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27 images that prove that we are in danger. #7 left my mouth open.

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Sometimes every word is superfluous. These pictures say more than a thousand words.

1. The view over the overdeveloped metropole of Mexico City (with more than 20 million inhabitants).

Pablo Lopez Luz

2. An elephant killed by poachers left to rot.

3. The rainforest in flames – goats used to graze here.

Daniel Beltra

4. Trails of excessive air traffic over London.

Ian Wylie

5. A massive truck delivers a load of oil sands for processing. Oil sand is considered the energy source of the future.

Garth Lentz

6. A simple herd farmer cannot withstand the stink of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia.

Lu Guang

7. A waste incineration plant and its surroundings in Bangladesh

M.R. Hasasn

8. A fire storm plows through Colorado – increased incidences of wild fires is a result of climate change.

R.J. Sangosti/Denver Post

9. The scars left behind from the mining of oil sands in the Canadian province of Alberta.

Garth Lentz

10. A nighttime spectacle in downtown Los Angeles – the energy demand is incalculable.

Mike Hedge

11. In Oregon, this thousand year old forest fell victim to the chain saw for a new dam.

Daniel Dancer

12. The area around Almeria in Spain is littered with greenhouses as far as the eye can see – simply for a richly filled dinner table.

Yann Arthus Bertrand

13. Poachers pose proudly with the coat of a Siberian tiger.

Steve Morgan/Photofusion

14. The Mir Mine in Russia, the largest diamond mine in the world.

Google Earth/ 2014 Digital Globe

15. A dead albatross shows what happens when we litter. A living dumpster.

Chris Jordan

16. And yet another megatropolis – a bird’s eye view of New Delhi (over 22 million inhabitants).

Google Earth/2014 Digital Globe

17. Paradise almost lost: the Maldives, a popular vacation spot that is threatened by rising sea levels.

Peter Essick

18. The beginning of Black Friday at an electronics store in Boise, Idaho.

Darin Oswald/Idaho Statesman

19. Tons (literally) of broken electronics end up in developing countries and are stripped for precious metals by using deadly substances.

Peter Essick

20. The blunder of the Brazilian rain forest is being repeated here in Canada.

Garth Lentz

21. A landfill for worn-out tires in the desert of Nevada.

Daniel Dancer

22. While the entire world watched the events of Fukushima, a massive heat and power station was burning just a few miles away. All attempts to extinguish it where fruitless.

Mainichi Newspapers/AFLO

23. This polar bear starved to death in Svalvard, Norway. Disappearing ice caps are robbing polar bears of both their living space and food.

Ashley Cooper

24. To the last drop: an oilfield in California and the merciless overexploitation of humans.

Mark Gamba/Corbis

25. A massive waterfall from melting pack ice. These masses are the only meltwater and the undeniable proof how swiftly climate change is advancing.

Cotton Coulson/Keenpress

26. A lignite power plant contaminates the air with its discharges.

Jason Hawkes

27. The Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya rides a wave of filth and trash (Java, Indonesia).

Zak Noyle


“When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money.”

This prophecy is becoming a more and more brutal reality. But, even today, not every person is aware of the horrible effects our lifestyles have on nature. So share these evocative pictures with everyone.


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    Total 92 comments
    • Deputy Dawg

      Jesus is soon coming to deal with those who are destroying the earth. Thanks for the visual reminder of the damage men have perpetrated, it truly helps us all stay better focused on the amazing time we live in.


      • Equalizer

        Planet overpopulation…yes. Global warming…no.
        Global warming is a farce, the earth’s temperature is not based on decades but on millions & billions of cyclical years. Variances of human life have been on this planet, come and gone a multitude of times. We are not the first nor will we be the last. Finally, Al Gore’s ponzi scheme to get idiots to pay carbon taxes is criminal. When mother nature is ready she will shake us off like the infestations we have become.

        PS- 4. Trails of excessive air traffic over London. They have absolutely nothing to do with “excess of air traffic” they are “chemtrails”.

        • Pix

          Equalizer “Finally, Al Gore’s ponzi scheme to get idiots to pay carbon taxes is criminal.”

