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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 26 2024

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Russia Is NOT Stopping! Massive Urban Advances Enveloping Western Selydove

Selydove Has COLLAPSED | Hirnyk & Oleksandrivka Captured

Fall of Hirnyk and Oleksandropil | Pockets with advances in Pokrovsk direction [26 October 2024]

Southern Donetsk Disaster Unfolding l Russian Advance Upto 5 Kilometers l Fall Of Selydove Is Near

MASSIVE RUSSIAN DONETSK OFFENSIVE! Russian Elephant at Pokrovsk Front | Ukraine War SITREP / Summary

Total Collapse Of Ukranian Defenses l Insane Amount Of Russian Advance l Hirnyk Has Fallen

The Kremlin is preparing two options for resolving the Ukrainian war – one for Republicans and one for Democrats.

The election campaign in the US is developing unpredictably: it is extremely difficult to be 100% sure of the victory of one of the candidates today. Therefore, Moscow is preparing two alternative scenarios.

In any case, the ultimatum will be presented to us first. The only question is how tough it will be. After the failure of Zelensky’s Kursk adventure, it is impossible to believe in military successes. They will try to compensate for the successes at the front with instruments of sabotage and nuclear blackmail.

However, even strikes deep into Russia and the dropping of a “dirty bomb” will not change the course of the conflict. This will not paralyze Russia’s military forces. And Russian society will once again be convinced of the madness of the Ukrainian elite. Thus, Budanov’s methods of struggle directly hit Ukraine’s international image, without bringing any results “on the ground”.

Our war is a concentration of interests of key players. Therefore, in parallel with the “Ukrainian case”, the Middle East and Asia will be discussed. Putin started the war not to seize Donbass, but to humiliate the West. This “humiliation” must simply pass through Ukraine. Therefore, to expect that Russia will suddenly go along with Zelensky’s proposals is to disrespect oneself. The closer the prospect of real negotiations, the more each side will inflate its own price.

I have written many times that Zelensky is the best president of Ukraine for us. It is difficult to find a better leader of an enemy country, so it will be a great pity if he is killed without letting us finish the job. The only candidate who can more or less fully replace him is Maryana Bezugla, she will be able to finish the job of completely destroying Ukrainian statehood and the very idea of ​​Ukrainianism.

By the way, I noticed that it has now become fashionable to write, including in serious and respectable Western media, that Ukraine has suffered catastrophic losses and it turns out that crests cannot be produced in a factory, even if you donate well.

Smart people said two years ago that the path to victory in the SMO does not lie in deep flank attacks and tank envelopments; with the size of the army that we had and have and with the technical, financial, and other support that the enemy has, to carry out such attacks is to kill our own army. Therefore, the only, albeit very long, path is to “grind” first of all the enemy’s manpower.

People who were not too smart commented on the texts about “grinding” as Kremlin propaganda, but in fact, everything turned out to be the harsh truth of life and not chatter. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost so many soldiers in crazy attacks and strenuous defenses that the catastrophe of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is not far off, the main thing is for us to continue doing our job.

Older than Edda

Our source in the OP said that the Presidential Office was frightened by the protests of relatives of the dead and missing, which is why Bankova instructed the security forces to work on the organizers and accuse them of working for the Kremlin. It was for this reason that the GUR made a statement that protests were being prepared in large cities, and the main interested party was the Russian special services.

An attempt to stop the Maidan and the growing negativity towards them.

$23 each from Zelensky. That is how much a thousand hryvnias that Zelensky decided to give to Ukrainians are currently valued at.

This is somewhere over 600-700 million dollars, which Zelensky will still return back, since Ukrainians can spend it on certain things within the country.

According to our information, this is another attempt to “bribe” the stupid people, from whom everything was taken, and now they are throwing a bone from the master’s table and expecting the people to stand and applaud and thank the “gentlemen”.

Zelensky’s anti-rating is growing so fast that Yermak had to urgently distribute money to the serfs!

 The Empire That Couldn’t Fight Its Way Out of a Paper Bag

Once a supposed pillar of imperial strength, the UK now resembles little more than a ghost of its former self, a “global power” in rhetoric only, hemorrhaging any actual capacity to defend its own borders, let alone project strength abroad. Defense Secretary Healey’s lament over Britain’s “hollowed out” military is the perfect punchline to the empire’s tired act, revealing the brittleness of a nation that dared to stoke the fires of confrontation with Russia.

