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Ebola In America Prophecy The Vision Of Sarah Menet 1979 (NDE)

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ACTS 2:17

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams

The Vision of Sarah Menet (1979)NDE


Vision of Sarah MenetVision of the End of the World
Sarah Hoffman committed suicide in 1979 and was told she had to come back and finish her earth life, but first she was shown the end of the world. She was a Mormon and was given a warning of God to them, which she delivered in seminars after receiving her vision.  God will save a remnant from among all the false apostate religions. This panoramic view of the earth came into view and then came closer and closer like I had been out into space and was flying towards it.


I knew that this was to help me make my decision to go back to earth, to my terrible life, because part of me wanted to go back to the beautiful spirit world or paradise and part of me felt the need to go back into my body and change my life. It was kind of a tug of war and what I was going to see was to help me understand what I would go through if I went back into my clay body.

It played out again just like a video tape in fast forward motion and yet again I could assimilate and see everything clearly and perfectly. As the world zoomed up to me I saw the whole world and then the various countries.

I don’t know the countries of the world very well, but as I looked at these lands I instinctively knew what countries they were. I was looking at the Middle East and watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel with a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran but people from Iran had been hiding it in Libya and fired it. I knew that it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately missiles started flying from one country to another, quickly spreading to all over the world. I also saw that many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from ground bombs of some kind. I knew that in the future there would be a nuclear war throughout the world and this is how it would start.
Then, my focus changed from the Middle East to America. I understood that I was about to see some of the things that would lead up to the nuclear holocaust I had just witnessed.

As I looked upon the continent of North America, I zeroed in on the East Coast and then to New York. I saw New York with all of its buildings and people. Then I saw some tall buildings crashing to the earth with tremendous smoke, debris and dust everywhere. I saw a woman holding a little girl’s hand, running from the crashing buildings. The lady had long dark hair past her shoulders, curled inward a little. She had on a beige business suit, heels of a slightly darker color, perhaps a tan color. No glasses. The little girl appeared to be about 6-7 years old with short brown hair, below the chin, in a sort of a pageboy haircut. They were holding hands and running together from the falling buildings in the heavy smoke and dust and they were forced to let go of hands and thereby they got separated. The little girl was terrified and I could hear the little girl screaming “mommy, mommy” over again and again. I don’t know if they lived or died. I can still see the face of the lady clearly and could identify her if I saw a picture…or could describe her to an artist to draw her. I asked if an earthquake caused the buildings to fall down and the impression was ‘no,’ but I don’t know what caused them to fall.

The next thing that I felt more than I saw was that shortly after this there was no commerce, no shopping, buying, and was impressed that there was no economy. The economy had almost failed completely and no one had any money.

The next thing I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease started by having white blisters, some the size of dimes appear on their hands, arms and face. This quickly developed into white puffy sores and blisters. People would stumble about and fall and then many died within a short time, maybe 24 hours. I also saw other people with blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes and ears. It started like a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the other white blister disease. The people who had this disease died even faster. This was more wide spread across the entire United States. There were hundreds of thousands of people stricken with these two diseases.
I knew that the diseases, and there were several different kinds, but at first primarily these two, came from small containers that had been brought into the United States. These containers were like quart jars and I was impressed that the people carrying them would just drop them on the ground in large crowds of people and the people would become infected without realizing it.
In these cities as the disease spread, the people tried to flee from the cities out to the countryside. There was complete chaos in these cities and a breakdown of normal society. There was no electricity in them either, but I don’t know why or how that came to be.
There were cars piled up everywhere, blocking roadways and most people then had to walk out with nothing. The disease started to spread beyond these initial cities.
STEVE QUAYLE DEAD SCIENTISTSAs these people were fleeing the cities, there were gangs attacking them and killing them. In the cities that were struck with the disease, there was complete chaos, looting, rioting, murdering, a complete breakdown. Many people seemed to go absolutely crazy. I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere now and that nothing was running, there was no communication or anything anywhere in the country. Nothing worked, no radios or TVs. I watched people throw rocks and break windows to steal TVs which I thought was really crazy because they wouldn’t work.

