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Top European leader to be assasinated soon - Dream prediction...50% of time they usually come true.

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So this doesn’t happen often, but maybe a couple times a year I have a dream that I am watching the news on T.V. and its covering a breaking news story that is a big deal.  Sometimes they are very accurate, sometimes they are off a bit taking place in another country, sometimes they are nothing.

So it wont be exactly like the full dream below, but I somewhat expect a top european leader or politician to be nearly killed or killed in an assasination attempt in coming days…


This will happen in next few days likely….if it doesnt happen within week, then this dream wasnt special.


Most likely will be german president, top french political candidates, french president, or Spanish president…

(Dont be suprised if its a top political leader from other European country…or in a city that has similar old architecture and colonial area european architecture/building).  It will be major news globally nonetheless!





Took place in a city that looked like a Europeon country like France or Germany……but it could have been an older dense city with European inspired architecture outside of Europe like Mexico City or Buenos Aires.  It involved a car bombing of appeared to be VIP motorcade, but was only one car on street beside bomber…the view I had was only of about half a block.  The car either suicide bombed or was remotely detonated, it did drive up to VIP car though.  A car containing what news said is German president was covered in ball of fire after other car blew up. 

The streets looked much more like Paris with densely packed old 4-10 story buildings. but could be any old european city or one that looks like it.  VIP car was black and other was similar I think but was definately non-conspicuous looking.  The streets and sidewalks were empty of nearby cars and people before explosion, which makes me think streets were closed off for security…but I only had about half block view of road.

News reports initially reported the president to be dead.  Someone who was not the attacker was able to survive mostly uninjured, like got out of car and ran down street after explosion…I assume this person to be president but doesnt look like German president…he does look nearly identical to Spanish president with scruffy beard.  He was also carrying a special briefcase of somekind that was metallic looking and news media found him many block away in panicked state, like he got out of car and ran down streets after surviving attack…maybe from a nearby car in motorcade.  Might have been someone else in attack that survived and not president….I explain this person in detail further down, but essentially looked like how the Spanish president looks as of now, maybe a tiny bit more stout and fat.



Analysis of dream

I would guess from information in dream and images I have looked at of what the president in dream looked like compared to other European leaders…  In dream top European political person or person accompyning him that survives is a man around the age of 50-70 with glasses and a very scruffy beard with some white hair that is not fully grown in on his half beard.   Looked identical to real life Spanish president but dream news report said it was German president. He was a bit fatter and more stout in dream than spanish president, but not by much.  This could just be someone nearby that ran away that was part of VIP motorcade or in car.

While the dream did look kinda like Paris streets its hard to tell…4-6 lane street, with just 2 cars on road….the exploding one and one carrying president.  I think one was black, the other I’m not sure.  Did not notice any pedestrians on sidewalk…was mosty dead because just noticed 1 car in this half block view, then other car pulled up beside it.  Buildings were probably 4-10 stories tall and old.  Street might have been closed because it was transporting VIP and car bomber broke through to attack.  Could have been parked, but remember seeing it drive up beside VIP car. 

Also, there wasn’t much evidence of this being in France in my dreams except for the height of the densely packed buildings and similar architecture…could have been old city with European influence like Mexico City or somewhere else.  But since France is holding a pivotal election this weekend it would make sense assasination would be here of candidate or of current president.   Financial markets are terrified of the outcome of the most likely 2 run off candidates, both from new political parties…one an extreme nationalist and the other extreme liberal.  Could be a conspiracy to influence vote or to kill off one of candidates.  It could just be old fashioned Islamic Terrorist or maybe even a criminal or cartel attack.  Terrorists are known to strike a country right before election to influence votes, as was case in Madrid bombings over decade ago.




Following are in order of what I think is most likely from what I experience in dream…Note- Will be in old and dense part of city.  Not surrounded by skyscrapers, but 4-10 story Parisian-sized buildings…


Best guesses for location of attack in order of likelyhood are…


- Berlin or other major old german city


- Paris


- Madrid, while spanish president travels to airport today or tomorrow.


 - Amsterdam, Brussels, or other similar big cities with in Europe. 


- Mexico City, Buenos Aries, or older city in S.A.




