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Absolute Proof that America Is Babylon Spoken of In Revelations

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Ever wondered why America, one of the greatest most influential countries on earth is not in Bible prophecy? Well it is…under a different name. Babylon….

The prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah, and John all foretold of the destruction of this last days nation called Babylon that would rise, become the lone super power of the world, and then be destroyed in one hour.

Even as a child, I’ve always been really drawn to the book of Revelation about the End Days. I remember being about 10 or 11…reading the book of Revelation and reading the part about Babylon for the first time…and immediately without any hesitation I knew…it’s talking about America!

I remember talking to my father who was a pastor at the time telling him about what I had read….and I remember being so confused when he corrected me…that no…Babylon was referring to Rome. “Rome?” I thought to myself…. “But that doesn’t even make much sense.”

Even back then…as a child…it was so plainly obvious to me….Babylon perfectly describes America….But just as with most other things…we have grown up with the church denying and omitting what should be plain to anyone with a brain to see.

This is spiritual warfare….If the church today taught the truth…that America would fall in one hour…more people might be waking up and getting ready…and we can’t have that now can we?

Well…if you still doubt that America is Babylon in prophecy…read on…because I promise you….your mind is about to change.


America the Babylon

By Sherry Shriner

In the last days the Bible talks about a dominant city that is a major center of commerce that will be destroyed in one hour. Mystery Babylon The Great. The churches will tell you it is referring to the Vatican in Rome. They are wrong.

The Lord showed me several years ago how this last days Babylon is America. I have also seen it in the Bible Codes how America is indeed this prophesied last days Babylon.

To hold the view that this Babylon is referring to the Vatican, you basically ignore 98% of the Scriptures referring to it and hold to one verse that can be easily discredited because a misunderstanding of one term in one verse that can easily be clarified. That is how warped the whole Vatican theory is that most churches and prophecy ‘gurus’ preach today when it comes to Revelation chapters 17 and 18. Why? Why do they want the focus on somewhere else instead of where the Bible is really speaking of?

Consider this: The former prophets all warned of this coming Great Babylon. Let’s look at what each one said about it:


Isaiah said:

1. Babylon would be noted for its architecture, buildings and skyline (Isaiah 13:22)

2. Is the lone super power of the world (Isaiah 47:5,8)

3. Is the most respected and envied around the world and yet at the same time is hated by the world. (Isaiah 18:2)

4. Has a unique and remarkable beginning, different from other nations and has been awe-inspiring from it’s conception. (Isaiah 18:2).

5. Babylon would the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7)

6. Babylon would be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6)

7. Babylon is called a lady, and has the symbol of the Lady (Isa 47:7-9). “LIBERTY” on our money, and sits in the New York Harbor.

8. Babylon is a nation “peeled”, or timbered, a land of open fields (Isa 18:2).

9. Babylon is a land quartered by mighty rivers (Isa 18:2).

10. Babylon is a land that is measured out, and populated throughout (Isa 18:2).

11. Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste (Isa 14:20, 18:2, 7).

12. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD

13. Babylon has a huge aviation program (Isa 14:13-14;

14. Babylon is a REPUBLIC or a DEMOCRACY, it is ruled by many counsels (Isa 47:13).

15. Babylon’s governmental system breaks down (Isa 47:13).

16. Babylon is bogged down with deliberations and cannot govern properly (Isa 47:13).

17. Babylon’s leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 18:2).

18. Babylon labored in the occult from her very inception (Isa 47:12).

19. Babylon is a nation of religious confusion (Isa 47:12-13).

20. THE KING OF BABYLON is called LUCIFER, the ANTICHRIST (Isa 14:4-6).

21. The King of Babylon will rule from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).

22. A world government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY

23. This entity will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE THE WORLD (Isa 14:4-6;

24.Babylon is a nation of higher education and learning (Isa47:10, implied throughout).

25. Babylon is a VIRGIN NATION, her lands untouched by major war (Isa 47:1).

26. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13,14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).

27. The people of Babylon would think they are God’s elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8,

28. The nation Babylon dwells carelessly before the Lord (Isa 47:8).

29. Babylon becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end (Isa 47:7-8).

30. Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23)

31. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa 47:12; Rev 18:2).

32. Babylon’s enemy will lie on the opposite side of the world,over the poles (Isa 13:5)


Jeremiah prophesied:

1. Babylon would be the center of a one world Luciferian religious movement (Jer 51:44)

2. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end time nations (Jer 50:12). USA

3. Babylon would be the most powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer 50, 51, Rev 18). USA

4. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23). USA

5. Babylon would be the praise of the WHOLE EARTH (Jer 51:41). USA

6. Babylon is a land rich in mineral wealth (Jer 51:13).

7. Babylon is a the leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

8. Babylon is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).

9. Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

10. Babylon is a nation filled with warehouses and granaries (Jer 50:26).

11. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

12. Babylon is noted for her horses (Jer 50:37). Think Kentucky

13. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer 50:26, 27; Rev 18:13).

14. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill operations (Rev 18:13)

15. Babylon is a nation of farmers and harvests huge crops (Jer 50:16, 26, 27).

16. Babylon’s skies are filled with the whisper of aircraft wings (Isa 18:1; Jer 51:53).

17. Babylon has a huge space industry, has “mounted up to the heavens” (Jer 51:53).

18. Babylon fortifies her skies with a huge military aviation program (Jer 51:53).

19. Babylon is portrayed as a leading in high tech weapons and abilities (Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10; implied throughout).

20. Babylon is a coastal nation and sits upon MANY WATERS (Jer 51:13).

21. Babylon is nation filled with a “mingled” people (Jer 50:37).

22. Babylon is a SINGULAR NATION founded upon OUT OF MANY, ONE (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51, Hab 1). (E Pluribus Unum On the United States penny means just this “Out of Many…One”).

23. Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN NATION (Jer 50:12).

24. Babylon turns upon its heritage and destroys it all in the end (Jer 50:11).

25. Babylon’s Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 50:6; implied Rev 18:2).

26. Babylon’s Christian leaders are “strangers” in the Lord’s House of Worship (Jer 51:51).

27. Babylon sets up detention centers for Jews and Christians and rounds them up for extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49; Rev 17:6; 18:24).

28. Babylon has a mother nation that remains in existence from her birth to death (Jer 50: 12). (ENGLAND)

29. The mother of Babylon has the symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38; Psalms 17:12). (England has the symbol of a lion.)

30. The mother of Babylon will rule over her daughter her entire life (Dan 7:4; Jer 50:12). (Follow the money, we are under total control of England’s Banks, and have been since 1914.)

31. The mother of Babylon will be in a state of major decline as the end nears (Jer 50:12).

32. Babylon is considered to be a lion’s whelp (Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38).58

33. Babylon WILL HAVE THE SYMBOL OF AN EAGLE and builds her nest in the stars (Dan 7:4 EAGLE WINGS; Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53). Who else has a space program as we do?

34. Babylon is a huge producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).

35. Babylon is a nation of CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51, Rev 18:22).

36. Babylon is a nation with a GREAT VOICE in world affairs (Jer 51:55)

37 .Babylon will be instrumental in the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and is the home of God’s people (Jer 50:47;51:45).

38. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).

39. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).

40. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be no way of escape (Jer 50:28; 51:32).

41. Babylon is a land vast land with huge cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied throughout).

42. Babylon will have been a huge missionary nation for Jesus Christ (Jer 50:11; 51:7).

43. Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who leave (Jer 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45)

44. The people of Babylon would not know their true identity (Jer 50:6, implied throughout.) (The Lost Tribes of Israel were actually originally scattered across Europe…they’re causcasian… so many of us here in America are the descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Yet this is not known by most Christians….our identity has been kept secret from us…we don’t even realize that WE are God’s chosen people.)

45. The people of Babylon would grow mad upon their idols (Jer 50:2, 38; Hab 2:18).

46. How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations! -Jeremiah 50:23

47. O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness. The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillars; and they shall lift up a shout against thee. -Jeremiah 51:12-14

48. Plays a leadership role in Outer Space Exploration (Jer. 51:3)

49. Is where the world’s leaders meet and assemble (Jer. 51:44)

50. Incorporated many aspects of the old Babylonian religion (Jer. 50:2).


The Apostle John said in the Book of Revelation:

1. Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23)

2. The people of Babylon would go into deep sins of all kinds (Rev 18:5).

3. The people of Babylon would think they are God’s elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8, Rev 18:7).

4. The people of Babylon would enjoy the highest standard of living in the world (Rev 18:7).

5. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Implied throughout)

6. Babylon is vast land with huge cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied throughout).

7. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13,14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).

8. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).

9. Babylon has a vast military machine (Jer 50:36; 51:30; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13:4).

10. This entity will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE THE WORLD (Isa 14:4-6; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13, 17).

11. Babylon is a huge producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).

12. Babylon is a nation of CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51, Rev 18:22).

13. Babylon is noted for her jewelry of gold and silver (Rev 18:22).

14. Babylon is a huge importer and exporter of spices (Rev 18:13).

15. Babylon is a huge exporter of fine marble products (Rev 18:22).

16. Babylon is noted for her iron and steel production (Rev 18:12).

17. Babylon has huge corporations that have bases around the world (Rev 18:23, implied throughout)

18. A world government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY (Isa 14; Hab 2, Rev 13, 17, 18).

19. Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end (Rev 18:2; Isa 14:4-6).

20. The King of Babylon will rule from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).

21. Babylon turns upon its own people and imprisons and slays them by the millions (Jer 50:7,33; 51:35; 39; Dan 7:25; Rev 13:7;17:6; 18:24).

22. Babylon sets up detention centers for Jews and Christians and rounds them up for extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49; Rev 17:6; 18:24).

23. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa 47:12; Rev 18:2).

24. Babylon becomes the home of all antichrist religions in the world (Rev 18:2).

25. Babylon’s Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 50:6; implied Rev 18:2).

26. Babylon falls to the occult just before her end by nuclear fire (Rev 18:2)

27. Babylon’s leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 18:2).

28. Babylon trades with all who have ships in the sea year round(Rev 18:17-18).

29. Babylon is a nation filled with warm water seaports (Rev 18:17-19).

30. Babylon is a huge exporter of MUSIC (Rev 18:22).

31. Babylon’s musicians are known around the world (Rev 18:22)

32. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer 50:26, 27; Rev 18:13).

33. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill operations (Rev 18:13)

34. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

35. Babylon is a the leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

36. Babylon is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).

37. Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

38. Babylon is the center of world trade (Jer 51:44; Rev 17:18; 18:19).

39. Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the world (Rev 18:3, 7, 19, 23). USA

40. All nations that traded with Babylon would grow rich (Rev 18:3). USA

41. The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH (Rev 18:23). USA, all one need to do is look at the huge multi-national corporations that exist. American companies (merchants) are the greatest on Earth.

42. Babylon would be the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7; Rev 18:7). USA

43. Babylon would be the most powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer 50, 51, Rev 18). USA

44. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23). USA

45. Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic order (Rev 13:16).

46. The Great City Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world (Rev 18:3). New York is the Financial Capital of the World.

47. Babylon would be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6).

48. Babylon would have a huge seaport city within its borders (Rev 18:17). New York harbor is the biggest in theWorld.

49. The Great City Babylon is the home of a one world government attempt (Rev 17:18). This can only be NEW YORK, where the United Nations sits.

50. Is considered intoxicating for it’s high society lifestyle (Rev. 17:2, 18:3,23)

51. Is noted for its elegant and extravagant lifestyle (Rev. 18:14).

52. Is noted for being a city/nation of immigrants from all over the world (Rev. 18:15).

53. Is noted for a massive population (Rev. 18:15).

54. Is noted for its importation of drugs (Rev. 18:23).

55.Is the leading center of Commerce (Rev. 17:2)

56. Is the leading center of imports and consumption (Rev. 18:11)

57.Is a leading center of manufacturing (Rev. 18:22)

58. Is the center for world trade in gold, silver, copper, oil, precious gems, cloth, clothing, fashions, lumber, containers, household items, furniture, wine, livestock, transportation, health products, cosmetics, spices, marble, irony, and iron. (Rev. 18:11-13)

There is no other city or nation on earth that could fulfill these requirements other than the United States of America. There are some who hold to the view this passage is referring only to New York City. In fact, it refers to both NYC and the entire nation. The term “city” translated from the Greek means city or nation. In this instance, it refers to a nation led by its chief city, which is New York City. So in some instances it is talking about New York City, and in others the nation itself. And if you’re not convinced, go back and read all these prophecies again about the last great nation on earth.

The Bible Codes confirm that America is Babylon, and that the beasts coming will rule here, will be here, and will take over and destroy this country on their way to global rule from Jerusalem.

Isn’t it amazing that there are over 100 prophecies that only one super power nation in the last days could fulfill and the churches tell you today that America isn’t mentioned in last days prophecies? Insane.

Neither does the Vatican fulfill these prophecies, Europe, or anyone else. The Lone Super Power now is the United States, and in the last days, which we are in, the lone super power of the world remains the United States. There isn’t enough time for another nation to rise and fulfill all these requirements and become the lone super power of the world. Many scholars claim that the Roman Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon based on one verse in Revelation Chapter 17 that has been misunderstood by them. Mystery Babylon is the United States folks. And once you realize this, you soon learn how dominant America is in last days prophecies and what the truth is in regards to them.

Let’s look at Revelation Chapter 17:


And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, ‘Come hither; and I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: (verse 1)

The Apostle John is told by one of the seven angels holding the seven vials (known as the 7 bowl judgments) that he is going to show him the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. The term whore is in reference to the Greek word “porne” which in English we use for pornography. In Greek it is also used for improper sexual relations which could mean anything sexual that occurs outside of marriage. To the Jews who consider their relationship with God as a marriage, then the term could also be used worshiping another god or deity. In other words, idol worship.

Another thought is the fact that this nation has gone outside God and has aligned itself with someone or something else. In America, Satanism and witchcraft have become dominant, not to mention their alignment with Aliens and the forces of Satan in exchange for technology. America has over 129 deep underground military bases. How many of them are being used as joint military-alien bases? At least 32 including the Dulce Base in Dulce, New Mexico, Area 51 in Nevada, Los Alamos in Taos, New Mexico, and many others across the country.

The sentence “sitteth upon many waters” in Strongs it’s #5204 which is figurative for many peoples. America is the melting pot of the world as far as immigration. We also are surrounded by fresh water from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Great Lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico. Not to mention the many lakes, streams and rivers throughout this country. But the term ‘waters’ in relation to symbolism and Bible prophecy usually relates to people.

With whom the kings of the earth have commmitted fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (verse 2).

This verse coincides with what Jeremiah said in 51:7 “Babylon has been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken her wine; therefore the nations are mad.”

America has influenced the other nations of the earth to partake in her fornication. They are drunk with the wine of her fornication. They are filled with God’s wrath as they partake in America’s fornication which is adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc. and also idol worship. Worshiping things outside and contrary to the Lord.

America is steeped in its masonic heritage with its masonic and satanic idols and symbols all over the land from the statue of Liberty to the dollar bill.

Not only are the many perversions here spreading across the world, but the kings of other nations have also been negotiating their own treaties with the aliens and Satan’s forces to gain technology from them.

The Christian nations, or what were considered at one time to be Christian nations, have turned their backs on God and have climbed in bed with the devil. This gives him access and authority to rule over these nations and he’s overtaken them all as he prepares to come to earth as the Antichrist. Even the Gentile nations have secretly gotten involved with the greed of having their own UFO technology.

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wildernesss: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns (verse 3).

The woman is sitting on the beast. She’s dominating the red colored beast that is full of names of blasphemy and has seven heads and ten horns.

The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth as revealed further down in verse 9. The term mountains in symbolism can refer to a land mass or a political authority. In this instance, she sits in authority over 7 mountains, or land masses. The Seven continents. The final “Rome”, the final great empire of the earth, will rule the earth, literally. The last great empire on earth will rule over all the continents on it. How? Economics, refer to Revelation 13 where the entire world must join the beast economic policy that originates from Babylon. Or, the United Nations that dominates and rules over the continents of the earth.

Horns are symbolic of leaders. It could be signifying a 10 nation confederacy that America is in alignment with, or 10 leaders, a council, that rules and dominates. We have also seen where the United Nations has divided the world up into 10 spheres, and plan for a leader to each sphere.

Still yet, Babylon sits on top of the UN and dominates her. Babylon the whore, dominates the beast and his 7 heads and 10 horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication (verse 4).

The woman is dressed in purple and scarlet. In symbolic term purple represents royalty and in the last days, red represents the false Jews, the Edomites, and/or the isms such as communism, socialism, fascism, etc..

Gold and jewelry signifies her wealth. The woman is seen as royalty. What does royalty have? Wealth, power, and authority and she contains Edomites and/or one of the isms. John even describes “having a golden cup in her hand” which is a trademark of the Statue of Liberty which was originally designed to hold a cup, but was changed to hold a torch instead to be a light in the harbor for ships for navigation. Cup is also used as a term for judgment. The term abominations means moral or physical pollutions. It is also just another term for sin. Abominations are sins. Fornication means impurity and/or idolatry. Idolatry in her unholy relationship with Satan, secret societies, aliens and fallen angels. America has many idolatries. She is filled with them.

A nation holding a cup. She is holding judgment (perhaps meting out judgment on others as policeman of the world) filled with her many idolatries not to mention treaties with unholy Satanic alien beings. Yep, this sounds like America. Have we stooped this low? Yes.

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (verse 5).

I view this verse a bit differently than most. The term Mystery always seems to have an occultic connotation to it. Or it can mean a secret. In this instance I think we can let it speak for itself since it is in regards to unholy Satanic ridden Babylon in that it is a mystery is in regards to the occult. Or even that it operates, secretly (although getting more out in the open) through satanic secret societies that worship the devil. Not to mention the shadow government that operates behind the scenes in alliance with Lucifer and his alien forces.

In other words, Mystery, or Occultic Babylon the Great. The term harlots is another term used for prostitutes. These kinds of terms are almost used in regards to religious terms. I have seen in the Bible Codes where the Hebrews use the term such as prostitution for those who prostitute the Bible. It has a religious and sexual meaning. But in this instance, I am led to believe it is the religious one.

America, the Mother of Prostitutes. The Mother of all those who prostitute the Word of God, or Him. Some of you cannot fathom the idea that America is this evil. You hold this country in high esteem with all its pastors and religious leaders, our churches, radio and television networks that seemingly teach and preach His Word and about Him to the world. But once you get away from the religious programming and start seeking Him for the truth you realize how evil our religious system is and how these false doctrines that most of our religious leaders and churches teach today are leading people to the pit of hell and not to HIM. And until you do that you will not understand the significance of this verse. These prostitutes are the false prophets and false shepherds leading this country, and going out into the world, evangelizing and leading people to the pit of hell instead of to Him. They are preaching a false gospel and a different Jesus than the one He came here as. Yahweh told me, “They proclaim My Name, but they know Me not!” It is that horrifying and that simple.

And if this isn’t enough to prove to you that this entire passage of Scripture is talking about America, read the book America, The Babylon by R.A. Coombes as he goes into an indepth study on our masonic Statue of Liberty (a representation of the goddess Ishtar) that alone fulfills all the identifying characteristics of this Babylon of the future. It will shock you to learn that the founding of this country from the start had its roots in occultic origins. Not to mention the layout of Washington D.C. and the capital-temple of D.C. dedicated to the goddess Ishtar when constructed.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration” (verse 6).

America is intoxicated, drunken with the blood of the Saints. And you thought this was a religious nation? Things are going to change. Through martial law and the targeting of the saints through Patriot Acts 1 and 2, tens of thousands, even millions will be killed and become martyrs for the Lord.

Since the 1980s under Operation Rex our government has built internment camps across the country to hold ‘resistors of the New World Order.” All those it deems, through their massive profiling over the years, who will resist the rule of the NWO. This fulfills Jeremiah’s prophecies about the last nation building internment camps and slaughtering millions of its own people.