          It’s not a tax so much as a calculation of green areas to offset industrial pollution, and described as carbon credits. They are trading carbon credits to other countries so they can pollute more, not so they can tax the polluters. It is encouraging more pollution.

          • Saber

            They also trade credits to Cities, Towns, villages and townships right here in the good ole USA. Check with your own local Government.

            Brooks Township Michigan does it too… frikkin IDIOTS

          • G.M.

            4. Trails of excessive air traffic over London. :lol:

            They are Called Chemtrails and They’re for BIOENGINEERING All Living Life Forms On This Planet!

            The entire world’s population can fit within around the city of Jacksonville, Fla. or a little bigger depending on You’re Calculations

            But – Water Powered Cars, Free Electricity from the Air, etc..Has All Been Suppressed, by the Pharisee Jews!

          • FindtheTruth

            In fact, I think we are all pretty much past our expiration date.

          • sitrep

            It would have been even more dramatic with one more photo.

            A photo of the Elites during a lavish party of celebration. Ah yes just do a slide show. Elites devouring the Finest Black Market Caviar, Fine Wines, and Fine Cheese.
            All laughing how they have lured the masses into just a few Social Web-Sites. The best of all is how now the masses are trained to basically use 3 words on one site that has the limit on characters. Ah yes, they exclaim how it is an ingenuous plan. They laugh so hard now when they see people coming up with one word to replace a whole phrase. The plan to limit communications was a master plan.

        • goodbees

          Over population yes? Maybe in some local areas but there is enough room in the US for every man woman and child to own acres of land, Also every person in the world could easily fit into any medium sized state or country. There is plenty of room on the earth, most of it is owned by a small minority though.

          There is no over population problem. Just an over consumption problem by the wealthy. You know, people like al gore who need 10 mansions, 20 suv’s and of course at least one private jet. It is the 1 percent of people, corporations, governments and armies of the earth that are the most wasteful and careless.

          • Anonymous

            There’s about 1.23 acres of arable land per person in the United States. That’s not very much, and it’s shrinking rapidly. I take it you’d be willing to take your acreage in the Mojave desert?

            Arable land (hectares per person) in United States:
            1990 – 0.7 ; 2000 – 0.6 ; 2010 – 0.5


            When I was born there were 3.5 billion on the planet. Today there’s 7 billion. This is a serious problem and it’s not going to go away. You may not like Agenda 21 and eugenics etc, and there’s not many people who do, but: that’s the only plan on the table right now, and nobody can be bothered to think up any other solution. Agenda 21 wins by default because the only other attitude seems to be yours – plenty of room, don’t worry about it.

            Note also, that the current 7 billion isn’t the problem the next few generations are going to face; there’ll be 14 billion of them by then… and so on.

            • dpward1974

              Are you willing to be the first to sacrifice yourself and your family to help reduce the population. If not then quit spreading liberal lies.

            • goodbees

              Hmmm, Ive calculated it before and I can’t remember the number that I got but it was more than what you are stating. I won’t argue with your numbers, at least not until I have a chance to recalculate it myself.

              Oh, you used the term arable, that probably makes a difference. Even so, still no overpopulation problem. That is 1.23 acres for every man woman and child right? Plenty to go around. That is about 5 acres for every family of 4. Much more than the average family occupies right now.

              I do see your point though about future growth but either way my comment was in disagreement of the claim that there is an overpopulation problem right now.

              Thanx for the info.

            • BLEEDNPURPLE

              There is plenty of space on this planet for double the population! If there weren’t major corporations & governments in the mix, there would also be enough for everyone to eat as well. Don’t believe the overpopulation/depopulation hype. All they put it out for is to get more uneducated on their side.

            • BLEEDNPURPLE

              Also, the numbers you give are to put every human in the united states. There is a whole world out there. That stat was originally used to show how much space there is on earth. The depopulationists have taken that stat and flipped it trying to show that we are overpopulated. Hell, if you want to make a case for overpopulation, put the population of the earth in Rhode Island.

          • maxxy

            gooopeas….If you were as smart as Al Gore and as clever and as educated you would have been just like him, Y’all got the same religion.

        • Anonymous

          over population is a myth watch this and you will see why.