Immediately, as I watched this happen in the United States, I jumped back to the Middle East and saw the same thing in Israel, the same sores, and I realized that it was the same types of disease or sickness happening there. I knew somehow that whatever diseases had been used in the United States were also being used in Israel.

This lasted for only an instant and I was back in the United States. There was a tremendously long winter that lasted into summer. It caught everyone by surprise and started the full famine. Actually, I realized that the long winter actually just increased the famine greatly to its full measure, because the famine had already been in progress because of the storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had been happening over the few years leading up to the long winter.

It seemed then that the year following the long winter was when everything started to go down hill very quickly or things piled up one on top of the other without any breaks. The sense of time though was not very clear because I was seeing several things that seemed to happen all at the same time or very close together.
During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy was completely gone and the electricity was also gone. There was complete chaos and anarchy all over the United States. There was no government, just a total breakdown. There was no food at all. I saw people trying to get food and were completely panicked because there was no food. I saw people digging in the ground for worms and eating them because they were so hungry.
Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little water and that almost all of the water had become poisoned so that if a person drank the water they would get the disease and die. Many did even knowing that they would die, because they were so thirsty.Some of the people seemed to go crazy and went around in gangs killing people just for the sake of killing. Others killed for food or for things but the people who killed just to kill were absolutely terrible. They seemed like beasts, animals completely out of control as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people.
I saw them go into people’s homes and drag families out who were hiding there and rape them and butcher them.There was such a fear and hatred that came upon the people — families, wives, husbands — loving ties no longer mattered; it became survival only. Husbands would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. It was absolutely horrible beyond description.The air seemed to be filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned and no one put them out. As I looked upon the scene of chaos, destruction and smoke, I noticed that there were these little pockets of light scattered all over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them. I noticed that most of these places of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four in the East.


These places of light seemed to shine through the darkness and caught my attention and so I concentrated on them, asking, “What are these things?”I could then see that they were people who had gathered together and they were on their knees and they were praying. The light was coming from them and I understood that it represented their goodness and love. I understood that they had gathered together for safety and that they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small, with only a hundred people or so, but in other groups there were what seemed several thousand.
I realized that somehow many, if not most of these cities of light had been established just before the disease attack and that they were very organized. It was like they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I didn’t see who or what had organized them, but I saw many people struggling to get to them with nothing but what they could carry.These cities of light had food and were sharing their food with those who joined them in their groups. There was peace and safety in the groups. They were living in tents, all kinds of tents, many of which were just blankets covering poles. I noticed that the gangs left these groups alone, choosing to pick on easier targets and unprotected people. They also preyed on the people who were trying to get to the cities of light. Many people in these cities of light had guns  to defend themselves with and so the gangs left them alone but it seemed that the gangs just didn’t want to come against them.


As I was looking at the cities of light, I then saw missiles coming and hitting some cities and mushroom clouds started happening all over the United States. Some were from missiles that I knew came from Russia and others were not from missiles, but were from bombs that were already in the United States. They were hidden in trucks and in cars and were exploded.


I specifically saw Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York hit with bombs. New York was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by a truck bomb or actually several, because I didn’t see any missile. I also saw north of Salt Lake City have a mushroom cloud, a small one, but no missile.

In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I don’t know if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds, but there were millions falling everywhere. They were very hot, of different sizes with most about the size of golf balls. As they fell from the sky they left a streak of flame and smoke behind them. Whatever they touched they started on fire: people, buildings, trees, grass, it didn’t matter. I didn’t ask what they were or where they came from, because by this time I was getting sick of the whole scene and so I just observed and didn’t ask many questions.

Almost right on top of these mushroom clouds I saw Russian troops invading the United States. I saw them parachuting into a lot of places, primarily from the East Coast. I saw them parachute into Salt Lake City. I also saw Chinese troops invade from the West Coast, near Los Angeles. The people who were still alive started fighting them with their own guns.