Best guesses for who will be targetted in attack, in order of likelyhood…


-German president or German chancellor


- Spanish president/prime minister


- One of the more popular french candidates running this weekend


- French president


- Above possibilities, but slightly lower places of power


- Top political leader from anywhere in Europe


- Top political leader from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina


- A top political leader anywhere in the world who is travelling through a dense city surrounded with 4-10 story buildings and has colonial-era European architecture.  Some cities like this might exist in Asia, not sure..





The last time I had one of these was about 2 days before the terrorist attack on airport in Brussels…had dream their were a bunch of suicide bombers attacking Brussels airport.  I waited a day or two, decided to make post but the news was breaking when I went online.  One before that I posted was nearly dead on, but occured at a fancy hotel in Africa but claimed it was in old european city…architecture on building where it occured was european though….and the people and rooms targetted were same as dream – dining and events halls for visiting diplomats and businessmen.  One before or after was about how an airplane would crash in Texas in coming days, was a hot air baloon that killed 8 though.  One before that was nothing at all and never occured.  Someones before that much more specific but never posted online.



P.S. – Let me know of any top leaders or politicians that look very similar to Mariano Rajoy.. look at image of him here, this most looks like VIP or person with VIP in dreams, that I have seen so far…Nearly similar but survivor was maybe a couple inches more short and 10 pounds heavier I’d guess.


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    Total 44 comments
    • TheJeffness

      Fully expect a leader to be assassinated, followed by sentence stating odds of happening 50%. Oops, that is a moronic thing to say. Id edit that out, but BIN is doing its glitchy thing again and wont let me edit. Don’t let that make you discredit me….to be more accurate I’d say 40-60% of happening. Usually about half correct prediction rate. It might take place outside of Europe to another foreign leader, but there will be some connection to France or Germany….but that wont be specific enough. Just watch…90% top foreign leader or political leader in country gets assassinated and dies or lives in next few days!

      • Cintus Supremus

        So, to be clear:

        Over the next few days (or longer or shorter) a political leader will be assassinated (or they won’t be) and will die (but maybe they won’t).

        Got it.

        Long live the BIN.

        • TheJeffness

          The odds of a senior political leader being car bombed in Europe are very low within next few days…when was last time it happened?

          If the president of Germany or France get assassinated in next few days you will be so butt hurt.

          • Cintus Supremus

            If you’re right, my bottom will be sore?

            What the hell sort of a thing to say is that?

            [Alass (sic), my posterior is perfectly safe from your prognosticating.]

      • poohface

        If it makes you feel better I would say that I have a similar “gift” when it comes to predictive dreams, to the point where dreams affected by the next day are no less common than dreams affected by the previous one. They are most often about insignifacant things, but not always, I tend not to share them. Best wishes.

      • sarah

        BIN will not let me up or down vote comments for 6-7 days now.

        On the evening of Saturday, 4-22-17, the main page to BIN was not loading correctly either.

        I tried to submit a bug report 2 days ago to BIN and the bug report failed to go through to BIN.

        I also for the last week have to log in almost every time I come to BIN to leave a comment or attempt to up or down vote comments.

        Is anyone else having these problems?

    • TheJeffness

      Also, I have dreams predicting things in my personal life all the time….beyond coincidence by far. Syncronicity to the extreme. I think I only have these ones on global events couple times a year because it is personal in my dream….I am not usually watching event up close but rather on the T.V. in my house in dream.

      I can usually tell these dreams are serious, because usually most of my dreams are just absurd and cartoony. Whenever there isn’t like people flying around or weird creatures or other crazy shit, the dreams tend to be something or very similar to something that will happen in next few days…usually next day though. Chances are if this does happen its in next 24 hours, if it doesn’t happen within a week or two though it probably wont happen at all.

      • Cintus Supremus

        I recently had a dream I got up and made myself a pot of coffee. Then I actually got up and made myself a pot of coffee.

        Don’t know what it all means, but that’s gotta be some kind of world-class coincidence, right there.

        • TheJeffness

          Yes, but have you had a dream of it being sunny outside, you wake up and its raining?! That is beyond coincidence 50%!

          Making a claim about something that will happen and it happens decades or centuries later is nothing. These dreams are rare, specific, and occur within a couple days. 50% of time they dead on, only couple times a year I have them involving watching breaking news in dream. Only time they come true.