          • bluesinter

            These videos proclaiming the world is not overpopulated is just more propaganda for the corporations. These so-called “experts” are paid to create the idea that we can have billions more people on earth. They are wrong. It is un natural to have so many humans on earth. Any other creature would self limit their populations naturally as the resources dwindle. Our problem is we are self aware and we have tapped into an energy source that has un naturally allowed the populations to outsize beyond the normal levels. The incentive to lie to the masses by governments and corporations is simply an extension of a few people who have an uncontrollable thirst for power and control. The more people they pack into an acre is more power to them. They lie and deceive and dumb down the populations and pay “experts” to very carefully and deceptively to condition the masses that this situation is perfectly normal. Anyone with half a brain and eyes half open would see these conditions are a disgrace to humanity and it needs to stop. Lie, Lie, Lie all the time. William Casey the ex head of the CIA said” We know we are a success when everything the American people know is a lie”

            • BLEEDNPURPLE

              I disagree with you bluesinter. The goal of the elite who own all of the major corporations is depopulation. They want just enough people to easily control as work slaves to maintain the lifestyle they have become accustomed to, but not so many as to start an uprising. Just look on youtube at some of the Bill Gates video clips. He likes talking about depopulation.
              If humans were to live in harmony with the earth (the natural way) we could not overpopulate. Depopulationists love showing the most crowded areas on the planet they have herded us into & then show it like the status quo, as if the whole planet looked like that. I find it funny that nobody ever shows the un/under populated areas.

        • maxxy

          Mars is heating up, too. Science has not found the cause.

        • natehughes

          Overpopulation is a myth.but by these pictures it seems that lack of conservation plays a major role in the ecological unbalance taking place today.For example,The Chinese are not talking about overpopulation, in fact, they want to increase their already stagnate population, by adding a two child policy,over a one child policy of the past. China has a knack for managing the masses,yet,China has a pollution.much due to non regulation, and this is due because regulations cut into profits.TPP will increase these hazards., because it give more power to corporations who already care not for solutions over profits.If there is a problem of pollution , then we as a civilization needs to change our habits so the dollars we spend have a direct affect on the way corporations behave.technically,oil as a source of energy in 2015 is obsolete,when we have the means to harvest bio oil from our yard waste.Perpetual motors could replace many of the needs in the automotive industry ,that a tesla car would pale to.Solar Generations and , water systems like Ecolo-blue could aid the most remote and deserted places with a viable means of life ,making the trek to the suburbs unnecessary.The name of the game should be making one self sufficient with fiscal focus on supply, and maintenance.I like the word Unishop

      • Pix

        JUST-MY-OPINION “Jesus is soon coming to deal with those who are destroying the earth.”

        It’s exactly that attitude that has created the mess we are in. Ie, I don’t have to do anything because someone is going to do it for me.


        • maxxy

          ,,,pixie….You have everybody’s permission to do whatever you think will help….really.

          • Pix

            I don’t need anyones permission to help.

        • FindtheTruth

          This is getting old quick.

      • albertan

        No. Jesus is coming to deal with those who are are spreading this propaganda BS to the stupid people like you. Don’t believe everything those satanists tell/show you. Those pictures are phoney. WAKE UP!

        • maxxy

          :cool: …albertan….There’s not one photo in this album, that has been faked. I’ bet your life on it. Go put your head back in the ‘oil sand’.

        • Pix


          The images are not phoney, just a bit myopic compared to the wide angle view.

      • Nancy636

        I was going to say the same. We are the ones who have the hope, He will restore all to it’s glory. Those who think we are nuts and those who hate what we say (as seen in comments) , will wish they listened. Keep up the faith, soon all will be as it is supposed to be. We do live in a remarkable time and will be rewarded for our patience. No one’s belief will negate God’s truth. So Amen

      • Louis

        JMO is right. The Bible says God intends to restore the earth back to Eden-like conditions which will persevere for the entire duration of the lengthy and rapidly-approaching “holy age.”

        What’s written is written. Every Bible prophecy must come true, as many others already have. It’s the will of God that no extant power can alter or subvert even one iota.

      • The Admiral\\\'s Corner

        The abomination of Christianity will not be allowed to destroy the Earth.

        It is time for the truth to come out. The whole reason Christianity was invented was to attract the most wicked people in the world to one religion… So that this year, when it all starts, all the demons in the world would be easier for the righteous to identify and decapitate.