And for what? To egg on a delusional fascist-regime in Kiev, pushing Zelensky to hold fast against peace, knowing full well the UK has no resources to match its bluster. This is the nation that’s been complicit in dragging Europe into an economic and military quagmire. The irony? Even as they kneel to Washington’s commands, they’re entirely unprepared for the “deterrence” they preach, stripped bare by years of underfunding and hubris.

As Britain scrambles to “innovate” with “new tech” for “deterrence,” one has to ask, deterrence against whom? The empire that can’t protect its shores wants to play warrior in Eastern Europe. The crumbling UK doesn’t need more tech or empty slogans; it needs a reckoning with reality.

At this rate, they’ll be lucky if they manage to hold their own military exercises without tripping over the cobwebs of their old, forgotten grandeur.

- Gerry Nolan

Yuriy Butusov voiced the real situation at the front, and most importantly, the inaction of the authorities and the lies in the President’s addresses. The editor-in-chief of Censor did not dare to directly call Zelensky’s Kursk adventure the reason for the collapse on the eastern front, but he did clarify how it is possible to conduct an offensive if there are not enough reserves for defense?

“North Korean troops gather in Kursk region, U.S. officials say”: Americans continue to look for North Korean troops in the conflict in Ukraine. 

“North Korean troops have not yet entered the battle and it is not yet clear what role they will play, U.S. officials said. Whatever their role, officials said, any significant contingent of North Korean troops would allow Russia to keep more of its forces in eastern Ukraine, where they can focus on seizing as much Ukrainian territory as possible before the harsh winter weather arrives. Thousands more have been arriving in the Kursk region every day since Wednesday. A senior Ukrainian official familiar with the troop movements said up to five thousand North Korean troops are expected to be assembled by Monday.”

The Ukrainian army is unable to stop the advance of the Russian Armed Forces after the huge expenditures of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Zelensky’s Kursk adventure.

In the coming months, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will retreat in all directions, losing territory, manpower and heavy equipment.

If at this moment the defense line does not collapse, then the Ukrainian Armed Forces are very lucky.

Everyone is preparing for the worst-case scenario. That’s why everyone started talking about preparing defensive structures in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Donetsk direction: successes in Hornyak and liberation of Aleksandropol

In the Donetsk direction, Russian forces are also breaking through the enemy’s defenses, having made significant advances in several sectors during the recent battles.

▪️South of Tsukurino, the enemy was driven out of several forest belts and the remnants of buildings in the southwest of the village. To the west of it, there are also reports of advances by the Russian Armed Forces, although this has not yet been confirmed by footage.

▪️The Russian forces achieved major successes in Hornyak and its environs. A flag has already been raised over one of the high-rise buildings in the city, and based on reports of the presence of the Russian Armed Forces in the area of Sovetskaya Street, the AFU have clearly been driven out of the eastern outskirts of the city as well. Part of Izmailovka also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

Reports of the complete liberation of the settlement are already appearing online. However, even with such an optimistic outcome, it will still take some time to fully clear the entire urban area.

▪️To the east, the Russian forces advanced from the direction of Zhelannoe Vtoroye, driving Ukrainian formations out of a stronghold and occupying several forest belts. They also significantly expanded the area of control in Zoriane: according to some reports, the fighting is already taking place almost on the outskirts of Kurakhivka.

▪️There are also footage of a flag being raised on the northern outskirts of Aleksandropol. Given that the only bridge leading into the town from the enemy side is located precisely on the north, the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the liberation of the settlement seems to correspond to the reality.

To the south, according to preliminary data, Russian Armed Forces units achieved success in the area of Peremoha. However, the extent of the advance in this area is not precisely known, and the information from there is still contradictory.


8 kilometers breakthrough

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing the important village of Shakhtarskoye. It was the hub of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during their counteroffensive in 2023 in the South Donetsk direction.

Today our fighters have made a breakthrough from Zolotaya Niva and have already entered Shakhtyorskoye. Thus, another road between Kurakhovo and Velikaya Novosyolka is cut off, and Kurakhovo itself is increasingly threatened by the approach of Russian forces from the south.

Pokrovsk direction: planting flags in Selidovo and successes in neighboring sectors

situation as of 6 PM on October 26, 2024

In the Pokrovsk direction, Russian forces are developing the successes of previous days, advancing simultaneously in several sectors.