          Theory is not magic, but pure science! Your brain can be quantumly entangled with a brain of another version of you in a nearly identical alternate reality but just a few days in future…pick up information when you sleep or super meditate from entangled particles between identical minds.

          Star Wars doesn’t even have Quantum entanglement communication devices, Mass Effect does…Star Wars sucks. Instant communication through any distance is proven 100% at this point, primarily noticing it in quantum computers…theorized to have same effect between dimensions. Its possible!

          Just believe…

          • Cintus Supremus

            “Your brain can be quantumly entangled with a brain of another version of you in a nearly identical alternate reality but just a few days in future…”

            I see. You’re one of THEM.

            “Star Wars doesn’t even have Quantum entanglement…”

            Yeah, but they have light sabers and death stars, so eeeet it.

            “Star Wars sucks…”

            I just saw Rogue One and found it to be eminently watchable. Darth Vader slaughtering a whole hallway full of goofy-helmeted hoopleheads? Ninja, please. That was bad assery on steroids.

            “Its possible! Just believe…”

            My beliefs are occupied elsewise, thank you very much. Some of us bear witness to a dark vision of where all this technological wizardry you’re so excited about is going to take this world.

            • TheJeffness

              If it seems I act that way where I know everything 100%, that is because you have to act that way on BIN and increasingly everywhere else. Being conceited and preaching to the choir is trending now pretty much everywhere if you havn’t noticed. You have to have an unwavering opinion on everything to get cred..saying “I don’t know” or “It could be this, but it could also be this” is not cool. Nobody wants to hear that shit now, everyone wants to read shit that reaffirms their own beliefs so they can delude themselves into feeling like Mr. Know-it-alls.

              And if I was one of them I would believe that is 100% how it works….I have many theories for why it may be true, most involving recent discoveries in quantum mechanics, some from watching Matrix and playing too many videogames. You would be surprised to see how many renowned physicists are switching over to thinking its likely that consciousness exists outside the body or that we live in a simulation of sorts….Doesn’t prove my theory, but makes it much more possible!The amount of scientific discoveries are totally rewriting the history books, making things seem more absurd or making things once written off as supersticion possible and even probable.

              This is grand scientific experiment of sorts. Say this happens, top Euro leader gets assassinated in next few days….you would probably say “coincidence”, but very impressive. I make another dream prediction in few months that predicts something super specific like a an airplane crashing in Hawaii that kills hundred occurring within week…Keep doing this, getting super specific things correct about major global events half the time where they occur within a few days of my claim…eventually you would consider it a possibility.

              At some point I will stop deluding myself if too many of these don’t pan out…I admit, I want to believe! I try couple more over next year. I want to prove to myself there is something there…beyond reality as we know it. I developed my hypothesis from witnessing too many dreams I felt were beyond coincidence which is how I assume most hypothosesis form…its very scientific actually you just cant really gauge emotions or record dreams accurately.

            • Mayhem

              It’s very scientific, actually, except “emotions” and “visions”. :lol:

            • Cintus Supremus

              “…because you have to act that way on BIN and increasingly everywhere else.”

              You have to what now? That sounded suspiciously to me like you just blamed your own behavior on other folk. That’s not the kind of thing you’ll ever catch a man doing, Jeffy. That’s the kind of crap little kids do. Is that sort of behavior prevalent today? You bet. But it was also prevalent in the Earth some six thousand years ago when a man tried to blame his own legendary misdeed on his own wife. A copout is a copout.

              “You have to have an unwavering opinion on everything to get cred…”

              Would you listen to yourself? What are you after? You want hoopleheads to like you so you pretend to sound like you know what you’re talking about?

              “…everyone wants to read … that reaffirms their own beliefs so they can delude themselves into feeling like Mr. Know-it-alls.”

              And you’re here to satisfy the base needs of the hungry beasts. Good job. Sounds very fulfilling, not to mention constructive and profitable.

              “I have many theories for why it may be true…”

              Your theories are rooted in opinion and opinion is rooted in worthlessness. Try putting your hand to something of substance – something NOT rooted in opinion.