I didn’t see any military.

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Now the smoke turned to a very thick, heavy dark smoke. Just as things appeared to be as bad as it could get, then the earthquakes happened. This happened during a winter. It seemed that this was the winter following the very long one and so the chaos had been almost for a full year. The earthquakes seemed to start in the West, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread everywhere.

I saw a huge earthquake strike Utah and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but were especially devastating in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas.These earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the West. They started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air and the air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened even more because of the smoke and the ash that started raining down everywhere.
I also saw huge waves of water sweep over the West Coast and then I realized that it was happening all over the coastal cities of the entire world. Los Angeles was almost swept completely away. The waves were huge.
I saw a big wall of water, taller than many of the buildings, perhaps as high as 20 feet, sweep over Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange because it was so far from the ocean and I wondered how a wave from the ocean could travel all the way to Salt Lake City. I was impressed that it was not from the ocean but from the ground. I quickly saw great cracks in the earth around Salt Lake City open up and water just shoot out of the ground. I felt that under the ground, very deep, there was a tremendous amount of water in the ground and the earthquakes forced it up to the surface. When the water swept over the city, there weren’t very many buildings left, in fact there was a tremendous destruction with hardly anything left at all, just a few buildings. The water went from Idaho down to near Cedar City and was very bad.


In the cities there was great destruction, and most of the buildings had been destroyed and there was a lot of rubble. Though the earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes and tidal waves killed a lot of people, most people died because of the gangs and everyone killing each other, not from the terrible devastations.
As I thought a moment about it, it seemed that the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible things that were happening upon it and was finally reacting. I was impressed that the earth wanted to cleanse itself of the terrible chaos and evil that had engulfed the people.Because of the volcanoes erupting everywhere, there was now ash mixed with the heavy smoke. Ash was falling and it was almost complete darkness everywhere.




The diseases had become very bad. I saw people literally die on their feet. There was another disease I saw. People had these red blotches on them and then they quickly started bleeding everywhere, from every opening. Then, they literally disintegrated or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. I cannot even begin to describe what I saw. The dead were everywhere.


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I then saw four more things.
I saw a huge earthquake in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge and that area totally sank. It was miles wide and it opened up and the earth fell down. It seemed to swallow everything. Then water flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes, only they weren’t lakes anymore, they became all part of a big inland sea.

I then saw a series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But it wasn’t lots of separate earthquakes, it was all part of one huge, gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake, water came upon the land all over the world. Huge walls of water along all of the coasts.

This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I don’t know if the earthquake that split the United States into two parts was part of this worldwide quake or not.
I then saw a tremendous wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to escape it. It was tremendous and it blew trees and everything away. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed like everything was blown away.I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the wind were somehow caused by a huge object, like a planet or something, that had come very close by the earth and disrupted everything and that it was near the end that this happened.I then was back into space viewing the entire earth from a distance. I saw this huge fireball, two or three times bigger than the earth, approach the earth. It was extremely bright red and gold in color and then engulfed the entire earth. When I saw this, because it was so different than everything else, I asked what it was. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is described in the scriptures.


I understood that just before it came Jesus had appeared to the earth and the good people that I had seen earlier had left the earth with Him and were no longer on the earth.
The only people left were the few wicked who had survived the devastations earlier, but there were not many

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    Total 22 comments
    • Anonymous

      As USUAL ….. something happens and THEN the predictions come out ……..

      • Mark Brander

        My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen to Me, Little One, and write as I say that all may be the wiser! Hearken, I say, all you nations! Rise up and hear what I say! Open your eyes to see! Burst open your ears to hear! For, do you not see that the whole world stands on a precipice? The whole world now overlooks a great abyss! Who can stay My hand of judgement? Who can turn back My hand of timing? Who can know what I will do, or when I will do a thing? None, I say! None can stay My hand and none can know My ways!