When disasters start to strike this country and cities start going under martial law, they will implement their plans of eliminating Saints and Patriots who they have profiled and listed as being likely resistors of the New World Order. How did they compile their lists? Church records of members (who are required to give the state lists of all those who tithe to them or give them money). Also various other ways, simply put, they spy on people. They spy on what you read, what websites you visit, what groups you belong to, etc.. They even record your phone conversations and read your emails. Over the years the NSA and FBI have compiled records on just about every person in the United States. And from these records they have compiled extermination lists and have you targeted by your social security number.

Now do you realize the real reason for road blocks? When they want to target those on red lists (immediate extermination) they will set up road blocks to find them. When they stop your car they will run your SSN# to see if you are on the list. There are 3 lists, red, blue and green (some say it’s yellow). Those on the red list are to be arrested and taken to an extermination facility immediately, no questions asked. Those on the blue list are taken to holding camps where they will be processed for extermination. Those on the green list are considered to be NWO friendly and not a threat.

The Satanic New World Order crowd fully intends on killing up to 60 million Americans to establish their control here in America without the hassles from possible resistors. And they have the facilities and capability to do so. And they did it all with taxpayer money and under the noses of the people.

When it says John wondered at her “with great admiration” it is not that he was impressed, he was flabbergasted! In the literal Greek translation it reads, “I was astonished beyond astonishment.” He is disgusted at the ability, scope, and depth to which the saints will be murdered in America.

And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou Marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns” (verse 7).

In the previous verse it said the woman sits on the beast. In this one it says the beast carries her. Pretty much it means the same thing. Picture a horse and it’s rider.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names are not written into the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (verse 8).

This verse is a verb nightmare. It goes back and forth between the past, present and future. The Beast is going to come out of the bottomless pit, which is the abyss, which is space. An “alien.” Those on the earth, who are not Yahweh’s, will fall into the deception and lies that this alien speaks and worship him. If you read my previous book on the False Prophet and NESARA agenda of the Omegans, you will recognize an alien called Maitreya, St. Germaine, St. Sananda, whatever name he uses that comes as the False Prophet. He will come proclaiming He is Jesus, the Messiah, (or whatever prophet each religion in the world is waiting for to come). He will deceive them all. When the Antichrist comes he will come as “God the Father.” The false prophet “Jesus” will decieve the world into worshipping the “Father” Antichrist.

and here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth (verse 9).

Ok so we already know this from the previous verse. The seven head of the beast are seven mountains. This one verse is what throws most people off into thinking it is referring to the Vatican. The area of the Vatican is surrounded by 7 hills, not mountains. There are no mountains in Rome, if you were to take the term literal. In this instance, it is symbolic because we are being told that the woman sitting on the beast has authority over the entire world, all 7 continents. Something no previous empire had ever accomplished. Also, the term beast is masculine. It is referring to a person.

The woman rides the beast. Her power is unchallenged. She’s in control of this beast. The woman is a nation. What kind of power? In economics, military, and influence. She is a lone super power.

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he cometh he must continue a short space.

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is an eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition (verses 10 and 11).

These seven kings represent the 7 empires of the past and the “present” as in relating to John’s time, which is approximately 90 A.D. or sometime towards the end of that century. Some put John’s book anywhere from 78 to 98 A.D.

The ruling empires of the past were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece. At John’s time, the ruling empire was Rome.

So what is the seventh ruling empire? The beast is from the seventh and becomes the eighth himself. I believe the New World Order is the seventh and the NWO is being dominated and run by America. The beast comes out of the 7th great ruling empire. America is the lone super power today. There is no other empire since ancient Rome that has dominated the earth as America has. Notice the beast is a king. It is the Antichrist that comes from the last great ruling empire on earth, America.

And the ten horns which you sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings for one hour with the beast.

These shall have one mind, and shall give their power and strength to the beast.

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them for He is Lord of lords, and King of Kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful (verses 12-14).

The 10 horns are 10 kings who receive power as kings for a short time with the beast. The Greek word used, “basileis” doesn’t always refer to kings in particular, but to leaders. They have no kingdom as of yet. In other words, they are representatives or ambassadors from other countries who become appointed by the beast as those countries “kings.”

So what happened to the 10 countries previous kings? It doesn’t say. But they are replaced by these new ones. Or, perhaps, since they have no kingdom, they are appointed as an interim leader over a particular area or kingdom as a representative of the beast.

In other words, the beast creates a council of 10 people and each of these people becomes a representative for him over a particular country. Or, as with the UN who has on paper already divided the world up into 10 areas, each king becomes a leader/representative of one of these areas.

The passage says these kings all have one mind and give their power to the beast. This means they are all in agreement with each other and give their power and strength to the beast. They form an alliance. They give him control or full support of their militaries and financial backing.

So we have 10 people, who are awarded control of 10 countries, and then they give that countries military and full support to the Antichrist beast. Doesn’t make sense does it? But that is what happens.

And what do all these geniuses decide to do? To make war with the Lamb, the real Messiah Jesus Christ, Yahushua. They proclaim war on the Son of God.

Not too bright are they?

And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues (verse 15)..

The angel is telling John that the waters where the whore sits contains people of all nations, races and languages. These people are in her land. In other words, where the whore rules from, contains people of all races and languages. It contains immigrants from around the world. America is the only nation in the world ever referred to as the melting pot for exiles and immigrants.

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked. And shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled (verses 16-17).

Ok, now remember the beast is a person, masculine tense, the whore is a nation. The Beast comes OUT of the nation. He’s from the nation itself. He goes and makes a 10 nation alliance, to destroy his own nation.

Why? Because he’s a traitor? Well yes, but also because he subverted it to begin with as a leader/president so he could do exactly what he’s going to do, turn around and destroy it.

He rises to political authority through America, as the President of the United States no doubt, then makes an agreement and an alliance with the heads of 10 other countries to destroy his own country.

Remember, the woman (nation) rides the beast. She controls him. He hates her, (the nation) and so burns with her fire.

Doesn’t make sense does it? But that is exactly what happens. As president he makes her desolate and naked. He makes her desolate through the murder of thousands, perhaps millions of the saints, then pulls her defenses down so she can be attacked and destroyed.

Another thing is this. One of the things I have seen over and over in the Bible Codes is that when the President of the United States originally dies (Rev. 13), a formal state funeral is given and he is replaced as president by someone else. When he comes back as “God” but we know him as Satan incarnate as man, the Antichrist, he no longer has a position of authority. Someone else has already replaced him as president. Besides, when he comes back the False Prophet claims this beast arriving is “God” returning to earth to build his kingdom on earth, so that changes things quite a bit on the world scene.

The theatrics involved with bringing the former president of the USA back to earth as God would warrant an Oscar nomination. It involves technology from a gramophone at the space station to announce his arrival to theatrical light and image effects from H.A.A.R.P. This whole charade is known as the Blue Beam Project and they have been working on perfecting it for years.

All of this stuff has been well planned in advance. In fact, it is American taxpayer money and the illegal sale of drugs and child pornography that has funded not only the preparation and the coming war on the saints, but the arrival of Satan as God in a spectacular display of technology with light and sound affects all the way from space to the earth.

From what I have seen, when he returns he is at odds with the person who replaced him as president of the United States. They do not get along. I don’t know if he stays in America, but we know what he does when he comes back. He makes an alliance with 10 other people, appoints them as leaders of the countries they are from or UN spheres, and then destroys and attacks America.

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth (verse 18).

Remember the term city also means nation. So it can be a literal city, or the chief city inside of a nation, or the nation itself. In this instance it’s back to New York City itself and speaking of the United Nations, which by then, might be in rule over the nations of the earth. Right now it’s a joke. But that could change.

If not, then it would be referring to Washington D.C. the political capitol of Babylon and the governing center of the New World Order.

I don’t think the Scriptures were unclear about who the last days Babylon was going to be. I don’t think you could describe America any better than this. Why won’t your church leaders tell you? Because they are the Harlots in cahoots with the devil to keep you in the dark or just plain ignorant of what the Bible really says. If you could read over the 100 prophecies describing the end times nation in power and recognize it as America, why can’t they? Get out of the churches and back into Yahweh. The last days churches as signified by the church of Laodicea in Revelation chapter 3 are not of Him. He is seen standing outside the door of them. In other words, HE IS NOT IN THEM.

Link to Original article

Written by Sherry Shriner

Link to another excellent article she wrote regarding America being Babylon in prophecy

The Destruction of America in One Hour

Also, here is a post of mine from a month or two ago. Just copying and pasting it again here since it goes with the above.

A friend of mine wrote this about a year ago. Its deep. It gives me chills.

By David A. Rice

A simple penny… what a symbol of the eternal duplicity which is the United States of America! On one side is inscribed “In God We Trust” On the other, the words, “E Pluribus Unum”, Latin for “Out of Many, One”.


The phrase, “In God we trust”, seemed to most to indicate that we were a Christian Nation. A natural assumption for a Christian to make. For many of the illuminated members of the secret societies… the ones who had it placed on the coin, however, it clearly referred to Lucifer. All men worship a god but not all men worship the Creator of the Universe.



In School they taught us that “E Pluribus Unum” was the American Dream… bring people from all over the world and meld them into a single people. To the Master Mason, it held a darker truth. It is the goal, the dream and the vision of Lucifer. It is strongly tied to and perhaps synonymous with the Masonic motto… “Ordo ab Chao” or Order out of Chaos.



Nimrod, a Nephilim, the son of Satan and a Nephilim woman was three quarters Watcher/Angel and one quarter human. (The Bible does not teach this but it is a common theme throughout the ancient religions and this does not violate Scripture.) As such, his soul was unredeemable.

His spirit was bound, according to Scripture in Tartarus. His disincarnate spirit is known as Lucifer/Apollo/Apollyon/Abaddon and a thousand other names. He is the one “who was and is not and is to come” (Revelation 17:8). John tells us in 1 John 4:3 that his disembodied spirit is now loose in the world. This Nimrod fought against God and almost won. He would have won… God himself testifies,   “If they have begun to do this as one people all having the same language, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:6)

God frustrated their plans. It is God who separated the people by language and ethnicity. God said, “Come, let Us go down there and confuse their language so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”


So from there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth, and they stopped building the city. Therefore its name is called Babylon, for there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth, and from there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

It is this separation, this confusion, this scattering that the Luciferians call “Chao” or chaos. If Lucifer can only bring order out of this chaos… if he can unite all mankind under a single government, give them a single currency and a common religion… he can defeat Jehovah God… That is what the Master Mason believes and strives for… Ordo Ab Chao… bring all races, religions, tongues, tribes, peoples and nations together as one… This is the dream of Pope Francis and Obama.