              “…some from watching Matrix…”

              I’ll bet you’re not even interested or inspired enough to have actually studied The Matrix series. You can grab ahold of one of the threads they give you and just start pulling. Have you done that? They give you plenty of threads. Things like the book where Neo hides his computer contraband and money in the first movie. What’s the title of the book? Is it a real book? Have you read it? Do you even read books? or do you play video games and watch movies only.

              “You would be surprised to see how many renowned physicists are switching over to thinking its likely that consciousness exists outside the body or that we live in a simulation of sorts.”

              No, I would not be surprised at all. Physicists have literally PROVEN that we live in a created universe. That, as God-haters, leaves them with only two options: They can posit that our universe is but one in an infinite number of universes – the others being mostly chaotic, dark and lifeless (hence, no creator); or they can posit that we live in a simulation, which is just another offshoot of old fashioned Gnosticism. Kind of like The Matrix series.

              “Doesn’t prove my theory, but makes it much more possible!”

              It does nothing of the kind. You’re considering substanceless information as if it carried substance.

              “The amount of scientific discoveries are totally rewriting the history books…”

              There is one history Book scientific discoveries are NOT rewriting… but are rather confirming. That is, if you’re willing to treat scientific information scientifically and not politically or ideologically, which is to say, honestly.

              “…making things seem more absurd or making things once written off as supersticion possible and even probable.”

              I guess that would all depend upon your definition of ‘superstition.’

              “…you would probably say “coincidence”, but very impressive.”

              Not so. I would say: Excellent job. Now reproduce the results and you’ll be onto something.

              “…eventually you would consider it a possibility.”

              After a win and a confirmation, I would concede your ability. But Jeff – you’re getting way ahead of yourself and living in the useless land of fantasy and imagination. There are much better things you could be doing with your time. More exciting things. More productive things.

              “I want to believe!”

              Something tells me you don’t even know what it is you want to believe.

              “I want to prove to myself there is something there…beyond reality as we know it.”

              There is definitely something there beyond reality as we know it. And we can prove it to ourselves, but you’re going about it all in a very ineffectual way.

              “I developed my hypothesis from witnessing too many dreams I felt were beyond coincidence…”

              Dreams are a conduit for communication. If you are asleep, you are dreaming. No exceptions. There are those who say they never dream. I have spoken with them and have questioned a few of them. I can get them to admit their error. Whenever you wake up (I would say to them), ask yourself immediately: Where have I been just now? Certainly the answer is never, nowhere.

              And Jeff – if you’re interested in dreams… catch yourself in a lucid dream and look at your hands. I’ll bet I can tell you what you see. Now won’t that blow your friggin mind?

              You’re missing it all friend. Put down the video games and get ready to do some reading. Then you can go for a real ride.

          • TheJeffness

            Mayhem…do not mock. I could explain myself more, but my posts would be much longer.

            I was talking about that me as a professional scientist, I have no ability to hook a machine up to my head and record my dreams for you to see. I also cannot show you evidence of what level and severity of emotions I am having. So I have a feeling of intuition lets say, its hard to tell you how strong that intuition is. Well I’m telling you the intuition here is like a 27, which according to my analysis is like 99% max intuition emotional power.

            I hope that in the future, with help from the fellow scientific pioneers I have run across on BIN, that we will be able to crack the great mysteries of the universe….like when is the false flag alien invasion or where exactly is the mark of the beast RFID chip located in most people. The man’s super technology defied physics, we must all spit on every traditional scientist that ever lived(except Tesla of course) because they are holding back information or are idiots…doctors too of course, they have emotion detectors I hear but don’t let us use them for obvious reasons.

            • Mayhem

              You cannot show evidence for the level of your emotions yet “they” have emotion detectors. Do you hear yourself? How would we ever know if a machine had detected something for which there is no evidence?

              Anyway; Tesla didn’t become famous because he was an idiot who thought the law of conservation of energy didn’t apply to his inventions. He also completely missed the boat by putting all his money on DC when AC was clearly the way to go.

              DC is great when you want muscle but 50 inch flatscreens and air conditioning don’t really require the additional outlay of a 4th wire.

              Noticed you’re looking forward to someone being murdered and WW3 starting, TheJeffness, what a guy!