    • my2pesos

      Society ‘n’ Change ~ The Scenic Agony

    • CrissCross

      Continuation of the above article goes below (with mouth shut) :roll:

    • The Watcher

      Time to move to another planet!

    • Pix

      Earth is not warming up, we are currently at the end of a brief (c15’000 year) warm interglacial period, within a so far, 30 million year long ice age. On the contrary, the long term records prove that Earth has been cooling overall for the past 2 thousand years. If the recent chart scale is matched to the long term charts, it would show the temperatures doing a free fall nose dive. The interglacial period is coming to an end, but because it’s a slow process compared to our lives, we don’t notice. Our great, great grand kids will though, because there is no sign that the ice age we are in has bottomed out temperature wise, it’s still falling in temperature, so when the current interglacial period ends, and it will sooner or later, it will be as cold as it’s ever been in Earth’s entire past. Then we will have to wait for another c100’000 years for the next warm interglacial period. Global warming… I wish.

      It’s not the majority of people destroying Earth, the Earth produces enough for all, but not an excess for all, a good 80% of produce is thrown away. When you hoard more than you can use in any lifetime, you are depriving other people. The devastation to Earth is mostly being caused by the big oil and chemical industries. We are destroying rain forests to create sh*t products like peanut butter, and Nutella. We have the likes of Monsanto claiming that we don’t have a right to water ffs, while they are busy creating superbugs and killing the soil with their toxic crap chemicals for their toxic crap GMO fake produce that nobody wants or needs.

    • Pix

      “5. A massive truck delivers a load of oil sands for processing. Oil sand is considered the energy source of the future.”

      No it isn’t, “the stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stone” Saudi Arabia. OPEC and other oil producing countries are busy pumping it out like it’s shelf life is coming to an end, because we have developed green renewable energy production. In fact the new plasma engines being developed are devastating to the combustion engine and oil industries.


    • albertan

      Propaganda BS pictures look like they came from Gores scrap book. Trust me, the oil sands do NOT look like that. I’ve been there. Most of the rest of these pictures (surfer) look phoney to me.

    • Jack Shlitz

      @ just my opinion: “Jesus is soon coming to deal with those who are destroying the earth “. Correction, the savior has arrived and is a supercilious, know it all d- bag contributor on BIN…if u know what I mean

      • haha

        I think some ones upset. boo hoo, did jesus beat you at your own game? :razz:

        Don’t call out jesus if you know whats good for you! :lol:

        And anyways if you want to complain I’m pretty sure he has no words for you kane. Don’t you know he’s done things for you in “so called” heaven that he can’t express to you?

        just beat it…

    • The Truth Wins

      Awesome photos. Regarding climate change, I would point out that today it is due more to the increased volcanic activity all over the globe rather than attributing it mostly to mankind. There are in 2015 dozens of active volcanoes and one of those does more damage to the earth’s temperature and atmosphere than millions of humans over centuries. Many are erupting under the oceans, releasing hot and toxic gasses into the water.

      I wish that you would have included two other issues: one, the massive die offs of fish, birds and other marine life in the Pacific due to four plus years of sky high radiation leaking from Fukushima. Secondly, the terribly low levels of reservoirs and lakes in California. Both of these stories, especially Fukushima, are being sadly ignored by the mainstream media…or perhaps they have been ordered to do so. ??? We are in for some rough days ahead.

    • sean michael blacab

      You north americans,you have let your armies destroy the world and said and did nothing. again
      I hear “we need war to run our economy’ ya on the backs of innocent Muslim men
      women and children.The devil (NEGATIVE POLARITY) made most of you believe he
      does not exist.Well guess what he does ,what you have done to innocents will be done to you.
      What is awaiting under your ground is pure evil the like you have not seen.
      This comes for you,why because you lived quietly as your armies destroyed millions.
      I was part of the roman chatholic cult not any-more.The sad thing is you idiots think
      I will fight for life not death but death approaches fast.


      You kill your own young what don’t you see and hear everything

      • maxxy

        sean blacab…..I don’t know where you live, but I would bet that YOUR leaders are in the same clubs as our criminal government…..We haven’t had any control of our country for almost a century. The black hats have been running all the countries of the world, for a long time….You ARE as responsible as anybody anywhere.