This is Lucifer’s Dream and this was the secret dream of our founding Fathers. They determined to preach Christianity to the masses but work in secret to break down the barriers between men and nations (ethnos). This was the awful secret behind America that was always hidden from Americans. This was the great experiment… Is it possible to take people from every ethnic group, every language and religion and melt them into one people? That was the question the United States was created to answer. E Pluribus Unum!



In the process, the American Church got swallowed up in the American Dream. To be a Christian was to be an American and to be an American was to be a Christian. We got Christianity and the American Dream so confused that not one American Christian in a million could separate the two. They told us a lie and we made it our own. The Constitution was respected equally with Scripture and the Government with God. The Flag and the Cross got all tangled up and we did not see a distinction between the two. All the while, the Master Masons and the Luciferians who ran the government, big business and big churches, laughed at us… the believers.



Now the experiment is finished. It was a grand success. We were the forerunner for the New World Order. What the United States was on the North American Continent, the New World Order will be on the globe.



There is a problem that still stands, however, among the American Christians and the Christians of the world, there remains a remnant of Bible Believing followers of Jesus Christ. There remains a group of people who cannot be deceived. There remains a group of people who can cast out demons and frustrate the work of Lucifer… Those people must be eliminated.



There is another group… the American Patriot. The true believer in the lie that is America. They too must be eliminated.



America must be destroyed. The United States was the forerunner of the New World Order. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus Christ and his ministry had to diminish and he had to die when Jesus came. Lucifer is a copycat. Everything he knows, he learned from Jehovah. The forerunner must diminish… the forerunner must die before the real thing can rise. The New world Order will be birthed out of the ashes of its predecessor. The Phoenix arises out of the ashes of its mother. It is an ancient principle.


The Illusion that the United States was a Christian Nation has been ripped away and the stench of Babylon fills the air.



sins of America have been encouraged and fanned into a flame. The mystery of Babylon is being revealed. We always were Babylon. We were founded to restore the earth to what it was before Babel… to bring back the glory of Nimrod and to see his spirit become incarnate in a man.


The Antichrist will come out of Babylon… not the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar but the Babylon of Nimrod. The Babylon of Nimrod was a place where the people could all communicate, where they shared a single king, a single government, a single religion, a single economy and a single purpose… to overthrow Jehovah God and win the world for Nimrod and his father, Satan.

As the stench of American depravity reaches up to Heaven and the Blood of a hundred million innocents offered to the spirit of Nimrod cries out to the God of Heaven for justice, the Hand of God stands ready to fall in judgment on the American nation.



This will be the just action of a just God,



but it will play into the hand of Lucifer.

Out of the ashes of a nation destroyed by a righteous God, will rise the New World Order… the Kingdom of the Antichrist and the spirit of Nimrod, incarnate in a man, will rise up to rule the world.

Seven years. That is the limit… the appointed time. It can last no longer but for seven long and ugly years, Nimrod/Lucifer will rule the world in the name of his father the Devil. “It is given unto the Beast to make war against the Saints and to overcome them.” He will win, we will lose… from an earthly, pagan point of view.

It is our privilege however, to return with Jesus in the clouds and to rule and reign with him. If you remember that, you will stand firm to the end and having done all, you will stand.



Let go of the American Dream. It was Lucifer’s dream… it was a deception and we were deceived. Now, in the final days of the Nation, the veil has been lifted and the mystery revealed. God is speaking to you at this very moment. The Word is clear and plain… “Come out of her my people… come out.”



You may not be able to come out of her physically but you must come out of her spiritually.



You must draw a clear line that separates the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the Constitution and all that was and is America. You must not be American now. To be American is to be Babylonian. You are strangers and pilgrims, wandering in a foreign land. Your home is not here… it never was.

Your Home is in a City built without hands and your allegiance is to the Kingdom of God and to its King.


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    Total 44 comments
    • goastdale

      Pay attention to #2 in light of #3.. 2Thess 2:10..because they received not THE LOVE of the truth,… 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

      123’s of true Christianity v popular & damnable heresies

      #1 “ONE” not triune: ……PART 4 & 5 HOW MANY GODS ARE THERE FOR THE ONE GOD TO TALK TO?? Who was Jesus praying to??!?…. The real question should be … How does having multiple different persons keep this one God/being/entity from praying to himself?! (The trinitarian “schizophrenic” “god-head”) The Trinitarians want to have their cake and eat it too as the saying goes. On the one hand they need to say they only worship one indivisible God being/ entity but on the other hand they feel the need for some reason to keep Jesus or God from praying and talking to himself by dividing him up into different persons!?! It never occurs to them that that since there is only one indivisible God to pray too and Jesus is that indivisible God come in the flesh that he would need to talk to himself as to show us how to live, suffer, pray and die for our/ flesh) benefit not his!?!….. So while Trinitarians are quick to complain that God was not talking to himself at Christ baptism or in Gen “let us” they ignore the logical demands of their own theology! If Jesus is the ONE GOD in flesh and the Father is the SAME ONE GOD in heaven then Trinitarianism demands THE ONE GOD is talking to HIMSELF the same “being”! Claiming that God is multiple different persons as the reason for why God is not talking to himself (because God is three different “selfs”) only demonstrates that what they really worship is in fact not a ONE GOD who talks to himself but three different god “selfs”/ and they all talk to each other! When they speak about who God was talking and praying to, they are quick to say “the other person, NOT HIMSELF!” But if you ask them how many gods do they pray to then they will say “ONLY ONE”!?! They expect you to believe that those three different persons are THE ONE GOD-BEING” which is like calling three different cars “THE ONE VEHICLE” (they are text book examples of prov 26:12)
      Mark 12:28…Which is the first commandment of all? 29. …Hear, O Israel; THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD: 30. And ………..this is the first commandment….. 31. And the second is….. IF YOU CAN’T GET THIS “FIRST OF ALL COMMANDMENTS” RIGHT, ALL THE REST OF YOUR “FAITH” AND PREACHING ON LOVE & SIN IS MOOT

      “WHO” it was (what person) that came “IN THE FLESH”, IS THE DETERMINING FACTOR IN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! Even Islam claims Jesus was the Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come in the flesh) they all deny “WHO” it was (what person) that came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!…….To deny the father is to deny the son because they are one and the same person that came in the flesh!
      JOHN 14: 8-20 ….Note Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: …: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, … the everlasting Father ….The son, father/Holy Spirit are all the same person, NOT like two different persons working together even as “one flesh” ….The “oneness” between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man & his wife, for only a fool would say “When you have seen me you have seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?” Notice they asked to see THE FATHER and the response was Jn 14:9 ..“HAVE I BEEN SO LONG time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOW ME, Philip…..Now image some fool trying to claim that statement if you asked to see his wife!?!!? You want to see the FATHER but have I been with you but you don’t know me!?!?!
      Jn 14 continued….…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way, THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU, (present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU… (future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Note: The spirit of Christ is the sprit of God and the holy spirit that is why Christ said “I will come to you” (to comfort them, because Christ is the comforter). The spirit was standing next to them in flesh… ….latter it would come to them to be inside of them (inside of their flesh as the spirit we are given)…..that is why. he would send the spirit…… However, Jesus himself here makes the point that the same person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you”
      The whole point to Gal 3:20.a mediator is NOT A MEDIATOR OF ONE, (HEIS) but GOD IS ONE. (HEIS) again, point blank, identifies the number of persons of God! The “but” points out the contrast between multiple persons in a mediation party v the “one” of God. God is not like a mediation party with multiple different persons. …..”the express image of his person” ( the person of God; singular not plural).Any attempt to lay claim otherwise is willful ignorance and delusional nonsense
      TRINITARIANS CONFESS JESUS /THEY ARE NOT POLYTHEIST BUT ARE MONOTHEIST LIKE A LIAR & THIEF WHO “CONFESS” THEY DO NOT LIE OR STEAL The simple fact is that just because you confess or deny that you are in an adulterous relationship and denounce all forms of adultery has nothing to do with whether or not it is in fact adulterous! .. …A rose by any other name is still just a rose AND calling it a water lily does not change the definition of what a water Lilly or a rose is either!…No, Trinitarians confess & preach literally …”ANOTHER JESUS” 2 Cor 11:4
      - Like a thief in your house caught stealing your things insisting he was not there stealing “I CONFESS I am NOT stealing”. You just do not “properly understand” what he is doing/saying. Further, since you never had a “proper understanding” of what he is doing/saying you have no business accusing him since you do not even know what you are talking about in the first place. It is with and in your own ignorance that you base your “false accusations” & “ad homonym attacks” against him…… Ridiculous of course it is ……2Thess 2:11; Titus 1:16; 2Tim 3:5;
      …… should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. God uses head and right arm to explain the distinctions between father and son.. However, the Trinitarian heretics say to the effect: “NO, that is just a figure of speech, or that is not what God really means. What God is really saying is that God is three different persons”. Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into your image!
      You can download the complete FREE book from

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast
      till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! …those that deny the second coming of Christ in the war of AD70 are practicing a damnable heresy in denying the lord that bought them ( 2Peter 2:1-2 ;2Tim 4:8/ you cant love an appearing you deny& the context is the 2nd coming not the first)… Mat 7:23..”I NEVER KNEW YOU” …..Mat 10:33. But whosoever shall deny me before men……..sound familiar?…. If I said I am coming to your house in this generation when these things happen but no one knows the day or hour what fool would think I might be coming in 2000 years latter!?!? ..2 Tim 4: 4. And
      they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES.