        For, surely many say: that is not of the Lord! He did not do such a horrible thing to His people! He has not brought such judgement! He has not destroyed in such a way! But, I tell you now that these speak in ignorance! They speak foolishness! They speak the desires of their own hearts! For, I create and I destroy! For, I am both a God of great love and an all-consuming fire!

        Oh, yes, I am an all-consuming fire! And, this part, most wish to leave out! They want to believe that I am love, but My love burns hot! My love cannot look upon evil and be pleased with it! Oh yes! I strive with the sinners! I have striven with you all since the beginning! And, all of you, sinners! For, I am full of love, mercy, and grace toward all! But, even so, I am also an all consuming fire! And, when I warn and warn, and warn through the mouths of My prophets and you despise My warnings, mock My prophets and even throw them out of your midst, oh then, after so much of this, I will turn against the mockers! I will turn against the scorners; and I will set My eye toward you for total destruction! I will utterly destroy the wicked! I will destroy the mockers! I will destroy the rebellious; and My word is replete with such instances of My judgement! But, I do not destroy without warning! And, oh how I have warned you, you, My people all over the world! Oh, yes, I have warned you! But, few and I mean few have listened!

        Oh hard-necked and stiff-necked generation! A generation of vipers! Mockers, slanderers, backbiters, accusers, rapists, sodomites, perverts, liars, murderers, and thieves of every description! Undisciplined and unruly! Fit for destruction! Full of every deception! Oh, my whip shall fall hard on you! And, of a sudden, I shall rip the rug from beneath your feet! Of a sudden, I shall take away all that you cherish and hold dear! Of a sudden, I shall break you like a twig in the wind! Of a sudden, I shall destroy your families, destroy your houses, destroy your careers, and take away your easy lives! Of a sudden, I shall lay waste to your cities, to your coastlines, to your high-minded governments, and to you panderers and peddlers of falsehoods and lies! In one instant, I shall deal such a blow to My own house and such a blow to Satan’s Kingdom, that indeed, the New World Order will go forth on wobbly knees!

        Oh, yes! This is so; and this is at hand! For, when I take My bride, I shall throw the world in such turmoil, that overnight, there shall come about massive starvation! Overnight, millions upon millions will perish in the churning waters! Overnight, millions upon millions will be buried beneath the crumbling rocks of earthquakes that are so great, that your instruments have never measured such things! Oh, yes, overnight millions upon millions without electrical power! Millions upon millions without food! Millions upon millions dead! Banks closing and no money to be had! Wars, terrible wars quickly thereafter breaking out all over the world, as Satan’s own try for world domination! Terrible torture, persecution, and killing of many Christians! Mind control re-education camps in your midst and the new world order mind control teams working feverishly to take over the minds of the weak Christians and to use them for their own! Massive killing camps, which far exceed anything Hitler ever had, as far as their grotesque horrors! A war against the so-called Christians, such as never before, with any and all methodologies used against them to cause them to denounce Me and My Son!

        Trials by the fire! Oh, great and terrible trails by the fires of persecution, starvation, wars, and deprivations of every kind! Harsh! Severe! Nuclear destruction! Poisoned food! Harsh! Severe! Oh, the weeping! Oh, the wailing, as all that all hold dear in this world, evaporates before their very eyes!

        Continued here …

        • plsnogod

          please give us the name and location(if known)of the institution in which you are currently being held.
          it just helps people to avoid the area.
          thankyou in advance..

        • I AM

          ~ ”THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, it is I, yet you are a imposter” ~

        • I AM

          Sounded more like a BAD ACID TRIP, than anything else…

      • NWO for Dummies.

        Rubbish. did you see the date on that “prediction” 1979. I remember reading it about10 years ago.

    • 88

      what a bunch of rambling nonsense!

    • plsnogod

      golly. this is even worse than usual by BIN standards.

      dunno who this contributor is,but please ban them.