    • MAC JAM

      Pollution is a real and growing problem, but climate change do to carbon dioxide is pure BS, it is simply a way to tax life itself, now that the US Federal Reserves days are numbered and a complete and tyrannical fascist Global Government seems inevitable the powers that be want a bigger better cashflow and total control system, and you have to be a naive mental defective to fall for it,..the Ice Caps are not melting and Polar Bears “DIE” their numbers are growing not shrinking, Our modern disposable everything life style is the real problem in my opinion, In addition to an elite oligarchy that keeps breakthrough technologies away from the general public and the World, They also keeps a great majority of the World in ignorance and poverty while soft killing the advanced nations peoples and soft and hard culling the Human hordes of the less advanced nations through constant War, poverty, disease, vaccination programs, and ignorance etc, etc,,… It has been shown that if people are allowed to gain what we would call a middle class level of financial security that population levels suddenly start to level out and then go down naturally not up.. and what is wrong with a valley full of greenhouses for food production? Because of all the Chem trailing I have several on my property, I like clean food..

    • Elijah

      Picture 4, Trails of excessive air traffic over London?. Thor are not normal trails, Thor are CHEMTRAILS

      • Mayhem

        How could you know, given they look exactly like contrails?

        • Radiance

          Simple – contrails dissipate rather rapidly while chemtrails linger for hours or days. Any of those “trails” dissipating?

          • Mayhem

            Here is a review of half a dozen books, spanning 70 years, by Scientists, Doctorates and Royal Fellows. All of the books go into detail on the contrail phenomenon and how they sometimes disappear quickly and other times persist and spread to form clouds.


            It’s simple, that’s for certain, but your opinion is hardly proof, Radiance, is it? And how could i tell if those trails are dissipating from a photograph? I’m good but not nearly that good.

            • BLEEDNPURPLE

              Mayhem, stop falling for the corporate lies. Who do you think those Scientists, Doctorates and Royal Fellows were trained by and work for? I recommend you do some more studying without that veil over your eyes. If you want to do real studying, just look up!

            • Rev. Poohbah

              And MayGirl also believes, conclusively, that a white-skinned mangod made the WHOLE Universe!
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
              AND, he/she is going to have a human body forever!
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
              Why would any SANE person want to remain TRAPPED in a human body for ever?
              :???: :???: :???:
              NO ONE that is Sane would want to suffer that fate.
              So, ignore the INSANE, EVIL ramblings of MayGirl, from New zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeland! :wink: :wink:

            • Mayhem

              Incorrect, Three Guys, that is not what the Bible teaches. It is written that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. It teaches that those, whose names are found in the book of life, will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, into a spiritual body, unable to decay and immortal.

    • Tazika

      Overpopulation?! Here in South Europe thousands of villages are abandoned; authorities created such conditions that people couldn’t survive in the countryside. they had to move to the towns, just trying to survive. Are we the people killing rare animals, are we the people deserting the jungles, are we the people spraying the skies from unmarked planes, making bombs to shoot unknown people on the other continent? Are we the people every month giving more than half of our money to make more weapons and to pay individuals who will shoot them on the faraway people whose culture we don’t know and whom we never met? Are we the people collecting the money to pay the scientists to make GMO food for us and for our animals? Do we the people prefer to eat cloned animals grown in halls rather then to allow peasants to go back in their villages and to grow healthy happy animals under the sun?
      So: who made the scenes presented on this photos? We the people or someone else?
      Is it our idea, have we the people done this from our beautiful beloved Earth?
      Or we would love to stop fighting, stop being afraid, stop living in terror and Go Home. To live full life as free people.

    • Rob

      The head of green peace even resigned over the global warming cooling or it may just rain. He said it was a scam to take peoples money and do what they wanted with it. And you can see it is profitable just look at al gore, hell he tells everyone to shut off the lights and yet he has an electric bill the size of a small state. He lives ON the water (gee I thought the oceans were going to flood us??) he is nothing but a liar and as for that polar bear how do they know how it died were they there?? And yet another story.