      Christ promised that only HIS PEOPLE would see him ….John 14:19. Yet a little while, and THE WORLD SEETH ME NO MORE;….. [2 Cor 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ AFTER THE FLESH, yet NOW HENCEFORTH KNOW WE HIM NO MORE….(here the Context of John 14 is his second coming)…..continued…..but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. 20. AT THAT DAY .. 21. He that hath my commandments, and KEEPETH THEM, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM……(again taking note “as he is” or 1Jn 3:2)

      22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, HOW IS IT THAT THOU WILT MANIFEST THYSELF UNTO US AND NOT UNTO THE WORLD? 23. Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, HE WILL KEEP MY WORDS: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.( Rev 3:20) 24. He that loveth me not.. (1Cor 16:22)…. KEEPETH NOT MY SAYINGS: ( REV 9:16-20)

      REVELATION 1:7. Behold, HE COMETH WITH CLOUDS; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, …. There are two point to be made here (1) this is a partial quote from OT (Zech 12:2&10; also note Rev 16:15-17 & Zech 14:1-3 with Joel 2:28-3:1,2,12,16 et al) note the context it IDENTICAL to Mat ch 24/ Lk 21/ Mark 13 et al….you know, where Jesus described his second coming with the destruction of Jerusalem!?!?!!?…. (2) there parallel here with ………….Exodus 24:10. And THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL : and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. 11. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also THEY SAW GOD, and did eat and drink………..But Christ said….. John 1:18. NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. A person can see with their understanding and or see with their eyes…. It can see “seen” for certain that everything that Christ described was seen by the folks of that day in His coming but do they perceive that was him? …So what Christ said is true every eye saw him but the world does not see him….. With the eye they and folks still today can see everything Christ described to have taken place, but they do not “keep” ( believe and understand) his words as such they do not see him nor shall they ever.

      The saints who have physical died faithful in the flesh (every man in his own order) are changed in the blink of an eye & caught up to sit on that Great white throne ( this congregation of the saints is the body of Christ that folks will answer to at the judgment and these saints will judge all men who cannot see Christ along with the rest of the world……Folks think they are waiting to see Jesus but they will NEVER see Jesus himself they will only see the body of Christ condemn them the saints judge the world (Rev 3:21; 1 Cor 6:2 et al) the saints are the body of Christ…that is the only part of Christ they shall see….only the saints shall see God face to face…..most peoples idea of the second coming & day of the Lord and the judgment is completely wrong
      or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom

      DAY OF THE LORD”/ YEAR OF THE LORD – does NOT last for 24 hours!?!..Also means the day of resurrection & judgment do not last for one hour or one day either! They only begin (NOT END) in a certain hour & on a certain 24 hour day ….”SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS to arise”…..NOT..”come & get (your new resurrected body) it while it is still hot, only 24 hours of solar power left”!?!

      2Thess 2: 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned …
      or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom
      978-1-4907-0590-3 (SC ISBN)

      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups :
      (1) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life ………..Rev 17: 8 WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD
      (2) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al) This is THE CHRUCH and ONLY these can have their names blotted out of the book of life ….….Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and CHURCH of the firstborn … WHICH ………are WRITTEN in heaven,
      (3) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I
      will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) …. These are the FEW that are CHOSEN and now that they have died and are saved then “once saved THEY CAN NEVER BE LOST”
      Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

      • Sean

        Didn’t Rothschild create Israel aka Sodom and are they not from England.

        As I wrote 2 years ago in my 1st The Apple is the Aether thread, The Whore of Babylon would be The Queen of England the largest land owner in the World.


        9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

        18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

        • beLIEve

          OOooooh !

          The “cween” of “england” :lol: The WHORE of Babylon :lol: Yup….totally agree.

          The WHORE bit is definitely correct :!:
          FOUR children by four DIFFERENT FATHER$, it seems.
          Obviously, GENEROUS with the “royal” FAVOUR$.

          Royal being an ANAGRAM of…..O’LYAR

          * * *

          Her MAg-JESTy the so-called “cween” is also an ILLEGAL ALIEN Criminal. :idea: :lol
          MAG as in MAGIC and JE$T as in JOKE :idea:

          Queen Elizabeth and Cameron issued warrants for a paedophile ring?

          * * *
          Hallett Report Number 3.

          The History of the Illegitimate British Monarchy

          * * *
          Hallett Report Number 6.

          The Abdication of ‘Queen’ Elizabeth II

          * * *
          An interesting SELECTION of REVELATIONS courtesy of Greg Hallett :grin:

          * * *

          :idea: TAKE CARE :idea: …… :idea: tomorrow 22nd September :idea:
          I found these comments on Silver Doctors.

          silversecrets says:
          September 20, 2017 at 5:00 PM

          Historically September 21 and 22 have been bad days for the stock market. And with the cabal manipulating the metals down ahead of these dates and with the DOW hitting new highs again we could possibly see material selloffs in the DOW Thurs/Fri. This could be the first leg of the DOW washout many of us have been expecting for a long time. Will the Exchange Stabilization Fund stop supporting the DOW tomorrow? Or maybe the coincidental timing means nothing.

          :idea: :evil: :idea: :twisted: :idea: :lol: :idea: :twisted: :idea: :evil: :idea:

          “The number 11 is the number of destruction and judgment and the death of man. Any event or thing assigned with the number 11 aids in the raising of the anti-Christ.

          In Latin, the Devil’s name is LVX which translates as (50 + 5 + 10 = 65 = 6+5 =11).
          Armistice Day/Remembrance Day is November 11 at 11:11 (Triple 11).”

          22 as in September 22 is 11 X 2. This is how the Illuminati think therefore it would be wise to be cautious about Friday, September 22. Also, 22 is the number of the Master Builder if that means anything.

          :idea: :evil: :idea: :twisted: :idea: :lol: :idea: :twisted: :idea: :evil:

          Gold Smashed Under $1300 & Silver Hammered Below $17

          • beLIEve

            TAKE CARE for tomorrow 22nd September.

            Master Builder is a reference to ……FREE MASON$ :idea:

            The number 22 is a double 11.
            It is also a reoccurring 2.
            It is the NUMBER of The MASTER BUILDER. #ManchesterBombing

            22 as in September 22 is 11 X 2.
            This is how the ILLUMINATI think therefore it would be wise to BE CAUTIOUS about Friday, September 22.

            Illuminati Killers


            * * *
            FALSE FLAGS
            Norway attack…………………….22-07-11
            Woolwich attack…….………….22-05-13
            Brussels attack……………………22-03-16
            Munich attack…………………….22-07-16
            London attack…………………….22-03-17
            Manchester attack………………22-05-17

            * * *
            LONDON Parsons Green Tube Terror HOAX – 22 “injured” Master Builder Number & Builder Bucket “bomb”.

            Location: Parsons Green .
            Green = surname of the Jewish Financial Cabal in London.

            “22 Injured”
            22 is a recurring number in these terror events (e.g. many occurred on a 22 date), and apart from the omnipresent 33 (Highest Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry), it is has been one of the most used codes.
            22 is the Master Builder number in Freemasonry.
            22 the paths of the Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism taught in Freemasonry)
            22 the number of bones in the Skull (and if you add a 3 you have the Skull&Bones code, though no 3 this time).
            22 = JeW$uit$ in Numerology .
            This terror event, though a minor one, is ANOTHER BRICK LAID down in THE BUILDING of the NEW WORLD ….ODOUR.
            More Police State, more Divide & Conquer, more draconian legislation, MORE TYRANNY.

            The BOMB was in a BUILDER’$ BUCKET, again reference to Masonry.
            And the Lidl plastic bag to have the 33 coded. (L=3 in Numerology)


            * * *

            Do the FREE MASons have ANOTHER ATTACK planned for tomorrow ?

            I do not know however, it has been said THEY are prone to change plans/AGENDAS once EXPOSED. :idea:

      • jknbt

        stop putting this up, Goat

    • Givys

      No freaking way, dude. You are totally wrong about what beasts are- go look Daniel 7 & 8;
      6 beasts – 6 empires. Bible is not changing what a beast is to fit your prognostication. End times there are 5 beasts- yes 5. I’ll prove it.

      #1 Great Red Dragon Beast (7 heads, 10 horns, 7 crowns) of Rev 12:3 that is thrown INTO the earth (Rev 12: 7-10)-remember this. AKA Alien presence on Earth.

      #2 A 7 head, 10 horned, 10 crowns, out of the sea-Rev 13:1 aka Babylon the Great (W/O Mystery, Whore & not red). aka NWO aka The ten divisions the UN divided earth into. Want sources. Answer back.

      #3 a two horned lambdragon aka False Prophet. (trick here is know what Bible prophet is- He is not always a seer, but always the spokesman). NOw guess- which two recent empires been shoving NWO on all? The Russians have a collective name when spoken of together. EASY

      #4 Red Beast w/7 heads, 10 horns, 10 crowns Rev 17:8 (1 hour reign) with beast; woman rider eliminated by the 10 horns.This is the same Red Dragon Beast thrown into the earth in Rev 12:7-10) & he comes out out of bottomless pit reconfigured. Apollo was in that pit too (Rev 9:11)

      #5 The Little stout horn Beast (Dan 7:8-end of 7). It is red, has 7 heads, 8 horns & 1 crown. Why? Because the stout little horn, antichrist, subdues 3. [10-3+1 stout =8] Then he claims ALL as god

    • mastwow

      absolute fake proofs America is babylon.
      bunch of idiot guide for dummies.

    • Man

      It is good that you don’t quote the verses because it makes you less creditable and more crazy

      for instance

      1)Isaiah 13:22 NIV Hyenas will inhabit her strongholds, jackals her luxurious palaces. Her time is at hand, and her days will not be prolonged.

      that translate into: ‘Babylon would be noted for its architecture, buildings and skyline”

      I don’t know how you came to that conclusion. But first thought of your translation is: Dubai

      If i would translate this, then the Hyena might be a Lying Commander in Chief taking control of the army and The jackals are the Bankers and Elites who benefits from the Commander in Chief. This ultimately destroys the Country.

      2)Isaiah 47:5-8 NIV – “Sit in silence, go into darkness”

      That translates into: “Is the lone super power of the world” I don’t know how you came to that conclusion.

      If i would translate this: The people of the country will be silent and while the Commander in chief starts a new war, only misery befalls the country

      Damn! I can do this shit better!

    • Pink Slime

      Ummmm…. no. This is a FOOLISH article. You are replacing America with the Catholic Church. Besides you are stretching some verses to fit whilst ignoring others next to it.

      America’s color is not purple and she NEVER killed the Saints nor does not come from the “seven hills of Rome.” This only describes the Catholic Church!