    • Mayhem

      All good and well, TheJeffness, except if you understood how statistics thoroughly debunk your self proclaimed abilities you’d never use the “%” symbol, again, so long as you lived.

      I won’t bore you with the details, unless you insist, but you need to be doing better than 80% for any critical thinker to give you the time of day. And even if you could hit 80% there’s still only a 97.5% certainty that you are indeed speshul.

      Trouble is, given current year, you’ve given yourself every chance to get this one right which, if you can get passed my saying so, is a common trait among fortune tellers.

      • Cintus Supremus

        I’ll bet Saddam Hussein gets hanged.

        You heard it here first.

        • TheJeffness

          And its totally possible he gets hanged.

          If you were on BIN 10 years ago when that supposedly happened, you would know that was an actor 100% Proof…someone looks at grainy footage, claimed to be expert, and proved it to be Tom Cruise with makeup.

          OBL and SH are just chilling somewhere, and once Trump finds out about this illuminati nonsense, he go find them and hang them both IRL.

          • Cintus Supremus

            I’ve been in the BIN for nearly that long. And friend — just because a goobersmoocher (or fifty) wrote an article (with pictures) and posted it here on the BIN, don’t make it true.

            Tom Cruise.

            BIN is the only silly little corner of this galaxy (if you believe in galaxies) where thousands of meatmashers believe we live in an evil empire that, for one reason or another, only ever PRETENDS to kill…

            …and then goes to extraordinary lengths to foster that pretense.

            But the fact is and will always remain — it’s way easier to just slay a fella than to pretend you slew him and then have to conjure fake ass evidence to make you look like a killer when you’re actually just a little snowflake afraid of guns and blood.

            The world is simpler than you’re making it. Stop getting your news from Dave Hodges and Lisa Leahz.

            • TheJeffness

              Hmmm, I think you take me too serious. You should look over previous posts I made…I’m total aware of this rampant anti-intellectualism sweeping over the world. We are entering more and more into the age of infotainment, anti-intellectualism, and conceit.

              Now, I’m just going to say this, I’m just using an example…This does not apply to me 100%. Lets say someone knows they are lying on BIN they should not break character on BIN because it gets their posts removed because if someone admits they made something up than the fake news is proven 100% fake, when its usually just 99% fake. I have heard of cases of people’s funny satirical posts getting removed because they broke character, a mod saw it or they got reported, and post is deleted. But every once in awhile a fake news creator, does post something that is immensely true, although their truth claims are usually only true 50% of time…

              I’m not that person, but if I was… hypotheticially lets say… Every once in a while I would post something absurd that I believe had a good chance of being possible….this post could be a very very good example if I was like that of one of those posts.

            • TheJeffness

              Also out of every 100 articles on BIN, about 1 will hold some truth. I noticed back a year or two ago that this site was flooded with topics all of a sudden titled shit like “Putin to destroy Illuminati” or “Putin is amazing will destroy NWO”.

              Not that those claims are true, the truth was that this nonsense just came out of the blue and was clear evidence of Russia using bots or writers to spam nonsense around internet making Russia look good and making americans overly distrust everything so they we could elect some populist that they thought would withdraw from NATO and world…, so they could influence election by manipulating a bunch of conspiritards into thinking pro-Russian thoughts to elect Trump…Only possible thing I ever witnessed, or more like became aware of, by using this site.

              Those are the only articles I thought to have some facts behind them, but wasn’t posts themselves it was the timing and frequency of them. One of the greatest gems BIN has ever offered.

      • TheJeffness

        I said it will happen within next week and will be the biggest news story of day and week. Of course this would be dumb, I’m saying its imminent. Like within few days… If it happens come back and thumbsup please!

        Dreams only predict future if it happens within few days…usually next 24 hours.

      • TheJeffness

        Its called guestimate. Maybe had 10 or 11 of these dreams, where watching breaking news on T.V. in dream. Might be 4, 5, or 6 came true within week….so 50% is my estimate, should I say 40ish-60ish pecent or around half?

        Just read it as I added “ish” between number and percentage sign. Good enough.

        Once it comes true in next few days(50ish%). You come back and help me with your statician skills and I will give you virtual palm reading….don’t know how, but this will prove my magic and psychic skills 95%.

        • Cintus Supremus

          Oh, don’t worry Jeffie…

          Mayhem and I will both be back.