      Just like the ice caps melting yea right there is more ice than ever so what will the story be next to separate us from our money. SCREW THEM…… :lol:

    • Cousin_Jack

      In my part of the UK (Cornwall), housing is seen as a kind of investment. As Cornwall is seen as poor, it qualifies for EU funding to help its residents out of poverty. Our Governments newest idea is to build a new town which will miraculously bring the neighbouring towns out of poverty, this town being paid for by the EU. Sadly the problems of overpopulation are getting all too real here, yet our Government won’t do anything to change it. Theres too much corruption going on for anything to change.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Can you explain why that Uk and your location Cornwall, England being included as part of the European Union (EU) does not use the Euro as it’s currency and continues to still use the GBP? Because tony blair knew that the euro will eventually collapse like the backless dollar because like the fiat dollar the euro is backed by absolutely nothing and created out of the thin air??

    • Pink Slime

      Why don’t you show the thousand of photos of where opposite pictures can be shown when care and intelligence is applied on the land?

    • Arcturus

      #4 are chemtrails.

    • Anonymous

      GeoEngineering seemed to show up in alot of these photos,Just look at the air traffic in London looks like they are spraying Bariam & Aluminium.The world is being killed on purpose by the Karzaring mafia.When you look at all the money that is used to kill us, On a fake War on terror,made up to keep people in constant fear so the Banking Mafia can rip us all of with money which they created out of thin air and make us pay back with sweat and tears.This world is not over populated it’s just badly run by a few inbread people with no regard to any live form on this Planet.

      • Mayhem

        You can tell what is supposedly being sprayed from a photo? Boy you’re good! Other than that i agree with your rant.

    • Amminadab

      Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

      • CTrent33

        Rev 11:18 “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest render reward to thy servants the prophets and the saints, and to them that fear thy name, little and great, and shouldest destroy them who have CORRUPTED the earth.” Corrupted by sin.

    • BStallard

      ugggh so sad so very very sad!
      its funny how so many people can just sit an read an do nothing to stop this !
      we need to all stand together, an fight those who make this world,
      our only living habit a death trap!
      the only way we are going to survive is if we fight back!
      an take back our countrys!

    • HfjNUlYZ

      #4..Trails of air traffic over London is Toxic Chemtrails. Set the record straight.

    • Anonymous

      Anybody want to trade carbon credits with me? I burn coal to heat my home, and expel tons of carbon into the air in my quest to warm the Earth. A warmer Earth means more food can be grown. It’s a good thing for everyone.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Pic 4 is not London …Chemtrails!!

    • STRAW

      This polar bear starved to death in Svalvard, BULL crap

    • HfjNUlYZ

      So, they are finally getting around to showing that the Earth just has too many people and that all the concerns about Climate are really due to overpopulation. Now then, what do you suppose they will offer as a solution? Don’t you wonder why it took them so long to bring this out? We are close to the tipping point from which there is no return.

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      It sure hasn’t warmed up where I live. We’ve still experienced -45C most of winter and now if we get one day out of seven where the mercury shoots up to 27C we’re lucky.



      • Mayhem

        Of course it is, Layna, go back to sleep.

        • Mayhem

          After all, Layna, the contrails over London look an awful lot like the contrails of WWII…

          … do they not?

          • LORD I AM

            Why, yes, maygirl, the official doubting Thomas of the white-skinned mangod.
            It would be EASY to tell the difference between the two.
            Because a con trail ONLY appears at altitudes between 25,000 to 40,000 ft. (7,620 to 12,192 m) and the dissipation trail disappears before the jet leaves the eyesight of the observer.
            Descents can easily begin more than 100 miles (160 km) from the air field.
            At 100 miles out, the altitude is 18,000 feet.

            Meaning NO con trail, Maygirl!

            YOU are wrong, again.

            But, what is to be expected from a judeo-christo-CREEP who has lost completely the skill of critical thinking.

            For maygirl believes that a white-skinned mangod made the whole perverse Universe that Maygirl knows NOTHING about!

            DISMISSED, Maygirl.
            :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

            • Mayhem

              Contrails can form anywhere that the air is wet and the temperature is less than -40ºC. In fact they do occur, at low altitude, in places like Alaska and Canada but that isn’t relevant to this debate.