      Instead, you are describing what this Babylon has created. The Catholic Church. And this church went on to CREATE Western empires who she still influences and controls.

      Replace Babylon with the Vatican, the Pope, or the Catholic Church and see if you do not get a bitter match. :twisted:

      • CTrent33

        The Catholic Church uses many colors and She NEVER killed any Saints. She produces them. The vatican will be destroyed (it is in Catholic prophecy), because it now houses devils brought in by the jews, but not necessarily the city of Rome. And, I would like to remind you that Jerusalem sits on seven hills. It is my belief that after “God calls all the jews back home” He will destroy Jerusalem for what they did to His Bride, the Holy Catholic Church.

        • jknbt

          God will judge the Roman church for killing the saints, see Rev 17:6…you seem to forget the Inquisition, the persecutions of good Christians in Northern Europe in the 16th century, and so forth…the eastern catholics of Russia have recently passed a series of laws to prohibit evangelism by protestants in their orthodox country…Catholic laymen, under the eyes of bishops and priests, are persecuting protestant evangelists in southern mexico…willful blindness on your part, God will open your eyes the day after the Rapture…if you still will not repent, you and your team, when you are judged with the rest of the harlot church at the second coming

        • Pink Slime

          LOL! You belong to the Catholic Church. How can a church that RAPES little boys ever have the truth, huh? :twisted:

          Who TORTURED anyone who opposed her?

          • CTrent33

            Yes, I am in the Catholic Church and I thank God everyday.

            Nope. It is the jewish conciliar church of the second vatican council that rapes boys. The Catholic Church condemns such actions.

            Wrong again. The Church does not/did not torture people to accept the truth. One must freely accept Church teaching or it is meaningless. You cannot be forced into Heaven.

            • Pink Slime

              Fox Book of Martyrs, the Inquisition show the Catholic Church in it’s true colors.

              Burning at the stake, torture, etc. They still rape little boys. Really sick. Almost bankrupt the church.

              This could not be G*d’s true church but the one of Satan. In the Bible it tells you who this church is. And you are in it.

            • CTrent33

              “Fox Book of Martyrs”

              Getting truth about the Catholic Church from a protestant… :roll:

              “In the Bible it tells you who this church is.”

              Correct it does. The Church has Bishops, priests, sacraments, the Mass, Apostolic Tradition, Sunday (first day of the week) worship. The fact is the whole New Testament from the first page to the last is Catholicism.

            • Pink Slime

              All of that was changed from the Catholic Church. That is man-made worship NOT authorized in the Bible.

              You like the Catholic Church because it makes man into G*d. Even above G*d. That is why it is so attractive to so many people.

              You DEFY the living G*d such as your father – SATAN!

            • jknbt

              the true church does not break the commandments:

              #1…worshiping mary & saints, having gods in addition to the One God, worshiping other gods before him

              #2…use of idols, statues, icons, relics, you people even worship communion wafers, all idolatry is strictly prohibited

              #3…you people insult Christ and his cross when you say that good works must be added to the work of the cross…you are saying that the cross, death, burial, resurrection, & blood atonement of Christ are not good enough, you must add to this the puny & corrupt works of the flesh, shameless blasphemy

              #4…you people have added to the word of God with the extra books of the O.T…the apocrypha makes for interesting reading, may even do some good, but does not have the same authority of the inspired Word…the Book of Revelation says that if you add to the Book, God will add extra troubles & sorrows to you

              #5…you people have elevated the authority of the decisions of church conventions and the word of your pope to the same authority of the Word…this is the source of unending heresy & false teaching…SOLA SCRIPTURA!

              #6…you people make a good show of religion, but have never repented in the first place…God is no respecter of persons, you don’t get away with it…

              God provided an indictment of the catholic church (all catholics, not just Romans) in Rev 17-18…the last thing Jesus does before the 2nd coming is to judge this false church….repent while you can…the true church is not revealed until Rev 19.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Yes because the Vatican is the largest importer of of goods and all the merchants of the earth get rich off of her… they mourn when she falls. Yes the Pope has a shopping addiction that supports all the merchants of the earth

    • The Ferrett

      “Babylon will be instrumental in the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and is the home of God’s people (Jer 50:47;51:45).

      This is an insanely incorrect statement where the author has made the mistake of equating “Israel and the “Jews.” They are NOT synonymous terms.

      Biblical Israel is a PEOPLE and not a place – a common and deadly mistake made by most out there . . .

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        I believe you read it wrong. It means Babylon is the home of God’s people. This makes sense when you realize the Lost tribes of Israel were originally scattered across Europe. This means many of us here in America are descendents from the Lost tribes and we don’t even realize our identity

    • Pgh.Oldtimer

      This is false, Babylon is the confusion and stupidity that has come upon the people of the end times aided/promoted by false teachings (Such as this) that allows people to believe Satan/Antichrist is the true Christ when he soon returns to “Rapture” unknowing, want to be Christians when they should be standing against and testifying against his lies.

      • stompk

        I prefer to stick to the parables of Jesus, as Revelation could be a forgery. And when Jesus says he’ll gather the wheat and the chaff at the harvest, and the chaff get’s burned first, how do they get the rapture out of this?

    • 2QIK4U

      Another PRIME EXAMPLE OF DELUDED AMERICANS. Bending your brainwashed Bullshit any way to fit your beliefs and agenda my ALL MAN MADE. Seriously this is why the entire planet laugh at you. And I’m on your side but you all don’t make it easy. 😠

    • Andoron

      1. It is Revelation, NOT Revelations. The Revelation of Jesus Christ. 2. People use a lot of eisegesis to assert the symbolic language to mean America, or the Catholic Church. The best way to understand Revelation is to study the Old Testament. Much of the symbolism in Revelation is found there, and is easily understood when studying both the old and new in tandem.
      Here is one example of eisegesis in the above article ” Babylon WILL HAVE THE SYMBOL OF AN EAGLE and builds her nest in the stars” Do you have any idea how many nations have used the eagle as their symbol? Furthermore, Chaldea is the nation mentioned next to this Babylon. Chaldea is a nation that existed in ancient southern Babylon. Which proves Jeremiah is speaking of Iraq/Iran which was ancient Persia, and where the true Babylon resides.

    • Anonymous

      “In the last days the Bible talks about a dominant city that is a major center of commerce that will be destroyed in one hour. Mystery Babylon The Great. The churches will tell you it is referring to the Vatican in Rome. They are wrong.”

      It’s pretty crazy. Rome doesn’t even have deep water port facilities, at all, to have the sea commerce, nor, of course, is Rome the market to the world, nor a world power of modern times. One pastor said that the only way America is not Babylon would be that Christ doesn’t return for a long time, and world power shifts to some other nation that becomes the marketplace to the world, with deep water ports. Revelation 18 contains a number of parameters, all of which must fit Mystery Babylon, that Rome does not, by long shot. It gets even more weird, people claiming literal Babylon will revive, Babylon, the Iraq city, hundreds of miles from the sea!

      I’ve always been struck of the “seven hills” of Rome idea. If this symbol refers to Rome, why would it require special wisdom? Revelation 17:9 tells us that we need wisdom to interpret this passage. One theologian stated, “Any Roman soldier who knew Greek could figure out that the seven hills referred to Rome. But whenever divine wisdom is called for, the description requires theological and symbolical discernment, not mere geographical or numerical insight.” Also, the KJV or NASB “mountains” of Revelation 17 (“oros”) are not hills, as in the seven hills of Rome of some translations, rather another word used for hills in Greek grammar (“bounos”). Some scholars believe hills is not true to the Greek rendering of Revelation 17:9, which actually speaks of seven mountains, the KJV or NASB got it right, which the Bible, itself, proves. The Greek word for hills is different and only appears twice in the New Testament, both in Luke’s gospel. You can see the difference in Luke 23:30 where both oros, the word for mountain, and bounos, the word for hill, are used in the same sentence.

      The most scholarly work on this subject of Mystery Babylon can be found in this teaching video, of the late Rick Coombes:

      I’ve also found Sherry Shriner’s consolidation of the scripture parameters that must be met by Mystery Babylon, or the daughter of Babylon, useful, detailed work on the subject. Good article, and thank your for posting it!

      Very encouraging your article is so hated at BIN, where sound doctrine falls off the edge of the earth, with about everything. The canary in the coal mine here is how you’ve pricked the usual suspects, the angry unbelievers and fake Christians BIN is wall-to-wall in, who know nothing of exegesis. Like Bible teaching on sin and hell, the unregenerate hate the concept America is Babylon, as people always deny their own sin and evil, the time of their visitation, would rather kill the prophets, than face the truth. Isn’t it even a fulfillment of this?

      Revelation 18:7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

      • Anonymous

        Thank YOU for posting it, 50 Shades of Pissed Off! Don’t know if that was a typo, or could it be BIN filters what is considered obscene, phrases like “thank you” strange to BIN, like reality? Then again, you never know what the Zionist Illuminati Bigfeets, of sundry 18th century Bavarian frats, may be up to on the web, between the daily economic collapses, outbreaks of WWIII, collisions with the planet Subaru, squirting people with chemtrails and FEMA roundups.

        • Anonymous

          You forgot the sun blowing us up and then frying us, the greys controlling the Yellowstone caldera from their underground 57 storey lab outside of Dulce, aliens on the dark side of the moon waiting to hit us with their particle blasters and cell phone towers literally controlling our brains. Oh yeah, plus the Bigfeets messing around with the hurricanes. :eek: :shock: :cry:

          • Anonymous

            Didn’t really forget, Mitch51, but Bigfeets have the new iHAARP portable hurricane generators in their Zionist hands, as we speak. Such details could cause a panic at BIN, veritable chaos, people in desperation seeking answers from Nostradamus and their DC Comics collections, if they don’t have The Simpsons on DVD, anyway. Just so you know the dangers of some dark secrets of the universe on Google, here’s a quote from the lost quatrains of Nostradamus, proving Elvis and JFK’s missing brain are controlling the planet, from a double wide trailer on the outskirts of Las Vegas:

            “In the halcyon chaos for raging waves of yonder still pond scum, northward spike big wind does blow eventide candle wax, in the fibrous belly mind of King Mabus, large footprints of departed forest clouds and city wall adrift the mushroom vegan tide.”

