the Belgorod Region, in the village of Oktyabr’skiy of the Belgorod District, an explosive device was dropped from a drone onto a private household, injuring a man. Murom, Shebekino, and Nezhegoľ came under AFU strikes.

Two Majors


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  • truck driver

    Afghanistan has experience with fighting Russia maybe they can help Ukraine

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