              So what’s your point? It’s not like you can guess the altitude of the contrails in photo #4 without knowing the angle of inclination and even then it’s only a fairly wild estimate.


        You are both correct, That IS air traffic and they have sprayed chemtrails. See how easy it is to get along?
        Mayhem, if you are not paid not to, look up chemtrails for yourself, do your own investigation. You may be amazed at what you find (such as the u.s. governments weather modification program started back in the ’40s). I believe, like most things, that is was started with the best intentions. Then the Military Industrial Complex got ahold of it and it has been nothing but weather manipulation with evil intent since then.

        • Mayhem

          The thing is, BP, i’ve never said that governments and military organizations haven’t experimented with weather modification and weaponization. Only that it didn’t work out, so they gave up, although there are still cloud seeding experiments conducted sporadically to this day.

          If they were spraying Aluminium or Barium into the atmosphere i would expect it to show up in atmospheric test samples. I will shut up just as soon as you can present credible evidence for such an increase. Otherwise, bite me.

    • Vistoreny Glosvader

      Unless and until this dinosaur media can prove that there is a better man-created environment somewhere else in the galaxy, I’ll gladly volunteer to live on another planet in our solar system, just to prove that life can be made hospitable, even on the planet Mercury!

      If 90% of the world’s population can fit in the state of Texas, then surely they can also fit on the planet Mercury. Each person would have 171,904,640/6,276,000,000 = 0.027 acres, which is 43,560 sq. ft., which gives 1176.12 sq. ft./person, which is about the size of a 2-bedroom, 2-bath ranch house:

      Of course on Mercury, only a small fraction of the planet surface near the north pole would be useful. In fact if there are 2.686e+5 square miles of territory in Texas, so that equals 268600/28873225, or 0.009% the surface of Mercury, which is approximately the size of the polar region of interest:

      On the closest planet to the sun, NASA found a lot of ice:

      Mercury photograph shows locations of crashed NASA spacecraft:

      With so much H2 being blasted to the surface of Mercury, the major requirement is oxygen, which averages 353 plants with 30 leaves each, per hour per person. Double that amount, and you would have not only a very green habitat, but enough oxygen to mix with the H2 rich, Mercurian soil, for H2O production.

      1,000 average plants of 30 leaves each, creating 50 liters O2 per hour makes more than 2X the amount of H2O required for water and oxygen needs (~250 g water) PER HOUR, for ONE PERSON to survive on the surface of Mercury. Since each person exhales the equivalent amount of CO2, the plants have no other fuel requirement, with the exception of soil, sunlight, nutrients, and radiation shielding. The excess 250 grams of H2O can be used for additional H2O production, when used with the following reaction:

      2 H2 + 1 O2 = 2 H2O

      By utilizing the above process, as well as the discovery of water ices near the poles, a population the size of the earth, could live quite comfortably near the water ices on Mercury:

      Depth of water ice on Mercury:

      • HfjNUlYZ

        It’s more efficient to generate oxygen from algae than from plants. With all that water ice one could set up large ponds to grow it in.

    • MrKnowItAll

      Anyone can go around and collect 20 tragic photos and promote an associated agenda as well.
      Those who buy this BS are obviously sitting in front of their computer too much and watching too much television.
      Go for a drive sometime. Go on a flight sometime. Heck, let me make it easy for you.. get on google earth sometime and have a look around.
      Truly, the people that believe this want ME and Mine to die, anyone and everyone but themselves.

    • Don't be hating!

      All of our children are going to suffer in the next decade.Poor mother Earth and its beauty. We will become extinct with nothing to prove…We truly are all savage humans. That includes all blood lines.

      • LORD I AM

        Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM.
        Years ago (1970’s) 50 counts per min. on Geiger Counter was an alert.

        Highest Recorded Radioactive City in America This Week 6/12 to 6/19/15
        Congrats to Billings, Montana! Billings is once again the Highest Recorded Radiation City in the United States with 866 CPM! Just think, the 866 CPM is just with one of the four usual radiation measurements, too.
        296 CPM New York City, NY. Partial.
        342 CPM Boston, MA Partial Radiation Data Only.
        232 CPM Chicago, IL. Partial.
        553 CPM Bakersfield, CA. Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
        317 CPM Los Angeles, CA. Partial.
        672 CPM Tucson, AZ. Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.