          You have fifty-five days from right now.

          Peace be unto you.

          • TheJeffness

            55?! Your too generous……the 50% chance just went up to like 70%……battle is on.

            I cant wait to celebrate after the attack to prove my psychic abilities….

        • Mayhem

          Yes, yes, you had a dream, i know.

          I’ll be here for the next few days so we’ll see but like i said you’ve given yourself every chance which is about what can be expected from a charlatan.

          It’s called stacking the odds in your favour, innit?

          • TheJeffness

            Ok, so say a car bomb kills a European president/prime minister or a car bomb attacks one of the top contenders in French election…..What do I win?

            How much cred and respect you give me. Nobody else is backing me up because this post wasn’t popular enough because I didn’t write 100% or WW3 or Armageddon at end as usual. Imagine if I said 100% instead of 50%, you would be giving me how much more shit? But all my BIN peeps be here backing me up with cold hard facts which would be linked to youtube videos so you could see truth for self.

            Too much arguing, we will see….Its a showdown. Major assassination in Europe within few days or week I win. No assassination…..even if a car bomb goes off killing civilians you still win….deal?

            • Mayhem

              Yeah because i’m totally okay with civilians being killed just like i’m all for pitchforks, over shovels, when it comes to loading dead babies.

              Where are your BIN peeps with all the cold hard facts?

            • TheJeffness

              Why you trying to make me hungry with the baby comment…

              Bit of typo, I meant to say if this post was more popular from having a more scary name there would be more people commenting here, backing me up with cold hard facts….Connecting and jumping over the dots, and going to dots that aren’t even relatable to what I’m talking about…but somehow still connect…bit by bit you would become aware of how wrong you are….the evidence would be overwhelming….jews, mi-6, demons, jesus, beast marks or something, false flags, everything…

              The evidence would be overwhelming, the amount of links given to youtube videos would take you a year to watch. You would have to throw in towel because you wouldn’t be willing to do enough research watching all those factual videos. I would be winner by default.

              I cant remember all the links to all those things, not my area of expertise……dreaming and seeing future is what I’m expert in, but the more scientifically minded people would come show you clear hard youtube videos and some historical quotes from the bible to prove somehow that I am correct. A grand alliance of the psycic and psychotic would utterly shatter your false belief that dreams cant predict the future.

            • Mayhem

              What do you mean “more popular”? You’re number two on the most commented banner.

              So where are these peeps and lets see them try to connect the dots without losing their temper.

            • Mayhem

              Oh and what makes you say i think dreams can’t predict the future? On the contrary why do you think i’m interested in this article?

              I read it and noticed you were stacking the deck and hedging your bets. That’s all.

              Lets see what happens, i hope you’re wrong, but the times they are a changing.

            • TheJeffness

              Well if you think dreams can predict future, give me a chance! And I’m not going to be all morbid and sad about one person dying….I’m not like influencing this event in anyway, at least I hope not!

              I set about an hour of each day for a period of mourning. So, I calculated the amount of people that die each day on average…I assign them all a fraction of a second mourning period…My mourning usually takes between 50-55 minutes. How much do you mourn each day for every person that dies that day? None? That’s what I thought!

              My scientific mourning algorithm is essential to putting me in a positive mood. Just cause its going to be a president doesn’t make him better, he gets as much mourning time as everyone else…..even suicide bomber unfortunately. Too much math to calculate all bad guys out of mourning period. Gotta rely on averages and estimates…. If someone I know, hardcore mourning for weeks or years…but people I don’t know, gotta be fair and average them together. Maybe 1% of each tear is one person dead that day…I cant cry all day and mourn all day do you understand now?

    • TheJeffness

      Why cant I respond to further down responses. Anyways….I tried lucid dreaming to read future, doesn’t work. I go into time machine, travel few days in future, and read newspaper…..but its just babble and nonsense. These predictions only occur couple times a year when I don’t expect them. Its also the only time, that I remember, I watch breaking news on T.V. within my dream.

      And being conceited, arrogant, preaching to the choir, telling people what they want to hear, and just reading what you want to hear….THAT IS BEYOND BEING A MAN. That is called BEING PRESIDENTIAL….presidential, president…hmm..ahh SYNCRONICITY, CHECKMATE!