            It’s just so obvious. You don’t even need a bone chilling, liver shivering and spleen splitting, must see, laptop camera, monetized YouTube to further prove anything! But need to run, time to check for FEMA under the beds and in closets, also running low on freeze dried Gummy Worms. By the way, the greys are really shape-shifting Bigfeets with hemorrhoids, who drank too much colloidal silver.

      • jknbt

        the city destroyed in Rev 18 could be Constantinople, which does have deep water ports, & is the home of the ecumenical patriarch, the orthodox pope…when God judges the harlot church, he will judge all catholics: Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and various splinter “catholic” groups…look for the characteristics in Rev 17-18

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Also…DC has seven hills

    • Thy Word Is Truth

      A lot of work, a lot of verses. America is not Babylon. Neither is NYC, which is another shot at who or what Babylon is. Always PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE WORD. Examined closely, we find that Babylon is not a country, it is a CITY. Upon further examination, The word God refers to It as “That great city ” many times…( Rev 14:8, Rev 16:19 Rev 17:18 Revelation 18:18,19,21). The only Great City in God’s word is Jerusalem.

    • jknbt

      Babylon is Babylon…the whole middle east from Iran to Israel to Syria & Lebanon to Turkey…

      God’s judgments of Babylon will be the horrific 21 judgments of Revelation leading up to Armageddon & the 2nd coming…

      • unidentified

        its been destroyed several times :twisted:

    • Anonymous


      I suggest people do a web search for a little background on this woman and decide for yourself whether or not

      she’s just another manufactured cash cow false prophet.

      What are the odds…..? Mitch, throw out a number..heh..

      • Anonymous

        Maybe this is so, I don’t know, and, yes, that wouldn’t be good. But the scripture work is a consolidation of information she did not source, rather did a good job of putting in a list. There are those who’ve investigated this topic just so, before she was born, again, none of this originating with her. I would hasten to add I don’t necessarily find some of the American symbolism provable, of relevance in Bible terms, you’d not hear a lot of from scholars, rather don’t dispute the bulk of the list of scripture citations, things like pyramids on dollar bills of some speculative design unnecessary and beside the point, to the heart of the discussion.

        There’s the link provided to the Coombes video, and Rick Coombes was an authentic Bible scholar, makes the same points by scripture, and I doubt he ever knew Sherry Shriner. Not liking her doesn’t invalidate information she is not the original source of. For instance, a great Bible teacher presented the same information as a young preacher, the same scripture analysis, when Sherry was just a child. This analysis of scripture is not any single person’s conclusions, rather there is a Christian community of consensus in this, Christian theologians who are the real deal. It’s not appropriate to cite Sherry Shriner, as if, some sole, cult source of thinking on America as Mystery Babylon of scripture. This is not the case. You neither invalidate scripture, because some charlatan preacher reads from it, as goes on across the nation, day in and day out.

      • Anonymous

        Just FYI, Rain, I looked Sherry Shriner up on the web, and there is some real BIN sort of weirdness she’s into. I have never followed her, known who or what she is, merely one time copied her list of Babylon related scriptures to my computer some years ago, from a website with none of the other junk out there, now, liked the list as a consolidation of things I, actually, heard from other preachers I’ve respected, long before seeing her list on the web. (I don’t, personally, follow any self-promoter, of any sort, only seek theology from trusted, traditional sources, like trusted preachers and teachers of a fundamentalist circle, conservative seminarians without the warts. Most of my favorite Bible teachers, I still study with, have passed away.) There is no doubt Shriner lifted the scripture commentary from others who came before her, as, again, people are on record in this matter, before Sherry Shriner popped up. I’d not agree she’s any sort of prophet, as one website claims, also something Rick Coombes would have never claimed. I am most familiar with Rick Coombes, and know about him. What you point out is a caution, to use anybody’s name you may not know there are skeletons in the closet, and things like Bible codes junk, for my part, I pay no mind to, consider it junk theology, not even theology, nor would I follow anybody claiming to be a modern day, special prophet.

        So, good catch, Rain. I’d not seen some of those things. You may want to checkout the Coombes video, though, as he’s not out there on Nibiru, too, as it were, is an honest broker and scholar in the matter. It’s not a topic to throw the baby out with the bath, has legitimate, exegetical roots Coombes well expounds upon.

    • Discreet Prepper

      America and Rome cannot be Babylon. To know who Babylon really is, it must meet 18 points and America cannot meet those 18 points. Number 17 is the hardest (It must be south of Israel):

      1) Babylon is a City. (Rev. 17:18 – “The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”)

      2) This city is in the desert. (Rev. 17:3 – And he carried me away in the Spirit into a desert; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast. & Matthew 24:26 – “So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them.)

      3) The city was a world power, then lost its status, then it will re-immerge as a world power. (Rev. 17:8 – “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction)

      4) Babylon sits upon waters (waters represents nations and people). (Rev. 17:15 – And he said to me, “The waters which you saw where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.)

      5) Babylon also sits on 7 mountains (a mountain represents a kingdom). (Rev. 17: 9 – “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits)

      6) Babylon could also sit on 7 literal mountains (Rev. 17: 9 – “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits)

      7) The people of the city will be very rich and will live lavishly. (Rev. 18:11-13 – 11 “And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes anymore— 12 cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble, 13 and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots and slaves and human lives.)

      8) All nations have partnered with her immoralities and benefited financially. (Rev. 18: 3 – “For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” Rev. 18:23 – your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery. )

      9) God’s People are greatly involved with Babylon. (Rev. 18:4-5 – 4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; 5 for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.)

      10) Babylon has killed the saints. (Rev 17:6 – And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.)

      11) The city does what it pleases and does feel accountable. (Rev. 18:7 – “To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I SIT as A QUEEN AND I AM NOT A WIDOW, and will never see mourning.’)

      12) The city will still be dealing with slaves even though the rest of the world has stopped that practice. (Rev. 18:13 – slaves and human lives.)

      13) The city/country will be a desert by the sea. (Rev. 18:17-18 -17 every shipmaster and every passenger and sailor, and as many as make their living by the sea, stood at a distance, 18and were crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What city is like the great city?’ & Isaiah 21:1 – The oracle concerning the wilderness of the sea. As windstorms in the Negev sweep on, it comes from the wilderness, from a terrifying land.)

      14) The city will be in a country that people live in tents, there are shepherds and desert creatures. (Isaiah 13:20 –She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations; there no nomads will pitch their tents, there no shepherds will rest their flocks.)

      15) There will be no city like it in the world. (Rev. 18:17-18 – 17 And every shipmaster and every passenger and sailor, and as many as make their living by the sea, stood at a distance, 18 and were crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What city is like the great city?’)

      16) The city/country will be a desert by the sea. (Isaiah 21:1 – The oracle concerning the wilderness of the sea. As windstorms in the Negev sweep on, it comes from the wilderness, from a terrifying land.)

      17) The city/country is south of Israel. (Zech 2:7 – Up, escape to Zion, you who dwell in daughter Babylon.)

      18) The city is called the Mother of Harlots. (Rev. 17:5 – 5 and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

      Who is Mystery Babylon?

      The only city and country that can fit these specific criteria is Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
      Mecca can be seen from the Red Sea and is surrounded by many waters. Saudi Arabia is south of Israel so the people can flee upwards to Zion. Saudi Arabia is an oil rich nation that controls 1/5 of all the oil in the world and they sell it to almost every nation. All nations overlook the fact that they cut off the heads of Christians and they deal in human trafficking. Saudi Arabia has been condemned for human trafficking and sex slavery by many human rights groups. The nations are allowing horrible atrocities just to keep getting a good deal on oil. Without oil the world would collapse and Saudi Arabia knows it. Because of this, they do whatever they want without fear of anyone. Mecca is filled with oil tycoons that are filthy rich. They are so rich, they have their cars and even their toilets covered in gold and diamonds. Many Jews live there and do business with Saudi Arabia (come out of her my people). Saudi Arabia has people who still live in tents in the desert and there are shepherds and flocks there.
      Besides all the criteria, there are three points that make it abundantly clear who Mystery Babylon is:

      1) The city is called the Mother of Harlots. (Rev. 17:5 – 5 and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

      Mecca means “mother of all settlements” (Umm al-Qurā أم القرى).

      2) The country is called “the wilderness of the sea”. (Isaiah 21:1 – The oracle concerning the wilderness of the sea. As windstorms in the Negev sweep on, it comes from the wilderness, from a terrifying land.)

      Al-Jazeera Al Arabia means “The Arab Island” or the “Desert by the sea”.

      3) In Isaiah 21:9 we read: (Isaiah 21:9 – “Now behold, here comes a troop of riders, horsemen in pairs.” And one said, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon; And all the images of her gods are shattered on the ground.”)

      This is clearly a prophetic view of Revelation 18:2: (Revelation 18:1-24 – 2 And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!)

      We don’t need to look any further.

      When the rapture occurs, there will be no Christians left. America will have major problems here after many of the population disappears. What religion will dominate once we true Christians are gone? Islam. Hindus won’t take over. Buddists won’t take over. The Catholic church will not take over. Islam is the only religion and government in the world. Their main goal is to take over the world. The whole story about Abraham’s sons is the story of the beginning of 2 nations. One would become Israel and the other would become Islam. They are fighting with each other to this day. Once the Christians are gone, they will attack Israel. The 10 nations of Revelation point to the 10 major Islamic nations that currently surround Israel:

      There are two wars that Israel will be going through in the end times, the Psalm 83 War and the Ezekiel 38 War. To understand what is coming, and it’s timeline, I have to explain the Psalm 83 War.

      Psalm 83 War

      The first war is called the Psalm 83 war. This battle will either come before the tribulation, or it will come in the 2nd Seal Judgment. In this war, we see the following nations gathering in a coalition to fight against Israel:

      Psalm 83 War Cast of Characters

      Modern Day Location Old Testament Locations
      Jordan Edom [from Esau], Moab & Ammon
      Saudi Arabia Ishmaelites
      Egypt Hagrites & Amalek (Sinai)
      Lebanon Tyre & Gebal
      Palestine (Hamas) Philista
      Syria & Northern Iraq Assyria

      Once the enemy is wiped out, Israel will expand their territory by taking their lands. After this battle, Israel will have regained all of the territory it was supposed to have as it was shown to us in Numbers 34.