        Americans are all nothing but frogs in a big pot of warming water, and your Chef Destroyer is slowly turning up the heat of radiation!

        You have ALL been Radiated.
        You are getting sick in MASS!

        Where does all the cancer come from?
        Where do all the different kinds of mental dementia come from?
        Why is childhood autism exploding?

        There ARE NO CURES to the damage done to the body of ANY LIVING THING by Radiation!

        YOU ARE DOOMED, in a HORRIBLE WAY, TO DIE!!!!!!!!

        For, in just 70 years of the Nuclear Age, you are all WALKING DEAD!
        And, the Nuclear Age was brought to you by Caucasian Male judeo-(for the most part) christo-CREEP scientists!
        At that time they lived in the jew-nited Fraudulent Fascist states of TORTURE and MILITARY TERROR!

        General Electric and their wonderful reactors, spread world wide, and now, are malfunctioning.
        And, you have no back up plan to replace the electricity these horrendous killer plants generated for you morons!

        As for the future, this is as good as it gets.
        No matter how hard you try; no matter how much you promise jesus to be good: this is it, it is over.
        It is all downhill from here for humanity, all the way to Extinction.

    • nyetyme19

      Yep, definitely some human created problems around the world- But the ice isn’t melting! The polar bears are not dying off like flies. The world isn’t heating up, it’s cooling down! The picture of the nuclear power plant isn’t polluting the air- those are cooling towers, venting out steam! Yes, there are poachers and yes there are countries that pollute their streets and dump garbage into the oceans. All we ever keep hearing, is manmade global warming, all we ever see is manufactured examples of it. If our world leaders were so smart, how come after 30-40 years of this spewing this nonsense are we still having these issues? Maybe because it is not real, the data is fabricated intentionally to make every single person feel guilty. So go ahead feel guilty, change your ways, change your habits. None of these worlds leaders that promote these life style changes, are changing theirs! What ever happened to lead by example? I thought our worlds leaders were the smartest and brightest people in the world? Do you see the underlying problem here? its not the people that need to change…..

    • Judge Roy Bean

      The waterfall iceberg is an older picture, have had it for 6 or 7 years as wall paper.

    • janetspillows

      JMO I totally agree with you. God is sending warnings, but most people ignore him and don’t realize that they are doomed if they turn their backs on God. Take California for instance, they are having the worst drought in history. They have enough water for about a year. Yet there are people like the Kardashians, Barbara Streisand and other celebrities who refuse to stop using the water. They need to repent or something terrible is going to happen. How do I know this? Because it says so in the Bible. Read Revelations.

      • FindtheTruth

        Yes, there is a drought in CA, but it’s not affecting as many people as you think. We have a 2 day watering schedule per week. I don’t water the grass. I water plants and vegetables. The soil is amended and enriched with compost, drought tolerant plants, like aloe that contribute to soil enrichment. Half the time we don’t even water twice a week. All of the plants and vegetables have been acclimated.

        I actually have a problem with overgrowth in my yard. I have more plants, fruits and vegetables than I need. My family has cut back hugely on water consumption and it really isn’t that big of a deal. If anything, if sthf – we will be ready for it.


      And what about our huge arsenal of strategic nuclear wapons !

    • barry oldwater

      A war would have a good change it seems, change comes after hope, hope you like what is going to happen when it arrives Im thinking its gonna be really hard on us.

    • joe159

      To many people on the planet don’t care. even if half care that’s still 3.5 billion who could destroy the earth

    • rubyinthesand

      Picture no. 7 is of aerosols used in Geoengineering depopulation and climate destruction, not normal jet traffic.
      but you probably already know that?

    • Randall

      what this planet needs is a nice big juicy asteroid to reset everything :mad: :mad: :mad:

      • unidentified

        people ‘hope’ an asteroid will strike so they wont have to deal with the polution and damage to our ecosystem, from the looks of it the only healing factor will be time, lots of time to recover from ‘human intelligence’ or lack of it

    • putupjob

      perhaps the pope’s encyclical is not overstating the destruction of the planet.

    • HerusaAustsaAusar

      ummm noone would know Jesus when he came bACK… JACK

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