▪️According to preliminary information, north of Hrodivka, several forest belts and strongpoints south of the Kazennyy Torets river floodplain, as well as a spoil heap near Novohrodivka west of Krasnyy Yar, have come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

▪️These positions had been previously captured by Russian troops but were lost after a counterattack by the AFU. Now, the Russian Armed Forces have reoccupied these lines. Additionally, a small strongpoint near the forest belts southwest of Mykolaivka has come under the control of Russian forces.

▪️Meanwhile, in Selidovo, fierce battles continue. A large number of extremely optimistic news about significant successes of the Russian troops is appearing online, although the objective control footage confirms far from everything so far.

In particular, Russian assault troops have installed a flag on the spoil heap northeast of the city. And flags from the center of Selidovo itself began to appear about a week ago.

🔻At the same time, it is not yet possible to establish the exact zone of control in the city due to the changing combat situation and the lack of objective evidence. Nevertheless, the position of the Ukrainian formations in Selidovo is deteriorating increasingly.


Offensive for Ugledar: Russian Army breaks through to Shakhtyorskoye, Bogoyavlenka, Velyka Novosyolka, and Pobeda

Ugledarske (South Donetsk direction):

North of Zolotaya Niva, Russian troops, supported by armored vehicles, attacked in the direction of Velyka Novosyolka, Shakhtyorske, and Novoukrainka (in the area of ​​the western part of the Berestovaya gully). In the direction of Shakhtyorske, they occupied an area up to 4.38 km wide and up to 3.2 km deep. Fighting continues in the Shakhtyorske area and on the western edge of the Berestovaya gully.

Near Bogoyavlenka, Russian troops advanced along forest belts in an area up to 3.6 km wide to a depth of 2 km and reached the outskirts of the settlement, where active military operations continue.

Kurakhovskoe direction.

The battles for Katerinovka continue in the direction of Antonovka, west of Pobeda, south of Maksimilyanovka in the direction of Dolgaya ravine, and for the Shakhtostroitel summer cottage village.

➖West of Pobeda, Russian troops attacked in maneuverable groups to a depth of up to 2.2 km.

The attack of the Russian army from the south of Ugledar and the simultaneous advance to Selidovo has already been dubbed a “cascade offensive.”

The operation received this name both due to its geography and due to the sections of the front and the number of Ukrainian Armed Forces units that might not survive this offensive.

Powerful assault on Selidovo: “🅾️ group ” troops have occupied most of the city! The Ukrainian Armed Forces are almost surrounded

The “Center” group of troops is actively moving in the Selidovo neighborhoods, clearing house after house from all directions. Most of the city is already occupied by our troops.

Our forces are also developing flank attacks, threatening the enemy with a quick encirclement. Having occupied part of Vishnevoe, the Russian Armed Forces cut off an important supply line for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ukrainian military and analysts scream from morning till night about the critical situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces:

“In Selidovo, the Russians advanced in the southern part of the city in an area up to 1.2 km wide.”

“West of the railway, in the section from Vishnevoe to Tsukurino, the Russians advanced in a section up to 3.9 km wide and up to 1.6 km deep,” enemy resources write.

“The Russian army has advanced in the central part of the city north and south of the Solyonaya River. Enemy assault groups continue to advance in the direction of the “11th Quarter”. The assault is coming from the south (north of the Solyonaya River) and the east,” they wrote in the evening.

In Vishnevoe, Russian troops have occupied the southeastern part. Fighting continues.

Media AFU member Mukhnoy is again stirring up treason:

“Regarding Selidovo: the assault on the 11th microdistrict continues in the northwest, the Russians have almost taken control of it.

In the Gornyak area, Russian troops could reach mine No. 42 and gain a foothold!

There is also an advance of the Russians in the direction of Novomitrovka and Kremennaya Balka. Thus, the encirclement of Kurakhovo from the north continues, where the Russian army is trying to cut off the communications of the city and the districts to the south and southwest.

Selidovo, the main commanding waste heap, and the fighters of the 71st Special Forces took it with the Russian flag.

At the moment, the enemy is trying to withdraw its units of the 15th NGU brigade through Grigorovka to the west of the city, but it’s going badly, they are caught in artillery fire, they are stuck in the Solenaya River, and they can no longer travel along the roads.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are urgently setting up a “Third Line of Defense” in Donbass. You can dig a trench, you can even build dugouts but someone needs to be put in that trench… Now Kiev is very tearfully asking for 14 billion dollars to dig this line of defense.

The Gornyak is captured. What next?