      • Cintus Supremus

        “I tried lucid dreaming to read future, doesn’t work. I go into time machine, travel few days in future, and read newspaper…..but its just babble and nonsense.”

        That’s not lucid dreaming. If you have any control whatsoever over your dream, you’re not in a lucid dream state. A lucid dream state is when you become aware that you are dreaming, and can then investigate your surroundings, but only briefly, as the sensation is very fleeting and you will very quickly forget that you are dreaming and become reabsorbed by your dream.

        Objects in dreams have weight. They have color. There is better visual clarity in a lucid dream then there is in waking life. But again, you can not alter the environment in a lucid dream, other than by picking up small objects, etc. For example, you cannot activate a light switch during a lucid dream. Neither can you shut a light off — but generally speaking, the lighting is entirely natural in a lucid dream and not artificial, indoor lighting.

        • TheJeffness

          I know what it is….had a few over past year or so. I would have a lot more, but when I become lucid I get afraid of where my real life body is or how its doing. Like in dream I am like “What if house on fire”, but usually its “Are the greys abducting me?”…got over that fear as a child, mostly….but in that state its hard to remember where you fell asleep, what time you fell asleep, or even what age you are.

          There seems to be lots of restriction too, like it takes time to start flying…or Ill like want to fuck a hot bitch but nobody comes. The time machine part was real, or at least I thought it was a time machine I found…still, even without time machine I can read shit or watch T.V.. Its fucking bullshit 100%

          So I usually force myself to cough in my dream, and that wakes me up in real life. Seems that it causes my body to actually cough which makes me wake up. Best method to wake yourself up from lucid dream or sleep paralysis….pro-tip there, your welcome!

    • TheJeffness

      This has very been a very scientific and intellectual debate….all we needed was a priest to make it perfect.

      I do like discussing whether I am psycic or psychotic….I do believe they overlap, but then I don’t, but then I do….

      Regardless the challenge is underway….

      If I win…

      -you repost this around the internet so I can gain a following to make money and prove to fellow BIN scientist that they are not mentally ill…you also have to force yourself into having a spiritual awakening by injecting DMT into your bloodstream so you can help me predict future. You also have to agree to be the peers in my peer-reviewed ongoing study. You must follow me and arbitrarily do statistical analysis to determine my actual prediction rate so I can publish some of my evidence into top scientific journals. There was something else too….ohh try to sell me as next edgar Cayce hardcore on internet plz.

      If I lose…

      I will consider that 50% is a bit too high of a prediction rate…not just go down by adding another loss to false dream prediction, but knock it down another 10 percentage points after some refined mathematical analysis. Maybe 25% I will state in future dream predictions to start. I will agree to admit my prediction rate may not be entirely accurate. And I agree to watch a youtube video you guys send me that might question my dream prediction theory or my own prophetic ideas about my abilities.

      It is on…there is possibility of a tie too, we can discuss that later.

      • Cintus Supremus

        “If I win… you repost this around the internet so I can gain a following to make money and prove to fellow BIN scientist that they are not mentally ill…”

        No deal. We would then move immediately to stage two — confirming witness. The scientific method demands that you can achieve the same results by conducting the same experiment. And again. But we digress.

        “…you also have to force yourself into having a spiritual awakening by injecting DMT into your bloodstream…”

        You’re barking up the wrong tree, buddy. Entheogenic substances are expressly verboten for the simple fact that they have a very nasty, albeit a very real, habit of putting us mortal folks in touch with immortal entities we are specifically warned against having anything to do with. DMT is dangerous as it is a doorway — one which we are very strongly cautioned against knocking on. But if you do knock… it shall be opened to you. I will never travel with you down such roads. And I can regale you with the many reasons why if you would like.

        “If I lose…”

        You have already lost. You’re just walking it out. But once it’s official, I might suggest a few new avenues of approach for you and you might consider exploring them prudently.

        We don’t have any YouTube videos (Mayhem nor I) and there won’t be any ties.

        So there’s that.