      Ezekiel 38 War

      What we are seeing here is the preparation for the Ezekiel 38 War. Now that the Anti-Christ has conquered Israel militarily, it is time to crush them personally. (Ez. 38:1-16, Zech 12:1-2 & Dan. 11:40-45)

      Ezekiel 38 War Cast of Characters:

      Modern Day Location Old Test. Locations
      Russia (former Soviet republics) Magog, Rosh
      Iran & Iraq Persia
      Sudan, Ethiopia Cush
      Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisa Put
      Turkey Gomer, Meshech, and Tubal
      Armenia (Asia Minor & Central Asia) Beth-Togarmah

      All of these locations in Psalm 83 War and Ezekiel 38 war are Islamic countries.

      • wiseoldlady

        Just possibly could the 7 hills represent the religions of the world:

    • Andy

      “Even as a child, I’ve always been really drawn to the book of Revelation about the End Days”

      it seems your body may have aged, but you are still a child, engaged in your favorite fantasy fairy-tale

      the bible is a man-made fiction, a psy-op intended to quell ignorant goat herders and it seems it quells the fears of ignorant superstitious infants today too

    • BungalowBud

      Solve this? Who has done more damage to Christianity USA or Rome? The USA over a period of near 250 years or Rome for 2000? Scratch off a hundred or more years from the USA because of their great start then compare. Now Rev says come out of her my people? So all 350 million take off? Before you bite into this, who are the daughters of the great whose? Opposite of whose is virgins. No, its the mind control of Catholics that do everything wrong against the bible. The daughters are the denominations of the great whose. Look inside of their Church. So much glitter how can you concentrate on God. What makes NYC worse is its Catholic influence. As for the mystery. Jesus those that read understand. What is the mystery of God. It is Christ in you the hope of glory? What is the Babylon mystery, the Anti Christ in you with no hope. The rev12 to be birthed the 23 is this Christ to be formed in you. Get busy to pray this to be part of the manchild revival. You all know my web sites by now.

    • eatmorevegetables

      I attempted to randomly picked one item to validate… Isaiah 18:2. You state “3. Is the most respected and envied around the world and yet at the same time is hated by the world. (Isaiah 18:2)”

      Beginning with verse 1 : “(1) Ah, Land of whirring wings which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, (2) which sends ambassadors by the Nile…”

      How can this be the USA when those landmarks are on the other side of the world?

    • Everette

      Well my lady , you have done your homework ! But I must add to what you have published . First America started out being a land claimed by many that had lifted Europe to enjoy freedom and worship of GOD as they felt proper in their hearts using GODs word as guide lines . Many of the people of Europe were people that had been ship 2700 years ago from the lands of Israel by the King of Babylon . They were call Israel because of Ephraim Israel their king . Jacob on his death bed gave the name Israel to Ephraim and Manasseh . None of the others were given that name , not even Judea . The reason Ephraims descendant was chosen by GOD to be king over 10 of the 13 tribes mentioned in Genesis 48 – 49 , was because Solomon , King David’s son , who had married other women of other nations that caused him to sin against GOD by having him build temples to their gods in Israel . GOD left Judea with 3 tribes to rule over , Ephraim got 10 and was called Israel . The Bible states that Israel fought with Judea and Judea fought with Israel . GOD became angry and had Israel removed to Europe . Now back to those leaving Europe for America . Joseph’s 2 sons received more blessings than all their progenters . Their blessing told them that they were to become very great . Ephraim the younger who’s number was 13 was to receive the greatest of all blessings . He would become a great nation that would flow over his boarders into the world . And by him all his progenters would be blessed . His greatness would be unmatched . Now some say that land or nation is England. . But remember you said that Babylon would have a Mother nation ? And so we as Americans do , Europe . Tracing back all the way to Adam the tribes of Israel are White type A blood types . Adam was also a White type A blood type . Science says type A positive blood Type came upon earth about 5800 years ago . The Bible’s stories are 5778 years old . Adam’s birth according to Hebrew is 5778 years ago . So science missed by a few years . Adam’s story begins in Genesis chapter 2 . Chapter 1 is about the white type O blood types which science says began on earth about 150,000 years ago . To prove my point Cain and Seth marry women that already existed . Seth marries at 105 when Adam was 235 . Adam has no other child according to the Bible until he is 800 years old . So then where did these women for Adam’s sons come from ? type O blood type white women . Type O black comes when later when Ham assaulted ( sodomized ) his father Noah and Noah cursed his son Canaan’s descendants who moved to live in Africa , Ethopia and Canaan . Ham had other white sons to carry the white O blood type which we have today . Back to Israel now living in America . America began as a Godly nation , but evils have creep in slowly and hide themselves from the righteous until recently . By then half of America has been divided as proved by our election . Yes America is going to be destroyed . But also remember the verse who is able to make war with the beast . Babylon is not destroyed until Revelation 18 . The Rapture takes place in Revelation 20:5-6 after the tribulation period . The verse is clear saying this is the first resurrection that has Power , the second will have no power . So am I saying everyone will go thru the tribulation ? No , because in Revelation 3:7-10 the church of Philadelphia ( Love ) will be kept from the hour of temptation that will try all mankind . In Isaiah 17:1-3 we are told Damascus will be come a ruinous heap . Never until recently has Damascus been a ruinous heap until recently . Then we are told Ephraim will loose his fortress . Tracing all of Israel ( 10 lost tribes of Israel ) I find them in Europe , America , Australia , Canada and South Africa . They are the type A blood types ( white Caucasian ) today Europe is loosing their fortress because of the pope and Angel Merkel ( Hitlers daughter ) who pushed to receive radical Muslims of Islam into their country . America is divided because of the illegal imagrints and those on the left that have changed sides against the LORD . Here to my understandings the elect or as GOD stated Israel is my elect and Judea is my servant , the elect will be removed As Matthew 24:30-31 states . The son of man which Jesus can not be or even stated that He was not in Matthew 24:5 and Luke 21:8 will be of King David’s Sperm or seed and will be called up as Daniel states before the ANCIENT OF DAYS (GOD ) . The son of man will return crowned with Power , Glory and a Kingdom that GOD stated will last forever . In Matthew 24:30-31 this son of Man who Jesus addresses as He and Him will come with His angels to gather His elect . Jesus used I , Me and Mine thru out the rest of the chapter . Jesus did not say I will send My angels to gather My elect . Ezekiel 44 and 46 address this son of man . Thru out Ezekiel GOD addresses Ezekiel as son of man in many chapters . Ezekiel is not this son of man Jesus talks about . John chapter 1 states Jesus is GOD become flesh so HE could be seen and handled . Jesus or LORD OF HOSTS projection of GOD – ANCIENT OF DAYS will show HIMSELF as THE LORD OF HOSTS durning the 1000 year reign . The son of David will reign with a rod of iron causing all nations to worship the LORD OF HOSTS ( GOD’s projection ) in Jerusalem . Afterwards in Revelation 21-22 GOD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS will bring Heaven to earth to dwell with mankind forever . Ok now that I got all that out of my system , this son of man is going to gather the elect as Isaiah , Jeremiah and Ezekiel states and bring them to mount Zion , the mount of GOD . There the Bible states He will feed them , teach them and protect them . There Judea and Israel will be again joined as Ezekiel 37 states and will later go forth under the Son of David’s command to defeat the kingdoms of the world . The son of man of the Tribe of Judea will be given the seals of GOD to open . He has no Power in its contents . GOD has already determined the out come . Jesus holds the Keys of the Lion of the tribe of Judea . But Jesus is a son of woman not born of mans sperm . Mary His mother , was of the Levite tribe , cousin to Elisabeth married to the High Preist , therefore Elisabeth had to be a Levite to marry the High Preist . Jesus not being born of Joseph’s ( tribe of Judea ) sperm was of the tribe of Levite like his earthly mother . Yes I am being blunt , not beating around the bush . Facts must be faced to get to the truth ! There is going to be a gathering of the people that kept GODs word . This will remove the elect from America . This son of man by prophecies is also born in America away from the land , Israel His home land as the Bible states . Enoch states He was kept until the end of days then placed among man , will grow up then will be called up and crowned and returns to begin the process of humbling mankind towards GOD . The Bible tells us that man will only leave earth to be placed in another place , not go to Heaven . Heaven will soon come to earth but not now ! When these elect are removed to mount Zion wilderness , then those of the other 6 churches mentioned in Revelation that played patti cake with GOD will have to go thru the tribulation to prove their love for HIM . Then as you have said many in America will die to prove their love . Obama has already ordered 30,000 guilitone from China and placed them in FEMA camps to cut off the heads of those that will not receive the mark of the beast once it’s put into play . Had Trump not stopped Obama care everyone by 2017′s end would be chipped . Some will be blessed durning the tribulation to make it to the end , escaping the terror and will receive a great reward for it , plus be able to witness the rapture or resurrection of the dead and not be among the dead . When this son of man whom I believe is now living on earth is taken up to GOD , then the scripture that states until he who lets be taken out of the way , then the man of sin shall be reveled will take place . According to the signs of the times and the September 23 great sign of Revelation 12 , I believe the time is at hand for this son of man to be called up and the devil to be cast down to make ready for his judgement . This is what Revelation 12 tells us ! It is an over veiw of the last days . Then the son of man will return with the book of seals and start the count down ! And as you say the devil may use America and its evil ones to force the world to knell to the beast ( Lucifer ) . But the righteous ( elect ) will be removed and protected and taken to Israel’s wilderness on planet earth , so says the old testament ! When the world is in darkness , the elect will have light surrounding them . GOD is going to show HIS greatness not long from now !

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Yes! What you say is true! God has recently revealed this to me about the Lost tribes being Caucasian. It starts to make a helluva lot more sense why there is such a war on white people doesn’t it?

    • jknbt

      we don’t know who you are since you are comfortably hiding behind your clever handles, so will all of you Sept 23rd doomsayers and false prophets KINDLY STONE YOURSELVES TO DEATH, NOW THAT YOUR PROPHECIES HAVE FAILED?

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