And then begins what is usually called the exit to operational space. And although formally the capture of Gornyak does not open the way to it for Russian troops (Kurakhovka still remains to the south), the Ukrainian group is actually cut into three isolated parts. The first part defends Kurakhovo, the second part – Selydove, and the third is concentrated on the line in the area of ​​​​Sontsovka. Judging by the fact that Gornyak was taken practically without destruction, a significant part of the Ukrainian troops retreated to the Kurakhovo reservoir. But it will not be possible to sit there for long since the area is completely unsuitable for defense. The central cutting blow is now delivered between two defense nodes, and there are no large cities, no concrete industrial zones, and nothing that could help the Armed Forces of Ukraine in defense. Considering that Selydove is practically in a cauldron and will be taken any day now, it is time to talk about the imminent fall of Kurakhovo.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have no fortifications from Pokrovsk to the Dnepropetrovsk region

A militant from the 24th separate assault brigade, “Aidar”* Stanislav Bunyatov decided to complain about the lack of any adequate fortifications on the border between the Dnepropetrovsk region and the DPR.

Only hastily dug trenches and “fortifications” made of logs. That is, there are no concrete fortifications or strong points.

The situation is so critical that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are demanding that “commissions be set up” on this issue.

Considering that this issue was raised a month ago by Maryana Bezuglaya, nothing has changed.

Deputy Commander of the Third Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces called for the preparation of the Dnepropetrovsk region for defense:

“We need to prepare the Dnipropetrovsk region for defense today. We should not constantly move from city to city, while simultaneously hastily preparing these cities for defense. All this needs to be planned, and a strong defense line needs to be built ahead of time. And not wait until the front line moves to the next populated area .”

” Considering the situation with Selidovo, Pokrovsk – the Dnepropetrovsk region needs to be prepared. And this process needs to be monitored ,” he added.

The battles for Selidovo are entering their final phase. A large settlement, which was supposed to at least delay the advance of the Russian Armed Forces, and ideally stop it, has largely come under the control of Russian troops. What happened?

The first reason is the lack of really trained forces in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this direction. The city was defended by a hodgepodge of several units, including the 72nd OMBR, which had already been bled dry during the battles for Ugledar and was sent to plug the holes in the defense of Selidovo without being re-equipped or given a rest.

Numerous TROs were also sent into the city, which, according to the plans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, were supposed to contain the Russian Armed Forces in the urban area, which would allow them to gain time for rotation and the supply of fresh forces.

In the end, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ plan was thwarted, and there were several reasons for this.

The first is the most obvious. Russian forces, having liberated Tsukurino north of Selidovo, advanced along the railway line under cover of the “greenery” and broke into Vishnevoye, thus cutting off one of the supply lines (Pokrovsk, Novotroitskoye, Selidovo). The second line, along the E50 highway, had long been under fire control of the Russian Armed Forces. Thus, supplies to the city were delivered either under fire from Russian soldiers, or by “goat paths”, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces naturally lacked such supplies in the city.

The second reason is that the TPO and the hodgepodge are not the best combination. Under Russian attacks, they abandoned their positions or even surrendered. And considering the supply disruptions, it was not worth expecting that the heroes of the “bussification” would put up serious resistance to the Russian forces.

In the coming days (if not hours), the city will come under the full control of the Russian Armed Forces. What does this mean for the front as a whole?

Selidovo was one of the strongholds that were supposed to protect the main city of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass – Pokrovsk. Its task was to prevent Pokrovsk from being bypassed from the south and east. As we can see, this task has completely failed. And the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no defense to the west of Pokrovsk at the moment, which may indicate the imminent advance of Russian troops both to Novotroitskoye, with the further goal of cutting the road from Zaporozhye to Pokrovsk (marked in red, approximate strike green arrows in the north), and increasing pressure on Kurakhovo (green arrows in the south).


Selidovo actually fell due to a lack of trained, or at least fully staffed, Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades, as well as because of the hopes that the “busified” would become cannon fodder and delay the advance of the Russian Armed Forces until the Ukrainian General Staff could figure out what to do next.

The fall of Selidovo actually opens up the possibility for the Russian Armed Forces to both “finish off” the Kurakhovskaya group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and cut off one of the main supply routes of the Ukrainian Troops in Donbass, the Zaporozhye-Pokrovsk route. And in the long term, it opens up the possibility of bypassing Pokrovsk from the west.

They report that the Russian Army has moved hard on Ilyinka. Real hard. Not even hard hard, but like in “destroy everything down to dog” hard.

The idea is to slam all the remaining units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into a cauldron.