    • Sunglass

      West Africans Are Coming Across Our Southern Border

      Dr. Jane Orient

      While appearing on my talk show, Dr. Jane Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), clearly stated that Border Patrol informants told her that as many 100,000 West Africans are in Central America, have been taught to speak Spanish and are coming across our Southern border. Dr. Orient further stated that Ebola screening practices had not been implemented at the border with immigrants that were being detained. Please note that the incubation period for Ebola is up to 21 days.

      In Arizona, state officials learned that Obama had ordered ICE to deliver unscreened illegal immigrants to bus terminals in Phoenix and Tucson AFTER their arrival. The same was true in several border state communities and there was no evidence that ANY health screening had taken place.

      Dr. Orient had also learned that the Border Patrol has taken

    • tahanlaoboy

      Thanks :lol:

    • sten

      Why is it that natural catastrophes bring out the religiously mentally ill.

    • UberNuts

      It was quite an exciting read. Better than the movie 2012, that’s for sure!

    • NWO for Dummies.

      Great post. Remember this was given in 1979.
      Lays it all out EXACTLY as it has, is and will unfold.
      If you can’t see it it doesn’t matter at this stage.
      you’ve made your bed. Lie in it.

    • Anonymous


    • Valen

      More Christian propaganda to make people convert and give money to the church to save your souls and control your lives. The point where she said that the winds forced people into caves…um…wouldn’t everyone have drowned before this? And if the winds were so strong, they would never make it to the caves, unless the winds slowly gained strength. Its ridiculous to think so many things would happen. I can see a huge earthquake, or a nuke war, or an invasion, or a tsunami wiping out a coastline, or a pandemic of ebola, but not every thing. The people praying and being saved my Jesus. I guess that leaves out the Jews, but they were probably all dead anyways with the nukes and other stuff.

      I don’t understand why religious nutjobs try so hard to get people to try to believe, pray, go to church, etc?

      Why can’t we all just promote peace and love without the context of religion?

      Also, if god has a plan for everyone and knows everything thats going to happen, because he has planned it,t hen I guess that throws free will out the window. If god already planned it, then it never really was a choice, was it?

    • floydhowardjr

      JESUS will be here soon!!!

    • Pat

      How come her vision didn’t include the disease being a manufactured man-made bio-weapon?? Also one of the problems with this virus is that it kills too quickly so the pandemic cycle is too short and quick to effect the world all at once. The hosts aren’t around long enough to infect enough people. And it’s so debilitating so quickly that those who are sick are at home in bed not walking around malls, going to parties and concerts or at the beach.

      • LifeIs

        Good points Pat

      • aquasoldier

        She didn’t say a lot of things. Not sure what your point is. She did say the disease was in small containers, about quart size, that were dropped on the ground. Sounds like a bio-weapon to me. Ebola seems to be doing a good job of spreading in Africa. What if there were several points that these “jars” were broken open. Perhaps the incubation period is several days or more yet it is communicable much sooner than that. So a thousand people exposed initially but they infect thousands more themselves. It could transfer how many exponents before the symptoms appear and death shortly thereafter. She says it starts with primarily two but that there are several diseases. The description of the tall buildings falling in N.Y.C. that were not caused by earthquakes was quite interesting. Never-the-less it remains to be seen, but I got a bad feeling about this one. I first read it years ago and it just keeps becoming more and more relevant.

    • NWO for Dummies.

      The vision is true and confirmed by multiple sources. The sucession of woes is allowed by God becasue mankind does not repent. If he would turn from his sin the next woe would be averted and all the subsequent woes. But as the vision makes clear mankind does not turn back to God but rather rebels even further, cursing God for the woes which come upon him. Until finally God has had enough and he blows the whole planet away right after the rapture of the just, just as she described. What the vision does not describe however is the rest of apocalypse and we must not omit this…. the new Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven after the current earth is destroyed.

    • janetspillows

      All I can say is God forbid any of that comes true.

    • janetspillows

      I forgot to say that I hope none of that comes true except for the part of Jesus returning to us. That is the day I look forward to.

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