        • TheJeffness

          We would have to do many many psycic tests…..we would need to find geopolitical experts and foreign affairs masters to also give us a rough estimates on how likely a certain global news event I list is to happen in next few days. Maybe an average of expert opinions….I’d guess this title of happening without psycicness is about .1% within 3 days if limited to Europe…maybe lot lower..this will be very very time consuming, and I expect to be laughed out of the scientific community for good. We will perserveer I am sure of it. 80% chance this happens for sure.

    • Boo

      I have to admit…the most interesting aspect of this article was the back and forth commentary’s by, “TheJeffness”, “CintusSupremus”, and “Mayhem” in this Comments section. You guys could go on the road with this exceptional example of snappy banter. I’m giving you guys a perfect 10…

      • TheJeffness

        Yes they are good chaps…but drained many of my positive emotions, I gave too much love and need break and citrus have strong psycic connection I believe, I am going to ask him tomorrow to stare at something and I remote view it to prove psycic connection. Other guy kinda more of a dick, but I have faith that I will turn him away from the demonic atheistic belief system he defends so valiantly. I will be back tomorrow…


        • Mayhem

          Mayhem an atheist? Your spidey antenna need calibrating.

          Lets hope you do better with Citrus (sic) staring intently at something.

    • Anonymous

      Most politicians are scum anyways… dream on.

      • TheJeffness

        Ok, this isn’t an Aerosmith concert mister. Maybe most are scum, but judging by this new populism trend and how incredibly dangerous it already seems…I have come to the conclusion that normal politicians actually do serve a purpose…their dishonesty or lack of being authentic is essential for them to sway minds…they have to try to appeal to everyone making them not say what they truly believe. Not perfect, but much better consider the following…

        Now you get some populist person in there that comes around in this divisive age, he seems honest cause he just talks trash and says it how it is….half the people want to elect him because “they are sick of politicians”. Other half are sick of politicians too, but Trump makes no effort to stop overgeneralizing them, come together, be open, etc…Then 4-8 years we might get a leftist populist that actually does something incredibly stupid. No attempt at middleground, populism only can be decent if widespread, which Trump is not! Radicalism back and forth, no attempt at moderation

        Now Trump might turn out alright, and not end up getting the world nuked….I have a feeling he is catching on a bit, seeing all the conspirital nonsense he believed isn’t true after becoming president himself…but its shocking to see how many dumb things he thinks going on when he is the fucking president. If it goes bad and the world start falling apart from an epic blunder of his in a ww1 accident scenario…I just hope we get a military coup in time. I think we get more of a military Junta where Trump is just a puppet…but that could be what always is going on #Pray4millitarycoup

        Populism waves do have good times, but a populism wave or politician-hating wave where half seem to love someone and the other seem to hate..or where a quarter love one set of ideals exclusively and think everyone else is retarded…and other quarters feel that way..U get point, very dangerous. Radicalism gives rise to radicalism…radical leaders tend to come out of nowhere, although some can be traditional politicians….usually it seems when a radical leader comes about its usually out of the blue, a populist from outside traditional politics….being that he is so divisive he is definitely not good populist, but I think his lack of basic geography and geopolitics were cause for his extreme bias, hopefully since now he has to pay attention to actual shit he might become more moderate.

        Even if Trump turns out O.K., eventually if this trend of “That guy is just like me, he believes everything I do and thinks those other people are WRONG!” continues…eventually it will end in disaster. Normal politicians tend to not act like that, they may think like that, but they aren’t going act publicly like that…so they don’t really have potential to sweep their base up into some sort of nationalistic or “fuck the other political side” fervor.

        Forgot what we talking about, and don’t even know why I typed that much. Was going to delete it, but already wrote it. ENJOY! :lol:

        Oh and you don’t even know if these politicians are bad, just cause most politicians kinda suck doesn’t mean you should think its a good thing that a politician that is potentially good should die…French candidates, which third most likely to be killed, are not really politicians…..populist nationalist and socialist that came out of non traditional politics…You would like one of them, probably the chick lalaPen person I think her name is….she is the top “Politicians fucking suck” candidate, but she pretty much a woman napoleon I here….less standing for equality though. Hitler meets napoleon meets a woman she is….you like her 100%

    • Mayhem

      Times up, TheJeffness, and there was no high level political assassination.

      So do i get an apology for being called a demonic atheist dick when my only crime was being right?

      I’ll not hold my breath.

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