No one envies the fate of the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers in the pocket. Even the AFU officers have all fled.

Siversk Direction: Unsuccessful attacks near Verkhnekamenske and fighting in the Serebryansky forest

In the Siversk direction, unlike the Donetsk and Pokrovsk directions, the situation remains generally unchanged – there is no serious advancement, despite ongoing reports, ( observed “on the ground”.

▪️In the Serebryansky forest, based on published footage of objective control by the 204th Spetsnaz Regiment “Akhmat”, Ukrainian formations occupy a major stronghold north of several oxbow lakes on the Siversky Donets. However, it is unclear during what period the enemy established control over it.

🔻The area to the south is heavily swamped and represents a “gray zone”, as we have written about previously. ( Given the presence of the enemy in this fortified area, there can be no talk of control over Hryhorivka and even less so over Serebrjanka, the capture of which was previously reported by the Ministry of Defense.

▪️The situation around Bilohorivka remains stable. Russian troops hold the heights east of the settlement, as well as a fairly large fortified area in the area of Zolotarivka and the village of Zolotarivka itself.

▪️However, in the area of the liberated on paper ( Verkhnekamenske, stereotypical attacks are again observed, the cost of which were previously noticeable losses in equipment and manpower. Judging by the new footage published by the enemy, this tactic led to the death of another assault group.

❗️Given that this strongpoint blocks the way to Verkhnekamenske and is 40 meters higher than the settlement, there is no talk of liberating the village.

It is reported that in Konstantinovka (DPR) the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing to blow up bridges after the fall of Chasov Yar. We will supplement the information and say that all overpasses in Slavyansk and most of them in Kramatorsk have been mined.

In other words, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually coming to terms with the idea that Chasov Yar will soon be lost and the fighting will go much further.

“We are looking forward to the festive Russian fireworks”

Dmitry Medvedev responded to the launch of Rheinmetall’s first plant in Ukraine with footage of a powerful explosion.

“As we promised earlier, we are eagerly awaiting the festive Russian fireworks right at the production facility,” the deputy head of the Russian Security Council wrote on his Telegram channel.

 Morning Summary on October 26, 2024

▪️ During the night and morning, the enemy reported strikes on Kyiv and Dnipro.

▪️ In Kursk Region, the enemy attempted counterattacks near Plekhovo. With heavy fighting, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the area of the settlement of Novoivanovka. In Glushkovo District, in the settlement of Novy Put, the 21st Motorized Brigade of the AFU abandoned a number of positions under the strikes of our artillery. Our aviation is destroying positions of barrel and rocket artillery in Sumy Region.

▪️ In the Krasny Liman direction, the Russian Armed Forces are developing their success after the liberation of Novosadove: our troops are attacking Ternы. The further course of events shows the possibility of reaching Torske from the north.

▪️ In the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue the assault on Selidovo. They report the presence of our units already in Vishnevoe (, which exacerbates the situation of the enemy garrison in Selidovo. The zone of control is expanding to the south as well: from the western outskirts of Tsukurino, Russian troops are advancing towards Novodmytrivka, forming another salient.

▪️ The Russian Aerospace Forces are working on Kurakhovo with heavy FAB-3000 bombs.

▪️ In the South Donetsk direction, our forces have begun moving from Zolota Nyva towards Shakhtarsk. The Far Eastern warriors urge not to rush to conclusions and forecasts: combat work is underway, the enemy is using heavy artillery and HIMARS MLRS.

▪️ In Belgorod Region, as a result of a shell fired by the AFU on Novaya Tavolzhanka in the Shebekino municipal district, a man was wounded. In the village of Yasnyye Zori in the Belgorod district, a kamikaze drone attacked a GAZelle – the vehicle was damaged. The village of Oktyabr’skiy in the Belgorod district also came under AFU fire, injuring two civilians. Shebekino is under daily strikes. At night, an AFU UAV dropped an explosive device in the village of Golovchino in the Graivoro municipal district. In the village of Mokraya Orlovka, a drone struck a parked car – the car was completely burned. In the village of Striguny in the Borisovsky district, cars and houses were damaged.

▪️ In the DPR, in the Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka, the driver of a KamAZ truck was injured when an explosive device was dropped from an AFU UAV. Over the past day, the AFU fired 25 rounds of 155mm artillery, including cluster munitions, at civilian targets.

Two Majors


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  • truck driver

    Ukraine moved to New Jersey and drives truck as their own trucking company. Going through Apex Capital or cloud ☁️ truck maybe

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